The word "debt" in everyday use carries a distinct indication of a certain dependence: "Must" necessarily someone else, "Debt" is always - someone before someone. And it seems to fill it with gravity, causes associations with chains, Verigami, from which you want to get rid of. Meanwhile, people can hardly have a more reliable means to provide normal interaction in public life than debt consciousness, a sense of debt, the ability to fulfill the debt.

And it is not by chance that the concept of debt in ethics began to be developed one of the first. I. Kant considered the head of the main conductor of the moral law. The goodwill of a person to coordinate his actions with other people, with society as a whole headed by the voice of the debt, coming from the depths of the soul. This voice carries the strongest motivation to the actions for itself and everyone. Orientation on such actions arises in the first years of life, if the child successfully solves its age objectas, i.e. The feeling of basic confidence in the world, feelings of autonomy, initiative.

Professional debt enters the life of a person much later when his professional path begins. The concept of it in the individual consciousness is developing in the process of interaction with professional community due to the development of ideas reflected in the personal and overallistic forms of its professional-moral consciousness. At the same time, since the Interiorization, the "assignment" of the individual content of the professional consciousness of the labor group occurs, is far from immediately and not in full, there is not immediately at all comes to a person and awareness of professional debt - the prescription systems that must be followed.

In the first approximation, the professional debt of the journalist can be determined as follows: This is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe obligations of journalists developed by the Commonwealth. The content of professional debt is the result of awareness of the labor group of journalists of social destinations and the characteristics of journalistic activities. Therefore, professional debt inevitably has two sides: objective and subjective.

The objective side of the professional debt of a journalist is determined by those actually existing responsibilities that fall out of representatives of this profession in society, since only so journalism can fulfill its purpose, to respond to public needs that caused it to life. The subjective side is associated with the personal beginning of the profession, with the fact that the readiness for the execution of these duties is expressed by members of the professional community voluntarily and becomes for each of them an internal condition of existence in journalism. Just voluntarily, ultimately, the choice of a specific circle of responsibilities formed the field of intraprofessional specialization for them. Finally, the volume of tasks, the solution of which assumes a journalist, responding to the demands of professional debt, and everyone has its own, because the vision of duties and the possibility of their implementation is sufficiently individual.

In accordance with this, the process of forming professional debt in each specific journalist also has two sides. One of them forms the study of the relevant representations of the professional consciousness, the second - the interiorization of those who belong to the essence of journalistic work and directly to the field of elected specialization - the desired "field of self-realization". In fact, this second side is a personal self-determination of professional debt that gives rise to conviction in the need to personally participate in the fulfillment of the community adopted by the generality ("if not me, then who?!"), And in the end, leading to the emergence of the internal motivation system, sustainable professional installations.

The content of professional debt of the modern journalist is described, in particular, in the "International Principles of Journalism Ethics", adopted at the IV Advisory Meeting of International and Regional Journalistic Organizations, held in 1984 in Paris and Prague. This document reads: "The first task of the journalist is to guarantee people to obtain truthful and reliable information by fair reflection of objective reality."

It is in such a guarantee that the core of the general formula of professional debt was concluded. However, according to the "Principles ...", another number of provisions are extremely important in this formula, namely important in the current period, namely:

  • w take care of whether the public to receive enough material to make it to form an accurate and connected view of the world ";
  • w promote "publicly available in the media";
  • w to speak "For the universal values \u200b\u200bof humanism, first of all for peace, democracy, social progress, human rights and national liberation";
  • w to oppose "tyrannic regimes, colonialism and neocolonialism, as well as other disasters causing humanity of suffering, such as poverty, malnutrition, illness";
  • w "Promote the process of democratization of international relations in the field of information and communication, especially to protect and strengthen peace and friendly relations between nations and states."

This idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional debt of the journalist reflects, first of all, the functional nature of journalism designed to supply society with reliable information about the world and changes in it, contribute to the free expression of people's opinions, promote the statement in the public consciousness and public practice of universal values \u200b\u200bof humanism. At the same time, such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional debt of the journalist contains both the specific historical tasks of mankind, when solving which one cannot do without journalism. And this is natural, since professional debt, like professional morality as a whole, like all moral relations, is the dialectical unity of the eternal, essential, on the one hand, and the specifically historical, changing in accordance with the specific historical conditions - on the other.

Probably, you can give a wider and more specific list of obligations that the journalistic community assumes in accordance with the functions that caused journalism to life. However, hardly in this there is a need: the essence of professional journalistic debt is transmitted by its general formula. As for concretization, it is inevitably happening in self-determination of professional debt and at the level of personality, and at the level of editorial groups. Consciously or unconsciously, but each mass media forms its own formula, approximately an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities of a professional debt, focusing on the peculiarities of the reflected sphere of reality, on the composition and expectation of the audience, to its ideological and political platform. This is the subjective principle of debt. It defines the nuances of a professional position, manifests itself in the nature of the media, in the creative individuality of the journalist.

The political positions of journalists affect the understanding of professional debt. The situation is not excluded when the measure of subjective in the interpretation of the content of professional debt is so high that it is meaningless to talk about the possibility of identity of such representations and a general debt formula. In these cases, the activities of journalists (and sometimes publications and programs) are inevitable dysfunctional effects.

Meanwhile, the presence of modern journalism and entertainment functions in a number of functions (namely, the boulevard press does not suggest that it does not assume that this function should be done with funds that are not fundamentally related to the general formula of journalistic debt. Related with the need of a person in relaxation (voltage relaxation), in maintaining a normal life tone, the press entertainment function can be successfully implemented as part of the debt prescriptions. But such an orientation requires a deeper understanding of the essence of journalistic business, a higher degree of professionalism from the editorial groups.

It is worth paying attention to: the words "professional debt" and "tasks" often turn out to be near, they sound almost synonymous. However, these are not synonyms. The tasks that the team or a person puts in front of itself is a derivative of professional debt, the product of the interaction of professional debt with specific circumstances of reality, the product "automatic inclusion" of the prescriptions of professional debt in situations representing professional interest. This moment - I will call it "Self-formation of debt" - has a reference character: if it manifests itself in the behavior of the journalist, it means that a person is quite mature in a vocational plan. And the higher the level of maturity, the deeper, more difficult, the volume of the task, for which such a professional is taken, obeying the voice of the debt.

In the conditions, when, due to economic reasons, journalism makes dependent on financial and industrial capital, the process of self-determination and self-compassion of professional debt is most seriously complicated for editions, and for individual journalists. This is due to the fact that such a dependence, as a rule, turns the press in the instrument of the struggle of the warring economic groups and the associated political forces. Before the editorial groups, the goals arise due to the functional specificity inherent in journalism, how many interests of the structures in whom the media are involved involved. As a result, the natural course of debt self-determination in the practice of journalists is noticeably deformed.

This circumstance often leads to the fact that conflicts arise between the professional and official duty of the journalist (deontological contradictions). Service duty, acting as a regulator of the interaction of members of production teams (including creative) on the basis of administrative-job descriptions, in such conditions may require a journalist with a vocational debt. The arising collisions are solved in different ways, but most often dramatic. One conflict participants account for their own will or against it to leave the editors. Others gradually turn into cynics, for which professional debt is no more than empty loud words. Third acquire such a degree of "plasticity", when it becomes a natural belief that the "journalist is not needed".

Situations of this kind serve as a sign of disadvantaged in relations between the media and society. They talk about the loss of journalism of its independent role. We have already experienced something similar in the Soviet period. But then the dependence of the press from power, from the "leading role of the Communist Party" mainly cut off the social authority of the media, preventing the implementation of professional journalistic debt in full. The dependence on the financial and economic structures more often replaces these powers, provoking journalists to disseminate vocational debt. And it is not surprising that it is those that professional duty becomes one of the moral imperatives, most often prefer the status of an "independent journalist", free from the need to obey official debt prescriptions, although this in most cases worsens their financial situation.

No need to think, however, that professional debt in principle is not compatible with official debt. With collective interaction under normal conditions, official debt will be mediated by the fulfillment of professional, regulating this collective interaction. Of course, contradictions are not excluded here, but they rarely acquire the character of collisions, leaving permission to be in working order.

Word " debt"In ordinary use carries a distinct indication of a certain dependence:" Must "necessarily someone else," Debt "is always - someone before someone. And it seems to fill it with gravity, causes associations with chains, Verigami, from which you want to get rid of. Meanwhile, people can hardly have a more reliable means to provide normal interaction in public life than debt consciousness, a sense of debt, the ability to fulfill the debt.

Professional duty enters the life of a person already when his professional path just begins. However, over time, the idea of \u200b\u200bit can be modified, because it develops in a long process of interaction with professional community due to the development of ideas reflected in the personal and overallistic forms of its vocational and moral consciousness. At the same time, since the interiorization, the "assignment" by the Individual content of the professional consciousness of the labor group occurs not immediately and not in full, the insanity does not immediately come to a person and awareness of professional debt - the prescription systems that must be followed. That is, there are situations where a journalist as if intuitively follows some unsubstantiated laws, not realizing to the end, as strong in it some values \u200b\u200band beliefs.

The process of forming professional debt in each specific journalist has two sides. One of them forms the study of the relevant ideas of professional consciousness, the second - the interiorization of those that belong to the essence of journalistic work and directly to the field of elected specialization - the desired "field of self-realization". In essence, this second side is a personal self-determination of professional debt that gives rise to conviction in the need to personally participate in the fulfillment of the obligations adopted by the generality ("if not me, then who?!"), But as a result, leading to the emergence of the system of internal motivations of sustainable professional installations . Thus, the external, it would seem that the requirements are firmly included in the structure of the journalist's personality, many of its parameters adjust, they transform partly the previously established installations.

The content of professional debt of the modern journalist is described, in particular, in the "International Principles of Journalism Ethics", adopted at the IV Advisory Meeting of International and Regional Journalistic Organizations, held in 1984 in Paris and Prague. This document reads: "The first task of the journalist is to guarantee people to obtain truthful and reliable information by fair reflection of objective reality."

It is in such a guarantee that the core of the general formula of professional debt was concluded.

However, according to the "Principles ...", another number of provisions are extremely important in this formula, namely important in the current period, namely:

Take care of whether "so that the public receives enough material, allowing it to form an accurate and coherent idea of \u200b\u200bthe world";

Promote "publicly available in the media";

To perform "for the universal values \u200b\u200bof humanism, primarily for peace, democracy, social progress, human rights and national liberation";

"Promote the process of democratization of international relations in the field of information and communication, especially to protect and strengthen peace and friendly relations between nations and states."

Probably, you can give a wider and more specific list of obligations that the journalistic community assumes in accordance with the functions that caused journalism to life. However, hardly in this there is a need: the essence of professional journalistic debt is transmitted by its general formula. As for concretization, it is inevitably happening in self-determination of professional debt and at the level of personality and at the level of editorial groups.

The situation is not excluded when the measure of subjective in the interpretation of the content of professional debt is so high that it is meaningless to talk about the possibility of identity of such representations and a general debt formula. In these cases, the activities of journalists (and sometimes publications and programs) are inevitable dysfunctional effects. Examples of this kind of abounding the practice of the boulevard press. Many of the employees of such editions see the meaning of their profession in producing rumors, gossip, compose non-bullies going under the sign of objective information. Meanwhile, the presence of modern journalism and entertainment functions in a number of functions (namely, the boulevard press does not suggest that it does not assume that this function should be done with funds that are not fundamentally related to the general formula of journalistic debt.

One way or another, relying on its own components of journalistic debt, each media officer chooses his own, unique luck, which is reflected in the professional image of the journalist.


The rules of moral behavior, the system of norms that determine the responsibilities of a person in relation to society, its social debt is called morality.

Professional morality is a modification of public morality. And the science that studies the professional specificity of morality is called professional ethics.

The choice of the topic of publications, the selection of facts, assessing the behavior of the heroes of these publications, and the moral attitude of the journalist necessarily manifests itself to what he tells about. All contents of its work, from beginning to end appears as a moral activity in character.

In the course of the theory of journalism, certain ethical (moral) norms are presented, which are a "landmark" for practical journalistic activities. The obligation of a journalist for compliance with ethical norms can be considered structurally, according to the principle of the "three-story house". On the upper floor - professional debt, responsibility, honor and dignity. The second floor occupies derived-ethical principles, which reflect the requirement for the behavior of the journalist. On the lower floor there are prohibitions or motivations, regulating the behavior of a journalist, i.e. Professionally ethical norms. Accordingly, the problem of violation of the ethical norms of journalism lies, figuratively speaking, in the destruction of this "house", the manifestation of the scinting incompetence of the journalist.

"Professional Ethics of Journalist"

The essence of professional ethics is the scientific support of the morally impeccable performance by professionals of his role in accordance with the ethical principles generally accepted in society. So, along with the "general" ethics, medical, legal, journalist And other ethics.

Professions in which moral (ethical) norms enter the very essence of professional activity, not so little. In this kind, the moral choice becomes for a specialist concomitant in everything. One of these professions is journalism.

Professional ethics of a journalist are legally not fixed, but adopted in the journalistic environment and supported by the power of public opinion, vocational and creative moral regulations - principles, norms and rules of moral behavior of the journalist. They are based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe best from an ethical point of view of professional debt in accordance with the ideas of good and evil adopted in society.

In professional ethics, there is a certain set of principles, the right of decent behavior and prohibitions recorded either in the "unsupported", or in the codes developed by journalistic organizations. Control over the observance of ethical norms is carried out as "from the inside" and "outside". "From the inside" is a conscience of a journalist, (if there is), which, depending on the nature of the behavior or makes it worry, self-seen, or on the contrary, causes pride. "From the outside" there are journalistic organizations or "credit courts". There is a public control over compliance with journalists of ethical principles.

Rough and repeated, and the main conscious violations of the norms of journalistic ethics put a violator outside the ranks of professional journalistic activities.

Generally accepted ethical norms of journalism, it is considered:

compliance with the accuracy of facts, while fixing erroneous messages,

performances against distortion and silence of facts; defend the freedom of point of view; obtaining information only honest (legal) by way;

prohibition invade a privacy; maintaining confidentiality of sources of information; prohibition to take or give bribes; ban on the use of information by a journalist in personal (mercenary) purposes;

speeches against discrimination on national, religious, class and other features.

These and other ethical principles are based on the "international principles of professional journalistic ethics", which were determined by representatives of international journalistic organizations in 1980-1983. With their account, every journalistic organization, whether it is national, or regional, develops its ethical "codes". In 1994, a Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Journalist was developed.

General ethical principles find a specific embodiment and become practical rules in those situations that are common to practical journalistic activities, in a number of the following relationships:

1. "Journalist - Audience", clearly manifests the moral and ethical level of consciousness and behavior of the journalist. This is a moral duty, clearly imagining its audience, to fulfill its duty to her to fully satisfy its interests in the field of information.

2. "Journalist - source of information", contacts of a journalist with their source of information can be open, a binding journalist will introduce themselves to those faces with which he enters into business contact, familiarizing them with the circle of interest to his questions. The hidden nature of obtaining information is permissible, only subject to the rights and legitimate interests of those who become an object of observation.

3. "The journalist is a character, his works," unacceptable as characters choose relatives and loved ones. Requires good reasons to choose such a person as a character. At the same time, this decision should be explained in the publication.

Reliable facts about the real person, a journalist (unlike the writer) is obliged to thoroughly weigh what and how to report a hero, so as not to violate the well-known rule "First of all, I am not harmful."

4. "Journalist - author", behind each letter is a person requiring a sensitive relationship. Do not offend silence or refusal, time to tactfully give an answer, pointing to possible steps of further cooperation with the editors.

When preparing the text to publication, everything, even minor amendments should be coordinated with the authors.

A gross violation of ethical norms is "engineering", when a journalist based on raw source data provided by the author, practically writes a work for him.

5. "Journalist - editorial team", the preservation of editorial professional secrets, to provide mutual assistance and mutual support, fulfillment that the editors must be necessary for its successful functioning. Of course, the journalist should not act without agreement with the editors in other media even under the pseudonym.

6. "Journalist - Colleagues." Strict distribution of responsibilities and compliance with hierarchical relations between employees is combined in journalism with collegiates and friendly interaction. Ethical duties are a sense of themselves as part of the team responsible for him in all the steps of its activities. The feeling of elbow, solidarity, mutual assistance is peculiar to the whole range of commercial journalists, if we are talking about professional problems.

In the presence of rigid principles, ethical norms are less regulated in nature, and the rules for the behavior of a journalist are defined hardly for each specific case. This is important to keep in mind, firstly, the journalists can distinguish the ethics standards from legal norms and, secondly, so that they understand that the ethical or ineticity of their behavior is determined on the basis of the general principles depending on a particular situation, and within Frequently wide. This suggests that the journalist is obliged to possess a highly developed moral consciousness, to know and be guided by generally accepted ethics standards. Ethical analysis and self-analysis - mandatory, although very complex, component of journalistic practice.

The journalistic activity is generally capable of becoming very strongly influenced by the generally accepted ethical norms, both positive and negatively.

The journalistic community in the face of each of his representative due to natural reasons is a carrier of a moral installation for socially useful behavior; Consequently, it is directly incorporated into the moral relations of society as their subject.

In its materials, journalists talk about the nras of society, the moral collisions and trends, which means that morality, and the moral relations of society are the subject of reflection of journalism.

Journalists promote moral ideals of society in the press, popularize its moral values \u200b\u200band ethical recommendations (if it really is so) helping the moral education of society.

Thus, journalism acts as a moral tool.

In assessing the phenomena of reality, journalists - the creators of texts, proceed from the moral experience of humanity, from those criteria of morality, which developed the Company practically throughout its existence; Consequently, in journalism, morality is considered as a professional "measuring" tool.

A multifaceted associated with general ethical ideas, journalism is provided in the regulatory system of the "social organism". At the same time, it is included in the system of its management.

Professional journalistic ethics is not taken for the resolution of social contradictions, but it is capable of finding compromises, coordinate the mutual interests of the journalist and with their audience. From here it follows such a thing as a debt. The sense of duty determines the responsibility of the journalist to society, or rather, before the audience, to meet the needs of which a journalist works.

In the activities of a journalist, professional ethics responds not only for his behavior. She helps him to navigate such values \u200b\u200bas truth and justice, determines the "well-intended" motives of serving society, gives a "key" to understanding another person.

Since in journalism, public contacts are included in the very essence of professional activity, then professional ethics constantly encourages a journalist to self-esteem and determines its criteria.

On September 1, 1991, the Special Correspondent of Central Television was killed in Yugoslavia, Viktor Nogin and his operator Gennady Kurynaya, who covered the Serbian-Croatian conflict. Their machine with identifiable TV signs on the road from Belgrade to Zagreb, on the road from the Croatian town of Kostynitsa, was shepherd, as a result of which journalists died. Victor Nogin and Gennady Kurinnoy still listed missing - their bodies were not found. In the course of several perennial investigations (and there were four), it was not possible to formally establish details of what happened and find the perpetrators in the death of Soviet journalists.

This tragedy caused the widest public resonance in the entire Soviet Union and forced Russian journalists to think about the professional day of memory, when it would be possible to recall the feat of all the dead media workers.

Memory Day was established in 1991 by the Union of Journalists of Russia as a reminder of how dangerous work journalists perform, sometimes risking their own life, and what at the same time they contribute to the development of society.

On May 21, 2011, at the place of the death of journalists, near the place of Costa, a memorial was opened, the inscription on which reads: "In this place on September 1, 1991, the Russian journalists of Gostoreradio USSR Viktor Nogin and Gennady Kyrinnaya were tragically died in the performance of his professional debt. Everlasting memory".

05/21/11. The opening of the memorial at the place of the death of Victor Nognin and Gennady Kury.

Over the past twenty years in Russia, 341 journalist died in the performance of professional duties. Unfortunately, the number of victims is constantly growing. According to the "Fund of Protection of Glasnost", in Russia this year was committed more than 60 attacks on journalists: employees of Ren-TV TV channels, VGTRK, Moscow branch "BBC", LifeNews. During the conflict, six journalists were killed in Ukraine. Italian photocorpsprint Andrea Rockkelli and his translator Andrei Mironov died with not clarified circumstances during the illumination of the blockade of Slavyansk; The operator of the first channel Anatoly Klyan, 40 years of living dedicated to television, died in the combat zone near Donetsk; Correspondent VGTRK Igor Kornelyuk and sound engineers Anton Voloshin fell under the mortar shelling near Lugansk; The photocurrent of the RIA Novosti agency Andrei Stenin fell under the shelling in the Donetsk region. Most of these people died with not clarified circumstances, and those guilty of their death or did not establish, or were not punished.

Some journalists were miraculously able to avoid death - reporters of the LifeNews television channel Marat Saichenko and Oleg Sidyakin on May 18 of this year were taken by Ukrainian military captured, where they spent a week, and after interrogations were released.

Reporters of the LifeNews television channel Marat Saichenko and Oleg Sidyakin in captivity of Ukrainian security officials

But journalists risk their lives not only during hostilities, highlighting events occurring in hot spots. And in peacetime, unfortunately, attempted their lives. Anastasia Baburova, Artyom Borovik, Vladislav Leaves, Anna Politkovskaya, Paul Khlebnikov, Dmitry Kholodov, Natalia Estemirova is a far from a complete list of journalists who died from the hands of criminals in peacetime for the conscientious performance of their professional debt.

Dmitry Kholodov, a journalist "Moscow Komsomolts", in 1994 he died in his office due to an explosive device laid into his diplomat. Vladislav Leaves was killed in the entrance of his house in 1995. In 2000, Artem Borovik died in a plane crash, the details of which are still unknown. Paul Khlebnikov, editor-in-chief of Russian "Forbes", in 2004 he was shot dead when leaving the journal office. Anna Politkovskaya, human rights activist and a journalist "New Newspaper" was shot at the entrance of his house in 2006. Anastasia Baburova, a freelance journalist "New Newspaper", shot along with lawyer Stanislav Markelov in 2009. In the same year, Natalia Estemirova, a human rights activist and a journalist, was abducted near his house, and then killed. Her body was found with bullet wounds in the head and chest.

On October 17, 1994, an explosion in the editorial office of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper was the cause of the death of the journalist Dmitry Coldod.

Their names are called journalistic premiums. So, every year, the winners of Vlad Listeyev's premium winners for the creation of television programs and the award of Artem Borovik for the best journalistic investigation.

The whole country mourn on Vladislav Listev - journalist and the first general director of the company "OTR"

Memorials and monuments open in their honor. On the building of the "New Gazeta" editorial office last year, a memorial plaque was established by Anna Politkovskaya in the form of bronze notepad sheets. In Grozny in 2007, a monument was established to journalists who died for freedom of speech.

They are remembered on memory promotions. This year, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL "Flowers for Anna" took place this year. On the day of the death of Anna Politkovskaya to the memorial plaque, the editorial office of the New Gazette was entrusted with paper flowers in solidarity. Journalists of 39 publications took part in the promotion - both Russian and foreign ones.

In the period from January to November of this year, three journalists were killed in Russia, three journalists were killed in Russia - the correspondent of the Pskov newspaper "Call" Vitaly Rezhek, Timur Kuashev, who collaborated with the Internet publications "Caucasian policy", "Caucasian Knot" and independent The magazine "Dosha", and the chief editor of the Kirov newspaper "Native Territory" Galina Koshcheev.

Despite the danger, loyal journalists continue to extract information for their readers in any, even the most difficult conditions, do not regret themselves and their lives, fulfilling their high professional debt. They honestly and selflessly work for the benefit of society. We must always remember their feat.

Moscow State University of Culture and Arts

Moscow 2008.


As part of the subject "Professional Ethics of Journalist", it is impossible not to pay attention to such a category as a professional conscience, which this term work will be devoted to.

In the context of modern journalists, professional ethics need to go to the fore, to save the "fourth power" specialists from non-identity clichés, firmly entrenched them recently. The negative attitude of the audience and officials to media representatives is not least related to the changed concept of "freedom of speech", the lack of a personal self-control of individual journalists, which was particularly noticeably manifested during the change in the political system in the Russian Federation.

The purpose of this course work is to determine the very concept of professional conscience, lead examples of those cases when the absence or presence of it influenced the course of society and the lives of people, as well as to identify the basic principles that allow the report of the journalist who do not contradict the morale.

To begin with, we define what "conscience" is. According to the "sensible dictionary of the living Great Russian language" Vladimir Daly, the conscience is a moral consciousness, moral flair or a sense in man; Inner consciousness of good and evil; Cache of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act speaks; the ability to recognize the quality of the deed; a feeling that promises to truth and good, disgusted by false and evil; unwitting love for good and to the truth; Inborn truth, in varying degrees of development.

Based on this definition, we can say that the professional conscience of a journalist to some extent is the same as one of the articles of the hypocratic law for physicians is "not harmful."

Professional conscience is the guarantor of the qualitative performance of professional debt. This category indicates the presentation of professional consciousness, in which the collective memory of the professional community about the emotional states experienced by a person during work and the internal environment of the activity process. Being interior with a person, such ideas become a factor capable of playing an incentive role, and two-way: stimulate responsible professional behavior and warn irresponsible.

The objective start of professional conscience is a real relationship between the internal state of the person and the assessment of its professional behavior, the criterion of which for others (and in this case - and for themselves) is the attitude towards professional debt. The measure of such a dependence of different people is different, which largely determines the ability of a person to the interiorization of general mutual "moral truths", and the nature of the subjective idea of \u200b\u200binternal comfort or discomfort, which arises due to their respective professional decisions and actions.

Why in a conversation about professional ethics of journalist, we allocate the concept of professional conscience, because the conscience is one: either there is, or there is no one in humans? But still conscientious as a personality characteristic from the point of view of general morality cannot fully explain the features of the behavior that arise in a person in connection with the performance of professional debt, due to the individual presentation of its content. There is a special installation of the personality, a special mood - on professional actions that can cause a state of peace of mind, internal comfort. And the formation of this installation begins together with the process of professional formation of a person. Undoubtedly, the degree of conscientiousness in which the general morality of personality detects itself, it affects here the most significant way, but it plays a completely definite role: is a prerequisite and condition for the success of this process.

Professional conscience of a journalist, forming in the same way and on the same basis, the same and manifests itself.

First, it is a sensitive indicator of the compliance of the individual behavior of the journalist with moral standards of professional community; A kind of thermometer fixing the "temperature" of professional actions. Normal "temperature" - and man is good, he is calm on his heart. But they went "Temperature failures" - and conscience on rapids, gnawing soul, deprives a person's sleep and peace.

Secondly, professional journalistic conscience - "instigator" to the optimal solution to the problem situations, which a lot of professional journalistic debt arises in the course of the fulfillment of professional journalistic debt. To one professional steps she pushes, to others - prevents.

But all this, of course, with an indispensable condition: if a professional conscience has a journalist.

Recently, we are increasingly facing the fact that many authors forget about this concept when we read by dashing exposure texts in a particular newspaper. On line, they can confidently say: the author saw his hero except that on TV and disassembly in court he could not be avoided. In such a situation, it seems that L. Nikitinsky, one of the few "sharp" journalists, to which almost the lawsuits are almost presented, deeply right when he writes:

Judic matter is always followed and external. While conscientious journalism assumes responsibility in the sense of the internal and preceding: it is identical to self-censorship, but carried out freely, with a loaf only on its own conscience and reputation. Every time weighing what to say and what to keep silent (from which temptation to keep), it is necessary to proceed primarily not from fear for your pocket (although for him too), but from how it would not be ashamed. This requires not only to look for the safest form of expression, but also to answer for the word essentially.

We must make aware that our word to kill is not killing, but it may hurt.

Chapter I. Values \u200b\u200band virtues of a journalist based on conscience

A carefully verified and weighted set of principles can serve as a compass, indicating the directions of obvious evil and explicit good, as well as the ethical directions that lie between the two poles. Nevertheless, one single set of principles cannot fill all sails by the wind or, as a rule, give an exhaustive reason for traveling. But it can give values \u200b\u200band virtues. Values, both moral and internally, determine what is good, and what is bad, as well as principles define good and evil. Virtues are such traits of character or personality that help a person to live in accordance with the principles of the ethical system or personify these principles. Determining what is possible and what is impossible; What is good and that is badly directly responsible for the conscience of the editor or journalist.

Obviously, these terms can overlap each other. Principles such as humanity, truthfulness, justice, conscience, freedom and the protection of freedom of expression are moral values, even if they are also pointers to detect our moral obligations. But there are also elooform values \u200b\u200bother than moral values \u200b\u200band playing a huge role in sending journalistic duties.

This clearly follows from the listing of functions of modern journalism and the definition of the corresponding pectoral values \u200b\u200bimplied by these functions. So, conscientious media and authors seek:

To acquaint people with the atmosphere in which they live, providing information funds for everyday life. (Awareness.)

Suppose people with information necessary for making important decisions. (Utility.)

Represent news, their background and interpretation, with the help of which people can explain their surrounding peace world. (Understanding and sense of community.)

Constantly observed within the available resources, key public and private institutions of this community, especially those that affect the quality of justice in society. (Feedback and sense of community.)

Transmit and enrich culture, reflecting and offering reflections on the efforts of the people themselves to feed, dress, ensure the root, to protect, enrich, entertain and inspire yourself. (Education and community.)

Assist to distribute goods and services offered by society, creating a communication product that attracts and effectively serves advertisers. (Enterprise.)

In that context in which these values \u200b\u200bare established, they can be considered as good and decent. But judgments about good and evil do not correlate with such concepts as awareness, utility, sense of community, understanding, feedback, education and enterprise. In fact, it is not too much imagination to imagine how these values \u200b\u200bcan be distorted for the purposes that most people would be called bad. It is this fuel that does not allow us to use the word "moral" to describe these values, although most people usually imply moral intention or meaning when they turn to these concepts.

This difference is important for journalists, as often the most values \u200b\u200bof their crafts are the most values \u200b\u200bthat create a negative impact on moral principles. Take, for example, such journalistic value, widely divided in American culture, as adversarity. It is embodied in an exclusive message transmitted earlier than the competitors. Although the critics condemn the so-called "mentality of an exclusive" characteristic of journalism, it is not difficult to prove that it benefits not only to journalists, but also society. If there were not such sensational messages and how highly journalists appreciate them, many sores of society would continue to be fed, and a lot of immorality, eating public benefit, would not remain uncontaminated with a disinfectant called "publicity".

Alex S. Jones felt the powerful pressure of the spirit of the competition, when the editor of the Greenville San newspaper in Tennessee refused to print a sensational message: the federal large jury began the investigation into the purchase of marijuana in South America, and the head of the local bank credit department and the former were involved in the case Assistant prosecutor state. Finding out the details of the investigation, "San" refused to publish them, because they did not confirm them. In this case, according to Jones, he meant "to destroy the reputation of a person when he did not even charge." In a situation where the principles of truthfulness and justice were contradicted, Jones preferred to postpone the message of truth, preferring to follow the right of impartiality adopted in the newspaper, which embodied the principle of justice: do not use information received from nameless sources in such cases, "if only there is no reason to believe That justice will not happen. " However, the "law enforcement machine worked well", and the names were not named. I misfortune, a completely opposite position was taken by a competing newspaper, produced in forty miles from the editorial office of Greenville San. She repeatedly called the names of suspected transactions and delivered his competing product every day in Greenville. What was even worse, the rival newspaper bought the time on the radio and published advertising reports that "San" covers prominent citizens. Jones, now the correspondent "New York Times", summed up a story about a huge pressure, which the newspaper was undergone, so:

The moral spirit of the staff approached zero, and the undermining of our reputation took threatening sizes. The city was brought to hysterics, and the competitor's newspapers were sold like hot cakes ....

Reputation that we undertook until the prosecuting acts were submitted to be divided into smits. The competing edition called their names, and they were all hearing.

Was any reason not to play the same games and print everything we learned using unnamed sources, how did our competitors do?

Jones nevertheless stood on his own, and when the accusatory acts were finally presented, he delayed the circulation for four hours to "give the material first and give it completely."

The conflict between the principle of truthfulness and the principle of justice was allowed by Jones and his colleagues from "San" with the help of such virtues as conscience, durability and courage. The ability to recognize the truth led them to judgment that whatever painful the situation in which they found themselves, the facts did not give grounds to cede competitors and make an exception from their rule, limiting the use of unnamed sources.

William Barley, the chief manager of the editorial board of the Publishing Concern Skripps-Hauard, was one of the thirty-one editors who have told about their experience in taking stringent ethical solutions in the book called "determining the limits". He wrote that he learned his craft in a tough newspaper, which was guided by the slogan: "We print everything and do not make exceptions." Like Alex Jones, Barlie once faced the need to choose between truthfulness and justice or impartiality and humanity. The question arose before him, whether two judicial reports were typing, in which two girls were publicly called as victims of incest. He wrote about this case:

This time, for the young editor of the urban news department, it is time to ask yourself several ethical issues. Does he really become the man who will put in these girls stigma for life? If there was even a distant chance to cause such harm, no rule, even the most revered, was not worth it, even if the editor did not look as cool as a result.

Barley wrote that he "felt his guilt" at that moment for removing reports without saying the publishing editor. In recent years, however, such a reaction gave way to hot spores. As Bairkley wrote, "and the number of exceptions from the old rule grew." In his case, the virtue of compassion softened the use of the virtues of stiffness.

Curiosity, in fact, in the essence of its one-husbandry value, characteristic of journalists, there is a special talent to leave ethical shores. It seems to have been the main meaning of the material in the section on the style of the life of the newspaper "Free Press", written by a former talented tennis player who has become a reporter, about a certain mother who, with excessive diligence, followed the success of the Son in the game. After many hours of interviews and telephone conversations, the reporter wrote an article, where in piercing details they told about the obsessive interest of the mother to the game of the Son, which became the meaning of her life.

The article was a workshop subject lesson for parents, as follows, or rather, how should not be treated with the passion of a child with sports. She bared all the deep personal fears and hopes of the mother, without leaving no answer without answering.

Scott McGee, control editor "Detroit Free Press," knew that the article would criticize, but also understood that the article would cause a great reading resonance.

Despite the fact that there was no speech about the claim for slander, the mother was painfully reading this article. She said McGee that the article was "evil" and "unfair" and that she "destroyed her marriage, her relationship with her son and her life."

Reflecting repentance, shared by many of the thirty-one editor, who participated in the collection "Determining the borders", McGee admitted: "The voice of this woman is pursuing me so far," and added:

"I also pursue the questions that I never asked. Were the reporter some not solved problems remaining from the younger years when she played tennis, and reflected in her article with binding? Would an article worse if her tone was not evil? Did the journalist withstand the distance or came too close, allowing the mother to consider it another, and not just a reporter? Was there not a dishonest attitude towards a woman who did not have experience in relations with the press? "

The questions specified by the rear date reflect curiosity peculiar to moral imagination. Belated analysis of McGee shows how the annual value, called curiosity, serves the virtues called in good faith. It also shows that curiosity as a mentioned value in itself is not good and not bad. Much depends on the context, from the facts. Thus, there is legitimate "relativity" not only in the application of the principles, but also in the method of expressing values \u200b\u200bthat are not relative, but continue to live.

If a dictionary of moral discourse seems to journalistic hearing too pompous and pious, it may mean that the harsh value of self-depreciation imperceptibly joined the professional journalistic values. However, if they do not use, the Dictionary and the professional ideology of journalism, especially incorrectly interpreted objectivity as an ideal, may interfere with the development of moral discourse and turning it into a habit. "As," the journalists ask themselves a mute, - can we be objective, discussing such blurry things as values, virtues and principles? "

The answer may be in the development of journalists not only internal ideal objectivity, but also wisdom to understand how hard empirism their crafts is inevitably influenced and enriched with non-empirical considerations, i.e., values \u200b\u200band virtues. It is possible that it is the obvious recognition of this fact that will become the result of an increasing accent on ethics in journalism and its importance for the growth of confidence in the media and, from here, for their economic well-being. If the leaders of journalism will well digert this connection, then the desire for ethical behavior will cease to be in their eyes the lot of weakness and becomes a characteristic feature of the strongest minds and clean souls in this profession.

Chapter II. Professional conscience -

New ethics of journalist

A talented person who is not

interested in money, it is very difficult to tame.

Alister Cook, BBC

The topic of ethics is written and said more than any other topic in journalism. This is a favorite subject of all theorists from journalism - mainly because it gives an excellent opportunity to attack journalists-practitioners. In addition, the ethics, high-grade journalists stop the most demandless sinners, taking the same Niva. There are no more chances of success than a person trying to preach chastity by sailors who arrived in the port after the semi-a year of swimming.

In addition to them, there are organizations that have in their heads that, in every emerging democratic society, journalists need not in printed machines, cheap printing services, computers or lighting devices, and in lectures on ethics. It is as follows: teach the ethics of those who have suffered only Ase democracy, and very soon they will become accurate copies of reporters from Washington Post. We are obliged to almost universal misunderstanding problems. Casual ethics and ethics are generally two completely different things.

What is usually meant by ethics? For some journalists, this is the Code of Principles that should be adhere to either to be ashamed that they do not adhere to all press workers. For others, it is mainly for those who work in more rude life conditions, ethics - a problem that does not have attitudes to the case, something that professors from journalism can discuss.

Such a separation is universal. It can be found in Africa, in Russia, in Australia, in the United States and in Europe. Consequently, ethics, as well as the attitude towards it, more depends on the newspaper, where you work, and from the market on which it acts than from the country where you live.

When determining ethics and when solving the question, you follow it or not, key factors are: salary, competition and culture in your newspaper. The first factor is obvious. Pay a regular journalist 3000 dollars a year, and he (or she) Will-Neil will go to perform any slippery orders on the side to provide a normal existence; Pay him 100,000 dollars a year, and he will be able to afford to be principled almost at any moral point. There are, of course, exceptions - for example, if a highly paid reporter is afraid of losing a profitable place in the state, he will be ready to go to everyone to resist there. However, mainly the higher the salary, the more principles a journalist can afford.

The issue of competition is also important. The fierce struggle for readers between the newspapers can push editors to the temptation: to click on the staff so that those enveloped acute ethical angles. And the competition between journalists is undoubtedly pushing some of them to the actions that they would not accomplish under other circumstances. And when it comes to this, if approaching ethics as a moral question, - as a journalist you can be morally just as much as your newspaper allows you and its culture.

So such journalistic ethics is either the codification of the dominant rules of behavior and culture, or not related to the case of calls to follow the standards of behavior, doomed to full inattention. And in that, and in another case, a little sense in it.

Therefore, it is better to argue in other terms. You should forget the disputes about who more virtue. On the contrary, the ethics should be interpreted not as a set of certain commandments, but as the principles that will help the journalist without feasible to do their own business. It should be found rules that will make work minimally vulnerable and so reliable as possible.

Our goal is to develop such methods that will help us work with a clean conscience. With their help, we will retain your reputation unnoticed, since most importantly for the journalist is his reputation. Let the editor take away your life, your free time - but your reputation will remain with you.

So, new ethics - no calls for journalistic chastity, not propaganda virtues for the sake of virtues. These are specific advice based on the opinion that honesty, straightness and avoidance of conflicts - the best ways to make this work, the best, because the safest. These methods are applicable to all journalists, regardless of their personal moral qualities or from the morality of their newspapers. They are universal.

New ethics stems from an unwritten law established between newspapers and their readers in a free society: every article and a note in the newspaper fell there for reasons free from any political, commercial or non-commercial pressure. They are not printed due to the exchange of services or money - they were written and edited in the spirit of independent research, and chosen for publication based only from their advantages, actual or apparent. So, here are the following recommendations:

1. Journalists should serve only their newspaper and their readers.

If you want to be a propagandist, go to work in advertising, to the government or politics. The journalist should not be faithful to anyone and anything other than the newspaper and readers - no political party, source, commercial or any other interest, as they deserve. Weighted journalism is not easy to do without this collision of interest. In the newspaper ".washington post" there is a rule prohibiting it to journalists to take part in any political activity. This also applies to protest marches and demonstrations. So, when several reporters from POST were seen on demonstrations in defense of the rights to abortion, they were reported that they would not write anything on the theme of abortions.

2. Work on each article should be honest finding the truth.

The main, not subject to the discussion of the reporter rule: Any article should be an unbiased attempt to find out what happened in fact, this attempt this is dictated by determination to print this truth, no matter how much it disperse with our own opinions. Thus, journalists in their work should not be focused on any point of view, contradict the facts, or to take for the material, the purpose of which is to support a pre-built theory.

Others will find it with self-evident, not needed in reminding. But every day you can read an article that cuts and stretches the facts that configure them under a certain thesis. One of the worst examples of the recent past is a series of materials "The Sun", the most popular daily newspaper in Britain. Her then editor, for reasons led by him, decided that AIDS is a disease of some drug addicts and homosexuals. In support of this point of view, government statistics were deliberately misinterpreted several times. The positive episode was the publication of the article under the heading "Normal sex will not bring you AIDS - an official opinion." In the article, among other things, it was said that the likelihood to infected AIDS during the occupation of heterosexual sex was "statistically insignificant." Everything else is "Homosexual propaganda". The next day, readers were promised to the article "AIDS - Deception." The article caused such a storm of protests that an apology was printed at the end - in the "basement" of the last, 28 pages.

This is far from the only one, the case is an example of journalistic work, deceiving readers and, probably, who has been dangerous. There is no place in journalism in advance to be created. Newspapers must bear the war with those who are narrowly thinking, and not to take them to work.

3. You can not succumb to any persuasion to print anything.

This applies not only to bribes or gifts, but also to promises to give preference, but a matter of one or another. Persuasions include two particularly important points. The first is hidden advertising when a journalist or newspaper receive money for advertising material about firms or about people and this material this appears on the pages of the newspaper under the guise of a regular article. In recent years, this practice has become widespread in a number of countries, for example, in Russia. Here, where the salary is very low, the temptation to write materials for hidden advertising is quite understandable. But this understanding does not make such materials to journalism, in this and trouble. This is advertising, promotional materials, praise - call as you want - rusting under journalism. This is a hoax, besides related to corruption.

This practice is destructive and dangerous for a number of other considerations. First, it violates the chief contract with readers. Such articles outwardly produce the impression of normal editorial materials, but in fact they were printed only because some amount of money moved from one hands to others. Secondly, such a deception will little by little will undermine the trust in the newspaper and faith in the fact that it honestly is looking for the truth, and such a faith should always exist from readers. Thirdly, hidden advertising deprives the newspaper so necessary to her legitimate, official advertising. Fourth, this practice, so widespread, makes many editors suspect that their employees received a bribe to write about some company, while the article can be absolutely honest and completely legal.

Fifth, editors and publishers, following the example of hotels owners who pay a low salary due to tips, will definitely use hidden advertising as a reason to pay to journalists less than it follows. Sixth, if the newspaper takes a hidden advertisement and has nothing against her, why then these materials are not marked with the word "advertising" or at the end of the article it does not indicate that the company mentioned there paid for writing the article? The reason, of course, is that, what happened, the firms would soon cease to pay for hidden advertising and they would have to pay for advertising open.

Finally, this practice certifies that the journalists are engaged in it sell their brains and the writing gift. What else will they take money? Will write a laudatory articles about criminal groups? Will not carry materials about unclean affairs in the newspaper? From this - one step before starting to collect information with the initial intention to get money for its destruction or not to publish it. Otherwise, one step to blackmail.

Just do not think it seems to be a great new way to make money.

The first to him arrived back in the 1950s, the American publisher named Robert Harrison, the owner of Confidential magazine. This magazine specialized in Hollywood scandals. Harrison and his employees paid large sums even for small information, so far the most intimate details of the personal life of the "stars" were mined. Each material was well tested, and Harrison workers did not compare about their methods, hiring prostitutes so that they lured victims into a trap secretly writing on audio and film meetings, recognition and so on.

The circles "confidential" grew and eventually reached four million - a record for America. But soon temptation to sell wealthy movie stars negatives, films and other evidence was too large. The inevitable trial broke out, one of the edition's employees ended the life of suicide, the department editor shot his wife and himself in the New York taxi. Harrison sold a magazine, and both of them rolled into quite well-deserved oblivion.

Hidden advertising is a very rare phenomenon in Western Europe. There is another thing there - the fact that the journalists themselves are called the "Darmovshchka", that is, free trips from travel companies, free lunches in restaurants, free tickets to Theater and so on - all that is required for the newspaper review of these firms and restaurants. The danger here is that the journalist will feel obliged to write a laudatory article. True, it is not necessary, and the risk to shake the faith of readers in the newspaper can be reduced to zero if somewhere in the article either in the footnote directly make it clear that a ticket (a ticket, lunch) for an employee of the newspaper was free.

A completely ordinary phenomenon, especially in small, provincial or not too profitable newspapers - when advertisers use their commercial power to prescribe a newspaper. This pressure can never be instructed. It usually comes from the advertising department, whose employees report to the editor: the newspaper has such a valuable client, a lot has paid for advertising, and it would be nice if "good article about him" appeared. For example, the Riverside "Press-Enterprise", one of California newspapers, published 11 articles and 22 photos of a new store called "Nordstrom" - and this is within six days before it is discovered in the city, on the day of discovery and immediately after it, 400 Inch text published within one week amounted to 20 strips of store promotional materials. Accident? Unlikely.

Less often a group of advertisers can act together to try to force the newspaper to change the subject. One English editor, having come to the provincial newspaper in the UK, immediately stopped the practice of a regular report on trials on thefts in stores in stores - these processes happened so often that they began to tire. During the week, the publisher was visited by representatives of all city stores, stating that if the publication of this judicial chronicle would not be resumed, they would remove their advertisement, and this is a serious threat. According to them, the renewal of the publication of these messages needed to them because it served as an excellent effect for potential thieves. Fortunately, the publisher supported him. The threat of advertisers was never executed.

The concessions of advertisers make in themselves the danger that the content of your newspaper will no longer depend on your free solution. You will also see yourself soon: what you've lost to one advertiser, many will soon require. We give up at least once, and you are never free from pressure.

5. It is necessary to submit articles to sight, approval or ban to someone outside the editorial office.

Show the hero of the material the finished article before the publication is common practice in many newspapers. Motivate it that it makes it possible to correct all the actual inaccuracies and thereby save the journalist from the error. But, of course, to remove journalists from mistakes - care is not those who write about whom they write, but the journalists themselves. When you show someone your future publication, a person will inevitably decide that the text is given to him for approval, therefore, for possible correction. The journalist's work is to write a correct material, and not the one that needs to be discussed with his hero.

Very often, the source or interviewee can say something to the journalist, about what will regret. A little sense in a journalist, which his questions makes information that the interlocutor takes back. And really, when the source or interviewee asks to give him a look at the article before the publication, journalists seriously believe that they are going to help them? Of course not. When you give someone who has no relation to the newspaper, look at the article before the publication, it is not only an invitation to engage in censorship or put pressure on a journalist so that he changed his report on events. It also makes it believed that this practice is common and correct. As soon as the rumor passes, that you can see the article before the publication, everyone will want to do it. But, the other side of the question will be the fact that you still have the right to give a hero material to familiarize yourself if this person with whom you have to work in the future for a long time. Thus, you will let him believe in you, as well as receive exclusive comments on the question of interest. This is a subtle psychological moment, whose solution will just lie on your professional conscience.

6. Always quote for sure.

It is extremely important because even the slightest liberty on your part can change the focus and meaning. Usually, justification is: "That is what he meant." Put, yes, but how do you know this? If your source said incomparably, give it the words with a direct speech. Many journalists working in the field of politics are constantly correcting politicians. These journalists consider the part of their work to turn inadmaking, incoherent, grammatically illiterate phrases of politicians in neat, complete proposals. It is not right. First, it leads to inaccurate quoting: what you give for their words are not at all their words - and it is not fair. Secondly, if the politician, about which we speak, a illiterate boy, who does not know how to speak in their native language, let readers know about it. Otherwise, they vote for him.

There is another risky method of working with quotes, which is that other reporters ask the interlocutor's question-approval, receive in response "yes" or noddes, after which they insert their question in direct speech, issuing him for the words of the interlocutor. For example: "Do you agree that the government did not compact with the situation and is now trying to hide what happened?" When the interlocutor nods, the reporter writes in his article: "Then he stated:" The government did not compact with the situation and now smells the flaws. " Any dialogues of this kind should be given direct speech so that it can be seen what was the question and what is the answer.

Flaving a quote is the same rash step, like the touch of wet hand to the electrical outlet. But other reporters seem to believe that, working on the material, they have the right to his "enjoyment" - a few words from the "man from the street". Unfair - far from the biggest sin here. First, neither one reporter does not compare the imagination with funny, almost always a comic voice of the street. Secondly, reporters specializing in the "heard in the subway" and the like, everything as one deaf to normal human speech. Best of all such "inventive" reporters to write fiction. However, they are best not to write at all.

7. Do not use your position for threats or to obtain privileges.

Every journalist has power. It should never abuse - whether in work on an article or in everyday life. To conduct personal disputes, hinting at the possibility of public disclosure of the interlocutor, to his ties in the tops and the like, is nothing but intimidation, and risky. How can you later write whatever article about a person or organization if you threatened them? And how can you write about those "connections" that mentioned in their threats? Anyway, you will find yourself in your pocket. Similarly, you should not use the form of your newspaper for a letter with the requirement of any privileges or compensation for disrespect or something like that. The addressee of the letter will solve that your newspaper is a mafia group that protects the interests of its employees by illegal methods.

8. Do not promise to "remove" an article in exchange for friendship or services.

Sometimes it happens that someone asks you to "forget" an article or part of it in exchange for some amount of money or a service. In no case should not give way to such requirements - for the same reasons, which should not be printed in exchange for services. When it comes to friends, the refusal can be done in a softer form, but as quickly and decisively. It should also be done with colleagues, as evidenced by the two following stories.

The first case took place in Oregon, in the United States. One local television station reported that a person who had a long time was the responsibility of the main assistant of the senator from this state, for 25 years he was the director of the bank, which was ruined, but again stuck on his feet with the help of one hundred million dollars from taxpayers. It was suggested that thanks to the position of the Director and the influence of the Senator, the bank was derived from under state control and saved. The plot was picked up "Associated Press", became the topic for discussion and in other regions, but the leading state newspaper, "The Oregonian" preferred to ignore it. Similarly, a week later, she ignored the statement that official, at the expense of taxpayers, the visit of the Senator Assistant in the country included 52 visits to New York, where he published an annual travel guide - a matter that enriched him more than a million dollars.

The unwillingness of the newspaper to illumine this story may have been somehow due to the fact that this most assistant Senator wrote a weekly column for her. Some scraps of the whole story appeared in this newspaper only after Washington Post gave these exposures a nationwide scale.

Compare this case with what happened in the newspaper "Daily Item" from Sudbury, Pennsylvania. In one of its numbers, along with daily police reports, a report was fully printed on charges against one of the inhabitants of the city - drunk riding and speeding. In the note, his name, age, address and race of classes were reported - the chief editor of the Daily Item newspaper. Which of the newspapers would you have trust more - "Daily Item" or "The Oregonian"?

9. Do not deceive people for the sake of information from them.

The reporter should always be honestly represented by a journalist. The cunning to produce information from people, issuing himself for another, is not only dishonest, but also dangerous. You have to find out at your own experience: People say much more freely, if you do not know that you are a journalist or that you have a special interest in what they say. Upon learning who you are, they will become alert and start choosing what to tell you. From that moment on, they will have to take over certain responsibility for the quality and accuracy of their words. So if you do not tell them that you are a journalist, they may well go into exaggeration, as often happens in an informal conversation. Only in special cases should be issued for another, hiding their identity - in cases of journalistic investigation.

10. Do not invent and do not improve the information.

Infertise information - the lesson, undoubtedly, incorrect and dangerous. But even the slightest falsification of the facts, the embellishment of the truth or temporary forgetfulness in relation to some details that are not joined with the basic direction of the article is dangerous. Your article in this case will be deception. Equally, it concerns both photographers, and dishonest "photo reports", where the event or situation is simply played in such a way as to insign something, allegedly there really, in fact.

A number of photo reporters in Western Europe became famous for the fact that they took some "props" with them in order to use it when shooting. This well-known trick was to, for example, always have children's boots or a teddy bear at hand: if the reporter shot a railway or a plane crash, he put this "props" among the wreckage, so that the shot would look "heartbreaking". Currently, such snapshots have become beaten reception. In addition, there is always a danger that after the publication of the list of passengers it turns out that there were no children on board at all.

11. Never disclose your sources.

Mass of information journalists are obtained, provided that the name of the reporting will never become known. Store in secret the names of their sources is very important, especially if you deal with authorities, enraged leakage of valuable information. To reveal the source - it means to disrupt the promise, and after that few people will risk supplying journalists with information. In other cases, it can also turn into for your source dismissal, imprisonment, and even worse.

12. Always correct your mistakes.

Journalism - the first sketch of history, which is often created in extreme mode, without access to all possible sources and an ambulance hand. Therefore, it is not surprising that the errors are so frequent. Newspapers should be corrected these errors as soon as possible without any shortcoming. This is an honest act - readers will be better informed, will be grateful to you for it, will appreciate your sincerity. From the fear of imparting the appearance that you never make mistakes, - full of nonsense, you will not deceive anyone.

13. You should not receive personal benefit from your articles.

You compromise yourself if we accept the services from those who write, or remove personal benefits from writing the article. Let me illustrate these words by an example, which was brought in Harvard Workshop on Ethics, which already mentioned above:

"You made friends with a urban official, my neighbor. He offers you to throw to buy a car wash, which your families will use the turn. He can get this sink, which in ordinary circumstances you simply could not afford, thanks to my acquaintance with the director of the local plant. He says that in exchange director of the plant would like a benevolent article to be printed about his company. "

The following question is asked in the workshop: "How do you do?" The question is purely rhetorical, and it is more correct to formulate it like this: "Do you exchange your reputation, honesty, good name and the opportunity to write about this factory without a half-use tip?"

Another extremely dangerous practice is to use still unpublished information in order to extract economic benefits. This temptation is most often picked up business reporters. A few years ago, for example, one reporter from Wall Street Journal named P. Foster Wainens was a column co-author, information for which was supplied by dealers who traded stocks.

He decided to sell information to his friend - broker. He received $ 31,000 for reporting the content of its column of its column to several brokers, giving them the opportunity to buy and sell shares of a number of companies before the information has become publicly available and was able to influence the value of shares. On this duckling, brokers earned about $ 690,000. In the end, Wainens and brokers caught, and the court pleaded by them guilty of unlawful use of confidential information. Wainens sentenced to one and a half years in prison, five years of defeat in rights, four hundred hours of public works and five hundred dollars of fine. In order to avoid such abuses in many newspapers of Western Europe, employees writing about finance are obliged to submit a declaration of their investments and other financial transactions.

Ambiguous situations "gray zone"

Another question to which cannot be approached dogmatically, is private life. There is a huge difference between public interest and the fact that the public may interest, being filed as a sensation. Journalists should have very strong motives in order to invade someone's personal life, and they should clearly imagine the consequences of such a publication. When a person becomes a socially significant figure, we have the right to believe that he came with most of his rights to privacy. If these people ask us to vote for them and pay them salary from our taxes, we have the right to know how and what they live. However, this excuse is often very selective: journalists seemed to have taken to ensure the rule to protect the private life of those who like them, and invade the privacy of others - whose blood is eager.

A reasonable, safe and true rule in this case is: since this person is a socially significant figure, the invasion of his privacy should be legally justified by public interest, and not just the curiosity of the public. If the official person is constantly cut on the themes of morality and the merits of family life, and you can prove that he changed not one mistress, then I suppose you have the right to publish an article about it. His dual standard is of interest to public life. But if you learned the details of the sex life of an ordinary citizen, then they would not be fascinating, I don't think this is a suitable target for article.

A few years ago, one British policeman started his mistress. His wife learned about it and persuaded him to cut off this connection. After that, the jealous mistress came to a nationwide newspaper, and her story was published under the heading "Love life of one detective." As a result of children of this polysthenman, he was in school, he himself was forced to leave work and move with the whole family. Others may consider this fair punishment for his prejudice. I do not think so and I do not want to look for excuses for the article.

The situation rarely arises when the journalist turns out to be involved in illegal actions, having ingested in them for the investigation. This is not a matter. Violate the law in pursuit of material is a step and erroneous, and dangerous. He crosses any moral justification that would otherwise have a journalist. On the other hand, reporters investigating drug trafficking, a criminal world or prostitution, mining such information that they should be carried immediately into the police.

In order to solve this problem itself, you will need a lot of personal experience, but still with a calm soul to engage in your investigation, without informing the authorities, it is possible under two conditions. First, if your silence does not harm anyone from civilians, and, secondly, if you immediately convey your police information. The condition for the safety of civilians also applies to the situation when journalists are accused of what they only observe from the side of catastrophes or military actions, without making anything to help those who are in danger.

Never take a free ticket from the theatrical

manager, free ride from tourist

firms or service from politics.

G. L. Muckin


In good journalism there are also restrictions that journalists themselves impose and those who control the newspapers or own them. One of the most common hypocritical statements states that the coverage of events in the newspaper is determined by the style of this newspaper and something called the "value of information" (in other words, by those criteria that journalists are used to operate, solving, which is interesting to their readers).

The own values \u200b\u200bof journalists - at least at the beginning of the career - in general coincide with those described above. However, they are not always reflected in their work. From the owners and from generally accepted journalists digest other, not so high values. Other pressure levers are entering into business - money that can be earned - (or the work that can be secured or saved), going on a compromise with initial installations, threats from the strengths of this world, and so on, and in addition - the load of personal prejudices , not a single journalist can get free from which to the end. But if you ask for journalists to formulate their values, almost each of them will call those with which he started to work.


Randall D. Universal journalist. M., 1996.

Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. M., 1994.

Lazutin G.V. Professional ethics of a journalist. M., 1999.

Lambeth E.B. Adherence to journalistic debt. About an ethical approach in the journalistic profession. M., 1998.

To prepare this work, materials from the site were used