In this lesson you will learn what minor members of a sentence are, learn to find them, and learn the function of minor members in a sentence. You will also find out which sentences are called common and which are called uncommon, learn to distinguish between them.

Word girl- this is the subject, it is emphasized by one line. Girl (what is she doing?) is reading- this is a predicate, it is emphasized by two features. Girl reading- the main members of the sentence, they express the main meaning of the sentence.

There are other words in the second sentence:

Girl(which?) small

Is reading(What?) book

These words helped us find out that the girl is not big, but small, and that she is reading a book, not a magazine. These words are minor members of the sentence.

Secondary members of the sentence are called, which serve to clarify, clarify, supplement the main or other minor members of the sentence.

So, you learned that, in addition to the main members, there are secondary members in the sentence. Minor members have a second degree of importance. Do you think there are sentences consisting only of minor members? Let's look at an example:

There is a white tablecloth on the table(Fig. 2) .

Rice. 2. Table with tablecloth ()

This sentence talks about a tablecloth. Tablecloth - subject. Tablecloth(what is he doing?) lies - predicate. lies(Where?) on the table - this is a minor member of the sentence that explains the predicate. Tablecloth(which?) white - this is a minor member of the sentence that explains the subject.

If you remove all the minor terms, you get the following sentence:

The tablecloth lies.

The meaning of this proposal remains clear.

If you remove all the main parts of the sentence, this is what you get:

White on the table.

There is no sentence and the meaning is not clear.

This task helped to understand that the main members did not get their name by chance - they contain the basis of the entire sentence. And the secondary members are only explain, clarify And complement main ones.

Sometimes minor members of a sentence explain other minor members. Consider an example:

Leaves are falling in the autumn park(Fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. Autumn Park ()

The sentence talks about leaves. Leaves - this is the subject, we emphasize it with one line. Leaves(what are they doing?) fall - this is a predicate, we emphasize it with two features. Are falling(Where?) in the park - a minor member of the sentence that clarifies the predicate. In the park (which one?) autumn - a minor member of a sentence that clarifies the minor dick in the park.

Minor members can explain not only the main, but also the minor members.

Based on the presence of minor members, sentences are divided into undistributed And common. Unextended sentences consist only of main members, for example:

Squirrel jumps.

If a sentence, in addition to the main members, also contains secondary ones, such a sentence is called widespread, for example:

Red squirrel jumping from branch to branch(Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Squirrel on a tree ()

Read the sentences. Find the principal terms. Determine which sentences are common and which are not common.

The sun shines brightly(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Bright sun ()

Light clouds float across the sky(Fig. 6).

Birds are singing(Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Singing bird ()

Blue snowdrop peeked out(Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Blue snowdrop ()

Streams began to run(Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Streams are running ()

The fragrant buds smelled like resin(Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Blooming buds ()

Spring has come(Fig. 11).

Let's check:

The sun shines brightly

Light clouds float across the sky- a common proposal.


Looked outblue snowdrop- a common proposal.

Let's runstreams- an uncommon proposal.

The fragrant buds smelled like resin- a common proposal.

Has arrivedspring- an uncommon proposal.

Read the sentences. Using reference words, complete the sentences to make them common.

Icicles hung.

Streams ran.

Kids are allowed in.

Words for reference: boats, loud, from the roofs, long, along ravines, paper.

Let's check what happened:

Long icicles hung from the roofs.

Sounding streams ran through the ravines.

Kids launch paper boats.

Determine which members of the sentence are the highlighted words:

Marina was walking in the park. Suddenly a black light appeared in the sky cloud. Has begun strong rain. The girl is back home.

Walked(what did you do?) - predicate.

Cloud(what?) - subject.

Strong(which?) is a minor member of the sentence.

Home(where?) is a minor member of the sentence.

In this lesson, you learned that minor members of a sentence are identified in a sentence. Based on the presence of minor members, sentences are classified as common and non-common.


  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass, 2012
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard, 2013
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  • Define the secondary members of the sentence.
  • Select a sentence that is not circulated by minor members:

The sun gently warms the earth.

The leaves fall silently.

Vova loves to paint.

Masha came from a walk.

It's raining.

  • Come up with two sentences for each word, one of them should be common, and the second should be uncommon. Words: girl, apple, snow.

Common suggestion? Any student will ask this question sooner or later. Why is this knowledge needed? Most importantly, for morphological analysis.

What is a characteristic?

So how is the prevalence of a proposal determined? Firstly, all grammatical bases are immediately noted, then the secondary members of the sentence are found. If they are present, then the proposal is called common, but if not, it is called uncommon. This allows us to conclude that a common sentence is a sentence that consists of a grammatical base and secondary members that complement it. “It snowed” is an uncommon sentence, but “it snowed yesterday” is a common one. There is one more subtlety.

When asked, “What is a common sentence?” Many people forget that there are grammatical stems consisting of only one member. In such cases, the proposal can also be either widespread or non-common. For example, “Morning” is common, and “Cold Morning” is common.

Also, similar difficulties may arise when determining a type where any main term is omitted. As a rule, in such sentences it can be easily restored. For example: “I like strawberries, and Andrey likes raspberries.” In the second grammatical stem there is no predicate, but the addition “raspberry” is present, therefore, such a sentence can be called common.

A sentence with different types of connections can immediately, automatically, be called a common sentence, since in such cases the dependent members in the sentence complement and reveal the meaning of the main part. You should also not confuse concepts such as “simple offer” and “unextended offer”. In the first case, there is only one and it can be complicated by participial phrases, definitions, comparative or participial phrases. Or it may include several grammatical basics, which may not be complicated in any way. For example: “The cat, as if sleeping near the door, winked with an eye, closely watching us.” This example is a simple common sentence because there is only one grammatical stem, “the cat was watching.” But the next one will be a complex unexpanded sentence: “The night has come, the moon has hidden, the grasshoppers have fallen silent.” There are three grammatical bases here that are not complicated in any way, so the uncommon sentence is complex. Thus, first you need to clearly determine how many grammatical bases the phrase contains and whether there are minor members.

What is a common offer? The answer to this question can be found in this article. Determining grammatical properties is necessarily required when performing morphological properties, which is why you should know and distinguish them.

§ 1 Common and non-common sentences

The grammatical basis of a sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate. These are the main members of the sentence. All other words in the sentence are minor members.

To express our thoughts we use different sentences: some sentences consist only of main members, others have both main and secondary ones.

Let's compare the two texts.

Autumn has come. The sky is frowning. The wind blows. Leaves are falling. Birds are screaming.

Cold autumn has arrived. The sky is becoming more and more gloomy. A sharp wind blows from the north.

Multi-colored leaves fall to the ground. Flying birds scream in alarm.

What is the difference?

The sentences of the first text consist only of the main members - the subject and the predicate. Such offers are called non-extended.

The second text consists of sentences in which, in addition to the main members, there are also secondary ones. Such offers are called common.

§ 2 How to extend a sentence consisting of a grammatical stem

A sentence consisting only of a grammatical basis can be easily extended; to do this, you need to add minor members to it. At the same time, the secondary members give the sentence a different emotional coloring.

Let's look at an example.

It can be distributed in different ways:

The examples show how strongly sentences with the same grammatical basis can differ in emotional coloring and content.

§ 3 How to determine whether a sentence is widespread or not widespread

To determine which offer we have before us - common or uncommon,

you need to find the grammatical basis in it

r and see if there are minor members in this sentence.

It would seem that the subject and the predicate are two words, therefore, if a sentence has more than two words, then it is common. This opinion is wrong. We may come across an unextended sentence in which there are several subjects or predicates:

Conversely, there are common two-word sentences that have no subject or predicate:

Observe your speech and the speech of others. Which offers do we use more often? Of course they are common. They help us convey information more accurately and in detail. With their help, we can find out where an event took place, when and how. Our speech becomes richer and brighter.

§ 4 Brief summary of the lesson

Sentences that consist only of main members are called non-extended. Sentences that have both main and secondary members are called common. A common sentence conveys information more accurately, in detail, and expressively.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Russian language. Textbook for 3rd grade. - M.: Balass, 2012.
  2. Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A. Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Russian Language”, 3rd grade. - M.: Balass, 2014. – 208 p.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language. Textbook for 5th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2006. – 301 p.
  4. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. – M.: Education, 1985. – 400s
  5. Isaeva N.E. Workbook on the Russian language for grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2012.-78p.

1. Let's read the information .

Unexpanded proposal- a sentence that consists only of the main members (subject and predicate).

Common offer- a sentence in which, in addition to the main ones (subject and predicate), there are also secondary members of the sentence (addition, definition, circumstance).

2. Let's look at examples uncommon and common proposals.




The birds are singing.

The stream is ringing.


Moose easy runs through the swamps.

Cats like the pungent aroma of valerian.

The location of the subject and predicate in uncommon sentences may look like this.

  • Subject + predicate. The birches have turned yellow.
  • Predicate + subject. Lightning flashed.
  • Subject + predicate, predicate. Everything turned green and bloomed.
  • Subject + predicate, predicate, predicate. The wolf cubs played, fought, tumbled.
  • Subject + predicate AND predicate.
  • Predicate + subject AND subject. Winter and spring met.
  • Predicate + subject, subject, subject AND subject. Apple, pear, cherry and plum trees bloomed.
  • Predicate AND predicate + subject, subject AND subject. Bushes, trees and blades of grass awaken and come to life.

Simple common sentences. Examples on the topic - HOW ANIMALS PREPARE FOR WINTER

Examples of simple common sentences with the word - AUTUMN

Examples of simple common sentences with the word - WIND

How to make an uncommon sentence - THE LAND IS RICH - widespread


The sentences are arranged in alphabetical order (by the letter of the first word in the sentence).


The storks got scared and hid.


The birch came to life. The birches have turned yellow. A snake flashed. Lightning flashed.

Bears are roaming. It was September.


A blizzard is blowing. The wind is noisy. The wind howls. The branch swayed. The lark took off. The sun has risen. The water darkened. The wolf cubs played, fought, tumbled. Sparrow calmed down. The sparrow flew out. Now the snowstorm has cleared up. A squirrel rushed by. Everything turned green and bloomed. Everything is frozen.

Everything will sparkle and sparkle. Everything turned yellow. Everything is awakening. Winter and spring met. The sun came out. Water came out.


Thunder struck. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing.


The tree swayed. The trees swayed. The trees withered and degenerated.

The rain is drizzling. Rain stopped. The house lit up. The road is frozen. The wind blows.


The hedgehogs play and frolic.


Nature is sad. The birds fell silent. The kitten meowed. The sun was shining.

The pond also fell asleep. The frost crackled. The bushes crackled. Apple, pear, cherry and plum trees bloomed. The spruce trees began to rustle. The hare looked around. The ground shook.

The animals hid.Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Streams are babbling.


It's raining. There is a thunderstorm.


The carriage drove up and stopped.The frogs croaked.The holidays are over. The snow was swirling. L The ice has cracked. The forest began to rustle. The forest comes to life. The forest came to life and began to rustle. The forest has thinned out.

The forest brightened. The forest is sleeping. The foliage flew away. The leaves trembled, broke off and flew away. The leaves fell and fell. The fishing has begun. It's raining. It's raining. People ran. People listened and smiled. The frogs croaked.


The boy fell. A shadow flashed. The fields and forests are silent.The forest, the wind, and the water are silent. The frost grew stronger. The frost is crackling.

A furry bumblebee flew up to the daisies and buzzed loudly. The ants began to fuss. The ants are busy. We fell silent.


A cloud came over. The wind came. Autumn has come. Dusk was coming. Evening came. Dawn has arrived. Morning has come. It's getting cold. A blizzard has begun. It started snowing. The sky turned black. The sky has cleared.

The sky is frowning. Nora crumbled.


The lake froze. She thought about it. Leaves are falling.


Snow falls. Snow was falling. The sun was burning. Moose graze. The songs fell silent.

The snow began to drift. Streams ran. It started snowing. The carriage jumped.

The weather has changed. Dust rose. The bunnies have grown up and become bolder.

The winds blew. It's approaching autumn. The sun appeared. The strawberries are ripening.

Apples, pears and plums are ripe. Snowflakes began to fall. Branches fell down.

Streams began to flow. The kidneys are swollen. Birds are singing. A swallow appeared.

Chanterelles, saffron milk caps, russula, puffballs, and boletus appear.

Dandelions appear. Winter will come. A wagtail has arrived. Nature fell asleep. Nature has come to life. The fields and forests became silent. The little people are sad.

Summer has come . Animals run by. Moose run by. Birds fly by.

It started to rain. The coolness is refreshing and invigorating. The blizzard has passed. A fox ran by. A mouse ran by. Bushes, trees and blades of grass awaken and come to life. The owl shouted. The grasshopper woke up. Summer has passed. Autumn has passed. A mouse scurried by. The distances are becoming clearer. The bird rose and flew away.

The birds are in a hurry.


Work has stopped. The work did not stop. Voices were heard.

The bell rang. There was a crash. Bells and forget-me-nots are blooming.

The guys left. The river is frozen. The river has become. The lynx hid.


The seedlings took root, grew stronger, and grew. Lightning flashed.

The oriole whistles. Voices are heard. A ringing sound is heard. Sounds and voices are heard. The snow sparkles and sparkles. The snow has melted. The snow has melted. The dog stopped. The sun was setting. The pines froze. It's December.

Grasshoppers chirp. The arrow was moving.


Snow is melting. There is silence.


Leaves wither and turn yellow. Lightning struck.


It began to rain. The branch crunched.


The willows were blooming. Lilies of the valley, dandelions and strawberries are blooming.The flowers have withered and turned yellow.


The whispering subsides. The bumblebee is buzzing. The weather is noisy and stormy.


The puppy whined.


I stood and listened. I've calmed down. The lizards disappeared.

3. Let's complete online tasks .

Tests on the topic “Proposals”