And they always strive to catch, eat, or even “squeeze” the bast house.

Well, of course, it's a hare. Probably the most defenseless and most delicious “piece” for the negative heroes of epics and cartoons.

“The most defenseless?” - it depends on how you look at it. How he famously deceives his enemies in fairy tales. And this is not without reason, because in reality, a hare, meandering, can easily throw a predator off the scent.

Poems about the hare

The bunny is looking at the garden.
What's growing in the beds there?
Here are peas, carrots, cabbage...
The garden became empty
A. Tolstobrova

Jumps in the summer in a gray fur coat,
Bunny playing happily
And as soon as at the edge
An evil blizzard will swirl,
The bunny in the hole will open the closet,
He'll get a white fur coat,
And then the frost won't touch you,
And the snowstorm won't scare you.
S. Antonyuk

The bunny has ears
stick out on the top of the head,
He loves it delicious
cabbage leaf
Runs fast
and jumps deftly,
That's because
he eats carrots!
E. Malyonkina

There is an animal sitting in the bushes here.
Oh, her ears are trembling.
It is clear that she is afraid:
“Tsiz! Silence! The fox is coming!
E. Monakhova

Little bunny in the forest
He is very afraid of everyone:
And the cunning fox
And any bird.
He's shaking so much with fear
That the bushes are shaking.
It's very difficult for a bunny to live,
He's so scared of everyone!
S. Antonyuk

Under the broom bush
The bunny built his own house.
The winds are NOT afraid of him,
There is nothing safer than a tent.
And he sees a fox trail -
And the whole wide world is not nice.
Runs away from trouble
The sly man confuses his tracks.
N. Shkonda

At the stump.
Little hare sitting by a tree stump
Taught my nimble son:
- Be brave
Don't brag and don't lie!
Don't take someone else's cabbage!
Don't press when you meet
Wolf paws!
Don't offend someone who is weak!
Don't laugh at someone else's misfortune!
Share food with the hungry!
Don't give offensive nicknames!
Don't call the donkey a fool!
Also remember son:
Give a mouse a mousetrap,
The fox is a trap,
Ruff is a hook,
And the piglet has a spot!
G. Ladonshchikov

The field where the cabbage grew
Scared the wolf with a crunch.
"Hardly a hare, hardly a coward
A crunch can do that.
That’s right, there’s a bear in the garden...”
And he ran away without looking back.
The hare spared no effort -
He overcame the wolf with a crunch.
S. Ostrovsky

The hare molts for the winter,
He puts on a white fur coat,
Instead of summer camouflage,
To be more inconspicuous.
He is always ready to run
From friends and from enemies.
Loves vegetables and leaves.
He's a very fast comrade
Even a wolf can't keep up.
The hare has something to fear
After all, he doesn’t know how to fight!

A gray ear will flash.
Behind the bushes there is a turn,
Behind the pine tree there is a turn,
And behind the tree there is a turn.
This is a hare in a gray fur coat
For cabbage in the garden.
And in winter around the corner
A white ear will flash.
This is a bunny in a winter coat
He goes for carrots.
E. Zamaraev

The bunny walked through the forest,
Changed my white fur coat
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
So that both in the field and in the forest
He managed to outwit the fox.
M. Piudunen

I'm gray- gray hare I'm drawing.
In the distance, behind a snowdrift, there is a deep ravine,
There is a hidden enemy in the ravine!
Two pointy ears stick out from the snow -
The fox guards the defenseless bunnies!
What to do?!
What to do?!
I do not play like that!
I erase the gray hare with an eraser.
On a white piece of paper with an oblique line
I white-white hare I'm drawing.
And let them say that my drawing is empty...
I hear the bushes moving, crunching,
I see marks on fluffy snow.
And I will save the bunny from the enemy!
N. Volkova

One day in the summer, by the stream,
I built the house for the hare.
Come in, dear hare,
At least one, at least the whole family.
Insulate floors for the winter
And prepare food.
Berries, aspen bark,
Onions, cabbage and carrots.
And live in peace
Yes, thank me.
And with the neighbors beavers
Sing songs until dawn.
T. Potapova

Our bunnies are fashionistas,
The frock coats were changed:
Nowadays the hares are white,
Even though they were gray.
Life is easier for gray people in autumn
In the midst of gray nature,
And in winter it’s calmer -
Wear white clothes.
White color- saving,
Merges with the snow,
That's why hares have fur
Before winter changes:
So that the insidious wolf does not eat!!! –
Hares know a lot about fashion.
N. Samonii

The bunny darted into the garden,
He opened his mouth wide,
How glad is the scythe,
That he took the basket with him.
There are cabbage and carrots,
Pickling will be good
Everything will come in handy in winter,
My bunny will be well-fed.
A. Teslenko

Bunny Mitka, although small,
But resourceful and daring.
Cleverly played pranks in the garden
I thinned out the carrots in the morning.
I tore out the beets with roots,
Rutabagas laid out in rows...
Where did the cabbage grow yesterday?
The garden bed suddenly became empty.
He's such a daredevil.
This little trickster.
N. Shkonda

The hare is not a rare animal in the forests,
He just hides under a branch.
- We see you, big-eared one.
Come to us, we won’t hurt you.
We'll treat you a little
The hare is modest, untouchable.
- I won’t eat out of my hands.
I'm even afraid to listen.
You can't convince me -
It's very scary to be a hare!
V. Gvozdev

Long-eared and fluffy
Waiting for trouble
Like a ball flashes quickly,
Cleverly confuses his tracks.
There the fox was wary,
Wolf with teeth - watch out!
And insidiously hid
On a high branch there is a lynx.
A winged predator in the sky
The beak-hook sharpens.
Our hare is looking for shelter -
Yurk! under the bush and silence.
There is no rest for a minute:
A crack and a shot, rumbling.
Bunny, small and sensitive,
Again he asked the striker.
T. Degunova

In the clearing

In a clearing near a tree stump
The hares are dancing the trepak,
They dance, have fun,
They are not afraid to stomp.
Glad it's a clear day
Happy old stump
Maples and daisies,
Birds and insects.
Why shouldn't they frolic?
If it's full of sorrel,
If not nearby
Wolf and Fox.
G. Ladonshchikov

There was an island on the river.
There lived a bunny - hop and skip.
I slept sweetly under a bush
And he gnawed the bark of aspen trees.
Suddenly he looks - there is a river everywhere...
R-time!.. And there is no island!
The hare was so scared
What climbed a tree
Even though I didn’t know how to climb...
That’s why it remained intact!
Soon all the water will go away...
He will find friends!
Everyone will be vying with each other
Talk about him: “Hero!..”
E. Grudanov

The snow didn’t have time to attack -
The bunny turned white before...
And now in the forest he
It's very scary to be alone!
What if you meet a fox by chance?
Will a hawk notice from above?..
White cannot escape!
You can see white everywhere...
Bunny trembles and waits:
Well, when will it snow?!

Drummer Hare.
For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
- I won’t drum!
Not in the mood,
There is no situation
No preparation
I don't see any carrots.
V. Berestov

Hare running from a wolf
Hiding in a hole he said:
"If only I could get some needles
Like a hedgehog, there is no strength
To be afraid of all the animals in the forest,
At least I’m wearing expensive fur coats,
But you have to save yourself
Only by running away from others.
I would curl up in a ball
Having quickly conquered your fear,
I ran into a gray wolf,
I hit my nose with a needle,
He wouldn't hurt me
And he was always friends with me.
And when at the meeting I saw
I said the word hello."
M. Piudunen

The frogs laughed at the hare:
“What huge ears!
Carrying such a heavy burden?!
You have to carry them in a cart!”
The hare answered them: “I hear
When the mice are busy in the hole,
Through the forest in the evening
The fox is sneaking after me!
And if you, laughter,
Put the same ears on
We would run for our lives now -
The heron is hunting you!
T. Efimova

There are footprints left in the snow,
But they suddenly stopped.
Maybe a bird was sitting here
And flew off somewhere?
It was the hare who jumped cleverly,
He's got a knack for it
Mixed up all the tracks
So that there is no trouble,
And sits in the dense forest
In a hole under a large bush.
White snow and white fur
They hide the hare better than anyone else.
L. Zubanenko

In the clearing one after another
Hares jump in circles
They are happily trampling the snowball.
Jump-da-jump, hop-da-jump!
Waiting for the fox to come
That's right, you'll be surprised!
He'll pick up the trail with his keen sense of smell!
The circle is different...And it will fall!
T. Efimova

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
The bunny walks without fear.
Bunny pulls carrot
Deftly for the tops from the garden,
The reddest root
He puts it in a big bag.
And he also tears cabbage,
So that the leaf is tight and crunchy!
And to your home without haste
Everything is transported on a cart.
Brave bunny! Not afraid
That the fox will come here!
She has something to do today
The cheat spotted the chickens!
And the owner won't come,
He guards the chicken coop!

After reading these poems about the hare. You can try making origami of this animal. To do this you need a sheet of paper and a little of your patience. Watch this master class. Good luck and, as always, creative success!

Poems about hares. Large selection poems about hares for children and their parents.

At the hemp

Little hare sitting by a tree stump
Taught my nimble son:
- Be brave
Don't brag and don't lie!
Don't take someone else's cabbage!
Don't press when you meet
Wolf paws!
Don't offend someone who is weak!
Don't laugh at someone else's misfortune!
Share food with the hungry!
Don't give offensive nicknames!
Don't call the donkey a fool!
Also remember son:
Give a mouse a mousetrap,
The fox is a trap,
Ruff is a hook,
And the piglet - a piglet!



Bunny-bunny, where are you going?
- I’m going to visit the children in the cities!
- What for? Will you live there?
- I will be friends with the children!

Kirill Avdeenko



He jumped into the house deftly!
Where's the carrot?

- Ha-ga-ga,
A thief has broken into our door!
Needed, needed
Call the bulldog Grishka!

Bunny Bunny
Right here:
- Geese, oh, don’t be afraid!
I'm not a thief!
No no!
Come on, calm down!

I'll tell you:
I have
The carrot grew for a year;
Suddenly a crow -
Grab her!
She took it deftly into her beak.

Took off with her
She croaked and scolded;
And carrots
To your house
Ah - and she dropped!

I'm in the bag
I'll take it -
If only I could climb in;
Ah, carrot,
Tasty and healthy!

The geese shouted:
- Haha,
Hello, gray bunny!
Eat carrots
Get into the kitchen!

If you want -
There you will find
Cow's milk;
Fell yourself like at your own home,
Eat to your health!

Yes, eat more
The kitchen, oh, is not empty!
Well, in our cellar,
You know? Cabbage!


Only bunnies
Don't hear -
Come on, what happened?
Ah, carrot,
Fits in the bag!

Bunny with her
To the native forest
Jumps into the distance, rushes!
He was scared!
Wow, how everything is shaking!

Quickly-quickly bunny
In time
Jumped over the fence;
Visit, bunny,
Run to the house!
The geese will be happy.

Yeah, bunny
He jumps deftly!
Behind my back
With him
Long carrot;

It's good,
What is she
The whole thing got into the bag;
Ah, carrot,
Delicious and healthy!

And on the field
Every day
A noise is heard at the edge;
This is a bunny
Eating his carrots!

This is where the fairy tale ends,
We've been sitting here for a long time!
It's time for everyone to eat carrots,
It’s delicious, it’s delicious!

We will be there then
Everyone is strong and agile;
Oh, carrot, yum-yum,
Nothing tastes better than carrots!

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2012

What's inside?

Here's a snowdrift.
-What's inside?
-If you want,
Look! -
The little bunny looked
And in the snowdrift there is a bear!

It wouldn't be enough
bunny legs,
If only there was wind
Did not help.

Bunny - jump
On the edge of a snowstorm.
And they are in a ravine
We flew in.

G. Novitskaya


Tired winds sleep
The forester is sleeping in his hut,
And at the HARE until the morning
Ears take turns sleeping.

A bunny jumps on the wall
And winks at me.
Jumped to the picture
He lingered on the shoe.
Dancing on the ceiling
Hidden in the corner.
So he hid in the crib,
He plays hide and seek with us.

About the hare

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,
I was walking home from the forest -
Poor frightened hare
So he sat down in front of me!

So he died, stupid,
But, of course, at that very moment
Jumped into the pine forest,
Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time,
Hiding in silence,
I thought somewhere under the tree
About yourself and me.

I thought, sighing sadly,
What friends does he have?
After Grandfather Mazai
There's no one left...

In the clearing

In a clearing near a tree stump
The hares are dancing the trepak,
They dance, have fun,
They are not afraid to stomp.
Glad it's a clear day
Happy old stump
Maples and daisies,
Birds and insects.
Why shouldn't they frolic?
If it's full of sorrel,
If not nearby
Wolf and Fox.



Jumps between the grasses
Swift bunny.
Crushed with my paws
White dandelion.
Let's fly high
White fluff.
The bunny jumps far
Along a forest path.

M. Klokova


Someone's paws traced on the white snow,
Someone, timid, ran through the forest edge,
I gnawed the bark off a birch tree.
Someone's teeth were sharpening the spine.
He sat like a white column for a long time,
Pricking up your long ears,
And, sensing the arrow, he flew
Over the head from a white pea.
Short ponytail, pigtailed eyes
And a fluffy white fur coat, ^
The growth is not small and not very large,
And the upper lip is forked.

O.A. Belyaevskaya

Stop, little bunny, don't run
Along the narrow path.
You better take care
His tail is thin.
The fox sneaks along the path.
It is unlikely that he is looking for mushrooms!

Tired winds sleep
The forester is sleeping in his hut,
And at the HARE until the morning
Ears take turns sleeping.
V. Orlov

About the hare.
The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,
I was walking home from the forest -
Poor frightened hare
So he sat down in front of me!

So he died, stupid,
But, of course, at that very moment
Jumped into the pine forest,
Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time,
Hiding in silence,
I thought somewhere under the tree
About yourself and me.

I thought, sighing sadly,
What friends does he have?
After Grandfather Mazai
There's no one left...
N. Rubtsov

In the clearing.
In a clearing near a tree stump
The hares are dancing the trepak,
They dance, have fun,
They are not afraid to stomp.
Glad it's a clear day
Happy old stump
Maples and daisies,
Birds and insects.
Why shouldn't they frolic?
If it's full of sorrel,
If not nearby
Wolf and Fox.
G. Ladonshchikov

Drummer Hare.
For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
- I won’t drum!
Not in the mood,
There is no situation
No preparation
I don't see any carrots.
V. Berestov

* * *

Rustle, ringing kurzhak
Woke up the brown hare.
The poor thing is afraid and cold,
He's hungry and has no time to play!
In a blue snowy ravine
He ate willow bark.
Emboldened, I warmed up little by little,
I ran around the frosty forest,
Crossed the deserted road
And disappeared into the green winter...
T. Belozerov

Hare's dream.
The bushes are sleeping,
And the winds sleep,
The forester is sleeping
In your hut.
And the hare has until the morning
Ears take turns sleeping.
V. Orlov

Sad bunny.
-Very tasty
Cabbage leaf -
Told me
The bunny is sad.
-Why are you
Bunny, sad?
-I lost
Cabbage leaf!
G. Novitskaya

Hare trail.
It won't be long before trouble is in the forest,
But the hare is not a simpleton.
Know how to confuse your tracks -
Like this!
The trail winds here and there,
Forward, backward and sideways.
Where the hare was, there is no hare.
Jumping gallop!
V. Berestov

Stop, little bunny, don't run
Along the narrow path.
You better take care
His tail is thin.
The fox sneaks along the path.
It is unlikely that he is looking for mushrooms!
I. Tokmakova

A bunny is jumping across the lawn,
Bounces deftly like a ball.
Kvitka O.

* * *
One two three four five!
The bunny went out for a walk.
Locked the house
And went to the department store
Buy yourself a scarf
Lamp, umbrella and hammock.
D. Kharms

The hare runs as fast as he can,
The hare wants to hide.
Then he runs and circles.
Poor guy, he's afraid of everything...
Where to hide from evil -
From the fox and marten,
From the eagle and the eagle?
He's even afraid of squirrels
Songbirds - even small ones.
...Ears are arrows, tail is a twig,
The squirrel jumped and - silence.

Winter ringing, winter ringing
At dawn from all sides!

Frosty winter morning
At dawn the birch trees ring.
All lakes are mirrors
Made of green glass.

The birds are chilly.
The animals are chilly.
They lock the doors in the holes,
They climb into hollows, into nests...
In the blue sky the stars are frozen,
They fade at dawn -
Wow, it's frosty in January!

Only the hare is not afraid -
Frolic near the lake,
Zorka smiles.
The hare is hardening up!

Bunny rides on a tram,
Bunny is riding, reasoning:
"If I bought a ticket,
Who am I: a hare or not?

E. Malyonkina

U bunny ears
stick out on the top of the head,
He loves it delicious
cabbage leaf
Runs fast
and jumps deftly,
That's because
he eats carrots!

T. Kersten

Bunny ate a sweet leaf
I dozed off on a soft bed,
And a delicious one came to him
Juicy-sweet cabbage dream.

E. Monakhova

There is an animal sitting in the bushes here.
Oh, her ears are trembling.
It is clear that she is afraid:
“Tsiz! Silence! The fox is coming!

N. Shkonda

Under the broom bush
Bunny built his own house.
The winds are NOT afraid of him,
There is nothing safer than a tent.
And he sees a fox trail -
And the whole wide world is not nice.
Runs away from trouble
The sly man confuses his tracks.

V. Berestov

It won't be long before trouble is in the forest.
Know how to cover your tracks!
Try to guess
Where did it go? bunny!
The trail winds back and forth.
Where the bunny was, there is no bunny!

S. Ostrovsky

The field where the cabbage grew
Scared the wolf with a crunch.
"Hardly a hare, hardly a coward
A crunch can do that.
That's right, there's a bear in the garden..." -
And he ran away without looking back.
Hare spared no effort -
He overcame the wolf with a crunch.

E. Zamaraev

A gray ear will flash.
Behind the bushes there is a turn,
Behind the pine tree there is a turn,
And behind the tree there is a turn.
This hare in a gray fur coat
For cabbage in the garden.
And in winter around the corner
A white ear will flash.
This is a bunny in a winter coat
He goes for carrots.

T. Gusarova

In the forestry store
In the corner, on the display case
Three white fur coats are lying.
A buyer arrived:
-Sell me your fur coats
For my children, for the bunnies will.
- Why do you need these?
Children will get dirty.
What good are white people to you?
- Snow-white winter
In light clothes
Bunnies are not afraid of the evil wolf.

Auntie Au

To the pharmacy, on the very outskirts of the forest,
Bunny came for a cure for stress:
- Sell it quickly, Madame Wolverine,
Bottle "Osmelina", bottle "Anti-fear"
And ointments, twelve large bubbles -
"For rapid growth of claws and fangs"!

M. Piudunen

Bunny walked through the forest
Changed my white fur coat
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
So that both in the field and in the forest
He managed to outwit the fox.

N. Volkova

I'm gray-gray hare I'm drawing.
In the distance, behind a snowdrift, there is a deep ravine,
There is a hidden enemy in the ravine!
Two pointy ears stick out from the snow -
The fox guards the defenseless bunnies!
What to do?!
What to do?!
I do not play like that!
I erase the gray hare with an eraser.
On a white piece of paper with an oblique line
I'm drawing a white, white hare.
And let them say that my drawing is empty...
I hear the bushes moving, crunching,
I see footprints in the fluffy snow.
And I will save the bunny from the enemy!

N. Melnik

Bunny galloped through the forest,
I was resting in the clearing.
Oh, sister fox is running,
She's an expert at deception.
The bunny hid under the Christmas tree.
There are green needles there.
Oh! Needles! Pegs! Pegs!
The bunny's paws are very painful.
He has enough fears!
We'll go chase the fox away
Into the dark forest, not close at all.
Bunny! Hurry to the house
You see, there’s not a soul nearby!

T. Potapova

One day in the summer, by the stream,
I built the house for the hare.
Come in, dear hare,
At least one, at least the whole family.
Insulate floors for the winter
And prepare food.
Berries, aspen bark,
Onions, cabbage and carrots.
And live in peace
Yes, thank me.
And with the neighbors beavers
Sing songs until dawn.

N. Samonii

Our bunnies are fashionistas,
The frock coats were changed:
Nowadays the hares are white,
Even though they were gray.
Life is easier for gray people in autumn
In the midst of gray nature,
And in winter it’s calmer -
Wear white clothes.
White color is a saving color,
Merges with the snow,
That's why hares have fur
Before winter changes:
So that the insidious wolf does not eat!!! –
Hares know a lot about fashion.

A. Teslenko

Snuck bunny to the garden,
He opened his mouth wide,
How glad is the scythe,
That he took the basket with him.
There are cabbage and carrots,
Pickling will be good
Everything will come in handy in winter,
My bunny will be well-fed.

N. Shkonda

Bunny Mitka, although small,
But resourceful and daring.
Cleverly played pranks in the garden
I thinned out the carrots in the morning.
I tore out the beets with roots,
Rutabagas laid out in rows...
Where did the cabbage grow yesterday?
The garden bed suddenly became empty.
He's such a daredevil.
This little trickster.

Rita Zaitseva

Said Bunny: "Snow.
Covered the clearing with a carpet.
That's it, my gray fur coat
Now I won't wear it.
I'll change it for the winter -
I won't forget about this -
And until spring, until warm days,
I will be snow-white.
So that in a white fur coat in the snow
To seem invisible
and the Wolf, my enemy,
Don't get caught at dinner!"

V. Gvozdev

Hare- the beast in the forests is not rare,
He just hides under a branch.
- We see you, big-eared one.
Come to us, we won’t hurt you.
We'll treat you a little
The hare is modest, untouchable.
- I won’t eat out of my hands.
I'm even afraid to listen.
You can't convince me -
It's very scary to be a hare!

T. Degunova

Long-eared and fluffy
Waiting for trouble
Like a ball flashes quickly,
Cleverly confuses his tracks.
There the fox was wary,
Wolf with teeth - watch out!
And insidiously hid
On a high branch there is a lynx.
A winged predator in the sky
The beak-hook sharpens.
Hare ours is looking for shelter -
Yurk! under the bush and silence.
There is no rest for a minute:
A crack and a shot, rumbling.
Bunny, small and sensitive,
Again he asked the striker.

E. Grudanov

There was an island on the river.
Lived there bunny- jump and jump.
I slept sweetly under a bush
And he gnawed the bark of aspen trees.
Suddenly he looks - there is a river everywhere...
R-time!.. And there is no island!
The hare was so scared
What climbed a tree
Even though I didn't know how to climb...
That’s why it remained intact!
Soon all the water will go away...
He will find friends!
Everyone will be vying with each other
Talk about him: “Hero!..”

The snow didn’t have time to attack -
Bunny I used to turn white...
And now in the forest he
It's very scary to be alone!
What if you meet a fox by chance?
Will a hawk notice from above?..
White cannot escape!
You can see white everywhere...
Bunny trembles and waits:
Well, when will it snow?!

M. Piudunen

Hare running from the wolf,
Hiding in a hole he said:
"If only I could get some needles
Like a hedgehog, there is no strength
To be afraid of all the animals in the forest,
At least I’m wearing expensive fur coats,
But you have to save yourself
Only by running away from others.
I would curl up in a ball
Having quickly conquered your fear,
I ran into a gray wolf,
I hit my nose with a needle,
He wouldn't hurt me
And he was always friends with me.
And when at the meeting I saw
I said hello."

T. Efimova

Laughed at hare frogs:
“What huge ears!
Carrying such a heavy burden?!
You have to carry them in a cart!”
The hare answered them: “I hear
When the mice are busy in the hole,
Through the forest in the evening
The fox is sneaking after me!
And if you, laughter,
Put the same ears on
We would run for our lives now -
The heron is hunting you!

L. Zubanenko

There are footprints left in the snow,
But they suddenly stopped.
Maybe a bird was sitting here
And flew off somewhere?
This hare jumped deftly
He's got a knack for it
Mixed up all the tracks
So that there is no trouble,
And sits in the dense forest
In a hole under a large bush.
White snow and white fur
They hide the hare better than anyone else.

T. Efimova

In the clearing one after another
Hares jumping in circles
They are happily trampling the snowball.
Jump-da-jump, hop-da-jump!
Waiting for the fox to come
That's right, you'll be surprised!
He'll pick up the trail with his keen sense of smell!
The circle is different...And it will fall!

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
Without fear bunny walks.
Bunny pulls carrot
Deftly for the tops from the garden,
The reddest root
He puts it in a big bag.
And he also tears cabbage,
So that the leaf is tight and crunchy!
And to your home without haste
Everything is transported on a cart.
Brave bunny! Not afraid
That the fox will come here!
She has something to do today
The cheat spotted the chickens!
And the owner won't come,
He guards the chicken coop!

And they always strive to catch, eat, or even “squeeze” the bast house.

Well, of course, it's a hare. Probably the most defenseless and most delicious “piece” for the negative heroes of epics and cartoons.

“The most defenseless?” - it depends on how you look at it. How he famously deceives his enemies in fairy tales. And this is not without reason, because in reality, a hare, meandering, can easily throw a predator off the scent.

Poems about the hare

The bunny is looking at the garden.
What's growing in the beds there?
Here are peas, carrots, cabbage...
The garden became empty
A. Tolstobrova

Jumps in the summer in a gray fur coat,
Bunny playing happily
And as soon as at the edge
An evil blizzard will swirl,
The bunny in the hole will open the closet,
He'll get a white fur coat,
And then the frost won't touch you,
And the snowstorm won't scare you.
S. Antonyuk

The bunny has ears
stick out on the top of the head,
He loves it delicious
cabbage leaf
Runs fast
and jumps deftly,
That's because
he eats carrots!
E. Malyonkina

There is an animal sitting in the bushes here.
Oh, her ears are trembling.
It is clear that she is afraid:
“Tsiz! Silence! The fox is coming!
E. Monakhova

Little bunny in the forest
He is very afraid of everyone:
And the cunning fox
And any bird.
He's shaking so much with fear
That the bushes are shaking.
It's very difficult for a bunny to live,
He's so scared of everyone!
S. Antonyuk

Under the broom bush
The bunny built his own house.
The winds are NOT afraid of him,
There is nothing safer than a tent.
And he sees a fox trail -
And the whole wide world is not nice.
Runs away from trouble
The sly man confuses his tracks.
N. Shkonda

At the stump.
Little hare sitting by a tree stump
Taught my nimble son:
- Be brave
Don't brag and don't lie!
Don't take someone else's cabbage!
Don't press when you meet
Wolf paws!
Don't offend someone who is weak!
Don't laugh at someone else's misfortune!
Share food with the hungry!
Don't give offensive nicknames!
Don't call the donkey a fool!
Also remember son:
Give a mouse a mousetrap,
The fox is a trap,
Ruff is a hook,
And the piglet has a spot!
G. Ladonshchikov

The field where the cabbage grew
Scared the wolf with a crunch.
"Hardly a hare, hardly a coward
A crunch can do that.
That’s right, there’s a bear in the garden...”
And he ran away without looking back.
The hare spared no effort -
He overcame the wolf with a crunch.
S. Ostrovsky

The hare molts for the winter,
He puts on a white fur coat,
Instead of summer camouflage,
To be more inconspicuous.
He is always ready to run
From friends and from enemies.
Loves vegetables and leaves.
He's a very fast comrade
Even a wolf can't keep up.
The hare has something to fear
After all, he doesn’t know how to fight!

A gray ear will flash.
Behind the bushes there is a turn,
Behind the pine tree there is a turn,
And behind the tree there is a turn.
This is a hare in a gray fur coat
For cabbage in the garden.
And in winter around the corner
A white ear will flash.
This is a bunny in a winter coat
He goes for carrots.
E. Zamaraev

The bunny walked through the forest,
Changed my white fur coat
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
So that both in the field and in the forest
He managed to outwit the fox.
M. Piudunen

I am drawing a gray-gray hare.
In the distance, behind a snowdrift, there is a deep ravine,
There is a hidden enemy in the ravine!
Two pointy ears stick out from the snow -
The fox guards the defenseless bunnies!
What to do?!
What to do?!
I do not play like that!
I erase the gray hare with an eraser.
On a white piece of paper with an oblique line
I'm drawing a white, white hare.
And let them say that my drawing is empty...
I hear the bushes moving, crunching,
I see footprints in the fluffy snow.
And I will save the bunny from the enemy!
N. Volkova

One day in the summer, by the stream,
I built the house for the hare.
Come in, dear hare,
At least one, at least the whole family.
Insulate floors for the winter
And prepare food.
Berries, aspen bark,
Onions, cabbage and carrots.
And live in peace
Yes, thank me.
And with the neighbors beavers
Sing songs until dawn.
T. Potapova

Our bunnies are fashionistas,
The frock coats were changed:
Nowadays the hares are white,
Even though they were gray.
Life is easier for gray people in autumn
In the midst of gray nature,
And in winter it’s calmer -
Wear white clothes.
White color is a saving color,
Merges with the snow,
That's why hares have fur
Before winter changes:
So that the insidious wolf does not eat!!! –
Hares know a lot about fashion.
N. Samonii

The bunny darted into the garden,
He opened his mouth wide,
How glad is the scythe,
That he took the basket with him.
There are cabbage and carrots,
Pickling will be good
Everything will come in handy in winter,
My bunny will be well-fed.
A. Teslenko

Bunny Mitka, although small,
But resourceful and daring.
Cleverly played pranks in the garden
I thinned out the carrots in the morning.
I tore out the beets with roots,
Rutabagas laid out in rows...
Where did the cabbage grow yesterday?
The garden bed suddenly became empty.
He's such a daredevil.
This little trickster.
N. Shkonda

The hare is not a rare animal in the forests,
He just hides under a branch.
- We see you, big-eared one.
Come to us, we won’t hurt you.
We'll treat you a little
The hare is modest, untouchable.
- I won’t eat out of my hands.
I'm even afraid to listen.
You can't convince me -
It's very scary to be a hare!
V. Gvozdev

Long-eared and fluffy
Waiting for trouble
Like a ball flashes quickly,
Cleverly confuses his tracks.
There the fox was wary,
Wolf with teeth - watch out!
And insidiously hid
On a high branch there is a lynx.
A winged predator in the sky
The beak-hook sharpens.
Our hare is looking for shelter -
Yurk! under the bush and silence.
There is no rest for a minute:
A crack and a shot, rumbling.
Bunny, small and sensitive,
Again he asked the striker.
T. Degunova

In the clearing

In a clearing near a tree stump
The hares are dancing the trepak,
They dance, have fun,
They are not afraid to stomp.
Glad it's a clear day
Happy old stump
Maples and daisies,
Birds and insects.
Why shouldn't they frolic?
If it's full of sorrel,
If not nearby
Wolf and Fox.
G. Ladonshchikov

There was an island on the river.
There lived a bunny - hop and skip.
I slept sweetly under a bush
And he gnawed the bark of aspen trees.
Suddenly he looks - there is a river everywhere...
R-time!.. And there is no island!
The hare was so scared
What climbed a tree
Even though I didn’t know how to climb...
That’s why it remained intact!
Soon all the water will go away...
He will find friends!
Everyone will be vying with each other
Talk about him: “Hero!..”
E. Grudanov

The snow didn’t have time to attack -
The bunny turned white before...
And now in the forest he
It's very scary to be alone!
What if you meet a fox by chance?
Will a hawk notice from above?..
White cannot escape!
You can see white everywhere...
Bunny trembles and waits:
Well, when will it snow?!

Drummer Hare.
For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
- I won’t drum!
Not in the mood,
There is no situation
No preparation
I don't see any carrots.
V. Berestov

Hare running from a wolf
Hiding in a hole he said:
"If only I could get some needles
Like a hedgehog, there is no strength
To be afraid of all the animals in the forest,
At least I’m wearing expensive fur coats,
But you have to save yourself
Only by running away from others.
I would curl up in a ball
Having quickly conquered your fear,
I ran into a gray wolf,
I hit my nose with a needle,
He wouldn't hurt me
And he was always friends with me.
And when at the meeting I saw
I said the word hello."
M. Piudunen

The frogs laughed at the hare:
“What huge ears!
Carrying such a heavy burden?!
You have to carry them in a cart!”
The hare answered them: “I hear
When the mice are busy in the hole,
Through the forest in the evening
The fox is sneaking after me!
And if you, laughter,
Put the same ears on
We would run for our lives now -
The heron is hunting you!
T. Efimova

There are footprints left in the snow,
But they suddenly stopped.
Maybe a bird was sitting here
And flew off somewhere?
It was the hare who jumped cleverly,
He's got a knack for it
Mixed up all the tracks
So that there is no trouble,
And sits in the dense forest
In a hole under a large bush.
White snow and white fur
They hide the hare better than anyone else.
L. Zubanenko

In the clearing one after another
Hares jump in circles
They are happily trampling the snowball.
Jump-da-jump, hop-da-jump!
Waiting for the fox to come
That's right, you'll be surprised!
He'll pick up the trail with his keen sense of smell!
The circle is different...And it will fall!
T. Efimova

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
The bunny walks without fear.
Bunny pulls carrot
Deftly for the tops from the garden,
The reddest root
He puts it in a big bag.
And he also tears cabbage,
So that the leaf is tight and crunchy!
And to your home without haste
Everything is transported on a cart.
Brave bunny! Not afraid
That the fox will come here!
She has something to do today
The cheat spotted the chickens!
And the owner won't come,
He guards the chicken coop!

After reading these poems about the hare. You can try making origami of this animal. To do this you need a sheet of paper and a little of your patience. Watch this master class. Good luck and, as always, creative success!