About the weather in Goa by months: what is the temperature, humidity and amount of precipitation, the time of the rainy season and the dry season. Let's find out when is the best time to go on vacation to India!

The climate of the Indian state of Goa can be divided into two main periods - dry and rainy seasons. The dry season - it is also high - lasts from October to May inclusive. The rainy season falls in the summer and the first month of autumn. It is hottest here in May, and the coolest month is January. Below we will consider the weather in Goa by months and draw a conclusion when it is better to go to Goa to rest.

Season in Goa: monthly weather

Period from November on March considered the best for a vacation in Goa. It is at this time that tourists from Europe love to visit the state, while our compatriots open the season in Goa in October and rest here until April - early May. There is little or no precipitation, the humidity level is normalized to 60-70%, which is the most optimal indicator for a person's well-being. The sea is warm all the time +28 ... + 29 ° С.


In October, predominantly sunny and calm weather is established: the air temperature during the day is +33 ... + 34 ° С, at night + 24 ° С, sometimes there is a slight cloudiness. There may be short rains, precipitation is about 70 mm, which corresponds to 4-5 rainy days for the whole month.

In mid-October, the sea finally calms down, becomes transparent and suitable for diving. Visibility on the coast of the Arabian Sea is not very high - no more than 12 m, so most local schools are focused on beginners.


In November, the beaches of Goa are slowly filled with vacationers: it rains very little - no more than 1-2 days with precipitation, temperatures are at the level of October, the water in the sea is + 29 ° С, the wind is weak. Daylight hours increase to 10 hours, almost all days are clear and sunny. Humidity is kept at 67%.

(Photo © amalakar / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0 License)


December is the height of the holiday season in Goa: Dabolim airport begins to work in an intensive mode, receiving tourists. The sun shines all day long, it is clear, dry and calm outside. Daytime temperature + 34 ° С, at night + 22 ° С. The moisture index is reduced to 62%.

January and February

The winter months January and February are the driest in Goa, with rainfall approaching zero. The air temperature is + 33 ° С, at night +21 ... + 22 ° С, a light refreshing breeze is blowing. This period is very fond of our compatriots, during the New Year and Christmas holidays there is a real tourist boom. Many travel with children: a number of world-famous hotels have opened in Goa, which has significantly increased the confidence of tourists in the local service. In January, the nights can be a little colder than usual, the temperature can drop to +18 ... + 16 ° С, so tourists should take long-sleeved clothes with them. This is the best time when you can relax in Goa, only if you are not confused by high prices and a lot of tourists.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @ 2renkov)

March and april

In March and April, day and night temperatures continue to rise and are + 34 ° С during the day and + 24 ° С at night, the water in the sea is + 29 ° С. There is no rain, the sun is shining all day, the wind can get quite strong and cause small storms at sea. There are no or very few cloudy days.


In May, the nights become even hotter + 25 ... + 26 ° С, during the day not less than +34 ... + 35 ° С. Only the most heat-loving tourists can endure such heat. The sun is still active, but the wind is increasing, often provoking a storm, the number of cloudy days is increasing. Humidity rises to 75%, sometimes it rains. This month is the last one before the rainy season, and tourists are starting to leave the resorts.

(Photo © Daniel Incandela / flickr.com / CC BY-NC 2.0 License)

The rainy season in Goa

In summer, the monsoons begin to blow, the sea becomes hectic and the rainy season begins in Goa. It can rain for days on end, the air temperature is + 30 ° С during the day and + 26 ° С at night, it is very damp - the humidity reaches its maximum values ​​of 85-87%. This is the worst time for a beach holiday in Goa - it is better not to go there at this time if you are only interested in a traditional beach holiday.

Many establishments close during this period, because there are practically no tourists, prices for rental housing and services are reaching their minimum. With all the desire to save money on the trip, it will be almost impossible to guess the weather in the summer months.

The amount of precipitation in June-August increases 8 times, it rains up to 22-25 days a month. During the summer and September, 90% of the total annual rainfall falls. The sea is warm, but it becomes too turbid and turbid to enjoy swimming in it. In addition, strong winds raise waves that bring heaps of debris and algae to the shore.

(Photo © Y "amal / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0 License)


Rains lasting 1.5-2 hours begin in June. It becomes difficult to breathe due to the high humidity and the small difference between night and day temperatures. It will be difficult for an unaccustomed tourist to adapt to such conditions. There are about the same number of sunny days as cloudy ones.


July is the wettest and windiest month of the year, the maximum amount of precipitation falls, respectively, the sunny days become even less than in June. It rains almost daily. Air humidity - 87% during the day, it increases at night.


In August, there are more cloudy days than sunny days, monsoons are still raging, but precipitation is less than in July. During the day the temperature is + 29 ° С, at night + 25 ° С. Humidity reaches 88%.


In September, the night heat begins to subside, the daytime temperature, on the contrary, becomes higher - up to + 31 ° С, the humidity is still very high - 86%. Closer to October, the weather gradually improves, the number of hours of sunshine increases, more and more fine days slip by, and a clear sky peeps through the clouds.

(Photo © Denish C / flickr.com / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License)

When is the best time to go to rest in Goa?

So when is the best time to go to Goa? The temperature of the Arabian Sea never drops below + 25 ° C, but the real swimming season here begins in November... This is the best time for water fun and excursions, as the weather is clear, cloudless and calm.

It is believed that October opens the beach season in Goa, but this is a transitional month, the beaches are still uncrowded, they are put in order after heavy rains, the coastal strip is cleared of algae and debris. Most of the beach shacks and bungalows do not work either; they need permits, which the owners receive every year, to open them.

In April and May it gets too hot, especially at night, humidity starts to rise, strong winds are already blowing, causing rough seas. But even at this time, there are enough tourists on the coast.

Goa starts in summer. At this time, it is not only unpleasant to swim in the stormy sea, it is simply dangerous, since strong underwater currents and large waves arise, and it will be difficult for an inexperienced swimmer to cope with them. In addition, few can tolerate high humidity, therefore, despite the tempting offers of travel companies, few dare to travel to the state in the summer, although the savings are very significant.

But in the rainy season in India, you can improve your health well, experts recommend starting Ayurvedic procedures in the wet period, for the minimum course you need to allocate at least 3 weeks.

Many tourists believe that it is better to go to Goa from mid-December to the end of January, but at this time it is too crowded, and prices reach their maximum, so if the main goal is a comfortable beach holiday, then you can calmly relax in November and the first half of December. as well as in February and early March.

Introductory image source: © Konstantin Chemodanov / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The most populous democracy in the world, occupying the seventh largest territory, the world's largest supplier of cinema, wise and mysterious India is a state in South Asia on the Indian subcontinent, washed by the Indian Ocean in the south, the Arabian Sea in the west, and waters in the east Bay of Bengal. Read our article on the Tour Calendar and you will find out why the best time to visit it is from the second half of October to March.

Tourist season in India

Crazy, noisy, full of contrasts, dirty, but at the same time bright and mesmerizing. All this is about India - one of the oldest countries in the world, which you can either love with all your heart, or hate, because it does not tolerate compromises. India's modern face is manifested in a striking variety of religions and castes, landscapes, sights and sounds, people renowned for their hospitality and unbridled love of trade, crowded cities and chaotic traffic on the roads. From lush jungles to sunburned deserts, from the soaring mountain peaks of the Himalayas to the golden beaches of Goa, from yoga centers to mind-blowing outdoor rave discos, India has something to offer all its guests. And she has quite a few of them. Every year, during the tourist season, which lasts from October to March, over 6 million tourists come from all over the world. As a rule, the inexplicable attractiveness of the country takes its toll, and most of them return here again and again.

High season in India

The high season in India is during the winter months - December-February, when the beach season is in full swing. At this time, the optimal temperatures of water and air are established, the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced, which favors not only swimming and water sports, but also active excursion activities, undergoing Ayurvedic treatment or skiing in the country's ski resorts. Trips to India during the Christmas and New Years are very common: due to the mixing of many confessions and cultures, many colorful festivals, religious processions and exciting events take place here. Also during the high season in India, mainly on the island of Goa, a lot of weddings are played. The cost of tours during this period is the maximum, and all budget hotels, as a rule, are already occupied. A good solution may be to "hunt" for hot tickets: it is enough to subscribe to the promotions of several travel agencies, and you will easily find an acceptable option for yourself.

Low season in India

The decline in tourist activity is observed during the tropical rainy season, which falls on part of the hot season "April-October", when the thermometer often crosses the 40-degree mark. Coupled with 100% humidity or, conversely, dry winds in some states of the country, such weather conditions become very uncomfortable for any type of vacation, and for some travelers - dangerous. And even in hotels, public transport and government institutions, a European who is accustomed to comfort is very uncomfortable due to the widespread lack of air conditioning. Perhaps the only place you can go at this time is to the mountainous regions (with the exception of the ski areas of Jammu and Kashmir), located in the north of India, where the daytime air temperature fluctuates between +23 .. + 29 ° С, and the amount of precipitation comes down to only 7-8 rainy days. However, even here the weather tends to present surprises - in the form of a sharp cold snap or strong winds. In addition, not every traveler, having paid an impressive amount of money for the flight and spent 6-7 hours on board the aircraft, wants to voluntarily limit himself in the geography of travel.

The best time for excursions

Going to India, tune in to a rich excursion program, but at the same time do not run headlong, hoping to see everything at once. If only because due to the incredible abundance of temple complexes, tombs, historical monuments and reserves scattered in different parts of the country, this is simply impossible to do. You can explore India all your life and discover something new every time. If you are here for the first time, in order to get a general idea, we advise you to take the "Golden Triangle" tour, the program of which includes visits to the three main cities of the country - Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. However, the outcome of this and any other excursion largely depends on the weather prevailing at this time. The best time for sightseeing is from November to March, when precipitation is extremely rare. It is more expedient to visit mountainous regions from April to November.

Beach season in India

While the tops of the Himalayas are covered with another portion of snow in November, in Goa and Kerala, the aquamarine waters of the ocean invitingly attract the opening of the swimming season. Hundreds of kilometers of stunning sandy beaches - from wild and sparsely populated to ultra-modern with first-class hotels and well-trained service - promise their guests an unforgettable experience surrounded by exotic nature. The resort public is mainly represented by tourists from America, Russia, Israel, as well as many countries of Western Europe. Someone prefers parties from dusk to dawn and a simple bed in a bungalow, while others lay out whole bundles of bucks for a luxury vacation. The beach season lasts until the end of March, at which time the water temperature can range from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. One of its striking features is the constant alternation of ebb and flow, their schedule can be seen at every beach suitable for swimming. During low tide, especially in the evening, you should not go very deep into the water, you can easily drown.

Diving season

The underwater kingdom of the Arabian Sea is rich in a variety of the brightest flora and fauna: the coastal waters are teeming with groupers, barracudas, angel fish, moray eels, sweet lips, sharks, and coral reefs are quite bizarre here. Merchant ships, which suffered shipwrecks here during the Second World War, are excellent objects for research. Today India has thousands of dye sites scattered all over its coast. However, the Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands are considered the best places for scuba diving. There is also diving in Goa, but it is mainly aimed at beginners. The best season for this sport is from October to March.

Surfing season

So far, few people associate India with the ideal destination for surfing, but recently the country has seen an increase in the popularity of this sport. Especially after the state joined the International Surfing Association ISA Surfing Federation. Major surf sports are located on some beaches in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The most favorable time for surfing in India is from May to September, when the waves reach 4-5 m. However, for beginners it is better to ride in a calmer sea - from October to April on 1.5 m waves.

Ski season in India

Holidays in India are exotic even in its ski resorts, of which the country has a decent number. The Himalayan landscapes and high altitudes can turn your head, as well as the largest cable car in Asia. The skiing season lasts from mid-December to early May and coincides with the main swimming season, but unlike the beaches, the air temperature here fluctuates between -10 ..- 8 ° С.

Wellness season

“Health tours” - every year hundreds of thousands of tourists who go to India acquire such vouchers to entrust themselves and their shattered nerves to practicing specialists in Ayurveda, an ancient medical science that can heal even the most serious diseases without a single pill. To obtain a positive effect, the minimum course of procedures should be at least 3 weeks, since this system is based on a progressive process. It is believed that the rainy season, or more precisely, the period from June to September, is the best for Ayurveda: rather hot weather and high humidity contribute to good opening of pores on the body, which is important for effective treatment.

It's time for holidays and festivals

India is a tangle of religions, cultures and peoples that keep track of the years according to different calendars. It is difficult to imagine how many holidays and festivals are actually celebrated in the country, and even more difficult to count them. Therefore, in this section, we will only mention the most significant dates and events for the country. January 1 - New Year for Christians; January 5 - Birthday of Guru Gobind Sinha, the holiday of the Sikhs; January 13 in Punjab - holiday of the end of winter Lori; January 14 - 4-day Pongal / Makar Sankranti Harvest Festival and Ahmedabad International Kite Festival; January-May (movable dates, 12th day of the month of Rabi al-Awal according to the Islamic calendar) - Mawlid al-Nabi / Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad; January 26 - Republic Day; March-April - Catholic Easter for Christians; April 13 - New Year at the "Vaysaki" shiks; August 15 - Independence Day; July-August (full moon of the month of Shravan) - the Raksha-bandan holiday, the main theme of which is the consanguinity between brothers and sisters; July-August (8th day of the month of Shravan) - Appearance Day of Krishna; September 5 - Teacher's Day; August-September (month of Bhadra) - Birthday of the God of wisdom Ganesh Chaturti; October 2 - Birthday of the leader of the national liberation movement Mahatma Gandhi; September-October (month Ashvin) - 10-day Dashahr holiday; October November (month Kartik) - Festival of Lights; November 14 - Birthday of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru or Children's Day; November-December (full moon month of Kartik month) - Birthday of the first Sikh Guru Nanak; November-December in the state of Goa - Indian International Film Festival; December 4 - Day of the Navy; December 25 - Catholic Christmas for Indian Christians.

Climate in India

India is a hot country with high temperatures all year round. In a state stretching from the Himalayas to the coast of the Indian Ocean, you can count half a dozen climatic regions, but if you do not go into details, a tropical monsoon-type climate prevails on its territory. This means that in India, the change of seasons is not due to the change in temperature as such, but due to the change in wind direction and an increase or decrease in the amount of precipitation. It is also worth noting that in the south there are clearly expressed equatorial features, and in the north - mountainous subtropical ones, where it can even be very cool. The dry season lasts from October to March, and the wet season lasts from June to early October. The water temperature during the year ranges from + 25..26 ° С in winter to + 28..29 ° С in summer.

India in spring

From March to May in India, the hottest season of the year lasts, when the thermometer sometimes reaches +41 ° C, and the amount of precipitation is reduced to 2-5 rainy days a month. Solar activity is very high, so you need to be very careful. In the capital, famous for its temperate climate, the air warms up to +38 ° С, in the south these figures are even higher. The most optimal region for traveling at this time is the mountainous regions of the country.

Temperature and weather in India in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilMay weather
Mumbai +31 +26 +32 +27 +33 +29
Calcutta +34 +36 +35
Chennai +33 +28 +35 +29 +38 +30
Kerala +33 +29 +33 +30 +32 +30
Goa +32 +28 +33 +29 +33 +30
Delhi +30 +36 +41

India summer

In summer, almost the entire territory of India is exposed to a powerful impact of heavy rainfall, which is provided by the southwestern monsoons. The rains can stand like a wall for 2-3 hours. At this time, about 80% of the annual precipitation falls, the largest amount falls in June. It is almost impossible for a tourist accustomed to the European way of life to move around the country - the roads are very washed out, transport goes badly, there is dirt and unsanitary conditions everywhere. In addition, acclimatization is rather difficult: in conditions of 100% humidity and air temperature, fluctuating in the range of +29 .. + 37 ° С, it is impossible even to breathe normally - stuffiness follows everywhere. And even evenings do not bring any relief, since the thermometer drops by only 6-8 degrees. Hottest in the south. For example, in the city of Chennai during the day it is expected to reach +38 ° С, on the southwestern coast, in Goa, no more than +33 ° С. It is also rainy in the Himalayas, but it is much cooler there: in Darjling it is approximately +21 ° С, and in the evening it is really cold - around +16 ° С.

Temperature and weather in India in summer

June weatherJuly weatherWeather in August
Mumbai +32 +29 +30 +29 +29 +28
Calcutta +33 +32 +32
Chennai +38 +30 +36 +29 +35 +29
Kerala +29 +28 +29 +27 +29 +27
Goa +31 +29 +29 +28 +29 +28
Delhi +40 +35 +34

India in autumn

The northeast monsoon season lasts until the middle of the calendar autumn in India, flooding the country with torrential rains. However, in October (with the exception of the southern regions) precipitation is almost halved, and the first tourists begin to arrive here. At the end of the month, the rains become insignificant, and in November they disturb no more than 1-2 times a month. Some areas generally suffer from drought. For example, the north of the country, where the Indogang plain lies. In the south, things are different, here the whole autumn season is marked with precipitation. In the capital, it becomes one degree cooler, while in the resort of Goa, there is a slight warming.

Temperature and weather in India in autumn

Weather in SeptemberWeather in OctoberNovember weather
Mumbai +30 +28 +32 +29 +32 +28
Calcutta +32 +32 +29
Chennai +34 +29 +32 +29 +29 +28
Kerala +29 +27 +30 +28 +31 +29
Goa +30 +28 +31 +29 +32 +29
Delhi +34 +33 +29

Forever blooming India boasts a huge amount of rainfall. But this is only for the benefit of its lush vegetation. It is the lingering rains that tourists who are going on vacation to this country are often afraid of.

Weather in India now:

Although it is generally considered the best time to travel to India from October to March, each season has its own unique beauty. Much also depends on the choice of the area. So, in the Thar Desert in the west, precipitation is practically absent, and the eastern lands are abundantly saturated with rainwater, providing a lush growth of plants and a variety of fauna. The south of the country is always hot, and in the north it can be quite cold in winter. But the climate of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is a bit like the Russian continental one: hot summers and cold winters.

India climate by month:

Blooming spring in India

Spring according to the Indian calendar, like the European one, begins in March, only from the 20th. This is the time of the northeastern monsoons, bringing dry and hot weather to a large area of ​​the country. At this time of the year, the daytime air temperature ranges from 27-30 ° C. Sunbathers and beach lovers should choose this time for a trip. Already on May 20, the Indians start summer, or grishma. So at this time it will be quite hot, over 40 ° C.

Spring in India is a period of lush bloom. But bright colors are not only in nature. In March, the country celebrates Holi - the holiday of colors. This is a kind of spring festival, a celebration of the forces of fertility. Residents paint their bodies with paints. At the same time, you can often see how someone is doused with colored water. The merry celebrations are accompanied by the use of bhang, a drink made from juice, milk and hemp leaves.

Indian summer

Summer in India lasts from 20 May to 20 July. And then the monsoon season begins with a lot of rainfall. Heat (over 35 ° C), high humidity are comfortable conditions for insect breeding, so it is difficult to do without repellents. Heavy rains often frighten off tourists. But the monsoon season has its own charm - all dust, dirt and even debris are mercilessly washed away by rain streams, giving cities an extraordinary cleanliness. The most comfortable air temperature during this period is in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (18-30 ° C) and in the south of the country. The north receives 75% of all annual precipitation.

The charm of Indian autumn

Indian autumn can be called the velvet season that tourists love so much. At this time it is no longer hot, but it is warm enough and comfortable. This is the harvest time for apples, fire peppers, rice and other crops. In the fall, the country is flooded with tourists in a hurry to enjoy the comfort of the outgoing warm days and visit the National Parks with rare animals.

It is on these warm days that a whole series of holidays take place in India. It all begins with the celebration of the birth of the deity Ganesh Chaturti, depicted with the head of an elephant. Not without a harvest day - the Onam festival. It is traditionally celebrated in the state of Kerala and is full of songs, flowers, and a variety of recreational activities. Don't forget about Diwali, the celebrated festival of lights, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

Winter India

Lovers of winter sports choose this time of the year for recreation, as ski resorts open in the Himalayas since December. But in other parts of the country it is quite comfortable for recreation and excursions. At this time, the flow of tourists to India is increasing even more. It is worth noting that migratory birds arrive in this country in winter, so this is the best time of the year to observe them.

Christians in India celebrate Christmas and New Years. And already in January in the northern part of India, the celebration of the end of winter - Lori begins. This month, as a rule, also falls on the Pongal harvest festival.

If you are calculating the time for a trip to India and do not want to find rainy weather there, then you should know when the rainy season is in India.

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First of all, it should be said that there are the following seasons:

Winter starts in November and lasts until February. At this time in India it will be dry, but not so hot;

Summer starts in March and lasts until June. It will be dry and hot;

It starts in July and lasts until October. At this time, it is very wet and hot here.

At the same time, it should be understood that such a division is very simplified, since nature is different everywhere and does not always coincide. For this reason, if you want to know exactly when, then it is worth considering each region in India separately.

When does it rain in India?

The main feature is geographic location. Since, on three sides, it is surrounded by high mountains, forming a semi-ring. It is this that slows down the main air masses. As a result, in winter, cold masses do not come from the north, while in summer, sea equatorial masses do not go to the north.

It is for this reason that the period from the last days of May - early June to mid-September is the beginning of the monsoon season, accompanied by heavy rainfall.

Monsoons refer to the winds that start the rainy season. If we look at the regions, then the southern state of Kerala is covered with monsoons at the very beginning of June. And towards Mumbai, the wind is catching up with the clouds by the end of this month.

The monsoon itself does not immediately manifest its strength. This usually takes at least three days. And its very peak will be accompanied by very strong showers, powerful lightning and thunderclaps. Moreover, if for tourists this is the so-called low season, then for Indians it is salvation from the exhausting heat.

Characteristic of the rainy season

During the rainy season in India, humidity increases, which is very unpleasant at a rather high temperature. In addition, simple showers are combined with heavy thunderstorms. It so happens that cities are literally flooded with a large body of water.

It is for this reason that, from June to September, they try not to leave for India.. It should be said that this weather is not typical everywhere and not all the time. Most often, a few days after the start of the rainy season, the weather will be rainy, after which they become less frequent and hot and sunny days still prevail.

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Moreover, at first, showers can last for several days in a row, and then turn into short but sudden showers that end as suddenly as they appeared. Moreover, in the interval the sun will shine, and the earth will dry out quickly. The only drawback of this period is the rather high air humidity.

During the rainy season, hurricanes hit the coastline. Of course, they are not as destructive as in other countries.

The least rainfall occurs on the east coast, while the rainiest place will be in northeastern India. Here it can rain until November. Basically, already in mid-September-October, dry, warm weather sets in most of the territory. .

What tourists need to know

If you want to have a good rest, then it is worth knowing when the rainy season is in India. But even at this time, it will be possible to have a good time with your long-awaited vacation, for which it will be necessary to choose the northern regions of the country. Here, at the foot of the Himalayas, it will be almost like in Europe. Namely, it is hot and relatively dry. For example, if you come to the state of Punjab, then here you may not experience rainy weather at all.

Another important point is savings. At this time, quite cheap prices are set in India. ... In addition, you can engage in self-development, make interesting excursions. True, for this it is still worth waiting out the rainiest peak at home.

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For 60 days.
For citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the full cost with all fees = 8300 rbl.
For citizens of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia = 7000 rbl

When is the best time to go to India? To put it very simply, seasons in India such: winter, summer and rainy season.
Winter - November to February (dry, not hot)
Summer - March to June (dry, hot)
Rainy season - July to October (wet, hot)
But this is VERY simplistic. In fact, everything is not so simple.
When is the best time to go to India - it depends on the specific region that you plan to visit.

As we know, India is washed from the west, east and south by the waters of the warm Indian Ocean, the cold Himalayas rise in the north of the country, the hot Thar desert is located in the northwest, the Deccan plateau in the central part of India ... So the territory of India is not very monotonous, and it is necessary to consider each region separately.

West Coast (Arabian Sea)

Let's start with the most popular tourist destination - the west coast. It is here that the beloved state of Goa is located.
Psychedelic Gokarna and the beaches of Kerala are also here, on the shores of the Arabian Sea.

What seasons are typical for this region of India?
November - March is the most favorable time to travel to Goa, Kerala and Karnataka.
April - May - the hottest plus humidity.
June - October is the monsoon season (heat plus humidity, steam room feeling).

East Coast (Bay of Bengal)

The best time to travel along the east coast is January-March (20-25 degrees, no rain).
April - May - very hot.
June - December is the rainy season.

A small addition to the phrase "June - December is the rainy season."
For example, today (December 3, 2015) the BBC news service reports flooding in Chennai: “Flooding in India is killing more lives. Thousands of people were left homeless. "
Chennai is located on the east coast of the Indian Ocean (on the shores of the Bay of Bengal). The rainy season is always stormy here, but this year there was more precipitation than usual (mainly in November) - 176 people have already become victims, schools do not work, people are evacuated, railways and subways are flooded, the water level on the roads reaches 1 in places. 5 meters and the rains never stop.
In general, it's best not to travel along the east coast during the rainy season.

Central India

April - May - heat.
June - October is the monsoon season (but rainfall in central India is less than on the coast).
November - March - dry, warm and sunny.
It should be borne in mind here that almost all of central India is located on the Deccan plateau, in the western part of which are the Western Ghats mountains, and in the eastern - the Eastern Ghats. So if you plan to visit mountain villages while traveling in central India, then you must take into account that the temperature there is lower than on the plain, and it is cool even in the hot season.
For example, Munnar (1600 m) is a popular mountain town in the Western Ghats (Kerala state). The most comfortable temperatures are May and September-October. It's cold here in winter.
If we plan on our trip to capture both central and southern India (without mountains), then the favorable season for such a trip is October - March. And the most comfortable time is November - February.

North India, Himalayas

My beloved Himalayas! ..
July - August is the rainy season. And accordingly - high cloudiness, so this period should not be chosen for admiring the Great Mountains.
September - October is a favorable period.
November - February - cold weather.
Here it should be borne in mind that in winter (especially in December and January) in the highlands, roads are covered with snow, and they become inaccessible.
If you are planning to visit Char-dham in the Himalayas (Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath), then the best time for this:
in autumn - from September 20 to October 20,
in spring - from May (when the roads are opened) until mid-June.

One of my favorite regions is located in northern India -.
A favorable time to visit it is from June to October.
In winter, it is better not to poke your nose here - severe frosts plus the lack of heating in houses.
But the summer is very pleasant, without much heat. In addition, there is no rainy season here, as The great Himalayas do not allow rain clouds to penetrate Ladakh. Such regions are called "rain shadow".
The best time for Himachal Pradesh is May-June and August-September.

North India, flat part

April - July - unbearable heat (+40 in the shade)
July - September (and early October) - rainy season (heat and high humidity, in one word "bath")
Mid October - mid March is the most comfortable season, not hot and sunny (+ 15 + 25 degrees)
But! It is cold at night in December and January; local residents burn bonfires in the streets for sugrev. In addition, at this time there are strong fogs, and this fact must be taken into account when planning flights and transfers. The fogs are so thick that the entire schedule of aircraft gets confused, since departures are delayed by several hours.

The neighboring plane is almost invisible due to fog

Because of this fog, in December, the departure of my Delhi-Moscow flight was delayed for several hours, as a result of which I was late for the connecting flight Moscow-Samara.
Moreover, these fogs are reflected in the timetable not only for planes, but also for trains! Trains in India are always late anyway, and during fogs they have a good reason, and they are late with a clear conscience.

Thar Desert (Rajasthan State)

May - mid-July - very, very hot!
July - October is the rainy season (humidity). But the rainfall here falls less than elsewhere in India.
November - March is the most favorable time to travel to this region. Warm, dry, sunny.

Northeastern states of India

The northeastern states are located away from the main part of India (Bangladesh and Bhutan are stuck between them).
April - October is the rainy season. Heavy rains! This is one of the rainiest places in the world.
November - March - warm, sunny.