The use of games within the educational process is not a new phenomenon. The game increases students’ interest in learning activities, stimulates the growth of cognitive activity, promotes the acquisition of decision-making skills, increases the self-esteem of game participants, removes fear of the unknown, is a means of developing skills and abilities of collective mental activity, instills self-discipline skills, develops organizational skills, and creates an atmosphere of joy in the classroom. classes.

The game allows the teacher, without unnecessary nervousness, to check the mastery of the topic, to identify problems in the students’ knowledge in mastering practical skills. Therefore, for this lesson I chose a game form.

  • Educational – systematize knowledge on the topic “Tailoring a nightgown.”
  • Developmental
  • – develop creative thinking, initiative, memory, public speaking skills.
  • Educational
  • – to cultivate respect for an opponent, the will to win, a culture of communication, the ability to work in a group and individually, and acting abilities.

Equipment: computer; multimedia projector; Handout; seam samples: topstitching, overlay, double, closed; board with a playing field and a field for recording results.

Preliminary preparation: divide into two teams, come up with a name and prepare a fashion show of your sewing products.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

– Dear guests, dear girls! Today you have to defend your “Nightgown” project, show your knowledge, skills and abilities that you acquired during your work, and demonstrate the result of your project activities.

I invite you to a game during which you will demonstrate not only your knowledge and creativity, but also respect for your opponents, perseverance, the will to win, artistry and acting abilities. The defense of the project will take place in the form of “Your Game,” which you all saw on TV.

2. Presentation by the jury.

3. Rules of the game.

There is a playing field on the board.

1. Need and brief statement of the problem 5 10 15 20
2. Research and analysis 5 10 15 20
3. Initial ideas (developing the best idea) 5 10 15 20
4. Design specification 5 10 15 20
5. Planning and production 5 10 15 20
6. Economic justification 5 10 15 20
7. Inspection and testing

On the left side you see seven topics. These are the main stages of work on the project. Each topic contains 4 questions with a specified “cost”. The team itself chooses the topic of the question and its “cost”. If the answer is correct, the “cost” of the question is added to the team's score, and the team chooses the next question. If one team answers incorrectly or incompletely, the other team can answer the question and earn extra points. If no one answers a question within 10 seconds, the presenter announces the correct answer, and the next question is chosen by the same team that chose the previous question. The last topic “Control and Test” was a fashion show of your sewing products, which you had to prepare at home by trying yourself as a fashion model.

On a special board, the jury will write down the points the teams receive after each answer so that you can see who is ahead and who is behind.

4. First move.

The first move will be given to the team that first answers the question: What is the name of the school subject, translated from Greek meaning the science of skill, skill, art (technology);

Questions by topic

Need and brief statement of the problem

-5- What clothing styles do you know? (Classic, sporty, romantic.)

-10- Indicate the main design lines of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve

-15- For the names of seams, select samples of seams: topstitching, overlay, double, closed;

-20- Name the types of clothing according to the method of use (shoulder and waist).

Research and analysis.

-5- Is satin fabric made from natural or chemical fibers? (Natural.)

-10- What fabrics can a product be made from that has a label with the following recommendations:

(Answer: linen, cotton.)


-20- TB during manual work.

Initial ideas.

5- What style of clothing is characterized by flounces, ruffles, frills? (Romantic.)

-10 - In what ways can you treat the neck? (Undercut facing, bias binding, edge stitch.)

-15 - Name the elements of technical design (changing the length of the product, changing the shape of the neckline, yokes, parallel expansion, conical expansion).

-20- TB with WTO.

Design specification.

-5- Name the properties of clothing (aesthetic, hygienic, operational, economic).

-10- What measurement determines the size of women's clothing? (\chest semi-circumference.)

-15- The mechanical properties of fabric do NOT include:

1 – strength;
2 – creasing;
3 – drapability:
4 – hygroscopicity;
5 – wear resistance.

(Answer: 4.)

-20- Adjusting the tension of the lower thread in the sewing machine is carried out

1 – lower thread tension regulator;
2 – adjusting screw on the bobbin case;
3 – thread take-up. (Answer: 2.)

Planning and production.

5- What measurements need to be taken to construct the basis of the nightgown drawing? (Sg, Dst, Op, Ssh, Di.)

-10- How to prepare fabric for cutting? (Decaten, iron, mark defects on the wrong side with chalk, determine the front and back sides, the direction of the grain thread and the pattern, fold the fabric in a way convenient for cutting, cut off the edges if they pull the fabric together.)

-15- Continue the sentence: Transferring the pattern onto fabric is done using... (a cutter, copy stitches, tailor's chalk or soap).

-20 - Indicate the correct sequence of sewing a nightgown:

1 – Process the neckline;
2 – Iron and fold according to standard;
3 – Connect the shoulder sections with a backstitch;
4 – Connect the side sections with a backstitch;
5 – Finish the sleeves and hem with a closed hem stitch.

(Answer: 3, 1, 4, 5, 2.)

Economic justification.

5- How much does 1 kWh of electricity cost?

-10- What is equipment depreciation? (Wear.)

(Minimum wage: 20 work days = A rub. – costs 1 day for a teenager;
A: 4 hours = In rub. – costs 1 hour of work for a teenager.)

20 - TB of machine work.

Control and testing.

(Sewing pattern show is a theatrical show prepared by teams as homework.)

6. Summing up.

7. Awarding the winners.

The work was completed by 8th grade student Victoria Sabarova Project leader: N.S. Kyle Creative project on technology on the topic “Nightgown”

  • Problem situation
  • Project objectives
  • Research the problem
  • Bank of ideas and suggestions
  • Technological sequence
  • Economic assessment
  • Environmental assessment
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
Problem situation
  • I chose the theme of my project to make a sewing product - a nightgown, since I need this product! At night I like to sleep in my nightgown. Of course, you can buy it in a store, but you can also sew it yourself, especially since we learn to sew in technology lessons. If I sew a product myself, then, firstly, I will gain experience in sewing products, and secondly, I will benefit financially, that is, I will save a little on the family budget.
  • My nightgown should be comfortable, light, easy to wash and iron, and allow me to sleep soundly in it. Therefore, I need to choose the right fabric for sewing.
In the process of carrying out project work, I set myself the following tasks:
  • - study what a shirt is, as it was called before;
  • - explore when the patterns appeared;
  • - explore the types of fabrics from which the product can be sewn;
  • - describe the process of making a nightgown;
  • - sew a neat nightgown.
Historical reference
  • Shoulder clothing originates from primitive cloaks and skins. Over the millennia, clothing changed and began to consist of several pieces of fabric that were not sewn, but draped over the human figure. The costume consisted of two parts: a lower shirt - a chiton, and an upper cape - a himation. This cape was thrown over the left shoulder onto the back and chest.
  • In Russia, the first information about clothing dates back to the period between the 8th and 12th centuries. Women of that time wore a long canvas shirt - a chemise, wide, straight cut, belted at the hips and embroidered at the edges.
  • In the 15th – 16th centuries, nightgowns and pantaloons appeared, which for a long time belonged to the toilet only of privileged segments of the population. Nowadays, everyone uses nightgowns, regardless of their position in society.
  • V.I. Dal in his explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives definitions to the words “shirt” and “shirt”.
  • “Shirt – shirt, shirt; women's muslin shirt-front, waist-length; blouse, round, outerwear, outer shirt, work shirt, hunting shirt, etc.”
  • “Sorochitsa, a type of white shirt with scarlet shields, which peasant women wear over their shirt and sundress.”
  • “Shirt, shirt - shirt, koszul, vest; clothing from the category of underwear, worn under the bottom, on the body.”
  • From these definitions by V.I. Dahl it follows that the name “shirt” is more suitable for the nightgown of our time.
  • And yet, why “shirt” and not something else? Probably, in ancient times, a piece of fabric was simply “hemmed”, hence the “shirt”. As a rule, shirts were wide, cut from straight panels. There is even a proverb: “Women’s
  • shirts are the same bags: tie your sleeves and put whatever you want.”
  • Pattern- This is a piece of paper cut out of a product for cutting fabric. But how long has it been around? It turns out that a very long time ago - from the 10th century. At that time, patterns were the property of members of tailoring workshops and were carefully protected from copying. Tailors guarded their secrets.
  • Paper patterns, approximately the same as those we use now, appeared in the 19th century, first in England and then in France. They began to be published in magazines only in 1850 as an appendix, and before that time there were only descriptions and skillfully made engravings. In 1860, industrial production of paper patterns began. The founder of the company that produces patterns is considered to be the Italian E. Batterico.
Bank of ideas and suggestions
  • Nightgown models


Long shirt with one-piece sleeves

Model No. 2

                  • Nightgown made of silk fabric
Model No. 3
  • Short nightgown
  • made of cotton fabric
  • with one-piece sleeves,
  • with a round neckline.
Justification for choosing the model.
  • Based on one pattern, you can model many different nightgowns. Of all the ideas, I choose model No. 3, since this model is made of cotton fabric, which is easy to wash and iron well, unlike fabrics made from chemical fibers and linen. Cotton fabric does not cause any difficulties for me to work with.
  • Measurements are taken on the right side of the figure; The waist is pre-girdled with a cord.
  • When taking measurements, the person being measured should stand straight without tension; Measurements are taken with a measuring tape; when measuring, do not pull the tape
  • Or weaken. Length measurements are recorded in full, and width and girth measurements are recorded in half size; Since the drawing is built on one half of the figure;

Manufacturing sequence


  • S w - half-girth of the neck;
  • S t – half waist circumference;
  • C b – semi-circumference of the hips;
  • O p - shoulder circumference;
  • D and is the length of the product.

The process of constructing a drawing;



Open the textbook and start building the drawing:

From (.) B down, set aside the DI measurement




The width of the shirt can be adjusted

according to the standard of Sat: BB1= Sat: 2+3

Back neck width:

BB2 = Ssh: 3+1, neck depth

BB3 = BB2: 3

Construction of the drawing:




Constructing the depth of the neck from (.) B3B4 set aside 5cm in/n

Armhole depth:

V1G = Op:2 + 7

Construction of sleeve width: B1B5 – v/p = 7

Construction of the drawing:



We design the armhole of the shirt, connect G1 and G2

Divide G1 and G2 in half, raise the perpendicular to the top 1.5 cm and connect the arc.

Construction of the drawing:



We expand the bottom of the product, set aside from H1 = from 8-10cm

Connect (.)G2 and (.)H2

From (.) H2 top set aside 1cm

Connect with a smooth line.

Finished drawing; Cutting the product

  • Cut on the fabric taking into account the grain and pattern.
  • Mark the necessary inscriptions on the pattern.
  • Trace the drawing on the fabric along the contour lines (from the wrong side according to the cutting rules);
  • Cut the product onto the fabric;
  • Prepare the product for processing.
  • Stitch the side seams, press them, and finish them with a zigzag stitch.
  • The neck of the product is treated with an edge facing
  • The bottom of the product is finished with a “closed hem seam”.
  • The sleeves are finished with a closed hem stitch, and I placed satin ribbon along all the lines.
Calculation of the cost of a nightgown
  • The cost of my product turned out to be small - 80 rubles, since I sewed the nightgown myself, and the money was spent only on materials. If my mother bought me a nightgown in a store, she would spend 150 - 180 rubles.
  • Therefore, we can conclude that sewing a nightgown with your own hands is a profitable and almost waste-free production.
Environmental assessment
  • The manufacturing process and operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life, since my nightgown is made from environmentally friendly materials. I will not throw away the remaining fabric, but use it to make products using the “patchwork” technique.
  • We can conclude that sewing a nightgown is an environmentally friendly production.
  • I completed a project work - “Making a nightgown”.
  • In the process of completing the project work, I completed the following tasks:
  • - I studied what a shirt is, as it was called before;
  • - researched when the first patterns appeared;
  • - researched the types of fabrics from which the product can be sewn;
  • - described the process of making a nightgown;
  • - sewed a neat nightgown.
  • I sewed a nightgown that no one else had, and I really liked it myself.
  • My shirt turned out to be very comfortable, light, it irons well, as it is made of cotton fabric. I gained experience in sewing products and won financially, that is, I saved the family budget a little.
  • It's so nice that I sewed a nightgown with my own hands, rather than asking my mother to buy it at the store.
  • Now, when I go to bed, I will only wear it.
  • 1 Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. / V.I.Dal. – M.:
  • Eksmo, 2006. – 896 pp.: ill.
  • 2 Makhmutova H.I. We design, model, sew. Book for students. –
  • M.: Education, 1994.
  • 3 Technology: Textbook for 7th grade students of secondary schools.
  • / V.D. Simonenko, O.V. Taburchak, N.V. Sinitsa and others; Ed. V.D. Simonenko
  • – M.: “Ventana – Count”, 2002.
  1. 1. Project “Nightgown” The project was completed by: 7th grade student Ekaterina Kovalenok Accepted by: Technology teacher Burukhina Larisa Aleksandrovna
  2. 2. Problem situation Robe Dress › The problem is that I don’t know which shoulder product to choose. I want to choose all the shoulder products, but I need something like one product. And I decided that I would sew a nightgown. I chose a nightgown because the Tunic nightgown can be used to sleep on and I don’t have one. Blouse
  3. 3. sewn by your own choice and justification with your own hands and will be a gift for the project itself. It will be interesting to see the result of your work. I didn’t Where can I get a nightgown? I chose a different nightgown? options, because buying in a store is expensive, and sewing from an old one will make the item look ugly.
  4. 4. Purpose of the ProjectTo develop a model and sew an outfit for sleeping.
  5. 5. Tasks› Conduct research and develop a sketch of my project product.› Organize the workplace.› Select tools and devices for various operations.› Make a pattern for a sewing product.› Select fabric for the product.› Cut the fabric› Prepare the product for fitting and carry out fitting .› Process the product after fitting.› Follow safety rules.› Monitor the quality of your work.› Assess the quality of the finished item.
  6. 6. Research History of the Creation of the nightgown. A look into the past: The history of the nightgown dates back to the first mention of it in the Czech Republic in the 15th century. Then it was called a “bedroom skirt” and it was very long and wide, so only wealthy people could afford it. The nightgown gained greater popularity only at the beginning of the 19th century; by this time its style had undergone significant changes and became simpler, which required less material consumption, therefore, it became more accessible. Nightgowns of the 19th century were not intended for prying eyes; their task was to hide a woman’s nakedness, carefully disguising all her advantages under a long, straight cut that almost reached the floor. Sometimes, however, minor lace or neckline was allowed, but that, perhaps, was where all the innovations ended. The cut of nightgowns worn by revered and respected nobles, made from expensive fabric, is not much different from the nightgowns worn by ordinary peasant women. Now the situation has changed radically; in nightgowns, the modern woman sees not only convenience, but, above all, a way with which she can emphasize her beauty and express her individuality. For these purposes, fashion designers have created a huge variety of different nightgowns.
  7. 7. Research What a modern nightgown looks like: The options for nightgowns currently cannot be summed up under any one image; they are as varied as the individual tastes and preferences of each woman. It should be as comfortable as possible, like compression garments. Buying a nightgown is not a problem; numerous lingerie stores will take care of this, and fashion designers will make sure that women look great in them. In modern collections, models that combine glamorous and sporty styles are increasingly appearing. Shirts made of translucent fabric with lace along the entire length are also considered very fashionable. The classic style using noble colors (dark brown, dark blue, black or burgundy) with a minimum of details is not ignored. A long nightgown with a straight, strict silhouette in everyday life will be a win-win option for those women who choose elegance and comfort and prefer a bandeau swimsuit. The latest in fashion are nightgowns with leopard or tiger print, or with a printed pattern. Women who prefer a noticeable and bright style can hardly remain indifferent to such a nightgown.
  8. 8. Research How to choose a nightgown?: In the wardrobe of a modern woman you can find several types of nightgowns, each of which has its own special purpose. It’s cold outside and it’s become cool in the house, it’s time to get a warmer nightgown. For these purposes, a shirt with sleeves is suitable, as well as a long nightgown; cotton is the best material in this case; it will keep you warm throughout the night. If, on the contrary, hot days have arrived when you want coolness, then the material from which the nightgown is made - silk, will give a feeling of coolness and comfort even on the hottest night. Of course, in this case, it is better to choose a shorter model with a deep neckline. Owners of large beautiful breasts need to choose a nightgown so as to best emphasize their dignity. Shirts with a lace top are well suited for these purposes. If a woman has large figures, then on the contrary, she should not choose tight styles, as well as shiny fabric; the most suitable shirts for her will be cotton or lace, which will hide excess volume

Prioksky district

Creative project


Project prepared by: Anna Zubova, 8th grade student A

MBOU "School No. 174"

Nizhny Novgorod

Teacher: Gomoyunova Larisa Vladimirovna



    Women's clothing of Ancient Rus'

    Types of fabrics for sewing a nightgown


    Safety precautions

    Economic justification

    Product testing


Justification of the problem and need

At school, during labor lessons, we learn to design, sew, model, etc. In order to consolidate the theory and material that we had learned, our labor teacher gave us a task: to make a nightgown.

Definition of a specific task and its formulation

To make it easier for me to work on the project, I presented all the questions in the form of a thought chart:

    Problem, need




    Tools, fixtures, equipment

    Design, modeling

    Manufacturing technology

When I substantiated the problem and need that arose, I immediately understood that my task was to sew a practical and comfortable nightgown.

Identifying basic product requirements

The shirt should be:

    Practical to wear


    Made from fine fabric

    Easy to care for.

Developing ideas, options and choosing the best

This was my first time sewing a nightgown, so I had to decide on a model. You could choose absolutely any one. I liked the following 2 models:

I choose model #2. I want to sew a pink shirt, and therefore I will feel like the queen of the flower fairies.

Women's clothing of Ancient Rus'

One of the components of women's clothing in Ancient Rus' was a chemise or shirt. The shirt was a form of underwear; it was made of coarse and thick fabric. The shirt was made from light and thin materials; it was mainly only owned by rich women. Girls in Rus' also wore canvas clothes called "zapona", which looked like a piece of fabric folded in half with a cutout for the head.

The cuff was worn over a shirt, always with a belt. Women also wore such outer clothing as a “navershnik”. It was usually made of expensive fabric using embroidery and looked like a tunic. Depending on the design options, the top was with sleeves of different lengths or without them; in addition, it was not belted.

In winter, women of Ancient Rus' wore jackets with fur, and in summer they wore a shirt just like that. For holidays they wore special shirts called long sleeves. In addition, women in Rus' wrapped woolen fabric around their hips, tying it with a belt at the waist. This piece of clothing was called “poneva” and most often was checkered. It is worth noting that different tribes had their own colors of poneva.

For example, the Vyatichi tribes were characterized by a blue cell, and the Radimichi tribes were characterized by a red one. Poneva was very common in Ancient Rus'. Later, clothing called “sayan” or “feryaz” also appeared in Rus', which consisted of two panels, intercepted by straps on the shoulders.

Types of fabrics for sewing a nightgown

When sewing shirts for hot summer nights, different types of fabrics are used, the most important requirement for which is the ability to allow air to pass through. Most often, models consist of the following materials:

Chintz . This fabric belongs to the cotton category. It is created by plain weaving and has a delicate and fine texture.

Calico – hygienic, lightweight and wear-resistant material. Unlike chintz, calico has high strength.

Satin very resistant to abrasion, so quite durable. In terms of its properties, satin is almost no different from silk - natural or artificial. This material can consist of both natural and synthetic fibers.

Batiste – translucent material, absolutely safe for allergy sufferers. It is very thin and hygroscopic, and is used for sewing nightgowns with exquisite designs.

I chose chintz because it is moderately thin, practical and inexpensive material. Calico is denser and rougher for underwear.

Selection of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment

My mother and I went to the store to buy fabric. We decided to choose a fabric of delicate colors, with a small pattern. We opted for white chintz with pale green, pale blue and pale pink small patterns in the form of butterflies and flowers. All the equipment necessary for sewing is at our school, and during technology lessons we can use it freely. I easily purchased tailor's chalk and pins at the store. I inherited large quantities of graph paper from my mother.

Women's shirts in XIX century

Spacious women's shirts inXIXcentury were cut from white linen or cotton fabric. Their characteristic features were short sleeves, ankle length, and an oval or rectangular neckline. If a ballgown was worn over the shirt, the neckline could be very deep. In the 1870s, women's undershirts became shorter and began to fit more closely to the body. By the end of the century, it turned into a very simple cut trimmed with lace and sewing on narrow shoulders with a varied neck design - the neckline could be round, rectangular or triangular. Cotton and linen remained popular fabrics; silk was used less frequently. In the 1890s, the first prototypes of the modern bra appeared, which supported the breasts and was worn over a corset.

Product manufacturing sequence

    Designing a shirt (measuring a person’s figure, making a drawing, modeling);

    Modeling according to the main drawing, making a shirt pattern;

    Preparing fabric for cutting, cutting;

    Processing of shoulder sections;

    Yoke processing;

    Neck treatment;

    Processing of shoulder sections;

    Processing of side cuts;

    Processing the bottom of the shirt.

Instructional and technical card

Processing the bottom edge of the nightgown

Fold the seam allowance by 1 cm and sweep it along the intended line 0.1 - 0.2 cm from the fold.

Unfold the piece so that the edge to be hemmed is facing away from you. Tack.

Machine stitch from the front side.

Remove note. Iron the hemmed edge of the piece.

Processing cuts with bias tape

Cut allowances for processed sections to 6 mm.

Place the prepared bias tape on the product (right sides facing in) and pin it to the neckline so that it protrudes 1 cm beyond the edges of the cut (at the top of the middle back seam).

Sew the binding with a seam 6 mm wide (Fig. 88 a).

Turn the tape onto the wrong side of the product (first the protruding ends, and then the entire tape) and, wrapping it around the sections, pin it to the seam allowance (Fig. 88 b).


Sew the binding manually from the wrong side with a hemming stitch or machine stitch from the front side of the product to the edge, grabbing the inside of the binding.

Processing side cuts

Stitch the side seams on the front side from the armhole to the hem line. Make tacks at the beginning and end of the stitching.

Press the seam allowance towards the front. After wet-heat treatment, remove running stitches. Seam allowances

overcast (Fig. 59 c)

Processing of shoulder sections

Sew the shoulder sections from the neckline to the armhole from the front side along the seam line.

Press the seam allowance towards the back. Overcast seam edges. (Fig. 58)


Safety precautions

When working with needles, pins, knitting needles and crochet1. Work with a thimble.2. Store needles and pins in a certain place (special box, pad, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace, and under no circumstances take needles or pins into your mouth or stick them into clothing.3. Do not use a rusty needle for sewing.4. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction away from you.5. Store needles and pins in a special box; upon completion of work, put them in a place inaccessible to small children.6. Collect pieces of broken needles or pins and give them to the teacher.- when working on an electric sewing machine1. Before work, tuck your hair under a scarf.2. Sit on the entire surface of the chair, slightly tilting your body and head forward, in front of the needle.3. The distance from the worker to the machine should be 10-15 cm.4. Before work, remove needles and pins from the product.5. There should be no foreign objects on the machine platform.6. During operation, hands should be at a safe distance from the moving parts of the machine.7. Connect the sewing machine to the network and disconnect it with the permission of the teacher.8. When connecting, first connect the pedal to the machine, and then the machine to the network. When disconnected - vice versa (first from the network, then from the machine)9. Make sure that there are no bags or packages near the pedal. Remove your foot from the pedal if work is temporarily suspended.10. It is prohibited to change moving parts of the machine while the equipment is plugged in.11.Keep your foot on the pedal so that the machine operates at the same speed.

Economic justification

I calculated the costs of materials in the form of a table.


Material consumption per product

Costs of materials, rub.


80 rub. per m




25 rub.

Tailor's chalk

10 rub. per piece

1 PC.


50 rub. per m



25 rub. per m


Total: 400 rubles.

Comparing with the price of a finished purchased product, we can conclude that a shirt sewn with your own hands costs the same. But she has her own style, decorations, color, which is not available in ready-made ones.

Product testing

The fully sewn shirt had to be tried on. Having put on the outfit of the flower fairy queen, I realized that the goal had been achieved.

The work was rated “excellent.”


In my opinion, I turned out to be a very worthy product. The shirt was sewn exactly as intended and met all expectations. It was very comfortable for me to sleep in it in the summer, especially in the heat.

Pastukhova Alexandra

The course project "Sewing a nightgown" is the final work for the academic year in the 7th grade. Goals: improving your capabilities in the field of sewing technology and design activities; disassembling and completing a creative project; evaluation of the work done. This project is presented with an explanatory note on 19 printed pages and a finished product - a nightgown. The product complies with the original sketch and technological requirements. The work is rated excellent.



1. Title page………………………………………………………………………………..1 2. Contents………………………… …………………………………………………………….2

3. Justification of the problem and need…………………...3

4. Scheme of thinking………………………………………………………………………………….….4

5.Identification of main parameters and limitations……………………….…5

6. Theoretical information……………………………………………………….………….6

7.History and modernity…………………………………………………………….7-9

8. Bank of ideas………………………………………………………………………………….….10-12

9. Sketch study of the basic version……………………………..……..13

10. Product requirements………………………………………………………….…..…….14

11.Design specification……………………………………………………..……..…..15

12.Tools and equipment………………………………………….….……..…16


14.Safety rules during work…………………….….………….18

15.Quality control……………………………………………………………....……..19

16.Environmental justification…………………………………………………………..………..20


19. Literature……………………………………………………………………..……...……23

Justification of the problem and need

Once I was shopping and saw a very beautiful shirt, but our family couldn’t afford such a shirt. Then I thought: “Well, should I sew him a shirt myself?” After some time, I asked my mother to buy me fabric, threads, lace, a button, in general, everything I needed for the shirt I saw, and after a couple of days I began to cut it. In the end, I made myself a shirt. My friends became interested in my shirt, and one of them even asked me to sew the same one for her! I've been wearing my shirt for ten months now. My shirt pleases my eyes!

Scheme of deliberation

Identifying key parameters and limitations

The nightgown that I will sew for myself must meet the following


It should be beautiful and correspond to the modern fashion trend.

The future nightgown should fit well and match the girl’s appearance.

The decoration of the nightgown must be original, match the style of the product, its purpose and harmoniously match the color of the top.

A nightgown should be comfortable and practical.

As simple as possible to manufacture.

Must be sewn neatly and efficiently.

Have an economically viable cost.

Theoretical information

Cotton fabrics have significant strength, lightness, and softness. They are beautiful, comfortable to wear, create a feeling of warmth, easily absorb moisture and dry quickly, are well breathable, and are easy to wash.

Cotton fabrics have a rough matte surface with uniform thread thickness. These fabrics have greater elongation in the weft and less in the warp, and low thread fraying. Fabrics made from pure cotton are characterized by high creaseability, but are easily ironed. They shrink when washed (shrinking along the warp thread).

History and modernity

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a woman who does not have a nightgown in her night wardrobe. Such products are distinguished by a variety of styles, materials and colors. A nightgown can not only provide a comfortable sleep, but also emphasize the dignity of a woman’s figure and be an element of an erotic wardrobe. Today, a variety of women's shirts fit so organically into our lives that it is difficult to imagine a time when these clothes were not in use.

Such times really existed - until the 14th century, women either slept naked or slept in what they wore during the day. They had to sleep in uncomfortable outerwear or naked. What was the main reason for the creation of the nightgown is unknown today. Either it was too cold to sleep naked, or it was not possible to rest properly in outer clothing.

The first mention of special sleepwear appeared in the Czech Republic in the 15th century, where they spoke of a “bedroom skirt”. At that time, the nightgown was very large - wide and long, and only wealthy people could afford this piece of clothing.

Only in the 19th century did the nightgown become more accessible and became widespread, becoming an integral element of both women's (women's nightgown) and men's wardrobe (men's nightgown) - many men also slept in similar clothes. In addition, a shirt was no longer considered a luxury as before. Thanks to this accessibility, every woman had the opportunity to diversify her wardrobe with several models of nightgowns. Even in those days, different styles of such products were used. The most popular were the strict, classic models of nightgowns, which were made of cotton or linen. Women from wealthy families preferred luxurious models made of natural silk. Such shirts were usually decorated with expensive lace. Thanks to this, they looked more like a dress than sleepwear.

Since then, a variety of shirts have never left the women's night wardrobe. But men no longer sleep in such clothes - they prefer to wear pajamas or something else.

Nightgowns, which were worn in our country just a couple of decades ago, were quite ugly - wide and shapeless, made of unattractive and uncomfortable fabrics. Most often, such nightgowns were made of satin, cotton or flannel. And even “getting” such a product in a store was considered a great happiness. Due to the total shortage, women had to sit down at sewing machines and make their own nightgowns. Few people were capable of creating erotic masterpieces, and it was not accepted at that time. Usually they sewed very simple shirts from chintz or calico, although some craftswomen did not forget that lingerie should be sexy, so sometimes more miniature versions appeared with lace inserts, mainly in the chest area.

Now every woman can afford to have several shirts for different purposes - a simple cotton shirt of a classic cut for warmth, you can choose a sports shirt, or choose a shirt made of natural silk, short or long, reminiscent of an evening dress, overtly sexy, open, with lace inserts on the chest, ruffled trims.

Nightgowns made from fabrics with a silky texture will perfectly highlight a woman's seductiveness. The materials for such nightgowns can be satin, chiffon, crepe de chine, cambric, and lace. Such shirts can be decorated with lace, ruffles and even rhinestones.

In addition, because Russia is not a tropical country; in the cold season, you can and should think about nightgowns made of thin, soft, pleasant-to-touch knitwear.

Having seen the inscription “women's nightgowns” on the window and looking there with the desire to buy a nightgown, everyone will understand that nightgowns are not necessarily just comfortable and beautiful clothes for sleeping. Today's nightgowns can be very elegant and sophisticated clothing.

Bank of ideas

  1. Model No. 1

V-neck nightgown

Nightgown with V-neck,

Lace and thin straps.

Made from synthetic fabrics.

Bright and beautiful.

2.Model No. 2

Nightgown with yoke, asymmetrical wrap, neckline

Nightgown with yoke, asymmetrical wrap, neckline.

Ideal for both teenagers and older ladies.

3.Model No. 3

Nightgown with a yoke with an extended bottom

Nightgown with a yoke, widened bottom and gathered at the waist.

Made from cotton fabrics, without ruffles.

4.Model No. 4

Nightgown with wing sleeve

Nightgown with wing sleeves, beautiful and bright cotton embroidery.

Made from bright cotton fabric.

5.Model No. 5

One-piece nightgown, with straps

The nightgown is one-piece, with straps.

Fitted cut, made of jersey, with thin openwork braid.

6.Model No. 6

Nightgown with wrap, cap sleeves

Wraparound nightgown, cap sleeves.

Sewn from cotton fabric, the lampshade is made from a different shade of cotton fabric.

7.Model No. 7

Nightgown with unusual straps

Nightgown with unusual straps.

The strap on this shirt is made in the form of a single ribbon strap.

8.Model No. 8

Nightgown with thin straps

Nightgown with thin straps.

Made of silk, gathered with a ribbon at the waist,

Bright and simple cut.

9.Model No. 9

Nightgown "Granny"

Nightgown "Granny"

Sewn from cotton fabrics, medium length, thin openwork ribbon at the neck.

Sketch development of the basic version



Product requirement

Product name


Functional purpose

Wear while sleeping


Person of any age

Single or mass production

Single production

Product requirement

Must match the owner's shape

Manufacturing method

Hand and machine stitching

Appearance, style

Bright, convenient, comfortable

Requirements in terms of safety of use

Must be made from environmentally friendly materials

Ecological justification

There is no environmental pollution, since the materials used do not emit toxic substances

Design specification

Tools and equipment

To make a nightgown I will need:

  1. Electrically driven sewing machine.
  2. Overlocker JANOME.
  3. Iron with steam humidifier, ironing board.
  4. Cutting scissors for cutting fabric.
  5. A measuring tape for taking body measurements.
  6. White tailor's chalk for outlining details.
  7. Tailor's pins for folding parts.
  8. Hand needle for basting product parts.
  9. A thimble to protect your fingers from being punctured by a needle.
  10. Machine needle No. 90.
  11. Cutting line.


To make a nightgown I will need:

  1. A nightgown can be sewn from cotton fabrics.
  2. Sewing threads No. 40 contrasting.
  3. Sewing thread No. 40 for sewing parts to match the color of the fabric.

Sewing thread No. 40 of the same color (3 bobbins) for processing cuts on an overlock machine.

  1. Cotton sewing.
  2. Paper for making patterns and modeling.

Safety rules during operation


  1. Check the condition of the cord.
  2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, holding the plug body.
  3. Place the iron on the stand, making sure that the sole of the iron does not touch the cord.
  4. Ensure that the thermostat position is set correctly. When finished, turn off the iron.


  1. Before work, check that the cord is in good condition.
  2. When turning the machine on and off, only grasp the plug body.
  3. It is correct to place your foot on the pedal, press it smoothly, without jerking.
  4. Hair should be tucked and tidied up.
  5. There should be no foreign objects on the machine.
  6. Check before work. Are there any pins or needles left in the item?
  7. Do not lean close to moving or rotating parts of the machine.
  8. Make sure your hands are in the correct position.

Quality control

The finished product meets the following requirements:

  1. Corresponds to the idea and sketch of the model.
  2. Complies with technical parameters.
  3. Made carefully, the stitches are even, the seam standards are observed.

Ecological justification

When making a nightgown, there is no environmental pollution, since the materials from which the product is made do not emit toxic substances. Fabric waste from a nightgown can be used to make appliqués, rag products, and decorative elements for finishing products.



I think that my product corresponds to the intended option. This nightgown makes me feel comfortable while sleeping.


  1. Julia McCombs. American Sewing Manual, 1993
  2. Maslova L.A.. So that the product is beautiful. Moscow, 1988
  3. Simonenko V.D. Technology. 7th grade. Moscow: Ventana-Graf, 1999
  4. Hanus. How to learn to sew. Moscow: Artbusiness - center, 1993
  5. Workbook
  6. Internet: www. website