Description: 18 ways to run MineCraft on your computer without problems. Some of the most important tips are at the bottom of the list.

1. Adjust allocated RAM memory (simple and very effective thing)
On a 32-bit system (on a 64-bit, you should go to the 32-bit Control Panel), go to Control Panel and open "System" - "Java". What you are looking for, volume random access memory. (Usually MB or GB) Write down the amount you have. Then open a Java window and go to the Java tab. In the Java Runtime Environment Settings section, click the Search button. In this window, under the "User" tab, go to Runtime Variables and put in the amount of RAM you want to use in MineCraft. Depending on how much RAM you have, you should install in the following order:
RAM | put variables in the runtime environment
256-512 | Changing this will not help only 512
513MB-1024MB | Xmx512m-or-Xmx700m
1025MB-2048+ | -Xmx1024m
Once you do this you should see a significant increase in speed in MineCraft

2. Set "javaw.exe" to high priority.
Hold "Control" and "Shift" on your keyboard at the same time and press "Escape". This will open the task manager. Now open MineCraft. This will initialize Java. In the task manager, go to the "Processes" section. In this tab, find the "javaw.exe" process. Once you've found it, right-click on it and under "Set Priority" select "extra" or "High".

3. Download and install Optifine (More complex, but very effective)
Go to the Optifine modeling page and download the Optifine installation. Then set the parameters of your desire.

4. Upload latest version drivers. (Quite simple, very effective)
Go to the brand website graphic cards(e.g. NVIDIA, ATI, Intel).

5. Adjust Graphics/Video Card Settings (more complex and very effective)
With your Nvidia graphics card, go to Control Panel (Start menu). Under 3D Settings, go to "Manage 3D Settings". Here you can select "*.EXE" files and settings for them. If you are using downloadable Minecraft version, then select Minecraft.exe and adjust the settings recommended for speed.

6. Turn on the sound if it is turned off in MineCraft
According to MineCraft settings (not computer settings), turn on sounds and music. This may seem strange, but sound is a completely different matter for MineCraft to run, and in my experience, it can have a big impact.

7. Get a new video card (costs $IVE, but very effective)
Just get a new video card for your computer. That's how simple it is. :P

8. Set your computer's performance to default (simple, but not very effective)
Go to Control Panel and select "System". Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Performance" section, click the "Settings" button. On "Visuals", select "Custom" and de-select things you can live without. Most of them can be turned off and you won't notice a difference. Then go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Virtual Memory" section, click the "Change" button. Select a drive that has at least 2 MB of free space, and then under "Paging file size for selected drive", set the minimum to 1024 and the maximum to 2048. You can increase the value if you want. Doing this will also help with the first Making MineCraft run faster is a tip because it will give your computer more "RAM", however, the disk space used as RAM will not be as fast as normal RAM.

9. Clean up your computer. (Takes very little time, but effective)
Open the Start menu and go to All Programs. In the "Accessories" section and in the "Utilities" section, select "DiskCleanup". This will scan your computer for junk files. (If you haven't done this for a while it will take a long time, so be paitent.) Once this scan is done, go to the "Advanced options" tab and under "System Restore" select "Clean up" . This may also take some time. Then go back to the "Disk Cleanup" and select all the checkboxes except the "Compress old files" option. Then click "OK". This may also take some time. Once this is done, return to the Start menu, go to All Programs, then Accessories, then System Tools and click on the "Disk Defragmenter" button. Select the drive you have Minecraft on and click the "Defragmentation" button. It will most likely be long, long, long, but will be worth it in the end.

10. Close any unnecessary program.
Just close all unnecessary programs. =0

11. Close all unnecessary tray icons (Derp is easy and effective if you have a slow computer)
Right-click on the tray icon and click "Exit" if possible. Not all tray icons will be closed by doing this.

12. Make sure your computer has been running for a while
Just wait about 5-10 minutes before you start working with MineCraft after starting your computer.

13. Remove unnecessary mods (simple and very effective)
Removing unnecessary mods from MineCraft helps instantly.

14. Do not run MineCraft in full screen mode.
If you run MineCraft on full screen, your computer/video card should render twice as many blocks as five times, or just render them more High Quality, thereby slowing down MineCraft.

15. Download the latest version of Java.
Go to the JAVA website and download the latest version of Java.

16. If you have a 64-bit system, use it! (Very effective!)
Download 64-bit Java for your computer, it will help A LOT!

17. Buy a new computer. (Effective immediately)
If your computer cannot run Minecraft, after what is written above, then you just need a new computer.

18. Put the cat on your computer (most effective way)
Put the cat on your computer! MineCraft increasing speed and even going into outer space!!!

I think Minecraft is a little slow for everyone and often these problems are caused by a lack of Java memory, in this article I will tell how to increase more memory for java.

Step 1.

Open Control Panel.

Step 2.

Type "Java" in the "Search Control Panel" field.

Step 3.

Click on the Java icon that will pop up.

Step 4.

Go to the Java tab.

Step 5.

Click View...

Step 6.

Make sure there is only one line, more lines can cause problems.
If you have multiple lines, delete all Java versions from the system and... Java JDK 7 from the following link.

Make sure that you have a 64-bit OS, then download Java JDK 7.

Step 7

Change execution options.
I have these:
Change it depending on how much RAM you have.
For 32-bit operating systems 768M is recommended.
If you have a 64-bit OS, and you have above 768M and everything slows down, set it in the settings
As I said, it depends on how much RAM the system has.

Step 8

Click OK.

Step 9

No system reboot required.

Step 10

Voila! Launch Minecraft and be glad that you have such an assistant as our site!!!

Minecraft, despite its apparent visual simplicity, is a rather resource-intensive game. It is written in Java and consumes a lot of RAM by default. But many Minecraft players, due to various reasons, enough weak computers, which do not allow them to comfortably enjoy their favorite game. What to do then?

Install additional programs to optimize the game? Lower graphics settings? It’s possible, but there is another method to improve performance: increasing the allocated amount of RAM that the game will consume.

In this article, you will learn how to allocate more RAM for Minecraft.

Where to begin?

You should start by finding out the built-in amount of RAM that is currently in your personal computer. This can be done by going to the "Settings" (or "Control Panel") section. There you need to select the “System” subsection. Next, click “About System”. Opposite the line “Installed RAM” will be written located in the computer.

Now we can move on to the question of how to allocate more RAM for Minecraft.

Attention! If your personal computer has 5 GB of RAM built-in, then it is recommended to allocate, for example, 4 GB for Minecraft, but no more. It is logical that the system itself on which the game is running also requires a certain amount of RAM to operate.

How to allocate more RAM for Minecraft?

After you have figured out the amount of installed RAM, update the version of Java SE. This is a prerequisite not only for a comfortable game of Minecraft, but also for the correct launch of the application in general. If you have a 32-bit system, then download Java x32. The situation is similar with the 64-bit version.

Then you need to open the licensed Minecraft launcher in a special way. Namely, you need to right-click on the game icon and open it with administrator rights.

A window will open to launch the game. In its lower left corner - where the game account is selected - there is a button for editing the profile (Edit Profile). In the tab that opens, at the very bottom you need to find the line “JVM Arguments”. If there is no checkmark there, you need to check it and activate the function. This is directly related to how to increase the amount of RAM for Minecraft.

The line opposite “JVM Arguments” will become available. In it you just need to enter the value of “RAM” allocated to the application. This is done as follows: -Xmx$G. Instead of the “$” sign, you need to enter a number indicating the allocated amount of RAM.

Bottom line

Now you know how to allocate more RAM for Minecraft. To do this, as it turned out, is not at all difficult and anyone can do it.

Step 1. Go to “Control Panel”.

Step 2. Type 'Java' in the search box of the Control Panel window.

Step 3. Click on the Java icon that appears as a result of the search.

Step 4. In the window that opens, select “Java”.

Step 5. Click "View"...

Step 6. Make sure there is only one line! If you have more rows, then you need to delete everything installed versions Java and reinstall the necessary one specifically for your operating system.

Step 7 Change the "Runtime Parameters" value. For example: -Xincgc -Xmx2048M

Specify exactly how much you want to allocate computer memory. For 32-bit operating systems, it is recommended to use 768M. If you have a 64-bit system or it doesn’t work, then try specifying: 1G 1536M 2G. Please note that you should select the allocated RAM size based on the total amount of RAM installed in your computer.

Step 8 Click OK.

Step 9 Restart the game if it was running or restart your computer.

If you still get an error or a few lines in “Runtime Parameters”, then these instructions are for you:

Removing Java from your computer

Cleaning the registry. Registry cleaning programs - CCleaner, WinUtilities

Removing minecraft

Download and reinstall Java. If you have a 64-bit system, install 64-bit Java. Otherwise it won't allocate as much memory as you want

Install Minecraft again

Let's move on to one of the instructions

If the error still pops up, turn off the sound.

None of this helped - you have little RAM, or the processor is weak.

Key designation:

Xincgc - Garbage Collector, frees unused objects from memory.

Xmx - Installs maximum size memory.

Xms - Installs minimum size memory.

In this post I will tell you how to increase maximum amount allocated RAM for Minecraft. This is necessary primarily in order to remove lags in Minecraft and to make the game as a whole work better.

What is it for?

On Minecraft, by default, only 1 Gigabyte of RAM is allocated, and I think you will agree with me that this is very little. Considering the very rapid progress, we can safely assume that more than 50% of all computers have more than 2 gigabytes of RAM or more, and if your computer is one, then you can increase the FPS in the game and thereby ensure a more enjoyable game.

What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?

RAM (Random Access Memory)- This is an integral part of the computer, which is a temporary storage of data and operations that the processor needs to perform operations. In a word, the more RAM you have, the more data it can hold and, as a result, the processor will process it faster.

Now let's move on to the practical part of this article.

First of all, we need to make sure that our Java drivers are installed correctly. The fact is that everything may work well for you, but nevertheless, you may have installed the drivers not in accordance with your Windows bit level. As you know, Windows comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and you need to download your own drivers for each system.

You can find out what system is installed on your PC by right-clicking on “My Computer” (RMB) and selecting the last item “Properties”. You will see a window like the one shown in the picture below and in the line highlighted in red the type of your system is written.

Depending on the bitness of your system, download the drivers you need from the link below:

P.S. Before installing new drivers, be sure to remove the old ones!

After installing the new drivers, we go to the control panel and find the icon there:

Click on it 2 times and go to the Java settings menu. Next we go to the Java section and click the button: " View".

In the picture shown above, an empty field is highlighted with a red line; in it we will have to enter parameters that will subsequently allocate to our Minecraft the amount of memory that you need.

In order to allocate more memory, we need to enter the following command into this empty field (the numbers in the command are different for everyone, how to set your parameters is written below):

-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m

In my example, the command sets the range of allocated memory from 2 gigabytes to 4 gigabytes.

In order to decide what parameters to set, you need to know that you don’t need to overdo it. It is better to use not all the memory and leave a little for the needs of the computer.

For example, you have 4 gigabytes of RAM on your computer, which means in your case you should set the following parameters: -Xms1024m -Xmx3072m

In addition, you can use the parameter: -Xincgc, which frees unused objects from memory, thereby the work will be even better, especially on weak computers. Full example commands:

-Xincgc -Xmx2048M

For 32-bit Windows is better just specify: -Xincgc -Xmx768M, there is no point in setting more, since there will be no benefit from this.

After you enter the command you need, click OK, and then Apply.

Now we go to the Minecraft launcher and click Edit Profile and find the last point there JVM Arguments, where we enter the maximum amount of memory that we specified in the previous settings. I had these: -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m, accordingly you need to insert into the field: -Xmx4096m

Here's what I got:

When I first became acquainted with this operation, I did everything correctly, but nothing worked. Later I solved this problem and the solution was simple.

I highlighted in red the root of my problems. This field contains the path to Java. We need to copy it.

Paste the copied path into the field that I have highlighted in red.

The fact is that when changing drivers, the paths of the root folders changed and Minecraft could not find the files it needed. This is such a simple, but at the same time necessary solution.