The Slavic runic system combines elements of paganism, Scandinavian signs and magical practices. They are used to protect and strengthen a person in all areas of life. Inscriptions are used to create amulets or amulets. They are also used in fortune telling and ancient rituals. Symbolism helps you find happiness, get rich, and find something you like.

What are Slavic classical runes

Slavic ancient runes are the heritage of our ancestors. They were originally created for strong protection. They used runes. Some of the signs were borrowed from pagans and Scandinavian magicians. Slavic runic signs gradually changed and adapted to the peculiarities of the culture of the Slavs. The classic type of signs is Each detail of such an alphabet has its own meaning and role.

Old Slavic classical runes are varied. Unlike Slavic symbolism, they are tied to the strength of a certain Modern interpretation of signs is more relevant. In complex stavs, a modern version of runes is used.

The runes of the Slavs are called the signs of the gods. If earlier they served to communicate with divine entities, then in the modern world they are sources of energy. Runes help to cope with any problem that arises in life.

The appearance of Old Slavic runes has hardly changed. For each sign, Old Slavic ancient runes are an alphabet with a sequence. There are exactly 18 such symbols. They look like unusual letters with sharp angles and straight lines.

The interpretation of signs does not depend on pronunciation. But Old Slavic runes have a direct correspondence with the sounds of the ordinary alphabet.

The meaning of Old Slavic runes increases if they are used in the form of amulets or amulets.

How to choose a sign based on magical properties

The signs of the Slavs serve several purposes: they foretell the future, give protection and help to cleanse themselves. Its meaning depends on the way symbolism is used. All sketches of signs are the same: neither their position nor appearance changes.

Magic signs have multiple meanings. The combination of 2 or more symbols creates a single prediction.

The most powerful runes in Slavic culture:

The following Slavic symbols serve to clarify situations, and are less often used independently: Treba, Strength, Wind, Bereginya, Ud, Lelya. Each of them is healing and they are used in healing. The final six symbols: Rock, Support, Dazhdbog, Perun, Yes, Source.

Upright and inverted World Tree

Belobog is a reflection of the personal Self. The Tree of Peace, as the rune is also called, is responsible for creative abilities. It reveals a person's inner potential. The Rune of the World reflects the divine nature of man. Creates the right energy flows around it. Represents aspirations and irresistible self-confidence.

Chernobog is an inverted image of the Tree of Peace. Describes the unconscious part of human nature. Represents fears, suppressed emotions, incorrect programs embedded in the individual. Chernobog describes turning points, difficulties and periods of stagnation.

Prototypes of Fire

Krada is the rune of fire among the Slavs. Description of the strong sign:

  • creation - the power of creation and improvement;
  • source of creative energy;
  • realization of destiny;
  • following internal conduct;

Amulet with the Krada rune

Krad's interpretation is an unquenchable fire. It burns in a person’s soul, helps him realize himself, find application for his talents. A favorable symbol for all areas of life.

The prototype of fire is contained in the Ud rune. She personifies creative energy. Brings favorable results in any business. Symbolizes natural success, as a result of the efforts made. The general meaning of the Slavic rune Oud is the help of higher powers. They kindle a fire in a person's soul. This Slavic rune serves as a talisman and is used as a personal talisman.

Symbol of Death

The rune of death among the Slavs is the sign of Rock (Alive). It symbolizes not simple death, but death as the end of an important period. Rock represents order. Thanks to the rune, everything unnecessary leaves a person’s life, and new opportunities come.

Rune Rock (Alive)

The description of the rune and its interpretation is not complete without one more meaning - a protracted crisis. The prototype of death promises stagnation. It is necessary for a person to be able to understand himself and understand his own desires. The meaning of the Slavic rune Rock is an ordered structure. An unfavorable sign for people mired in chaos.

Runes of the Family

To describe the genus, 2 signs are used - Opora and Bereginya. Support denotes the universe, the order of natural processes. This is the rune of harmony and inner balance. It belongs to the family symbols because of its sacred meaning: a person reaps the benefits, wins back his karma, pays for the sins of his parents. The opposite meaning of the rune of the genus is the cyclical nature of everything that happens. At one time a person scatters stones, and then collects them.

Slavic classical runes are diverse, so another rune is used to describe the genus - Bereginya. It describes fertility, productivity. The symbol speaks of the seed planted in children by their parents. Upbringing and habits, intertwined with fatherly love, create fertile ground. The seed germinates and produces a harvest. Likewise, a person raised on love and respect ennobles everything he has in life.

Health signs

The symbol of fertility and good health is Dazhdbog. Describes the physical and mental aspects of life. Working on yourself and your health gives positive results. To describe health, the upright and inverted position of the rune is used. Direct Dazhdbog speaks of good health, and its inverted position promises protracted illnesses.

Rune Is on the amulet

Defensive forces

Slavic protective runes can protect a person from any danger. 3 ancient Slavic classical runes are best for reliable protection.

  1. Treba is the spirit of warriors and gods. A powerful rune of protection. Represents strength of spirit. To receive protection, you will have to give up a lot, but your future depends on the person. If he fights for his happiness like a warrior, no one will steal it. Treba can serve as a talisman for the whole family.
  2. Force. Represents integrity. Such protection protects against outside interference, but does not violate the natural protective mechanisms of the human mental body. Protects from damage. Strength gives confidence in the future.
  3. Perun. Serves for itself Protects from chaos. Gives peace and inner harmony. The rune is used to protect the home.

God symbols are used separately or in combinations. Ancient Slavic protective runes are also used during rituals.

Images of the Path

In the standard Slavic system, 3 runes are considered to reflect the path of life - Alatyr, Rainbow and Wind. In this context, the path denotes professional success, relocation, and simply moving forward. A person chooses how to progress. Alatyr symbolizes the beginning and the end. Describes the poles as forces that attract a person to success. The rune is used to open paths.

An equally important rune symbolizing the path is the Rainbow. It points the direction towards self-knowledge. Part of the road will have to be built without physical traffic. Rainbow describes deep psychoanalysis. Only thanks to him will a person be able to get out of incorrect and imposed ideas about the world.

The wind is subject to one of the most powerful elements. Describes natural movement when the conduct itself paves the way. To follow him or not is a choice only for the person. But if you disobey the advice of the Wind sign, misfortune and suffering will burst into life.

Types of wisdom

The prototype of life wisdom is divided into 3 equal runes. They lead to enlightenment, give healing and allow you to find inner harmony.

  1. Need. Describes the inevitability of fate. Not the most favorable symbol, but it gives a person liberation from false expectations. What needs to happen will happen. Need describes the processes occurring with the soul consciously or unconsciously. If a person learns to control them, he will not lose his path. RUNA gives invaluable life experience.
  2. Lelya. A sign of inner healing. Responsible for the development of intuition and passion. Submits to the element of Water. It is flexible and shapeless. The wisdom of the rune lies in the ability to adapt to any conditions.
  3. Source. The final rune of the series. Describes active movement. It concerns not only the body, but also the mind. Represents development. The wisdom of the rune - everything starts with today's actions and ends with the results of tomorrow.

Wisdom runes are used to provide important clues.

Tablets of the Eastern Slavs

Vand system

Vend runes are the symbols of the Northern Slavs. The system is compiled in the form of an alphabet. Glagolitic was used throughout Croatia. It formed the basis of the runic alphabet. The origins of the Glagolitic alphabet are called Turkic runes - very strong signs.

The magic of such runes is in the legends of their origin. According to predictions, the runes belong to 9 different worlds. Among them is Asgard, the home world of Odin and his son Thor. The world of the elves is also reflected in a single system. No less famous are Midgard and Helheim. The magic of runes reflects the forces of each world and draws energy from it.

Vendian runes

How to combine symbols

Slavic runes are used to create amulets, magical attributes and unique fortune-telling tools. Individually or in combination, such symbols give liberation and cleanse the soul and body. Ancient signs are applied to durable materials. Paper, wood, and natural stones will be a good basis for creating amulets.

In magical rituals and for fortune telling, combinations of symbols are used. There is no single table for combining Slavic runes - the formula is selected to suit the character and situation of a particular person. Many of the runes harmonize well with each other. Only symbols of opposite meanings such as Belobog and Chernobog are not combined.

In order to correctly combine symbols, it is necessary to combine their protective elements. It is better not to combine the runes of Water and Fire, Earth and Wind.

Slavic runic formulas should be used with caution. Aryan warrior signs, prototypes of immortal beings - all these forces can create too powerful a cleansing or destruction of negativity. Beginners only use one rune at a time. The sign is made independently. To do this, spelling is trained: it is necessary to maintain all proportions and maintain the scale for the magic to work. Can be applied with pencil, pen or paint. Blood is not used for these purposes.

Charms and talismans

The amulet rune is selected to suit the current situation. If there are no serious problems in life, choose a universal sign. Perun or Sila will do. To eliminate problems in your personal life, the Wind rune helps, and in the professional sphere, the Rainbow is used.

Natural materials are used for Slavic amulets. They go well with the elements of the symbols. Wood or stone is the best option. All Slavic amulets have their own meaning. The meaning is embedded in the rune during its activation.

How ancient amulets with runes can help:

  • neutralize enemies;
  • eliminate problems in your personal life - find a suitable partner or restore old relationships;
  • climb the career ladder;
  • cure a dangerous illness.

To attract good luck, your own name is applied to the prepared base. For this, the runic Cyrillic alphabet is used. Among the Slavs, each symbol corresponds to a specific sound: Mir - m, Chernobog - ts or h, Alatyr - a, Rainbow - r, Need - n, Krada - k or g, Treba - t, Strength - s, Wind - v. To write your own name, additional letters use the rune Bereginya - b, Ud - y, Lelya - l, Rock - x, Opora - o, Dazhdbog - d, Perun - p, Yes - e, Istok - i.

The ancient Slavs believed in the healing power of runes. The story goes that at birth a unique amulet was created for the child. As long as the talisman was with him, he was not afraid of any troubles.

The magic of runes lies in their action. After activating a post or a separate sign, it works without creating any hassle for the operator.


  1. Attracting love. The combination of Mir, Krada, Ud and Lelya ensures a meeting with a potential partner. The operator will have every opportunity to start new relationships.
  2. Triple rune Dazhdbog. Helps to repay old debts and increase cash flow into the home. The symbols are applied alternately in one row. At the same time, you will have to work on yourself to achieve financial independence.

The war on negativity is ensured with the help of single runes Perun or Peace. Strength drives away any trouble that has found its way into the house. The Wind and Bereginya runes are aimed at helping if constant minor troubles occur. Drawings of amulets are hidden around the house. Outsiders don't need to know what they mean. If you write runes on bracelets or jewelry, they serve as amulets.

No less powerful amulets are obtained from symbols of other systems:

Most often they use Scandinavian. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, study the properties of the signs in more detail.

Scandinavian runes (click on the picture for more information)

Rune magic is a very deep layer of the ancient European tradition, living and developing and is still very active today. Interest in Runes makes it possible to learn about the Runes what is most necessary and sufficient for the initial practice of both predictions - analysis of one’s life, and for everyday magic. At the same time, the preferred methods were selected as having an uncomplicated and safe level for an untrained person.

Runes help a person both to realize what is happening to him (in predictions) and to activate the necessary programs of the deep “I” (in magic). Runes are the path of Strength and the Strong. The path on which a person gains both self-confidence and responsibility for the life around him as a field for his success.


... “We are doing something stupid,” Odin suddenly thought when Gungnir fell from his hand and flew into the crowd of Vanir. The sky trembled from the cry of the Aesir, who picked up Odin's cry... and fell into place when the baths joyfully screamed in response. The awareness of his own stupidity was strengthened when the handsome golden-haired Van, sitting astride a golden boar, deftly took Gungnir from a swift flight and the spear shaft, made from an Ash branch, suddenly became covered with green leaves. This awareness became even stronger when the baths rushed towards the even formation of the aces and flowed through it, like a spring river through ice hummocks. They leaked without making a single blow. The spears of the Aesir were covered with shoots, the shafts of Ul's arrows suddenly turned into branches, and the swords simply buried themselves in the ground. The golden-haired Van, seeping through, thrust Gungnir to Odin, and a beauty very similar to him (also on a golden pig) patted Odin on the cheek, and the cat sitting on her shoulder grabbed his hand...

It became completely disgusting when the aces realized where the baths were rushing. And they rushed to Asgard. They easily flowed into the gate and it slammed behind them.

Everything happened in a few moments. The battle ended before it began. Instead of a wounded resentment towards the Vanir, there was an empty awareness of their own stupidity.

The aces stood at the walls of their city for nine days. We couldn't log in. The magic did not work, the city repelled weapons. Asgard liked baths. A cheerful hubbub was heard from the city, the squeals of the Valkyries, music... The Ases themselves felt bad - cold, hungry, sad... One made up his mind.

He gathered the circle of the Twelve. He took out the Runes. He drew blood. He called Norn. The Maidens of Fate immediately materialized in the circle, smiling mockingly. The Aesir moved apart - they didn’t want to be so close to Fate, Choice and Duty.

- What, Odin, are we going to change reality again? – Urd grinned.

- Again, you're tearing apart stupidity, but for us, tear apart the fabric of existence? – Verdandi asked mockingly.

“You can’t pay at Ragnarok, debtor,” Skuld said gloomily.

One remained silent. The virgins were right.

– Urd, I’m changing the past: we didn’t fight with the baths, we invited them to stay in Asgard as friends!

– Verdandi, I accept the choice: to conclude an eternal peace and exchange hostages!

- Skuld, I take on a duty: never and under no circumstances will I truly betray the Vanir!

The maidens nodded. In their hands, the thread of the Old flashed with a bright fire and the thread of the New flowed. The space around me changed a little, shuddered, and flowed differently. Another layer of reality went to Hel, aggravating Ragnarok.

The baths were in no hurry, only by midday the gates of Asgard opened and a crowd of Vanir mixed with Valkyries moved towards the army of the Aesir.

“Feast, peace, fraternization!” the baths screamed. They were dragging a huge cauldron full of mead and carrying a screaming Sehrimnir on a log. The gods mixed and began to hug.

– Freyr, why did you leave Asgard? – asked Odin.

“It’s boring there,” Golden-Haired simply answered...

On the ninth day, Odin realized that it was time to stop. Sehrimnir no longer wanted to be resurrected and only his head sent everyone to the three runes. The goat Heidrun was simply stunned while milking kumiss (a Vanir joke!). The Valkyries were already lying without breathing. The Vans were hunting Eikturmir (they wanted deer), and Njord and Thor were seriously discussing some serious fishing on Jormungand, and Loki promised his boat, Naglfar...

The aces and the baths surrounded the cauldron with the remains of mead (the aces took the cauldron from the Celtic gods - their heroes were still very worried). First, everyone washed their faces, then, after rinsing their mouths, they spat into the cauldron and dumped the male seed into it together. Saying the words of oaths of friendship and help. One read and drew the Runes, threw a handful of intoxicating mushrooms into the cauldron, Loki poured a bottle of snake venom. The cauldron was covered with a lid and the baths read their spells.

And when the lid was removed, in the cauldron lay a curled up, trembling dwarf, muttering curses. “Hell take you,” Odin thought, “you should have turned out to be a full-fledged Guardian of the Treaty, but it turned out... You need to drink less when you make people.”

But when the dwarf climbed out of the cauldron and looked into Odin’s eye, the All-Father realized that they had done everything wisely.

The wisdom of the Universe oozed from the dwarf's eyes.

- My name is Kvasir and I will be useful to you! And here is my first gift to you - Runes!

“I’m late, baby, we already have it,” Odin grinned.

“They will be useful to us,” the Vans shouted.

“Look, don’t regret it,” thought Igg, remembering hanging on the Tree...



At the very beginning of the 10th century in Bulgaria, the monk Brave wrote lines that have survived to this day, and still evoke so many contradictory, sometimes completely opposite in meaning, judgments:

“Before, I didn’t have any writing in Slovenians, but I read and read with words and cuts...”

This is the main basis for the search for Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing. Unfortunately, there is no solid, fundamental evidence - no findings beyond doubt. Over the centuries of great power ideology, colored by religious zeal, all fundamental evidence of paganism among the Slavs was destroyed.

However, researchers rely on the testimony of contemporaries. Arab travelers who left descriptions of their travels around Europe left a number of references to the writing of the Slavs. Massudi, describing the Slavic temple, speaks of signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodlan points to the existence of grave inscriptions on pillars. Ibn El Nedim speaks directly about the existence of pre-Cyrillic writing and provides a drawing of the inscription (Nedimov inscription). And a number of other mentions.

However, one of the most interesting evidence was left by the chronicler Thietmar. He describes the Slavic temple of Retra, standing in the lands of the Baltic Slavs, the Wends or Wends. Their lands were spread widely. They bordered Etruria and were familiar with the Etruscan alphabet, which is very close to the Elder Runes. They founded the famous Venice. They are associated with the invasion of Rome by the Vandals (the root “van” is especially noteworthy here). So, Thietmar especially emphasizes that on the idols of the temple there were inscriptions made with special, non-Germanic runes!

Now a number of monuments are known - pieces of wood, shards, individual inscriptions on stones and jewelry, in which the runes of the Wends are used - Vendian, or Slavic Runes. They were used by the majority of the Baltic Slavs at least as early as the first centuries of the second millennium.

The most striking and controversial are the two monuments of the Vendian Runes. The first is the so-called Mikorzhinsky stones. They were found in 1836 in the Pozna region (Poland). The translation of their inscriptions is still not unambiguous, but the runes are Vendian. However, opinions about the find were divided. Western runologists recognize it as the original. Russian - for counterfeiting. The same story with the most significant find (or fake?) - the idols of the temple in Retra.

The already mentioned temple of Retra was burned at the end of the 10th century during the crusade against the pagan Balts. And the idols were considered lost. What unfolds next is either history or myth.

At the end of the 17th century, in the village of Prillwitz, a crash was heard under the shovel of one peasant. He pulled out from the soil of his own garden (which was not far from the place where the ancient burnt temple had previously stood) an old wooden box, blackened by time and fire. A shovel broke through its lid, and the metal glistened inside. The peasant brought to light small bronze figures, some of them were damaged (and very badly) by fire. He gave the half-melted figurines, which, unfortunately for the peasant, were not gold, to a local Catholic priest. He recognized them as idols of a pagan temple and destroyed some that caused particular indignation. But he kept more than 60 sculptures and other objects - as a curiosity and an interesting find.

Much later, these things were acquired by a certain Andreas Gottlieb Masch. He described them and commissioned engravings. These materials were published by him in 1771, and the history of the find was also given there. The collection was later lost.

Most of the sculptures have clearly written runic, Vendian inscriptions with the names of the corresponding gods. Western runologists recognized the authenticity of the Retra idols after two years of studying the issue. Russian runologists consider this find to be a rather primitive fake.

One way or another, there are Slavic runes. Unfortunately, there are no historical finds where the Slavic series would be presented in the same form as the Futhark. But modern researchers, primarily A. Platov, have proposed, based on a comparative analysis of various rune series, their version of the complete series of Vendian Runes. I, also as a result of research, established the Futharkic system of the Vendian Runes, which is precisely consistent with both the Elder Runes and other rune series. You are offered a reconstruction, a variant of both the composition and description of the Vendian Runes. It is historically and esoterically reliable. The same cannot be said about the mass of fakes on the theme of “Slavic runes”. The most famous now are the so-called Slavic runes of Mr. Asov - a series that is simply fictitious from beginning to end, with artificially given meanings to the signs, for some reason called runes.

No better than the “runes” of the Omsk neo-pagans, who publish some secret Aryan tablets.

Also, the signs of the Boyan Hymn and the Book of Veles, which were recognized as fakes by both Western and Russian researchers, are not related to the runes.

It is very important for those seeking the Path to be sensitive and honest. Sensitive to the temptations of the mind. Honest to the signals of the heart.


The Vendian series consists of 18 runes (a very traditional number in rune culture), and is divided into three series, which I, according to tradition, will call atts * (* although the concept of “att” can fully refer only to the Elder Runes - “att " means "octad". But in a broader sense, "att" is a "genus", "species").

Below I present a table of correspondence between various rune series, including the most ancient ones, considered the ancestors of the Elder Futhark (Saltovo-Mayak runes). There is also the alphabet of the Etruscans, a people who have ancient Alanian roots and developed their alphabet in parallel with the Elder Futhark (to be more precise, before Futhark). Comparing the above runes and the runes of the Vendian series, you will see that in one form or another they are identical, the Vendian runes are not something exclusive, but are a natural part of the pan-European cultural process (like the Slavic tribes). Take a closer look, remove doubts and the desire to carry “exclusive Slavicness” and continue reading.

What kind of runes are these? These are the so-called Retra runes or Vendian runes. The first name reflects the presence of these runes in the most complete collection of figurines of the pantheon of Slavic gods from the temple in Retra. It was with these runes that their names were written. In addition to these objects, Vendian runes were also found on other finds in the area of ​​settlement of the Vendian tribes (Baltic zone). Similar runes were also found on the finds of the Chernyakhov culture

Of the modern researchers of Vendian runes, in esoteric terms, the most worthy is the work of Anton Platov “Slavic Runes”. It gives a general idea of ​​the essence of the issue and a scattered description of the runes themselves, moreover, very incomplete.

Before considering the runes themselves and their interpretation, one should consider the system of the series as a whole - its horizontal and vertical meanings.

1 att reflects the general energy flow of life, the primary Chaos of life, which realizes itself for the sake of life as such - without a goal, without beginning and end, without plan and structure - life in all its manifestations - according to Vedic analogies "kama" - love or in Slavicism “alive” is the primary life energy, manifested in the human mind as “yar” - the active desire to live.

2 att reflects the Law that governs Chaos. We can say that 1 att is the world before the coming of God, and 2 att is the consequences of the coming of God, his introduction of the law of Evolution and development. The law that introduces structure into Living and defines the concept of Death as the final result of the process. This is “Dharma” - the general law of development, without which development is impossible, and in which “alive” and “kama” direct themselves. This is “rule” - the correct order and course of things. The government holds back the fury.

3 att reflects human consciousness in interaction with chaos and order, life and death. On the one hand, our body belongs to living kama and wants to live forever, actively striving for chaos, aimless and active existence (eating, drinking, loving, enjoying). On the other hand, our spirit belongs to Dharma-death, it has a beginning and has an end to existence here. He strives to complete the task and go back to the subtle spheres - through Death, according to the Law. And our consciousness, our conscious self, must find a “point of balance,” a balance between Kama and Dharma, between the desire for endless pleasure and the demands of fulfilling destiny. 3 att is Karma, the individual path of consciousness. Consciousness, which in the Spirit must come to the physical death of the body in order to go into a single Cosmic Consciousness, but for this the body must develop and live a worthy, full-blooded and active life, use both Kama and Dharma in all their splendor. In the 3rd atta, a person accepts both Life and Death as passing processes. Essentially, this is the consciousness of a warrior of the Spirit, walking in Life hand in hand with Death, and if this happens, simply changing while remaining himself without reference to either Kama-yari-pleasure or Dharma-rule-inevitability. 3 att is Reality, in its full openness and sobriety, a person accepting the Universe of God.

Vertical meanings:

1 rune of each atta determines the main active force of the atta, the force with which our “I” will have to deal.

Rune 2 determines how the “I,” adapting, strives to connect with power and identify with itself.

The 3rd rune specifies the structure of personal actions in terms of the action of atta power.

Rune 4 is an active manifestation of the Source of Energy acting through the Force.

5th rune – manifestation of the difference in the potentials of consciousness and reality and the acquisition of Power in this.

The 6th rune is the active beginning of the process of realization in the complete identification of “I” and “Force”.

The names of the runes proposed in the reconstruction of the series by A. Platov will be used.


Analogous to the elder rune Fehu. According to the design, both elements are present: a vertical column and two slanted ones, only in a different combination: slanted elements at the symbolic level are interpreted, on the one hand, as two streams of energy (“streams of milk”) pouring into a person, on the other, as “two hands” ", milking a cow - Fehu. In Fehu, these elements are located at the top, symbolizing the inclusion in the process of conscious actions and are directed forward, into the conscious present and future. In There, the elements are located below and directed back, symbolizing the unconscious process nesting in the unconscious part and directed into the past.

General meaning.

Life as an eternal manifestation of Eternity. The flow of Life Energy in its full diversity.

Accepting the external manifestations of the chaotic process of life as truth, getting what you want, without thinking and moral choices, instinctive pleasure and benefit. Acceptance of an ever-changing reality in the form of “daily bread” - in any forms, places and quantities. In ancient, primitive societies, where joint sessions-orgies, usually held on the full Moon (Fehu is very closely associated with the cult of the Moon and the mother cow)* (*more details - O. Sinko “Runes: Perinatal Archetypes”) have not yet become into formalized rituals** (**more details - O. Sinko “Runes: the consciousness of a magician”), the natural fusion, or rather, contact in resonance, of the entire consciousness with the original force of Life-Chaos exactly corresponds to the rune Is. At this moment, the “I” disappears as a valuable complex of thoughts, sensations, perceptions and any other psychological and physical functions. The “I” merges with all other “I”s, also experiencing the orgasmic erasure of the egoistic “I” in a state of bliss in a non-goal life, timeless and without conflict.

The state is very beneficial and extremely necessary for our consciousness - it gives a powerful saturation with the life-giving force of every cell and every “bit” of our consciousness at all levels. And, in parallel, the removal of at least the main internal conflicts of the subconscious and superconscious. In the already mentioned orgies, there was an active contact between the consciousness of a person and the egregor of the tribe* (*more details - O. Sinko: “Runes: the consciousness of a magician”).


Analogous to the elder Urus rune. The design is a full inclusion of the Urus rune, but with an elongated left column. Urus is “wild bull, aurochs,” and graphically the rune conveys precisely this symbol. In Oud, the extension on the left symbolizes high horns. This is, rather, not a tour, but a male deer. Its horns are a phallic symbol, a symbol of enormous vitality concentrated in the object itself.

General value

At the end of the stage, the consciousness of “I”, being in communion with all living things, is influenced by the instinct of integrity and selfhood. The “I” cannot remain outside of self-identification for long. And in Oud, the “I” strives to identify the Source of Life with itself. And define it in yourself. Oud is the male genital organ, a symbol of sexual energy and strength, which guides this energy. The pleasure experienced in Is lasts, but the “I” wants to possess the source of this pleasure for the sake of control over it. And it self-identifies with the source, raising power from the unconscious into the lower layers of the subconscious, into the sphere of the sexual instinct of reproduction and pleasure.

If in Is “I” was simply life without sexual (and other) divisions, without determining what kind of life, in what form to live, then in Ud there comes division and, on the one hand, division and gender determination (masculinity or femininity), and, on the other hand, the desire for the original union of opposites. In addition, there is an active desire to create, generate, give birth to life in one’s own form, the form of a person, to continue oneself further and further.

The source of life is realized in itself, and the “I” wants to actively spread the flow of energy “from myself”, outward, creating the Universal process of Life and receiving pleasure from it.

In orgies, this process resulted in a mass sexual act, where social differences did not play any role, where the most suitable couples, suitable biologically and energetically, “merged”. And after this, conception always occurred, and the tribe received the most healthy and full-fledged children. In Slavic traditions, this was preserved on the night of Ivan Kupala, where conceived children were accepted as a Gift from God. In primary communities there was a fairly clear distinction between the biological and the social father. The real father was the woman’s husband, who was socially responsible for the child and “give birth” to his personality. And the biological one was considered as a conductor of the will of the gods, through whom the woman and the tribe were given a future in children.

This personal sexual impulse, directed from above, manifests itself in Oud. If we disidentify with bodily-sexual analogies, and move on to considering sexuality as a way and aspiration of finding for oneself the part of the “I” that is missing for integrity, then Oud shows an active impulse towards creation, creation, continuation of oneself outside: personal aspirations to give oneself into the world, to “inseminate” him, to fill the basis for future affairs, and the woman – to accept existing things into herself, to “conceive” new affairs and future events. In this, Oud differs significantly from Urus. Urus is a pure flow of energy, most often realized through anger and erasing boundaries (the chaos of “conquering virginity” is also the prerogative of Urus. And if you consider that any new love is always a virgin, then Urus also strives for integrity). Oud is a force that has already structured this flow. However, Oud itself, the biological father, does not yet guarantee the successful implementation of the conceived child. We need a social father, a completely different personality, relating to the child on a completely different level. And this is the task of another rune.


A rune whose analogue is the elder rune Thurisaz. Both runes are absolutely identical in spelling and absolutely similar in meaning, only Dazhdbog has a clearer and more active focus. Both runes are dedicated to ancient deities - protectors and givers of blessings. The Dazhdbog archetype is often identified with the elder Ingus rune, but this is a mistake. Dazhdbog, like Thor (Turisaz is dedicated to him), provides the opportunity for good, directs to good, but the person himself needs to take the good. The outline of the rune resembles a stone hammer (of which it is the oldest symbol) and has an active phallic aspect.

General value

In Dazhdbog, the general flow of vitality emanating from the “I”, the general flow of sexuality takes on a specific direction. At the level of the unconscious, with a message to the subconscious, the “I” strives for the concrete embodiment of the desire for life, finding a specific and accessible object for application in action.

Rune Turisaz and Dazhdbog are actively associated with the concept of the sacred marriage of Heaven and Earth. Sky - as a male deity, with a hammer, lightning, blow, taking possession of the Earth - the virgin feminine principle. Those who bring the open womb - the Earth - their fiery seed - lightning (or a meteorite - a falling star - according to legend, the most effective amulets of these runes were made from meteorite iron).

In orgies, this is the onset of the phase of direct intercourse, when the male and female in the common “I” -Ude break up into specific pairs and acquire materialized, or rather, embodied certainty. The man found someone to channel the accumulated potential of Ud in order to continue life there. The woman found someone who would push her Oud to completion.

If we consider broader categories, then this is the moment of awareness - “what I want”, directing oneself into the future, and the first, most important and decisive step towards implementation. It is reminiscent of hitting a ball - how you hit it, how much energy you put in, what direction you give, the ball will fly and hit the target - the goal.

The oldest ritual of any agricultural culture, including Slavic - the fertilization of the mother - the Earth by a plowman, is reflected in the Dazhdbog rune. Plowing the earth with a plow, inflicting wounds on her for the sake of the future harvest, bringing her pain through the disruption of her virgin sleep after Winter is reflected in the rune. And after plowing, the plowman entered into a relationship on the plowed land with the chosen woman, and sometimes just with the field.

Essentially, in Dazhdbog, “I” directs the flow of life-giving power of oneself into the future, into the living space of oneself - for the sake of acquiring future benefits - the gifts of Dazhdbog.


A rune, the analogue of which is the deep aspect of the elder rune Anzus and the younger rune Ir, with which it coincides in outline. The rune depicts the roots of the Tree, the very basis of individual existence. In addition, this is the feathering of the arrow, directing its flight to the target.

General value

Having gone through the stage of Dazhdbog, pouring out a flow of energy that was generated, revived and brought to maximum fullness and tension thanks to contact with a certain external force - the source of Chaos, the “I” awakens the true source of energy and the Force that transforms this energy. Awakens it within oneself, filling the void created after the active release of energy in Dazhdbog. In Is, as a result of the orgasmic expansion of the consciousness of “I” beyond the limits of ordinary self-determination, a completely different level of awareness was formed, the level of superconsciousness. And at first it was filled with energy that came from an external source, carrying within itself some general, non-personal programs of behavior and awareness. Relatively speaking, consciousness was “formed.” Then the “I” claims rights to the Source, concretized and concentrated a huge amount of energy (Ud) in the superconscious - and got rid of it, giving impetus to future events, as part of the great Mystery of Life. She got rid of it, unconsciously tearing out what was alien to herself. Alien not in a negative way, but in the desire to find the same, but truly our own. And it operates not only on the level of sexuality.

It is no coincidence that in place of the fourth rune of the row there is a rune similar to the last rune of the Junior Row. The Junior Runes embody the process of completing gestalts - the desires living in us* (*more details by O. Sinko: “Junior Runes”). They are reflected in the first three runes of the Vendian series (each of the runes embodies one att of the minor runes). And when the desire is completed and dies, it is time for the Chernobog rune.

Any of the ancient cultures knows the dual image of a deity - the Light and Dark God, a deity and his eternal companion, most often a brother, a trickster. The trickster embodies the hidden, unrealized, natural, truly desired - as opposed to what is necessary and predicted in the Light God. The trickster is a jester next to the king, relieving his tension caused by the constant pressure of social responsibility for the fate of the kingdom. Trickster - Ivanushka the Fool, who achieved what he himself wanted outside of social attitudes. Trickster is a socially condemned and closed part of the self, called “evil.” In fact, this is a part outside of Good and Evil, outside of any social categories. Here is the only existing individual Purpose and Karma. Here is the only existing reality, energy and Power. And it is this flow that calls upon the “I” to fill the voids of the superconscious.

The image of a trickster is closest to its essence in Scandinavian mythology - this is Loki, Odin's brother, his eternal enemy and ally. The Elder Rune Anzus is the rune of divine inspiration of Odin, open and powerfully manifesting himself. But also the rune in an inverted state is Loki, actively and imperceptibly influencing the unconscious. One, despite the outwardly received generally useful ideas, always takes care of himself - in Anzus. Loki, outwardly selfish and living for his own pleasure, actually cares about the individual welfare of the awakened one. The main problem is whether a person who awakens the Power of the unconscious, who has absorbed the flows of Power from the roots of the Tree, is ready to realize the individual “I”. Very often, this program contradicts existing moral, moral and ethical norms, norms that Odin recognizes, but violates if desired - for the sake of personal gain and the benefit of the aesir, and which Loki clearly violates, without burdening himself with complexes and worries. Having activated the unconscious, a person often finds himself in opposition to the existing society. Both in the most ancient, extremely xenophobic societies (Paleolithic), and in modern society, this is like death. In the Paleolithic there was nowhere to go - you won’t survive alone in the wild (a little wilder than now), and you won’t rise above society - to be a leader, you need to serve the tribe as much as possible. So in modern society there is also nowhere to go - humanity professes global and identical norms. Only in the era when runes were created, during the period of late tribal society, could a person leave his clan and become a free Viking warrior or Cossack.

Then there was no division into good and evil gods in the pantheons, everyone simply chose their own and knew how to find a common language with everyone.

Chernobog is the Slavic analogue of Loki, although he has deeper, more chaotic traits. If Loki, one way or another, is part of Asgard, observing the same norms, only exactly the opposite, or following them when it is beneficial (“controlled stupidity”), then Chernobog stands outside the norms. He is antisocial by nature. And, like Loki, he is not included in the general circle of the heavenly pantheon. He is pure unconsciousness, which not only does not recognize norms (for this you need to at least realize them), It is outside of them.

Without such power, the power of Chernobog, the pantheon would not be complete. The negative attitude towards Chernobog in modern pagan reconstructions, his identification almost with Satan, is a consequence of groundless attempts to transfer the Christian worldview to pagan soil. These are two different approaches to life. Different, but not opposite. Chernobog is more reminiscent of the angry Old Testament Yahweh. And his anger is by no means revenge or malice. People just didn’t want to accept his “bright”, socially ordered half. But you cannot abandon the Creator. And then, in fact, by the choice of people, the Creator provides them with His second part - a part of Wrath and immediate retribution for what has been done (“an eye for an eye”). Here lightning strikes the guilty and those who violate the ban turn into pillars of salt. And those who are pure in spirit gain strength and power. An analogue of the minor runes is the Ir rune, this is the rune of both the world Tree and Death. And the rune of Chernobog is also associated with Death - those who dare to turn to it, at a minimum, die at the level of a socially formed personality and are reborn as an individual, acquiring their archetype, merging with the true “I”.

In the mystical cults coming from the orgasmic meetings I mentioned, the moment of sexual liberation in the Dazhdbog phase became a step towards a step into the spheres of divine consciousness. The physical orgasm becomes the key to the door of the conscious superconscious, when the “I” has found its home there. The awakening of kundalini, the acquisition of clairvoyance, expanded consciousness is associated precisely with this process. “I”, going through the peak of physical orgasmic pleasure, through the alternation of struggle and compliance, pain and bliss, hovering on the brink of death* (*more details: O. Sinko: “Runes - archetypes of the unconscious”), as it were, breaks through the subordination and binding of pleasure, being born into a completely different worldview, thinking, and self-awareness. However, this is the result. The Chernobog rune reflects only the initial moment - the activation of the Force on which this process depends.


An analogue of the Elder Rune Raido both in meaning and in spelling. An interesting analysis of the graphics of the rune is a combination of the Isa rune - Ice and the Sol rune - Sun. We don’t know whether the ancients knew about the physical nature of the rainbow, but the physical basis is conveyed correctly: the refraction of the light of the Sun in droplets (“crystals”) of water.

The semantic association is also very transparent. The rune of Chernobog consists of two parts - a vertical line, like the main channel-trunk, concentrating in itself the flows of energy from the second part, the outstretched roots. The vertical trunk of Chernobog remains in the Rainbow, but light from above, from the highest levels of consciousness (Sun), is reflected in it. As in the Elder Runes, this rune symbolizes the path from the unconscious source of the individual “I” to the conscious actions of the same “I”, but in a controlled form.

General value

The rainbow in any of the ancient cultures symbolizes the bridge between the world of people and gods, a bridge often consisting of either fire or ice. The Rainbow rune is a path from the roots of the unconscious, it is a way to find some active moment of static between two antagonistic manifestations of the unconscious. On the one hand, this is an active desire for life, for chaotic “cell division”, which denies the very concept of the orderly development of evolution. On the other hand, this is an instinctive requirement for maximum conservation and accumulation of energy - static-freezing and death-oblivion. The Rainbow rune gives movement at the boundaries of these polarities, as if using the resulting potential difference for the sake of movement towards the goal. The rainbow makes it possible to remain between two streams - neither of them becomes opposites and, instantly reacting to changed conditions, make corrections to your position and behavior. Rainbow is a path, a bridge between worlds-parts of consciousness. The bridge is ghostly - ephemeral, on the one hand, but also consciously concrete, on the other. It consists of millions of drops of water that are not held together by anything - there is air between them. And such a bridge can be crossed by a non-dense being, who has disidentified himself and his carnal and earthly desires, and has directed his Spirit, his Soul, upward. It is not without reason that in Scottish beliefs, at the end of the rainbow, in the ground, you can find a treasure - a cauldron of gold. These are earthly riches that we left behind before going up the rainbow and grew in the earth, in the fertile layer of earthly life. But you should remember: the cauldron of gold is guarded by the extremely evil spirit Leprechaun. These are our dark unconscious aspirations that prevent us from living, openly and freely spending earthly wealth.

The rainbow in the Old Testament appears after the end of the Flood - a symbol of the waters of the unconscious, sweeping away everything that has become obsolete, degenerate, leading to destruction (the wrath of God in the previous Rune). The rainbow appears as a promise and guarantee of man’s acquisition of the Kingdom of God. The Rainbow's path is not easy and very stressful. It requires constant attention, awareness, tension, constant analysis of external events and internal motivations, and the ability to walk along a hair-thin rainbow bridge - from the world of the unconscious to the world of awareness and superconsciousness.

If we recall the process of orgies, then it is in the Rainbow, after filling the superconscious with an individual program of implementation, that a very subtle feeling of the highest tension of awareness arises. Awareness of oneself and the forces acting within oneself and without. Awareness of what one should be in order to gain the height of realization. This is a feeling close to enlightenment; its first phase is awareness of the balance of power in the existing game of life. In tribal egregor influences, a person realized with maximum accuracy and clarity who he really is in the social structure and this life, how he can reflect his individual archetype of awareness in Chernobog, in the realities of his destiny. And how to maintain a balance between the demands of society and the message of the unconscious - and realize the “I”.


A rune that embodies one of the Creative Forces of the North - World Fire. Fire has many shades and manifestations. Stealing is a sacrifice made to the gods for their help. But a sacrifice with the help of the Sacred Fire, a sacrifice that burned in the Fire, leaving nothing on Earth except ashes, useless to people, but important for the harvest, for fertilizing and nourishing the Sacred Tree. The Krada rune is more similar to two runes - the younger Kaun rune and the Northumbrian rune Queord. Kaun is the heat of fire, burning “dead flesh” in the human mind. This is not a sacred sacrificial fire, it is a fire of inflammation, inflammation of unsatisfied desires and accumulated grievances. And inflammation - Kaun burns them, helping to enter the manifest level of awareness, leading a person through a painful, essentially forced death. Queord belongs to the fourth atta of the Northumbrian series* (*O. Sinko “Runes of Northumbria”) and stands in sixth place, the place of Fire. Queord is a funeral fire, a fire that accepts the last sacrifice of this life - the human body. Fire, burning the body, helps our subtle essence of “I” to ascend on the stream of Power to divine levels. This sacrifice is conscious and determined by the choice of faith that a person will make during his lifetime.

In Krad, the Kaun style is preserved and the meaning of Queord is given.

General value

The last atta rune turns the “I” into the very Source of Life with which the “I” came into contact through the first atta rune. “I” becomes the source of life for one’s living space and destiny, as a process of realization. It is at this stage that a chain reaction of incessant subtle vibration of Fire arises in consciousness. The awareness of the goal, the method of achievement, the need for action merges and fuses into a single whole; unconscious aspiration and conscious desires are fused.

All levels of consciousness and body experience a vital heat that fills every cell of the body and part of consciousness. It is not intoxicating bliss and binding pleasure. This is the deepest pleasure in its fullness, strength, and the process of realization. This feeling creates a very powerful positive emotional basis, where the concept of “failure” and “inferiority” is not present.

Sacrificial Theft - the fire burns in you constantly, burning anything that has outlived itself both on the psychological and physical level, seeing the constant, unceasing process of renewal - you become life in all its splendor.

In terms of orgies, this is the phase of the third level of orgasm: the first physical, freeing you from the burden of problems, internal conflicts, contradictions and struggles with yourself - “compensating”. The second is orgasm, which takes the “I” beyond the boundaries of the usual self-determination. Entering the superconscious, like a supernova explosion, destroys the old Universe of “I” and immediately creates another “I” - a spiritual one. It is characterized by a higher intensity of the feeling of bliss, which continues not in the physical body (as a compensatory one), but in the psyche.

And the third phase is orgasm, which gives pleasure from the constant presence of the “I” in this life, body, consciousness. It is an ongoing feeling of pleasure from constant interaction with life. This is the very state that gave strength to primitive people, helped them survive and develop both mentally and spiritually. It is in this state of Krada that a person acquires a way of self-realization “here and now” and constantly. A way to be and to spread being.

The runes of the Vendian series are best viewed not as a sequentially developing process from the beginning of the series to the end (like the Junior Runes) and not as constantly existing states between which our awareness maneuvers (like the Elder Runes). Vendian runes are three different processes (3 atta runes), existing simultaneously and developing sequentially from the first state (1 atta rune) to the last (6 atta rune). It is extremely important that in the mind the single-order runes of various attas are realized simultaneously, and not in discord.

2 att – att of Order and Death


In terms of spelling and meaning, this is an analogue of the younger rune Hagal, but in a more rigid version. This is a “snowflake”, a clearly structured and hierarchically realized structure of the world's ice. The writing of the rune coincides with the traditionally used diagram of energy flows between the worlds of the ash tree, that is, parts of our consciousness and the general life process.

General value

Fate is the order that the Creator brought into chaos. This is a clearly defined structure of flows and a predetermined place and process of realization of every part of the Universe - including us, humans.

This is the Order that determines the Beginning, the Goal and the End, that is, Death. Our “I”, one way or another, is included in this order, in the structure of Fate - inevitable predestination. The minimum predetermination is social, the place and functions performed in the form of the social role of our “I”. Maximum predetermination is the inevitability of physical death, death that ends the existence of a minimal part of the huge Universal process - as independent and self-sufficient.

Rock is the force that determines the implementation of the Creator’s Plan and us, as constituent particles of Creation. Rock differentiates and divides as opposed to the undifferentiated chaos of Is, the one-order rune.

Rock can be an extremely destructive force for our consciousness, because Rock completely denies the eternity of an ever-expanding life - there is also the bliss it brings. In the state of Doom there is no room for ecstatic bliss. However, rock can also be a huge consolidating and tidying force. The state of hopeless doom on the eve of Death of those who desire eternal life and fun will shift to a cold, unemotional orderliness on the eve of death. Rock gives direction and certainty, helps to direct the given energy without unnecessary waste into the natural and effective channels of the energy channels of oneself and life. It's like drip irrigation of plants, where water is spent hundreds of times less, but with great effect. And, having accepted Rock, we cut off the channel with the main realizing force of our Universe. It is important to remember that Rock is Power, but not energy. Energy is the first att, the rune. There are also all the successive states of the rune.

2 att – att Forces that organize and control energy. In addition, in the historical aspect, 2 att reflects social influences on a person, Dharma (although Dharma is a much broader concept, for example, bodily constitution and gender are also Dharma and must be followed).

The Power of Is is destructive for society. Rock development of society towards primary state structures and strictly regulated, developed tribal relations. In addition, Rock is the power of the ritual of a religion that is already losing a living, direct connection with the Divinity of a religion that is preoccupied with the social structure rather than the structure of the soul. A religion full of prohibitions and restrictions created to exclude the spontaneous “exit” of the consciousness of “I” to the deity. After all, such a way out can end in death, a mental breakdown, and a complete withdrawal from the social system of priorities. Religion strives to maintain the conventions of society within the boundaries of a certain “norm,” even to the detriment of contact with the Divine. In religion, the main role is played by blind faith in the qualities of the Divine and fanatical knowledge that the Divine exists, rather than direct experience of contact with it, and the creation of one’s own ideas about what God is and what he is like. In the end, the experience of many generations has already shown that God exists and has certain qualities. And now you just need to believe in it, and not constantly prove it. In principle, the approach is correct, but the further it goes, the more formalized and abstract it becomes, the more the aspect of mysticism is lost, the closer the identification of religion with the Divine itself is in the eyes of believers.

The flow of life energy (Is) “at the root” in Rock is controlled and resubordinated, adapts to other people’s flows in the key of Rock – and does not reach awareness. In fact, natural bursts of Is are immediately absorbed by social egregors of one level or another. In Is man is the key link and the main object of the realization of life. In Rock, a person is only a source of energy, a battery that powers social structures and egregors, without even noticing what a huge flow of energy can be at his disposal.


An analogue of the senior rune Nautiz, and according to the outline of one of the variants of the junior rune Naud. Protects the general idea of ​​2 runes of 2 atta of any of the runic rows (the three - Hagal, Naud, Isa, the runes of Ice concentration, are present in each of the rows known to us, as well as the rows of other “triples”) - the idea of ​​need as a necessity and goal. Or needs as suffering and insufficiency.

General value

Being in the sphere of action of Fate, the inexorable law of Death, occupying an absolutely subordinate, dependent role, complete predetermination and the absence of the possibility of any participation in one’s own destiny comes into conflict with the instinct of selfhood. The self-identified “I” strives for complete control of its life and surrounding space. But “I” and Rock are immeasurable forces. And “I” must find a way out, a compromise between dependence on predestination and absolute freedom of choice. The compromise is found ingeniously, that is, simply - Rock is realized by the “I” in Need, as created for the “I”, serving for it, organizing the entire Order of the Universe for one single “I”. And in the sphere of this general Order - predestination, the “I” finds its Destination, its individual path of dependence on the predetermined. “I” consciously accepts the need for restrictions over the chaotic aspirations of the Oud, restrictions determined by moral, social and individual Rules-Laws. Moreover, a hierarchy of priority, timeliness and order of implementation of desires and aspirations is determined. And the “I” begins to form limitations on its own, since the Source of Rock “I” tries to identify with itself, to move it “inside” itself. For the sake of this, the “I” begins to play the role of Fate, generating restrictions often beyond what is necessary and, finding conscious justifications for any restrictions of Fate - explaining to others and to oneself why this is correct and simply necessary for the “I” (that is, a need is manifested).

Thanks to Need, the energy of Ud ceases to be spent outside the goal, it is conserved and concentrated. Unfortunately, this is not always beneficial. If in Ud the spread occurs unconsciously - intuitively, and the result of these “spends” is always successful and fruitful, brings pleasure and satisfaction, then in Need the goal is often too illusory or simplified, detracts from a person’s real capabilities, ties the need-necessity “demand from the outside” to one’s hands and legs And then unrealized energy, accumulating on a subconscious level, leads to its spontaneous releases, conflicts, quarrels, anger and physical problems such as inflammation, hyperactivity and so on. Ideally, an absolutely correct goal is intuitively found, exactly corresponding to both the flows and paths of Predestination, and individual desires and requests. The accumulated energy in this case, concentrated, is directed in a powerful flow towards the goal for the sake of its implementation.

The goal of Doom, the Universal Outcome, cannot be understood by man and cannot be ignored by him. But ignorance of the goal, the inability of the individual to apply it and the simultaneous requirement to obey the movement towards it and subordinate his whole life to this (in fact, life in its social understanding is this movement towards the End) instills in the “I” a feeling of deep dissatisfaction, bordering on depression, pain , suicide attempts to get rid of such pressure. The bliss of Is and the pain of Doom constitute the fundamental conflict of our organized self. In Atta 2, the resolution of the conflict lies in assigning oneself the leading role - “Fate is me.” The pain does not decrease from this, but it becomes an object of importance, pride, and often bliss from the consciousness that I am doing this to myself in order to achieve a goal. At the same time, the Universal Goal is replaced by an individual one, in which the Universal Goal is, as it were, reflected. And the more global the personal goal, the more suffering - both for yourself and for those around you (to make all people happy and build communism, for example).

At the social level, the same thing happens - in need, a person tries to identify with certain social structures and processes, in every possible way assuring himself that this is all for him (“Because of you, but not for you” - defined in the story “The Recluse and the Six-Fingered” by V. Pelevin). But it's not that simple. Over the course of hundreds of generations, man has grown tightly into society, become extremely dependent on it, and in one way or another uses society for survival, and society uses him. In Oud, consciousness lives “here and now” and the main (single and global) goal is the continuation of oneself and the expansion of oneself - without the desire to obtain a certain result. The result - bliss, which is obtained when the energy is distributed outside the "I", in Oud is absolutely not attached to the secondary consequences of this spread of the energy of life around and the "I" does not attach any significance to this: whether something is created or destroyed there is absolutely unimportant.

In Need, the main thing is the result that we strive for and which promises (rather illusory) that “there” will be better than “now.” And a person begins to distribute energy in Need not for pleasure, but out of necessity (not to go to a resort, but to pay for an apartment, for insurance, for a telephone, for a trade patent, and so on). The strongest personalities can even transfer sensations to the state of Ud, performing Need - receiving pleasure from the release of energy as needed. In general, this is the only way to avoid internal conflicts and feelings of hopelessness.

As historical experience shows, most social institutions, states, and religions necessarily very strictly control the sexual manifestations (UD) of their members (“There is no sex in the USSR!”). And in societies where sex is, as it were, encouraged, it becomes at the service of society, more often turning into a tool for controlling other areas of life. Society is Order, in which a member of society must not only come to terms with Order (need as suffering), but accept it as serving him (need as necessity). Moreover, find satisfaction in it (need as a need).


In writing and meaning, it is similar to the Ice runes in any of the rune rows (Isa, Iss, and so on), but more reflects the aspect of concentrating power and energy. Symbolically, the image of the rune is like a pillar, an Ice crystal, in whose crystal lattice a lot of energy accumulates. Moreover, the stronger the “frost” - pressure, lack of freedom, constraint outside, the more energy inside.

general description

A specific release of energy in Dazhdbog, the giving of the external to the external and thereby liberation from internal problems is impossible in the sphere of action of the Order. Such manifestations in society are strictly regulated, because society builds its control precisely on the creation of contradictory, conflict situations, the culprit of which is the person himself. Awareness of “I” occupies a strictly defined level, where complexes and conflicts introduced and nurtured by social influence nest. Liberation from them using Dazhdbog’s method is deadly for society.

On the other hand, “I” is unconsciously afraid of using Dazhdbog in a socially formed environment, since, most likely, the most powerful release of energy will be actively used by the surrounding and associated egregors, used as food.

And the “I” in the Source retains energy as opposed to its release in Dazhdbog. But the third rune is the rune of getting rid of conflicts of the past and external. And in the Source, the entire potential of energy, instead of being thrown outward, is directed inward, into the inner world of the conflict - for the sake of its resolution and transformation.

In addition, too strong involvement in social processes in Need threatens the loss of individuality, and in the Source the “I” is partially eliminated from active participation, takes an established passive role, performing outwardly correct actions that correspond to the order, and inside wages a merciless fight against the influences of society, purifying yourself, trying to cleanse the Source of true Power in yourself.

From the point of view of magic, this is a process of inaction and ripening of power. At the previous stages, the magician entered the structures of Order, deceived them, appearing as an obedient and enthusiastically active member. They absorbed the magician, including him in the necessary processes - and now it is no longer he who depends on the powers of the egregors, but they on him. The magician occupies a key point in the process, so that his departure would completely ruin the whole process. And now the magician simply performs some external actions, using not personal energy (personal energy goes to internal work), but the energy of the process, as if correctly distributing the energy of the egregor itself.

At the Source, the “I” begins to find its Destination in line with Predestination. There is a kind of crystallization, isolation and concretization of what is needed. The “I” ceases to self-identify with processes that are not related to the Purpose of the “I”, and ceases to actively participate in processes that are already going on by themselves.


Analogue of the Elder rune Yero. The spelling of the rune coincides with one of the Futhark variants, and reflects the main meaning of the rune - the circulation of Power in the Universe. The rune is analogous to a swastika (two similar runes superimposed on each other). Symbolically, these are two opposite flows passing through a turning point, turning into each other.

General meaning

After passing through the Source, disidentifying from one’s social roles and going beyond the narrow zone of perception of manifestations of the Universal Rock (taking family, mother-in-law, society, bad weather, etc. for Rock), the stage of using Rock for one’s own purposes and in the required form begins. It is realized that everything that happens in Rock is a constant cyclical process, moving according to the flywheel principle. In the process of “movement”, the implementation of the laws of Rock in relation to the Living, energy first accumulates (with the direct participation of Rock), and then this energy supports the process (and Rock seems to turn off during this period). By subtly sensing these periods and moments of the Transition, a person can use both the energy and the power of Rock in his favor and according to his intention. When passing through the stage of Power, there is an active accumulation of progressive energy and the final formation of Power - a mechanism of energy and consciousness that ensures the correct and effective transmission of Power through oneself into one’s living space.

If in the first atta the “I” turned to the internal individual source of archetypes (the Chernobog rune) and filled the area of ​​the superconscious with it, then in the Force these archetypes acquire specificity and are filled with the energy of ordered action. The concepts of “good” and “bad,” alien to consciousness in Chernobog, here become those turbine blades that draw energy from the outside.

The “I,” under the influence of the Force, begins to enter more closely and deeper into the life processes it needs, the processes of Fate, expanding its sphere of presence and receiving from this a feeling of power and the penetrating hot “vibration” of the Force. This vibration fills those parts of the realized “I” that developed in contact with Fate, which actively interacted with it in Need and which were de-energized and emptied in the Source. Empty of coercion, of other people’s influence, of the desire to “fit in”, to act for the sake of adaptation. Now “I” fills these parts with Power - controlled, systematically, for the sake of personal benefit, in a personally conscious direction. If we turn to the terminology of K. Castaneda, a personal tonal is created, a zone of living space / and consciousness, which ensures the functioning of this space. A personal tonal that is saturated with Power and begins to generate your personal power, support and protect you, ensure luck and fulfillment. Relatively speaking, until this moment, “I” considered myself, let’s say, only the left eye, and the rest of the body as some kind of alien formation, subject to an unknown will. And in the rune, the Power of “I” suddenly receives a feeling of the whole body, realizes power over it, the ability to control both the movements of the body and its states - and receives deep satisfaction from this.

In social terms, this is the process of subordinating the work of egregors - social institutions - to the interests of the individual “I”. The main thing here is not to contradict the Dharma, the established laws of the functioning of society - after all, it is thanks to them that the “I” receives Strength. And it is very important to accept both “good” and “bad”, if, let’s say, a planned conflict unfolds, you should participate in it, or rather, play the role of a participant in the conflict, using it for your own benefit.


An analogue of the Elder rune Eyvaz in meaning and in design is one of the variants of the As and Bjarkan runes.

According to the outline, the Elder Rune Eyvaz determines the path of consciousness of the magician from the very top of the Tree of the Worlds, its crown, to the very bottom - its roots. Moreover, this entire path is in the power of the magician, Ash’s name is Yggdrasil, which means “Iga’s horse,” that is, Odin’s horse in a state of increased power (Igg is “powerful, terrible, inspiring unconscious awe, like a Force of a higher order”). The younger Rune As determines the upward path of Ash, but not yet his achievement - to a greater extent, help from above. The younger Runa Bjarkan sends the “I” to the earth, provides help from the lower world.

General meaning

The Vendian rune Support is a traditional shamanic pillar, a model of the World Tree. By performing actions on the model, the shaman gains access to the prototype - the vertical axis connecting our Universe. If the Power rune, like Kolo - Swastika, is a horizontal connector that connects disparate parts of the Universe into a single flow, then the Support rune, like a coll - lingam, is a vertical connector at the level of energy distribution.

Support is not a guarantee of complete achievement of merging with the Tree (like Eyvaz). These are just two steps - up and down. Up - to the forces that govern society, to the so-called Upper World, the world of pure forces of egregors. Forces inaccessible to awareness in perception. Here the “I” seems to collide with the world of egregorforms, field structures, flows of Force and energy. The information here is, to a greater extent, on the verge of understanding, and is more saturated with energy components. Down - to the Lower World - the world of our ancestors. This is the world of memory, a wallpaper information bank of past generations. Here perception freely operates with familiar and recognizable images, the information is clear and specific. But this world is dead and requires energy. Remember Odysseus making a blood sacrifice to awaken a dead seer, Odin awakening the völva with the sacrifice of a rooster...

By contacting the lower world, the shaman exposes himself to the danger of losing his Life Force, even to the point of dying. Moreover, not all the dead are happy with their fate: and there is a real danger of possession - the dead can take possession of your body, psyche and consciousness. Likewise, a person in Support gets the opportunity and desire to consult with his past - both in his subconscious and in real events. But too often the past takes possession of him - old grievances, old values, old states of consciousness, social roles, connections and responsibilities... And all this will steal the energy of the present, the energy of the Force.

In the Upper World there is also a danger - to identify oneself with the organizing force, or to completely fall before the greatness and otherness. These forces do not have their own energy, just like the dead, they live off the energy of this reality. Only the dead try to preserve the past, but the egregor is aimed at the future, at the initial goal given to it, and uses your energy to achieve this. Moreover, the egregor actually doesn’t care what happens to you in the present, the main thing is what he will give you in the future! And the more global the egregor, the less he cares about the fate and condition of individual people.

A person who turns to the “Upper World” of his consciousness for support can fall under the influence of global ideas and someone else’s goals, which completely destroy his personal ones. If the appeal is to a personal egregor, then you can fall under the desire to achieve certain past goals that have already lost all relevance for awareness. But in the egregor they are still important. And by turning there, a person dooms himself to receive things, events, and processes that are no longer necessary. The upper world lives by pumping energy from today to the future, the lower world - from today to the deceased. When working with them, a person must be attentive and strong.

Support, like the Rainbow, are two paths to another space of awareness from everyday isolation. And, like the Rainbow, the Support uses the difference in the potentials of parts of consciousness, the difference between the value systems of the past and the future, the Concepts of Good and Evil. Good and Evil “at the top” clearly and definitely serve certain general social global interests, and, moreover, with little change and stability. And “below” Good and Evil are vague; different parts of the subconscious, formed in different years and in different situations, understand Good and Evil in a very situational, personal way. These concepts are unstable here and transform into each other. Support is the contact and interaction of the supraconscious layer of consciousness and subconscious that corrects and determines the “norms” of behavior, containing unrealized promises and aspirations unrealized under the prohibitions of the superconscious. In Opora<<я>> distributes energy from the Force into these layers, transforming them and launching an active exchange - both energy and programs. A person gives up illusions, gets the opportunity to realize plans and desires - if they are still relevant, and understand himself, make himself more effective and stronger.


Analogous to the elder rune Perth in meaning. In terms of writing in the rune rows themselves, we will not find any analogues. However, in two alphabets related to runes, it is. The first is Etruscan, which developed in parallel with the Elder Futhark and comes from the same root. Here the place of the Perth rune is taken by a letter that exactly matches the spelling of the Perun rune. The second is Russian and Ukrainian, where the letter “P” repeats Perun (the mentioned alphabets have a large number of elements that coincide with the writing of major and minor runes).

General value

Perun is the deity of warriors and princes. He is by no means the supreme deity of the Slavs, although for a short period he was elevated to such a level by Prince Vladimir, who was looking for forms of religion that would assert princely power. The supreme deity was Veles, the god of magic and life - an analogue of Odin. And Perun was one of the thunder deities in the pantheons of the ancient peoples of the Indo-European group. Perun was more feared than loved. He was worshiped by the princes and their squads, and these groups could protect the population without sparing their lives, or they could very cruelly collect taxes from the smerds.

As a rule, the prince’s warriors resembled the Vikings led by the jarl - people who rejected submission to tribal laws and the worship of tribal gods, people are outcasts who see the prince-earl as a “father,” and in the squad “mother.” And Perun was the only god to whom the warrior warriors prayed. In the Scandinavian pantheon, Perun is more closely matched by Thor the Thunderer, but only in terms of the attribute of Strength, lightning.

Perun wields lightning as sacred spears and swords. The Indo-European root “per” means “to sting, cut, strike.” It is not for nothing that in the argot-hairdryer of Russian criminals the knife-blade is called a “feather”. The eagle or falcon is the sacred bird of Perun, whose feathers are iron swords and blades. Perun's weapon is lightning.

At the previous stages, in the Force and the Support, the maximum difference in the potentials of existence was achieved: in the Force - the difference in life manifestations, in the Support - the difference in the levels of consciousness. There was a similar tension in the first atta - the contradiction between the internal unconscious and the external conscious in Chernobog and between stabilization - yin and development - yang in Rainbow. The resolution of the contradiction took place in Krada, the contradictions became the stone and the touchstone, which struck a spark, and the spark ignited Krada - the sacrificial fire of life.

In the second atta, the tension is more serious: we do not know about the knowledge of the ancients, about the physical conditions for the occurrence of lightning; but the essence is conveyed accurately - the ultimate “potential difference” between Heaven and Earth (vertically), and between life processes such as conformism and non-conformism (horizontally) is resolved in Perun in the only possible way - a discharge of energy of enormous power, connecting opposites with a universal spark of blinding light and terrifying power. Perun's lightning from an instantaneous flash spreads through life-long channels and ignites the malleable hot material of life. If in Krad the fire is constant, generated in each cell of the “I,” then in Perun it is sudden and arises in the main energy channel - the spinal column.

It is at this moment that the aspect of the Perth rune manifests itself in Perun - the discovery of the hidden, the revelation of accumulated and hidden power, and the game of luck with fate. After all, there is absolutely no guarantee that lightning will not burn its owner, and will not cause a fire that will burn him.

Perun's discharge literally solders together those very opposites, excluding any influence that interferes with the realization of Purpose. The opposites welded together lose their opposition and simply become part of the sword: blade and handle, tip and guard. Despite the apparent difference, they are simply different parts of a single sword. In Perun, the proverb about a stick with two ends loses its meaning - here one end strikes, and the second is not an end at all, but a handle that belongs to you.

Lightning of Perun, like Krad. burns out everything that is outdated and disturbing, everything that really carries inconsistency. Burns instantly, often causing pain and shock. And they are as strong as all the rubbish left in you that prevents you from living in full awareness. If it is not there, then lightning will cause only an instant rise in strength and pure awareness, clarity, clarity of understanding and action - and the accuracy of the achieved result.

One of the aspects of the Elder Rune Perth is expanding the boundaries of the realization of Destination through active cognition. And this happens instantly, resolving all contradictions and conflicts in one fell swoop, bringing the “I” into the “operational space.” But then everything depends on the person himself. And because of how much the fire of Krada burns in the mind and body.


Analogue of the Elder Rune Teyvaz. Both in style and in meaning, with a pronounced aspect of the Warrior’s sacrifice.

General meaning

The demand begins the third att and predetermines the main active force of the att process - the power of the Sacrifice-Demand of the Warrior of the Spirit. This is the atta of individual karma, the att that unites together two inherently opposite attas of Life and Death, Chaos and Order, Eternity and Finitude.

In the third atta, the “I” goes beyond the circles of the endless pleasure of Is and the endless desire for the end of Doom. These two, undoubtedly, the greatest Forces of the Universe can literally tear apart the consciousness of “I”, creating a Buridan’s donkey conflict - what to choose on one side and what to do with the need to realize both Forces when choosing only one.

In the third atta, the “I” accepts the existence of a certain third force, located beyond suffering and pleasure, beyond Life and Death. They only serve her, and only thanks to her do these forces not destroy the world - and “I” as part of the world.

Sacrifice and Treba are similar in meaning. In Sacrifice there is a giving of something that will be eaten, devoured. And this brings us back to Teyvaz and Tyr, the warrior-god of the Just War, the god of order, honor and law. He gives his hand as a sacrifice to the wolf, who threatens the death of all of Asgard.

The image is quite complex. Tyr sacrifices his hand, his right one at that. This is what defines a warrior, his wealth and fulfillment. Without his right hand he is not a warrior, he is a cripple. In addition, the right hand is a symbol of order and law, established through force and force. Tyr gives it all to Fenrir, the wolf, a creature of Chaos. He gives for the sake of the life of Asgard and all its inhabitants. But this is not the main thing. He gives for the sake of fulfilling his destiny. Fenrir will play a decisive role in the final battle, Ragnarok. Then Asgard and most of the Aesir will fall. The familiar world, artificially ordered by the aces, will disappear. The sacrifice of Tyr is the sacrifice of Life for the sake of the triumph of death. And the final cleansing of space for the triumph of that very third force.

Treba is similar to the words requirement, tripe, need. And also consumption. The tripe is the entrails located in the stomach, and the stomach is considered to be the seat of both life and mind. Let us remember the custom of samurai to do hara-kiri and fan out their entrails, thereby showing at the last moment the purity of spirit and thoughts before higher powers. Moreover, this action is performed as an internal need, a demand, and not an external coercion - a need due to the influence of Fate. Tell me, what do the Japanese have to do with the Slavs? A warrior is a warrior everywhere, regardless of nationality.

Treba is a manifestation of the law of Karma, Karma as the only possible path. Karma - as the only force for the sake of which this Universe exists, balancing on the brink of chaos and order.

This power does not live outside. Her presence is felt from within and manifests from within consciousness. The main Requirement of the Power of Karma is to move forward.

In There is “I” I learned about the inexhaustible wealth of Life, concentrated in the “here and now”, and it does not matter at all what was and will be, who you are and how you are. In Rock, the “I” learned about the inexhaustibility of Order, about the importance of the past and the future, about the importance of who you are and what you do - about certainty.

In Trebe comes the realization of the need to sacrifice oneself. Karma develops in stages. When a new one comes, everything that was dear and important to you must be sacrificed: knowledge, beliefs, skills, connections, worldview, certainty, stability... Everything must be thrown on the altar of Karma, everything must be mercilessly cut off and passed on as experience deep into yourself, into the Soul* (*more details: 0. Sinko: “Runes: consciousness and magic”). The illusion of freedom of choice at any moment in life is also sacrificed. There is freedom of choice - but not about our honor. It was given to the first man Adam - the Soul. And he uses it very actively, choosing according to his understanding the karma of each person, settling in them parts of himself - the soul. And then for us, humans, freedom of choice is consistent with the definition “freedom is a conscious necessity.” Place your own emphasis (“Freedom is awareness of necessity” or “Free is awareness of necessity”).

The requirement is to accept what you are and who you are. Sacrifice the illusions of possibilities for the “now” - they cannot be realized simultaneously with the current state. The Warrior of the Spirit in Treb is characterized by sobriety - the ability not to attach importance to one’s own illusions, if such still exist. A realization comes to Trebe that destroys entire civilizations of castles in the air. We love to think about multiple realities and parallel worlds, sadly admitting that we live in a very limited world of probability. And if you work in a certain way with consciousness and energy, magic and spirit, then you can penetrate into other worlds. It's a lie. In Treba, thanks to certain work with consciousness and energy, the “I” comes to an unambiguous conclusion - there is really only one world, one-probability and no-variant. And everything else only exists in our consciousness and imagination, thanks to different ways of perceiving the only existing reality

In Treb, the “I” strives to get rid of all the false illusions projected by my own mind and find the only one that will help me go through the karmic stage-lesson. And only after going through this series of illusions-lessons will the “I” be freed from illusory perception and can merge with reality. And this will happen thanks to Death, which will come as a regularity. But for it to come and bring liberation, one must accept Life.

Treba actively connects Life and Death, Chaos and Order. From Order, “I” selects the necessary stage of ordering and fills one hundred with Life to the fullest extent possible, connecting Chaos and Order. And the “I” in Treb never allows itself to be caught in the illusory eternity of bliss. There is - the end will always come, development always brings Death.

The success of the realization of the Requirement depends on the willingness of the consciousness to show intention and conscious effort. Three attas of Vendian runes act simultaneously, but the third atta is not always activated. And the awareness of “I” does not always live in it. Despite the simultaneity of action, depending on age and development, awareness may be concentrated in one or another atta. The baby lives in the first one. Growing up, he falls into the second. Growing up, he should be in the third, but most often the “I” is omitted, forcing him to obey the law in order to govern him.

The requirement has another important aspect. In Is, literally all parts of consciousness resonated with the source of life. Literally everything lived in the moment, and therefore nothing in the future, or in some other version of the present, or in “another place” was literally needed. In Rock, most of the consciousness was blocked; in the rest, energy flows and channels were forcibly laid out, serving a certain Order. An internal system was built, corresponding to the external one, and Life - Is was directed only through these channels.

In Treb, most of the consciousness associated with the past has to be “sacrificed,” frozen (the vertical part in the writing of the rune is Ice), and Life removed from there. And only the part of consciousness associated with the implementation of the karmic lesson receives life - but to the fullest. This is what you should remember: most of the part connected with the past is dead in Treb, but the part that is focused on the lesson is alive. If you want a more fulfilling life, active self-expression, clear your consciousness of the past, and in the present, focus on the realities of the karmic lesson, without being distracted by trifles and secondary objects.


An analogue of the Elder Rune of Berkan in certain aspects and spelling in one of the Futhark variants.

Traditionally, Berkana is associated with the most ancient deity - the Mother Goddess. The Mother Goddess was deified already in Paleolithic times, and embodies the trinity of life: birth, growth, death.

General value

There are three main images of the Goddess - the mother. The first is the goddess - a virgin, as a rule, a huntress, beautiful, swift, bringing death and closed (virginity) for the continuation of life. The second is the birth goddess, a woman either pregnant (most of the known incarnations) or with a child. It is this image that is more characteristic of the Elder Rune Berkana. This is the pure embodiment of life, life continuing itself. And the third is the goddess Death, the wisdom of the end of all things.

In addition, female deities were guardians of the clan, protectors, and assistants in childbirth and life. However, the beregins were also goddesses of death. From ancient times it was believed (and this is true in the absence of baptism of the woman in labor) that both a pregnant woman, and especially a woman giving birth, opens a direct passage to the Other World. And during childbirth, Something can break through the torn veil along with the child. And a child can be possessed by someone other than a person. Moreover, even any woman during her period was a potential portal into the unconscious. Hence the idea of ​​such a woman as unclean and the ban on sexual contact with her - a man could simply give his life force to the dead. Beregini to a greater extent protected not the woman in labor, but the people around her from exposure through the woman in labor. And they were, in fact, close to the deities of Death.

Consciousness in Beregin perceives death as a natural process. Having accepted karma as a personal task, the “I” realizes that without dying there will be no self-realization. “I” understands that there are no random deaths, death is always a holiday - the result of a worthy realization of the stage of Karma. Without death there will be no new rebirth; without death, the “I” will face stagnation and degradation. In Beregin, I am a warrior accepts death with joy, he will give himself to death, realizing its necessity. But he does not die, does not strive for death. Death comes only when the stage of Karma is realized, and it must give you everything for the realization to happen. All the forces of Ud and the discipline of Need are poured into the awareness of Bereginya for the sake of the active realization of “here and now” and the acceptance of death at any moment.

The warrior realizes Life as the basis of Death, and Death as the engine of Life. A warrior gains maximum satisfaction from the process of life, regardless of the result. For the warrior knows that the result does not depend on him, the result consists of hundreds of influences, and it is always one - Death. But the process depends only on the Warrior - and he provides it to the maximum in Beregin.


An analogue of the Eyvaz rune of the Senior Row in meaning. According to the spelling, Eyvaz and Wind consist of the same elements, only in Wind the upper element is turned upside down. The writing of the Wind rune is similar to Treba, their top is the Senior rune Kano, directed with the concentrating end upward, concentrating all the fire of the desire to live, all the skills and abilities on one thing - the implementation of the ongoing lesson.

In Eyvaz, which comes after the stage of Berkana - life, Kano is turned upward with its wide end, revealing the potential for realization and the breadth of possibilities.

Vendian runes have a different semantic orientation than the senior row, hence the different outline of the corresponding rune.

General meaning

In accepting death at the Beregini stage, the warrior is freed from constant anxiety about the result of actions and the fear of dying. His “I” is saturated with the state of Odra, Creative rage, inspiration of Death. Will, intention, determination merge in inspiration into a single whole. If in the Elder Rune Eyvaz is compared to the wind that carries you forward, then “Wind” is the wind that you yourself become. The kamikaze wind, the wind that brings death and rushes towards death. “I” is filled with freedom from rigid material goals-attachments, from strict material restrictions. The “I” is also freed from its own internal attachments to experiences, to memories, to the playback of unrealized possibilities. “I” gives the vulgar to the Source, the future to Dazhdbog. In the face of death, everything loses its significance and value, except for one thing - dying with dignity. And life at the moment without reference or even to the process of implementation.

As in the previous ordinal runes, Dazhdbog and Istok, the “I” tried to get rid of the filling of force that had been taken into me, to quickly realize the received message and desire, so in the Wind, the “I” strives for a speedy liberation from the dependence of the karmic stage, to repay the necessary debt The Third Force - and, having passed through death, become free. A warrior does not die, death is only a necessary stage of the battle. In everyday life, the “I” accepts what is happening to it, the whole complex of events and problems, people and relationships, as an absolutely necessary stage of karmic fulfillment. And instead of hiding from the conflict, running away from the problem, postponing things, not noticing what is happening, a person boldly rushes into battle, actively participating in the entire complex of events, actively using everyone and everything included in it for the sake of the fastest result. The warrior launches the process “to the fullest” - and lives in it, accepting everything that comes. The warrior took responsibility for himself, provided the process with life - for the sake of getting rid of responsibilities after its completion. Comparing Treba and the Wind by writing, we can say that in Treba one’s own past is subjected to dying, primarily on the internal planes. And in the Wind, a wide band of realization in the living space is covered, and the Wind brings death to everything that has become obsolete, even in the living space.


An analogue of the Junior rune Madr and, in some aspects, the Senior rune Algiz (in both cases the outline is completely the same).

General value

Freed from the pressure of karma, having realized the three active Forces in this world - Chaos-Kama, Order-Dharma and Destiny-Karma, the “I” seeks the source of all this, trying to fill the places in consciousness that have become vacant as a result of karmic realization. Moreover, having freed himself from the influence of earthly forces, he is looking for an above-ground archetype, the place from which man himself came.

Here we turn to the symbolism of the World Tree as the structure of the energy path. In the one-order rune of Chernobog we see the Earthly Tree, where the roots of the “I” grow from the depths of the unconscious. In Belbog there is the Tree of Heaven, a traditional image for the esotericism of the Slavs, Celts, and Scandinavians. A tree whose roots are in the sky and its crown is on the ground. And the clouds that we see are its peak. At the same time, the rune resembles a person raising his hands, asking the sky for help and protection.

The Algiz rune, which is reflected in Belbog, has many definitional symbols, and one of them

– The swan, a bird, is a psychopomp, a conductor of people’s souls to the Upper World.

Belbog and Chernobog are by no means antagonists, as it may seem at first; they are, rather, sacred twins, reflecting the polar sides of the Ecumenical.

In ancient times, often when twins were born, one of them was killed in a special way and a living brother was given in the world of the dead. Creating a powerful, in a magical sense, Power that unites Life and Death together. Chernobog does not recognize, or rather, does not perceive as reality any idea of ​​a socially general order. For Chernobog, the unconscious, the main thing is the individual message-instinct of a given moment. Chernobog helps to respond very faithfully and effectively to the created situation “here and now,” often using abnormal and original behavior. For life in the field of action of Fate, the “I” complements the action of Chernobog with the action of the Force - various ordered flows-processes, following which in the key of their rules - Dharma, also gives the desired effect. Belbog is very similar to Chernobog. He also does not consider social laws to be reality and does not believe in the apparent illusion of the field of the karmic stage. Belbog is a reflection of our Immortal Soul, the first man - Adam in his fullness and greatness. These are the laws and priorities by which Adam-Soul lives, Laws that ensure a continuous series of rebirths - and even during the life of the “I”.

If we turn to traditional pagan symbols, then this is after death in Odin’s squad. Here Belbog is Odin in the role of the All-Father, the creator of people and worlds, the Prince of the heavenly squad of warriors - the Eirenhiriy.

In the previous three runes, “I,” the warrior, did not think about afterlife. There was no such thing. The death of everyday life is final. The task of consciousness was to accept death, come to terms with it, call upon it and become Death. A warrior does not fight out of hope for an afterlife - he fights beyond all hope. His life is a process of battle and nothing more, he has sobriety and knows that all ideas about the world outside this moment of battle are most likely illusory. Or rather, there is a true picture among them, but there is simply no time to figure out “which one” during the battle.

The warrior relies on personal luck - Hamingyu, on the Russian “maybe”, and then, look, maybe he’ll be lucky, with the afterlife - that’s it. But that’s all bullshit, you have to fight and die! (“Those going to death greet you!”).

And the moment of death suddenly appears beyond the perception of the combatant. Those around him see him fall in battle, but he simply takes a step and ends up in Valhalla, at the throne of Odin, where the brave live forever!

It is awareness, absolutely sober awareness of the truth of afterlife that fills the “I” in Belbog. And “I” realizes that what is happening and has happened to him in this life is just a “business trip” from the palaces of Eternal Life, from the world of Heaven.

In Belbog comes the awareness of Rod - one of the main and oldest deities of the Slavic pantheon.

The genus is directly related to the idea of ​​an eternal series of rebirths, the continuity of generations in its Heavenly Transmission. The warrior understands the meaning of both battle and death - for what he fights and dies. “I” identifies itself with the Rod, the heavenly family. In everyday life, the “I” finds some global life priority, some great goal of all life - moreover, in the form of a process, the result of which does not exist. It is this priority that becomes decisive in his life. And now any “battles” in life and its death-end become the next stage in the realization of the Goal. And very often it is at this stage that a person thinks about the continuity of himself - not in order to amuse the ego or prove his greatness. Rather, serving as a support, a push for something new, for the future. And this process continues in the next rune.


An analogue of the Elder Rune Lagus, both in meaning and in spelling.

General value

Lelya is the daughter of the Great Mother, the deity of new life, birth and development of “lyali” - the child. If Bereginya, an aspect of the Great Mother, is turned to Death and protects from it, then Lelya is turned to Life and continuity. Lelya is a pure being, not subject to death. In Scandinavian mythology, this aspect is embodied by Balder, the son of Odin, who until his time slept in the halls of Death - Hel. Unlike Lelya, Balder's awakening will be as quick as the sunrise. Lelya is a long process, but a process of constant growth and development.

Lelya is a stream of intuitive movement, sliding along a seemingly complex, but most optimal path. As in previous single-order att runes, Lelya uses contradiction. Here it is a contradiction between two aspirations. The first is to continue the eternal battle, without thinking about the future and without bearing responsibility for anything in this world. Another is to give yourself to the future, to nurture it, not to waste your energy now, to make do with a compromise and, bearing responsibility for the continuation of yourself, give it all your energy.

Moreover, what line of behavior to choose cannot be understood with the mind. Lelya takes this contradiction to the limit. And then he allows it in an intuitive, non-rational way, choosing the best for procreation at the moment (not “here and now”). Moreover, the mastered ability not to cling to any certainty, not to value any experience of the past, but to be in the present all the time, greatly helps to realize the choice made by Lelya. In everyday life, this is manifested by flexibility of behavior, the ability not to be identified with a certain stereotype of successful actions, or a proven method of winning.

Trusting yourself, your feelings and flexibility of action, combined with a fundamental value system, ensures victory in any conditions.


An analogue of the Elder Rune Ingus and, partially, the Northumbrian rune Stan.

General value

Alatyr - stone Bel - combustible - is a symbol of the World Mountain, or rather, that original piece of the Earth that was raised from the bottom of the World Ocean by the demiurge bird (duck, in most cases). Bel is a root meaning blindingly pure, primordial light, mainly the light of the Sun at its core (hence Bel-god, the god of true Light). Combustible - burning, flaming. The last rune of the third atta, like runes of the same order, embodies the symbolism of fire and purification, but in aspecting the character of atta - the character of Requirement, Sacrifice.

Alatyr is an altar-altar on which Krada burns, and on which Perun beats with a feather during the ritual. Or maybe it is from Alatyr that lightning strikes upward into the sky, in the form of a volcano emitting the deep heat of Krada, growing in the form of the World Mountain, the center of the Universe (aspect of Ingus).

The accumulating contradiction in Lele is resolved in Alatyr by merging these contradictions at their core - after all, both the battle and the preservation are done for the sake of the continuation of the Family. And “I” accepts the path of action and inaction as one, smoothly flowing into each other. By fighting, the “I” accumulates energy and transforms the situation for further action (eruption and active process of sacrifice). While inactive, the “I” accumulates energy, gradually transferring it to its continuation (the dormant volcano and the presence of the altar as reminders). Moreover, it is in Alatyr that an interesting point is realized: the goal is the continuation of the Family, Lelya was invented by “I” in order to gain a sufficiently serious incentive and motive for further life.

The essence of life remains the same - life itself. A. Platov points out the relationship between the words “Lelya” and “Lila”. Lila is a harmonious system of archetypes for the development of consciousness, as the realization of Karma. Lila is a game, a game that takes place in the paraphernalia of illusions, a game that makes you live and learn. Although it remains a Game in itself - an artificial and simplified model of a certain reality. Consciousness in Lila gets to know itself, its capabilities, and comprehends the most effective strategies for victory. What reality awaits us outside the Game - we don’t know Lila and it’s better not to think about it - anyway, the mind is not designed to work with such information. A person’s task in this life is to become a Player, aware of the Game and accepting its illusions* (*O. Sinko: “Lessons of Karma (Lila)”). In Alatyr this process is taking place - “I” becomes a constantly realized flow of actions. The “I” becomes static and fundamental, but the most active events develop around the “I”. Any attachment disappears, even to the continuation of the Family. There is only one action left, but if in the first three runes it was for the sake of Death, now action is for the sake of action, for only this is Life.

In everyday life, this manifests itself in stabilizing life and gaining pleasure from maximum involvement in the life processes of one’s living space; on Alatyr - the altar of the “I” constantly places everything unnecessary and extreme, old habits and attachments to sensory-emotional situations, shocks and stress. In their place come other deep feelings of satisfaction, moreover, resulting from the heat of Krada and from the tension of Perun.

There is a true awakening of the power of atta within oneself. From the position of the sacrificer and the sacrifice (Treb), the “I” moves to the position of the source of the Treb - the altar stone, which requires sacrifices, becoming an explanation - why and why the Treb is offered.

The same thing happened in previous attacks. In Perun, the “I” became the beginning that brings about a change in the structure of reality. In Krad, I found an inexhaustible source of inner strength.

Additional attributes for predictions. (ritual and attributes - in the full version of the book)


The Slavic runic alphabet contains 18 characters, which, like the Scandinavian runes, have their own meaning. With the help of runic symbols one could find out one's fate and even protect oneself from dark forces. Runes are still used today, since their power really helps solve a number of physiological and internal problems. You can use Slavic runes to tell fortunes, or you can use them as a talisman. But in order to use the power of these ancient symbols, you need to know the meaning of each rune.

Runic symbols are used in the manufacture of jewelry, accessories and costume jewelry. In order for the rune to become a protective amulet, you should not buy it in a regular store. It's better to make the rune yourself. This will require natural material (wood or stone) and your own blood.

Belobog (World)

The rune symbolizes the universe and the inner state of man. This is the harmony of all things. In a magical sense, the Slavic rune Mir represents the patronage of the Gods.


This rune is the opposite of the Chernobog rune. It has destructive power, bringing the world into chaos. The Chernobog rune is useful to use as a guard to destroy old connections and destroy the usual way of life.


The Alatyr rune represents the center of the world. This is the balance of the forces of good and evil, harmony and chaos. It is given to order all things.


This rune is the path to Alatyr, the road to balance. It is used as a talisman to achieve goals.


Rune Need has the magic of limitation, bondage and constraint. It fetters a person and prevents him from moving on. This is the rune of prohibition and bondage.


The Slavic rune Krada is the embodiment of energy. It reveals a person’s capabilities and helps realize desires. An excellent amulet for accomplishing your intended task.


The Treba rune symbolizes sacrifice. It gives a person everything he wants, but in return requires deprivation of something.


This is the rune of power, authority and strength. It contains incredibly powerful energy that directs a person to victory and achievement of goals. This is the rune of real warriors.


This rune represents natural forces, life. If you want to receive the protection of the elements, then the Yes rune will help you with this. It gives energy and restores strength.


The Wind rune symbolizes creative impulse. It suits creative people. With its help you can get inspiration to implement new ideas.


This is an exclusively female rune, symbolizing motherhood, feminine energy and the beginning of life. It protects pregnant women, children and imparts sexuality and femininity.


This is a male rune associated with male strength and passion. It protects the energy field of the stronger sex and gives them health.


This Slavic rune is associated with water, purification and joy. It imparts intuition and attracts good luck in all matters.


This rune symbolizes the path from beginning to end. This is the rune of fate, which can affect a person’s life both negatively and positively.


The meaning of this Slavic rune is help, support, protection. This is the strongest amulet that will help you overcome any difficulties.


This is the rune of prosperity and abundance. With its help you can attract good luck in all areas of life. Its main purpose is to attract money and family well-being.


Rune Perun is a symbol of the beginning of movement. This Slavic amulet rune helps to get something off the ground, change life, attract changes and new people.


This is the rune of stagnant energy. It immobilizes all actions and brings all things into peace and tranquility. As a talisman, this Slavic rune will help you put your thoughts in order and become a more balanced and calm person.

Using Slavic runes for fortune telling or as a talisman, remember that it is important to endow the symbols with their own energy. To do this, it is recommended to draw them yourself. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2014 09:26

Strong amulets can give protection from any negative influence. So that it doesn't burst into your life...

Interest in the culture and life of our ancestors is only growing. Many people study with great pleasure the traditions of the Drevlyans, Lyutichs and other nationalities.

The Slavs were connected on an energetic level with the nature around them, which helped them live in harmony. This is now in many ways enough for a person.

Symbols are considered one of the features of Slavic culture. They performed an educational function. Slavic runes could provide good protection to the owner.

It is impossible to give an exact conclusion about the period of appearance of the runes; their age is similar to the amulets of the Celts.

The mention of unusual signs dates back to the 10th - 11th centuries when describing the church among the Lutichians. The German and Scandinavian runes are discussed in the works of Thietmar of Merseburg. In Ibn El Nedim one can find a description of ancient writing seen on Slavic burials.

These facts confirm that the most ancient methods of transmitting information.

During archaeological searches they were found on household items. Images of Slavic runes were also found during excavations in the Radegarst temple, which was considered the property of the Baltic Slavs.

The rune cannot be perceived only as a symbol for transmitting important information. They believed in their magical properties, in this sign as a protective talisman. The rune was depicted on stone, kitchen utensils, animals and even on the body.

Runic alphabet

The territorial neighborhood with the Etruscan and Celtic peoples led to the appearance of writing among the Slavic people. Each rune is sent from heaven, so there was a cult of worship of these symbols.

  • Chernobog. The rune is considered the complete opposite of the runes responsible for order and calm. Chernobog fought with Belbog. The rune is identified with the shadow that covers the whole world. The prototype of this rune was called the Scandinavian god Loki.
  • Need leads to isolation of a person from the outside world. The mind becomes clouded, the understanding of what is happening around suffers. God Viy, associated with Need, had a stern gaze that incinerated all living things. When a rune appears during fortune telling, it can predict big troubles or death.
  • The symbol of the Source is considered to be ice that is completely motionless. Such runes predict a stop in the development of affairs and troubles.

There was a division of runes into strong and weak. By repeating the sign many times, you can increase its influence several times.

The most powerful runes

Even with the most detailed study of runes, it is difficult to achieve the mastery characteristic of Slavic sorcerers. Magic was then given great importance, and amulets were used very often.

Used by many. Gold, silver, wood, and embroidery were used to create them.

The runes that brought prosperity, wealth, and mutual understanding to the home were considered the most popular.

The following runes were known:

  • Dazhdbog. All the best things in life were in the cornucopia that Dazhdbog had at his disposal. This deity is revered as he shared wealth, luck and prosperity with great generosity.
  • With Support you can earn the help of the gods. A circle or stake symbolized support. This rune has a strong impact, as it was interconnected with all the gods.
  • Lelya, associated with the water element, symbolized constantly emerging life. This talisman was highly valued by those who wanted to learn secret knowledge beyond the control of man.

By borrowing symbols, people received protectors capable of attracting positivity.

Protection of the hearth and family

The family occupied a leading place. They knew their ancestors and bequeathed this knowledge to their descendants. The energy of nature was used both at the birth of a child and in burial rituals. Like the Chinese, they tried to properly distribute energy, for which runes were used. They charged, acquiring the ability to influence humanity. Signs were used to preserve the family hearth, produce offspring and achieve good family relationships.

Here are a few of them:

  • Oud, meaning strength and masculinity. She harmonized male energy, becoming a husband and father. This talisman was also used by women, as it helped to meet their betrothed and relieved infertility.
  • Dazhdbog. Women could hope for an easy pregnancy and childbirth.
  • I take care of women. It helps pregnant women and protects the baby from the evil eye.
  • from negativity from the outside.

The runes are multifaceted, which is why they deserve such human love.

Charms against the evil eye and damage

Slavic healers used runes for protection; they cast spells that gave the symbols power. Envy and anger directed at a person can lead to bad consequences, so they used magical help. If the symbols are made correctly, they will neutralize any negativity sent by ill-wishers.

Slavic magicians usually used amulets:

  • . The amulet is very strong. It neutralizes psychological effects and fights its consequences. Symbols are characterized by uncontrollable energy, it is difficult to subordinate it to the human mind, so they tried to use it under conditions of very great danger.
  • Force. Contributed to returning to a normal state, helped to cope with the evil eye. The strength that the amulet gave was enough to fight evil.
  • World. Thanks to the patronage of the Heavenly Forces, she helped to get out of any difficult situation.

The Slavs have a cult of ancestors. They sincerely believed that their deceased relatives were able to come to the rescue in a difficult situation. By wisely combining signs, you can increase their strength at once. By studying their culture and applying your knowledge, you have a chance to significantly influence your own life.

Runes for Slavic fortune telling

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who can correctly make a prediction using a rune, but ancient magicians succeeded. Such fortune-telling helped to make the right decision in a difficult situation and get answers to questions that arise.

It is quite difficult to interpret amulets, since their meaning changes depending on how the Slavic sign was laid. The sorcerers warned against troubles and warned in advance of impending danger.

To date, the meaning of only a few runes is known:

  • . The symbols spoke of a new stage in a person’s life and predicted the path.
  • Rainbow. The outcome of the plan will be successful.
  • Need promised adversity and grief, plans were not destined to come true.
  • Steal. In order for your plans to come true, change your views on the world.
  • Force. The right solution will definitely be found and everything will end well.
  • Wind. You should devote more time to self-development and creativity.

Interpreting runes is quite difficult. Even the sequence can affect their meaning.

The pagans believed that treasures were under spells, so runes should be used to find them. Special spells and special combinations of symbols led seekers to their goal without harm to themselves.

Talismans for tattoos

Tattoos with images of symbols are being made more and more often. You need to treat this with great caution, since in the absence of a clear understanding of the meaning of the amulet and the combination of signs, you can, at best, not get the expected effect, and at worst, bring disaster upon yourself.

They choose a rune for the tattoo whose power they trust and need its magical influence:

  • The wind was identified with Veles, who helped the dead move to another kingdom.
  • Bereginya was associated with the earth and the harvest;

Only faith in the power of divine patrons could endow the talisman with magical energy.

People created drawings to decorate the body, believing in protection from otherworldly forces and attracting good luck. Study the meaning of the design before applying it to the skin, then its effectiveness will increase.

DIY amulets runes

It is better to make the amulet yourself. If this is not possible, you can purchase a ready-made talisman. Get it right, you will get a powerful defender.

Initially, the purchased amulet is washed under running water and then held over the fire of a lit candle. At the next stage of cleansing, you need to put this amulet in salt for a day, and then fumigate it with incense. The four elements will give part of their energy to the talisman.

For energy, contact the deity who is the patron of these symbols. Read the prayer and ask for help and protection.

The issue of Slavic runes troubles the minds of people who study history, archeology, and magical practices. The ancient Slavs used runes in rituals to appease the elements or gain protection. Each symbol has a special meaning and we will look at the eighteen main symbols of the runic alphabet.

In the article:

Were there ancient Slavic runes?

The history of the appearance of Slavic runes and their meaning go back to ancient times. Ancient German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, describing a Slavic temple with idols around it, mentioned special runes that were not similar to the Germanic ones. However, historical science started talking about them only at the beginning of the last century, causing a huge resonance in the scientific community. But many ancient historians, describing the Slavs and their culture, mentioned such an important thing as the Slavic runic letter.

Archaeological finds also indicate that the Slavs had a written language. In the village of Lepesovka, excavations were carried out, during which pottery made of baked clay was discovered with traces of signs on it, which are undoubtedly full-fledged symbols with sacred meaning. Most archaeologists agree that these signs served not so much for writing as for magical and ritual purposes, and official science believes that ancient Slavic writing, if it existed, was forgotten.

However, not all is lost. The legacy of bygone times, which came to us through the centuries, is the ancient Slavic runic writing. Sometimes it is called Slavic-Aryan runes, or Old Russian writing.

In some symbols, Slavic runes coincide with Scandinavian ones, which can be considered the result of the proximity of the two cultures (Aryan and Slavic peoples come from Indo-European roots) and the presence of the Varangians on the banks of the Old Russian rivers. These runes are Gebo, Dagaz, a minor spelling.

As you know, in the German alphabet the seventh means “gift” and symbolizes making a sacrifice, exchanging energy. - rune-joy, material contentment, expressed in money, success and prosperity. Inguz represents a full life, movement, spread wings and freedom from everything old that fetters movement and prevents you from growing and working on yourself.

The meaning of Slavic runes

Runes with names that are more understandable to us are purely Old Slavonic, familiar to the ear of a person with Slavic roots. These runic symbols of the Slavs are named in honor of the gods and elements, feelings and fate, everything that surrounds a person and accompanies his life path. Their names are quite simple, but the meaning is deep and the number of interpretations is large. Let's look at the most basic symbols of Slavic runic writing.

Mir, aka Belobog. A complex symbol similar to a man raising his hands to the heavens. Or with a tree reaching towards the sun. The Slavs, like the Scandinavians, believed in the World Tree, uniting all spheres of the universe, whose branches correspond to the sky, the trunk to the earthly world, and the roots to the underworld. This is a magical symbol that speaks of success in business, good luck in undertakings, patronage and protection of the Higher Powers that favor a person. This rune encourages good deeds from the point of view of the common good, true justice and goodness. It is not suitable for use for one’s own benefit or attempts to turn the situation in one’s direction - Belobog is above the desires of certain people, he is aimed at large-scale actions.

World Belobog

Chernobog, antagonist and adversary of the World, or Belobog. It looks like the world rune turned upside down. Speaks of chaos, destruction, failure and many troubles. In magic this is the destruction of the old, in life - the destruction of feelings, connections, even the physical death of a person. At the same time, the Chernobog rune can promise something new, but at the cost of destroying the previous one. In a relationship, it is the end of previous feelings, the beginning of others. Also - surgery, dissection of the body for good purposes, or a double bottom, bad intentions that will change life. Chernobog is the destruction of established boundaries, a way out of your comfort zone, a chance to find something different.


- the top of the world, the beginning of all beginnings, the center of the universe, the subject of the eternal struggle between Belobog and Chernobog. An immovable stronghold in the midst of storm and confrontation. In magic, an altar for making sacrifices. In fortune telling, this rune is nothing more than advice to follow the will of God and trust it. Alatyr is the source from which everything comes; it is energy of the highest order, pure like a mountain spring.

Rainbow is a bridge between worlds, the path from Chaos to Order and vice versa. Visually, the rune resembles the English letter “R”; its meaning means a pleasant road, travel, development of abilities and the right direction. Events are developing harmoniously, everything is taking its course and everything is correct. This is the establishment of a bridge between the beginning and the end, the Rainbow Bridge has a heart and leads to Alatyr. The trajectory of the path, its complexity, and travel time are determined by the runes around.

Need, aka rock - inevitability, pain and reward. Not the most positive of runes. In magic, it means shackles that tighten the arms and legs, the inevitability of stopping and subsequent rebirth through torment and pain. In the most positive sense, it speaks of recognizing one’s needs, wants and desires, whatever they may be. In the negative, it speaks of poverty, even destitution, and fruitless efforts. For fortune tellers, the advice is to abandon your plans - nothing will work out anyway, and the consequences can be very bad. But despite this, the rune of need is a powerful amulet for people looking for their path in life. This rune is associated with the dark face of the cattle god Veles, who is sometimes called Viy. Viy’s gaze is fiery, it burns everything in its path, just as this rune gives a feeling of hopelessness, death, destruction.

Krada is a sacrificial cleansing by fire, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This is a dream come true, for the realization of which a lot of effort was made, the embodiment of the most daring plans, devoid of everything external, superficial. In magic, hidden life has become apparent. In fortune telling - achieving a goal at the cost of open intentions to everyone. Nothing false can overcome this cleansing fiery power. Only what is sincerely desired comes true. This rune is the embodiment of action, decision, gratitude and choice.

Treba - a warrior's sacrifice, courage. Also a sacrifice, but not of someone else, but the need to bring oneself to the altar of one’s goal. Reward for experiences in magic, but retribution for past mistakes in fortune telling. The rune is harsh, not tolerant of jokes, requiring perseverance and willingness to endure hardships, even to sacrifice oneself. If all of life is a game, then this rune requires compliance with the rules and leads an honest player to victory in war or sports. Overcoming, planning, patience - these are the three pillars on which the treb rune is based.

Strength is power, triumph, final and unconditional victory. At the same time, absolutely any force aimed at action, doing something. It doesn't matter whether it's dark or light. Magically - the right goal, overcoming any obstacles, triumph and joy. A talisman for athletes, since this rune favors those who are engaged in rivalry and competition on equal terms.

Wind - knowledge, free spirit. Slavic runic writing associates this symbol with Veles, the serpent god in charge of gold and cattle. The fortuneteller is promised the opportunity for self-realization, and the magician is told about the powerful force of the wind that fills him. Also, according to Slavic beliefs, it attracts good luck. Therefore, talismans with this symbol should be worn by people who need luck and a fair wind in their sails. Veles is especially good at patronizing merchants and people connected with money.

- the rune of the feminine principle, giving birth and protecting the mother. Makosh, the goddess of water, the patroness of pregnant women and mothers, is associated with this rune. It promises patronage and support to magicians, and to fortune-tellers - a gift of fate, a divine gift.


Ud is the rune of the fiery god Yarila, the fertile masculine principle, male eros, love power. In fortune telling it means renewal, but in magic it is the same masculine principle. Charms with this sign protect against male impotence, and on women they attract gentlemen.

Lelya is life-giving moisture, girlish spring. In fortune telling - a beautiful young maiden, charming and attractive. Another new beginning, tempting prospects. Magam - Strength, intuition and attraction. The best talisman for a couple of lovers, and besides, with this symbolism it protects from the evil eye and the slander of unkind people. Sometimes used by magicians to perform a love spell ritual.

Rock is something unknown, something that cannot be known to just a person with a weak mind. For a fortuneteller, it means interference in his destiny by some higher forces that cannot be resisted, loss of control over the situation, the need to trust fate and follow the flow. For a magician - dedication to the Unknown, a transition to a new level of self-awareness and unity with the world.

Support - in the runic symbols of the Slavs means connection with ancestors, receiving help from ancestors. For magicians, it speaks of the presence of a flow of power from ancestors, continuity of generations and memory of the bloodline. Those who use fortune telling on Slavic runes receive the protection of the deity.

- a rune named after the East Slavic god of fertility and sunlight, a revered and beloved god. It is associated with good and is its symbol; it promises all the best that a person can have, not only materially, but also spiritually. Dazhdbog is a cornucopia that generously showers its gifts on a person; it is prosperity and peace in the family, health and prosperity. Fortune tellers: new useful acquaintances, strong friendships, success, good luck. For women - a successful pregnancy. As a talisman, it protects family and friends from big and small troubles, misfortunes, and negative influences.


, a great warrior and husband. It means strength, even despotism. According to myths, Perun fought with the serpent Veles, who was chaos incarnate. Perun fought with him and won, so this symbol means protection, resistance to indiscriminate destruction. In fortune telling on Slavic runes it means overcoming all sorts of obstacles, but only if this applies not to the fortuneteller himself, but to his client. Otherwise, the rune takes on the opposite meaning, promising a difficult period, many failures and a bad streak in general. In previous centuries, only warriors had the right to wear a talisman with the sign of Perun. Now there is no such restriction, but such a talisman is recommended for the military, law enforcement officers and people associated with military activities.

There is a rune of light forces, similar to the symbol of Beregini. A sign full of love of life and joy, positive energy. Helps you come to terms with yourself, understand nature, and find harmony with the world. Fortune telling can promise a new addition to the family. A talisman for people whose work or lifestyle is related to creativity, creative activity, and work in this direction. Gives inspiration, new strength for creative endeavors, stimulates fantasy and imagination, allowing the free spirit to spread its wings.

The source is the basis for everything, ice and stagnation, the accumulation of strength and knowledge for future achievements. A time of contemplative rest. It can tell fortunetellers about the cooling of feelings, the distance between people that they are in no hurry to overcome. In magic, this symbol is used for the ritual of turning away or cooling a person’s feelings.

Slavic writing - runic formulas

In the previous part we looked at the most basic symbols Slavic runic alphabet, the main meanings of runes and amulets. A deeper dive into the world of symbols that our ancestors used will show that each sign can be interpreted completely differently depending on what runes it is associated with.

Symbolic space is not limited, people who know even claim that the true potential of Slavic runes is limitless, we just cannot use it properly.
However, this does not mean that fortune telling on Slavic runes is useless.

The ability to interpret runes, like any other skill, requires experience and skill, which only come with practice. But the basics are the same for both beginners and masters. The required symbol is chosen based on the problem itself that a person wants to solve by turning to the magic of the ancestors. To do this, a person must know what he wants and why he is going to guess.

A clear mental inquiry is necessary for correct interpretation. It is very important not to lie to yourself, since for magic there is no difference between the expressed intention and the intention that the fortuneteller wants to hide. On the contrary, if the secret intention is stronger than the expressed one, the runes will answer the unspoken question.

Runes are not divided into strong or weak. Each is capable of fulfilling its task and goal - to select runes that correspond to a specific situation. The better the tools are selected, the higher the accuracy of fortune telling and the more the runes can say about a person, his environment, events, intentions and probable outcomes of the case.

Runes can work in a variety of situations, but, of course, not alone: ​​for this it is necessary to draw up special Slavic runic formulas, carefully ensuring that the signs do not conflict with each other, but work for a common cause. Each rune has its own purpose, each of the runes is capable of helping and protecting, giving the magician strength and controlling nature. The number of symbols in the runic formula is not limited, it all depends only on you and your abilities.

To compose complex compositions and perform difficult rituals, a thorough study of Slavic runic formulas is required. There are no purely negative symbols; even such unkind runes as Chernobog and the Need for Skillful Hands serve as a great help: with their help, everything old, sick, that pulls a person back and does not allow him to live on is destroyed. Chaos is primarily a spiritual world, dangerous for an unprepared person, but not evil in itself. The ancient Slavs believed that in nature there is nothing purely black and no force purely aimed at destruction, since every death is new life.

Thus, the simplest Slavic formula can be a wedding amulet, designed to provide protection to the newlyweds. The World-Is-Bereginya - our ancestors usually used a combination of these symbols on wedding gifts, almost any kind. However, this formula can only be used for someone else, if you want to do a good deed for someone on this bright holiday.

In order to better understand the interpretation of runes, you first need to study the mythology and religion of the ancient Slavs, since it was on the basis of their faith that our ancestors created their runic writing. Study the history of each deity and personified element, so as not to get confused in names and meanings. Without understanding the sources there is no true mastery and awareness; without faith there will be no result.

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