In this article you will find a detailed sequence for Holy Communion: prayers, psalms, theotokos and icons.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 22

The Lord shepherds me and will deprive me of nothing. In a green place, there they settled me, on the calm water they raised me. Convert my soul, guide me on the paths of righteousness, for Your name’s sake. Even if I walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your club will comfort me. Thou hast prepared a table before me to resist those who are cold to me, Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and Thy cup makes me drunken, like a mighty one. And Thy mercy will marry me all the days of my life, and make me dwell in the house of the Lord for the length of days.

Psalm 23
The earth is the Lord's, and its fulfillment, the universe, and all who live on it. He founded food on the seas, and prepared food on the rivers. Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord? Or who will stand in His holy place? He is innocent in his hands and pure in heart, who does not take his soul in vain, and does not swear by his sincere flattery. This one will receive blessings from the Lord, and alms from God, his Savior. This generation of those who seek the Lord, looking for a face God of Jacob. Lift up your gates, O princes, and lift up the everlasting gates; and the King of Glory will come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord is strong and strong, the Lord is strong in battle. Lift up your gates, O princes, and lift up the everlasting gates, and the King of Glory will come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.

Psalm 115
I believed, I said the same words, and I was greatly humbled. I died in my frenzy: every man is a lie. What shall I repay to the Lord for all that I have repaid? I will accept the cup of salvation, and I will call on the name of the Lord; I will offer my prayers to the Lord before all His people. The death of His saints is honorable before the Lord. O Lord, I am Your servant, I am Your servant and the son of Your handmaid; You have torn apart my bonds. I will devour a sacrifice of praise for you, and in the name of the Lord I will call. I will offer my prayers to the Lord before all His people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, in the midst of you, Jerusalem.
Glory, even now: Alleluia. (Three times with three bows)

Troparion, tone 8
Despise my iniquities, O Lord, be born of a Virgin, and cleanse my heart, creating a temple to Your most pure Body and Blood, lower me from Your face, having great mercy without number.
Glory: In the communion of Your holy things, how dare I [become], unworthy? Even if I dare to approach You with the worthy, the robe denounces me as if it were not the evening, and I intercede for condemnation of my many-sinful soul. Cleanse, Lord, the filth of my soul, and save me, as a Lover of Mankind.
And now: My many and many sins, Mother of God, I have come running to You, O Pure One, demanding salvation: visit my weak soul, and pray to Your Son and our God to grant me forgiveness for the evil deeds, O Blessed One.

On Holy Pentecost:
When the glorious disciple is enlightened at the thought of the supper, then the evil Judas, sickened by the love of money, becomes darkened, and betrays Your righteous Judge to the lawless judges. See, the steward of the property, who used strangulation for these sakes: flee the unsatiated soul, such a daring Teacher. O good Lord of all, glory to Thee.

Psalm 50
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. To You alone have I sinned and done evil before You; for you may be justified in all of Your words, and you will always triumph over Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Repel your face Cleanse me from my sins and all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a broken and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.
Canon, voice 2

Song 1
Come, people, let us sing a song to Christ God, who divided the sea, and taught the people, even from the work of Egypt, for he was glorified,
Chorus: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb.
May the bread of the eternal belly be my Body Your Sacred, gracious Lord, and Honest Blood, and healing of manifold illnesses.


The accursed one, defiled by unplaceable deeds, am unworthy, O Christ, of Your Most Pure Body and Divine Blood, to receive communion, which you have vouchsafed to me.


O good earth, blessed Bride of God, vegetating untouched and saving the world, grant me this food to be saved.

Song 3
Having established me on the rock of faith, you have enlarged my mouth against my enemies. For my spirit is glad, always singing: none is holy like our God, and none is righteous more than Thee, O Lord.
Give me tearful drops, O Christ, that cleanse the filth of my heart: for as I have been purified by a good conscience, I come by faith and fear, O Master, to partake of Thy Divine Gifts.
May Thy Most Pure Body and Divine Blood be with me for the remission of sins, the communion of the Holy Spirit, and into eternal life, Lover of mankind, and alienation from passions and sorrows.

The Most Holy Bread of the Animals, from above the mercy of which came down, and gave peace to a new life, and now vouchsafe me, the unworthy, to taste this with fear, and live to be.

Song 4
You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, nor an Angel, but Himself, Lord, incarnate, and you saved me as a whole man. Thus I call to Thee: glory to Thy power, O Lord.
Thou didst desire, for our sake, to be incarnated, O Omni-merciful One, to be slain like a sheep, sin for the sake of men: I also pray to Thee, and cleanse my sins.
Heal my ulcers, Lord, and sanctify everything: and grant, O Master, that I may partake of Your secret Divine Supper, the accursed one.

Compassionate me also from Thy womb, O Lady, and keep me undefiled by Thy servant and undefiled, like the reception of clever beads, I will be sanctified.

Song 5
Light to the Giver and Creator of ages, O Lord, instruct us in the light of Your commandments; Don’t we know any other god for You?
As you foretold, O Christ, that it would be done to your evil servant, and abide in me, as you promised: for behold, Your Body is Divine, and I drink Your Blood.
Word of God and God, may the coal of Your Body be for me, who is darkened, into enlightenment, and the cleansing of my defiled soul may Your Blood.

Mary, Mother of God, sweet-smelling village, make me a chosen vessel through Your prayers, so that I may partake of Your Son in sanctification.

Song 6
Lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy mercy: lift me up from aphids, O God.
Sanctify my mind, soul and heart, O Savior, and my body, and grant me, without condemnation, O Lord, to terrible secrets get started.
So that I may withdraw from passions, and have the application of Your grace, the affirmation of my life, through the communion of the Saints, Christ, of Your Mysteries.

God, God, Holy Word, sanctify me entirely, now coming to Thy Divine Mysteries, Thy Holy Mother with prayers.

Kontakion, voice 2
Bread, O Christ, do not despise me, take Thy Body, and now Thy Divine Blood, most pure, Master, and Thy terrible Mysteries, may the accursed partake, may it not be for me in judgment, may it be for me in the eternal and immortal life.

Song 7
The wise children did not serve the golden body, and they themselves went into the flames, and cursed their gods, cried out in the midst of the flames, and I sprinkled an angel: the prayer of your lips has already been heard.
May the source of good things, communion, Christ, of Thy immortal Mysteries now be light, and life, and dispassion, and for the advancement and increase of the most Divine virtue, intercessionfully, the only Good One, for I glorify Thee.
May I be delivered from passions, and enemies, and needs, and all sorrows, with trembling and love with reverence, O Lover of mankind, approach now Your immortal and Divine Mysteries, and vouchsafe to You to sing: Blessed art thou, O Lord, God of our fathers.

Who gave birth to the Savior of Christ more than the mind, O God-gracious One, I now pray to Thee, Thy pure and impure servant: who now wishes to approach the most pure Mysteries, cleanse all from the defilement of the flesh and spirit.

Song 8
Who came down into the fiery furnace to the Jewish youth, and who turned God into flames into dew, sing the works of the Lord, and exalt them unto all ages.
Heavenly, and terrible, and Thy saints, Christ, now the Mysteries, and Thy Divine and Last Supper to be a fellow-companion and vouchsafe to me the desperate one, O God, my Savior.
Beneath Your compassion, O Good One, I call upon You with fear: abide in me, O Savior, and I, as you said, in You; Behold, daring in Thy mercy, I eat Thy Body and drink Thy Blood.
Chorus: Most Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee.
Trinity: I tremble, accepting fire, lest I be scorched like wax and like grass; Ole terrible sacrament! Ole of God's mercy! How do I partake of the Divine Body and Blood of clay and become incorruptible?

Song 9
The Son, God and Lord, without beginning, became incarnate from the Virgin, appeared to us, darkened to enlighten, squandered by his fellow-creatures: with this we magnify the all-sung Mother of God.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb.
Christ is, taste and see: the Lord for our sake, having been for us of old, brought Himself alone, as an offering to His Father, He is ever slain, sanctifying those who partake.

Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me.
May I be sanctified in soul and body, Master, may I be enlightened, may I be saved, may Thy house be a communion of the sacred Mysteries, having You living within me with the Father and the Spirit, O Most Merciful Benefactor.

Reward me with the joy of Your salvation, and strengthen me with the Master’s Spirit.
Let me be like fire, and like light, Your Body and Blood, my most honorable Savior, scorching the sinful substance, burning the thorns of passions, and enlightening all of me, let me worship Your Divinity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

God became incarnate from Your pure blood; In the same way, every race sings to Thee, the Lady, and the intelligent multitudes glorify, as through Thee they have clearly seen the Ruler of all, who existed among humanity.

It is worthy to eat...the Trisagion. Holy Trinity... Our Father... Troparion of the day or holiday. If it is a week, the Sunday troparion according to the tone. If not, real troparia, tone 6:
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; Bewildered by any answer, we offer this prayer to You, as the Lord, sinners: have mercy on us.
Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You; Do not be angry with us, remember our iniquities, but look upon us now as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies. For Thou art our God, and we are Thy people; all works are done by Thy hand, and we call upon Thy name.
And now: Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.
Lord have mercy. (40 times) And bows as much as you want.

Read also -

And poems:
Although eat, O man, the Body of the Lord,
Approach with fear, but don’t get burned: there is fire.
I drink the Divine Blood for communion,
First of all, reconcile those who have grieved you.
Also daring, the mysterious food is delicious.
Before communion there is a terrible sacrifice,
Lady of the Life-Giving Body,
Hereby pray with trembling:

Prayer 1, Basil the Great

Master Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the Source of life and immortality, of all creation, visible and invisible, and the Creator, of the beginningless Father, co-eternal with the Son and co-originating, much for the sake of goodness in the last days, he clothed himself in flesh, and was crucified, and was buried for us, ungrateful and evil-willed, and Yours. With the blood of renewing our nature, corrupted by sin, Himself, Immortal King, accept my sinful repentance, and incline Your ear to me, and hear my words. For I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned in heaven and before You, and I am not worthy to look upon the height of Your glory: I have angered Your goodness, having transgressed Your commandments, and not listened to Your commands. But You, Lord, are kind, long-suffering and abundantly merciful, and did not give me up to perish with my iniquities, waiting for my conversion in every possible way. For You have declared, O Lover of Mankind, as Your prophet: for by will I do not want the death of a sinner, but the hedgehog will turn and live to be him. You do not want, Master, to destroy your creation by hand, and you are less than pleased with the destruction of mankind, but you want to save everyone and come into the mind of truth. Likewise, I, even though I am unworthy of heaven and earth, and sow temporary life, having subjected myself to sin, and enslaved myself with pleasure, and desecrated Your image; but having become Thy creation and creature, I do not despair of my salvation, the accursed one, but daring to receive Thy immeasurable compassion, I come. Receive me too, O Lord who loves mankind, as a harlot, as a thief, as a publican, as a prodigal, and take my heavy burden take away sins, the sin of the world, and heal human infirmities, call those who labor and are burdened to yourself and give them rest, not coming to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. And cleanse me from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, and teach me to perform holiness in Thy Passion: for by the pure knowledge of my conscience, having received part of Thy holy things, I may unite with Thy holy Body and Blood, and have You living and abiding in me, with the Father, and Your Holy Spirit. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, may the communion of Thy most pure and life-giving Mysteries not be in judgment for me, nor may I be weak in soul and body, so that I am not worthy to receive communion, but grant me, even until my final breath, to accept without condemnation part of Thy holy things, in communion with the Holy Spirit, in the path of eternal life, and in a favorable answer at Thy Last Judgment: for I, too, with all Thy chosen ones, will be a partaker of Thy incorruptible blessings, which Thou hast prepared for those who love Thee, O Lord, in which Thou art glorified in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2, St. John Chrysostom

Lord my God, in knowing that I am not worthy, I am below satisfied, and you have brought the temple of my soul under the roof, all empty and fallen, and there is no place in me worthy of bowing your head: but as from on high you humbled us for your sake, humble yourself and now to my humility; and as you received it in the den and in the wordless manger, reclining, take it in the wordless manger of my soul, and bring it into my defiled body. And just as you did not fail to bring in and shine a light on the sinners in the house of Simon the leper, so deign to bring into the house of my humble soul, lepers and sinners; and even though You did not reject a harlot and a sinner like me, who came and touched You, have mercy on me, a sinner, who comes and touches You; and just as you did not abhor her foul and unclean lips kissing Thee, below mine, abhor those defiled and unclean lips, below my vile and unclean lips, and my foul and unclean tongue. But may the coal of Your most holy Body, and Your honorable Blood, be for me, for the sanctification and enlightenment and health of my humble soul and body, for the relief of the burdens of many of my sins, for the protection from every devilish action, for the driving away and prohibition of my evil and evil customs, for the mortification of passions, for the supply of Thy commandments, for the application of Thy Divine grace, and the appropriation of Thy Kingdom. It is not because I come to You, O Christ our God, that I despise You, but because I dare you in Your ineffable goodness, and let me not withdraw from Your fellowship in the depths, I will be hunted down by the mental wolf. In the same way I pray to You: as the only One who is Holy, Master, sanctify my soul and body, mind and heart, womb and womb, and renew all of me, and root Your fear in my hearts, and create Your sanctification inseparably from me; and be my helper and intercessor, feeding my belly in the world, making me worthy to stand at Your right hand with Your saints, the prayers and supplications of Your Most Pure Mother, Your immaterial servants and the Most Pure Powers, and all the saints who have pleased You from the ages. Amen

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

One pure and incorruptible Lord, for the ineffable mercy of our love for mankind, we have received all the mixture, from pure and virgin blood, more than the nature, who gave birth to Thee, the Divine Spirit by invasion, and by the good will of the ever-present Father, Christ Jesus, the wisdom of God, and peace, and power; By your perception of the life-giving and saving suffering perceived, cross, nails, spear, death, mortify my soul-smothering bodily passions. By Your burial of the hellish kingdoms, bury my good thoughts, evil advice, and destroy the spirits of wickedness. By Thy three-day and life-giving resurrection of the fallen forefather, raise me up in the sin that crawled, offering me images of repentance. By Thy glorious ascension, the carnal perception of God, and honor this on the right hand of the Father, grant me the gift of receiving the communion of Thy holy Mysteries on the right hand of those who are being saved. By bringing forth the Comforter of Thy Spirit, Thy disciples have made honorable sacred vessels, friend and show me That coming. Although you would like to come again to judge the universe with righteousness, deign me too to place You on the clouds, my Judge and Creator, with all Your saints: may I endlessly glorify and sing Your praises, with Your beginningless Father, and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4, St. John of Damascus

Master Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who alone have the power to forgive man’s sins, for as he is good and a lover of mankind, I have despised all sins in knowledge and not in knowledge, and grant me without condemnation to partake of Thy Divine, and glorious, and most pure, and life-giving Mysteries, not in heaviness, neither torment, nor to the addition of sins, but to cleansing, and sanctification, and the betrothal of the future Life and kingdom, to the wall and help, and to the objection of those who resist, to the destruction of many of my sins. For You are the God of mercy, and generosity, and love for mankind, and we send up glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 5, St. Basil the Great

We know, Lord, that I unworthily partake of Thy most pure Body and Thy honorable Blood, and I am guilty, and I condemn myself to pit and drink, not judging the Body and Blood of You of Christ and my God, but in Thy bounty I boldly come to You who said: You eat My flesh and drink My blood, he abides in Me, and I in him. Have mercy, O Lord, and do not expose me, a sinner, but do with me according to Your mercy; and may this saint be mine for healing, and purification, and enlightenment, and preservation, and salvation, and for the sanctification of soul and body; to drive away every dream, and evil deed, and the action of the devil, acting mentally in my lands, into boldness and love, even towards You; for the correction of life and affirmation, for the return of virtue and perfection; in fulfillment of the commandments, in communion with the Holy Spirit, in the guidance of the eternal life, in response to a favorable response at Thy Last Judgment: not in judgment or condemnation.

Prayer 6, Saint Simeon the New Theologian

From vile lips, from a vile heart, from an unclean tongue, from a soul defiled, accept this prayer, my Christ, and do not despise my words, below images, below lack of study. Grant me to boldly say what I want, my Christ, and even more so, teach me what I should do and say. Having sinned more than the harlot, even though I knew where you were, having bought myrrh, I came boldly to anoint Your nose, my God, my Lord and Christ. Just as you did not reject the one that came from your heart, abhor me below, the Word: Give yours to my nose, and hold and kiss, and boldly anoint this with streams of tears, like a valuable ointment. Wash me with my tears, cleanse me with them, O Word. Forgive my sins and grant me forgiveness. Weigh a multitude of evils, weigh my scabs, and see my ulcers, but also weigh my faith, and see my will, and hear my sighing. There is no hidden part of you, my God, my Creator, my Savior, below a drop of tears, below a drop of a certain part. Thy eyes have seen what I have not done, and in Thy book the essence of what has not yet been done is written to You. See my humility, see my great labor, and forgive me all my sins, O God of all: so that with a pure heart, a trembling thought, and a contrite soul, I may partake of Your undefiled and most holy Mysteries, by which everyone who eats poison and drinks with a pure heart is revived and adored; For you have said, my Lord: everyone who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, he abides in Me, and in Him I Am. The word of every Master and my God is true: for you partake of the divine and adoring graces, for I am not alone, but with You, my Christ, the Trisunlar Light, enlightening the world. May I not be alone besides You, the Life-Giver, my breath, my life, my joy, the salvation of the world. For this reason, I come to You, as if I saw you, with tears, and with a contrite soul, I ask you to accept the deliverance of my sins, and to partake of Your life-giving and immaculate Mysteries without condemnation, so that You may remain, as You have promised, with me, the repentant one: may I not only find Your grace, the deceiver will delight me with the flatterer, and deceiving will lead away those who idolize Your words. For this reason I fall down to You, and cry out to You warmly: as You received the prodigal, and the harlot who came, so receive me, the prodigal and the defiled, Generously. With a contrite soul, now coming to You, we know, Savior, as another, like I, did not sin against You, lower than the deeds I did. But we know this again, because not the greatness of sins, nor the multitude of sins exceeds my God’s great patience and extreme love for mankind; but by the grace of compassion, warmly repentant, and purifying, and brightening, and creating light, you are partakers, associates of Your Divinity, doing unenviably, and strange things with both the Angel and human thought, conversing with them many times, as if with Your true friend. This is the bold thing they do to me, this is what they force me to do, O my Christ. And daring to show us Your rich kindness, rejoicing and trembling together, the grass partakes of the fire, and a strange miracle, we water it without burning, just as the bush of old burned without burning. Now with a grateful thought, with a grateful heart, with grateful hands, my soul and my body, I worship and magnify and glorify Thee, my God, for being blessed, now and forever.

Prayer 7, St. John Chrysostom

God, weaken, forsake, forgive me my sins, those who have sinned, whether in word, whether in deed, whether in thought, will or involuntarily, by reason or foolishness, forgive me all, as you are good and a lover of mankind, and through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, your intelligent servants and Holy powers, and all the saints from the ages who have pleased You, without condemnation, deign to accept Your holy and most pure Body and venerable Blood, for the healing of soul and body, and for the cleansing of my evil thoughts. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

His same, 8th
I am not pleased, Master Lord, that you may come under the roof of my soul; but since You, as a Lover of Mankind, want to live in me, I boldly approach; You command that I open the doors that You alone created, and with love for mankind, like You, you will see and enlighten my darkened thoughts. I believe that You have done this: You did not drive away the harlot who came to You with tears; You have rejected below the publican, having repented; below the thief, having come to know Your kingdom, You drove away; Thou hast left the repentant lower than the persecutor; but from repentance Thou hast brought all who have come to Thee, in the person of Thy friends Thou hast made the One blessed, always, now and unto endless ages. Amen.

His same, 9th
Lord Jesus Christ my God, weaken, forgive, cleanse and forgive my sinful, and indecent, and unworthy servant, my sins, and transgressions, and my fall from grace, from my youth, even to this day and hour, those who have sinned: if in mind and in foolishness, or in words or deeds, or thoughts and thoughts, and undertakings, and all my feelings. And through the prayers of the seedless One who gave birth to Thee, the Most Pure and Ever-Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, the only shameless hope and intercession and salvation of mine, grant me to uncondemnedly partake of Thy most pure, immortal, life-giving and terrible Mysteries, for the remission of sins and for eternal life: for sanctification and enlightenment , strength, healing, and health of soul and body, and in the consumption and complete destruction of my evil thoughts, and thoughts, and enterprises, and nightly dreams, dark and crafty spirits; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, and the honor, and the worship, with the Father and Thy Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 10, St. John of Damascus

I stand before the doors of Your temple, and I do not retreat from fierce thoughts; but You, Christ God, have justified the publican, and had mercy on the Canaanites, and opened the doors of paradise to the thief, open to me the womb of Your love for mankind, and accept me, coming and touching You, like a harlot who is bleeding: and having touched the hem of Your robe, make it easy to receive healing, Thy most pure ones restrained their noses and bore the remission of sins. But I, the accursed one, dare to perceive Your whole Body, so that I will not be scorched; but accept me as you do, and enlighten my spiritual feelings, burning away my sinful guilt, with the prayers of You who gave birth without seed, and the Heavenly powers; for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer of Saint John Chrysostom

I believe, Lord, and confess that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners, from whom I am the first. I also believe that this is Your most pure Body, and this is Your most pure Blood. I pray to You: have mercy on me, and forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance, and grant me, without condemnation, to partake of Your most pure Sacraments, for the remission of sins and eternal life. Amen.

When you come to receive communion, mentally recite these verses of Metaphrast:

Here I begin to receive Divine Communion.
Co-creator, do not scorch me with communion:
You are fire, unworthy of scorching.
But cleanse me from all filth.


Thy secret supper this day, O Son of God, accept me as a partaker; I will not tell your enemies the secret, nor give you a kiss like Judas, but like a thief I will confess to you: remember me, O Lord, in your kingdom.

And poems:

It is in vain, O man, that you should be horrified by the worshiping Blood:
There is fire, you unworthy ones burn.
The Divine Body both adores and nourishes me:
She loves the spirit, but she feeds the mind strangely.

Then the troparia:

You have sweetened me with love, O Christ, and you have changed me with Your Divine care; but my sins fell into immaterial fire, and I am vouchsafed to be filled with pleasure in You: let me rejoice, O Blessed One, magnify Your two comings.
In the light of Thy Saints, what is there who is unworthy? Even if I dare to go into the palace, my clothes will expose me as not being for marriage, and I will be cast out from the Angels, bound and bound. Cleanse, Lord, the filth of my soul, and save me, as a Lover of Mankind.

Also prayer:

O Master, Lover of Mankind, Lord Jesus Christ my God, let this Holy One not be brought into judgment against me, because I am unworthy of being: but for the purification and sanctification of soul and body, and for the betrothal of the future life and kingdom. It is good for me, if I cleave to God, to place the hope of my salvation in the Lord.

And further:

Your secret supper... (See above)

Anyone who wishes to receive communion must adequately prepare for this holy sacrament. This preparation (in church practice it is called fasting) lasts several days and concerns both the physical and spiritual life of a person. The body is prescribed abstinence, i.e. bodily purity (abstinence from marital relations) and food restriction (fasting). On fasting days, food of animal origin is excluded - meat, milk, eggs and, during strict fasting, fish. Bread, vegetables, fruits are consumed in moderation. The mind should not be distracted by the trifles of everyday life and have fun.

On the days of fasting, you should attend services in the temple, if circumstances permit, and do your homework more diligently. prayer rule: who usually reads not all morning and evening prayers, let him read everything in full; whoever does not read the canons, let him read at least one canon these days. On the eve of communion, you must be at the evening service and read at home, in addition to the usual prayers for the future, the canon of repentance, the canon to the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel. The canons are read either one after the other in full, or combined in this way: the irmos of the first song of the penitential canon is read (“As Israel traveled on dry land, in the abyss with its feet, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out”) and the troparia, then the troparia of the first songs of the canon to the Theotokos (“I am overcome by many adversities, I resort to You, seeking salvation: O Mother of the Word and the Virgin, save me from the heavy and fierce”), omitting the irmos “The water has passed...”, and the troparia of the canon to the Guardian Angel, also without the irmos ( “Let us praise the Lord, who led His people through the Red Sea, for He alone has been gloriously glorified.” The following songs are read in the same way. The troparia before the canon of the Theotokos and the Guardian Angel, as well as the stichera after the canon of the Theotokos, are omitted in this case.

The canon for communion is also read and, for those who wish, an akathist to the Sweetest Jesus. After midnight they no longer eat or drink, for it is customary to begin the Sacrament of Communion on an empty stomach. In the morning, the morning prayers and the entire sequence for Holy Communion are read, except for the canon read the day before.
Before communion, confession is necessary - either in the evening or in the morning, before the liturgy.

The most important sacraments in the life of an Orthodox Christian are considered to be confession and communion, which help the human soul to cleanse itself and draw closer to God. From our article you will learn what prayers should be read before confession and communion.

General information

IN daily prayers Orthodox Christians turn to the Savior with requests to forgive the human race for their sins. The culmination of a believer’s repentance is forgiveness and remission of sins, called the sacrament of confession.

Church officials call the confession of faith in the Savior Jesus Christ the second baptism. During the sacrament of baptism, the baby is cleansed from original sin, second baptism provides an opportunity to atone, repent and be cleansed of wrongdoings committed during life path.

Sin is not only actions, but also thoughts that contradict the commandments of God. There are sins against God, those who condemn the Holy Spirit, against one’s neighbor, against oneself, and against mortals. Sin is spiritual dirt generated by passion, which is located in the depths of the human soul. According to the clergy, by committing atrocities, speaking against the Lord God and the Holy Spirit, a person becomes an accomplice in the crucifixion of Christ on the cross.

Confession helps the soul to cleanse itself of the wrongdoings it has committed. A believer who believes in God and repents becomes closer to the Savior and receives His mercy and grace.

In Orthodoxy, confession is held in a church, but if necessary, you can confess to a clergyman in any other place. Before performing the sacred ceremony, an Orthodox Christian reads:

  • morning and evening prayer rules;
  • canon of repentance to our Savior Jesus Christ;
  • prayer of Simeon the New Theologian.

There is no need to be embarrassed and afraid of your sinfulness. All offenses for which a person sincerely repents will be heard and forgiven by God. As the Holy Scripture says, some holy saints were previously sinners. Sincere repentance and sincere faith helped them to cleanse themselves, take the righteous path and draw closer to the Lord.

The Eucharist, or the sacrament of communion, is an opportunity for a Christian believer to touch the most intimate, tasting the bread and wine in the temple, which are given to those who have repented of their sins and confessed righteous people, and which represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Some parishioners consider themselves unworthy of communion, forgetting that this sacrament exists specifically for previously unworthy people who have realized their sinfulness.

Women should not receive communion during their menstrual cycle. Also, a woman who has recently become a mother is not allowed into the church. Before entering the temple and performing the sacrament of communion for a woman in labor, the clergyman must read a special prayer over her.

Before communion, an Orthodox Christian reads:

  • morning prayer rule;
  • evening prayer rule;
  • canon of repentance to the Savior;
  • prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • canon to the Guardian Angel;
  • Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus;
  • following to Holy Communion.

The Orthodox Church allows the reading of all canons to be distributed over several days preceding the sacrament of communion.

At the end of the ceremony, a prayer of thanks to Jesus Christ, a prayer to St. Basil the Great and a prayer after communion to the Most Holy Theotokos are said. Reading sacred texts gives a believer spiritual food and the opportunity to meet God.

Video “Preparing for Confession and Communion”

How to properly prepare for the most important Sacraments in life, what prayers should be read, and how to repent at confession.

What prayers to read

Confession and Communion are important Sacraments for an Orthodox Christian. The main point is proper preparation to the purification of the soul and the acceptance of the Saints Mysteries of Christ. It is very important to know and read the prayers before confession and communion.

Before confession

God and Lord of all, who has the power of every breath and soul, is the only one who can heal me! Hear the prayer of me, the accursed one, and the serpent nesting in me, consume by the influx of the All-Holy and Life-Giving Spirit. And grant me, poor and naked, all virtues, to fall at the feet of my holy (spiritual) father with tears, and draw his holy soul to mercy, to have mercy on me.

And grant, Lord, in my heart humility and good thoughts, befitting a sinner who has agreed to repent to You; and may not completely abandon the one soul that united with You and confessed You, and instead of the world chose and preferred You. Be aware, Lord, that I want to be saved, even if my evil custom is an obstacle: but what is possible for You, O Lord, is all that is possible; what is impossible is from man. Amen.

Before Communion

Master Lord Jesus Christ, Our God, merciful and humane, who alone has the power to forgive the sins of people, despise (forget), forgive all my sins, conscious and unconscious, and grant me, without condemnation, to partake of Your divine, glorious, most pure and life-giving Mysteries not in punishment, not for the multiplication of sins, but for cleansing, sanctification, as a deposit future life and kingdoms, as a strong stronghold, for protection, and the defeat of enemies, for the destruction of many of my sins. For YOU are the God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and we glorify You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Appropriate preparations are required for any sacrament. But, most are not familiar with the process and are afraid of doing something wrong.

What prayers should be offered before confession and communion?

Communion is a sacrament designed to save the soul and which helps to unite with God. In the church it is held during the Eucharist, in the morning from 7 to 10 o'clock. Then the Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus is read.

Those who have passed:

  • baptism or acceptance of God as the One Sovereign, my ruler over the soul;
  • confession - after it a person acquires a pure heart and can accept God's mercies.

Not only adults, but also children can receive communion (the latter, no preparation required). Actions for which a person has repented are completely forgiven, and pure faith allows one to free oneself and merge with the Almighty.

What is Confession?

It is not for nothing that confession is called the second baptism, because after it a person seems to be born again. Therefore, the ceremony becomes one of the main events in everyone’s life.

It is carried out in 2 stages: preparation and confession before a priest in the church. The prayer before confession is read independently, thereby preparing the heart for purification, awareness of wrongdoings and their acceptance.

There is a direct connection between the two named sacraments, because they are elements of the same aspiration. Their main task is to help the parishioner forgive sins and gain strength against the temptation to commit them in the future.

It is worth remembering that one is not allowed to take communion without confession. The only exceptions are infants and adults who have been baptized the day before.

Preparation for Communion

Internal preparation is considered a serious stage: it is necessary to take control of emotions, not to judge or use foul language. You should also offer prayers before communion 3-5 days in advance. But, if the parishioner has not come to services before and does not know the appeals to the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel, then the preparation will take up to 7 days.

A person can also be blessed for a week-long fast with an appeal to the triune God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. The process is called “fasting,” which implies a spiritual struggle with duties and refusal to eat.

“... cleanse me for iniquity... Turn away Your face from my sins... cleanse my iniquity...”

At the end, they ask for favor from the church (Your Zion).

Preparing for Confession

Religious people want to atone for their crimes and understand that without repentance this is impossible.

Prayers before confession provide a good guide, but internal preparation is also important when required:

  • confess to misconduct, wrong behavior and stop making excuses for yourself;
  • to apologize for what they have done (the repentance of Basil the Great about disobedience to “Your commands” and the request to save the soul helps a lot);
  • believe in divine mercy;
  • to be convinced that the sacrament will help the sinful and indecent to save their soul.

Preparation also includes making a list of offenses on paper. There is no need to describe the details, just the essence.

The list is given to the holy father, who reads prayers to the word of God. Scary and grave sins are told out loud.

Is it necessary to pray before rituals?

Preparation for the sacrament is considered mandatory, but some skip this important stage. Even when reading the usual prayers “Lord have mercy” and “Our Father”, understanding, purification and forgiveness come to a person. He comes to the ceremony prepared, with a pure and open soul.

Orthodox prayers help you rise higher spiritually and change your life better side. The power of turning to God increases during holy communion, as it is accomplished through a minister.

Do not neglect prayers - they are for the good of your soul.

Prayers before confession

People often have confusion about what prayers should be read before confession. Their list is wide and don't worry if you miss any call. The main thing is to read consciously, sincerely and with a pure heart. All of them prepare the consciousness for confession.

These are the following prayers:

  • to the Father God with the words “...Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit”;
  • John of Damascus, especially revered in Christianity. His main address begins with the words: “I stand before the doors of Your temple...”;
  • Basil the Great, where they express gratitude to the Almighty for the gifts “that You have given me” and praise his name “with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever...”;
  • St. Simeon, which talks about repentance and salvation for the world;
  • St. Simeon, which speaks of the bridling of the soul “the one that was combined with You”;
  • Ecumenical Saint John Chrysostom, who asks for renewal of the spirit, heart and the use of “Your Body” for dedication.

All appeals speak of awareness of wrongdoing and end with the cry of “Glory to Thee!” In addition to the above list, psalms 22, 23, the above-mentioned 50th and 115 are read.

A separate chapter highlights the appeal-request of I. Damascene for communion of the divine, glorious, most pure Mysteries, which will be for every believer to purify the kingdom and become a strong stronghold. The call ends with the same words as the others: “ever and ever. Amen".

Prayers before communion

Even if a parishioner has confessed according to all the conditions, he may not be allowed to attend the Eucharist. Sometimes, he himself is not ready for the sacrament - then it is necessary to perform godly deeds (help, bows, etc.). If you don’t have a prayer book at hand, you are allowed to read “Amen. Our Father etc.”

The address talks about many important things, in particular, about debts “as we leave them.” After this, preparation for the ceremony will begin - reading the canons.

But this must be done correctly: thoughtfully, in a quiet room, without rushing and without distractions.

Basic canons:

  • canon repentant to Jesus To Christ: collected songs to the Savior that help soften the soul;
  • canon of prayer to the Mother of God, consisting of the warmest invocations: Mother of the Word, Thy Most Pure One and others. No other people have ever given so many tender and beautiful names;
  • canon to the Heavenly patron, the Guardian Angel, which emphasizes the role of the spiritual patron of every believer.

The canons contain 8-9 songs: each song to Christ carries human feelings - hope for forgiveness, regret for sins, gratitude for mercy and patience.

The canons have a clear structure, even if they differ slightly from each other. It should be noted that they are sung not only before communion, but also in any spiritual sorrow.

Additionally read:

  • 3rd address of Symeon Metaphrastus, where you can find the following words: “... your sacred disciples have made...”;
  • 2nd call of St. John Chrysostom, in which he asks to direct “my life” (the life of a believer) in the right direction;
  • 9th petition of St. John Chrysostom, containing thanksgiving addresses to the Savior: “ Thy servant, sins and transgressions...”.

Prayers after Communion

The further behavior of the parishioner after communion is very important: you cannot repeat actions that have been forgiven and lead a wild life.

Thank you texts will help you maintain your fortitude:

  • 1st, in which Christians thank the Lord for their acceptance: “ the enlightenment of my heart... I remembered Your mercy...”;
  • St. Basil, where Christ My God is sung for those who were sent down ordinary people gifts;
  • St. Simeon Metaphrastus helps to protect oneself from sins “Master, forgive...”;
  • 4th about sending down eternal life and forgiveness on the day of judgment: “...and Your precious blood...”.

In conclusion, you can turn to the Mother of God “... save us, Mother of God...”, protector of believers before the Lord. It is advisable to contact the saints every day.

Child at confession and communion

Children under 7 years old do not need to undergo training - they have a pure and bright soul. Anyone can bring a child to church to partake of the Gifts of Christ. At the same time, there is no need to fast and go to confession.

But it is advisable to prepare your baby at home:

  • learn the appeal to the Angel, if the child likes singing more, then you can learn the part “... vouchsafe me” and the chorus “Most Holy Theotokos, save us”;
  • accustom to church rules, but this must be done gently so as not to cause rejection in the baby.

Older children and teenagers should have conversations, together analyze the prayers “ the multitude of my iniquities, be my Savior, and according to Your compassions...” and explain incomprehensible words.

You must prepare yourself for the sacrament of Holy Communion through prayer, fasting and repentance.

Preparation for Communion includes:

Fasting before Communion;

Attendance at the evening service on the eve of Communion;

Reading a specific prayer rule;

Abstinence from food and drink on the day of Communion itself, from midnight until Communion itself;

Admission to Communion by a priest at confession;

Presence at the entire Divine Liturgy.

This preparation (in church practice it is called fasting) lasts several days and concerns both the physical and spiritual life of a person.

The body is prescribed abstinence, i.e. bodily purity (abstinence from marital relations) and food restriction (fasting). On fasting days, food of animal origin is excluded - meat, milk, eggs and, during strict fasting, fish. Bread, vegetables, fruits are consumed in moderation. The mind should not be distracted by the trifles of everyday life and have fun.

On the days of fasting, one should attend services in the church, if circumstances permit, and more diligently follow the home prayer rule: whoever usually does not read everything, let him read everything in full; whoever does not read the canons, let him read at least one canon on these days.

For prayer preparation for Holy Communion you need to read:

On the eve of Communion, you must be at the evening service. If this did not happen for reasons beyond your control, then try to tell the priest about it in confession.

After midnight they no longer eat or drink, for it is customary to begin the Sacrament of Communion on an empty stomach. In the morning, morning prayers and the Follow-up to Holy Communion are read, except for the canon read the day before.

Those preparing for Holy Communion must make peace with everyone and protect themselves from feelings of anger and irritation, refrain from condemnation and all indecent thoughts and conversations, spending time, as far as possible, in solitude, reading the Word of God (Gospel) and books of spiritual content.

Before Communion, confession is necessary - either in the evening or in the morning, before the liturgy.

Without confession, no one can be admitted to Holy Communion, except for children under 7 years of age and in cases of mortal danger.

Anyone preparing to receive communion must come to church in advance, before the start of the Liturgy.

The Apostolic Decrees clearly speak about the procedure for receiving the Holy Gifts:
“... let the bishop receive communion, then the presbyters, deacons, subdeacons, readers, singers, ascetics, and among the women - deaconesses, virgins, widows, then children, and then all the people in order, with modesty and reverence, without noise.”

Having received the Holy Mysteries, you should kiss the edge of the Chalice without crossing yourself and immediately go to the table to taste a particle of the antidor and wash it down with warmth. It is not customary to leave the church before kissing the altar cross in the hands of a priest. After that, you need to listen (or read them when you get home).

On the day of Holy Communion, one must behave reverently and decorously in order to “worthily preserve within oneself the Christ received.”

Hegumen Paisiy (Savosin) answers the question:

Is it necessary to strictly prepare for communion, reading all the canons and fasting, during Bright Week?

As an example of a prayer rule, I can cite the practice of the St. John the Theologian Monastery in Poshchupovo, according to which Compline with canons and evening prayers are chanted (read) twice Easter hour(available in the canons and many prayer books), and then the actual following to Holy Communion. Regarding fasting... As the Savior says in the Gospel, “ the sons of the bridal chamber cannot fast when the bridegroom is with them"... A Bright Week...isn't this the time? But, if a person is embarrassed, he can have a plant-based dinner on the eve of Communion.

Features of preparation for Communion for children

The Church does not forbid making significant concessions to children. It would be most correct in each specific case to consult with a priest - while keeping in mind the main thing: visiting church, prayer, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ should bring joy to the child, and not become a difficult and unwanted duty.

In the latter case, upon reaching a certain age internal protest, raised in a child by overzealous parents, can pour out in the most unexpected and unpleasant forms.

Hieromonk Dorotheos (Baranov):

“First of all, a person who wants to receive Communion must clearly understand for himself what Communion is, what kind of event it is in his life. So that it doesn’t turn out like this: a person will do everything correctly, prepare, fast, read all the prescribed prayers, confess, but the most important thing is will not know, or will not want to find out. Therefore, if you have any perplexed questions about what happens during the liturgy, what is in the Holy Chalice and is taught to the believers, then they must be resolved with the priest in advance, before Communion. Even If a person has been going to church for a long time and has already received communion more than once, we still need to honestly ask ourselves the question of whether we correctly understand the meaning of the church sacraments (Communion and Confession) that we are about to begin.

Correct preparation for the sacrament of Communion in the tradition of the Orthodox Church is called “fasting”. It usually lasts for three or more (up to a week) days before Communion. These days, a person prepares himself for the meeting with God, which will occur during Communion. God can only move into a pure heart, so the main goal of preparation is awareness of one’s sins, confessing them before God and one’s spiritual father, and the determination to leave sins (passions), or at least begin to fight them. To do this, it is necessary for the duration of the fast to resolutely move away from everything that fills the soul with unnecessary vanity. This does not mean that a person should not go to work or do anything at home. No! But: do not watch TV, do not go to noisy companies, do not meet unnecessarily with numerous acquaintances. This is all quite within the power of anyone and is necessary in order to look carefully into your heart and, with the help of such a “tool” as conscience, cleanse it of everything that is called in general terms- sin.

The most effective means of preparing for a meeting with God is prayer. Prayer is a conversation, communication with God, consisting of turning to Him with requests: for forgiveness of sins, for help in the fight against one’s vices and passions, for mercy in various spiritual and everyday needs. Before Communion, three canons must be read, which are found in almost all prayer books, as well as the Rule for Holy Communion. If you were unable to find these prayers on your own, then you need to go directly to the priest in the temple with the prayer book and ask him to indicate what exactly needs to be read.

It takes time to calmly and carefully read all the prayers prescribed before Communion. If the three canons and the Rule for Holy Communion are read at once together, it will take at least one and a half, even up to two hours, especially if a person does not read them often and is not familiar with the text. If we add morning or evening prayers to this, then such prayerful tension can deprive a person of both physical and spiritual strength. Therefore, there is a practice that the three canons are read gradually over the course of several days before Communion, the canon for Communion (from the Rule for Communion) is read the night before and after it prayers for bedtime, and prayers before Communion (from the Rule for Communion) in the morning of the day Communion after the usual morning prayers.

In general, all “technical” questions regarding preparation for Communion should only be learned from the priest in the church. This may be hindered by your timidity, indecisiveness, or the priest’s lack of time, but one way or another, with some persistence, you can find out everything. The main thing is not to pay attention to all the confusion and bewilderment (or, in church terms, temptations) that will certainly arise, but to trust in God. We need to pray that He will bring us to the sacrament of Communion, and thus fulfill our main purpose, the goal of our life - union with God."

About the frequency of Communion

The first Christians took communion every Sunday, but now not everyone has such purity of life to take communion so often. In the 19th and 20th centuries, St. The Church commanded us to take communion every Lent and no less than once a year.

St. Theophan the Recluse writes about how often one should receive communion:

“God's mercy be with you!
Having fasted during this Lent, you wrote that you are dissatisfied with your fasting, although you love fasting and would like to do this work of Christian piety more often. - Since you didn’t indicate why you are dissatisfied with your fasting, I won’t say anything about it, I’ll just add: try to bring your fasting to the point that it satisfies you. You can ask your confessor how to improve your fasting. As for more often, there is no need to increase the frequency, because this frequency will not take away a small part reverence for this greatest deed, I mean fasting and communion. It seems that I have already written to you that it is enough to talk and take communion in every major post out of 4. And in the fasts before Easter and Christmas twice. And look no more. Try to better organize and perfect your inner self.”

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin):

“Already Theophan the Recluse, in a letter to one of his spiritual daughters, wrote that irregularities had crept into parish life, and how dangerous example Such irregularities were cited by the vicious practice of priests who prevent Christians from frequently receiving communion. The reason why this is done, first of all, is personal lack of spirituality, when the priest himself does not feel the inner need to receive communion as often as possible, and looks at communion as his own professional duty. The second reason is theological ignorance and reluctance to become acquainted with the unanimous teaching of the holy fathers on frequent communion as the Heavenly Bread necessary for the human soul. The third reason is laziness and the desire to reduce the time needed for confession and communion. There is another reason: this is a false, Pharisaic reverence. The Pharisees, in order to show their special respect for the name of God - Jehovah, forbade saying it at all. Thus, they distorted the commandment: “You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain (in vain).” The liturgy itself is a divine service during which the sacrament of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts is performed and the sacrament is given to the people. When the liturgy is served, then you can receive communion. In liturgical prayers, the Church calls on everyone in the church to accept the Body and Blood of Christ (of course, if they have prepared for this). On Easter week and on Christmastide, and in the several weeks preceding Great and Petrine Lent, one can without a doubt receive communion, since otherwise the Church would not serve the liturgy on these days. In life St. Macarius The Great tells how a priest, who arbitrarily excluded people from communion, was cruelly punished with many years of paralysis, and was healed only through the prayers of St. Macaria. St. John of Kronstadt especially sharply denounced this vicious practice of communion. On Bright Week, before communion, it is enough to abstain from meat food, but it is better to agree on this issue with your confessor... Archpriest Belotsvetov wrote in a well-known collection of his sermons that in his time Christians tried to take communion on Bright Week every day.”

Currently, the Church leaves the issue to priests and spiritual fathers to decide. It is with the spiritual father that one must agree on how often to take communion, for how long and how strictly to fast before it.

Follow-up to Holy Communion with translation into Russian

Saint Theophan the Recluse. What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it:

Teaching about. John on Communion. - I.K. Sursky. Father John of Kronstadt

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Ascetic sermon:

Patriarch Pavel of Serbia. Can a woman come to church for prayer, kiss icons and receive communion when she is “unclean” (during her period)?

Prayers before Communion and in preparation for Confession, before the Liturgy

How to prepare for Communion? How to prepare for Confession? Read prayers before Communion in Russian. Learn how to take communion correctly

Prayers before the Liturgy

The Sacrament of Communion or Eucharist (from Greek - thanksgiving) is the main Sacrament of the Orthodox Church and, at the same time, the most frequently celebrated Sacrament: in any church Communion is celebrated every Sunday and on holidays, and in churches where more than one priest serves - every day, with the exception of special days of the Church Charter.

Communion is celebrated only during the Liturgy, which is usually served in the morning. This everyday service and its very event - the Sacrament of Communion - contain a huge meaning, ancient tradition and the powerful grace of God, truly enlightening every Orthodox Christian.

Many people, realizing this, want to begin the Sacrament and take communion at the end of the Liturgy, but do not know what needs to be done for this. But you really need to prepare for Communion. Of course, you can ask the employees of the church shop or the priests - but timidity and inexperience in church life often get in the way.

From our article you will learn how to prepare with prayer, fasting and repentance for Confession and Communion, how to take communion correctly and how to name sins in confession.

The Sacrament of the Church - what does it mean?

Orthodox Church has seven Sacraments. All of them were established by the Lord and are based on His words preserved in the Gospel. The sacrament of the Church is a sacred act where, with the help of external signs and rituals, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given to people invisibly, that is, mysteriously, hence the name. The saving power of God is true, in contrast to the “energy” and magic of the spirits of darkness, which only promise help, but in fact destroy souls.

In addition, the Tradition of the Church says that in the Sacraments, unlike home prayers, molebens or memorial services, grace is promised by God Himself and enlightenment is given to a person who has prepared for the Sacraments correctly, who comes with sincere faith and repentance, an understanding of his sinfulness before our Sinless Savior.

The Lord blessed the apostles to perform seven Sacraments, which are usually named in order from birth to death of a person: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance (confession), Communion, Wedding (marriage), Priesthood, Blessing of Anointing (Unction).

    Baptism and Confirmation today take place in a row, one after the other. That is, a person who comes to be baptized or a child brought will be anointed with Holy Myrrh - a special mixture of oils that is created in large quantities once a year, in the presence of the Patriarch.

    Communion follows only after Confession. You need to repent at least of those sins that you still see in yourself - at confession, the priest, if possible, will ask you about other sins and help you confess.

    Before being ordained to the priesthood, a priest must marry or become a monk (it is interesting that tonsure is not a Sacrament; a person himself makes vows to God and then asks Him to help in fulfilling them). In the Sacrament of Wedding, God gives His grace, uniting people into one whole. Only then can a person, as if in the integrity of his nature, accept the Sacrament of the Priesthood.

    The Sacrament of Unction should not be confused with the Anointing of Oil, which is performed during the All-Night Vigil (an evening service held every Saturday and before church holidays) and is a symbolic blessing of the Church. They gather everyone, even healthy in body, usually in Lent, and for seriously ill patients all year round - even at home if necessary. This is the Sacrament of healing soul and body. It is aimed at cleansing from unconfessed sins (this is especially important to do before death) and healing the disease.

The Sacrament of Confession - cleansing from all mistakes and sins

Confession, as we said, precedes Communion, so we will tell you about the Sacrament of Confession at the beginning.

During Confession, a person names his sins to the priest - but, as it is said in the prayer before confession, which the priest will read, this is a confession to Christ Himself, and the priest is only a servant of God who visibly gives His grace. We receive forgiveness from the Lord: His words are preserved in the Gospel, with which Christ gives to the apostles, and through them to the priests, their successors, the power to forgive sins: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, they will be forgiven; on whomever you leave it, it will remain on him.”

In Confession we receive forgiveness of all the sins that we have named and those that we have forgotten. Under no circumstances should you hide your sins! If you are ashamed, name the sins, among others, briefly.

Confession, despite the fact that many Orthodox people confess once a week or two, that is, quite often, is called second baptism. During Baptism, a person is cleansed from original sin by the grace of Christ, Who accepted the Crucifixion for the sake of delivering all people from sins. And during repentance in confession, we get rid of new sins that we have committed throughout our life’s journey.

Preparation rules: what sins should be named during confession and how to recognize them

You can come to Confession without preparing for Communion. That is, Confession is necessary before Communion, but you can come to Confession separately. Preparing for confession is basically reflecting on your life and repenting, that is, admitting that certain things you have done are sins. Before Confession you need:

    If you have never confessed, start remembering your life from the age of seven (it is at this time that a child growing up in an Orthodox family, according to church tradition, comes to his first confession, that is, he can clearly answer for his actions). Realize what transgressions cause you remorse, because conscience, according to the word of the Holy Fathers, is the voice of God in man. Think about how you can call these actions, for example: you took candy saved for a holiday without asking, you got angry and yelled at a friend, you left your friend in trouble - this is theft, malice and anger, betrayal.

    Write down all the sins that you remember, with the awareness of your untruth and a promise to God not to repeat these mistakes.

    Continue thinking as an adult. In confession, you cannot and should not talk about the history of each sin; its name is enough. Remember that many encouraged modern world deeds are sins: affair or affair with married woman- adultery, sex outside of marriage - fornication, a clever deal where you received a benefit and gave someone else a low-quality item - deception and theft. All this also needs to be written down and promised to God not to sin again.

    Read Orthodox literature about Confession. An example of such a book is “The Experience of Constructing Confession” by Archimandrite John Krestyankin, a contemporary elder who died in 2006. He knew the sins and sorrows of modern people.

    A good habit is to analyze your day every day. The same advice is usually given by psychologists in order to form an adequate self-esteem of a person. Remember, or better yet, write down your sins, whether done by accident or intentionally (mentally ask God to forgive them and promise not to commit them again), and your successes - thank God and His help for them.

    There is a Canon of Repentance to the Lord, which you can read while standing in front of the icon on the eve of confession. It is also included in the number of prayers that are preparatory to Communion. There are also several Orthodox prayers with a list of sins and words of repentance. With the help of such prayers and Canon of Penance you will prepare for confession faster, because it will be easy for you to understand what actions are called sins and what you need to repent of.

Here is one of the prayers of repentance - daily confession of sins, which is read as part of the Orthodox evening prayer rule:

“I confess to You, the One Lord my God and Creator, the Holy Trinity, glorified by all, Whom all people worship: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all my sins that I committed in all the days of my life, which I sinned every hour, during today and in the past days and nights: in deed, in word, in thoughts, gluttony, drunkenness, eating in secret from others, idle discussion of people and things, despondency, laziness, disputes, disobedience and deception of superiors, slander, condemnation, careless and inattentive attitude to business and people, pride and selfishness, greed, theft, lies, criminal profit, desire for easy gain, jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, rancor, hatred, bribery or extortion and all my senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, other spiritual and physical sins with which I angered You, my God and Creator, and caused harm to my neighbor; Regretting all this, I confess myself guilty before You, I admit to my God and I myself repent: only, Lord my God, help me, I humbly beg You with tears: forgive me all my sins committed by Your mercy, and deliver me from all that I listed in prayer to You, according to Your Good will and love for all people. Amen".

There is no need to look for special elation, strong emotions before and during Confession.

Repentance is:

    Reconciliation with loved ones and acquaintances if you have seriously offended or deceived someone;

    Understanding that a number of actions you have done out of intent or carelessness and the constant preservation of certain feelings are unrighteous and are sins;

    A firm intention not to sin again, not to repeat sins, for example, to legalize fornication, stop adultery, recover from drunkenness and drug addiction;

    Faith in the Lord, His mercy and His gracious help;

    Faith that the Sacrament of Confession by Christ's grace and the power of His death on the Cross will destroy all your sins.

How does confession work and what should you do during confession?

Confession usually takes place half an hour before the start of each Liturgy (you need to find out its time from the schedule) in any Orthodox church.

    In the temple you need to wear appropriate clothing: men in trousers and shirts with at least short sleeves (not shorts and T-shirts), without hats; women in a skirt below the knee and a headscarf (kerchief, scarf) - by the way, skirts and headscarves can be borrowed for free during your stay in the temple.

    For confession, you only need to take a piece of paper with your sins written down (it is needed so as not to forget to name the sins).

    The priest will go to the place of confession - usually a group of confessors gathers there, it is located to the left or right of the altar - and will read the prayers that begin the Sacrament. Then, in some churches, according to tradition, a list of sins is read out - in case you have forgotten some sins - the priest calls for repentance of them (those that you have committed) and to give your name. This is called general confession.

    Then, in order of priority, you approach the confessional table. The priest may (this depends on practice) take the sheet of sins from your hands to read for himself, or then you yourself read aloud. If you want to tell the situation and repent of it in more detail, or you have a question about this situation, about spiritual life in general, ask it after listing the sins, before absolution.
    After you have completed the dialogue with the priest: simply listed your sins and said: “I repent,” or asked a question, received an answer and thanked you, state your name. Then the priest performs absolution: you bend down a little lower (some people kneel), place an epitrachelion on your head (a piece of embroidered fabric with a slit for the neck, signifying the priest’s shepherding), read a short prayer and baptizes your head over the stole.

    When the priest removes the stole from your head, you must immediately cross yourself, kiss first the Cross, then the Gospel, which lie in front of you on the confessional lectern (high table).

    If you are going to Communion, take a blessing from the priest: cup your palms in front of him, right over left, say: “Bless me to take communion, I was preparing (preparing).” In many churches, priests simply bless everyone after confession: therefore, after kissing the Gospel, look at the priest - is he calling the next confessor or is he waiting for you to finish kissing and take the blessing.

The Sacrament of Communion - God's blessing and human transformation

The most strong prayer- this is any commemoration and presence at the Liturgy. During the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion), the whole Church prays for a person.

Preparing bread and wine, which during the Sacrament will become the Body and Blood of Christ, the priest takes prosphora (small round unleavened bread with the seal of the Cross), cuts out a piece in it and says: “Remember, Lord, Thy servants (names) ....” The names are taken from the notes, and all those praying during the Liturgy and all the communicants are remembered in separate prosphoras. All parts of the prosphora become the Body of Christ in the Chalice of Communion. This is how people get great power and grace from God.

That is why every person needs to sometimes attend the Liturgy - submit a note for themselves and loved ones, and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - the Body and Blood of the Lord. This is especially important to do in difficult life moments, despite the lack of time.

The Sacrament of Communion was instituted by Christ Himself during the Last Supper before Death on the cross His and commanded the apostles to always receive communion for the sake of memory of Him and life in eternity: “He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” Christ said that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, bread and wine will constantly be miraculously transformed into His Body and Blood, and the people who eat (taste) them will be united with Himself. The Church blesses us to receive communion at least once a year: preferably about once a month.

Preparation is necessary before Communion

You need to prepare yourself for the Sacrament of Holy Communion; this is called “fasting”. Preparation includes reading special prayers According to the prayer book, fasting and repentance:

    Prepare to fast for 2-3 days. You need to be moderate in food, give up meat, ideally meat, milk, eggs, if you are not sick or pregnant.

    During these days, try to read the morning and evening prayer rules with attention and diligence. Read spiritual literature, especially necessary for preparing for Confession.

    Avoid entertainment and visiting noisy vacation spots.

    In a few days (you can do it in one evening, but you will get tired), read the prayer book or online canon repentant to the Lord Jesus Christ, the canons of the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel (find the text where they are connected), as well as the Rule for Communion (it also includes a small canon, several psalms and prayers).

    Make peace with people with whom you have serious quarrels.

    It is better to attend an evening service - the All-Night Vigil. You can confess during it, if Confession will be carried out in the temple, or come to the temple for morning Confession.

    Before morning Liturgy do not eat or drink anything after midnight or in the morning.

    Confession before Communion is a necessary part of preparation for it. No one is allowed to receive Communion without Confession, except people in mortal danger and children under seven years of age. There are a number of testimonies of people who came to Communion without Confession - because priests, due to the crowds, sometimes cannot track this. Such an act - big sin. The Lord punished them for their insolence with difficulties, illnesses and sorrows.

    Women are not allowed to receive Communion during their period and immediately after childbirth: young mothers are allowed to receive Communion only after the priest has read a prayer for cleansing over them.

Prayers before Communion - a means to true repentance and enlightenment

Prayers for Communion are a series of beautiful appeals to God compiled over the centuries by saints. They are usually read in Church Slavonic and contain words of repentance and thanksgiving to God for His power given in the Sacrament of Communion.

The text of the prayer in Russian of St. John of Damascus - one of the prayers before Communion - can be read online below:

“I stand before the doors of Your temple, but still I do not forget evil thoughts. However, You, Christ our God, justified the tax collector, and had mercy on the Canaanite woman, and opened the doors of paradise to the thief - open also to me the abysses of Your Love for all people, accept me who comes and touches You, like a harlot and a bleeding woman: only the edges of Your robe touched and easily received healing, while the other held Your most pure feet and received remission of sins. And I, a sinner, daring to accept Your whole Body, may I not be scorched by Your grace as if by fire; but accept me, like those women, and enlighten my soul and feelings, scorching my sins with fire, with prayers without the seed of the Mother who gave birth to you and Heavenly Powers, because You are blessed by everyone forever. Amen".

How to behave during Communion?

People often learn everything about preparation, but they don’t know what to do during Communion itself.
After singing the Lord’s Prayer and closing the Royal Doors, you need to go to the altar (or stand in line that gathers at the altar). Let children and parents with babies pass first - they receive communion at the beginning; In some churches, men are also allowed to go ahead.

When the priest brings out the Chalice and reads two prayers (sometimes they are read by the whole church), cross yourself, fold your hands crosswise to your shoulders - right to left - and walk, without lowering your hands, until you receive communion.

Do not cross yourself at the Chalice, so as not to accidentally push it. Say your name in Baptism, open your mouth wide. The priest himself will put a spoon with the Body and Blood in your mouth. Try to swallow them right away. Kiss the bottom of the Chalice, move away and only then cross yourself. Go to the table with “warmth” to wash it down and eat Communion with a piece of prosphora. It should not remain in your mouth so that you do not accidentally spit it out.

Do not leave the church until the end of the service. Prayers of Thanksgiving After Communion, listen in church or read at home.

On the day of Communion, it is better not to spit (particles of Communion could remain in the mouth), try not to have a lot of fun right away and behave with piety. It is better to spend the day in joy, communicating with loved ones, reading spiritual books, and relaxing walks.

May the Lord protect you with His grace!