Updated (01 June 2019)


The online Eysenck IQ test in Russian allows you to assess the thinking abilities of a future employee for free.

Are you interested in knowing your IQ (intelligence quotient) level? To do this, you just need to answer the questions of the online IQ test in Russian. This test is the best option from specially selected tasks that allow you to accurately determine your IQ level.

The results of taking a free online IQ test may be useful to you in the future. For example, in the West, applicants often indicate their IQ level on their resumes, and employers take this very seriously.

The test makes it clear what your weaknesses are today, and helps you find a starting point for comparing the results in the future. A brave person striving for internal development and constant evolution in consciousness is capable of passing the IQ test and determining his level of acquired thinking power.

Online IQ (intelligence quotient) test:

** Online Eysenck IQ Test - allows you to accurately determine your IQ level. Give yourself a unique opportunity to test your intellectual potential for free without SMS or registration.

We tested 3 158 937 Human!

Intelligence quotient (English: IQ) is a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence: the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of the average person of the same age. Determined using special tests. IQ tests are designed to assess thinking abilities, not the level of knowledge (erudition). IQ is an attempt to measure the factor of general intelligence (Wikipedia).

The IQ test lasts 30 minutes and contains 40 simple questions!

When taking the test, you cannot use paper, a calculator, a pen, a cheat sheet, the Internet, or tips from a friend :)
IQ tests are designed so that the results are described by a normal distribution with a mean IQ of 100 and such a spread that 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110 and 25% each have an IQ below 90 and above 110. The average IQ of American college graduates is 115. excellent students - 135-140. An IQ value of less than 70 is often classified as mental retardation.

Start IQ test online:

IQ test results:

IQ test results for famous people

Name Profession Origin IQ
Abraham LincolnThe presidentUSAIQ 128
Adolf HitlerNazi leaderGermanyIQ 141
Al GorePoliticianUSAIQ 134
Albert EinsteinPhysicistUSAIQ 160
Albrecht von HallerScientistSwitzerlandIQ 190
Alexander PopePoetEnglandIQ 180
Andrew J. WilesMathematicianEnglandIQ 170
Andrew JacksonThe presidentUSAIQ 123
Andy WarholSculptor, painterUSAIQ 86
Anthony van DyckArtistHollandIQ 155
Antoine ArnauldTheologianFranceIQ 190
Arne BeurlingMathematicianSwedenIQ 180
Arnold SchwarzeneggerActor/PoliticianAustriaIQ 135
Baruch SpinozaPhilosopherHollandIQ 175
Benjamin FranklinWriter, Scientist, PoliticianUSAIQ 160
Benjamin NetanyahuPrime MinisterIsraelIQ 180
Bill GatesFounder of MicrosoftUSAIQ 160
Bill (William) Jefferson ClintonThe presidentUSAIQ 137
Blaise PascalMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 195
Bobby FischerChess playerUSAIQ 187
Buonarroti MichelangeloPoet, architectItalyIQ 180
Carl von LinnBotanistSwedenIQ 165
Charles DarwinScientistEnglandIQ 165
Charles DickensWriterEnglandIQ 180
Christopher Michael LanganScientist, PhilosopherUSAIQ 195
Clive SinclairScientistEnglandIQ 159
David HumePhilosopher, PoliticianScotlandIQ 180
Dr David LivingstoneDoctorScotlandIQ 170
Donald ByrneChess playerIrelandIQ 170
Emanuel SwedenborgScientist, PhilosopherSwedenIQ 205
Francis GaltonScientist, doctoral doctorEnglandIQ 200
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von SchellingPhilosopherGermanyIQ 190
Galileo GalileiPhysicist, astronomer, philosopherItalyIQ 185
Geena (Virginia) Elizabeth DavisActressUSAIQ 140
Georg Friedrich HändelComposerGermanyIQ 170
George Wilhelm Friedrich HegelPhilosopherGermanyIQ 165
George BerkeleyPhilosopherIrelandIQ 190
George H. ChoueiriChief A.C.ELibyaIQ 195
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)WriterEnglandIQ 160
George Sand (Amantinr Aurore Lucile Dupin)WriterFranceIQ 150
George Walker BushThe presidentUSAIQ 125
George WashingtonThe presidentUSAIQ 118
Gottfried Wilhelm von LeibnizScientist, lawyerGermanyIQ 205
Hans Dolph LundgrenActorSwedenIQ 160
Hans Christian AndersenWriter, poetDenmarkIQ 145
Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonPoliticianUSAIQ 140
Hjalmar Horace Greeley SchachtPresident of the ReichsbankGermanyIQ 143
Honoré de Balzac (Honore Balzac)WriterFranceIQ 155
Hugo Grotius (Huig De Groot)lawyerHollandIQ 200
Hypatia of AlexandriaPhilosopher, MathematicianAlexandriaIQ 170
Immanuel KantPhilosopherGermanyIQ 175
Isaac NewtonScientistEnglandIQ 190
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn BartholdyComposerGermanyIQ 165
James CookOpenerEnglandIQ 160
James WattPhysicist, engineerScotlandIQ 165
James WoodsActorUSAIQ 180
Jayne Mansfield-- USAIQ 149
Jean M. AuelWriterCanadaIQ 140
Jodie FosterActorUSAIQ 132
Johann Sebastian BachComposerGermanyIQ 165
Johann StraussComposerGermanyIQ 170
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-- GermanyIQ 210
Johannes KeplerMathematician, Physicist, AstronomerGermanyIQ 175
John AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 137
John F. KennedyEx-presidentUSAIQ 117
John H. SununuWar commanderUSAIQ 180
John Quincy AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 153
John Stuart MillGeniusEnglandIQ 200
JohnLockePhilosopherEnglandIQ 165
Jola SigmondTeacherSwedenIQ 161
Jonathan SwiftWriter, theologianEnglandIQ 155
Joseph HaydnComposerAustriaIQ 160
Joseph Louis LagrangeMathematician, astronomerItaly / FranceIQ 185
Judith PolgarChess playerHungaryIQ 170
Kim Ung-Yong-- KoreaIQ 200
Kimovitch Garry KasparovChess playerRussiaIQ 190
Leonardo da VinciGeniusItalyIQ 220
Lord Byronpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Louis Napoleon BonaparteEmperorFranceIQ 145
Ludwig van BeethovenComposerGermanyIQ 165
Ludwig WittgensteinPhilosopherAustriaIQ 190
Madame de StaelPhilosopherFranceIQ 180
MadonnaSingerUSAIQ 140
Marilyn vos SavantWriterUSAIQ 186
Martin LutherPhilosopherGermanyIQ 170
Miguel de CervantesWriterSpainIQ 155
Nicolaus CopernicusastronomerPolandIQ 160
Nicole KidmanActorUSAIQ 132
Paul AllenOne of the founders of MicrosoftUSAIQ 160
Philip EmeagwaliMathematicianNigerIQ 190
Phillip MelanchthontheologianGermanyIQ 190
Pierre Simon de Laplaceastronomer, mathematicianFranceIQ 190
PlatoPhilosopherGreeceIQ 170
Ralph Waldo EmersonWriterUSAIQ 155
RaphaelSculptor, painterItalyIQ 170
Rembrandt van RijnSculptor, painterHollandIQ 155
Ren DescartesMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 185
Richard NixonEx-presidentUSAIQ 143
Richard WagnerComposerGermanyIQ 170
Robert ByrneChess playerIrelandIQ 170
RousseauWriterFranceIQ 150
Sarpitheologian, historianItalyIQ 195
ShakiraSingerColombiaIQ 140
Sharon StoneActressUSAIQ 154
Sofia KovalevskayaMathematician, WriterSweden / RussiaIQ 170
Stephen W. HawkingPhysicistEnglandIQ 160
Thomas Chattertonpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Thomas JeffersonThe presidentUSAIQ 138
Thomas WolseyPoliticianEnglandIQ 200
Truman Cloak-- -- IQ 165
Ulysses S. GrantThe presidentUSAIQ 110
VoltaireWriterFranceIQ 190
William James Sidis-- USAIQ 200
William Pitt (the Younger)PoliticianEnglandIQ 190
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartComposerAustriaIQ 165

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Attempts to express human intelligence in numerical terms have been known since the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1912, the German scientist William Stern first introduced the concept of intelligence quotient. This idea turned out to be very timely and already in 1916 it was used in an earlier system of intellectual calculus, known as the Stanford-Binet scale.

These days, IQ tests have become very popular and relevant. The abbreviation IQ itself is correctly deciphered as intelligence quotient, which translated from English means intelligence quotient. Accordingly, an IQ test determines a person’s intelligence level based on the obtained coefficient, the calculation of which also takes into account his age. The most popular is the Hans Jurgen Eysenck test.

The mathematical formula for IQ is a fraction multiplied by 100, the numerator of which is a person’s mental age, and the denominator is his chronological age. Currently, the fourth edition of the IQ measurement scale is used in psychodiagnostics.

Today, many companies engage in IQ testing, checking employees applying for a particular vacancy. Even children can take the intelligence test. Thus, an IQ test helps determine the ability of people tested to perform certain tasks.

An interesting fact is that this test is not some kind of erudition exam and does not require special knowledge, but rather reveals a person’s ingenuity and intelligence, which is what intelligence essentially is.

The proposed test consists of forty questions that must be answered in exactly thirty minutes. There are no pauses, timeouts or breaks. Since the IQ test is an important indicator, the conditions for its purity are exactly the same for all subjects. At the same time, more inattentive people will have less chance of high intelligence scores, which, in fact, is quite fair.

When taking a test, it is best to skip questions that cannot be resolved immediately. It is not difficult to calculate that on average the program allocates 45 seconds for each question. This time is, of course, arbitrary, since rarely does anyone manage to solve all forty problems correctly, however, if you linger too long on difficult questions, then the chance of not having time to reach the tasks that could potentially be solved by the test subject increases.

It happens that a simpler problem takes longer to solve than a complex one. This may occur as a result of the individual characteristics of the person being tested, and will subsequently be reflected by his IQ. Skipping difficult tasks, the test taker returns to them again, but having already answered all the “easy” questions. This approach is more rational and therefore effective.

This is interesting! It turns out that intelligence tests and mental ability tests were first developed... in the 7th century by Chinese employers. At that time, based on the results, officials were divided into three classes: public service officer (one of a hundred competitors), a mandarin (one of a hundred public service officials) and, finally, an inspector (one of a hundred mandarins).

Attention! Before taking the test, it is recommended to do an intellectual warm-up: count out loud from one hundred to one, backwards, or, as quickly as possible, remember and name 20 exotic male and female names. After such a warm-up, you will feel that you are ready to solve more complex problems.

Erudition is self-education and regular assimilation of information. Higher education does not provide the knowledge of an erudite. People who independently engage in their education have extraordinary intelligence, almost always understand the exact sciences and speak foreign languages.

IQ level is not the only indicator of a person's intelligence. A person’s mental abilities must be judged by a combination of parameters. One of the most important components is verbal intelligence, which denotes the ability to speak, semantic, and pragmatic components.

People love riddles and answers too. Observing the movements and flow of thoughts at the gaming table “What? Where? When?" on TV, viewers also wiggle their brains, trying to get ahead of the experts. Useful gymnastics, but it’s difficult to surpass pro-erudites.

Your dog can be a genius or lazy and slow-witted - that won't make you love him any less. When completing tasks, do not even think about getting angry and punishing the dog - in terms of intellectual development, it is equal to a child of 2-2.5 years old. Try to remember yourself at this age.

Can you exchange knowing glances with your cat? How often do you talk? What, you think there’s nothing to talk about with a cat?! Yes, you are simply not able to understand her language and say thank you that they continue to love you! After all, cats have an angelic character.

Erudition is knowledge in various fields, a voluntary and conscious desire to receive and assimilate new information. Even studying in the best educational institutions does not make a person erudite; it gives professional knowledge and the fundamentals of science.

Solving problems with numerical sequences requires logical thinking. The relationship between numbers must be analyzed and applied to determine the algorithm. Such puzzles seem childishly simple to some, but become unsolvable to others.

The imagery of the Russian language is amazing - words in it often express more than they directly mean. With such wealth, many suffer from tongue-tiedness, cannot put their thoughts into a worthy form and fill in the gaps, at best, with gestures.

Logic is a capricious and confusing science, but this does not apply to basic knowledge. To master the basics, you don’t need to cram textbooks and experiment, just take note, for example, that a cause is always followed by an effect, a larger one will interfere with a smaller one, etc.

IQ (intelligence quotient) - intelligence quotient. The first test was developed at the beginning of the last century by the French psychologist Alfred Bonnet. The French government commissioned the creation of such a test to assess the intellectual abilities of children. The test became very popular in the United States and in 1917, the armed forces classified 2 million military personnel using IQ tests. Then university applicants and job applicants began to be tested - private companies and universities quickly assessed the effectiveness of the test.

After numerous studies, experts received the following results:

  • 50% of people showed an IQ level of 90 to 110;
  • 25% - above 110;
  • 25% - below 90;
  • The most common score is 100 points;
  • 14.5% of those tested had an IQ ranging from 110 to 120;
  • 7% of those tested scored 120-130 points;
  • 3% - 130-140;
  • Only 0.5% of people were able to demonstrate a level above 140 points;
  • An IQ level below 70 can be considered mental retardation;
  • Most American high school students score 115, with honors students having the most common score of 135–140;
  • The lowest results are among young people under 19 years of age and older people over 60 years of age.

Since one of the main conditions for passing the test is a time limit, we can say that the IQ level does not indicate the ability to think original or logically, but the speed of thought processes.

When hiring, the employer first of all pays attention to your professional skills. However, in parallel with this, he can offer you an IQ test, which you will need to pass in a clearly defined time. Thus, the personnel department of the enterprise will draw a conclusion about your attentiveness, speed and quality of thinking, general outlook and much more.

How to find out your IQ for free?

If you feel that your logic is well developed and you cope well with difficult mental work, you would probably be interested in knowing the level of your intelligence. IQ tests are perhaps the only way to measure the quality of your brain.

Such tests are often used by employers when hiring to determine the level of thinking of a candidate or when testing for professional aptitude.

It should be noted that such tasks are not based on a general outlook. The tasks in them are designed in such a way as to find out the logic of your thinking, the speed of decision-making, the ability of the brain to quickly read anagrams, determine the correspondence of objects to their characteristics, and much more.

If you want to take the test yourself, you can do this on numerous services on the Internet. However, please note that many sites require payment for determining IQ level, and some do this completely hidden, asking you to send an SMS or enter a phone number.

If you want to find out your level of intelligence for free, do not follow the lead of such services. Take advantage of those who do not require registration and provide the service free and no scams.

In this video, psychologist Petr Novoselov will conduct an interesting test of logic and level of mental development:

Service brainapps.ru

The site offers 15 questions with no time limit for answers. They contain tasks for selecting the necessary figure, number and letter series, as well as words - names of car brands, capitals, composers in the form of anagrams.

Some tasks are very simple, while others require quite a bit of effort.

The result is given immediately after completion of the test with a dry formulation of the level of intelligence. However, there are no more detailed transcripts. Immediately below the result there is a button to go to the daily workout. When you click on it, you are prompted to register on the site.

Service trainingmozga.com

Registration on the site is not required to complete the tasks. There are several different tests to choose from, but the differences between them are not indicated.

The standard time for answers is indicated and the countdown is in progress, but there is no time limit.

There are only 40 questions, after answering which you receive final points and the choice of whether you want to fit into the general statistics. At the same time, it is possible to look at statistics on the level of intelligence by country, name, age, and so on.

Service iq-testing.ru

30 not very difficult questions, time limited to half an hour. By clicking at random you can score a decent amount of points. The result is immediate, below is the transcript. By the way, a randomly scored score of 70 is an average low level. In a broader definition, it is shown as a level at which people barely graduate from universities and can work, at most, as middle managers in small companies.

Service ru.iq-test.cc

Easy test. Thirty questions and a time counter that indicates how much time you have spent since the beginning of the test. Almost all tasks ask you to select the desired figure. At the end, the number of points scored without decoding, as well as an impressive article that you should not pay attention to the result, since many scientists consider it an imperfect indicator.

Service freeIQ.ru

A free service that offers you 30 questions of a different nature and does not limit you in time.

You can click the “result” button before all answers have been provided. At the same time, somehow the level of intelligence is still calculated and displayed on the screen.

There is a function to view the correct answers to tasks, but in order to use it you need to remember how you personally answered a particular question.

One of the advantages is the ability to remember the number and code of your test in order to return to its analysis after a while.

Service rb.ru

The questions in the test are completely duplicates of the tvoiiq.ru service, but in a more convenient version. You only need to enter words manually that are both the ending of one word and the beginning of another. All other options can be selected.

The tasks are not very difficult and varied. At the end there is a summary and a scale of correspondence of the professional functions performed to the number of points for the test.

A footnote at the bottom of the compliance scale states that the site's moderators cannot guarantee that this is actually true.


The questions are standard to determine the required figure in a row and to determine the number sequence. There are no anagrams or tasks with letter series.

There are 20 questions in total, excluding time to answer. Upon completion, a presentable picture appears with a certificate indicating the test scores. However, there is no decoding of the result.

The numbers of tasks in which errors were made are highlighted in red. Moreover, when you go to them, you can change your answer option and thus bring your percentage to the ideal.

This video will present 6 problems, the solution of which will help you find out how much your brain is developed:

Service iq230.com

Good service, nice interface. There are several tests to choose from. Before you begin, there are instructions for completing any of them and a warning about not using a calculator or the help of friends.

The questions are different, some are about logic, some are about erudition. An hour is given to complete the tasks. After answering the last question, it is possible to return to the questions you missed.

The result is given only if there are answers to each item. It is possible to start the test again only after an hour has passed.

The result is displayed in relation to the highest score; the percentage of correct answers, completion time and a brief breakdown of the number of points scored are also given. It is indicated that For reliability, you must pass at least three such tests, since the result of one may be random.

Service ru.real-iq.com

Various tasks with fully automated answers. 40 questions not timed. At the end, before giving you the result, the site asks you to enter your first name, last name, city of residence, age and email. If you refuse to enter any data, you will not be given the final percentage.

After you fill in the required fields, the conclusion about your intelligence is given in one word, that is - high, average or short. The numbers are also indicated in a stylized certificate stamped by the service.

Service empiremam.com

The test is positioned as short. No time limit. Contains 20 different questions. There are anagrams, identifying suitable shapes, number and letter series.

At the end, the answer is presented as a number of points. It is not entirely clear what this result means and what kind of people one should consider oneself as.


There is nothing else on the page other than questions and answer options. There are no distractions. 40 different interesting questions. Countdown time counter that starts at 60 minutes.

After passing the test, the site asks you to enter only your country of residence and age. After which it gives a total in points and a comment about your level of intelligence relative to your age.

Service kit-jobs.ru

A questionnaire unlike any other. Contains 20 questions from the category of children's puzzles, such as whether the palm rhinoceros is really an insect or “seven brothers have one sister, how many children are there in the family.” There are no logic or correlation tasks.

After completing the questionnaire, the sum of points for the passed test and praise for the achieved result are given. And also a legend that you are an erudite person.


Not a very user-friendly interface and not a modern design. Answers must be entered manually using words or the numeric keypad. There are 40 questions in total, no time limit. Moreover, after answering each of them, the page is reloaded, first with question numbers, advertising and the new task itself.

As a result, you click the “result” button and get a digital result and a dry conclusion. The numbers of incorrectly completed tasks appear in red in the table, but when you click on active erroneous links, there is no correct answer.

That is, if you did everything consciously, you are unlikely to understand what your mistake was.

How to pass an IQ test correctly?

The level of brain activity and the possibility of increasing it have been studied for many centuries. However, so far advances in science have been minimal. It has been proven that infancy has a direct influence on brain development. But the relationship with genetics remains questionable.

However, what is absolutely certain is that the brain can be trained. And this is exactly the way to develop it and achieve good results in passing tests to measure iq.

The fact is that the tasks in the tests necessarily contain logic. Look carefully at the task, calculate the logical elements included in the task and now you will know what to start from in tasks of the same kind.

It is better to take the test in the morning, after getting enough sleep, and certainly after breakfast.

Thus, the only way to measure the level of your innate or acquired intelligence is an IQ test, which you can take in open sources on the Internet or when applying for a job with a responsible employer. The results of such a test do not make you worse or better than others. They indicate how your brain works and what tasks it can handle.

Video: how to find out your IQ using pictures

In this video, psychologist Andrei Likhachev will show 10 interesting photos, through the perception of which you can understand the level of your intelligence: