Stress constantly accompanies the life of a modern person: in public transport, on the street, while driving in a traffic jam, when communicating with a manager or ill-wishers, etc. The atmosphere at work can also cause it. And at home, constant worries about children, loved ones and everyday problems add fuel to the fire.

To learn to cope with them, you need to learn to control your emotions and manage your condition. You can learn these things through stress tolerance or stress management training. But first it is important to understand what it is? Stress resistance is called a person's ability to cope with stress and get out of difficult situations without emotional overload.

It is the methods of controlling emotions and developing a positive attitude towards life that are taught in stress management training. If you complete such training, resistance to stress will no longer be just something incomprehensible to you, but a mandatory item on your resume.

These training programs relate to psychocorrectional trainings, because it promotes changes in human behavior and self-awareness. They can be distinguished depending on the specific tasks assigned to the group:

  • Psychotherapeutic training, the purpose of which is to correct the emotional sphere. With the help of certain exercises, people understand themselves better through emotional experiences and independently find ways out of difficult situations.
  • Training for personal growth, in which some personal qualities of the participants are improved: self-confidence is formed and psychological competence is increased.
  • Educational training, during which people acquire skills, abilities, and knowledge that increase their level of stress resistance.
  • Organizational training, in which a certain organization takes part to improve the psychological climate in the team. Look again.

Naturally, these types of trainings should be distinguished only conditionally, since each specific training contains exercises for finding optimal solutions, educational mini-lectures, and tasks for the formation of personal qualities.

What is the benefit of these training programs?

Stress resistance training will be useful to different categories of people:

  • for managers: with the help of such training, you can learn how to create a healthy atmosphere in a team and solve even complex problems without taking it out on your subordinates; such a leader is respected, not feared;
  • company employees: training is necessary in companies where colleagues constantly quarrel with each other or conflicts arise between a client and an employee;
  • graduates of schools, colleges, and students: the trainings are useful because they teach self-regulation and ways to deal with anxiety, which will be useful for children during exams, and will also help with emotional overload during intensive study;
  • women who want to avoid conflicts in the family and resolve them correctly; They are also necessary for building self-confidence and controlling your emotions. (What other trainings are there for women?)

Any training is useful not only for people in whose lives there is already daily stress, but also for preventing its occurrence. With the help of training you can achieve the following results:

  • learn to independently cope with stress using restorative techniques,
  • improve your emotional state,
  • increase endurance and performance,
  • reveal the hidden possibilities in everyone.

Exercises to increase stress resistance

Can be used in stress resistance training exercises from various areas of psychological correction and special eastern practices: hypnosis and self-hypnosis, meditative practices, breathing exercises, exercises from psychodrama, art therapy, music and dance exercises, ideomotor techniques, exercises from body-oriented therapy, etc.

Basic stress resistance exercises, with the help of which you can diagnose the level of stress resistance of each person, are ideomotor techniques, for example, spreading, bringing and raising the arms:

  1. “Flight” technique: Stand with your arms at your side and close your eyes. Mentally focus on your hands and “force” them to rise up, but without the slightest tension. Imagine that you are floating in the air.
  2. Hand Levitation Technique: Stand with your hands down and tune in to your hands. Feel their lightness, which makes your hands seem to “float” and rise higher.

There are other exercises that help a person reach a certain psycho-emotional state. You will need to choose the optimal exercise for yourself. The main point in these exercises are mental processes that bring consciousness to a calm state.

When you manage to complete these exercises and actually achieve the desired result, you will be able to control your emotions in difficult situations by simply returning to the previous calm state by performing the same actions.

    More than 36 points

    From 13 to 36 points

    Less than 13 points

  • — is a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress (overload), caused by the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, others and one’s health.

Stress resistance- this is a person’s ability to endure stress without negative consequences for his psyche. In relation to work, this is the ability to perform one’s tasks calmly while in a stressful situation.

Stressed people.

Stress-inhibited people

Smells- the strongest instrument of influence on the human body and psyche. To relieve stress, you can use anise, orange, lavender, and vanilla oils. The scents of bergamot, oregano, lemon, and mint are very soothing.

Of course, these activities are the best cure for depression. Get a haircut, change your hair color, treat your face with a rejuvenating, anti-stress mask, enjoy the relaxing effect of a restorative massage, and many problems will clearly decrease in size.

Emotional stress

Intrapersonal stress

Work stress

Financial stress

Social stress

Environmental stress


  1. Have you been seen at a gay party?
  2. Do you have a vibrator in your purse?

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“Social and psychological training “Stress resistance in professional activities””

Social and psychological training “Stress resistance in professional activities”

Target. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers on the issue of maintaining psychological health and preventing emotional burnout.

    Give the concept of the psychological term stress resistance.

    Training colleagues in ways to regulate their psycho-emotional state.

    Diagnostics of stress resistance.

The duration of the lesson is 50-60 minutes.

Methods of work: psychoeducation, psychoconsulting, relaxation.

The professor began his lecture with a glass of water in his hands. He asked the audience a question:
- What would happen if I was forced to hold the glass for several minutes?
“Nothing would have happened,” the students answered.
- What if you had to hold it for an hour?
- Your hand would start to hurt.
- What if all day?
- Your hand would go numb, you would need a doctor.
- Fine. After discussing this topic for just a few minutes, my arm was already starting to get tired. What will I be forced to do now?
“Put the glass down,” answered the bravest of the students.
- That's for sure! – the professor looked at the daredevil with interest. - It’s always like that with problems. I just thought about them and they were right there. If you start thinking about them longer, they are already itching. If you think about them even more, they will completely paralyze you. To solve problems, thinking about them is important. But it’s even more important to learn to put them in their place in time.

Stress resistance test

Does it annoy you:

    A crumpled page of a book or magazine you want to read?

    Casually dressed children?

    Excessive proximity of the interlocutor during conversation?

    A woman smoking outside?

    A person coughing in your direction?

    When does someone bite their nails?

    When does someone laugh out of place?

    When someone teaches you what to do?

    When is someone late?

    Do you watch a film and people comment on it?

    When are you prevented from resting on the train?

    When do they give you things you don't need?

    They retell the contents of the book, but did you want to read it?

    Is the perfume smell too strong?

    A colleague who gestures too much during a conversation?

    When does a colleague use foreign words?

Key: yes “certainly” - 3 points, yes “but not really” - 1 point, no – 0 points.


More than 36 points. You are not one of the patient and calm people. Almost everything irritates you, even the smallest things. You are quick-tempered and lose your temper easily. This unsettles your nervous system.

From 13 to 36 points. You are irritated by very unpleasant things, do not dramatize everyday adversities, you are able to easily forget about them.

Less than 13 points. You are a fairly calm person who looks at life realistically and is not so easy to throw off balance. And this is a guarantee against stress.

Stress resistance- is a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress (overload), caused by the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, others and one’s health.

Stress resistance– this is a person’s ability to endure stress without negative consequences for his psyche. In relation to work, this is the ability to perform one’s tasks calmly while in a stressful situation.

According to the degree of stress resistance, people are divided into the following groups:

Stress-resistant. They easily accept any changes, as they are flexible and flexible in terms of adapting to any stress factors. Therefore, they are always ready for change, and they overcome crisis situations quite easily.

Stress-resistant. The slightest development of events not according to their scenario puts them in a state of severe stress. Changes take them by surprise, and adaptation to an unusual environment is incredibly difficult for these people. Changing your views, attitudes and behavior is very difficult.

Stressed people. They seem to be ready for changes, but they will adapt to the environment gradually. They will change, but at a slow pace. Sudden movements are not for them, otherwise they will become depressed. When stressful situations are repeated, each time they will react to them more and more calmly.

Stress-inhibited people. They will not change under the influence of the external environment, since they stand on firm positions and have their own worldview. In exceptional cases, they will go to the extent of making a one-time change in a traumatic area of ​​life. They can get lost when stress constantly accompanies them.

Aromatic products: candles, oils, lotions.

Smells– the strongest instrument of influence on the human body and psyche. To relieve stress, you can use anise, orange, lavender, and vanilla oils. The scents of bergamot, oregano, lemon, and mint are very soothing.

The method of using oils is simple: put two drops of any of the oils on a napkin, place it next to you and inhale the aroma. You can also rub oils into the skin, spray them, fumigate rooms with them, and use them for massage.

You can add oil to your bath. To do this, 4-5 drops of oil are enough, the temperature of the water in the bath should be from 36 to 39 degrees. For better contact of oil with water, some experts recommend pre-stirring the oil drops in half a glass of kefir.

Cassettes/CDs with music and/or sounds of nature.

Since ancient times, the enormous power with which various forms of sound influence can influence the consciousness and subconscious of people has been known. This includes the monotonous drumming and chants of shamans, and Tibetan polyphonic singing, and sacred chants in Christian churches.

Stanislav Grof, the founder of holotropic therapy, pointed out that good music is of particular value because it helps a person discover old forgotten emotions and express them, give meaning to what is happening in the present and make it more meaningful. Of course, music is wonderfully relaxing, and the choice here is quite wide: it can be classical music, a bard song, rock compositions, or natural sounds of nature. Tastes could not be discussed!

Inspirational and spiritual books.

It’s good if a modern person’s library contains not only detective stories and “love” literature. Reading spiritual and inspirational books amazingly changes not only thoughts, but also the worldview of a person as a whole. Make reading such literature part of your evening ritual, and this small habit can radically change your entire life. Reading books about stress will also help you maintain balance in your life.

Discs with your favorite films and cartoons.

Television has firmly entered the life of modern man, and it is useless to fight it. What seems more realistic is the task of improving the quality of what we let into ourselves and our children through the screen. It is very useful for a person in a state of stress to watch his favorite comedies or melodramas of past years. Soviet-era animated films also have a great effect on the subconscious of both children and adults.

Visiting a cosmetologist, hairdresser, massage therapist.

Of course, these activities are the best cure for depression. Get a haircut, change your hair color, treat your face with a rejuvenating, anti-stress mask, enjoy the relaxing effect of a restorative massage, and many problems will clearly decrease in size.

Emotional stress

This type of stress, one way or another, is associated with our emotions and emotional reactions.

Intrapersonal stress

Be at peace with yourself! How important this is and how often we fail to achieve it. Our internal experiences, discontent, and confusion begin to manifest themselves as irritability, dissatisfaction, and as a result, stress develops. Our unfulfilled needs, unfulfilled dreams, desires, hopes, etc. usually lead to intrapersonal stress.

Work stress

The desire to make a career and at the same time a prolonged lack of results or simply a high workload, and it doesn’t matter what kind of work you do, physical or mental, but if the work causes chronic fatigue and private negative emotions, this can turn into work stress. It is often associated with unfair job evaluation, role ambiguity, and even poor job security.

Financial stress

We live in a world where money plays a big role in a person's life. We purchase food, necessary household items, pay for entertainment and rent, and much more. Situations where our expenses are significantly greater than our income can lead to a type of stress such as financial stress. Unexpected expenses and unplanned expenses, the inability to take out a loan for a necessary purchase, low wages, etc. can lead to stress.

Social stress

We are in society and can rarely avoid the problems that arise in it. Social stress develops in a certain group of people. The cause of social stress can be economic, political problems, etc.

Environmental stress

Adverse environmental factors directly affect our health. A variety of factors, including exposure to chemicals, noise, polluted water, etc., negatively affect the body as a whole. Both these reasons and the expectation of the adverse effects of poor environmental conditions lead to environmental stress.

Game “Am I in the Topic or How to React to Sudden Questions”

Target. Increased stress resistance.

The presenter asks questions to the participants, the participant answers the question as if on topic and has the information.

    How are things with Ivan Ivanovich? (how do you know why he didn’t come to us...)

    How was the meeting? (what questions were raised, was there a girl with pigtails there)

    Why didn't you come to work?

    What do we promise us next year?

    Have you been seen at a gay party?

    Do you have a vibrator in your purse?

Reflection: who had any hitches, what they felt, why in life you can’t immediately respond to tricky questions.

Stress resistance training

Explanatory note.

Everyone, without exception, needs stress resistance training. Agree, in the modern world there are more and more reasons leading to a stressful state. As a result, today it is almost impossible to meet a completely balanced person, and constant stress has a detrimental effect on the psyche and health. Managing emotions is a lot of work and regular work on oneself, so it is almost impossible to learn this on your own. The strength of the impact of stressors depends on a person’s gender and age, susceptibility to various situations, behavioral characteristics, time of day and season. In any case, stressors affect everyone without exception, and each of us requires our own specific ways to protect ourselves from stress.

Everyone tries to eliminate stress in their own way. This could be communication with a loved one, physical activity, embroidery and knitting, massage. But such activities only remove the effect, without eliminating the cause. And the benefits are not always obvious. In this regard, there is a need to use other methods of influencing stressful situations. The most productive and effective is stress resistance training.

Training objectives:

Increasing the level of stress resistance

Developing skills to concentrate in difficult stressful situations

Training objectives:

1. Introduce participants to the concept of “stress”, the influence of stress on the human body and psyche.

2. Talk about the types and stages of stress development.

3. Introduce various techniques for overcoming stress, help master the skills of their use.

4. Develop skills to overcome negative emotional states.

5. Learn to manage your stress, easily changing its level to suit the current task.

6. Learn to manage your mental state if you still cannot avoid stress.

7. Be able to quickly recover from overload.

8. Increase your resistance to stress - learn to “take a hit.”

Relevance. Currently, the problem of emotional stress among modern people remains relevant, which often causes the occurrence of chronic stressful conditions, and as a consequence, psychosomatic disorders and diseases.

The proposed methodological development is focused on providing psychological assistance and support to people experiencing psycho-emotional overload in everyday life. The theoretical and practical material of this development will help participants not only get acquainted with techniques for restoring a psycho-emotional state, but also master a non-standard approach to solving problem situations.

Form of organization : Master Class.

Visual and handout material : sheets of white paper, crayons, pencils, printed applications, presentation.

Participants : shift participants (group of up to 10 people), educational psychologist.

Duration of the event : 2 hours.

Training rules:

Here and now


Tactful and friendly attitude towards all group members

Stop rule

Sincerity and openness

Inadmissibility of value judgments by group members

Event plan

Event stage



    Introductory part

Getting to know each other and establishing contact

15 minutes.

    Exercise “Me and Stress”

A projective technique aimed at identifying subjective difficulties currently experienced by group members and personal resources for coping with stressful situations.

25 min.

    Theoretical part

Mini-lecture (symptoms of stress, Selye’s stages of stress, psychologist’s recommendations for increasing stress resistance)

20 minutes.

    Exercise “Crumpled Leaf”

Projective technique aimed at the ability to withstand stressful situations

25 min.

    Final exercise “Applause in a circle”

Formation of a positive final mood of the group.

5 minutes.

Progress of the training:

Most often, stress occurs in a difficult or new situation, in the case of a pronounced risk, a possible or unfolding conflict - i.e. in those situations that almost constantly accompany the life of a modern active person. In addition, recently more and more people are striving for conscious self-knowledge and self-development, and this activity is stressful by its very nature.

Thus, for a modern person, mastery of stress management technologies is a necessary condition for his effective activity, and especially activity in areas that are new to him.

Stress tolerance and stress management skills provide a person with the ability to carry out effective activities in a state of stress. To do this, it is necessary to develop the concentration of our attention.

Exercise No. 1. Helps mobilize attention, enables participants to become aware of their regulatory resources, and creates conditions for their training.

Participants sit in a circle. “Now we will count with you, just count: one, two, three, etc. One of us will start counting, and the person sitting next to us (clockwise) will continue, and so on. Let's try to count as quickly as possible. During the counting process, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that includes the number 6 (for example, 16), then while pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with a clap without saying the number).

If one of us makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, but remains seated in a circle. And we all have to be very careful and remember who has already dropped out and who continues to play.”

So, our training is aimed at developing stress resistance skills. I would like to know from you:

What is stress?

What are the first signs of stress in your opinion?

Who or what will help you overcome stress?

Do we know how to deal with stress?

How can we develop a successful style of behavior ourselves, learn to be resistant to stress in conflict, stressful situations and a tense work environment and use the reserves, strengths and capabilities hidden within us in order to overcome stress and turn it to our advantage?

What do you expect from our training?

Exercise “Me and Stress”

Target. Helping participants understand and verbalize their ideas about stress and determine their attitude to this phenomenon. Identification of subjective difficulties currently experienced by group members and personal resources for coping with stressful situations.

The trainer prepares in advance A4 paper (according to the number of participants) and colored markers. The training participants sit comfortably (in a circle or outside the circle). The facilitator warns them that this exercise is confidential, so during the exercise they should not ask each other any questions.

“Please draw a picture of “Me and Stress.” It can be made in any form - realistic, abstract, symbolic, artistic. Of greater importance is your degree of sincerity, that is, the desire to portray your thoughts, feelings, images that came to your mind immediately after you heard the topic. This drawing can become the key that throughout the training will help you recognize difficulties, find existing resources, and develop new successful stress management strategies. If necessary, you can use colored markers. You have every right not to show your drawing in the group if you want.” Participants draw for 4-5 minutes. Then the trainer begins to ask questions, which the participants answer independently (mentally), without writing down the answers on paper or saying them out loud. After each question, the trainer gives participants from 15 to 40 seconds to make changes and additions to the drawing.

Questions for reflection:

Look carefully at your drawing.

1. Does your drawing use color? See which colors (or which color) predominates in the drawing. What does this particular color mean to you?

2. Where do you picture yourself? Label yourself with the letter “I” in the picture.

3. How did you portray stress? In the form of a living creature, an abstract figure, a specific person?

4. See how much space your image takes up on the sheet and how much is stress. Why?

5. When depicting yourself and stress, did you use similar colors? Which?

6. Mentally divide the sheet in half with horizontal and vertical lines. Where did your figure end up?

7. Is there any barrier between you and stress in the picture? Maybe you are holding a saber, an umbrella or something else? If you feel the need, draw something else that can protect you from stress.

8. Do you have soil under your feet, what do you rely on? Or are you hanging in the air? Who can you rely on in life? If such people exist in your real life, but for some reason they are not in the picture, draw them.

9. What strengths would you note in dealing with a stressful situation? Try to find at least three positions in which you feel confident. What personal qualities help you achieve success?

10. What would you like to change or how would you like to improve your condition in a stressful situation? What personality traits and/or other factors are preventing you from improving it?

11. What other resources of yours do you see in this picture or would you like to add to it? Draw them please.

Discussion. After the participants answer the last question, the trainer asks them to form subgroups of 4-5 people. As a rule, groups are created on the basis of the coincidence of any positions related to the perception of the concept of “Stress”, strategies and resources that appear in the drawings. In each formed group, those who wish can speak about their feelings, thoughts, etc., that arose during the drawing process. At the same time, others listen, complement, express their point of view, ask questions, but do not criticize. When talking about what helps and what hinders you from acting effectively in a situation of stress, you can speak both about your personal experience and based on observations of the behavior of people who know how to overcome stress. Each subgroup then formulates several main points about which they would like to change something in their reactions to stressors.

All participants return to the circle. The trainer invites those who wish to speak about the work done or about their feelings. Representatives from subgroups read out their lists. The trainer explains to the participants what problems can be worked on during the training.


Stress (from the English Stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) - a nonspecific (general) reaction of the body to an impact (physical or psychological) that disrupts its homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body (or the body as a whole ). In medicine, physiology, and psychology, positive (eustress) and negative (distress) forms of stress are distinguished. According to the nature of the impact, neuropsychic, heat or cold, light and other stresses are distinguished.

Symptoms of stress

    A constant feeling of irritation, depression, sometimes for no particular reason.

    Bad, restless sleep.

    Depression, physical weakness, headache, fatigue, reluctance to do anything.

    Decreased concentration, making it difficult to study or work. Memory problems and decreased thinking speed.

    Lack of interest in others, even in best friends, family and friends.

    A constant desire to cry, tearfulness, sometimes turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity for your loved one.

    Decreased appetite - although the opposite can also happen: excessive absorption of food.

    Nervous tics and obsessive habits often appear: a person bites his lips, bites his nails, etc. Fussiness and distrust of everyone appear.

Stages of stress

Until now, scientists use the concept of the Canadian physiologist and distinguish three stages of stress according to Selye:

1. Anxiety reaction.

2. Stage of resistance.

3. Stage of exhaustion.

The duration of each phase of stress development is individual.

The first phase of stress is characterized by mobilization of the body. Tensions are rising. For some, it can last days and weeks, while for others, after just a few minutes, they move on to the second stage of stress. People react differently. For some, anxiety speeds up all the body's reactions; they suddenly begin to think quickly and make decisions instantly. For others, on the contrary, reactions slow down, they become as if inhibited. Moderate short-term stress at the first stage is even beneficial. A hormonal surge gives an impetus to the body, trains it, and strengthens it.

The second phase occurs if exposure to stress factors continues. The body has responded to the alarm, mobilized and can overcome the difficulties that have arisen. At the resistance stage, the body may be more resistant to harmful influences than in a calm state. Outwardly, everything also looks fine, the person solves problems constructively, he is active and healthy. The first and second stages of stress development do not yet carry threatening consequences.

The third phase, characterized by exhaustion, begins if the second stage is delayed and the body does not receive rest. Mobilized resources are running out. The body has exhausted its adaptive capabilities, and its stability decreases. At this stage, physical distress manifests itself: sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, weight loss, stool disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc. The person feels lethargic and overwhelmed. If you don’t rest now, serious physical illnesses and depression may begin.

How we would like life to bring only pleasant surprises, so that joy becomes a constant companion of our everyday life. But, unfortunately (or not?), in our turbulent age no one manages to avoid trouble. When experiencing troubles, a person is in constant tension, he feels fear, melancholy, and anxiety. People who are not accustomed to listening to their inner feelings, much less analyzing them, cannot understand what is happening to them. In science, this condition is called “stress”.

The paradox is that the further we drive stress, the more we plunge into it. Therefore, it is not the stress itself that is scary, but the attitude towards it.

First, a little test. Answer yes (“yes”) or negative (“no”) to each question below.

1. Have you often felt afraid lately?

2. Do you feel disorganized?

3. Do you find it difficult to concentrate on one thing?

4. Do you feel anxious for no apparent reason?

5. Do you find it difficult to fall asleep?

6. Do you often get irritated over trifles?

7. Do you notice excessive sweating?

8. Do you often have nightmares?

9. Do you feel loss of appetite?

10. Do you often lose your temper at others?

11. Do you often feel your heart rate increase?

12. Do you feel tired when you wake up in the morning?

So, you have almost all the signs of stress. What to do?

1. External irritants - they need to be eliminated or corrected. External stimuli are often:

distracting music (especially if this music is not to our taste);

noises from the street reaching us through the open window;

drafts blowing either on our neck or down our legs;

the air in the room is too dry or, conversely, too humid, which makes it difficult for us to breathe and makes us feel uncomfortable;

the lighting is too dim or, conversely, too bright, which causes strain and fatigue on the eyes;

unpleasant odors;

inconvenient location of office equipment, especially wires, which can easily trip and fall;

inconvenient arrangement of furniture and some boxes;

uncomfortable room temperature;

clothes made of synthetics, which then become electrified and slowly, little by little, secretly shock us.

This is, of course, not a complete list of external stimuli. However, this is probably quite enough to get started. Next, look around yourself for what creates an unfavorable environment. Try to create comfort and coziness wherever you are.

2. Internal irritants: Pain. The easiest internal irritant to understand is toothache or any other pain. What we can recommend here: watch your health.

3. Hunger. This is another type of internal irritant. Due to the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat something, tone and vigor decrease, fatigue appears first in the body, then in the soul. It becomes more difficult to concentrate and think about anything. Due to the feeling of hunger, the efficiency of both physical and intellectual labor decreases. At this time we are very weak and susceptible to the harmful effects of stress.

4. Mental experience. Also, one of the internal irritants is some kind of emotional experience that takes our thoughts to the side and does not allow us to concentrate our attention and completely engage in work with our heads. For example, a family conflict, a quarrel with a loved one, or humiliation from a boss, and so on - all this can be very unsettling. What can be recommended in this situation:

don’t think about unpleasant things, especially don’t think about revenge;

forgive one and all, forgive wholesale and retail;

forgive immediately after the conflict and in advance for the rest of your life;

take life easier and say to any trouble: “it’s nothing!”

5. Plan your activities. If you are overwhelmed at work and need to solve a lot of things at once, then here is some advice: when doing several things at the same time, it is not recommended to keep them all in your head at the same time. It is best to write down, for example, in a diary everything that needs to be done. And only then from the list one by one select the most urgent and important. Set priorities, plan what you will do now, what after that, what tomorrow, what the day after tomorrow. Having solved one task, we open the diary and again select the task that is currently the most urgent and the most important at the same time. And so on.

6. Motivation: understanding the purpose of any work, it is easier to endure overload in the process of its implementation. The meaningfulness of work occupies the brain and does not allow extraneous experiences and worries to wedge in and interfere.

7. Mood: It is necessary to manage your inner mood or state, and for this it is enough to simply look at everything with a certain amount of humor. Moreover, the main thing here is not to confuse humor with irony, satire, or sarcasm.

8. Smile. To lift your mood and increase your resistance to a stressful situation, we recommend finding a mirror and privacy, just look in the mirror and smile broadly at yourself. Straighten your shoulders. Smile for at least 5 or 10 minutes. And you will feel the result - you will be in high spirits all day.

9. Live with pleasure: If you go somewhere, then walk with pleasure. If you sit, then sit in such a way that you feel comfortable, comfortable and pleasant. If you are sorting through papers or doing anything else at work, then do it all with pleasure. To do this, we first create an artificial feeling of pleasure, and then over time the real one appears. Over time, this lifestyle will become a habit. And you will simply live with pleasure, enjoy life.

10. Look for the good and ignore the bad. We recommend not to pay much attention to negativity, limit yourself in the desire to watch and discuss someone’s unworthy behavior or some unpleasant situation. Don’t waste your time and your life, your strength and energy on this “dirt.” There is a lot of good, wonderful, beautiful and wonderful around us - look for it, enjoy and admire it, admire and talk about it.

11. Breathing helps to effectively resist stress and relieve tension: Take a regular breath, and then exhale long. Let the exhalation be approximately 3 times longer than the inhalation. And remember that it is better to breathe through your nose, that is, it is recommended to keep your mouth closed. Then again the usual inhalation and long exhalation. Normal inhalation and long exhalation. And so breathe for at least 3 minutes. You will feel the effect: calm, relaxation, headaches go away and heart pain disappears, blood pressure drops, and you feel that you have regained a state of balance and are in control of yourself again.

12. Joint warm-up or simple gymnastics at least 2 times a week, for example, in the evenings after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays - this is also a good way to increase stress resistance. In case of very severe stress, it is recommended to engage in sports or fitness under the guidance of a personal trainer.

13. Massage: do contact massage of the whole body, not just the back, 2 or 3 times a week. At the same time, by performing joint warm-ups several times a week, the number of contact massages can be reduced to 0.

14. Movement: Make sure your movements are smooth. Move gracefully and calmly, as if waltzing. Sudden movements are contraindicated.

15. Relaxation: monitor the tension in your body and avoid overexertion and muscle spasms. Plan your day in such a way that you don’t run, don’t rush or sweat, and don’t be late for anything. Be punctual.

16. Relaxation. For good relaxation and recuperation, there are special relaxation exercises that help relieve physical and mental stress.

17. Day off: 1 day a week – real complete rest. Don’t even think about planning and postponing for this day off shopping with heavy bags or deep cleaning of the whole house, or playing sports, or joint exercise, or doing work that you took home. A day off means a day off, it means rest and relaxation of the body.. Meet or at least call, talk with your family, friends, and good friends. Read a book, watch a comedy movie, cheer up your parents.

18. Sleep should preferably last 7 hours or more. If you didn’t get enough sleep one night, we recommend that you plan and try to catch up the next night - get enough sleep and gain strength.

20. Daily routine: if realistic, then follow the daily routine so that lunches and sleep are at the same time.

21. Nutrition. In terms of nutrition, make sure that your diet is rich in all the necessary vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.

22. Lexicon. Yes, as strange and paradoxical as it may seem, our vocabulary, lexicon, that is, those words that we often use in life - they affect our well-being. Especially on the mood. Thus, we are strong and stress-resistant. We have immunity. The recommendation is very simple: firstly, try not to utter words such as: difficult, difficult, difficult, problem, struggle... Remove these words from your vocabulary. And at the same time, on the contrary, try to pronounce words such as: good, wonderful, easy, simple...

23. Rename negativity to positivity. Monitor your speech and filter out all negative words and phrases. Talk mostly about good and pleasant things. And if something suddenly doesn’t go as you would like, then instead of three-story curses, inhale and as you exhale say: “This is nothing!” And at the same time raise your hand and lower it, in other words, give up on this trifle. We recommend that you rehearse right now: as you inhale, raise your hand, and as you exhale, lower it and say: “This is nothing!” Well, in the most difficult situations you can say a strong word, for example: “Well, this is normal!” Inflate any negative, devalue it. Rename negativity into positivity.

24. Shape your positive reality. Be prepared and philosophical for the worst, but strive for the best. To do this, expect good and favorable events from life for you. We give a simple recommendation: Imagine and fantasize how this or that situation should develop, what kind of scenario it should have, so that you are satisfied with the result. Be the director of your destiny, the director of your life.

25. Rehearsals. Thoroughly prepare for the upcoming stressful situation, be it a business meeting, negotiations, presentation, speech, interview, job interview, etc. Become both a director and an actor. Say out loud several times the entire text that you are going to say at that exciting moment. And you will notice how the excitement will evaporate somewhere and instead you will be filled with a feeling of confidence.

26. Raise your self-esteem. Eliminate inferiority complex.

27. Praise, thank and give compliments to people, and not only people. Praise and thank for exemplary work, for example, your computer, printer for durability and high-quality printing, telephone for reliability, light bulb for light and help in work, air, furniture, etc. And even your “golden” hands and “bright” head are also worth praising

29. Admire everything and everyone. It is probably clear that it is not advisable to speak badly and negatively about anything or anyone.

30. Eliminate the causes of possible stress. A far-sighted strategist calculates not only his actions in the future, but also analyzes what was the cause of conflicts or stressful situations in the past. And, if this or that stressful situation may recur, then it is better to eliminate all possible causes.

31. Don't dwell on the past, but look to the future. We recommend not to relive past grievances and not to relive past stressful situations over and over again. It happened and passed, it cannot be returned or changed, but you can change your future! Forgive and let go of the past, draw conclusions and leave the past in the past in order to live in the present and look into the future with a smile and the posture of a happy person.

32. Be yourself. Those. do not copy others, do not envy their success and do not create idols for yourself so that later you can be like them and strive for the same goals. All people are different and destinies are also different. It is best to do what you love, that is, exactly what you like, from which you do not get tired, but, on the contrary, gain strength. It will be great if in the end it turns out that you can do what you love all day and also get good money for it. This is wonderful! But not every favorite thing can grow into a highly profitable business. And not everyone should grow into this... do what you love, at least in the evenings after your main job, let it become your hobby. Do what you have dreamed of since childhood. For example, draw pictures, write poems, compose fairy tales or tell them to children, travel around the surrounding settlements, and on weekends you can even go to another country, to the ends of the world. The main thing is to become yourself, and not to play a role.

Exercise “Crumpled Leaf”

Participants are asked to remember a problem for which they want to find a solution, which causes anxious thoughts, think about it for 2 - 3 minutes, and then briefly, in one or two sentences, describe it

essence. Then each participant takes a sheet of paper, crumples it tightly, and then smoothes it out again. Participants are asked to look carefully at the pattern formed by the lines along which

the sheet was crumpled, and you could see some kind of pattern (2 - 3 minutes). Then the participants trace with a pencil the drawing that they were able to see in the pattern (5 - 7 minutes).

When the image is ready, participants are asked to carefully

take a closer look at it, re-read the previously completed description of the problem, and then put forward and write down as much as possible

ideas (associations) about how the completed drawing can be

associated with the problem posed and possible ways to solve it

solutions. Everything that comes to mind is recorded (4 - 6 minutes).

The stages of work described above are performed individually.

century, where they show their drawings one by one, comment on what exactly they depict, and briefly tell the essence

problem posed and share their ideas about how to

how the image can be related to this problem and ways to solve it. If the participants acting as listeners have any other ideas about this, they also share them. Working time 4 - 6 minutes per person.

The technique is projective in nature: as a rule, after

thinking about a problem and describing its essence a person “sees” in

a chaotic set of lines that appeared when the sheet was crumpled, something

related to this problem and possible ways to solve it. Awareness of this connection can allow you to see the problem from a new, unusual perspective, and discover an unexpected way to solve it.


Each participant is asked to express what this

technique to him personally, and in what real life situations

it is advisable to use it.

Exercise "Applause in a circle"

Purpose: group cohesion exercise. Formation of a positive final mood of the group.

Instructions: We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause sounds quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger.

The presenter begins to quietly clap his hands, looking and gradually approaching one of the participants. This participant then chooses the next one from the group to whom they both applaud. The third chooses the fourth, etc. The last participant is applauded by the whole group.


1. Gremling S., Ausrbakh S. Workshop on stress management. St. Petersburg, 2002.

2. Greenberg J. Stress management. - St. Petersburg, 2012.

3. Gretsov A. G., Popona E. G. Learn to overcome stress. - SP6., 2006.

5. Miklyaeva A.V. I am a teenager. The world of emotions. Meetings with myself, I am among other people. - St. Petersburg, 2013.

6. Neidhard J. et al. Lord of emotions. How to stay calm in any situation. - St. Petersburg, 2007.

8. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. M, 2010.

9. Fopel K. Confident management. M., 2004.

Stress has long been a part of the life of a modern person. It is provoked by intense and stressful work, traffic jams, possible interpersonal and family conflicts, and frequent lack of time. But not every person knows how to manage their emotions. Stress resistance training comes to the rescue, allowing you to effectively manage stress. Every person can learn to do this.

What does the training mean and why is it carried out?

Psychological training for stress resistance implies a form of training that combines theory and practice. At the same time, the practical part is important; it allows a person to practice certain techniques, train skills and desired behavior patterns that will help cope with stress in everyday life.

They can be divided into group and individual. They are also classified according to their focus on certain areas of human life and relationships. There are also open and closed trainings on stress resistance.

A wide range of issues are discussed in open classes. At closed trainings, discussions of a specific focus are held, for example, business development.

Unlike seminars, there are much fewer people at trainings, which allows us to better work out specific problems with each participant. The main objective of any training is to learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and achieve certain goals.

To choose the right training, a person needs to ask himself what is the source of the discomfort that leads to the problem. It could be fatigue, which is caused by a constant lack of time and long-term intensive work.

Types of training

Psychological training for stress resistance has a different focus. Most often, psychocorrectional programs cause a person’s ability to change behavior and self-awareness. Depending on the objectives being pursued, the following types of training are distinguished:

  • Psychotherapeutic. The purpose of these classes is to correct emotions and the areas of life they concern. By performing certain exercises, a person artificially evokes experiences that allow him to better understand himself, find ways to solve problems, and get out of difficult situations;
  • Psychological training for stress resistance. Its task is to change the mental sphere, behavioral patterns, and improve consciousness. It includes exercises and games that allow you to successfully solve the problem;
  • For personal growth. In the process of training, personal data is improved, certain qualities are strengthened, which allow increasing self-confidence and competence in psychological aspects;
  • Educational. Its goal is to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills that will help in difficult situations to endure or avoid stress. It is a kind of psychocorrectional training;
  • Organizational. At this training, participants of one organization learn to work in a team and try to increase the level of psychological comfort. this leads to improved collaboration and increased organizational impact. A variation of this training is corporate training.

Naturally, the distinctions between tasks are very conditional, since each type includes exercises aimed at finding optimal solutions to problems relating to all spheres of human life. The tasks of psychological classes and exercises for personal growth are close. The formation of personal qualities is also important for educational trainings.

Stress resistance training is aimed not only at correcting behavior, but also at personal development, increasing the psychological component and confidence in one’s abilities and knowledge.

Where can I get training: program contents

You can take training in specialized companies, where specialists will select the best program option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the people who apply. There are the following training programs that can be offered to a person’s attention:

  • Methodical. It trains specialists who will later be able to work as stress resistance trainers. The main stages of these classes: obtaining theoretical knowledge, participating directly in the work, discussing the task and goals, getting acquainted with the work of the trainer. At the final stage, a person, under the guidance of a trainer, independently leads a group of people;
  • Psychotherapeutic . The theoretical part, aimed at familiarizing with the work, gaining knowledge on mental changes that can resolve internal conflict. The practical part includes exercises and games, they help to get out of a crisis. Explanatory work is being carried out in the process;
  • Organizational. In these classes, work is carried out to improve the activities of a group of people, based on the formation of coping strategies during the learning process.

Exercises for training

Each training includes a set of specific exercises that are aimed at reducing psychological discomfort. Various interventions can be used, including hypnotic exercises, self-hypnosis, exercises to restore proper breathing, art therapy, music and dance.

Good results are shown by ideomotor techniques that allow a person. These include manual work:

  • "Flight"- raising your arms without tension from a standing position with your eyes closed;
  • "Levitation"- the mood for hands, which, under the influence of thoughts, become light and rise by themselves.

All exercises have a mental focus, which can bring the mind to a calm state. Subsequently, these simple movements will help restore peace when you perform them again, when you need to calm down and take your mind off a stressful situation. Therefore, it is so important to choose the best exercise option for yourself.

Neck stretching exercises have an excellent effect. To perform it, you should sit comfortably, relax and adjust your breathing freely. On inhalation, the head tilts back, on exhalation, forward. In this case, the body should not tilt or move. The actions are repeated 3-4 times.

This exercise provides several benefits. It is important to perform it in everyday life, since few people notice tension in the muscles of the neck and back. Two minutes of exercise will not only relieve muscle tension, but also psychological, controlled conscious breathing will contribute to a conscious attitude towards oneself.

It is advisable to perform stress resistance training exercises with your eyes closed, this will allow you to better concentrate on the task.

There are many more ways and exercises that can reduce tension and avoid stress. Meditation, concentration on movement, shaking off tension and other techniques have excellent results.

Who needs stress resistance training and its benefits?

Training to increase stress resistance will benefit the following categories of people:

  • Management team. It will help to establish a working atmosphere in the team in which employees will feel comfortable;
  • Workers. Many companies use the services of specialists to reduce the number of conflict situations between employees;
  • Young people who have graduated from educational institutions. The trainings help combat anxiety when settling into adult life. They are useful for students before exams; they help reduce emotional overload in teenagers;
  • Classes will help families avoid conflict situations, correctly resolve controversial issues, increase the self-esteem of spouses, and control emotions.

The trainings are aimed not only at reducing daily stress, but also at preventing it. With their help, you can increase stress resistance, learn to quickly recover from stress, improve your emotional state, performance, endurance, and also reveal your potential.

It is important to contact professional companies, where experienced trainers will help a person get to know himself, get rid of complexes and habits that interfere with life, and teach him to analyze problems. In addition, in such classes you can spend time interestingly and usefully.

Marina Kobzar
Training for teachers “Cultivating stress resistance”

Dear Colleagues!

It is no secret that our profession requires certain strength, energy, and dedication. From the outside it seems that’s all Just: played, drew, conducted a consultation, diagnostics. But we know how much patience, effort, knowledge, even ingenuity and intuition are needed. But this is only one side of our life. We must be like this - this is our profession.

But also, each of us has our own families, relatives, friends and many different things happening around us every day. Sometimes health fails. And sometimes the current life circumstances test our strength. Vanity, noise, all kinds of irritants wear out our nerves, deprive us of normal sleep, which again leads to stress. And it’s very difficult in such situations to maintain composure and not transfer it to your work.” And therefore, one of the important personal qualities The teacher must be stress-resistant.

At all, stress– a relict reaction of the body to danger. Ancient man had to act with lightning speed to survive. Today stress for us it is not associated with danger, but primarily with an excess of irritants. But anyone stress, whatever it is, causes exactly the same reaction body: Breathing speeds up, the liver increases the production of glucose - an important source of energy, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline and other hormones to prepare the body for fight or flight - literally. And when such body reactions persist for a long time, but relaxation does not occur, stress for us it becomes irreversibly negative, it destroys us, in this case it harms us.

Target: outline ways out stressful situation and escape from it.

Tasks: - determine your attitude towards stress, To stressful situation, to conflict;

Understand myself, namely, how I get out of the current situation stressful situations? What helps me return to a normal, adequate state?

Bring your condition closer to psychological comfort.

1. What do you expect from this training? Participants write these answers on pieces of paper.

2. Acceptance of two golden rules.

1) If you don’t want to, don’t talk.

2) When someone else is speaking, don’t interrupt


will show whether you are a calm person or are in a state of constant stress(At the moment) .

(Please answer the following questions: "Yes" or "No")

1. You feel a surge of energy only when stress?

2. Do you consider your work important and significant?

3. Do you have good friends with whom you can talk things out?

4. You can really "disconnect" At the end of the week?

5. Do you exercise regularly? (at least once a week) sports?

6. Do you fall asleep well and sleep soundly all night long?

7. Do you find mutual understanding with your work colleagues?

8. Do you have normal body weight and blood pressure?

9. Are you easily angered?

10. Do you have things to do that you look forward to with joy (weekends, hobbies,

11. You pay attention to myself at least half an hour every day?

12. Do you live in a quiet area?

13. Do you have time to really enjoy your food while eating?

14. Do you go out into the fresh air for at least half an hour every day?

15. Do you eat a lot of whole grains?

16. Are you a creative person?

17. Do you meditate and relax regularly?

18. Do you laugh often and willingly?

19. Can you say firmly when necessary? "No"?

20. Do you sometimes manage to get other people to agree with you?

(Count the number "NO" and write down this number).


If YOU answered “NO” to 9 questions or less, then you are fairly calm in everyday life. Even if you sometimes feel nervous, you still manage to relieve tension that could be harmful to your health. Everything is fine. Congratulations!

And if you answered “NO” to 10 or more, then you are currently experiencing a lot of stress. You dream of peace, but you cannot relax. Perhaps you suffer from insomnia. This means the time has come to reconsider your position in life and actively fight stress.

1 Greetings.

2. Exercise "Animals" (3 min.)

Goals: experience internal movements and experimentation with external movement; stimulating identification with one's body; establishment by group members of a connection between feelings and movements.

Materials: Meditative music.

Choose any mammal, reptile or bird. For 2 minutes you have to be this animal, "taking over" its shape, movements and sounds. Most likely, more than one participant will choose the same animal. Don't announce your choice. Crawl, jump, jump and "fly", depicting this animal. Interact spontaneously with others. Be creative and try to express aspects of your personality that may not be easy to express in your everyday life. Make noise, be aware of the feelings that arise in you, be it fear, anger or love...

3. Exercise "Display" (5 minutes.)

Goals: Encouraging body awareness, creative movement and interpersonal empathy; development of self-acceptance and mutual acceptance.

Materials: slow, calm music.

Procedure: All group members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant becomes the leader and the other becomes the follower. Stand face to face and look into each other's eyes. If you are a leader, start making some slow, graceful movements with your arms, legs, head and torso. Be aware of your body and feelings as you move. Throughout the exercise, look your partner in the eyes and try to be aware of him. As a follower, mirror your partner's movements - as if you were their mirror image. For example, if your partner extends his right arm, extend his left. Let your partner guide where and how you move. Try not to think about anything. Let you "leads" your body. After about two minutes, switch roles.

Issues for discussion:

1. Questions for discussion:

2. Was it easy for you to do the first exercise?

3. In which role were you most comfortable and why?

4. In life, do you reciprocate when people greet you in a way that is unusual for you?

5. How do you feel about this?

6. Why was this animal chosen?

7. How did the participants feel imagining themselves as animals?

What movements of your partner did you pay attention to?

how did you feel when you mirrored your partner’s movements / did he mirror your movements?

Exercise "Lemon" (turn on music)

Target: control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Sit comfortably: Place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine to myself that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that "squeezed out" all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine to myself that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace.

Exercise: “Breathe deeply, you are excited”

When you experience emotional discomfort, simply check how you breathe. Inhalation consists of three phases: inhalation - pause - exhalation. In case of increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to increase the time for all 3 phases. Start with 5 seconds. There is no need to breathe at this rhythm for a long time. Monitor the result and be guided by it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the overall tone, gather strength, the alternation of phases should be as follows: inhale-exhale-pause.


We all know that “the word heals, the word cripples”. In ancient times, China developed a special science of healing sounds that resonate with our internal organs and have a beneficial effect on them. "Ugh" (inhale)- Helps quickly release negative energy. "E-and-and-and" (while holding your breath)- general cleansing of the body. "Po-o-o-hs-o-o" (as you exhale)- invigorates the body after sleep. Repeat each sound no more than 3-4 times.

Did I learn something new today? I'll use it Do I have at least one of the techniques?