In 2018, an update to Facebook Ads Manager was released. The changes affected mainly the interface and design, but some functions have also been transformed, for example, there will no longer be a Power Editor - some of its functions have been moved to Ads Manager.

Knowing how to properly use Facebook Ads Manager is like a superhero skill: with this tool you can reach 2 billion people. This means that 20% of the world's population will see your advertising or read your posts.

But even the coolest marketing ideas can simply fade away during the grueling process of setting up advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager. All these formats, optimization methods and rates...

Facebook Ads Manager may seem complicated

To help Spider-Man and other superheroes, we've put together this step-by-step guide to Facebook Ads Manager - from creating your first ad to optimizing for better ROI.

So the next time civilians (your colleagues) sound the alarm, you'll know what to do!

Why do you need Facebook Ads Manager?

I wondered why I even know about a campaign manager and what all the fuss is about? But why.

For best results, choose the optimization that is closest to your campaign goal (most likely conversion).

Step 7: Review your ad bidding method (optional)

If you are still a beginner, you can safely skip this step and use automatic bids. Or manually set bids and indicate how much a conversion costs for you.

For example, if you optimized for Link Clicks, you can set the highest amount you are willing to pay for one click.

Step 8. Select a display schedule (optional)

If you're using Lifetime budget, Facebook offers to set up a campaign schedule. This means that you can choose which days and times the ad will be shown.

For example, if you select 17:00 - 20:00 on Tuesdays, Facebook ads will be shown to users in the evening according to their local time.

So, you've passed the technical part. It's time to put on a superhero costume and move on to the coolest stage.

Step 9: Create an ad

Ads Manager allows you to use an existing post or create a new ad.

There are a number of reasons why boosting existing Facebook posts can pay off well.

First, you can select posts with the highest level of engagement. Instead of guessing, you will promote a post that has already been tested.

Secondly, by using posts from your page in ads, you guarantee that all likes and shares are not distributed to different advertising posts within different advertising campaigns.

By promoting just one post in several ad groups for different audiences, all the likes (and therefore social support) will be collected under this post.

But first of all, make a good note.

Don't get hung up on vanity metrics (unless your sole goal is to increase brand awareness) such as:

  • Total number of impressions;
  • Cost-per-click;
  • Cost per thousand impressions.

In Ads Manager, you can break down reports into individual ads for a detailed view of campaign performance.

Columns in Campaign Reports

In columns, you can switch between reports and change the metrics you want to view.

You can choose a ready-made report, or create your own by clicking “Customize columns”.

Briefly about the metrics available in Ads Manager:

Performance: Results, Result Rate, Reach, Frequency, Impressions, Delivery, Social Reach, Social Impressions, People Taking Action, Positive & Negative Feedback, Amount Spent, etc.

Engagement: Post Engagement, Post Comments, Post Shares, Page Engagement, Page Likes, Page Mentions, Event Responses, Check-Ins, Offer Claims, etc.

Clicks: Link clicks, Unique Link Clicks, CTR, Social Clicks, etc.

Messaging: New Messaging Conversations, Messaging Replies, Cost per New Messaging Conversation, etc.

Media: Video Average Watch Time, Canvas View Time, 3-Second Video Views, 10-Second Video Views, 30-Second Video Views, Video Watches at 25%, Video Watches at 100%, etc.

Website Conversions: Website Leads, Website Searches, Website Adds to Cart, Website

Registrations Completed, Cost per Website Conversion, Cost per Website Purchase, Website Conversion Value, Website Custom Conversions, etc.

Apps: Desktop App Installs, Mobile App Actions, Mobile App Adds to Cart, Mobile App Purchases, Cost per App Install, etc.

On-Facebook: On-Facebook Purchases, Leads (Form), Cost per On-Facebook Purchase, etc.

Offline: Offline Leads, Store Visits, Offline Purchases, Offline Adds to Cart, Cost per Offline Purchases, etc.

Use Breakdown in reports

You can use the breakdown to filter reports:

  • By time: day, week, 2 weeks, month;
  • By delivery: age, gender, campaign points, country, region, display device, platform, time of day, etc.;
  • By action: device for conversion, reaction to publication, destination, type of video viewing, gallery card, etc.

Ads Manager allows you to select up to one criterion from each section (for example, one from Delivery, one from Action, one from Time).

Here is an example of a report broken down by location:

See which places are the most effective

Search and filter in Ads Manager

If you are only interested in specific campaigns, goals or dates, you can find them using filters. The search bar and filters are located in the upper right corner of the manager.

You can filter reports on Facebook by many factors. For example:

  • Goal - coverage, conversions, lead generation, etc.;
  • Placement - news feed, right column, Instagram, etc.;
  • Metrics - CPA, CPM, reach, impressions, etc.

You can apply filters to date ranges to view results for a specific period.

Select dates for reports

If you use a filter often, you can save it by clicking “Save filter” so you don’t have to search for it next time.

Setting up a scheduled report will take 30 seconds and save a lot of time.

But automating reports is far from the best way to save time in a manager. You can also automate a huge amount of optimization.

Auto optimization in Ads Manager

With auto-optimization rules, your campaigns will run like clockwork and warn you when something goes wrong.

You can set 4 different outcomes of events:

  • Turning off an ad set, ad or campaign;
  • Sending notifications to the advertising manager (that's you);
  • Budget adjustment (increase or decrease daily/all-time budget);
  • Adjustment of manually configured rates (increase/decrease rates).

These rules apply to individual campaigns, single ad groups, or all active campaigns.

To create an automatic rule, click “Create rule” in the editing tab.

According to the Automatic Rules Guide, the following conditions are available:

Once you've selected your campaigns or ads, you can create combinations of conditions that will trigger an action.

By clicking “Create”, the new rules will be applied and Facebook will begin to monitor the results of your campaigns.

Track Audiences

There is one more tool you should know about. It is called "

Targeted advertising is a very, very effective way to attract the target audience. It helps to increase company awareness, expand reach and, of course, find customers. But all this only works if you set the right settings. :) And when the conversation turns to targeting on Facebook, many site owners widen their eyes and shake their heads desperately: it’s too complicated, nothing is clear, we won’t get into it.

Another category of businessmen believes that Facebook is not for them, since there is no target audience there. There is, of course, more logic in this. Let’s say right away that in this social network (in relation to Russia), the audience is concentrated 30+, with higher education, with an average monthly income and above average. If we take a cross-section by interests and type of activity, we can distinguish marketers, entrepreneurs, journalists, university teachers, politicians, etc. A kind of modern intelligentsia. Does your target audience fit into this framework? This means that the way to FB is open for you.

As for the complexity of the setup, then experienced and talented targetologists will help you (full development of an advertising campaign 8,600 rubles) or (if you have a strong intention to learn yourself) you need clear and accessible instructions. She's right in front of you. :) So, what to do if you need to set up advertising on Facebook? Let's figure it out!

What does advertising on Facebook look like?

There are quite a few ad display platforms, just look at the main page:

What should I do if I want to set up advertising on FB?

To get started, you need to create a business manager for your Facebook company. This is a special platform that unites business pages, makes it possible to manage them and allows you to create advertising accounts through which ads are set up. Several users can have access to the business manager, which is very convenient when more than one employee of your company works with FB.

How to create this mysterious business manager? Follow the instructions:

  1. Follow the link
  2. Click on the “Create Account” button in the upper right corner
  3. Fill out the required sections in the registration window and save the settings

Ready. :) Get this result:

As you can see, here you can add people, business pages and create advertising accounts. Click on the appropriate buttons and follow the instructions.

We pay special attention to the fact that in order to display advertising for your company on Facebook, even if you want to advertise a website, you will need a business page, since an ad will be displayed on its behalf. To create a business page, go to your personal profile, open the main page and in the menu on the left, click on the “Create Page” button.

Read more about how to design a business page.

How to set up advertising on FB?

  1. Target selection

    The first thing you need to do is choose the goal of your advertising campaign. In fact, everything is quite simple; from the name of the goals it is clear what they are focused on: awareness, leads or conversion.

    Each of the three groups has its own “sub-options” that narrow down the choice. If you click on them, you will see an explanation.

  2. Setting up audiences

    The second step in the work is targeting, i.e. search for users to whom you will show your ads. FB has quite a lot of different opportunities in this sense. Let us immediately note that parsing by subscribers of other pages does not work (unlike VK), so we take into account only the capabilities of the advertising account.

    Please note that in the detailed targeting section there is an option to narrow your audience. For example, we want to show an ad to mothers who are single and have children aged 1 to 2 years. To do this, select the narrowing function:

    This will help to identify the target audience more accurately and make the ad as targeted as possible for it.

    Do you want to order targeted advertising on Facebook?

    From 14,600 rub.

    Yes, I want to order

    Interesting, but not quite right

    Yes, but expensive

    Superheroes from 1PS are already rushing to the rescue!

    Leave a request, and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible - they will answer any question, help you choose a tariff and tell you about all the nuances.

  3. Setting up placements

    Once you have finished with the audience, you can start choosing advertising display sites, also known as placements. As noted above, advertising on FB is shown in many places. In general, there are 4 main sites:

    • Facebook directly (mobile and desktop versions).
    • Instagram (we will talk about setting up advertising on this social network in a separate article).
    • Audience Network (Facebook advertising network).
    • Messenger.

    Each of the sites has its own subcategories:

    When you hover your cursor over the corresponding item on the right, you will see how the advertisement will be displayed, very convenient. By default, the system suggests using all platforms for display, arguing that this will give maximum coverage. But for cleaner statistics, we recommend separating campaigns, for example, for FB and Instagram, so that later you can understand which social networks are more effective in achieving advertising goals.

  4. Budget distribution

  5. Creating Ads

    We’ve moved on to one of the most important points in setting up targeted advertising. The ad is your hook. Even if the audience is selected well, and in theory your product should interest them, without a high-quality ad, all efforts will be wasted. What should you pay attention to here? Three main points:

    • A clear call to action (the user understands what he must do: go to the site, subscribe to the page, call).
    • Brief and succinct text (leave longreads for posts; the ad should talk about the benefit, solve the user’s problem, clearly address his need).
    • A catchy, creative picture (a reliable way to stand out from the crowd and attract attention).

    The following formats of advertisements are available to you on Facebook:

    If you select a ring gallery, you will receive an ad with so-called product cards, each of which has its own unique link. You can make up to 10 cards. The pictures will need to be square.

    If you take the format of one image, then keep in mind that the ideal image size is 1200x628 pixels.

    For video ads, you will need a short video (FB generally recommends 15 seconds, but it will allow longer ones), no more than 4 GB in size and with a resolution of at least 600 pixels wide.

    A slideshow is essentially the same as a video, only you make it yourself. You upload from 3 to 10 square photographs, and the system adapts them into some kind of presentation, where the frames cyclically replace each other. You can demonstrate a variety of products or set some kind of information message.

    And finally, a selection. It only works for ads with the “Conversion” goal. The ad will feature four highlighted products below the main image or video, which expands to full screen if a person interacts with the ad.

    When working with an ad, do not forget to create a button for the target action with the text you need, and also provide the link with UTM tags if it leads to the site. Otherwise there will be problems with tracking statistics.

    You should end up with something like this:

    That's all. Click the “Confirm” button in the lower right corner and send the advertisement for moderation. As a rule, the verification takes no more than one day. If the moderators are satisfied with everything, you will receive a notification that the advertisement has been approved and launched. Otherwise, a corresponding notification will also be sent indicating the reason for the rejection.

How to analyze the results of advertising on Facebook

As you know, configuration is only half the battle. After launch, you still need to carefully study the result to understand whether the ads are working effectively enough. This is what the statistics look like in the FB advertising account:

Results are user interactions with your ad (clicks, likes, comments, reposts, views - depends on what the goal of the advertising campaign was initially set). Reach - the number of unique users who saw the advertisement. Views - the number of times users saw the ad. Cost per result is the cost of user interaction with an ad. Well, everything is clear with the amount spent.

There are additional columns, but these are the most basic. To understand how effective your ad is, you need to measure whether your KPIs are being met. About what they are like for online advertising, and how to calculate effectiveness according to statistics.


That's all the instructions. We hope you found it useful and understandable. If you have any questions about setting up, welcome to the comments, we will help and advise with great pleasure. :)

Well, if you prefer to leave such work to specialists, contact us! We will set up not only advertising on Facebook, but also on Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and even projects. Current prices and the opportunity to apply.

microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, Saint-Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87


We have heard more than once that advertising on Facebook has now become very popular. That this is one of the most dynamically developing social networks. But the question always arises: how do I start? How to launch your first or not the first advertising campaigns on Facebook in order to get results, and not stupidly waste your budget.

In this post, I'll tell you everything you need to know about advertising on Facebook. And I will share my experience that will help you successfully launch campaigns to promote your products and manage them in the future.

Let's get started...

How to Run an Advertising Campaign on Facebook

Step 1: Determine the results that Facebook advertising will give you

Before you start creating advertisements, it is important to think about why you want to run the advertisement and what results you hope to achieve. By setting the results that advertising will help you achieve, you define your criteria for success.

For example, if you want to increase the number of downloads of your mobile application using Facebook advertising, you can set your goal to 100 downloads in the first month. This will also help you decide on the goals of a specific advertising campaign, which we will talk about in more detail in the third step of the guide.

Step 2: Master the Facebook Ads Manager Tool

Users manage Facebook advertising campaigns using the Facebook Ads Manager tool, which you can find by clicking here, or by clicking the “Create an Ad” tab in the top right corner of your Facebook profile.

After you log into Ads Manager for the first time, it will be displayed in your menu on the left.

Step 3. Facebook Advertising: Decide on Your Goals

By the way:

There are many different approaches to an advertising campaign on Facebook. They can be divided into three categories - according to the results they bring:


These goals involve increasing interest in your products and services:


You want people interested in your company to purchase your products or services:

Also in the Connections section, you can select expanded combinations that allow you to include or exclude people who are connected to certain pages, apps, or events.

You can go even further and use custom audiences so that Facebook ads are shown to existing customers.

Example: choosing an audience for my blog

By the way: to learn everything about setting up advertising on Instagram and Facebook, and earn from 30,000 rubles.

— Place: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

— Connections: Exclude people who already like the page “Artem Mazur”

— Age: 21-45

This gave us an estimated audience of 9,700 people out of 1.9 million. 9,700 – Presumably this is how many people will be online on any given day and potentially be able to see our advertising (for Instagram this value is 13,000).

By the way, I posted a very useful video on the YouTube channel for gathering an ultra-targeted audience. But this is already designed for advanced users who have been working with advertising for a long time.

Determine your budget

So you've chosen your target audience, the next step is to decide how much you'd like to spend on your advertising. When setting your budget, it is important to remember that this figure is the maximum you are willing to spend. You can also set a daily budget and a lifetime budget:

  • Daily budget: How much on average will you spend each day?
  • Lifetime budget: This is the maximum you will spend for the entire duration of the advertising campaign.

Step 5: Facebook Ads: Select Ad Placements

Ad placements determine where your ad will appear on Facebook. You can choose where your ad will be shown. They may appear in the Facebook (mobile and desktop) Audience Network (Facebook advertising network) feeds, as well as in the right column of the page.

You can also set up your ad to appear on Instagram:

Facebook recommends selecting "Automatic Placements" for certain purposes, they allow the site to optimize advertising placements so that you get maximum results at the lowest total cost.

However, if you want to choose your placements yourself, Facebook recommends the following options, broken down by campaign objective:

Step 6: Create an ad

This is where the real fun begins! Now it's time to choose your images (or videos), headline, text, and placement on Facebook. Above the image or video, you can place a short message of up to 90 characters. There are two ways to create an ad: use an existing post or create a new one.

Let's look at both options.

Using an existing post

For some types of ads, such as those aimed at boosting posts (engagement), you can create an ad using an existing post that was posted on your Facebook page.

To do this, in the “Pages and Posts” section, you need to select “Use an existing post.”

Create a new ad

If you want to create a new ad, you'll first need to decide on its format. There are different types of ads on Facebook. The format you choose depends on the results you want to achieve.

There are currently five options to choose from:

  • Carousel Gallery: Create an ad with 2 or more scrolling images or videos
  • Single Image: Create up to 6 ads with one image
  • One Video: Create an ad with one video
  • Slideshow: Create a looping video ad with 10 images
  • Canvas: Make your news more exciting by adding videos and images

Note: The formats available to you will differ depending on the chosen advertising campaign objective, which we discussed in Step 3.

Once you've decided on the format, you'll need to add content (images or videos, text) to your ad. This is extremely important because you want your ad to stand out in the Facebook or Instagram news feed.

By the way: to learn everything about setting up advertising on Instagram and Facebook, and earn from 30,000 rubles.

You may see a video next to the content loading screen, but generally they are always the same:

Image parameters:

Step 7: Facebook Advertising: Place Your Order

After posting, the ad is processed by Facebook moderators, and only then published (as soon as it is published, you will receive a letter from Facebook).

Facebook advertising for various business areas

After reading this guide now, you are wondering: “Okay, everything is cool. But...what should I do in my specific situation?” For example, you can engage in merchandise, infobusiness, or offline business. What to do specifically in your field?

I decided to start recording a video on this topic and slowly add it to the article.

Topics that have already been discussed:

1) Advertising on Facebook for a product

2) Facebook advertising for online business startups

To be continued…

Instead of a conclusion

Thank you for your attention! I hope you found our guide to running Facebook ads helpful.

I will be happy to continue the conversation with you in the comments to the article. What was your most successful experience advertising onFacebook?What tips would you give to other readers on creating successful campaigns?


Articles that may be of interest to you

But before you spend even a ruble on advertising, you need to decide on your goals:

If you are interested in increasing traffic to your site, select the Traffic goal.

If you are interested in attracting new subscribers or customers, use the Conversions goal.​

You will be taken to the Ad Group editing window. Make sure to select site traffic if you are not advertising your app:

    Targeting by demographics and location, Targeting by audience interests and behavior, Targeting by connections to your business page, And also allows you to create custom custom audiences.

See detailed setup instructions.

Step 3: Choose where your ad will appear

Facebook will offer you 2 posting options: Automatic and Custom.


When selecting this placement target, you can choose: Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

1. First, expand the types of Facebook placement (in screenshot No. 1)

2. Then remove the checkboxes from the placements you don’t need (No. 2 in the screenshot)

Recommendation: All 4 ad placements have different display options, so if you want, for example, to advertise in the News Feed and in the right column, it is better to create 2 ad groups.

Step 4: Determine your ad budget and schedule

Daily budget. Allows you to specify how much you want to spend each day on a specific ad set. Facebook will use your budget evenly throughout the day.

Lifetime budget. Your ad budget is spread evenly over the life of your ad set.

Note: You specify a budget for an ad group in your advertising campaign.

Let's say you created 2 ad groups with a budget of $50, this means that you will spend $100 on your advertising campaign.

How to set up an advertising schedule

Step 5: Optimize your ad delivery

Facebook is continually improving its bid optimization and selection process to give you more transparency and control.

You can also choose whether you want to pay for impressions or ad-related actions.

For step-by-step instructions, see Part 6.

Step 6: Select design elements

Before we continue, It is important that you understand the following:

The average user sees up to 1,500 posts in the News Feed!

Plus messages, events and photos in the sidebar on the left.​

To attract the user's attention, your advertising should STAND OUT among hundreds of other Facebook posts.​

Like 99% of other people, the first thing you see is an IMAGE!​

    Image . Occupies more than 50% of space. Color.Text. Appears above the picture in the News Feed. Headline. Especially important for advertising in the right column.

All 3 elements greatly influence the effectiveness of your advertising.

Select an image or video

Right away, Facebook asks you to choose whether this ad will have 1 image/video or several (format), as well as a slideshow:

You can create up to 6 ads by uploading multiple images at once.​

Select 1 of 3 image upload options.

Facebook offers 3 options to upload images:

    Upload an image from your computer. Select from the library. Choose from images that are already associated with your account. Use Images from the free Shutterstock collection.

A collection of free Shutterstock images.

ATTENTION: An image cannot contain more than 20% text, a lot of text.

​The 20% rule has been abolished by Facebook, but the more text in your ad, the more money you will pay for advertising.

“Facebook hasn’t taken root here in Russia!” many say and continue to use the social network Vkontakte. But as our practice has shown, it has taken root.

Only there is a different target audience on Facebook. And it is customary to call her more mature and accomplished (no offense).

Therefore, if you are interested in directors and top managers, then advertising on Facebook is just what the doctor ordered. This article is detailed instructions on how to set up advertising on Facebook.

For better or for worse

There is a very strict security system and verification of every action. Therefore, you have to rejoice only in paid and official advertising methods. Here is an example of such an advertisement:

This is just one example of what targeted advertising looks like on Facebook. There are many more places and formats for placement.

And they are easy to find by looking for the word “Advertising”; each block for monetization is marked with such a word.

Therefore, I myself, every day, begin to use this portal more and more.

On Facebook, we tune in to a purely specific layer of people: directors, top managers, politicians (the most popular types of people).

This conclusion is not final, but is based on our practice. Namely, we somehow attracted people from Facebook under 25 years old to our webinar on marketing.

During the entire webinar, it was possible to leave comments via VK and FB (the shortened name for Facebook).

Imagine our surprise when we saw that all the collected people from Facebook were leaving comments through their social pages. networks.

This experience once again showed us that the two leaders of VK and FB have almost 100% overlap of young audiences. What can no longer be said about the older of a different type of people.


Well thought?!

You have come to this material. And yet, I’m sure you are plagued by doubt: “Do I need this?”

This is a normal thought that also occurred to me when I was planning to start. And I came to the conclusion that almost all companies need it!

Although for a number of comrades, so be it, I will say that advertising on Facebook is not suitable for everyone.

Facebook, first and foremost, is a resource for communication (which is logical, it is a social network), which means that visitors are least likely to think about making purchases while browsing. And this must be taken into account.

If you have a product that does not require ripening (preparation), then this is the ideal platform for you.

If the purchase of your product requires preparation, or more precisely, a person does not immediately need it, but in some specific case, then you should think several times. And to make the final decision, watch this video:


OK. Let's say you've convinced yourself that life is not sweet without promotion on Facebook, and you're ready to study this method of promotion in detail.

In this case, I am very happy for you - it’s always nice when another person appears who is interested in marketing, and not in the usual selling.

This is what our blog is for. In the future, we will describe in detail all the stages of promotion, how to advertise on Facebook.

Mini tip. To achieve maximum effect, I recommend reading and immediately implementing the actions you read.

Stage 0. Strategy

That's right - stage zero, not the first. After all, before you launch advertising on Facebook, you must formulate a promotion strategy.

Perhaps a “frontal” sale will be best, and perhaps more effective, to attract people to the resource or as subscribers to your page.

These options are not the only ones, because there is a wide variety of strategies, each of which is determined by the tasks you need.

For example, the last time we used a complex link to increase engagement, namely:

  1. We recorded three;
  2. They showed our first video;
  3. For those who watched the first video by 25% or more, we showed the 2nd video;
  4. For those who watched the second video by 25% or more, we showed the 3rd video;
  5. For those who watched the third video by 25% or more, we showed an advertisement with a subscription page.

Thus, we allowed only loyal customers into our funnel. And even though the cost of a subscriber was prohibitive, they immediately came in and bought, because they already trusted us.

This is a complex scheme that has many pitfalls. I showed it so that you get the idea.

By the way, I suggest you familiarize yourself with my relevant video on this issue, which will tell you about two global promotion strategies on social networks:

Step 1: Create an account

This may come as a revelation to you, but setting up ads in one Facebook account immediately allows you to set things up too.

Moreover, the differences are minimal (two or three points), in other words, if you understand setting up advertising on Facebook, consider that you have figured it out on Instagram too.

If you still don’t know what a target is, read our review article.

To get started, you should register an account on Facebook if you don’t have one.

The created page will become the administrator of the advertising account. In addition, you will need to create a public page or group, because adding advertising is only possible on behalf of the group - you will not be able to run ads from a personal page.

Important. The following information and interface shots are accurate only at the time of creation of this manual.

In case of discrepancies, please notify us about them in the comments so that we can quickly correct everything.

Step 2: Create an advertising account

The point here is this. An account registered for an organization differs from the one created for a private individual.

These differences will help you a lot in the future. Just implement it without going into subtlety.

Account registration operations are carried out on the page

To do this, you need to follow the link above, click on “Create an account” and register in a couple of steps.

business.facebook page

The business manager is a control panel where you connect various advertising accounts, and they, in turn, can be registered for both individuals and organizations.

Once registration is successful, we click on “Company Setup” (upper right corner of the page) and go into the heart of your money machine.

Company setup

And for the next step we need to register an advertising account in the business manager.

Account registration

Advice. In the currency menu, select “rubles” - in this case there will be no losses due to conversion.

In addition, the smallest daily amount will be 60 rubles (if you choose dollars, you get a minimum of $5).

If you plan to set up targeted advertising on Instagram in the future, then you also need to connect your Instagram account in this business manager.

To do this, click on the “Instagram Accounts” item in the pop-up menu (on the left side), after which in just two clicks you need to claim rights to the account. Subsequently, advertisements will be shown on her behalf.

In the future, this panel will become the main place for launching and managing promotion. Therefore, I recommend adding this page to your browser favorites.

Ads manager

In addition to Ads manager, there is a similar module - with the difference that it has greater functionality and is used to manage multiple accounts.

Its name is Power Editor, it is located at: But let’s leave it alone for now; Ads manager will also work for our purposes.

Power Editor

Stage 3. Purpose

Finally, we are getting down to setting up our Facebook targets.

In Ads manager, with one touch of a finger, click on the “Create ad” item, after which a list of goals appears in front of us, and this is where everything begins.


In other words, at this stage we tell Facebook what it needs to optimize itself for.

Again. That is, Facebook itself learns and understands to whom, when and where it is better to show advertising in order to complete the task. You could say artificial intelligence.

There are three basic strategies, which include certain tactics (they are used depending on the goals). Let's take a closer look.

Types of strategies:

  1. Recognition. The strategy is aimed at making your product recognizable. In other words, we apply maximum coverage
  2. . Applications are a more familiar word for everyone, which sounds to many like “Potential Client”
  3. Conversion. This means setting up for a specific action, up to and including a purchase.

I could describe every tactic here, but I don’t see the point in filling the material with theoretical parts.

For detailed information about the goal, you just need to hover over the question mark.

Information about strategies

And don’t be alarmed if you choose wrong, at any time you can go back a step or do it all over again.

Stage 4. Campaign setup

After defining the goal and name of the campaign (I called it “Site Applications”), a window with detailed settings will appear.

You immediately get the impression that this is not a window, but a control panel for a nuclear reactor. In fact, if you look closely, everything is not so complicated.

The note. As an example, the goal “Conversion” was defined - it is this that is most attractive from a business point of view. After all, conversion is the applications on our website.

Conversion configuration

Facebook knows how to detect the presence of a target action (this is a conversion) - for which it should indicate when you go to which page the action is considered completed.

And to create a conversion, you need to select the “Site” item and click on the line “Define a new custom conversion”.

Conversion configuration

And don’t forget to place the generated code on all pages of the site in the body of the BODY tag.

A special browser add-on Facebook Pixel Helper (official) will help us determine if we did everything right.


There are a lot of different formats for implementing your advertising on Facebook, and you’ve probably already seen them when using social networks - videos, slide shows, just pictures. By analogy with this, we must select the display type.


One image. The most used delivery method. Normal static image.

One video. Video gives the highest return. Just an important nuance: if your target audience is office workers, then this is not the best choice, since it is “dangerous” for them to turn on the sound while working. Subtitles can save you.

Slide show. All you need to do is upload up to 10 pictures, and Facebook will convert them into an automatically scrolling slide show lasting up to 50 seconds.

Canvas. An alternative to the “Slideshow” option, only here it uses not only photos, but also videos.

Detailed implementation examples can be seen on the official Facebook instructions.