The news that the wife of ex-footballer David Beckham is actively planning a fifth pregnancy is reported by DailyMail, citing a chatty (what to do with these women) friend of Tana Ramsay, the wife of the famous British chef and showman Gorodon Ramsay. 41-year-old Tana, a close friend of Victoria, is now pregnant with her fifth baby. Their common friend with Victoria, 41-year-old Jules Oliver, the wife of restaurateur and chef Jamie Oliver, is also pregnant for the fifth time. In such an environment, it is not difficult to become “infected” with the idea of ​​“jumping into last carriage"and, as long as health and feminine nature allow us to have another child.

As a friend of Tana Ramsay said, Victoria has taken her nutrition seriously, adjusted her diet and is leaning on foods that increase fertility, primarily rich ones folic acid spinach, broccoli and fresh lettuce.

Victoria and David Beckham on Vika's birthday, April 2016

Back in 2012, 7 months after the birth of their daughter Harper Victoria Beckham gave an interview to one of the British glossy magazines: “I love being a mother and my children are the most important thing to me. And, to be honest, I'm not against having a fifth child. I am happy that I have my children, and I would love to give birth to another one.” But then Vicki clarified that first she would like Harper to grow up, so as not to “miss something important” in her development. And now, Harper has already entered her fifth year, and Victoria celebrated her 42nd birthday in April. So, if you are thinking about having a fifth baby, now is the time.

The entire Beckham family at the show in 2015

At the beginning of 2016, the media began to actively discuss the section family business Beckham, which many took as a sign that the relationship between Victoria and David was in crisis. Then rumors spread that David was insisting on a fifth child, and that Victoria was ready for this to save their marriage. Whether this is true or, as often happens, a figment of the rich imagination of journalists, we will never know. However, this time the source of information about Victoria Beckham’s planning for her fifth pregnancy turned out to be solid enough that even such a portal as the Daily Mail allowed itself to publish this news.

A week ago, Victoria and David were guests at the wedding of Vika’s friend Eva Longria, and after the celebration they spent a romantic weekend in Mexico City, in a bungalow on the seashore. Following this trip, a photo appeared on Victoria’s Instagram - she and her husband, hugging, admiring the sunset, which Vicky signed, addressing a message to her husband: “Full of love in Mexico X feeling blessed, I love u baby @davidbeckham.” So, anything can happen...


The football player’s family has not officially announced the addition, but Victoria and David are already being congratulated on the sidelines

British media reported Victoria Beckham's pregnancy. Allegedly, the star of the pop group Spice Girls is preparing for the birth of her fifth baby. If this is true, then David Beckham's wife is once again a mother at 45.

On this occasion, we decided to remember which other celebrities were not afraid to give birth after 40 years, despite the warnings of doctors.

Evelina Bledans plans to give birth at 50

Who will be braver than Beckham! Russian actress At 49 years old, she underwent the IVF procedure and is expecting a baby. Evelina hopes that a girl will be born, because she has dreamed of a daughter all her life.

Halle Berry gave birth at 47

The first black actress in cinema history to win an Oscar, she has done everything. Halle Berry became a mother twice after 40. She gave birth to a daughter at 41, and a son at 47.

Lera Kudryavtseva followed in the footsteps of Halle Berry

The star TV presenter gave birth to her second child at a respectable age - at 47 years old! The baby was born healthy, and Kudryavtseva returned to work literally two weeks later. And everyone is happy.

Monica Bellucci became a mother twice after 40

One of the most beautiful actresses Italy first built a career, and then a family. Monica was married to her second husband, Vincent Cassel, for five years before giving birth to a daughter. Then Bellucci was already 40. Five years later, she became a mother for the second time.

Salma Hayek was not afraid to give birth at 41

The star of From Dusk Till Dawn, Bandits, Spy Kids and other box-office films did not have children until she was 40 years old. Then Salma decided to become a mother and, at 41, gave birth to a daughter in a clinic in Los Angeles.

Svetlana Permyakova became a mother for the first time at 40

In an interview, she admitted that she had an abortion twice, so when she became pregnant for the third time, she decided to give birth at all costs! Although at that time Permyakova was starring in the top-rated TV series “Interns” and she really didn’t want to quit her job. In the end, she coped with everything and at the age of 40 became a mother for the first time. Hooray!

Victoria Beckham is pregnant and will soon give David Beckham another baby! The date and gender of the unborn baby are already known.

Photo: Getty David and Victoria Beckham

44-year-old Victoria Beckham and 43-year-old David Beckham will become parents again! The couple informed their loved ones about the imminent addition at a family dinner. An American OK! insider spoke about this: “They gathered close friends. Everyone drank champagne, except Victoria. Then David tearfully announced that they were expecting their fifth child.”

The gender and date of birth of the child are already known. It's a girl and she's due in March. Now the couple is thinking about a name, and among the options is Caroline - this is Victoria's middle name. True, Victoria herself still looks very slim, without a hint of pregnancy. Rumor has it that this time she is still carrying a child. surrogate mother.

It is interesting that both fans and the media missed the obvious hint of an imminent replenishment performed by Victoria herself. On August 25, a photo appeared on the designer’s account showing her husband David and their daughter Harper holding a stroller. “Family time is everything to us. Kisses,” she wrote under the photo.

Interestingly, at the same time, rumors continue to persist that in the Beckham family, despite the appearance of an idyll, not all is well. At one time, one of the couple’s children - namely Cruz - became the “cement” that held together the couple’s fractured relationship amid news of David’s betrayal. “They have problems, but they decided to have another child. This is a proven method that has always worked for them,” the insider said.

Recently the whole world shook up the news - one of the most successful modern women, “style icon” Victoria Beckham is pregnant again, and will become a mother for the fourth time!

Rumors about Vikki's pregnancy have been circulating for a long time, but now Posh Spice's husband, David Beckham, announced it in social network. Next star baby will appear closer to summer.

However, this entire idyllic picture has many big BUTs...

Victoria has already had three caesarean sections

March 4, 1999 Victoria and David became happy parents Brooklyn Joseph Beckham. On September 1, 2002, Brooklyn had a brother, Romeo James, and on February 20, 2005, a third was added to the two boys - Cruz.

It's not easy becoming a mother every three years. Well, if babies are born by caesarean section, this is simply dangerous, because the suture on the uterus may come apart.

After her third birth, doctors forbade her to get pregnant, but Victoria still decided to take this difficult step because...

... they dream of a daughter

Victoria admits that she really wants a daughter, and David has said more than once that the birth of a girl would make him absolutely happy.

After three sons, the couple's hopes for a sweet daughter began to dissipate. Victoria is unlikely to be able to give birth for the fifth time, so this is her last chance to give birth to a wardrobe heiress.

There are persistent rumors that a baby will be born.

There are many theories about what needs to be done to give birth to a child of a certain gender. Special diets (by the way, the legendary football player with light hand his wife), having sex at a certain time with a certain frequency and orgasms (or lack thereof) of the woman, the order of blood replacement among the spouses, the economic and political situation in the country in the end - all this supposedly affects who will appear in family - son or daughter.

Medicine can say one thing with complete confidence: it is possible to guarantee the choice of the gender of a child only within the framework of an IVF program, having carried out a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis procedure before embryo transfer. Innovative technologies With highest precision They determine from the embryo whether it will turn out to be a boy or a girl. By the way, within the framework of the same diagnosis, serious genetic pathologies in the unborn baby are excluded, and the chances of birth healthy child increase significantly.

There's a very good chance that the Beckhams took advantage of the wonders of modern reproductive science to make their dream come true.

However, whether it is a boy or a girl, the child must first be carried out, and Victoria


IN last years Beckham has become unwell. Rumors that she suffers from anorexia have become global. This assumption was confirmed by her numerous photographs with lonely protruding collarbones, absence of breasts and incredibly thin legs.

Doctors sounded the alarm in 2008, when excessive thinness became simply dangerous for a woman’s health, and, even more so, for the prospect of having another child.

Being thin is fashionable, but few people think about the consequences of chasing a thin waist. One of the most serious is disruption of the endocrine system, in other words, a woman begins to have hormonal problems. If we talk about the impact of dystrophy, and that’s what it’s called, on future pregnancy and childbirth, the conclusions are disappointing.

Victoria Zaletova, fertility specialist, chief physician MAMA clinics, summarizes: “ Latest research showed that such a mother has a significantly increased risk of giving birth to a weak child. If at the time of conception a woman’s weight is significantly less than normal, then early dates pregnancy needs more high-calorie foods in order to return to normal as quickly as possible. To avoid the risk of having a weak baby, you should add at least 10 kilograms over 40 weeks. Otherwise, there is a risk that the body, which does not have its own reserves, will not supply the child with everything necessary, but will fight with him for vitamins and nutrients. It is very important to know that the child receives every milligram of vitamins and nutrients only from the mother’s body.”

Victoria wears high-heeled shoes “until the last moment”

We've seen Victoria Beckham in position more than once before, and she looked brilliant. The pregnant star's wardrobe has always been distinguished by its impeccable style and harmony with her condition. There was only one detail that raised eyebrows: the shoes. Victoria did not change her main love- high heels. In one of her interviews, she admitted that heels help her think, and only when she rises an impressive number of centimeters above the ground does she feel comfortable.

Psychological comfort is a good thing, but is it worth wearing? high heel during pregnancy? Doctors are unanimous in their opinion: “It’s risky.” The reasons are obvious: firstly, when wearing heels, the load on the legs increases several times, and during pregnancy the legs are more vulnerable to varicose veins, the development of flat feet and other troubles. Secondly, the heel shifts the center of gravity, changing the load on the spine. Everything would be fine, but this can lead not only to curvature and pain in the back, but also to incorrect positioning of the baby in the mother’s belly. And this is already evidence for caesarean section. And there is one more significant minus for any woman - when the center of gravity shifts and the spine is curvature, the woman’s stomach protrudes more - as a result, it will be more difficult to bring your body back to normal after childbirth.

Photo:, PA/Photas, UK Press/Photas

The owner of a sophisticated figure, designer Victoria Beckham, who is recently expecting a child..

Victoria Beckham is pregnant

As it became known, pregnant Victoria Beckham will give birth to her fifth child in March 2019.

“They recently gathered close friends at their house and made a wonderful toast. “David said with tears in his eyes that their family would soon grow by one,” the source said, noting that everyone received champagne except Victoria.

When asked by journalists how he feels about his wife’s pregnancy former football player, an insider said: “They are both on cloud nine. They feel blessed by heaven."

It is also reported that the Beckhams hope that their fifth child will be a girl.

A child saves a family?

An insider said that in Lately relations in star family were tense. Therefore, the news about Victoria's pregnancy is the best thing that could happen to them during this difficult period.

“Whenever they have problems, their family gets bigger. This is a proven method that has worked for them for many years,” notes a family friend with a smile.

“When Victoria is pregnant, they are the happiest and most in love with each other. David adores his pregnant wife and she beams with happiness when her husband is gentle and careful with her,” the source said.

How did the children react?

Let us remind you that Victoria and David already have four children. They reacted differently to the news of their mother's pregnancy. For example, the couple's eldest son, 19-year-old Brooklyn, was shocked. Romeo, 16, and Cruz, 13, were delighted, while Harper, 7, was delighted but a little embarrassed.

The family has already started betting on the gender of the future baby. And if a girl is born, Victoria and David will name her Caroline - this is exactly what the second name of a mother with many children sounds like. Thus, the head of the family wants to pay tribute to his beloved wife.

Well, all we can do is congratulate the family on the great news, wish the future mother and baby health, happiness, and patience to all other family members!

Earlier, we would like to remind you that information appeared on the Internet that . The Duchess of Cambridge, like Victoria Beckham, dreams of another daughter.