Seasonality in promotion is about a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter. Of course, you won’t sell them, but you will be well prepared to make the most of them at the peak of demand. Contextual advertising is more flexible in this sense, but seasonality must also be taken into account in SEO promotion. How? Let us tell you the example of promoting the online store of tires and wheels VIANOR.

To bookmarks

We started working on the site in June 2017. The site at that time was more than 4 years old. The customer is a representative of a network of tire centers owned by the Nokian Tires concern, the largest network in the Nordic countries, Russia and the Baltics. The turnover is significant, and so is the traffic. The mistake could result in lost orders worth six figures.

The site is large even by the standards of an online store: about 6 million pages, of which more than a million are in the search engine index. An additional complexity is seasonality, which is expressed not only in a sharp increase and decrease in traffic, but also in a change in the pool of active requests. In October, buyers are looking for winter tires, and in April - summer tires. Therefore, the standard approach to forming and updating the semantic core is not suitable - segmentation is required.

Segmentation of seasonal queries

From the customer’s perspective, it looks like this: the standard reporting file for positions is supplemented with tabs that display queries and indicators by group. In our case, these were general requests (we work with them constantly), batteries (we work on them, monitor them, not a priority), winter and summer tires (we work actively during the season).

Query segmentation working file

This way it’s convenient for the customer to track the results for each group and compare them with the overall semantics.

What does this mean for us?

· Updating groups and frequencies only in the same period.

· Reporting by groups.

· Selection of groups for work in accordance with seasonality.


First, let's evaluate the results for traffic from search engines. If seasonality is pronounced, it cannot be assessed solely based on the current period: changes will be directly related to interest in the product. Therefore, we compare year to year. At the peak of the season in October and April, we received a good increase.

Increase in traffic during seasonal peaks

Traffic must be targeted in order to successfully convert. You can evaluate whether pages meet visitors’ expectations, for example, by the bounce rate (the visitor immediately left the page). Based on April results, the percentage of refusals decreased from 14 in 2017 to 8.61 this year. This means your leads are more likely to convert.

The audience becomes more targeted

Let's check if this is true - look at the conversion graphs:

Conversion growth

Even the graph shows that both the number of goal achievements and the % of conversions have increased. But don't believe your eyes - we have numbers.

We also evaluate the results of promotion based on semantic core queries. Visibility (the sum of the exact search frequencies in the top 10) during our work increased from 282 to 30,737, and the average position decreased from 93.55 to 34.43.

Visibility increases

Average position decreases

As mentioned earlier, we report by request type.

Anton Ushakhin wrote a column for the site about choosing an SEO agency for an e-commerce project, about the experience of cooperation with Rush Agency, and about increasing the number of external links using a video about the start of sales of sneakers from Kanye West.

What choice does ecommerce have: Inhouse or agency?

For most online stores, SEO is a black box, and companies do not want to understand SEO processes themselves, preferring to outsource this channel. We began to look seriously at SEO when we realized that this is one of the cheapest channels for attracting customers and it is completely underdeveloped in our country. We rolled up our sleeves and began to figure it out.

Thanks to my experience in Internet marketing, I roughly understood how the “tip” of SEO was done, but I did not know what lay under the underwater part of the iceberg.

The issue with in-house disappeared for me after talking with several optimizers. I realized that my competence in search technologies is not enough to competently assess a candidate’s level. We decided to leave it until better times. Self-training is quite difficult due to the fact that you are working in a project with a bunch of channels and there is practically no time for development. Because of this, you very quickly begin to fade in the field of knowledge about SEO, and at the same time you can make a considerable number of mistakes, which will ultimately negatively affect search traffic.

We decided, as usual, to start with freelancers and look for private traders. Nothing good came of this, because the “experts” basically suggested buying spam links (at that time there was no punishment for this, and we didn’t even think about it) and wait for the weather by the sea. There were also “masters” who offered to select 1000-2000 keywords for our entire store.

Then the fun began. I decided to request commercial proposals from agencies and see what they generally offer on the search engine promotion market. There was some understanding of the work plan and awareness of the conveyor process of promotion. No one wanted to make us a personalized offer and figure out how our business differs from Wildberries or Lamoda.

Then we started looking for agencies with a different format of work. There are not many agencies in Russia that do real SEO analytics. How you searched:

  • watched videos of experts and top companies on YouTube;
  • went to SEO conferences;
  • monitored and checked for plausibility cases from interested agencies.

Pros and cons of each SEO work format


  • An SEO specialist is always under control.
  • An SEO specialist is deeply immersed in the project.

This is an ideal option for a large online store. But, as I wrote above, the main difficulty here is to assemble a team, adequately assess its capabilities and set KPIs. A huge plus is that the internal team is dedicated to the project, interacting with the implementation team and the content department at arm's length.

I know of only three successful cases of building SEO processes for retailers: Wikimart, WildBerries and 220 Volt. In my opinion, the success of such teams is due to the personality of the head of the SEO department, who gathered star teams around him. So far we have not found such a person.

  • The knowledge and skills of an SEO specialist quickly become outdated if he does not have a team within the project.
  • There are few personnel on the market capable of heading an internal SEO department.

It is difficult to assess the competence of an SEO specialist during an interview. Many candidates only pretend to be professionals by showing someone else's portfolio, which is quite difficult to recognize. Specialists of the right level of the road. The head of the SEO department is paid from 120 thousand rubles per month. He will need “hands” - that’s another 80-95 thousand.

Most of the resumes on HeadHunter are fake, with fake portfolios, and some SEO specialists can’t even answer the recruiter’s checklist. Let's not forget about real skill candidates who simply do not know how to work with large projects. Most smart specialists successfully work with high-frequency queries on small semantics.

Our specificity is such that the bulk of the traffic comes from tens of thousands of mid- and low-frequency requests. However, you should not think that there is little competition among these requests. Our store needed a completely different approach. And in general, I do not consider the option of one specialist in the Inhouse format, since this is a utopia. Usually, after a year, this path leads to nowhere: without an exchange of experience, the specialist degrades.

Conveyor type SEO agencies

This is an agency whose business processes are built on maximum automation of SEO production and cheap labor; a huge number of projects are managed by one specialist. A reasonable question is how do such agencies survive with low qualifications of employees and a gigantic amount of work? Through automation and templates of internal optimization and link purchasing.

  • a conventionally understandable scheme of work: usually they simply sell you positions;
  • well-known company name.

The only positive grain that communication with these guys gave me was the work plan for the projects in the commercial proposals.

At this stage, I realized why most companies go to conveyor agencies:

  • They offer “clear” and “simple” schemes of work: 1 word in the top 10 - pay 200 rubles or something like that. But few people think that this approach is completely ineffective for e-commerce.
  • These are, of course, brands: company websites are full of famous clients whom they promoted. Inspires confidence. Maybe.


  • Low overall staff level when working with e-commerce projects and large amounts of data.
  • No personalization or immersion in the project.
  • 25−60 projects per specialist;
  • the presence of SEO analysts only on VIP projects (these are federal online stores with a check for SEO from 300-400 thousand rubles per month);
  • It is extremely difficult to communicate directly with an SEO specialist. 90% of communication is with the account manager, because this is what the business of conveyor agencies is built on;
  • there is a feeling that you are a cog in a large conveyor belt. Hence the birth of the terms “SEO-shmeo”, “SEO-shamanism” - and in general, SEO is now perceived as some kind of magic, and not as a serious sales channel.

After receiving five or six commercial offers and holding several meetings, we realized that this type of SEO surrogate was not for us. Agencies tried to impose on us the same template work plan according to which they promote sites for the production of foam blocks in Balashikha or for drilling wells in Rzhev.

A series of similar negotiations with companies that sent us proposals gave the following picture:

  • There was no competent staff. Both the “sales people” and the SEO specialists present at the meetings could not say anything more specific than “We will do an audit and buy links.”
  • No one even bothered to look at the site structure and study the features of our traffic. Complete templating of SEO processes. They tried to sell us a similar work plan according to which they promote services in non-competitive regions. You feel like a cog in a big SEO spam machine.

In addition, we were allowed to become an optimizer in only two companies - mostly account managers and sales people attended the meetings. For us, as a large e-commerce project, this is unacceptable. We felt right away that we were about to be thrown into a meat grinder of endless phantom tasks and template technical assignments. This is where our communication with agencies of this format ended.

Boutique SEO agency

  • 3−4 projects per specialist;
  • direct communication with your SEO specialist;
  • There are full-time SEO analysts to solve complex problems;
  • immersion in the project at a level sufficient for rapid traffic growth;
  • there is the possibility of face-to-face meetings with the project team;
  • You can discuss individual work plans and KPIs;
  • personalized SEO strategies for each project, rather than one template for ecommerce and recipe site.

Minuses :

  • Bureaucracy and complex reports.
  • You have to invest in an additional team on the project side. One person cannot handle all tasks from the agency. We have separate people who deal specifically with the structure of the site.
  • The cost of the service is 3-5 times more expensive than the market.

Due to the complexity of our product range, we chose a boutique agency. Next, we began to scan the market for the presence of agencies and closed teams that work with e-commerce in the outstaffing format. Where we looked:

  • watched expert videos on YouTube;
  • watched recordings of reports from SEO conferences and attended them at the same time;
  • communicated with colleagues from the industry.

We made a banal Google document with experts we liked and started reaching out to them. The stars aligned for us in a completely unique way.

We redesigned the site (the design at that time was hopelessly outdated) and rolled it out into battle. At that time, we mainly used paid acquisition channels and social networks. We had no idea about the potential of our dusty SEO, which we simply didn't have enough time for. Eight hours after the release, a certain Evgeniy wrote to us on our official Facebook page:

Greetings! I really like your store. You carry great brands and do cool collaborations. The new design is ok, but there are some technical problems.

I and some employees of our company are your regular customers. Taking a look at the new look of the site from a professional point of view, we noticed errors that are preventing you from receiving traffic from search. The origin of these errors may be related to the new design (the developers forgot to transfer the data): in many places, key meta tags simply fell off.

This is how we met our boutique type agency - what we were looking for. Ironically, “a certain Evgeniy” turned out to be Evgeniy Shestakov, who was on the shortlist of experts in our Google document.

How we built interaction with the agency

We, as a classic client, perceived SEO as a one-way service - a one-way game. We imagined that the agency would send us recommendations in the format of 4-5 A4 sheets once a month, we would “tweak something” on the site, and then there would be tops, traffic, sales and fun. Everything turned out completely wrong. The launch of SEO marked the beginning of an internal reorganization hell for the content department. By the way, many colleagues ask what is our secret to success in SEO. There is no secret - I just had to work hard. For months.

What does SEO for e-commerce actually consist of:

  • correct selection of semantics;
  • correct implementation of semantics;
  • internal optimization;
  • work on the brand.


The main thing that we realized in the second month of work: all SEO for e-commerce is built on continuous analysis of search demand and on building the store structure not the way buyers like it, but the way users search for the product. Success in search demand analysis consists of the right approach and the right tools.

The correct approach was to determine the type of demand of the online store: category, product or mixed demand. In our case, this is a pronounced categorical demand. No one will search for “buy blue Barbour XF5576D-12 sweater.” In our niche, people ask queries like “buy Nike sneakers” or “Stone Island jackets.” Understanding the type of demand determines the entire SEO strategy of the project. If you make a mistake at this stage, the collapse of the campaign is inevitable.

As for the tools, initially we used only bare Wordstat or the old school KeyCollector as a source of semantics. It turned out that even good old Wordstat needs to be parsed correctly in order to get all the necessary keywords. And without collecting search tips using complex linguistic algorithms, you can lose up to 40% of traffic keywords. While searching for the most effective tool, we switched to professional automation from Rush Analytics, which was offered to us by the agency.

Grouping keywords by product listings

It would seem that everything is simple: open Excel and group the words. But in SEO everything turned out to be a little more complicated. Keywords like “buy Nike sneakers” and “buy cheap Nike sneakers” simply cannot be pushed to a single listing. It turned out that in modern SEO they use keyword clustering technology using the top similarity method for this purpose.

Another interesting tool that the agency offered us was a keyword analysis service for identifying commercial and non-commercial queries. This is extremely important: if the user's intent is non-commercial and he does not want to buy a product, there is no point in investing in these keywords. Sometime later. When there is time.

Commercial and non-commercial keywords cannot be promoted on one page - these are the Yandex ranking rules. If we do not separate such keywords, then we will get a very sad and common situation in SEO - 50% of keywords are in the top, and 50% are far beyond the top 30. Working on the second 50% is a direct loss for the company.

Hints from Yandex search

Tooltips in Rush Analytics with advanced linguistics

The result of keyword clustering using the top similarity method

Implementation of semantics

From the agency we receive Excel files with semantics, which contain:

  • the target or new URL to create;
  • keywords;
  • all types of frequency;
  • current traffic according to Google Analytics;
  • H1, Title and Description;
  • additional LSI synonyms for use in the text.

The path from the file with semantics to the “combat” page on the site is quite thorny. The purchasing manager receives this file first. At the input, it filters listings that we cannot create. For example, there is no product of this type, or we do not have the infrastructure ready to introduce new filters. Currently, about 25% of all pages offered by the agency are being cut down. And this is a great result: after talking with colleagues in the shop, we realized that in many stores this figure reaches 50-60%. They are rejected mainly due to the unpreparedness of the IT infrastructure to create new types of listings.

Content managers are the next to start working with files. They are responsible for the routine and boring work of selecting “tags” for future listings. Consider this an additional filter aimed at user convenience. It's just more intrusive and more noticeable. The main thing for such listings is the availability of a suitable product.

Example of tagged pages

This is how pages get onto the site. And this is roughly what our backend looks like, through which tagged pages are created:

Internal optimization

Simply creating pages for semantics was not enough. Text optimization of each product listing is a fairly precise process. Many online stores write texts for SEO, simply mentioning in paragraphs a set of keywords with a certain number of occurrences in the text, on a whim.

Here we again turned to SEO analytics for help. To create technical assignments for editors, our agency uses a text analyzer. The analyzer compares our pages with those that are in the top of search engines, and indicates exactly how many occurrences of keywords to add to the text in order to enter the window of acceptable values ​​for getting into the top. Here we again receive an Excel file with the task and give it to our editor to create texts.

Brand development

Many companies forget that they need to capture not only the key selling requests that have already set their teeth on edge, but also largely concentrate on vital requests. Requests that are directly related to the project brand are considered vital. In our case, the queries Brandshop, “Brandshop”, “Brandshop” will be considered vital. A good return for us will look like 10 documents mentioning our store. An ideal result is when all 10 documents, to one degree or another, represent the channels of one project (website, social networks).

In order to competently develop vital needs, you need to look for and sometimes create suitable information channels yourself. Thanks to such news feeds, the number of brand mentions in connection with a particular event is growing. Social networks are especially helpful in this regard, whose power and resources many still simply do not realize.

Let's give an example of an idea that we were able to implement thanks to close cooperation with Rush Agency. Brandshop is planning another release of rare adidas Originals Yeezy Boost sneakers. The arrival of sneakerheads (collectors of cool sports shoes) from all over Russia and abroad is expected. According to preliminary estimates, at least 2,000 people will gather under the windows of the store.

We had an idea, why not raise a little hype at this event. A limited edition release, sales in just a few stores across the country - isn’t this an infobomb within the fashion footwear and clothing industry? After a short but productive conversation with the agency, we jointly shot a video:

Within an hour, they uploaded it to YouTube and started getting views. There were reposts on social networks. A week later, we asked all publications that published videos and screenshots to put direct active links to us. It worked, we received free links from the top publications:

  • “A line lined up in Moscow for Kanye West sneakers worth 18 thousand,”
  • “Police break up line for Kanye West sneakers,” Timeout.
  • “What the queue for Kanye West sneakers looks like from a quadcopter,” The Flow.

If you buy such links on the SEO market, it will cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. Thanks to our simple idea and joint operational work with Rush Agency, we increased the hype many times over and received a large volume of unique SEO links.

Growth of inbound links, according to

Every brand has envious people and unscrupulous competitors. In our case, this is the previous SEO contractor with whom we decided to part ways. In retaliation, he placed a huge number of external links on our domain with the text “download cheats”, “download cracks”, “download software for free”, “download torrent” and so on.

Know that such PR campaigns will protect your online store from the negative impact of spammers, as a bonus. We felt absolutely nothing in terms of search traffic from such an attack.

Attack by spam links, according to - we don't care

Assembling parts of the mechanism into a system

So, what is the algorithm for successful SEO for e-commerce:

  • select and cluster semantics;
  • we submit it to the assortment department for evaluation;
  • we transfer it to the content department to create pages;
  • we receive text analysis from the agency;
  • creating new product listings;
  • We evaluate the results of promotion.

Our SEO engine

Semantics preparation process

Ready-made semantics for the Brandshop implementation department

The most important thing is a clearly synchronized process of preparing and providing semantics by the agency along with the implementation of pages on the site. 80% of success depends on this. It took us about two months to build these processes with Rush Agency.

Another important point is to go beyond the SEO production process. It is important to constantly ask the agency: “What else can be done with this category (product, brand)?” Don't hesitate to ask and you will receive interesting ideas and suggestions.

How to track SEO performance

Here we selected several key metrics and agreed on tracking them for each product category with the agency.

  • percentage of requests in the top 10−5−3 in target regions;
  • visibility in search;
  • traffic from organic to embedded categories;
  • organic conversion and sales.

Percentage of requests in top 10−5−3

This metric should not be used as a global measure of SEO effectiveness. This is a fatal mistake of many online stores. The percentage of queries in the top only speaks about the reaction of search engines to what we do, but not about traffic, conversion or profit from search traffic.

Again, we track all rankings in the search analytics service Rush Analytics.

Search visibility

This is a more objective and interesting metric. In fact, these are search positions normalized by the volume of search demand. This metric more objectively reflects the success of an SEO strategy. To evaluate the results of promotion for a specific product category, we often use only this metric.

As the final result and at the same time a KPI for the agency, we set the number of transitions from search engines. Only commercial search traffic is taken into account here - no branded traffic, no traffic based on stop words. Already existing traffic at the beginning of cooperation is also not taken into account when paying. Payment is made for each transition from search engines. No traffic - no payment. This is a great motivator for an SEO agency.


Without demonstrating real search traffic indicators, this material would look like just another PR article. Our company does not have super-NDAs or other secret mechanisms regarding search traffic, so I will show our real results. Here are screenshots from Yandex Metrica for some of the developed product categories:

Search traffic from Yandex

Search traffic from Google

Search traffic for the “sneakers” category

Search traffic for the “T-shirts” category

Search traffic for the category “ASICS sneakers”

Search traffic for the Adidas category

Search traffic for the entire “sneakers” category

To some, the volume of this traffic may not seem so large, but given our unique assortment and specific brands, this is an excellent result. Moreover, our average bill is several times higher than any mass market.

Over the course of a year and a half of working with the agency, more than 53 product categories were worked out in detail in the described format, and the growth in search traffic was approximately 230%.

Instead of a resume

I recommend listening less to the sweet speeches of sales managers and paying more attention to the business processes of SEO agencies: in any case, you will have to stew in these processes. Choose agencies that will keep you on your toes. Agencies that you yourself will catch up with. This is a serious catalyst for the professional growth of your own team. SEO is an interesting and controversial world, but it’s definitely worth understanding. It brings money.

Crowd marketing as a service has one very important feature - confidentiality. Therefore, we really appreciate the moments when the team has the opportunity to publish a case with real data from clients.

The search for tricks and life hacks in SEO has long faded into the background. Systematic work on the site from different sides gives results with a higher degree of probability than several chips applied to the site.

There are life hacks and you need to look for them, but today we’ll talk about complex thinking, building a strategy and expectations from link building and look at a case.
If you don’t want to read long discussions, you can go straight to the case.

Internet marketing consists of dozens of tools, most of which can be assessed and measured individually.

SEO is one of the most difficult areas to predict. You can do technical optimization of the site according to the recommendations of Google or Yandex, but this will not guarantee results, it will rather increase the likelihood of you winning in this game, nothing more.

The component of SEO that is most difficult to evaluate is links.

The Question No SEO Specialist Can Solve

There is no answer to this question. SEO specialists build a website promotion strategy based on niche analysis, competitors’ promotion methods, gut instincts and ideas.

Suppose there is a website with ideal technical optimization according to Google help, with a good behavioral profile, but the pages are far from the top and do not receive enough targeted traffic due to the weak link profile of the pages. How to determine enough links of the right quality to get the desired positions, without paying too much?

The material was prepared and presented by an SEO specialist at LemonDog Tolstenko Alexander. Data is current as of 06/13/16.

The taxi website promotion case describes well how you can develop your resource in a natural way, without boosting behavioral factors and purchasing links, with minimal development and promotion costs.

Initial data

  • Website:
  • Subject: transportation of passengers (taxi service)
  • Region: Saint Petersburg
  • TIC 0, PR 0
  • Domain age: 186 days
  • Traffic: 0-5 people/day
  • Start of promotion: February 2016

About six months passed after the launch of Minusinsk in Yandex, during which time many large sites fell under the filter, but also many got rid of it. Nowadays you can find a number of cases on the Internet about how webmasters escaped the filter, what they did to achieve this, and what the result was.

And there are no secrets here, mostly site owners remove links. Some people remove everything at once, others come up with clever strategies for cleaning the reference mass. During this time I also managed to help several projects fix the filter situation. In this article I will share my method of filtering links using the example of a printing house website.

Increase in orders: +24%

The case was prepared by SEO-Impulse and presented by an SEO specialist Maxim Akulov.

This case demonstrates how to promote a young website in a short period of time at minimal cost using natural improvement of behavioral factors and optimization of the commercial component of the resource.

Initial data:

This example perfectly demonstrates how good preparatory work saves money on links and produces good results.

Initial data:

Construction site;
- Titz 10, PR 0, domain age - 5 years;
- About 110 unique articles (mostly scans from books);
- 15 optimized articles (copywriting);
- 800 visitors per day, 83% of traffic goes to 1 successful article;
- Targeting: Russia and CIS countries.

Target: Significantly and qualitatively increase search traffic

Task: Update the design, change the CMS system, change the structure, write and fill with content

Project initial data:

Online store dedicated to “auto” in Moscow and regions

Visibility according to the high-frequency semantic core – 0%

More 40,000 pages Online

Confusing internal navigation structure

Budget for promotion 150,000 rub. per month

Project audit

A detailed audit of the site was carried out using 11 key indicators:

  1. Selection and analysis of search queries
  2. Technical aspects of optimization
  3. Optimizing website documents
  4. Site content
  5. Website optimization for mobile devices
  6. External factors
  7. Social signals
  8. Security issues

The audit revealed the following critical errors:

The site is accessible and indexed on 4 mirrors:


The result of the mass deletion of documents and sections of the site was the presence of a large number of pages giving code 404

Reducing the search index. Weighted speed of full site indexing once every 207 days.

Most of the documents are located on 5,6, 10+ site levels

Average loading time for website documents – 0.98 sec.

A chain of incorrect 301 redirects leading to page 404

Doubles main site documents

More 1500 internal broken links, including in “bread crumbs”

Absence mobile or adaptive version of the site

Not connected SSL certificate

A number of optimization errors, such as: non-unique, long page title titles. Duplicate meta descriptions of pages, lack of structured markup for products. No H1 headers were found on a large number of pages. The ALT attribute is not specified for site images.

An unexpected benefit was presence of external links from authoritative resources, however, their age was only 7-9 months. The growth dynamics of external link mass is positive, correctly distributed across the internal pages of the site.

The site is also present in the Yandex catalog in the "Auto" section.

Social cues are virtually non-existent.

Analysis of the main behavioral factors showed that some landing pages of the site have failure rate over 80%

An audit of website and server vulnerabilities revealed bugs in the PHP version, the CMS itself is a year out of date.

No signs of SPAM were detected.

SEO website promotion strategy step by step

  • Step. 1 All technical errors identified during the audit process were corrected.
  • Step. 2 The robots.txt and sitemap.xml indexing files are configured correctly.
  • Step. 3 A semantic core of 99,852 keys has been collected in depth. Clusters of targeted commercial and information requests were selected.
  • Step. 4 Relevant keys are distributed across site pages to optimize texts and resource meta data.
  • Step. 5 New prototypes of pages with a high bounce rate have been developed
  • Step. 6 Optimized site navigation structure
  • Step. 7 A website blog concept for content promotion was developed, and a detailed editorial plan for 2 years was created. A character map has been created and a style for presenting information has been formed. Implemented internal link structure.
  • Step. 8 A team has been selected to create expert content on the following topics: cars, spare parts, tire service. The team included several experts, an editor, and an optimizer.
  • Step. 9 Content is published on the site with a regularity of 2-3 expert articles per week + 3 news reviews.
  • Step. 10 A number of thematic social and external platforms have been selected for regular broadcasting of content.

Website promotion result

During the peak season month, an increase in traffic was registered + 11,420 unique visitors compared to the reporting period last year.

With the same search traffic conversion rate of 0.50%, the number of “purchase” goals achieved increased by 150% in direct proportion to incoming traffic.

More than 400 key queries were included in the TOP 10 search results of Yandex and Google.

A feature and important advantage of the chosen promotion strategy is its resistance to changes in ranking algorithms. did not in any way affect the dynamics of traffic growth, however, pessimization was noticed in the results of competitors’ sites using SEO copywriting tools.

The advantages of the strategy also include the cumulative effect of content in the information part of the site. Even after the decline in publication turnover, the dynamics of organic traffic growth remained.

Difficulties in project implementation

The main problem in implementing the strategy was the qualifications of personnel. About 30 authors were reviewed, of which 4 had the proper level of expertise, and as a result, 2 candidates were approved.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that SEO promotion methods based on holes and loopholes in ranking algorithms certainly work, but they only work for the time being. In the context of dynamically developing methods of machine learning and neural networks, the most reliable and effective remains method of creating high-quality websites with useful content, and yes, this truth is an eyesore, but the fact remains a fact. Based on the experience of our agency, we are convinced of this time after time!

And one more thing: you shouldn’t expect similar results with a budget for SEO promotion of 20,000 rubles.