The wife of Ivan Urgant, Natalya Kiknadze, was awarded by nature with all possible feminine qualities. With her attractive appearance, deep beauty and restrained temperament, she could become the heroine of Almodovar's films. The whole country knows the second spouse of Natalia Kiknadze - any wife could be proud of his work. However, absolutely nothing is known about the first husband of this amazing woman.

In the press, Natalya's ex-spouse is called either Timur Kutaliya or Vakhtang. Some publications indicate that he was buried in his homeland in Abkhazia, while others claim that the man is alive and well and lives in St. Petersburg. Life managed to find out how the fate of Natalia Kiknadze's first husband developed after the divorce and what he is doing now.

Growing up in the family of the famous St. Petersburg jeweler Avtandil Kiknadze, Natasha Kiknadze studied at the prestigious gymnasium at the State Russian Museum with Ivan Urgant. However, the girl's feelings for the latter only flared up many years later. And right after school, Natasha Kiknadze met a man 10 years older than herself - Teimuraz Kutaliya.

Teimuraz Vakhtangovich Kutaliya came to St. Petersburg at the beginning of the dashing 90s. His father is a native of the Abkhazian city of Zugdidi. Vakhtang Abramovich Kutaliya moved to the northern capital from Abkhazia with his wife Dalila Asatiani and two sons - David and Teimuraz. The youngest Teimuraz was destined to become the first spouse of Natalia Kiknadze.

Shortly after marriage, at the age of 19, Natalya gave birth to Teimuraz's son Niko. Three years later, in 2000, the young couple had a second child - a daughter, Eric. However, despite the presence of two children, Natalya, married to Teimuraz Kutalia, was not destined to live happily ever after. After almost 10 years of marriage, Kiknadze left her husband and went to Moscow, taking her daughter with her. Today Erica Kutalia is studying in London, and glossy magazines are lining up to get an interview with Ivan Urgant's young stepdaughter. The eldest son of Teimuraz and Natalia - Niko - lives with his father in St. Petersburg. The young man is engaged in tennis. In July 2014, he took part in the St. Petersburg Summer Championship in category 1b.

Niko maintains a warm relationship with her sister, they often travel together. In addition, Niko repeatedly came to the shooting of the program "Evening Urgant". Brother and sister are similar in that they lead a rather closed lifestyle. Numerous attempts to find out about Niko's parents on social networks have yielded no result. Niko Kutalia answers all questions about parents simply: parents are "mom and dad", but he does not name names.

Teimuraz Kutaliya is now in business. The ex-husband of Natalia Kiknadze owns the Ostrov company. According to the documents, the company is engaged in the construction of sports facilities. The business owner himself demonstrates his love for sports not only at work. Last year Teimuraz Vakhtangovich took part in the cycling marathon "7 lakes" under number 232. In the category "M-fitness" Kutaliya took 30th place.
In the personal life of the ex-husband of the wife of Ivan Urgant, everything is also fine. Teimuraz is happily married; Maria Safiulina became his new chosen one. Together with his second wife, Kutaliya is raising a second son.

Many people are not able to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who Natalya Kiknadze is (photo). Only football fans can assume that she is a relative of the famous Soviet match commentator Vasily Kiknadze. And they will be right, because Natalia Kiknadze is his niece. She is also the wife of a popular Russian showman and TV presenter. Let's talk about what she is - the chosen one of the idol of millions of women. The biography of Natalia Kiknadze, described in this article, will tell us about her life. And how she herself became a part of the life of Ivan Urgant.

School years

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978 in St. Petersburg. The surname Kiknadze was already glorified by her uncle, who for a long time successfully commented on football matches in the Soviet Union, and now is the general director of the Sport TV channel. Natalia Kiknadze went to St. Petersburg with Vanya Urgant, the future well-known host of Russian comic television programs. Then they both did not yet know that one day they would become the dearest people for each other.

Natasha recalls that Ivan was extremely popular with classmates and other girls in the school. And Ivan with nostalgia recalls the eleventh grade, because it was then that he fell in love with Natasha. The girl did not reciprocate his feelings, moreover, she got married immediately after leaving school. Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia became her chosen one.

Ivan's first marriage

Ivan's chagrin when he found out that his beloved was married cannot be expressed in words. He decided to go to Moscow in order to conquer Russian show business, achieve fame and recognition, and at the same time make it clear to Natalia whom she had lost.

When Ivan was eighteen, he decided to do the same as Natalya Kiknadze (perhaps the guy did not even realize then that he was acting unconsciously). Urgant was going to get married. His chosen one was a girl named Karina, at that time a student at the University of Culture of the city of St. Petersburg.

Karina was four years older than Ivan: he had just turned eighteen, and she was twenty-two. They met at the dacha of a common friend. Ivan's parents believed that the time for marriage was absolutely inappropriate - they were too young. In addition, they did not approve of the choice of their son, since the girl was older than him. In addition, Karina loved to joke in public that she was not Ivan's bride, but Andrei Urgant, his father. Vanya did not like this, nevertheless, Ivan did as he saw fit.

Early marriages are rarely happy. Ivan Urgant also failed to save his family - soon the young parted. According to one of the versions, this happened due to financial problems - Ivan often did not have money even for travel in public transport, not so much to support his family. The student of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts was spinning as best he could. At first, he worked in one of the nightclubs as a waiter, then moved to another and began to sing Spanish songs there, and soon he completely retrained as a host of night shows. Two years of work in such a rhythm squeezed him like a lemon. Having said goodbye to the nightlife, Ivan devoted himself to music.

Natalia's first marriage

The biography of Natalia Kiknadze is silent about why she got married so early - whether it was a calculation or true love. It is also unknown why she broke up with a successful businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. How long ago did a discord happen in their family: when did Natalya start communicating with Ivan Urgant again or earlier?

Some journalists are spreading information that Natalya Kiknadze is a widow. True or not, it has not yet been possible to find out. It is known that during her life together with Vakhtang Kutalia, she gave birth to two children. But this did not stop her from dissolving the marriage, Natalya was not afraid to be left alone.

Accidental fateful meeting

More than ten years have passed since former classmates Natalya Kiknadze and Ivan Urgant met again. It happened in 2006 in their native St. Petersburg, where Ivan came to visit his family. At dinner in one of the cozy cafes, old friends talked about life, shared their joys and sorrows. Apparently, already that evening they decided that all these years they had been looking for each other.


Lovers Ivan and Natalya met in secret. For two whole years neither parents nor the press knew about their relationship. When Ivan made a proposal to his beloved, she, without hesitation, packed her things and moved to Moscow. The media suggest that the couple did not have an official marriage, but it is possible that they did it in secret from everyone.

Despite the fact that Ivan lived in an official marriage with Karina Avdeeva and in a civil marriage with Natalia Kiknadze, he calls his first and only wife.

As the relatives of the famous showman say, his message that he is getting married shocked everyone. They hoped that the wedding would take place, but in the role of the bride they expected to see the TV presenter of the MTV channel Tatyana Gevorkyan, since they knew that Vanya had been living with her for almost five years. The fact that he was dating a former classmate Natasha, they were notified just before the wedding. Nobody knows how the family reacted to this news, whether they were against this choice of Ivan or not. Now Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze is their favorite daughter-in-law. Besides, she is the mother of his child.

On May 15, 2008, she gave birth to their first child together - daughter Nina. The girl was named after the beloved grandmother of the TV presenter. No one will argue that the mother of many children is Natalya Kiknadze. Children and family are her meaning of life. Together with Ivan, she is raising three daughters.

Divorce rumors

Ivan Urgant carefully hides his personal life behind seven locks. On any question concerning his family, wife or children, he manages to deftly laugh it off. However, recently information appeared in the press that allegedly Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze were getting divorced. Sometimes several sources at once publish the next news about the discord in their family. Perhaps this happens because the star does not want to reveal the veil of his family life, and journalists simply have to turn on their fantasy and write a biography of Ivan Urgant in their own way.

They began to say that Natalya was tired of such a life when she did not see her husband for months. In addition, conflicts began to occur more and more often in their family. The press is already ready to publish the court's decision on the divorce of the spouses, if only there was a reason.

Recently, the statements of journalists were confirmed at a party in the restaurant "The Garden", which Ivan presented to his wife, Natalya, several years ago. The couple was noticed in not the best mood. Reporters noted that both Natalya and Ivan were tense and detached, kept away from each other and only created the appearance that everything was fine with them. Immediately in the press there were new assumptions about a quarrel in the family and a possible break in relations.

This state of affairs did not suit Ivan Urgant, and he recently gave an interview to one of the reporters. The star of Russian show business said that there is no one in the world more dear to him than his children and his wife, and that rumors of his divorce are just another media trick to increase the rating of the publications in which they are published.

Another addition to the family?

At one of the secular parties, of which the spouses are frequent guests, it was noticed that Natalya was not dressed as usual. She was wearing a black, very wide dress that did not restrain her movements. This gave rise to talk about a possible future addition to the family. Natalia is pregnant with her fourth child? And soon Ivan Urgant's dream of the birth of a son will come true? No one knows about this yet, since the couple does not comment on such statements. Well, wait and see!

The witty, joker and star presenter Ivan Urgant always laughs it off, answering questions about his personal life. He and his wife Natalya Kiknadze are among those couples who do not shout about feelings, but diligently protect their happiness from prying eyes. Moreover, they went to him for more than one year. Each of them went through a bad experience of family life and the bitterness of parting.

"School romance is over"

When Ivan Urgant is asked about meeting his current wife, he tries to laugh it off. In an interview, he gaily told how, at the age of eleven, he came to school, and in the seventh grade, Natalya sits at his desk, whom he immediately married.

In fact, they really met during their school years, while studying at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum. However, according to the recollections of the teachers, there was no romance between them then. Rather, it was a very warm friendship. They were not tossed about with notes, did not go by the handle at breaks. But at the prom, Ivan Urgant allegedly offered Natasha to marry him.

The girl took the offer as another joke of a witty classmate, but, of course, she did not attach any importance to it.

All paths lead to happiness

After school, their paths immediately parted. Even in her school years, the teachers advised the girl to enter the theater, noting the undoubted talent of the student. However, Natalia chose a completely different path for herself. Almost immediately after receiving the certificate, she married businessman Vakhtang Kutalia, gave birth to two children. It was rumored that the head of the family had chosen a life partner for his daughter. Natalia, brought up in strict oriental traditions, could not disobey.

However, this marriage did not last long. Natalia broke up with her husband calmly and without scandals. Eric's daughter stayed with her mother, Niko's son was raised by his father.

Ivan Urgant married for the first time at the age of 18, despite the protests of his parents. Karina Avdeeva was four years older than her husband, but Ivan in love did not consider this an obstacle to marriage.

Family happiness turned out to be not as cloudless as it seemed to the young man. When passionate feelings were somewhat dulled, it turned out that nothing binds young people. Within a few months they were free from each other and from mutual obligations. The divorce was filed without claims to each other. True, Karina kept her husband's sonorous surname.

Later, Ivan Urgant had a serious relationship with his colleague Tatyana Gevorkyan, but they never reached the registry office, having parted due to some ridiculous disagreement.

Chance meeting

A chance meeting between Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kiknadze became fateful for both. It cannot be said that their feelings flared up instantly, but the presenter already then decided that Natalya must certainly become his wife. And he made every effort to make his dream come true.

Soon they really became husband and wife. In addition to Erica, Natalia's daughter from her first marriage, two more girls are growing up in the family: Nina and Valeria. Natalia's son Niko maintains a warm relationship with his mother's family, but Erica considers Ivan to be a real father. However, the head of the family himself claims: he has three daughters.

Ivan Urgant turned out to be a very caring father and husband. He does everything so that his family does not know the need for anything, and even choosing gifts for his loved ones, he becomes a real spender. He not only monitors how his children grow up, but takes an active part in their upbringing.
He knows the heroes of all the cartoons that his daughters watch, Ivan began to read Harry Potter when Nina became interested in the book. Although before that he had only watched films based on the novel. Urgant admits that he tries to be a kind and fair father, but sometimes he is nervous.

Happiness as it is

The famous presenter and his wife do not just keep their life a secret, they just do not let strangers into it. Ivan and Natalya do not so rarely appear together in public, but they categorically refuse to comment on the relationship in the family.

Such closeness causes many of the most controversial rumors about the personal life of a famous person. When Ivan gets tired of watching the spread of false information about himself and his family, he turns to his fans.

When the press began to exaggerate information about the upcoming divorce of Urgant, he himself said: his beloved wife and his family are the best that he has in his life. They both walked for a long time to their happiness. But now they can afford to simply live, rejoicing in the success of their children and enjoying each other's company.

Ivan Urgant treats his grandmother with great respect and love - the famous actress who was married three times, but as a result, she was left alone, fully devoting herself to the profession.

If you ask any person who Natasha Kiknadze is, it is unlikely that a specific answer will be received. Only football fans can assume that she is a relative of the sports commentator who made Kiknadze's surname Vasily famous. They will be right - she is the niece of a famous announcer, but this is not all the information. Who is Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze, interesting facts of biography and personal life, family photos.

Who is Natalia Kiknadze

Unfortunately, not so many details are known from Natalia's biography as about her husband, the famous showman Ivan Urgant. Natalia Urgant is a Russian woman with Georgian roots. A beautiful woman does not strive to be a public person. Natalia prefers to stay in the shadows, not to attend social events. Their relationship with the TV presenter is a secret under seven locks, because there is not a single interview that reveals all the secrets of their family life.


Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978, and grew up in St. Petersburg. Her father, Avtandil Yuryevich, a Georgian jeweler, collaborated with high-ranking officials of the Soviet Union, her mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, was engaged in family comfort, raising children. Kiknadze has two brothers who have dedicated their lives to medicine. The family lived in a luxurious apartment in the most prestigious area of ​​the city.

All the golden youth studied in St. Petersburg together, in the gymnasium at the Russian Museum. The girl's classmate was her current husband, future showman Vanya Urgant. They spent a lot of time together, played in the same KVN team, were active participants in creative acting circles. Natalia showed great promise, all teachers promised her a successful acting future.

Circumstances so developed that, for personal reasons, Kiknadze chose a different path of life for herself. The woman recalls that Urgant was very popular with all the girls in the school, especially classmates. Ivan fondly recalls the graduation class of the gymnasium, when the first school love for a girl arose in his heart. At that time, there was no reciprocity, because right after school, the Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia became Natalia's spouse.

Personal life of Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze

Rumor has it that Ivan Urgant made a marriage proposal to Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze at the graduation party, but received a rude refusal. Indeed, at that time, the girl was already engaged to Vakhtang Kutalia, she was expecting the birth of children. Now a woman herself cannot answer the question of what played a major role in her marriage - love or respect for her father, who introduced his daughter to the son of his business partner. After some time, Natalia divorced, left her husband with two children (daughter Eric and son Niko), not fearing a lack of financial support.

The couple have been together for ten years, since 2007. The spouses are not only officially registered, but also sealed their union in front of the higher powers by getting married. The ceremony took place at St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Only the closest people were at the wedding. Vanya's beloved grandmother Nina Urgant told the world about this. According to her, Urgant was prompted to take this step by the death of his mother, which became a terrible tragedy in the life of the famous TV presenter. Natalia supported her husband, and this made him reconsider his views on life.

Love story

Many years have passed since the time the former classmates met again. The meeting took place in 2006, on the territory of his native St. Petersburg, where Vanya came to visit his relatives. At dinner in a cozy restaurant, the couple talked about life, shared their life events. Already that evening, they realized that they were in love, and began to constantly communicate. Ivan calmly accepted the fact that in a previous marriage, Natalia gave birth to two children.

Ivan and Natalya met in secret. For more than two years, they carefully concealed their relationship: neither relatives nor the media knew anything. When Urgant proposed to Natasha, she, without hesitation, moved to him in Moscow. The press suggests that they did not have an official marriage, but there is a possibility that this was done in strict secrecy, Ivan nevertheless made an offer to Natalia to marry him.

First and last wife

Previously, Ivan Urgant was married to Karina Avdeeva, then was in a civil marriage with Tatyana Gevorkyan, his second wife, but the relationship did not reach the wedding. In front of everyone, he boldly calls Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze his first and only wife. According to the TV presenter's relatives, the news of the marriage shocked everyone. They hoped that the wedding would take place, but Tatyana Gevorkyan would become the bride, because Ivan had lived with her for more than four years. They were notified of the wedding immediately before the event.

Today Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is the best daughter-in-law who gets along well with her parents, and the mother of Vanya's two children. The eldest daughter Nina Kiknadze gave birth on May 15, 2008, the girl was named after Ivan's grandmother, the famous actress Nina Urgant. In 2015, daughter Valeria was born. Children and the creation of family comfort are the meaning of a woman's life. Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze copes with this mission just fine.

What does Ivan Urgant's wife do?

For this period of time, Natalia is completely devoting herself to home and family, raising three children: a child from her first marriage with a Georgian businessman, and two daughters from Ivan Urgant. She cooks beautifully, only thanks to her efforts, comfort and a warm atmosphere reign in the family. In addition, the woman owns The Garden restaurant, which she received as a gift from her beloved spouse.

Secular gossip

At one of the social events that Urgant and his wife attended, a change in Natalia's clothing style was noticed. Kiknadze appeared in a spacious black dress that did not restrict movement. This gave reason to assume that Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is pregnant. Ivan Urgant and his wife are expecting a baby again? Natalia is pregnant with a boy? This is a mystery shrouded in darkness, because the couple refuses to comment on such guesses. Only time in this case is able to reveal all the secrets. Instagram stars on this issue are laconic.

Divorce rumors

Urgant carefully tries to hide his life from prying eyes. On any question regarding the family, he is able to deftly, with a sense of humor, laugh it off. Recently, information appeared in the press that a beautiful couple is on the verge of breaking up. From time to time, several publications at once report the news of the divorce. It is possible that this is due to the fact that Urgants try not to open the veil of their personal life, and journalists fantasize, compose a biography of a star as they please.

Evil tongues say that Natasha is getting divorced because she is not satisfied with the absence of her husband at home, conflicts constantly occur. All the conjectures of the journalists were recently confirmed at one of the parties in "The Garden" - the young people were tense, shunned each other, and smiled feignedly. The press immediately spread rumors of an imminent divorce. This angered Ivan Urgant, and he still gave an interview to one of the journalists, saying that his wife and children are the most precious thing in his life, and the media rumors are another trick of reporters to increase the rating.


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Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze is a beautiful intelligent woman, mother of three children and a successful businesswoman. Her personal life is of interest to many, but it always remains a secret behind seven locks. Find out who Natalia Kiknadze is from the article.

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze: biography

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is a native of St. Petersburg.

The girl was brought up in an intelligent family. Natalia's father is a jeweler. Mother is a housewife who raised three children - Natalia and her two brothers, Yuri and David. Little Natasha grew up in severity, as required by the national traditions of the Kiknadze family.

Natalia spent her school years in a closed gymnasium at the Russian Museum. It was an elite educational institution of the then Leningrad.

Ivan Urgant studied at the same gymnasium. Young Vanya had feelings for Natasha in his youth and opened up to the girl, but she did not reciprocate.

After school Natalia got married. Ivan Urgant did the same. The future star of the ether, and at that time an unsecured student, Urgant married Karina Avdeeva. Ivan's wife was four years older than him. Their marriage lasted for a short six months.

While Natalya was raising children and playing the role of the wife of a successful businessman, Ivan Urgant tried to prove that he could provide for himself without using the surname of famous parents. Before the audience fell in love with the program "Evening Urgant", there was a night robot as a waiter, and playing music, and much more.

After parting with her first husband, Natalia Kiknadze decides to leave to live in Moscow.

Fate gave Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze a second chance to build relationships at the alumni meeting. In 2006, the media exploded with the news that Urgant and Kiknadze were husband and wife. No pompous ceremonies, newsmen, eminent guests. In complete secrecy from prying eyes.

To this day, neither Ivan nor Natalya allow representatives of the media to approach themselves and their relationships. Only once did Ivan Urgant allow himself to speak in an interview about his wife. The reason for this decision was gossip that the couple was on the verge of divorce.

Natalia Kiknadze: career and personal life

As a schoolgirl, Natalya showed great promise. All teachers predicted a great future for her on stage.

After graduating from school, Natalia immediately married Vakhtang Kutalia, from whom she gave birth to two children. Natalia put all the prospects for a successful acting career on the altar of family happiness.

Natalia never confided in the media about her personal life and did not bring it out to the public. No one knows the true reason why Kiknadze broke up with Kutalia, but the fact remains.

Some sources claim that the relationship between the spouses has deteriorated sharply. Proud and independent Natalia decided to leave her husband, taking her children with her. The lack of a profession and an independent source of income did not scare her.

When Kiknadze and Urgant started a family, Natalia's first husband, Vakhtang Kutalia, opposed the fact that his children were being raised by a stranger. Later, the angry father allowed the children to visit their mother.

Two years after the official marriage, Ivan and Natalia had a daughter. The baby was named after Ivan's grandmother Nina. In the Urgant family, there is a clear tradition of naming children after eminent relatives.

The news that Natalya and Ivan were married leaked to the press from Nina Urgant, Ivan's beloved grandmother. The news of the wedding of the couple gave an explanation for the fact that for 9 years of family life with Natalia, Ivan began to appear on the air with a ring on the ring finger of his right hand.

The economy, taste and manners of Natalya were useful to her not only in the field of family life. In 2011, news spread across Moscow that colleagues Alexander Tsekalo and Ivan Urgant had opened a restaurant.

The showmen invested in the restaurant, but their wives, Natalya Kiknadze and Victoria Galushka, took over the main task of creating the establishment.

Many roads are open to Natalia: she can continue her father's jewelry business, develop as a restaurateur.

Today, a woman is successful and self-sufficient. Despite this, her main role in life is motherhood and family happiness.