Taking care of your own body, its youth and health begins with adjusting your lifestyle. First of all, we eliminate bad habits, establish proper sleep and rest patterns, start regular exercise and, of course, review our diet.

And here questions often arise - what are they, foods for proper nutrition, how to combine them with each other, and are there any special rules for eating? It turns out that there is, and what’s more, a well-designed healthy diet will be many times more effective than simply eating everything that is considered more or less healthy.

Basics of proper nutrition

If you look at the basics of creating a healthy diet, then you just need to find answers to three main questions:

  1. When and how to eat
  2. What to eat
  3. In what quantity?

Let's now take a closer look at each of these three points.

When answering questions about how to build a meal schedule, you can highlight the following basic points:

  • It is recommended to take food not 3 times, as we are used to (and sometimes 2 times, if there is no time), but 5-6 times, i.e. food should be fractional,
  • In this case, you need to have breakfast no later than two hours after waking up,
  • The intervals between meals are no more than three, three and a half hours, otherwise the metabolism slows down, and at the next meal the human body will try to protect itself from starvation by creating fat reserves, but where? Of course, on the waist and hips.
  • Dinner should be no later than 2 - 2.5 hours before going to bed, and with a reduced amount of carbohydrates. However, many nutritionists and supporters of proper nutrition allow you to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night, which does not count as food.
  • It is best to eat at approximately the same time - then the body will be ready for each meal, and gastric juice will begin to be released in accordance with the regime.

Now let’s answer the questions about how to eat better:

  • Carbohydrates are best consumed in the morning or at lunchtime, and proteins are best consumed at every meal, even if only a little.
  • It is recommended to drink as much as possible, but in any case, at least 2-2.5 liters, and filtered water or natural juices are best.
  • Try to eat the freshest and most natural foods possible.
  • It is no coincidence that in the old days they ate according to the season, i.e. spring, summer and autumn - those vegetables and fruits that ripen precisely at these times of the year. There was also a lot of fasting, and people ate mainly plant and dairy foods, and by the end of autumn and winter, animal proteins were more present in the diet, while fermented and dried foods served as sources of vitamins.
  • No matter how useful this or that product is, always listen to the desires of your body, and if you don’t want to eat, for example, avocado or figs, it’s better not to. This means that at the moment you do not need the beneficial substances contained in these fruits (yes, avocado is a fruit).
  • Remember that the menu should be varied, otherwise sometimes there are supporters of a proper diet who prefer to chew vegetable salads all day, sometimes overpowering themselves.
  • Be sure to alternate different types of food and choose the one you want, so that proper nutrition is a pleasure and joy.

As for the amount of food, five to six meals a day implies small portions - you should not, as sometimes happened before, eat first course, second course, salad, a couple of appetizers and dessert for lunch. To keep yourself in good physical shape, you can use proper nutrition to lose weight.

Products for proper nutrition and rejuvenation of the body

In general, we all roughly know the list of foods for proper nutrition, so let’s note the main types of food that are certainly included in this list:

  1. Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables are irreplaceable sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber,
  2. Porridge and various cereals are also a source of vitamins and dietary fiber; oats and buckwheat are especially good.
  3. Although flour products, especially those made from premium flour, are not recommended, they can be perfectly replaced by bran bread or bread made from wholemeal flour.
  4. Nuts are a source of protein and other nutrients. Pine nuts are especially valuable - a real Siberian treasure.
  5. Since the fruit and berry season is short, buying beautiful apples or pears in winter is playing roulette. After all, it is unknown what such a suspiciously durable fruit is stuffed with. Therefore, in winter and spring it is better to consume dried fruits - both in their natural form and by brewing compotes and jelly.
  6. Meat, especially poultry and red fish, is an irreplaceable source of protein. But you should avoid fatty lamb and pork.
  7. Seafood.
  8. Dairy products are, first of all, yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, especially enriched with biocultures. But everyone’s favorite fermented baked milk is a bit heavy on the stomach due to its fat content.

List of products that help rejuvenate the body

For people over 40-50 years old, especially for women, it is very important to prolong youth and attract the admiring glances of men for as long as possible. Products for rejuvenating the body will help us with this:

  1. Plant foods are those fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants. This also includes green tea. That is why apples, for example, in the old days were called rejuvenating. Moreover, such food reduces the acidity of the environment and lowers blood sugar.
  2. Foods rich in bioflavonoids include many dark-colored fruits and vegetables: eggplants, beets, black grapes and others.
  3. Products rich in enzymes - live enzymes: these are fresh kvass, live beer, sprouted seeds, soy sauce, etc. but remember - the beneficial substances in these products are destroyed during heat treatment.
  4. Food rich in dietary fiber, which helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Moreover, plant fiber perfectly stimulates digestion. These are wheat bran, asparagus, pineapple, etc.
  5. Food rich in fatty acids promotes collagen production and accelerates the regeneration of our skin cells, so it retains its elasticity and smoothness longer. Fatty acids are found in large quantities in sea fish.
  1. Green tea is a famous and powerful antioxidant.
  2. Walnuts are a storehouse of vitamin E, which is simply called the vitamin of youth.
  3. Grapes, which, thanks to a special substance - quercetin, removes free radicals from our body.
  4. Olive oil is also rich in vitamins and minerals, and it is used both internally and externally.
  5. Sea fish is rich in the same polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids that make our skin elastic, firm, maintaining sufficient moisture.
  6. Rice is a real adsorbent, which is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also absorbs and removes waste and toxins that accumulate in the body. The most beneficial is brown, unrefined rice.
  7. Apples, which we have already mentioned, also made it into the top ten due to their antioxidant properties, as well as their ability to protect against cancer and remove toxins.
  8. Seaweed - saturates skin cells with oxygen, stimulates the production of elastane and collagen in it.
  9. Seafood is an ideal, easily digestible protein, but it is best to cook it in the oven or on the grill - when frying, a huge amount of nutrients are simply destroyed.
  10. And finally, pomegranate is also an excellent antioxidant.

At the same time, a list of “enemies of eternal youth” was compiled. It included:

  1. Sugar,
  2. Alcohol,
  3. Food containing preservatives
  4. Salt,
  5. Foods that promote fermentation - baked goods, yeast bread.

Rules for combining different types of food with proper nutrition

Even if you eat exclusively fresh, natural and healthy food, the wrong combination of ingredients can negate all the benefits and even more - sometimes a mixture of incompatible milk and fish, for example, will lead to indigestion. Therefore, let's look at the combination of foods with proper nutrition:

  • Fruits - It is better to eat separately from the rest of the food, and they are digested very quickly, so 1 hour is enough, after which you can eat something else.
  • You should not mix different proteins - for example, fish and eggs, meat and fish, etc.
  • Proteins and carbohydrates, especially concentrated ones, are not friends with each other. Therefore, the classic of the usual diet: potatoes with meat is a complete violation of the rules. In general, you should not combine eggs, cheese, meat and fish with bread, potatoes and grains.
  • Fatty foods go well with cabbage, which stimulates the production of gastric juice, which is slowed down by fats.
  • Carbohydrates should not be combined with acidic foods - vegetables and fermented milk foods.
  • Fatty foods are incompatible with protein foods - examples include cheese and butter, eggs and sour cream, etc.
  • Try to avoid unleavened milk and replace it with fermented milk drinks.
  • Green salads should be the basis of many meals, and it is better not to add too much acid (lemon juice, apple cider vinegar) and oil to them, because. this slows down or even prevents the absorption of protein.

Now you are familiar with the basics of a healthy diet, but do not stop learning more about the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss and health and constantly work to eat more healthy, tasty and healthy food for the joy and benefit of your body.

Learn more:

Products for proper nutrition and their combinations for rejuvenating the body (list)

You can maintain and improve the health of your body by choosing the right foods for proper nutrition. Some categories of products must be included in your menu, while others, on the contrary, should be crossed out.

Effective liver cleansing with proven folk remedies

Cleansing the liver is not only an opportunity to get rid of unpleasant sensations, but also a great way to maintain normal health. Folk remedies cope well with this task.

Rejuvenation of the body at home using folk remedies; food or recipe of Tibetan monks

Rejuvenating the body at home is possible, but only if you work in this direction regularly, monitoring your diet and lifestyle. Unfortunately, no means have yet been invented that can make us younger quickly and effortlessly.

It is indeed possible to lose weight quickly without diets and grueling fasts, but to do this you need to radically reconsider your diet and switch to a more healthy diet.

How can a man stay healthy and full of energy until he is 100 years old - diets, nutrition

How to stay in great shape for many years, how to quickly get rid of an emerging belly, how to maintain men's health after 45 years, what requirements are put forward for proper nutrition for men.

Proper nutrition - subtleties and nuances of organizing a healthy diet

For those who have decided to take the path of a healthy lifestyle: rules of proper nutrition, useful tips and a list of the most important foods for women. And if you don’t know how to create a healthy diet, a sample menu for one day will help.

Sun, 2013-09-01 15:56 - Khorosheva Svetlana

How should you eat properly?
What can you eat and what can you not?
The project will help you figure it out!
We invite you, friends!

Dear Guys,

you start studying in the third or fourth grade. At this age, a person must learn to make the right food choices.

Are you sure you know how to eat healthy?

Do you want to conduct an experiment and find out why some drinks are dangerous?

We invite you to take part in the ABC of Nutrition project to answer the question: Do we eat to live, or do we live to eat?

You can follow the progress of the project in the table "Steps to success"

To become a participant in the project you need:

1.Gather a team (at least three students and one adult coordinator). Come up with a team name.

Our project will start on September 27 .Registration is completed.

If difficulties arise, then ask a question at.

Project plan


Dear colleagues, several projects for grades 3-4 are starting on the site at the same time. You need to choose one.

If there is a nutritionist among the parents, we invite him to participate in the project as a consultant. You can contact the organizers by email.

Check out the project's business card.

Helps motivate children kick-off presentation

Place the banner code on your blog or website

It will look like this:

Authors of the project:

Primary school teacher MCOU "Znamenskaya Secondary School" Omsk region

Primary school teacher at BOU "Secondary School No. 145", Omsk.

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The ABCs of healthy eating: what and how to eat

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Food is needed for life. Any food is not just a pleasure or a ritual. Any food eaten supplies the body with energy and substances to maintain health.

Eat well. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day should be approximately 1:1:4. You can remember the correct proportions using a simple technique: imagine a plate divided into three equal parts. Two of them are occupied by carbohydrates, and the third is equally divided by proteins and fats.

Diversify your diet. The same foods on the table are boring and fraught with a lack of important nutritional components.

You can get the necessary set of vitamins, microelements and minerals only from a long list of products, most of which are quite affordable: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, nuts, dairy products, legumes, bread, durum wheat pasta, berries and herbs.

Eat more often. Paradoxically, in order not to gain weight, you need to eat more often. Have a hearty breakfast, a normal lunch and a modest dinner, in between, have a fruit snack, and before bed, a fermented milk drink. This way you will not feel hungry and will be able to control the quality and quantity of food you eat.

Carbohydrates are vital. This is the main source of energy, since the body uses glucose for its needs.

Carbohydrates are easily digested and quickly enter the bloodstream. With a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to draw energy from the proteins contained in the muscles, thereby depriving the body of building material for vital hormones and antibodies.

Carbohydrates are simple and slow. In the understanding of the average person, carbohydrate food is something sweet. But foods that contain too much sugar are a way of providing the body with energy, which ultimately lasts very little, and the feeling of hunger quickly arises. Therefore, it is better to eat complex or, as they are also called, slow carbohydrates that will be absorbed gradually: vegetables, whole grain products, pasta from durum wheat and cereals.

Less sugar. Excess sugar in the diet is another cause of excess weight. Read labels carefully.

Added sugar goes by other names: sucrose, maltose, corn syrup, molasses, cane sugar, corn sugar, raw sugar, honey, fruit concentrate.

Avoid refined sugar and sweet drinks. One glass of sweet soda contains up to 8 teaspoons and 130 kcal.

Control the sugar content in “healthy” foods. Muesli, cereal, breakfast cereals and low-fat yogurt with fruit contain sugar. It is also added to products for children.

Eat more whole grains. They contain complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly and reduce cravings for sweets.

Include unpolished grains, bran bread, and wholemeal bread in your diet. They all contain a lot of fiber and therefore help reduce hunger and protect the body from cardiovascular diseases. Whole grain products contain fewer calories, but contain vitamins B, E, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper and other beneficial substances.

There should always be proteins. Cells of the body, in particular muscle tissue, are formed from proteins. Hormones and antibodies are also proteins. If there is not enough protein in food, immunity decreases, hormonal balance and restoration of body tissues are disrupted.

Fats cannot be completely eliminated. The sheaths of nerve fibers are made up of fats, they are part of the structure of the cell wall, and are also necessary for cell division and the synthesis of important hormones. Lack of fat leads to a deficiency of the vitamins it contains and disruption of the nervous and hormonal systems.

Please note that only a quarter of the fats you consume should be animal, the rest should be plant-based.

Fats must be limited. Excess fat is not only stored by the body in reserve and forms excess weight, but also disrupts the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

Fat can be found even in foods that appear to be low-fat. For example, “Doctor’s” sausage may contain about 30 percent fat. There is fat in chocolate and cookies, the latter containing an average of 20 percent fat. Animal and vegetable fats have the same calorie content.

Reducing fat in your diet is quite simple. Low-fat dairy products taste no worse than whole dairy products, and with their help the caloric content of the diet can be reduced by almost half.

Choose lean meats and poultry without skin. Bake the meat on a wire rack or a special frying pan with grooves to drain fat. Avoid full-fat sour cream, mayonnaise and heavy cream. Choose foods with a low percentage of fat, replace fried foods with boiled or baked ones, and use non-stick cookware to reduce the amount of oil when cooking.

Remember that vegetable oils also contain fat, and limit yourself to a teaspoon of oil per person when dressing your salad.

At least 600 g of fruits and vegetables per day. Vegetables, fruits and berries contain vitamins that are not found in other foods. In addition to ascorbic acid - vitamin C - they contain carotenoids, folic acid and flavonoids, collectively called “vitamin P”.

It is better to eat vegetables and fruits raw or gently thermally processed - this way they retain more vitamins and nutrients. Regularly consume green and orange vegetables - they contain flavonoids - natural antioxidants that protect the body from aging.

Consume fish at least once a week. Fatty fish - mackerel, herring or salmon - contain a lot of essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which fight heart and vascular diseases. For a positive effect, it is better to eat at least three fish dishes per week.

Include dairy products in your diet. The daily intake of calcium can be obtained from half a liter of milk, and vitamin B2 from a glass. Fermented milk products are also suitable for those who cannot tolerate regular milk. They are as healthy as milk, are easily digested and help maintain intestinal microflora.

Eat milk porridge. Milk and cereals complement each other well in composition and are easily digested together without creating additional stress on the digestive tract.

Teach children proper nutrition. Causes of excess weight in adults usually lie in the way they ate as children. Children are not capable of self-restraint, so sugar especially needs to be limited. Teach yourself and your children to eat fruit instead of baked goods and sweets, and reduce the consumption of sugary drinks.

Excess weight: excess nutrition or lack of exercise. Weight increases when the body receives more energy from food than it needs. It doesn't matter if you ate more apples or pork chops. If the body receives more energy than it can expend, this leads to weight gain.

In Russia, the cause of excess weight is most often an excess of animal fats in the diet. Such products include, for example, sausages, butter, hard cheeses, as well as fatty meats - pork and lamb.

Checking your weight is easy. You can find out if you are overweight by calculating your body mass index (BMI) using a special formula. BMI = body weight in kilograms/(height in meters x height in meters). Or simply enter your data into the calculator on the website. If you get a value from 18.5 to 25, then you are not overweight.

The number of calories depends on your lifestyle. The amount of energy your body needs depends on how active you are. If you sit in the office all day, you spend about 1600 kcal - this is very low activity. With daily fitness classes, up to 2500 kcal are spent per day - this is an average load.

Heavy physical labor takes 4000 or more kcal per day. Therefore, the calorie content of the diet must be selected by first determining how much energy you spend.

Eating healthy is easy and inexpensive. The healthiest cereals are the cheapest. In winter, it is better to buy frozen vegetables instead of expensive fresh ones, low-fat dairy products are cheaper than whole ones, and vegetable oils are cheaper than butter. And cooking at home is more profitable than regularly buying semi-finished products. Changing your eating habits will have a beneficial effect on your health, appearance and well-being.

Municipal government educational institution

"Zarinsky secondary school"

Biysk district of Altai region

Nomination “Eat right, and don’t take medications”



Completed by a 1st grade student:

Sidorovich Vladimir Sergeevich

Scientific adviser:

Primary school teacher

Shuvaeva Zinaida Viktorovna

Zarya - 2012


The ABCs of healthy eating………………………………………………………4

The most useful products………………………………………………………..4

Let's talk about porridge……………………………………………..5




1. Questionnaire for students

2. Diagram “Are you using?”

3. Recipes for preparing Russian porridges

4. Game “Journey along the Street of Proper Nutrition”

5. Healthy eating reminder


Human health largely depends onnutrition . Food is not only the main source of energy, but also a “building material” for a growing organism .

Even minor changes in diet can have good or bad effects on your health. What we eat can make us feel better or worse, and even extend our lives. .

Relevance of my work :

Proper nutrition is the key to good health.

In modern conditions, people have begun to consume more refined high-calorie foods - white bread, sugar, confectionery, all kinds of drinks, semi-finished products (chips, rollton, etc.). These foods contain very few vitamins. Excess of sweets and flour products leads to obesity and dental caries. And a lack of vitamins reduces physical and mental performance. Children often get sick and study poorly.

Purpose of the study : prove that proper nutrition is the key to health, form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

This leads to the followingtasks :

Learn to choose the healthiest foods for a healthy diet;

Find out through a survey which products are more popular among classmates;

Find information about the impact of foods and diet on human health;

Present the research results to your classmates.

Methods for solving the problem.

1. Questionnaire among classmates

2. Consultation with the teacher and librarian.

3. Working with reference books

4. Working with printed publications

5. Carrying out the game “Journey along the Street of Proper Nutrition”

6. Compilation of tables and visual aids.

Research hypothesis: We assumed that if our classmates eat right and follow a daily routine, they will have excellent health and the quality of their studies will improve.

Practical significance of the study . The work materials can be used when conducting lessons on the surrounding world, classroom hours and conversations with primary school students.


In order to be healthy and always in great shape, you need to eat right!

Both fasting and overeating are equally harmful to humans. Hunger leads to exhaustion and loss of strength, and eating a lot of food can make you fat. All this can lead to the development of various diseases. Not only the amount of food is important, but also its composition. For normal existence, our body must receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food. These substances are found in various foods, so your diet should be varied. . Using a student questionnaire, I found out what my classmates like to eat. Annex 1.

Conclusions from the survey:

40% of my classmates prefer to eat fruits and vegetables and dairy products daily;

Most children eat fish very rarely;

More than half of the children believe that chips and kirieshki can also be consumed, but very rarely. Appendix 2.


Our diet should include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, grains, bread and pasta, dairy products only then will the body receive nutrients from the main groups.

These are the main groups of nutrients and the main source of life - water:

Squirrels . Animal proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, cheeses, and cottage cheese. Beans and peas contain vegetable proteins. Our growing body needs all these proteins in large quantities! If you drink a liter of milk a day every day, consider that you are guaranteed 100 years of life !

Carbohydrates . Contained primarily in fruits, bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, and sweets. They will quickly provide us with energy when we are hungry.

Fats. There are animal origins, such as sour cream and cream, and vegetable origins, such as sunflower oil and walnuts. A lot of fat is found in ice cream, cakes, lard, and some types of meat and fish. Fats help our bodies stay warm, but you shouldn't eat too much of them.

Vitamins . There are many of them in vegetables, fruits and herbs. They help the body protect itself from diseases!

Water. This substance is the last on the list of essential substances for the body, but not the least important. A person cannot live without water. A person can live without food for about a month, and without water - no more than three days. .


How do you think? Why do they say about some people: “He ate little porridge”? This is what they usually say about the weak. And porridge is the healthiest food for breakfast; it helps children grow healthy and strong. Porridge is also good for adults to eat. And to make the porridge tasty and more healthy, you can cook the porridge with various additives (apple, nuts, jam, honey, raisins). Don't forget to put a piece of butter. I’ve heard people say: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter”? If you put too much oil, the porridge will be very greasy. This is not useful .

There are many recipes for making porridge. Appendix 3.


No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired (honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, raisins, butter). Others help build the body and make it stronger (cottage cheese, meat, eggs, nuts). And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals, which help the body grow and develop. During the research work, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. At the end of the work, a reminder on healthy eating was compiled. Appendix 5.

To reinforce the material, the children were offered the game “Journey along the Street of Proper Nutrition.” Appendix 4.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that healthy foods mean excellent health, good mood, a wonderful mind and a beautiful figure. Whoever follows the rules of healthy eating will never get sick!


1. Leshchinsky L.A. Take care of your health! - M.: Medicine, 1985.

2. Reader's Digest. Food is our friend, food is our enemy. Translation from English. Printed in St. Petersburg in 1999.

3. Man / M.O.Lukyanov and others - M.: ZAO "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2011. - (Children's encyclopedia ROSMEN).

4. Ivashura A.I. Milk and life. M., "Spike", 1976.

5. Modern Children's Encyclopedia. Data. Discoveries. Fantasies. - M.: “MAHAON”, 2011.

6. Bezrukikh M.M. etc. Talk about proper nutrition. - M.: OLMA. Media Group, 2009.

7. Internet resource materials:

http: // russiankichen. people. ru/.

http:// images. yandex. ru/.

Reader's Digest. Food is our friend, food is our enemy. Translation from English. Printed in St. Petersburg in 1999, p. 6.