Many communication service providers, along with third-party companies that work with users and subscribers, offer their clients various incentive programs. The Beeline company is no exception. “Happy Time” is an operator’s bonus project that allows you to accumulate points on a separate (virtual) account, which can later be spent at the subscriber’s discretion - to purchase service packages, receive discounts on equipment purchases in the salon, etc. Let’s take a closer look at who is available this program, under what conditions participation in it is carried out, how you can join it and refuse to accumulate bonuses. And also, in the second half of the article, information will be provided on how to spend the accumulated points. “Happy Time” (“Beeline”) is a truly profitable service from the black and yellow operator, which allows you to benefit from using communication services.

Description of service

The service discussed in this article has a number of features that distinguish it from other loyalty programs. Let’s take a closer look at what makes the Beeline “Happy Time” program unique:

  • Bonuses are accrued taking into account how long the subscriber has been using Beeline's communication services - for newcomers, the percentage of remuneration is much lower than for those who have been cooperating with the current operator for more than three years.
  • The moment of joining the bonus program has nothing to do with the interest that is credited to the virtual account every month - the most important thing is the duration of cooperation between the subscriber and the company.
  • Participation in the loyalty program is available to subscribers of both prepaid and postpaid payment systems (this will be discussed in more detail below).

Who can participate in the loyalty program?

The Happy Time service (Beeline) can be used by any subscriber of the company. Activation occurs at the client's initiative. By default, the number is not included in this program. Customers using the postpaid payment system also have the opportunity to be a participant and use the “Happy Time” service on their number.

How is the reward calculated?

The longer the relationship between the subscriber and the Beeline company, the greater the percentage will be used to calculate bonus points. The minimum reward is 5%. This rate applies to subscribers who have been using a SIM card from a black and yellow operator for less than six months (from the date of purchase and registration of the SIM card). For those who entered into an agreement one to two years ago, the rate is twice as high - 10%. The maximum allowed rate is 15%. It is used when calculating bonuses for customers who have been using Beeline communication services for more than three years. The Happy Time program (Beeline) implies the following scheme for receiving bonuses:

  • For the prepaid payment system - for all actions performed from the number, points are awarded (the percentage is determined by the duration of the contractual relationship with the operator). Moreover, if funds are consistently received on the balance, but paid transactions are not performed, then bonuses are not accrued.
  • For postpaid payment system - for all actions that the client performs every month, bonuses are also awarded (they are calculated at the beginning of each month for the previous period, at the time the invoice is issued).

For what actions are bonuses not awarded?

The Beeline service “Happy Time” also has one feature related to the calculation of bonuses. The fact is that not all actions that the client performs and which lead to the withdrawal of money from the account are the basis for increasing points on the virtual account. There are several categories of operations for which bonuses will not be awarded to the subscriber:

  • payment for services of third-party companies (making payments, for example, to pay for housing and communal services, payment for the services of content providers);
  • use of standard communication services in roaming (around the country, around the world): calls, messages, Internet;
  • payment of a subscription fee for a city number;
  • sending messages, making calls to long-distance and international destinations (in other words, only for using communication services within the home area, bonuses are accrued, which is provided by the Happy Time program (Beeline);
  • payments for television, home Internet, telephone services;
  • ordering information and entertainment content from Beeline.

Thus, the list of services includes standard actions performed from a SIM card: calls, messages, Internet. For subscribers on whose numbers tariffs with a subscription fee are activated, it will be good news that regular payments are also included in the list of services for the use of which interest is accrued to the bonus account. Thus, to receive points, it is enough to use communication services as usual and accumulate points on your bonus account, which can be used profitably in the future.

"Happy Time" service (Beeline): how to connect

Before we talk about how you can join the program discussed in the current article, it should be clarified that recently (namely, since the beginning of August 2016), connection to it has not been carried out. This means that those customers who are currently participating in the program can continue to use it. It is not possible for new subscribers to join; they are not provided with the “Happy Time” service (Beeline). How to join the bonus program? Previously, this question interested many. Current participants who have a virtual account and receive monthly interest know that they could connect to the program by dialing *767*1#.

We draw your attention to the following facts that those who currently have a bonus account need to know about:

  • when changing the tariff plan, the service will be disabled automatically - all savings will be canceled (this should be taken into account when changing the terms of service of the number);
  • re-activation of the service is impossible - since at the moment it is archived (this applies even to those numbers on which it was previously activated).

Management of the Beeline service “Happy Time”

There is a short request that allows you to manage the previously mentioned service -*767#. Through this menu you can:

  • connect option;
  • disable the option;
  • transfer accumulated points to another person using a Beeline SIM card and also participating in the loyalty program;
  • view the balance status of the virtual bonus account

Rewards for using communication services

Another pressing question regarding bonus points is: “How to spend?” "Happy Time" (Beeline) offers several directions for implementing savings:

  1. Purchase of equipment in operator showrooms (1 bonus - 1 ruble). At the same time, existing savings can be used to pay only ten percent of the cost of the selected device. All the buyer needs to do is come to the salon and inform the seller of his intention to use the points towards partial payment.
  2. Activation of packages for profitable communication in roaming, receiving discounts for calls to long-distance destinations (for example, for 295 points you can activate the “100 SMS in international roaming” package, which will be valid for thirty days).
  3. Activation of packages to extend traffic (this is relevant for subscribers using Highway options or tariff plans with prepaid traffic). A one-gigabyte package can be activated for 100 bonuses, while a 3-gigabyte package can be activated for 200.
  4. Redirection of bonuses accumulated within the framework of the loyalty program under consideration to another virtual account (to another number) of any Beeline subscriber (provided that he also uses the service discussed in the current article).

If the subscriber does not activate the accumulated points for some time, they automatically begin to be deducted as payment for communication services - for calls, messages and the Internet.

You can find out information about all packages available for activation using your bonus balance by calling the single number 0641686. Activation of the selected reward is also available here. A call to this number is free of charge, provided that it is made from a black and yellow operator number. You can also find out more information about activating points in the contact center - 611.

Checking your bonus balance

How to find out the balance of “Happy Time” (Beeline)? Displaying the status of the bonus account is available through the web interface of your personal account, an application for mobile devices, as well as through the short service command *767#. Through this menu, which is entered via a USSD request, operations can also be performed to activate rewards and transfer savings to other subscribers of the black and yellow operator who have this service activated.

Transferring part of the balance to another subscriber

As mentioned earlier, Happy Time points can be transferred from a Beeline number to another number. The minimum amount you can transfer is 10 points. A daily limit is set at 3,000 bonuses (this is how many points can be transferred within one day). The lifespan of points received from another subscriber is thirty days. Therefore, you should think about how to spend it in advance. "Happy Time" (Beeline) provides bonuses for a limited period of time.


The “Happy Time” option is an archived service, which is, in essence, a loyalty program that allows you to profitably use communication services. Since it is not currently on the list of active ones, subscribers cannot join it. Existing customers should also know that if the tariff on the Beeline number is changed, Happy Time (service) will be disabled. Thus, in order not to be left without such a service on your number, you should refuse to change the terms of service. Current members can use and accumulate bonuses under previously approved conditions.

In addition to reasonable tariffs and affordable subscription fees, Beeline offers favorable conditions for communication within the country. One of these tariffs was “Happy Time”, thanks to which bonuses are accumulated on the subscriber’s account, which can be spent at your discretion.

The bonus program allows you to save up to 15% per month on mobile calls and has a lot of obvious advantages.


The service is a unique bonus program, which is based on a savings system. All Beeline subscribers receive bonuses for using the operator’s services. The more active a subscriber is, the greater the number of bonuses will be available to him. The accumulated bonuses can be spent on other Beeline options or you can continue to put them aside for a larger prize.

Bonuses accumulate when you top up your account. To obtain them you must perform the following steps:

  • connect to a free service;
  • top up your account;
  • accumulated bonuses will be spent automatically instead of the funds available in the main account.

The program allows you to accumulate bonuses throughout the month, and on the date of activation of the program they can be used. Bonuses are active for 3 months, after which they expire. When you first connect, bonuses accumulate on your account for two months. If the subscriber uses other programs, their bonuses will be spent first, and then the “Happy Time” bonuses.

Beeline offers monthly information about participation in the program:

  • experience in using the services of the Beeline operator;
  • the amount of funds that were credited to the account and the number of bonuses transferred;
  • the amount of money you spent last month;
  • various commands for checking and monitoring bonuses;
  • the number of months remaining before obtaining more experience.

Please note that bonuses will not be awarded if you use the following programs: auto payment, “Raspberry”, .

How to activate points on Beeline

To receive bonuses you must activate the program. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. *777# - request for users who are on a prepaid system;
  2. call to number 0674777 – for users who are on a postpaid system;
  3. use of your personal account.

After activating the service, bonuses are accumulated automatically when services and options are connected, and with the subscriber’s monthly spending. You can activate them in the following ways:

  1. request *767# ;
  2. call to number 0767.

All commands and requests are free for Beeline users. The accumulated bonuses will be used automatically after the accrual has occurred. In order to check the number of bonuses, you must enter the request: *106#, *767#. Current information is available on the official website in the “personal account” section. If you wish to stop participating in the bonus program, you must send the following request: *767*0#.

Number of bonuses and subscriber length of service

The “Happy Time” program is a cumulative system where the number of bonuses directly depends on the length of use of the mobile operator:

  • up to six months – 5% of account replenishment;
  • up to 1 year – 8% of account replenishment;
  • up to 2 years – 10% of account replenishment;
  • up to 3 years – 12% of account replenishment;
  • more than 3 years – 15% of account replenishment.

When using the program, you can gain access to premium status. To do this, the average expenditure over the last three months must exceed the amount of 1,500 rubles. The special status will be active for a year, after which it will be renewed automatically if your expenses meet the specified level. “Happy Time” allows you to save not only on calls, but also on communication via SMS and mms messages.

How to spend bonuses for replenishing your account

The main means of using bonuses is free communication, which is paid for with accumulated bonuses. Program participants can also send free SMS messages and use

"Happy time" is a bonus program from the mobile operator Beeline. You can use the accumulated bonuses for communication, saving up to 15%, make purchases in Beeline stores or from partners of the bonus program.

Let's consider important information about the program: how to connect it, how to receive bonuses, how to spend them or send them to other Beeline subscribers.

How to connect Beeline Happy Time?

There are several ways that will allow you to join the bonus program.

  1. USSD request *767# - the simplest way.
  2. Beeline personal account. You will spend more time on this method, but at the same time you will be able to see a bunch of useful information on your Beeline SIM card: services, balance, tariff plan, etc.

How to get Beeline bonuses?

On October 13, 2015, new conditions for receiving bonuses came into force. If previously they were accrued for topping up your account, now they are for expenses on Beeline communication services. They are calculated based on the amount of expenses until the 10th day of each month. If you have a postpaid tariff, you receive a discount on your monthly bill.

The size of the bonus depends on how long you have been cooperating with Beeline, i.e. use their SIM card.

  • Up to 6 months - 5%
  • 6-12 month - 8%
  • From 1 year to 2 years - 10%
  • From 2 to 3 years - 12%
  • More than 3 years - 15%

Bonuses are awarded only for Beeline communications. Those. if you pay fines, housing and communal services, etc., then you will not receive bonuses for these expenses. It should also be noted that you will not receive bonuses for calls and messages sent to other countries. And, if you are in roaming - too.

How to use Beeline “Happy Time” bonuses?

And, perhaps, the most important part of the bonus program. Let's learn how to use the accumulated Beeline "Happy Time" bonuses.

*767*2# - using this command you can find out how many Beeline bonuses you currently have in your account.

You can use bonuses to pay for mobile communications! If you choose this mode of using bonuses (for subscription fees, calls, Internet or messages), the accumulated points will be spent, and when they run out, rubles will be debited from the account. To connect this option, use a USSD request *789# . The option is valid for 30 days, after which bonuses will accumulate and will not be spent on communication. To extend the option, enable it again using the same command.

What services can you activate for bonuses?

Bonuses live for 6 months from the moment they are created on the account. First of all, old bonuses are written off. If bonuses have not been spent within six months, they will expire.

How to transfer Beeline “Happy Time” bonuses to another subscriber?

Bonuses can be transferred to another Beeline subscriber who also participates in the “Happy Time” bonus program.

To do this, you need:

  1. Dial request *767#
  2. Enter the recipient's phone number in 10-digit number format (without +7 or 8) and the transfer amount. The validity period of transferred bonuses is 30 days. The minimum amount is 10 bonuses, the maximum is 3000 (this is also the daily limit).
  3. Confirm the transfer using the code received via SMS.

If you want to do something nice for someone, transfer them Beeline “Happy Time” bonuses, and perhaps the bonuses will come back to you!

Take advantage of the opportunities provided by Beeline - save up to 15% on communications!

Any modern reputable mobile operator offers its customers profitable bonus programs. Beeline calls it Happy Time. It consists of gradually accumulating points, which can later be spent on additional company services, paying for telephone calls and the Internet, and even purchasing equipment at the offices of a mobile operator. The main thing is to know how to connect to the program, how to check bonuses on Beeline and how to use them correctly. And then communication services will become much more profitable, and subscribers will have access to an attractive reward system, giving them access to all the strengths of Beeline’s service.

But in order to take advantage of the bonus system, you must confirm your participation in this program. This is done in three different ways:

  • sending a special team;
  • by calling the connection number;
  • in your personal account on the official Beeline website.

To activate bonuses as the first option, you need to dial the short combination *767# and press dial. The response message will contain confirmation of the action taken and a notification about connecting to the program.

The second option is even simpler. Just call 0767 and follow the system prompts. If you do not make mistakes, the first points will appear on your account the next time you top up your balance.

The last option requires Internet access. Subscribers who choose it must be registered on the operator’s website. If these conditions are met, you need to log in and go to the page of available options and services. Here you just have to click the connect button, and the activation process will be completed.

Receiving bonus points

Earning bonus points does not require any special actions from subscribers. They will not have to worry or worry about increasing bonuses, since all that is required of users is limited to their ordinary, standard behavior and use of communication services.

All charges are related to account replenishment. To receive additional bonuses, you must deposit money into your account, and Beeline will additionally add part of the deposited amount to the client in the form of special gift accruals. And all that remains is for him to check the changes and, if what has been accumulated is already enough, use what he has received.

How are points awarded?

Owners of Beeline SIM cards should know that the company uses a progressive charging system. It depends on the time the client joins the company’s mobile network. The earlier the user became a Beeline subscriber, the greater the percentage he will receive.

The bonus scale itself looks like this:

  • those who connected less than six months ago receive 5% of the amount of each replenishment;
  • cooperation with an operator from six months to a year leads to an income of 8%;
  • using a connection for more than 1 year, but less than two years brings 10% of each replenishment;
  • those who received their SIM card 2 to 3 years ago receive 12% bonuses;
  • everyone else who has been using the company’s services for more than three years is charged 15 percent.

With such actions, the operator emphasizes that he values ​​the constancy of his customers and does not want to lose them.

How can I find out how many bonus points are left?

Having understood the connection features, you should decide how to check points on Beeline. This can be done in two simplest ways:

  • in the Internet;
  • by phone.

In the first case, you will need to go to the already mentioned website and visit the subscriber’s personal account, where you need to check the balance details and account status.

The second option is more accessible and simpler than the first, although it does not offer users such detail. To use it, just repeat the steps you performed when connecting: send the short command *767#. The response message will contain information about the bonuses accumulated by the phone owner.

How to use Beeline bonuses: for replenishing your account or incoming

The next question that needs to be answered is how to use what has been accumulated. Clients can:

  • pay with points for connecting additional options;
  • pay for communications and internet;
  • receive a discount when purchasing equipment and machinery.

Moreover, if there are insufficient funds in the subscriber’s account, payment for communications occurs automatically. Everything else requires the personal participation of the phone owner.

So, to enable individual options, you will need to send special commands. Their list can be clarified on the official Beeline portal or by calling the support number.

When spending points to purchase goods, you should keep in mind that the maximum discount is 10%.

Transferring points to another Beeline subscriber

The last way to spend bonuses is to give gifts to friends and family. To do this, it is enough to send part of the accumulated amount to the number selected by the user.

To write off bonuses in favor of loved ones, you need to dial the following combination: *767#, then you will need to indicate the recipient’s number and the number of points being transferred. After this, all that remains is to confirm the action by sending an SMS with a code specially received for this.

It is important that the transfer limit cannot exceed 3,000 points per day, and the minimum is limited to 10. The subscriber who received the gift must use it within the first 30 days. After the specified time has passed, they will simply disappear.

Added to bookmarks: 0

Previously, I had never gotten around to reviewing the loyalty program from the largest telecom operator in Russia.

And now that’s it, we’ve arrived: on August 1, “Happy Time” from Beeline will be closed with an unexpected ending: all bonuses will be reset for everyone, the program will be curtailed for the sake of a radical redesign.

For many, this news is like a blow to the head: many switched to Beeline only because of this profitable bonus program, connected their family members to subscriber groups for greater savings for the package offer, and now they will have to reconsider their costs for cellular communications, perhaps even changing the operator.

You won't surprise Beeline customers with discounts! In recent years, Beeline has launched several unique offers, thanks to which you can receive maximum services and significantly save on their cost every month.

These include postpaid tariffs with unlimited Internet and an extended package of minutes, and the opportunity to save for the whole family by connecting loved ones to your tariff, and the already legendary “All in One” tariff, which includes Home Internet and TV for just 1 ruble.

In other words, Beeline is incredibly cool, economical and unique. And he offers to become a communications slave on “communication-TV-Internet” packages, on popularized postpaid packages for 501/801 rubles/month. with expensive services outside the package and a paid router if you want to change the tariff.

All of these products save you much more than our Happy Time loyalty program. It became clear that it was time to modernize it and add personal offers, partner promotions and other features.

But this requires time and a new technological platform that can unite all our ideas. Therefore, we decided to close the current program and focus on creating a new one, which will make it more convenient for subscribers to use bonuses and spend them at their own discretion.

As of August 1, 2016, the “Happy Time” program will be closed and you will no longer be able to connect to it. Program participants will be able to use previously accumulated bonuses until July 31, 2016. To check bonuses, dial *767#, and to spend them, dial *789#. Customers of the postpaid payment system receive a discount on communication services in accordance with the current Rules of the “Happy Time” program.

In short, Vimpelcom in one fell swoop in a nihilistic impulse decided to destroy your system of discounts and bonuses to build a new loyalty program. Of course, this will require not only time, but also money.

Well, clients will apparently wait, “happy hours don’t watch”...

However, against the backdrop of Beeline’s plans to optimize offices by 50-70% by the end of 2017 (BeeFree project), outsourcing everything and everyone, and even stupid savings on toilet paper (LJ post: “Toilet paper is like a mirror... of corporate culture” from the CEO Beeline) it’s hard to believe that some new loyalty program will also be of interest to subscribers.

For the period from July 19 to July 31, all subscribers, without exception, must hurry up to spend your bonuses, even if you are not aware of this news(the SMS mailing, however, has already started, but owners of routers and modems can view this news), and on August 1 everything will burn down.

All participants in the Happy Time program will receive a personal discount on smartphones in any Beeline stores, and the most active ones will still receive personal offers.

We encourage our customers to try our family plans and plans with Home Internet and TV included: with them you can save money and use communications without restrictions.

It sounds like a mockery: subscribers are offered a pill in SMS messages discount up to 10% to smartphones in Beeline stores (valid from August 1 to the end of September, my code, for example, 254у34).

A 10% discount in itself, by the way, means nothing, because this is a retail markup range, which, among other things, can easily be offset by a retail outlet when selling some Chinese-made accessory, because... prices for them in our salons are usually 50-1000% higher!

By the way, from Beeline’s manipulative words with speculation that subscribers lived happily ever after and will continue to live happily ever after, it does not follow the simple fact that accumulated bonuses will disappear; a neutral phrase is issued that the bonuses “can be used until the end of July.”

But this is the most offensive thing for many: on August 1, bonuses on accounts will disappear, the number of which can easily vary on numbers from a couple of hundred up to ten thousand. And this is the direct equivalent of ordinary money. Those. Almost the real money that Beeline once credited will disappear.

Where did such bonus amounts come from, what is the scale of the all-Russian free communication and how the bonus program changed - in the review below.

History of the bonus program

More details"

Until October 2015, bonuses were awarded for replenishing your phone balance. It was possible to receive from 5 to 15% of the top-up amount; the highest percentage was guaranteed to those who had been a subscriber of the Beeline operator for several years.

I deposited 1 thousand rubles and received from 50 to 150 bonuses. True, the bonuses couldn’t really be spent: I remember SMS for roaming and Internet packages with daily payment of 19/29 bonuses per day.

Bonuses could also be used for fresh SIM cards to spend the starting balance for the possibility of mobile commerce, without spending real money:

Beeline’s partnership with the Qiwi wallet in the summer and autumn of 2015 bore fruit in the form of an uncontrolled increase in the number of “Happy Time” bonuses: you could add, say, 40 thousand rubles to your phone balance, withdraw them without commission to a Qiwi wallet, and then withdraw to any bank, the commission in this case varied from zero to 1.5%.

In this simple scheme, you can get, say, 1,200 rubles with a cashback card, “Svyaznoy Club” bonuses (if you pay for communication from the card in the Svyaznoy salon) - 200 rubles, and of course you could get up to 6 thousand in Beeline bonuses.

It was possible to simplify the scheme by putting funds into circulation on a Qiwi wallet - simply sending them to Beeline. And then there would be such a carousel of Beeline-Qiwi-Beeline-Qiwi. This carousel with bonuses, however, did not work for long.

In addition, it is known that sometimes it was possible to buy Beeline payment cards with a discount of several percent, and even if funds were withdrawn through to a number of banks for 3%, it would still be possible to receive benefits: both in money and in cash. bonuses.

Those. often CB bonuses were just a side effect, bonuses that no one really pursued due to their cheapness.

Everything is new

But the news on July 19 about the closure of the bonus program brought down the bonus sales markets that provided us with free communication in Beeline :)

As of July 19, my SIM cards had a total of about 390 thousand bonuses. This is too much, it is physically impossible to sell everything before August 1 due to Beeline limits and the lack of demand for bonuses due to the closure of the program: now customers make purchases only for current needs.

If I had foreseen the closure of the program or had an insider worthy of trust, then I would not have purchased bonuses in such quantities (I probably ran out of mine back in May), but would have kept in reserve as much as would be enough for two weeks of sales. Or as much as you wouldn’t mind losing.

But the first negative news came back in June, when the bonus program had already been turned off in a couple of regions of Russia (Murmansk, Kaluga region, North Ossetia).


Completing the program - will it be better?

More details"

As I already said, the news is speculating that Beeline is incredibly cool, but it will be even cooler in the future, but for now everything needs to be cancelled. Understand and, apparently, forgive, without an apology from the operator.

Subscribers in their complaints on the forums indicate that the abrupt curtailment of the loyalty program with a refusal to fulfill its obligations is a rare precedent. And there is no reason to continue to trust such an operator and remain loyal.

Those dissatisfied sign a petition on, which, I am sure, will not change anything. I’m not even sure that anything will change from the complaints on the blog of Mikhail Slobodin, the mentioned general director of Beeline, but an attempt, as they say, is not torture.

Closing bonus programs: how does it happen?

In general, in the modern history of bank bonus programs there are good examples that one should be very careful in believing such positive messages about changes.

Banks love to highlight all the good things and briefly write about the bad.

When deposit rates creep up or loan rates go down, everyone writes how much and what has improved where.

When there is deterioration, they write about some changes in tariffs from such and such a date.

So, MDM Bank abruptly curtailed its bonus program with promises that there would be a completely new solution and an improved program. Soon as a year will pass, those who have not had time to spend bonuses are in trouble.

Bank Renaissance-Credit I also canceled the program at this time, but the resulting replacement program does not please customers and often only irritates them: a lot of strict limits, many restrictions on mcc codes, low durability of bonuses, a complex compensation scheme.

Many, without waiting for the effective use of bonuses, lost them in the spring of this year. When asked by bank clients to introduce the possibility of spending bonus points, at least to top up their phone, bank representatives invariably respond with gratitude for the offer, but nothing changes.

There is also a positive case when a bonus program that was barely launched was closed Raiffeisenbank(and as in the case of MDM and Renaissance, also on the basis of “Bonusback”), everyone was reimbursed for bonuses in real money with a good coefficient (if I’m not mistaken, the efficiency was 5% cashback), everyone was satisfied.

Other telecom operators are not yet ready to close bonus programs.

"IN MTS The MTS Bonus bonus program has been in existence for 8 years. Today, approximately a third of all our subscribers are its participants. We see stable interest in the program, since it allows participants to not only connect to communication services and additional services using points, but also use them to purchase goods and certificates from our many partners.

We not only have no plans to abandon our loyalty program, but we are constantly improving it: adding new opportunities, expanding the pool of partners,” comments Irina Vasilyeva, representative of the public relations department MTS.

“We plan to further develop the bonus program. Next year, a large-scale revision of the program and changes in bonuses for different segments of subscribers are planned. All mass market subscribers have the opportunity to take advantage of the loyalty program, but about 30% of subscribers actively use bonuses, says Lyudmila Chekhova, PR manager “ MegaFon».


The real reasons for the closure of “Happy Time”

More details"

Let me remind you that the official reason for curtailing the loyalty program sounds something like this: Today's products are already quite good and allow you to save a lot. That's why it's worth upgrading the program and add new personalized offers on a new technology platform. Therefore, all bonuses must be taken away and the system itself must be closed.

When the article was being prepared for publication, a fresh commentary from the VimpelCom press service on this matter was found, I will give it in abbreviated form, leaving and highlighting the most important:

Lately, we have been closely monitoring customer interest in promotions of the “Happy Time” loyalty program and have come to the conclusion that after the launch of “ALL for the family”, “ALL in one”, Fewer and fewer clients are accumulating bonuses and spending them.[…]

That's why We made a difficult decision for ourselves close the current program and focus on creating a new one that will allow Flexibly use bonuses not only to pay for household services or mobile communications, but also spend them at your own discretion. For example, receive bonuses when paying for purchases in stores or cafes, receive special affiliate offers, etc.

It is very doubtful that subscribers are saving less and spending less on bonuses. The coverage of those who learned about significant savings on communications was extensive. Many, like me, specifically switched to Beeline and told friends and relatives about the bonus program.

In general, how do we understand this – clients began saving bonuses and spending less? If a person spends money on communications, he automatically accumulates some bonuses that he can use. People won't want to use the accumulated bonuses?!

How is it possible that people stopped accumulating bonuses, did they stop using their phone or turned off Happy Time?

I do not blame the press service of VimpelCom in lies, I'm hinting at there is some deceit in their words.

Some believe that Beeline has problems with revenue per subscriber (ARPU) and this is true; this figure has fallen below the 2012 value.

According to my conservative estimates, there are now more than 10 million “SV” bonuses on Beeline mobile numbers in Russia.

And I see the reason for closing the program precisely because Beeline began to count its money(income and losses) and saw what kind of bonuses flow daily within the network and how people save on communications. Limits on transfers of 300 bonuses per day did not reduce turnover; on the contrary, the load on the infrastructure increased.

The number of subscribers is growing, but the profitability is only falling, but now it is impossible to connect to the tariff without a monthly fee, you buy a fresh SIM card for 200 rubles, and the account already has minus 3 rubles - the subscription fee is for the day in advance and there may be a couple of additional paid ones services (“who called”, etc.). Those. a person has just become a subscriber and is already bringing profit to the company. A strategy that should bring tangible benefits, especially for migrant workers who cannot figure out what paid services were snatched up when connecting.

And I wonder How is this ARPU calculated in Beeline?, profitability per subscriber. I pay 1200 bonuses per month for 4 SIM cards within one tariff plan. This means ARPU in my case is 300 rubles per person or zero, because I don't spend real money?

Maybe 300 rubles are considered for beautiful graphs for shareholders, but when Beeline itself combines debits with credits and does not take into account the use of bonus points, it turns out that the profitability from subscribers has fallen much more significantly!

I don’t hesitate to squeeze everything out of the tariff: calls, SMS, Internet to the fullest, paid for, and even for free! This freebie is relaxing.

The operator sees all these volumes and changes tariffs, cuts limits on both calls and the Internet, but with strange wording:

I think Beeline had time to think and comprehend the financial results of the two quarters of 2016 and the appropriate conclusions were drawn that the real profitability of subscribers is lower than in the graphs drawn, and to immediately work to correct the situation.

Adjustments were made to the old bonuses, the so-called bazzles, and then a decision was made to completely remove all possible bonuses.

And of course, the operator constantly changes tariffs, attracting some and then providing others. It lures you into postpaid tariffs, including unlimited internet. And there is no stability.

And you can understand the operator: business, nothing personal. However, for a complete understanding, the very concern for customers that comes through in every Beeline advertisement is missing.

So, I myself have encountered and for the last few months I have been constantly reading complaints that it takes 20-40 minutes to reach the operator at the CC.

They say that the CC has implemented a scheme: whoever pays a lot gets through faster. And there’s even a hack - call from a different operator altogether - this way you’ll definitely get through faster and solve your problems.

I would like to end on a positive note. Beeline strives to change for the better without a drop in sales, and in this we can only wish him good luck.

Although there are problems with the inaccessibility of the contact center, there is an emphasis on feedback in social networks, through chat on the website, and the operator is also quite active in the People’s Rating of cellular operators on, pay attention to the number of responses to reviews: