A hunter has the right to purchase weapons on the basis of a license (Article 13 of the Weapons Law Russian Federation dated November 13, 1996). The legislation also regulates the procedure for its storage and determines the authorized supervision structures. Control functions over the circulation of civilian and service weapons are assigned to the internal affairs bodies. They are authorized to carry out supervision, for which they are endowed with appropriate rights.

Many owners of civilian hunting rifles are interested in the requirements for a storage safe hunting weapons. After all, you will need to deal with the local inspector two or three times a year. The duties of the district police officer include periodically checking the safety of the weapons arsenal stored at home in the territory entrusted to him. What does the law say, what are legal aspects storage of smoothbore and rifled hunting rifles? Below are a number of documents regulating this procedure.

Legislative - legal basis

Decree of the Government of Russia of July 21, 1998 No. 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”:

In pursuance of the Law on Weapons of the Russian Federation of November 13, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation. The rules regulate the requirements for storage conditions for official, as well as civilian weapons(along with ammunition for it), which are set out in the chapter “Storing weapons and ammunition.”

Regarding individuals the requirements are set out in two articles:

Article 54 establishes the procedure for citizens to obtain from internal affairs bodies the appropriate permits for the storage, use, and carrying of civilian weapons.

Article 59 The resolution obliges citizens of the Russian Federation to store guns, as well as ammunition, at their place of residence. It is necessary to ensure their safety, security, and also to prevent unauthorized access by unauthorized persons.

Here is a list of permitted places where the gun is to be stored:

  • lockable safes;
  • metal cabinets;
  • boxes made of high-strength materials;
  • wooden boxes covered with iron.

That is, in fact, the rules for storing hunting weapons are not detailed. In particular, the dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons are not regulated.

Storage requirements do not regulate the dimensions of the safe, metal cabinet, the number and degree of secrecy of locks, or the method of installation (internal, padlocks). There are no requirements for installing an alarm system in the room, additional locks, or metal boxes at the entrance metal doors, metal bars on the windows.

There are no requirements for fastening or bolting safes, metal cabinets, or wooden boxes to walls or floors. It is said that the internal affairs bodies are checking the conditions for ensuring the safety of registered hunting weapons.

Also, the procedure for storing guns along with ammunition in places of temporary stay of citizens is not detailed. All that is required is to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the weapon.

Athletes who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs are allowed to store weapons and ammunition at sports facilities. If athletes go to training camps or various types of competitions using sports shooting rifles, they are allowed to store a rifle arsenal at the location of the shooting competitions.

Regulatory and technical basis

Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation (P Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 288 dated April 12, 1999, as amended on July 15, 2013):

According to the instructions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal affairs officers check hunting weapons with a rifled barrel once every six months, and smooth-bore hunting weapons - once a year.

The storage of hunting weapons at home is written in the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 504 of June 7, 2008), in strict accordance with Article 59 of the Law. It is stored in locked safes, metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials, wooden boxes, upholstered in iron.

If the above requirements are violated, the safety of the purchased weapon, as well as its cartridges, is not ensured, on the basis of Article 26 of the Federal Law of Russia, the possibility of cancellation and confiscation is provided:

  • a previously issued license to purchase a gun;
  • received a permit to store and carry a gun.

Conclusions on storage requirements for civilian hunting weapons

  1. The law obliges the owner of the weapon to ensure safety and exclude unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. Lock weapons in safes, metal cabinets or wooden boxes lined with iron. Our recommendation is to store weapons only in safes or metal cabinets. Do not use wooden boxes lined with iron for storage. Each meeting with the district inspector will require evidence of security. And it’s difficult to find such wooden boxes on sale. Having made it yourself, be prepared each time for lengthy explanations with the inspector.
  2. There are no requirements for bolting, screwing, or nailing a safe, metal cabinet, or wooden box to the walls or floor.
  3. The requirements of Article 165 of the Instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the separate storage of guns, as well as cartridges, apply only to legal entities. There are no such requirements for individuals. Our recommendation is to store your hunting rifle, as well as ammunition, in different internal compartments of a safe or metal cabinet, in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the local police officer. Separate storage will eliminate lengthy debates and disputes.
  4. Safes, metal cabinets, wooden boxes can be locked with internal or padlocks. The number of locks and the degree of their secrecy are not specified. Our recommendation is to buy safes and cabinets with a higher degree of lock security. Do not buy safes if they have low quality locks, such as those made in China. These locks are designed for apartment doors. Every tenth lock fails after serving for less than one year. Buy safes with high-quality special locks.
  5. The dimensions and wall thickness of the safe, metal cabinet, and wooden box are not specified. These parameters are regulated by the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only for legal entities. Our recommendation - buy metal gun cabinet with a steel thickness of three mm, with at least two locks. For expensive collectible weapons, buy safes with a body thickness of three mm and a door thickness of five mm. Buy a safe bigger size, in case of a possible expansion of the arsenal of guns, the purchase of a second or third barrel. It is better to take a safe that has certain fire resistance properties, as well as water resistance. They cost more. However high price justified. Fire resistance guarantees protection of the gun, as well as ammunition, in the event of an indoor fire. The cartridges will not fire and there will be no cannonade if the fire gets close to the safe. Water resistance will protect against moisture penetration in case of flooding of the room. In a humid room, the cartridges will not become damp, and metal parts will not be subject to corrosion.
  6. There are no requirements for installing a metal entrance door, additional locks, metal boxes on the doors, metal grilles, or a fire and security alarm.


District inspectors and other employees of internal affairs bodies often make illegal demands on owners of hunting weapons. Can be regarded as ignorance of the requirements of the departmental instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or abuse of one’s official position. In any case, if the local police officer, when inspecting the place where you store the hunting rifle, makes claims:

  • due to the absence of an alarm system in the room;
  • metal doors or metal grating on the window;
  • dimensions, wall thickness of the safe, number of locks.

or puts forward other demands not provided for by law, we do not recommend arguing. Better ask him to show him regulations, which sets out these requirements.

If you have not achieved a positive decision, contact the Department of Internal Affairs. If you have received a written refusal, we recommend that you contact a higher authority within the Ministry of Internal Affairs in writing. Learn to assert your legal rights. Get a written refusal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to contact the prosecutor's office. Thus, you will restore violated rights and justice.

To avoid loss and theft of civilian weapons, the licensing and permitting service reminds you of the basic requirements for storing and carrying weapons.

According to gun laws, storage of civilian weapons and ammunition for them is permitted citizens who have received legally in internal affairs bodies, licenses and permits for storing or storing and carrying weapons (Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”).

Weapons and ammunition for them must be stored at the citizen’s place of residence in compliance with the conditions ensuring their safety, safe storage and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

It is prohibited to store or use anything found or transmitted. firearms , of which they are not the owners.

Carrying civilian-owned weapons (both hunting and self-defense weapons) carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises (Chapter 12 of Government Decree No. 814 of 1998). It is not allowed to carry weapons in bags, purses, as well as storage (even temporary) in glove compartments, door pockets, etc. cars.

For violating the rules of storing and carrying weapons the owner may be held criminally and administratively liable.

We also remind you that no later than a month before the expiration of licenses and permits for weapons- You need to make the appropriate decision: renewal, re-registration, sale or disposal of weapons.

For violation of the established deadlines for re-registration of documents You may be brought to administrative liability (Article 20.11 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). In accordance with current legislation, you have the right to apply for the provision of government services electronically.

Previously on the topic:

During the spring hunting season, you should especially carefully observe the rules for the circulation of weapons, which are determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” and “Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation.” Non-compliance established rules entails both administrative and criminal liability, as well as confiscation of weapons and cancellation of permits for the right to store and use them. Read more about fines for the loss of weapons and fines for shooting in violation of the rules.

On August 2, 2014, the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of Legislation on Weapon Trafficking” No. 227-FZ comes into force. The main changes regarding the circulation of weapons: now you can buy weapons from the age of 21, it is prohibited to carry firearms while drunk, it is prohibited to carry weapons of limited destruction in restaurants, hospitals, universities, etc., and for careless storage of firearms you can get a real term.

In the second reading, the State Duma considered and adopted a bill amending the Federal Law on Hunting... and the Administrative Code. The bill provides for increased fines for violating hunting and production rules individual species hunting resources without proper permission. Punishment now also threatens for failure to present permits, for example, refusal to present a hunting license to a state or industrial hunting inspector. Let's look at the innovations and new fines for improper hunting.

The bill on restricting the proliferation of weapons has been recommended for adoption in the second reading. The rules for purchasing and carrying weapons are being tightened. The age of eligibility to purchase a weapon is being raised. Examination by a narcologist and psychiatrist - only in public clinics. A ban is introduced on carrying weapons while intoxicated, as well as on the territory educational institutions and in catering establishments where you can buy alcohol. Penalties of up to 2 years in prison for careless storage of firearms are being introduced. Read more about the new rules for purchasing, carrying and storing weapons in Russia 2014 below.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs continued to implement plans Russian authorities to streamline the situation with the circulation and storage of weapons available in the country. Thus, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, changes are approved in the administrative regulations for issuing permits for the acquisition and storage of civilian weapons and ammunition. As for weapons already purchased, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also intends to tighten the rules for their maintenance. In particular, the ministry wants to prohibit the storage of weapons not at the owner’s registration address




Rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition in 2019 - how to obtain a storage permit?

Anyone who wants to have a hunting weapon will have to think about how to store hunting weapons at home. Any hunter should be careful about its safe storage. The law states that hunting weapons must be stored in a specially designated place. In most cases, special safes are used for such weapons. Gun safes must have reliable high-tech locks and the required metal thickness of the box walls. In addition, the safe must be installed in accordance with the rules given in the legislation. After this, it will be possible to invite the district police officer to check the conditions for its storage.

Hunting weapon rules

The procedure for storing, using, carrying and transporting hunting weapons is determined by the federal law “On Weapons”. The storage procedure in accordance with the law presupposes:

1. weapons must be stored in appropriate conditions that ensure safe storage and safety, and also exclude access by unauthorized persons;

2. Illegal possession of weapons is prohibited. Such weapons should be immediately handed over to the authorities;

3. The rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition in 2019 require their appropriate storage, which will prevent any of them falling into the wrong hands. Metal cabinets or safes must have lockable locks;

4. storage of weapons in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that completely exclude access by unauthorized persons. Members of sports shooting societies, as well as clubs, can store weapons and ammunition at shooting sports facilities, which are located at the site of competitions and training shooting;

5. If a citizen changes his place of residence, he is obliged literally within two weeks after registering at the new place to go to the appropriate department of internal affairs to register the weapon.

Illegal possession of weapons

Illegal possession of hunting smooth-bore weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction, will result in administrative liability. If rifled hunting weapons are stored illegally, then criminal liability arises for this. Types of administrative penalties are established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia.

Careless storage of weapons

The Criminal Code of Russia, in accordance with Article 224 on careless storage of weapons, if conditions were created for them falling into the wrong hands and leading to the death of a person or other grave consequences, presupposes:

1. a fine in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 6 months;

2. corrective labor for up to a year;

3. compulsory work up to 360 hours;

4. restriction of freedom up to 1 year;

5. arrest up to 6 months.

If the act resulted in the death of two or more persons, then the punishment involves:

1. corrective labor for up to 2 years;

2. compulsory work up to 480 hours;

3. imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Storage of weapons not at the place of registration

Weapons belonging to citizens must be stored in their places of residence in compliance with all necessary conditions to ensure their safety and security. Storage of hunting weapons outside the place of registration must also be carried out under conditions to prevent access to the weapons of another person. If you went on a business trip, to the forest for hunting, fishing, or just went to the country, taking a hunting rifle, then there is no need to carry it with you, but you should definitely carefully monitor it

If you do not live at your place of registration, then you need to make a temporary registration and with it obtain the necessary certificate from the local police officer. After this, you need to go to the licensing and permitting department. It must be remembered that if you stay for more than 90 days without registration in one place, a fine will be imposed, which creates problems in obtaining a permit. Weapons must be stored at the appropriate place of residence of the owner.


The storage of weapons and ammunition by citizens of the Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

Article 22. Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them, states that the storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is permitted to legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons.

Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.

Storage requirements various types civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. (see Storage of weapons and ammunition PP N814 07/21/98)

Art.54. Storage of weapons and ammunition is permitted to legal entities and individuals who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons.

Art.59. Weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron. Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them.

The weapon is registered at the place of permanent registration of the owner. And it must be stored at the place of residence of the owner.

Accordingly, if the owner does not live at the place of registration, a contradiction arises. Hence, you have to live with the weapon, where it is registered.

This statement also complies with the requirements of the passport regime and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When changing residence, a citizen of the Russian Federation is required to register within no more than 7 days from the date of arrival at the new place of residence.

Previously, without any problems, we received two certificates, one for registration and one for registration, but now you need to go to the passport office and make a temporary registration for 5 years at the place of stay (residence) and storage of weapons.

A permanent registration remains in the passport, but a “piece of paper” is issued for a temporary one. With it we get the necessary certificate at the local police officer. And then all this must be submitted to the licensing and permitting department (LRO). Now permission is not given without temporary registration.

Remember that if you stay more than 90 days in one place without registration, you will be fined, and this is already a problem for obtaining a weapons permit. A citizen is required to register at his place of residence (Article 6 of the Federal Law on freedom of movement and choice of place of residence). Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the imposition administrative fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability for violation of the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented), as well as norms , established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1997 No. 232 “On the main document identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828 “On approval of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a sample form and description of a citizen’s passport Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the List of officials responsible for registration."

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the main document identifying the citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 N 828, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 and living on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have a passport (see: Administrative Regulations of the Federal migration service by providing public services on the issuance, replacement and execution of the state function of registering passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, identifying citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation (regulations of March 5, 2010). The above-mentioned Law of the Russian Federation (Article 3) establishes that in order to ensure the necessary conditions for a citizen of the Russian Federation to exercise his rights and freedoms, as well as to fulfill his duties to other citizens, the state and society, registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence is introduced.

The content of the concepts “place of stay” and “place of residence” is defined in the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1. It is with these concepts that the legislator’s establishment of liability for living or staying without a citizen’s identity document (passport) seems to be associated. The combination in the disposition of Part 1 of this article of the provisions on the absence of an identification document and registration at the place of stay or place of residence instructs the official who makes the decision to initiate a case on this offense to establish, in the event that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a citizen’s identity card (passport), ) his registration at the place of stay or residence. It should be taken into account that registration documents in accordance with Art. 6 of this Law must be submitted to the registration authorities no later than 7 days from the day the citizen arrives at his new place of residence. As for the three-day period for registration at the place of stay established by the mentioned Law, then according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2004 N 825, the specified registration period begins after the expiration of the 90-day period of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation, during which such registration is not required. You should also keep in mind the notification nature of registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (see: Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1998 No. 4-P // SZ RF 1998 No. 6 Art. 783), which, however, does not negate the obligation itself registration. In accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended and supplemented as of November 11, 2010 ), citizens have the right to notify the registration authority about the period and place of their stay by mail or in electronic form using public information and telecommunication networks. Registration authorities, within 3 days from the date of receipt of documents, the list of which is determined by these Rules, register citizens at the place of stay in residential premises that are not their place of residence, and issue them an appropriate certificate. At the request of the citizen, this document can be sent by mail. The owner (tenant) is sent a notification of registration of the person who submitted the application within 3 days. The procedure for registering citizens at their place of residence is determined by paragraph. clauses 16 - 18 of the Rules. Now it is also possible to submit an application in the established form for registration at the place of residence and copies necessary documents in electronic form through a single portal. Registration bodies in cities, towns, rural populated areas, closed military camps, as well as in settlements located in the border zone, or closed administrative-territorial entities in which there are territorial bodies of the federal body executive power authorized to carry out functions of control and supervision in the field of migration are these bodies, in other settlements - bodies local government. It should be taken into account that control over compliance by citizens of the Russian Federation and officials rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation is entrusted to federal body executive power, authorized to carry out functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, its territorial bodies and internal affairs bodies. Administrative liability for this offense occurs when a citizen resides or stays on an invalid citizen’s identity card (passport) in the event of making marks on it that are not provided for by the Regulations “On the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation”, or when the passport expires after 30 days from the date the citizen reaches 25 years old or 45 years old. The objective side under Part 2 of this article is characterized by the admission by the person responsible for compliance with the registration rules, or by a citizen, in the premises occupied by him or in the premises owned by him by right of ownership of citizens of the Russian Federation, violating the established normative rules. legal acts order.

Here is an example from practice:

In 2008, one enterprising comrade, a weapons collector, filed a lawsuit with Supreme Court RF, demanding that clause 162 of the Instructions be declared invalid, because its provisions contradict clause 59 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the collector demanded the abolition of “additional requirements for the storage of collectible weapons, believing that “very complex technical specifications storage of weapons." He emphasized that the wording of the instructions “place of stay” can also be applied to hotels, where the owner of the weapon will not be able to comply with the storage conditions that apply to places of stay, and this can, in turn, become a reason for the cancellation of the weapons permit. Consequently, this paragraph of the instructions violates the rights of citizens to use weapons. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation partially satisfied the collector’s claim, decided to exclude the phrase “and in places of stay” from the instructions, and also excluded “special” requirements for storing weapons for weapons collectors. Since the Civil Procedure Code prohibits issuing regulations In place of those canceled by the courts, no new changes should be made to the Instructions. This is where a new legal conflict arose. On the one hand, this decision is fair in relation to, for example, hunters who do not need to take a gun safe along with their tent. On the other hand, it turns out that those who store weapons where they are permanently registered must comply special requirements: acquire safes, metal cabinets and high-strength boxes and host a local police officer with checks. And those who live, for example, in a rented apartment, and not at their place of registration, are now spared from these ceremonies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs drew the attention of this conflict and, despite the fact that the Supreme Court decided to exclude the phrase “and in places of stay” from the instructions, new edition item 162, it is present.

item 162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence (at their place of stay) in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition and their safety storage and preventing access to them by unauthorized persons. (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 504 of June 7, 2008).

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

According to the Law, the owner of a weapon must (has the right):

  1. Store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence in locked safes or metal cabinets (applies to any civilian weapon, including gas and traumatic weapons).
  2. It is not necessary to have locked safes or metal cabinets at the place of stay, not only for citizens who are hunting, but also for citizens living in a rented apartment.
  3. Weapons can also be stored in boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.
  4. Nail (screw) a safe, metal cabinet, etc. not required not only for collectors, but for ALL owners of civilian weapons.
  5. The requirement of Article 165 of the Instructions regarding the separate storage of weapons and ammunition apply ONLY to legal entities (private security companies, stores), and not to individuals.
  6. Safes, metal cabinets, etc. can be locked with ANY locks (internal, padlocks), their number is not specified, and the degree of their secrecy is also not regulated.
  7. The thickness of a safe or metal cabinet, regulated by Article 166 of the Instructions, applies to legal entities, therefore, it does not matter for individuals.
  8. No one has the right to require the owner of a weapon to install a metal entrance door with additional locks and a door frame, or to equip the room where the weapon is stored with a security and fire alarm.

You can follow the Legal requirements, prove that you are right, and thereby either delay obtaining a weapons license for an indefinite period of time, or make an enemy in the person of the inspector (precinct inspector). Understand that the local police officer, like you yourself, is interested in keeping your weapon and his recommendations may not be so burdensome. Listen to his advice, they may help you.

The issue of installing gun safes has been relevant for many years - it is constantly raised on thematic weapons forums, debated, but there is no consensus. Let's figure it out and answer main question“should you attach a gun safe or not.”

1. Requirements for installing a gun safe

The main one for citizens is 150-FZ “On Weapons”, however, it does not contain specific requirements for the conditions for storing firearms. This is what it prescribes the federal law in the latest edition from 2017:

“Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons. Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.”

There is also an instruction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Internal Affairs Ministry on measures to regulate the circulation of firearms, which does not clarify this issue much better:

"162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store weapons and ammunition that belong to them at their place of residence in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the safety of their storage and exclude access to him of strangers."

For legal entities (organizations) installation requirements gun safes the same 288th Order spells out more specifically:

"167. Safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and racks are placed in rooms no closer than 1.5 m from entrance doors and 0.5 m from window openings, and boxes with cartridges and aerosol packages - no closer than 1 m from heating devices. The distance in front of safes, cabinets and pyramids must ensure that their doors can be opened without hindrance.”

"169. Rooms for storing weapons and ammunition must meet the following requirements for their technical strength: ... then all the nuances are spelled out in detail - the thickness of the walls, the equipment of door and window openings, connecting the room to a security alarm.”

Thus, the Law gives citizens the right to independently decide where to install a gun safe, whether to screw it to the wall or not.

2. Do I need to attach a gun safe?

However, in practice, such vagueness of the wording leads to the fact that “conditions ensuring the safety of storing weapons and ammunition and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons” representatives law enforcement may be interpreted differently. The most common requirement is that the safe be secured to the floor or wall.

As we discussed above, this requirement is not justified by anything other than sound logic. Therefore, of course, when great desire you can butt heads with the local police officer. However, is it worth doing this - every year he is obliged to check the conditions of storage of weapons at your home, and after 5 years, when renewing your license, you will again contact the local police officer. Moreover, attaching a safe is not difficult at all, inexpensive, and most importantly - useful.

☆ Firstly, if you have an inexpensive cabinet made of thin sheet metal, most likely it weighs 10-20 kg. In the event of a burglary, if it is not secured, it can easily be taken out of the apartment along with its contents.

☆ Secondly, gun safes and cabinets have a specific design - large height with a small base area. This means that they are extremely unstable, especially when open door. This is especially true for safes with functional hinges on inside doors - unsecured, they wobble and strive to fall on their owner.

The secured safe stands securely like a glove - it will not fall on anyone or crush anyone, it will not be stolen or dropped. The district police officer will definitely appreciate such a serious approach to the safety of storing weapons and will sign an act on compliance with the conditions for ensuring the safety of weapons.

Here is what members of the weapons community write about this:

m_s_v: For MY peace of mind, I secured it and installed it secretly. But this is MY decision. In any case, it is better when the safe does not catch the eye of strangers.

Dimastii_80: I bought a metal box with a combination lock in Leroy for 2000 rubles + screwed it to the base of the linen closet in my room. The board there is 5-6 cm - the district police officer was pleased :)

Gustav: Do I need to screw a gun cabinet to the wall? Necessarily! If it crashes, it can hit you, and the trunks will get it.

Postoronnim V: The laws do not directly say what needs to be screwed down, just as the same law does not say that the safe should not be screwed down. It is the district police officer and the permitter who will decide on the extent to which weapons are inaccessible to unauthorized persons. If their demands seem exaggerated (for example, they also require bars on the windows and an alarm system), then you can try to discuss, but to screw it to the wall is a job of 20 minutes, half an hour at most. You yourself will be calmer.

3. How to properly install a gun safe

Since there are no laws requiring the installation of a gun safe, there are therefore no specific rules either. We can only provide recommendations for installation.

★ To install a gun safe in an apartment, choose a room with little traffic. The less the safe will be conspicuous than less people they will see him, the calmer you will be and the safer it will be for your weapon. For this reason, installing a gun safe in the hallway or living room is undesirable, but the bedroom or dressing room are quite suitable places for it.

★ There are messages that safes need to be installed no closer than 1 meter from batteries. But we have already figured out where this requirement came from above, so it can be ignored. Especially when you consider that the spontaneous combustion temperature of gunpowder is at least +200°C - it’s unlikely that your boiler room is heating so desperately. But it’s really not advisable to install a safe in an unheated room - the weapon can deteriorate and the gunpowder can become damp.

★ As a rule, everything production models Gun safes and cabinets already have structural holes for mounting to the floor or wall.

★ You are free to even screw your gun box to the nearby furniture using self-tapping screws. However, correct installation of safes is carried out using anchor bolts, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store for 50 rubles. For reliable fastening, one fastening point is enough - to the floor or wall, it doesn’t matter. If you have straight arms and a hammer drill, the whole process will take you 20-30 minutes.