Former soloist groups " VIA Gra» Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya A little over a year ago I became a mother for the third time. She and her husband, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, had a second child common child- daughter, whom the couple named Mariyka. The singer always preferred not to talk about the details of her personal life. Even the press did not immediately become aware of the new addition to the family. This happened with the news about the wedding of Nadezhda and Sergei.

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However, recently the celebrity gave frank interview « Antenna Telesem,” in which she spoke for the first time about her relationship with her husband and how they met. According to Nadezhda, she never lacked attention from men, but was always confident that she would connect her life with a special man. “I’m still far from the VIA Gra group; men began to pay attention to me very early - when I was a nine-year-old child, I began to catch men’s gazes on me. She developed early, she was such a prominent girl... But she always knew that there could be millions of men around, and the man who was destined by fate was the only one. Of course, I could have gotten married a long time ago if I wanted to. But, firstly, I had no intention of getting married, and secondly, at the age of 11 I already started dancing. Boys didn't interest me at all then. I trained for several hours every day, could sleep in the training room and rehearse endlessly. And now I understand: if I had not united my life with the person who was sent to me by God and who turned out to be my destiny, I might never have gotten married. Because I’m not afraid of loneliness, I always have something to do, a lot of things are interesting. At some point, even before meeting my husband, I realized that either I would meet my destiny, or I would live alone,”- Nadezhda shared.

The singer admitted that her husband amazed her at the first meeting and attracted her attention stylish clothes. “We met Misha at the presentation of Renata Litvinova, she was creating a collection of clothes with the Zarina brand, and Misha is still general director Melon Fashion Group, which includes three clothing brands. Renata, I remember, made a collection in retro style, which I adore. And she gave me a dress, it’s already ten years old, but I still love and wear it. It's black, I love black. And on the day of the presentation we are in the dressing room. Renata is getting ready, and then Mikhail comes in with a huge bouquet, gives flowers to Renata, congratulates her, Renata introduces us... I think to myself: “What an interesting man.” He looked very intelligent, and at the same time was stylishly dressed. And I always pay attention to how people dress. It pleases the eye when a person is dressed not fashionably, but stylishly. I can’t stomach the word “fashionable” at all. And that's it, the acquaintance ended there. After the show, he came up to me and started asking how interested I was. And I didn't know who I was. And I’m always happy when people don’t recognize me. And so we started talking about fashion, and then they said to him: “Mikhail, do you know who you were talking to?” "No, I do not know". When they said, he remembered such a group. It was 2009. I then returned to the team, collaboration with Love Republic began - Vera Brezhneva and I were invited to be the faces of the brand. And so our relationship with Mikhail gradually began. We both felt at the same time that this was something special,” said Nadezhda.

This is the couple’s second child together - they already have 3-year-old Anechka. Mikhail has two children from previous relationships, and Nadezhda has a 13-year-old son, Igor.

As for her personal life, Nadezhda is used to remaining silent - until last month no one even suspected that she was pregnant!

In the program “Frankly with Masha Efrosinina” (aired on Saturdays on the Ukraine channel), Mikhail Urzhumtsev told how their family relationships began and are developing.

"I love to cuddle her"

-Mikhail, are you a fan of Nadya’s work?

I admire what she does. Because when she lights up and begins to embody what she has in mind, she becomes a miracle that you look at and cannot take your eyes off. She has amazing charisma and expression! At the same time, she always tries to get to the bottom of things, and this really excites me about her work.

- What is she like at home?

She is less expressive at home. For her, home is an opportunity to retire and relax. And at home we very affectionately call each other “mummy” and “daddy”.

- Are there any quarrels?

She has her own point of view on almost everything. Naturally, I have my own point of view on everything. I wouldn't call it quarrels. Sometimes I make jokes that are not very clear, I like to “catch” her. It seems to me that I am doing it tenderly, but it seems to her that I am not doing it tenderly. And she asks me: “Why are you clinging to me?” I tell her that this is a joke. And this catches her. Well, then it all turns into hot hugs, and that’s the thrill!

"We met through the mirror"

- Do you remember the moment when you first saw her?

I remember it very well. We met through the mirror: she was looking in the mirror, and I was just passing by and saw her in the mirror. We said hello, she smiled at me - and at that moment something clicked in my heart. Nadya's smile is something special!

- How were you looked after? Romance, flowers...

We didn't have a trail of romance. We couldn't spend much time together. I lived and worked in St. Petersburg, and she was mostly on tour. Therefore, our meetings were periodic, we called each other often, I flew in with baskets of orchids... She once told me that she really loves orchids.

- And when did you realize that Nadya was already serious?

One day we met in Stockholm (Sweden). We looked at each other and understood everything. It's difficult to explain in words what happened. Something just knocked in my heart, and it came to my head: “this is yours, keep this in mind.”

- What about Nadya?

Nadia - amazing woman. She smiled, embarrassed, her eyes filled with moisture. I realized that she was very pleased with this.

"Nadya accepted the offer after 40 minutes"

- Tell me a secret - are you officially married?

Question official relations was never a goal for us. We didn't even talk about it. She had never been married before, I was not married. We weren't in much of a hurry. But when we felt on an intuitive level that a wedding was the next step in our relationship, I proposed to her. Nadya made a decision after 40 minutes. These 40 minutes were interesting. We talked, she thought. I had the ring ready. And she said, "Yes."

- How is your relationship with Nadya’s son?

I have an excellent relationship with Igor. But he has a father whom he treats very well. I can be a senior comrade, I can advise something, recommend something, teach something, if he wants.

- Why does Nadya hide her personal life so carefully?

We agreed a long time ago that we would not make our personal lives public.

- How do you imagine your relationship in 20 years?

I would like to be only with this woman in 20 years. I would like to continue to enjoy life with her, so that there are many children nearby - the next generation, which will add new colors to our lives.


Mikhail Urzhumtsev - 45 years old, businessman from St. Petersburg, owner of clothing store chains Love Republic, Befree, etc. Before his relationship with Nadezhda, Meikher lived in civil marriage with Tatyana Bredikhina (brand manager in one of his companies), who bore him a daughter and a son. Having parted, they remained in warm relations. Mikhail takes care of the children.

Nadezhda Granovskaya is one of the most popular performers. Her work has attracted attention since the time of her work in Viagra by Konstantin Meladze. The star does not like to remember her childhood years, since this time was overshadowed by the difficult financial situation in the country, as well as her father’s drunkenness. The singer today actively tours her native Ukraine and neighboring countries. The artist often comes to Russia. Admirers of her talent are waiting for her tour.

Granovskaya's personal life is currently happy. She lives with her beloved husband and has three children.

In 2017, one of the episodes of the popular program “Secret to a Million” was released with the participation of Nadezhda Granovskaya. She answered, openly, all questions, including the audience’s ability to find out her height, weight, and age. How old Nadezhda Granovskaya is is no secret to her fans.

In 2018, the artist celebrated her 36th birthday. The event took place in a quiet family circle. With a height of 170 cm, the singer weighs 54 kg.

Nadezhda Granovskaya, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to her fans, does a set of exercises every day that help her keep in shape.

Biography and personal life of Nadezhda Granovskaya

A girl was born in a small Western Ukrainian locality. The birth was rapid, so the girl was born in the house. Father - Alexander Meikher drank heavily. Mother - Galina Granovskaya worked as a saleswoman in a small shop. When the girl was 4 years old, the woman left her husband and they began to live with her parents. It was in Volochisk that Nadenka went to 1st grade. IN school years Granovskaya studied only with straight A's. At the same time, the girl was interested in ballet. She went to athletics, danced and loved to listen musical works written by the classics. Nadezhda especially loved works written by Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and others.

In addition, the future pop star was involved in martial arts. She admired Vladimir Lenin and Michael Jackson. The girl wanted to connect her life with ballet. Nadezhda wanted to work in a store or sew clothes.

The graduates' relatives saw her as a translator, but Granovskaya was convinced that it was not hers. The future artist studies at pedagogical institute, comprehending the intricacies of musical training. Then Nadezhda began working in one of the cultural centers.

Soon, on the advice of Valery Meladze, who saw her by chance, she begins to work in Konstantin Meladze’s group. Soon the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Granovskaya became incredibly popular. The songs performed by the group became famous.

Currently, the celebrity is busy with solo activities. She writes music and poetry, and is involved in modeling.

Granovskaya attracted the views of representatives of the opposite sex. When the son was born, for a long time it was not known who his father was. Only 4 years later it became clear that the singer gave birth to a large businessman, Alexander Lishchenko. But, after living together for several years, they broke up.

Family and children of Nadezhda Granovskaya

The family and children of Nadezhda Granovskaya are currently happy. The woman lives with her husband and three children, whom she loves incredibly.

The girl did not communicate with her dad for a long time. He drank very heavily, after which he showed aggression, beating his wife Galina. After suffering for 4 years, the woman divorced him. The father did not help financially, so the mother spent all her time at work to feed her daughter.

In the difficult 90s of the last century, Nadezhda Granovskaya’s mother worked for several years in an Italian family. Currently, the woman lives with the artist, helping to raise her children.

The star was raised by her maternal grandmother. She gave her knowledge in the science of sewing.

Son of Nadezhda Granovskaya - Igor Meikher

The pop star gave birth to her first child at the beginning of the new millennium. For a long time it was not known who the baby's father was. Granovskaya registered her little son under her last name, since her lover did not recognize her son.

The boy was raised by his grandmother, as the singer had to go on tour. Currently, the son of Nadezhda Granovskaya, Igor Meikher, goes to one of the elite Ukrainian schools, where he learns the basics of the French language.

The guy has already dubbed several cartoons. He plays sports and music, and dreams of becoming an actor.

Daughter of Nadezhda Granovskaya - Anna Urzhumtseva

In alliance with businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, a girl was born who was named Anna. After her birth, a number of media outlets wrote that the artist gave birth to a baby from Pyotr Chernyshev, whom she met in the “Stars on Ice” project.

When Nadezhda was carrying Anechka, she was nervously exhausted as a result of constant quarrels with her husband, who wanted a son. But over time, he calmed down and rejoiced at the birth of his daughter.

The daughter of Nadezhda Granovskaya, Anna Urzhumtseva, is preparing to enter school. She enjoys drawing, vocal singing, and dancing. Her mother often posts videos of the baby on her Instagram page.

Daughter of Nadezhda Granovskaya - Maria Urzhumtseva

In mid-2015, the artist’s family added another daughter. They decided to name her Maria. At home the girl is affectionately called Mariyka.

Currently, the girl loves to play with her older sister, whom she follows a lot. Nadezhda Granovskaya’s daughter, Maria Urzhumtseva, falls asleep exclusively to songs performed by her mother. The girl learned to count to five. She likes to draw. Her favorite color is green.

Recently, a video appeared on the Instagram page of a popular singer in which a girl performed a dance against the background of her sister’s singing. Both sisters look alike.

Nadezhda Granovskaya's husband - Mikhail Urzhumtsev

For the first time, the popular performer met Mikhail Urzhumtsev. At that time he was not free; there were two small children in the family. The lovers' meetings were secret. After some time, the man left his wife. Soon a daughter was born, the businessman registered her in his name. After this, Mikhail proposed, and the lovers registered their marriage.

Nadezhda Granovskaya’s husband, Mikhail Urzhumtsev, really wanted a son. After the birth of their first daughter, quarrels arose in the family for some time. Currently, the couple are happy.

Nadezhda Granovskaya, photos before and after plastic surgery often appear on the global web, declares that she has never used the services plastic surgeon. The artist says that her body became this way thanks to persistent exercise.

In 2017, Nadezhda Granovskaya posed for the popular men's magazine Maxim. The singer appeared naked on the pages of the publication, showing off her stunning body. The cover was decorated with photographs of Granovskaya in a swimsuit. Recently, Maxim magazine, whose photos attract attention, presented a new photo shoot of the artist. Negotiations are currently underway with Granovskaya, the photographs will appear in the December issue of the publication.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Granovskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Granovskaya are visited by admirers of her talent. Here they will find out the most detailed information about the life and work of the artist.

The singer’s Wikipedia tells how she met Konstantin and Valery Meladze, who helped her become successful. Here you can find out about the artist’s children and wife. In addition, the page contains full list projects in which Nadezhda Granovskaya took part.

On her Instagram page, Nadezhda often posts pictures of her family. Fans can find out how Granovskaya’s children live. The woman reports on all the achievements of her beloved children. Recently, the artist posted a video in which others could see the singer’s daughters.

Nadezhda Granovskaya told Lera Kudryavtseva about her men, her career at VIA Gra and terrible disease, because of which she almost became disabled.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya became the heroine of the “Secret to a Million” program. The presenter of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, found out how the future star of the VIA Gra group began her career. It turned out that even at school Nadezhda felt that she was cramped in hometown Khmelnitsky. She wanted to quickly leave for Moscow to start new life. However, when the star was 17 years old, a misfortune happened to her. Doctors diagnosed an intervertebral hernia, which led to the young dancer’s kneecaps becoming displaced.

As soon as the first signs of the disease were discovered, Nadezhda went for a medical procedure to specialists who were supposed to set her bones. Otherwise, she would quickly lose the ability to move independently. However, after visiting the doctor, Granovskaya’s condition only worsened.
“Nothing helped me. It all started from the knees. After another month or two, back pain began. I was referred to a chiropractor. When it goes inflammatory process, nothing can be adjusted. But who knew about this? After the second session with the doctor, I was already crawling home because it was incredibly painful. At that moment, my legs once gave out,” Granovskaya recalled on the program.

Nadezhda admitted that she was completely desperate at that moment. It seemed to her that she could forget about performing on stage forever. By the way, star for a long time I danced professionally. It was really stressful for her. The pain did not subside every day, but only intensified. Medical specialists were unable to help Granovskaya cope with the disease without surgery. The singer flatly refused to lie down on the operating table.

Soon, Granovskaya managed to meet one healer, who gave her hope for a bright future.
“They took me to a healer. She began to examine me with her hands, touch me and put my organs in place, and then she laid me on the table. I dangled my legs over my stomach and felt like I was being hit with a hammer. The pain, of course, was unbearable, but after one session I got up and went to dance,” Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya told the story.

Among other things, the artist also recalled how her career developed in “ VIA Gre" For some time, the star did not have enough money to feed even himself. But soon everything turned out just fine. According to the artist, she was twice seriously attracted to men. From her first chosen one, Nadezhda gave birth to a son, Igor. After his birth, she returned to the group just two weeks later. The soloist understood that Konstantin Meladze did not want to part with her, and she was also afraid of losing her place in the team.

After some time, Nadezhda broke up with common-law husband. The star’s second serious hobby was Mikhail Urzhumtsev. Almost a year after they met, he proposed to her, but she did not answer him immediately. In 2014, they arranged a secret wedding because they did not want to attract public attention. Even the relatives had no idea that they were invited to the restaurant for a wedding. The couple has two children: four-year-old Anna and one-and-a-half-year-old Maria.

Reluctant to talk about her personal life and tries not to even mention the name of her beloved man Mikhail Urzhumtsev. But for the magazine TV week made an exception and talked about their acquaintance and how the relationship developed.

“Once I had an amazing dream, as if I was in England, about three hundred years ago, - says Nadezhda Meikher, singer and show judge Sing like a star.- There were three of us at a long table in an old house - me, the witch grandmother and a wonderful young man who came to woo me.

But the sorceress said: “She will not marry, she will continue my work. You won't see her again. Leave!"

My beloved headed to the door, then turned to me and said: “I will find you. I recognize you by your smile." When I woke up, I wondered for a long time what it all meant, but I couldn’t find the answer.”

After returning from Paris, Nadezhda and Mikhail continued to meet occasionally - both in Kyiv and in Europe. But they didn’t dare talk about feelings; they continued to keep their distance.

"The rapprochement was long and difficult,- speaks Nadezhda Meikher. - We lived in different cities and worked a lot. Negative experience family life received in the past also played a role - both were distrustful of people. Misha did not dare to destroy the established order of things, because he had two small children - a son and a daughter, but he did not want to lose me either...

And yet he was the first to confess his love. Misha said that his father really liked Julia Roberts , and he often said: “Look at the woman! And what a smile she has! This is generally one of the main manifestations of female beauty.”

Misha admitted: “When I saw you for the first time, I immediately remembered my father’s words. You smiled, and I thought - what a woman! I loved you for your smile!” I shuddered. It flashed through my head: “I’ll find you, I’ll recognize you by your smile!” So this is what that old dream meant...

You can explain this by anything - providence, connection to the information field, divination, but the prediction came true. It was no coincidence that Misha came into my life. It was predetermined.