The holiday begins with a script. When developing scenarios, listen to the opinions and wishes of children. If they want to meet for a holiday with their favorite characters - Carlson, Baba Yaga or any other character - then the meeting will certainly happen. And how much joy and delight there will be!

Game is game, but when preparing holidays and entertainment, consider certain points:

Plan holidays in accordance with the tasks for a given period of time;

Use a variety of methodological techniques and ways of organizing children to perform exercises in order to increase their physical activity;

Games and exercises must comply with dosage rules: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task it decreases;

After completing tasks that excite children, use low-mobility games, word games, massage games;

Use a variety of sports equipment, including non-standard ones;

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment. It increases the emotional state and activity of children when completing the proposed tasks;

Create various situations in which children need to independently find a solution and overcome difficult obstacles.

To make the holidays interesting and memorable, choose a different theme.

Children love relay games, where they have to divide into teams, choose a captain, and come up with a name and motto for their team. Such games require more dexterity, courage, and dexterity from them. Despite the fact that children love competitions, they should alternate with low-mobility games, amateur performances, rhythmic dancing, and solving crosswords and puzzles. This arrangement of physical education holidays relieves stress in children.

Adult participation plays a big role during the holidays.

It’s very nice to see mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother on the same team with their son or daughter at the holiday. They and their children participate in all competitions and relay races. The cheerful atmosphere of such holidays is also transmitted to adults.

At every holiday, take pictures of children, capturing interesting moments. Design albums. For parents, make exhibitions of photographs of past holidays, because the photographs can be so interesting and funny.

End the celebration by rewarding the teams. It can be different: a separate gift for each participant of the holiday, a sweet delicious pie or cake, interesting games or sports equipment, equipment for the whole group. And let it be held solemnly, cheerfully, with the lowering of the flag, a circle of honor, that is, so that this part of the holiday will be remembered by the children.

In this collection you will find scenarios for sports events and entertainment on various topics for preschool children. Play with children, love children, help them. After all, how nice it is to see cheerful, smiling, kind, healthy children!

This collection is intended for physical education instructors and preschool teachers.

Good luck to you!

Sports entertainment in kindergarten. Scenario “A healthy lifestyle for our family” The summary will be useful for teachers who actively implement health-saving technologies in their activities. Goal: Strengthen the health of children by involving them in physical education and sports Program objectives: Create a positive emotional atmosphere Develop physical qualities and motor skills Cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle Equipment: Three trays, 9 small balls, 3 fitness...

Scenario for a winter sports festival in the middle groupAuthor: Olga Evgenievna Semyonova, physical development teacher at MBDOU "TsRR - D/S No. 73", Stavropol Scenario "Winter Fun" Targets: children have developed gross and fine motor skills; children are mobile, master basic movements, control and manage their movements; show curiosity; have basic understanding of natural phenomena in winter and the properties of snow; about wintering birds; actively interact with peers...

Summary of entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Firemen in training” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire. Objectives: Educational: Form correct behavior in the event of a fire, consolidate knowledge of home address; practice crawling, climbing, running. Developmental: Develop dexterity, coordination, speed, speech, memory. Educational: To instill respect for the work of firefighters, discipline, a sense of duty...

Scenario of a winter sports festival in early age groups “Guys rushing to the rescue” author: Olga Evgenievna Semyonova, physical development teacher Place of work: MBDOU “TsRR - D/S No. 73”, Stavropol Targets: children have developed gross motor skills; children are mobile, master basic movements, control their movements; show curiosity; have basic understanding of natural phenomena in winter; actively interact with peers and adults. Educational...

Scenario of a winter sports festival Winter fun in kindergarten for children of preparatory groups Scenario “RUSSIAN FOLK WINTER FUN” for children of senior preschool age Pre-school educational institutions Target guidelines: children have developed gross and fine motor skills; children are mobile, master basic movements, control and manage their movements; show curiosity; have basic understanding of the natural and social world; actively interact with peers and adults. Educator...

Abstract of sports entertainment for older preschoolers on the topic “Fun Starts” Completed by: Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Mamaeva, social teacher, State Budgetary Institution “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors”, Tatarsk Abstract: This development will be useful for educators, physical education teachers, and parents. After all, raising a child strong, strong, and healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing teachers. Sports are the main and...

Sports entertainment in kindergarten “Games of the Nations of the World!” Middle group. Script with presentation Strunina Mikhalina Yurievna. Physical education instructor "Kindergarten No. 34-House of Joy" Scenario of sports entertainment for middle groups "Games of the Nations of the World!" Goals: formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity of children; creating conditions conducive to strengthening friendly relations within the children's team. Objectives: Educational To introduce children to games...

Scenario of sports entertainment for the second junior and middle groups “Fun with Santa Claus!” Author: Strunina Mikhalina Yuryevna, physical education instructor Place of work: “Kindergarten No. 34-House of Joy”, Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk Goals: 1. Create a positive emotional mood in children and their parents, a cheerful, joyful mood. 2. Involve children and parents in physical education and sports, and a healthy lifestyle. 3. Help strengthen family relationships...

Scenario of a winter sports festival on the street. Preparatory groupAuthor: Lebedeva N.V., physical education instructor, Municipal government preschool educational institution Chukhloma kindergarten “Rodnichok” Chukhloma municipal district, Kostroma region, Chukhloma Goal: to increase interest in physical education classes on the street. Objectives: Strengthen the skills of skiing, sledding, throwing at a target, practice techniques...

Scenario of sports entertainment in kindergarten for children of preparatory groups “Journey to the world of Russian folk games” Author: Lebedeva N.V. physical education instructor, Municipal government preschool educational institution Chukhloma kindergarten "Rodnichok" Chukhloma municipal district, Kostroma region, Chukhloma Goal: To instill love and respect for the history of the native land, its traditions. Objectives: - To introduce Russian folklore through Russian folk games. - Work...

Sports entertainment for February 23 together with dads “Dad can” in kindergarten for children of senior preschool age Goal: to cultivate a sense of pride, respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland Tasks: - to attract parents to joint active activities in kindergarten; - promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the health of children; - developing a sense of duty and love for the fatherland, respect for those who serve, cultivating a sense of patriotism; - promote psychological rapprochement...

Summary of physical education entertainment in winter on the street for children of the second junior group “Snowman” This summary of physical education entertainment is addressed to physical education instructors and educators working with children of primary preschool age. Carrying out this event will give a charge of vivacity and good mood to children, and contributes to the education of physical culture of preschoolers. Goal: Instilling interest in physical education. Objectives: 1. Practice throwing one...

Sports festival "February 23" in kindergarten in the senior group Goals: Propaganda and formation of a healthy lifestyle for families of kindergarten children. Formation of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family. Development of competitive spirit in sports in children. Fostering a sense of collectivism and goodwill. Consolidating the tradition of a preschool institution in the annual holding of a sports festival. Preparation for the holiday: develop a script, purchase prizes, invite to the party...

Municipal sports competitions among older preschoolers 5-7 years old “Fun Starts” Goal: to support teachers working with gifted children in the preschool education system in the field of physical education, and to identify talented, physically gifted children. Objectives: development of the basic physical qualities of preschool children; nurturing moral and volitional qualities of the individual, tolerance, sense of camaraderie and healthy competition. Fanfare sounds. Host: Hello...

Sports entertainment scenario

“Fairy tales help us play sports”

(middle group)

Target:promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement in systematic physical education and sports.


In a playful way, develop basic physical qualities - strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, accuracy.

Cultivate a sustainable interest in the process of performing physical exercises.

To promote the development of children's interest in various types of motor activities.

Develop coordination of movements, attention, memory, intelligence.

Foster a sense of collectivism, support, kind, friendly attitude towards each other.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.


Participants: presenter, character: Brownie, 2 teams of 6 people (3 children, 3 parents).

Progress of entertainment:


Hello guys!

Is everyone seated?

I'll tell you a fairy tale.

In some kingdom

In a distant country

Teddy bear, mouse, turnip, blot,

Sivka - Burka, Sineglazka

They invite you to visit a fairy tale.

Today we will take an extraordinary journey through fairy tales, “Fairytale Starts” awaits us.

But first, let's meet our teams.

Fanfare sounds and the competition participants enter.

Leading:- We are pleased to welcome our participants.

Team 1 - “Winnie the Pooh and that’s it, everything”, Team 2 – “Dunno and his friends”.

(participants sit down on benches).

- Well, our teams are assembled, the fans are also in their places, but guys, tell me, how will we determine whose team won?

I propose to put flags in a vase at the end of the relay races. And whoever has the most pins wins.

Well, now, to move on to fairy tale competitions, we are all interested in knowing what fairy tales you know? ( children's answers)

Well done! You know a lot of fairy tales.

Who do you think usually wins in fairy tales? What should heroes be like? ( children's answers).

Okay, you said it right. In fairy tales, kind, brave, strong, dexterous and fast heroes always win.

And now it’s time for us to go on a journey through fairy tales.

Before any competition you need to warm up well. I suggest playing game: “Whose team will assemble faster!” At my command, you run around the hall, and as soon as you hear the whistle, you need to return to your seats (2-3 times).

Leading:- We've warmed up, it's time to start the competition.

The musical intro “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays, Brownie enters with a large book in his hands.


Hello my friends!

I'm the brownie here!

Leading:- Hello, Brownie! You came to our holiday! Why do you walk around with a book, and such a big one at that?

Brownie: - This book contains all my favorite fairy tales. And I never part with it, because I really love fairy tales. Do you guys like fairy tales? Now I’ll check how you know them. My magic book contains not only fairy tales, but also riddles about fairy tales (opens the book, asks a riddle).

And here is the first riddle.

Didn't lie on the window -

Rolled along the path.

Children: Kolobok.

1. Kolobok relay"

Roll the ball between the pins to the reference point and back, and pass it to the next one.

(2 balls, 2 landmarks, 10 pins)

Brownie:- Listen to the following riddle:

I'm a wooden man

ON water and under water

I'm looking for a golden key,

I stick my long nose everywhere.

Who am I?

Children: Pinocchio.

2. Relay race “Golden Key”

Take the key, run to the landmark and back, pass the key to the next one.

(2 keys, 2 landmarks)

Brownie: - Guys, I’ll tell the fans the next riddle.

He flies in a mortar,

Covers his tracks.

No miracles for the old lady

It's boring to live in a hut...

Children: Baba Yaga.

Leading:- Guys, what items for movement help Baba Yaga?

Children: Broom and mortar.

Presenter: - That's right, now the “Babki-Yozhki” relay race is for you.

3. Relay race “Grandmothers-Yozhki”

The participant stands in the bucket with one foot and the other remains on the floor. He takes a broom in his right hand. In this position, you need to go the distance and transfer the attributes to the next participant.

(2 baskets (or buckets), 2 brooms, 2 landmarks)

Brownie:- Guys, you will never guess the next riddle.

The horse has a son -

Amazing horse

By nickname...

Children: Little Hunchback

Brownie:- That's right, guys, well done. But it’s not interesting to play with you, you know all the riddles.

4. Relay race “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

The participant sits on the fitball (large rubber ball) and moves to the landmark, takes the flag and passes it to the next participant. The next participant reaches the landmark and places the flag back, etc.

(2 fitballs, 2 flags, 2 landmarks)

Leading:- And now, our competition participants will rest, and those who wish from the fans will measure their strength in a tug of war.

· Relay race with fans “Tug of War”

Brownie:- Well done guys, you all turned out to be strong.

There was a painted house,

I could hide all the animals,

What kind of house?

Children:- Teremok

5. Relay "Teremok"

It is necessary to populate the tower with forest dwellers. You need to take the toy, move it into the hoop and return to the end of the team.

(2 hoops, toys: 2 flies, 2 foxes, 2 wolves, 2 bears, 2 frogs, 2 wolves).

Brownie:- Wow, this is going to be a difficult task. But first, solve the riddle.

“Anything can happen in a fairy tale, a stove goes, a ship flies,

And the beautiful girl will instantly turn into a frog.

What, isn't it true? This is true. Ivan the Fool shot...

I walked for the arrow for three days and found it by force.

And when he found her, he almost went crazy.

What a fairy tale, remember, and tell me the answer.

(Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess")

6. Relay “Ivanov’s Arrows”

Participants need to knock down as many pins as possible with the ball.

(12 pins, 2 balls)

Brownie:- And the next fairy-tale hero is the kindest and hardest working person in the world.

She always gets up at first light; she is no more hardworking.

Everything is going well in her hands, but she won’t please her stepmother.

And yet she will come to the ball and find her prince.

Find the answer to my question and quickly name the fairy tale?

Children: Cinderella.

Leading:- Look, there are small balls and rattles scattered around our hall. Your task…

7. Relay “Cinderella”

One team collects balls and puts them in their basket, the other collects rattles and puts them in their basket.

Whose team will collect their items faster?

(15 pieces of small balls and rattles, 2 baskets)


The game is over, it’s time for us to say goodbye to it.

We played, had fun, rode on a broom

Everyone should love fairy tales. Fairy tales teach you to be kind.

Leading:- Our competition has come to an end, and the time has come to determine whose team turned out to be the most athletic.

Count the flags in the vases.

Children really need sports.

We are strong friends with sports,

Sport – health,

Sport is a helper,

Sport is a game.

Children: Physical training!

Brownie:- Goodbye! See you again!

The folder contains scenarios for physical education events and entertainment for different age groups. Material used in the development from various sources, including from the Internet, thanks to everyone for the idea!



Physical education holiday

“Everyone should know the rules of the road!”

Target. Organization of active leisure for older preschoolers.


Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules;

Improve the basic types of movements of children;

Foster mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Equipment: Gymnastic benches, tape recorder, traffic light signs (red, yellow, green), picture posters depicting modes of transport, 2 hoops, pictures of road signs, 2 crawling tunnels, 2 fitballs, 2 images of a bus.

Preliminary work:

Studying traffic rules and rules of behavior on the street and in public transport;

Reading books about types of transport, about road users;

Conversation about ethical standards of behavior on the street and in public transport;

Decoration of the sports ground with balls, flags, road-themed posters;

Memorization of poems used in the script;

Making traffic light souvenirs.

Progress of the holiday.

Children go out onto the playground to the sound of cheerful music.

Educator: Hello dear guys, dear guests and members of the jury. Summer has come. You spend a lot of time outdoors. In summer, the number of vehicles on the roads increases. Therefore, it is very important to know the rules of behavior on the street - these are the rules of the road.

1st child:

Everywhere and everywhere there are rules,

You should always know them.

They won't go sailing without them.

From the ship's harbor.

2nd child:

Go out to flight according to rules

Polar explorer and pilot.

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

3rd child:

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

4th child:

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!

(Ya. Pishumov).

Educator: Let's remember what traffic rules we know.

Children's answers.

Educator: Today we will go to the country of Traffic Lights! We will take all our friends with us, as well as our dexterity and good mood. Let's get out of the way to warm up with friends before the road.

Musical and rhythmic composition “Friends”. All competition participants perform a composition based on a song by the group “Barbariki”.

1st task: Game “Line up in a column.”

Educator: To transition time

Could you find out correctly?

At a big traffic light

We need to look for a small one.

Look at him

There are two eyes in total:

If the red eye is on fire,

The man is standing there.

So we have to wait it out

Stand by the road.

The traffic light changes color

The green eye lights up.

The man walks in it -

That's it, the transition is free!

Guys, in order to hit the road now, you and I will divide into two teams. You have red and green emblems hanging around your neck, like a traffic light for pedestrians. At the signal, you scatter in all directions. As soon as the music ends, those with red emblems need to line up in a column under the red emblem, and those with green ones need to stand under the green emblem.

Educator: The road ahead, guys, is long. And our friend will help us. It helps regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians on the streets. And what is his name, you will now find out!

At the transition strip,

On the side of the road

The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,

A breed unknown to us.

With different colored eyes

Talking to us.

The red eye is looking at us.

Stop! - His Order says.

The yellow eye looks at us: - Be careful!

And the green eye -

For us:


This is how he conducts his conversation

Silent... (traffic light).

Educator: That's right, well done! And here he is!

Traffic light enters.

Traffic light: I am a traffic light - a reliable friend,

I help everyone around me.

I'm a commander on the road,

Known to everyone all over the world!

Traffic light: But there are very, very many roads, and I, alone, could never cope with the large flow of cars and pedestrians. The same traffic lights as I do help me. Come on, you build the same traffic lights. We need to split into pairs and run hand in hand to the finish line and build a traffic light.

2nd task. Relay "Red, Yellow, Green".

Teams stand in columns in pairs behind the starting lines. Opposite each of the teams, next to the finish lines, at a distance of 6-8 m from the start line, 12 soft modules are scattered in random order: 4 modules are cylinders - a stand for traffic lights, 2 red cubes, 2 yellow cubes and 2 green cubes colors - traffic light, 2 triangular prisms - traffic light roof. At the leader’s signal, the first pair of each team runs up to the modules, takes one of them, places it on the finish line, returns to the team and passes the baton, touching the palm of the second pair with their palm. The next pairs perform the same actions. The winner is the team whose players complete the task without mistakes and faster than their opponents: first, 2 cylinders are placed on top of each other on the finish line, then green, yellow, red cubes, and a prism on top.

Traffic light: Everyone in the world knows:

Driving rules

Need to do

With due respect.

I suggest you play a game with which we will find out how well you know the rules of movement.

3rd task: Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Traffic light: Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?


Traffic light: Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Children: BE SILENT!

Traffic light: Who drives without looking back

In the yard and on the playground?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Traffic light: Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Children: BE SILENT!

Traffic light: Which one of you is on a cramped bus?

Gives place to elders?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Traffic light: Who knows that red light -

This means: “No move!”

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

(Ya. Pishumov)

Leading : Here he stands on the pavement,

Like a wizard, a guard.

He quickly extended his hand,

He deftly waved his wand.

All cars to one

Submit to him.

Very important and not easy

Road inspector post.

Who makes sure that everything is on its way

Did you know how to behave?

(based on the poem by Y. Pishumov “This is my street”)

Children: Traffic controller!

Traffic light: That's right, guys, it's a traffic controller! And now I invite you to the next competition and ask you to show how a traffic controller should be dressed and what should be in his hands.

4th task: Relay race “Young traffic controllers”.

Teams line up one at a time behind the starting lines. Opposite each of the teams, next to the finish lines, at a distance of 6-8 m from the start line, there is whistle . In front of each team, on a chair there is a traffic police inspector’s cape, cap and baton. At the leader’s signal, the first player of each team puts on a cape and cap and takes a baton, runs up to the cubes, takes a whistle, whistles on it and puts it back, returns to the team and passes the baton, taking off everything and helping to dress the second player. The next players perform the same actions. The winner is the team whose players complete the task without mistakes and faster than their opponents.

Leading: Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Looks like a zebra
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars.

5th task: Relay race “Fast walkers competition”

Teams line up one at a time behind the starting lines. In front of each team, equipment is laid out in the direction of the finish line: at a distance of 1 meter - a bench (overpass) (designated with a sign), after 1 meter - a tunnel (underground passage), after another 1 meter - a black and white stripe (zebra crossing, overpass) . The presenter commands “To the start!” Attention! March!”, the first player of each team walks along the bench (viaduct), crawls into the tunnel (underground passage) and walks along the zebra crossing. Returns, with a QUICK STEP, to the teams and passes the baton by touching palm to palm. The team that completes the task faster and makes fewer mistakes wins: players should not switch from fast walking to running and jumping.

Traffic light: Let's check, guys, how carefully you look at the traffic lights, and let's play, not on the roadway, but on our site.

6th task: Game for attention.

The traffic light holds 3 flags in its hands: red, yellow, green. When one of the flags is raised, the children (arranged in teams) perform pre-agreed movements.

Red - stand and remain silent.

Yellow - jumping in place.

Green - running.

Traffic light: Well, now we see which guys are attentive and which are not. Do you know, my friends, what types of transport exist?

Children's answers.

Traffic light: Well done boys. So, if you go by bus, then there are three stops left to the country of Traffic Lights. You need to enter the bus through the back doors and exit through the front doors, and try not to push other passengers. You always buy a ticket on the bus. And if you don’t buy it, you will be “hares” - stowaways, and “hares” are always thrown out or asked to pay a fine. Our bus is unusual. In it, in order to get to the next stop, you need to complete some task. There are three stops to the country of Traffic Lights. If you complete three tasks, then you will get there.

7th task: “Three stops.”

1 stop

Traffic light: Task one - road signs.

Educator: That's a sign! I can't believe my eyes.
What is the battery for?
Does it help with movement?
Steam heating?
Maybe in a blizzard winter
Do drivers need to warm up here?

Traffic light: Know, children, this sign
He says to the driver:
“There is a crossing barrier here.
Wait - the express will pass."

Educator: Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark.
So you can shout here,
Sing, walk, play mischief.
If you run barefoot,
If you go - with the breeze!

Traffic light: No, I'll tell you strictly:

“This is a dangerous road.

A road sign is asking for help

Drive quietly and carefully."

The traffic light shows several more road signs, the children say what these signs are.

2nd stop

Traffic light: Well, we've reached the second stop.

Traffic light: Guys, what rules of behavior in transport do you know?

Children's answers.

Traffic light: Is it possible to touch the doors with your hands while driving? Can I talk to the driver? Why? Is it okay to shout or talk loudly to each other?

Traffic light: Guys, let's remember what is prohibited and what is allowed to do on the road.

Traffic light: Now I will read poetry, and you listen carefully. If this is incorrect and prohibited, then the red team raises its hands up, and the green team stands with its hands down. If everything is correct and resolved, then the green team raises its hands.

Game “Prohibited - Allowed”

And avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere

Walk along the sidewalk

Only on the right side!

Here to play pranks, disturb people


Be a good pedestrian


If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning,

Come forward quickly.

Riding like a hare, as is known,


Give the old lady a seat


If you're just walking,

Still look ahead

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

Crossing at red light


When it's green, even for children


(V. Semernin)

3 stop

Traffic light: Children, look, a funny, beautiful ball has rolled towards us. He rolled onto our site from the roadway. Can you play with a ball where cars drive? And why?

Children's answers.

Traffic light: That's right, children, there are special areas for playing outside, like ours, for example. Let's jump on our balls!

Children, one from each team, jump on fitballs to a landmark and run back with the ball in their hands, passing the ball to the next player.

Traffic light: So, guys, we have reached the country of Traffic Lights and remembered the rules of the road and behavior on the street and in public transport. Will you follow these rules now?

Children: Yes!!!

Traffic light: We have become friends, and in memory of our meeting I give you small souvenirs.

The traffic light gives small traffic lights cut out of paper and says goodbye to the children.


“There are no shortage of heroes on Russian land...”

Scenario of a sports festival with parents for children of senior preschool age.


  1. involve parents in the sports life of the kindergarten;
  2. develop children's motor skills;
  3. to cultivate pride in one’s country, one’s people, friendliness, and the desire for mutual assistance;
  4. create a positive emotional mood, a cheerful, cheerful mood.

The progress of the holiday

The “Radetzky March” by J. Strauss is playing. The teams solemnly walk around the hall and line up in a semicircle.

Leading: Once upon a time there was hail on a high hill. It was surrounded by an earthen rampart and surrounded by ditches. You could see far from the green hills. The suburbs, the wide Mother River, rich arable land, and pine forests were visible. And behind the forests stretched the steppes - endlessly and without edge. The heroes rode tirelessly on powerful horses, vigilantly peering into the distance: could they see enemy fires, could they hear the tramp of other people's horses. There are many heroic feats to his name! There is a lot to learn and be envied. Good afternoon, dear children and parents. I invite you to take a short journey into history and turn into epic heroes!

As in the glorious city, in Divnogorsk,

In kindergarten No. 9

Yes, in the preparatory group "..."

We lived, we were, we didn’t grieve

... nice fellows,

All beauties there are no words!

And the scientists ruled the affairs there

Princess…. with the noblewomen.

So I decided one day

Princess to issue such a decree...

Princess: Decree

Good fellows!

Gather together into glorious squads!

Show off your heroic strength and brave prowess!

Amuse us with a steady hand and a keen eye!

And before the test begins, I command you to take an oath!

Children take an oath, repeating the words after the princess.

Ilya Muromets (physical education instructor) enters to the soundtrack of the song “Heroic Strength” by Stas Namin.

Ilya Muromets: You are a goy, good fellows, heroes of our land! Hello and low bow from me, Ilya Muromets, and my comrades - Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. And bow to you, our beauty, glorious princess ( to the manager ). I heard about strong, mighty heroes and about your glorious competitions and decided to take a look at your heroic strength. Let's stand, heroes, opposite each other and warm up before a serious competition.

To the soundtrack of the song “Heroic Strength” by Stas Namin, all participants perform physical exercises shown by Ila Muromets.

Ilya Muromets: Now we need to come up with names for the teams. Let there be “Bogatyrs” on the left, and “Good fellows” on the right. I propose that our competition be judged by the wisest Princesses and Vasilisa the Wise.

(Members of the jury - head, methodologist)

Well, heroes, attention,

Let's start the competition!

Fun 1: “Heroic Horse”

Ilya Muromets: What is a hero without a horse? Now we will see how our fellows can stay in the saddle. Bring me my war horse! (They serve him cotton.) You need to ride around that mound on horseback and come back.

The boys ride on the hops, then the dads carry the boys on their backs.

Fun 2: "Sharpshooters":

The child runs to the landmark and throws a small ball into the hoop, dad tries to catch the ball with the hoop; The team with the most hits wins.

Leading: The Russian heroes were not only distinguished by their heroic strength, but also shone with their intelligence. I suggest that our fellows exercise their minds a little.

Fun 3: “Competition of wits”:

1. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber (whistle)

2. Container for miracles (sieve)

3. Royal head decoration (crown)

4. Bogatyr figure (three)

5. A headdress designed for a fool (cap)

6. Robber's number (forty)

7. Unclean Dozen (thirteen)

8. Witchplane (broom)

9. Serpent according to the priest (Gorynych)

Ilya Muromets: For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. Well, tell me who they are? ( Children call ) Our next competition is called “Baba Yaga”.

Fun 4: “Baba Yaga”:

The boys take part in the sack race, then the dads.

Ilya Muromets: And now the competition “Snake Gorynych”.

Fun 5: “Snake Gorynych”:

Competition is being held -running in a bunch, a hoop, three people each. Running like a snake between cones.

Ilya Muromets: Well, I’m convinced: you have plenty of strength and dexterity. So, it’s time to go for a serious test. Koschey the Immortal imprisoned all the Beautiful Helens in his prison. We need to help them out! But before you hit the road, you need to refresh yourself with rejuvenating apples.

Dads take turns running up to a basin of water, taking out an apple without hands and returning to their team. The team that eats all the apples the fastest wins.

Ilya Muromets : To defeat Koshchei, the sure thing is to find his death. Where is she? That's right, in an egg.

Fun 6: “Youth apples”:

Children take part in a relay race: they need to carry a tennis ball in a spoon across the entire hall.

Ilya Muromets : And now the most difficult test. We must penetrate the kingdom of Koshcheevo and free Elen the Beautiful.

Fun 7: “Obstacle course.”

Ilya Muromets: Well, well done, heroes. They showed their heroic strength and valiant prowess. For a long time in Rus', it was customary to celebrate military affairs with heroic fun. And the main fun was tug of war.

Fun 8: “Tug of war.”

Ilya Muromets: Yes, there are no shortage of heroes and good fellows in Rus', they showed their brave prowess, their mighty strength! They have not tarnished the heroic honor! A worthy replacement is growing for grandfathers and fathers. And now the floor is given to our judges.

The judges sum up the results of the previous relay races and the overall result of the meeting. Competition participants are awarded. Competitors take a lap of honor.


Someone who lives in the little house!

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of middle preschool age.

The tower is located on the short side of the playground. The leading roles in the games are played by children of the older group, dressed in costumes in accordance with the plot of the game.

Leading: There is a tower in the field,

He is neither short nor tall.

Let him play with us

Who lives in the mansion...

Guys, let's ask together:

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Mouse: (runs out of the mansion).

I'm a little mouse

I'm not a coward at all!

Join the round dance:

You are all mice

Vasya (Kolya) is a cat!

Puts a mask-cap on one of the boys and places him in the middle of the circle.

Presenter and mouse: (moving in a circle).

The mice dance in circles

The cat is dozing on the bed.

Hush, mice, don't make noise

And don't wake the cat


Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

We are not afraid of the cat!

The outdoor game “Cat and Mice” is repeated 2-3 times.

Leader and children:

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

In a little groove

At the edge of the forest

Loud day and night

They croak...

Frog: Kwa-a-a-a!

Let's play the most frog game.

Let's make a swamp.

He jumps out of the tower and, together with the children, lays them out in a circle.


Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs stretched out.


They jump with their legs stretched out.

They jump on two legs, spreading their fingers.

From a puddle to a mound

Yes, jump for the midge!


They climb onto different objects.

Yes, jump after the mouse!

They no longer feel like eating.

Jump again into your swamp.

They jump down.

The outdoor game “Frogs” is repeated 2-3 times.

Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Bunny: (jumps out of the tower.)

One two three four five!

There is no place for the bunny to jump.

There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,

He clicks his teeth, clicks!

Leading: And we will hide in the bushes.

Hide, little bunny, and you too!

Children hide behind different objects.

Wolf: (walks with lunges, speaks in recitative).

I'm a shaggy gray wolf

I know a lot about bunnies!

They all jump and jump,

They'll get in my teeth!..

Uh, there’s no one... I’ll hide behind a bush and wait...

Children appear.

On the green, on the meadow,

They pinch the grass, listen,

Isn't there a wolf coming...


The wolf chases the children, but only plays, not catches them. The outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” is repeated 2-3 times.

Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Leading: Nobody responds... Guys! You know the fairy tale. Tell me, who should emerge from the tower now?..(children answer). Why doesn't the fox come out? Here's what I came up with: let's lure her out, start clucking, cackling, crowing... She'll think that the chickens have come. Just don’t forget that you have to run away from her into the chicken coop very quickly.

The outdoor game “Fox in the Chicken Coop” is a simplified version of the “Run to the House” type, repeated 2-3 times.

Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Bear (appears behind the children).I want to live in a little house, but they don’t let me in, they say I don’t know how to do anything. It's not true, I can sing: Ooooh!

And for a long time I

Wonderful dancer!

Leading: Come on, Mishenka, dance.

Let the kids watch!

The bear dances awkwardly.

Wow Mishka - well done!

Dance with him, guys!

A general cheerful dance to the accompaniment of a tambourine, rattles, barrel organs or the melody “Russian tune”.

What a fun dance

It's going on in our yard!

No one stands still

Everyone is dancing with us,

Everyone is stomping their feet

Everyone clap their hands!

Here's some fun stuff -

The whole street started dancing!

The entertainment ends, the host and characters say goodbye to the children and escort them out of the hall.


Health Day

Sports and entertainment event for children 3-4 years old


  1. Formation of motor activity of children.
  2. Strengthening the physical development of preschool children.
  3. Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall, forming in one line.

Running in a circle, various types of walking.

Game "Turnip"

Children stand in a circle, a child - a “turnip” - is squatting in the center. The children walk around to the song.

Finger game "Salad"

We peel and peel the carrots,

Vigorously move the fist of the right hand across the palm of the left.

We three or three carrots

Press your fists to your chest and make sharp movements with them back and forth.

Sprinkle it with sugar

“Sprinkle with sugar”, finely fingering.

And pour some sour cream on it.

Make a movement with your fist from top to bottom, as if pouring.

This is our salad

Stretch your palms forward

Rich in vitamins!

They stroke the stomach with their palm.

Health Day

Sports and entertainment event for middle group children

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: Attention, attention, we are starting our sports festival dedicated to Health Day.

Healthy lifestyle

We run a kindergarten!

Getting slimmer

And more beautiful every day!

We are full of optimism

Reveal the whole truth:

Healthy lifestyle

Helps us live!


The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ...(ycitp)

Rain and slush, dirt and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

The man is freezing, he is freezing,

The first white one fell out...(gens)

Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away streams of tears,

He won't forget about his nose.(Handkerchief)

What is useful -

Everybody knows?

And I can easily find the answer.

According to my favorite cup

Daisies are drawn,

Well, in the cup - ... (Milk)

Estonian folk round dance game “Have fun, kids!”

Sports tower

Sports entertainment scenario for children of the 1st and 2nd junior groups

Target: maintaining and strengthening the physical health of pupils.

Program content:

  1. Encourage children to imitate expressive movements that convey the external actions of the characters, the ability to move “the whole body,” as well as voluntarily relax the muscles.
  2. Contribute to the formation of a conscious need for health.
  3. Improve motor skills and abilities;
  4. Form optimal motor activity in the process of motor activity;
  5. Create a joyful mood in children from movement.

Participating: Butterfly, Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear.

Preliminary preparation:To stage a fairy tale, you will need costume elements - wings for a butterfly, hats for a mouse, a frog, mittens and ears for a bunny, fox, wolf and bear. The mansion itself can be indicated by a correspondingly decorated chair. An older child can play the role of a giant bear.

Progress of the event

Children (to the music) enter the hall and sit down on the prepared benches. There is a Teremok in the middle of the hall. A butterfly runs in to the music, flaps its wings, then stops and examines the tower.

Butterfly: There is a tower in the field,

He's not low, he's not high

Nobody answers me.

So it's an empty mansion.

I will live in it.

How wonderful it is to live in the world!

Do you agree with me, children?

Children (in chorus). "Yes!"

Butterfly . Then dance with me!

Children dance with the Butterfly, perform dance movements with their hands (to the melody of the musical game “Two Sisters - Two Hands”), standing next to the benches. Then the Butterfly runs up to the tower and sits down behind it. The Frog appears.

Frog: Oh! There is a tower in the field!

He is neither short nor tall.

I'll knock on the door.

Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?


And who are you?

Frog :

Can I live in a little house with you?

Butterfly: Okay, come in. It's more fun together.

What can you do?

Frog: Like what? I am a famous jumper.

Right now we will do several

Different jumps with you.

frog shows different types jumping (to the musical game “Here are the frogs along the path”) - on two legs, on one leg, jumping while moving around the hall. The children and the Butterfly repeat, after which the Frog and the Butterfly sit down behind the tower, the Mouse appears.

Mouse: Oh! There is a tower in the field!

He is neither short nor tall.

I'll knock on the door.

Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

Butterfly : I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

And who are you?


Butterfly: Okay, come in.

Frog: Three are more fun.

Butterfly: What can you do, Little Mouse?

Mouse: Run in small steps.

It's funny to twirl your tail.

The mouse shows movements - running around the hall on tiptoes, waving its “tail”. Children, Butterfly and Frog repeat her actions. After which the Butterfly, Frog and Mouse hide behind the tower. Bunny appears.

Bunny: There is a tower in the field!

He is neither short nor tall.

I'll knock on the door.

Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears. And who are you?

Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny.

Can I live in the little house with you?

Butterfly: Yes.

Frog: Come in.

Mouse: Four are more fun.

Butterfly: What can you do?

Bunny: Wash your face with your paw,

Wipe clean

Scratch with a comb.

The bunny (to the musical game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting”) shows movements according to the text. Children and other animals repeat his actions, then everyone hides behind the tower. Lisa appears.

Fox: What a beauty! The tower is fabulous!

There is a tower in the field!

He is neither short nor tall.

I'll knock on the door.

Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears.

Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny. And who are you?

Fox: I am Fox-sister.

Can I live in the little house with you?

Butterfly: Yes.

Frog: Come in.

Mouse: Five are more fun.

Bunny: And even with such a beautiful little fox!

Butterfly: What can you do?

Fox: I know how to walk carefully, placing my paws on the grass quietly.

Listen to this song about me.

Only I want all the children to help me - they depicted her with their paws.

Children imitate the paws of a fox - arms at chest level, hands down, make alternating movements with their hands, imitating the gait of a fox.

The little fox reads the text of the Russian folk nursery rhyme “How the Fox Walked,” showing the actions that need to be performed. Children imitate her movements.

All (sing in chorus).Terem-terem-teremok, lock it.

A giant bear appears.

Bear (bass): ABOUT! There is a tower in the field!

He is neither short nor tall.

I'll knock on the door.

Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

Knock-knock, who lives in a tiny one?

Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears.

Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny.

Fox: I am Fox-sister. And who are you?

Bear: I am a clubfooted bear with a heavy paw.

Can I live in the little house with you?

Butterfly: What are you, what are you! The tower is small.

Frog: And you are so huge.

Mouse: And heavy.

Bunny: You will break the tower.

Fox: And the tower will fall apart.

You, Bear, are not allowed in our little mansion!

Everyone (in unison): We will not take a giant bear as our neighbor!

Forgive us, Bear.

Bear (climbs into the mansion):Somehow, I’ll settle down somewhere,

I'll curl up into a ball.

Everyone (scared): He doesn't want to listen to us,

Climbing into the tower! ( The tower is collapsing)

Everyone (in unison): Run away, animals, the tower is collapsing!

Bear : It's my fault, sorry! Don't drive yourself away!

We'll all line up in a row

Let's build a new tower!

Butterfly: And let the children help us - it’s so good to be able to move in

the desired sports rhythm.

There is an imitation of movements to “build” a new tower. Children imitate the movements of animals without leaving their seats. First, the animals stand in a chain and pretend to pass bricks to each other. Then they put them down, building walls. Then, as if tapping hammers, they knock on each other with their fists. And finally, the child artists raise the tower chair and decorate it again.

Everyone (in unison): One-two, one-two!

The new tower is ready.

Bear: Sturdy, won't fall apart.

We can fit everything in it.

And you come live with us!

→ Sports holidays >" url="">

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 3654 person

Playback Today is our Health Day. Look how many friends came to visit us. Say hello and smile to guests and each other. Look who else is visiting us. (Hefty Gnome.)

Playback Big Dwarf received a letter from Fairy...

Scenario of the music and sports festival "Journey to the Land of Health"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 4652 person

Ved: Welcome, dear guests!
We wish you fun and joy,
We have been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you!

Do not be afraid, children of rain and cold,
Come to the stadium more often,
Who has been friends with health since childhood -

Scenario of the sports festival “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 3535 Human

Presenter: Hello dear guests - dear mothers, fathers, children! We are very glad to see you at our holiday - “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”
Boys and girls, as well as their parents,
You'll hurry to our sports hall.

Summary of the sports festival "Small Winter Olympic Games"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 1914 Human

Presenter 1
Banners are flying over the stadium,
Joyful songs sound everywhere,
Walking in step in a slender column,
We are going to the sports parade!

Children, to the music of the song “Moscow” (words and music by Oleg Gazmanov), enter the hall and line up in 2 columns. ...

"When the family is together, the soul is in the same place"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 1485 Human

Good afternoon, dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall for a reason. Today we will learn how important family is to us. Let's talk about friendship in the family and dedicate our holiday to friendship in our families!

Presentation "Family Day"
Today our guest is...

Scenario of the sports festival "Oh and Ah visiting the guys"

21.08.2013 | Looked at the script 2152 person

Good afternoon, competition participants, dear guests!
We are glad to meet you.
What is the Spartakiad?
This is a fair sports fight!
Participating in it is a reward!
Anyone can win!
Sport – health!
Sport is success!
Sport is...

Sports festival “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family.”

28.05.2013 | Looked at the script 1492 person

Progress: Performance by children of the senior group with balls to the music “Colored Peas”. Everyone takes their seats.
The song “Olympic March” sounds, children and parents enter (first one team goes around the perimeter of the hall, then the other) and line up in two...

"We help out Aibolit." Physical education for children

13.06.2011 | Looked at the script 3559 Human

The guys received a letter from Doctor Aibolit. Aibolit sailed to Africa to treat animals, but Barmaley took him prisoner. Let's save Doctor Aibolit, guys, and go to the ship.
I. Warm-up

Calm walking; then running “through the tall grass” (high...

We grow up healthy

30.08.2010 | Looked at the script 4241 Human

Children! We arrived in the forest, where there is a cheerful clearing. But to get to it, you must first cross the “swamp” and then jump over the “stream”. Let's do some exercises, then it will be easy to overcome these obstacles.
Children run away...


I. Theoretical foundations of the problem.

1.1 The importance of physical education holidays in organizing active recreation for preschool children.

1.2 Classification of physical education holidays.

1.3 Pedagogical requirements for organizing physical education holidays:

Drawing up a program;

Script development;

Preparing children;

Holiday decoration;


1.4 Methodological requirements for holding physical education holidays:

The beginning of the holiday;

The progress of the holiday;

Summing up, rewarding.

2.1 Drawing up projects for physical education holidays for children of senior preschool age.





“Take care of your health from a young age” - this motto reflects the need to strengthen the health of a child from the first days of his life. Raising healthy, strong, emotional children is the goal of every preschool institution.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without fun, interesting, exciting and noisy holidays and competitions. Some develop intelligence, others - ingenuity, others - imagination and creativity, but they are united by one thing - nurturing in the child the need for movement and emotional perception of life. By moving, the child gets to know the world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it, improving the experience of organizing games, since play for a preschooler is not just a memory of some actions or plots, but a creative processing of past impressions, combining them and building a new reality that meets the child’s needs and impressions.

The current socio-economic situation in the country has changed the attitude towards children on the part of raising adults. The intense rhythm of life requires from a modern person purposefulness, self-confidence, perseverance and, of course, health. At the same time, the lack of emotional and psychological well-being in a preschool institution can lead to deformation of the child’s personality, a decrease in the possibilities of emotional contact with others, and increased difficulties in establishing new social relationships. Therefore, in modern conditions, the urgent tasks are to instill in children an interest in physical education and sports, as well as to improve motor skills through physical education holidays.

The physical education holiday is not aimed at honing the technique of performing certain movements and exercises, but at nurturing positive emotions, high motor activity of children, free and relaxed mutual understanding, contributes to the functional improvement of the child’s body, increasing its performance, making it persistent and resilient, with high protective properties. abilities to unfavorable environmental factors, that is, they create conditions for all children to grow up healthy..

physical education holiday game preschooler

I. Theoretical foundations of the problem

1.1 The importance of physical education holidays in organizing active recreation for preschool children

A child of the 21st century, according to the academician, is faced with three vices of civilization: overeating, physical inactivity, and the accumulation of negative emotions without physical release.

Doctors, physiologists, and teachers equate fun, a radiant smile and physical health. Receiving a positive emotional charge, our body opens up to goodness and beauty.

That is why, almost like air, children need holidays and entertainment. For a child, a holiday is a whole event.

Recently, physical education holidays have taken a strong place in the system of physical education of preschool children, which have established themselves as the most acceptable and effective form of active recreation for children.

Many years of practice in preschool institutions have shown the importance of the physical education holiday in the active involvement of every child of senior preschool age in physical education. There are many positive examples of the creative approach of teaching staff to their organization and implementation. The experience of organizing physical education holidays has shown their positive impact on nurturing children’s interest in active physical activity, as well as increasing the role of the family and kindergarten in solving the problems of physical education. The purpose of such holidays is the active participation of the entire children's group, through which the motor preparedness of children and the ability to demonstrate physical qualities in unusual conditions and game situations are revealed.

Having studied the methods of physical education of preschoolers on this issue, books edited helped me, I got acquainted with the new programs “Health”, “System”, “Start”, “ABC of Health” and analyzed what new they offer on the topic that interests me.

Work on physical education with preschoolers is a complex of health-improving, educational and educational activities, the basis of which is motor activity. Their main goal is to satisfy the natural biological need for movement, to achieve good health and physical development of children; ensure that preschoolers master vital motor skills and basic knowledge about physical education; create conditions for the diversified development of children and instill in them the need for systematic physical exercise.

In the system of physical education and health work of a preschool institution, there are different forms of organizing active recreation for preschoolers. Physical education holidays are an effective form of active recreation for children, which have established themselves as the most acceptable and effective form of active recreation for children.

Physical education festivals are mass entertainment events of a demonstrative and entertaining nature, promoting physical culture, improving movements, and cultivating character traits such as collectivism, discipline, and respect for opponents. In a rational combination with other types of physical education, they help create an appropriate motor regime, which serves to increase functional capabilities, improve the performance and hardening of children.

The colorful appearance, accessibility, lack of strict regulation of the activities of participants, the possibility of a wide manifestation of emotions and individual abilities make such events very popular among children of older preschool age. Therefore, their implementation most often becomes traditional and is provided for by the general work plan of the preschool institution.

The entire staff of the preschool institution is preparing for the holiday, a script is being drawn up, colorful attributes and special clothes for children are being prepared. During physical education holidays, all children must take an active part in outdoor and sports games, relay races, dances, attractions, exercises with elements of acrobatics, and musical and rhythmic movements. The widespread use of various gaming techniques, game exercises, riddles, and musical works contributes to a positive emotional mood in children and the active use of previously acquired motor skills and abilities. Acting with great emotional enthusiasm, striving to achieve better results in competitive conditions (unexpectedly changing situations), children improve physically. Thus, overly active children develop the ability to complete a task, showing attentiveness and achieving accuracy of execution: sedentary children learn to navigate well and freely in space, participate with interest in group games, showing such qualities as speed of reaction, dexterity, flexibility, orientation in space and other useful qualities and abilities.

Participation in holidays and preparation for them bring great emotional and aesthetic satisfaction, unite children and adults with common joyful experiences, and remain in the memory for a long time as a bright event. Joint activities with friends, games, colorful decoration of the venue for the holiday and certain types of competitions, original costumes, beautiful colored emblems, the sound of music, the grand opening and closing of the holiday influence the development of children’s sense of beauty, good taste, and imagination. All this stimulates their creativity. Teachers involve children in making various crafts to decorate the sports field and gymnasium, clearing the skating rink, laying ski tracks, marking running and cycling paths, places for games, as well as selecting and placing physical education equipment and inventory, preparing costumes, and holiday attributes. Even the smallest ones, not only participants, but also fans, receive tasks; appropriate to their preparedness. As a result of such versatile creative activity, many problems of labor education are solved. Children are enriched with new ideas and knowledge, they awaken interest in their surroundings, and understand the ideological orientation of a physical education festival on a certain topic.

Holidays help to convey to the consciousness of young citizens ideas about the phenomena of social life, cultivate respect for people of different professions, and draw attention to outstanding sporting achievements. The children are introduced to the idea that a happy childhood is possible only if peace is maintained throughout the Earth.

Physical education holidays have an effective impact on the formation of a child’s personality. Joint activities, achieving good results as a team, overcoming difficulties unite the team and create a sense of responsibility (individual and collective). Children learn to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, to be able to rejoice in their achievements, to maintain good, friendly relationships with each other, and to be helpful and caring towards those younger in age. They develop a desire to achieve not only high individual, but also team success. At the same time, respect for playing partners and the opposing team develops. The competitive nature of games and exercises at the holiday contributes to the development of dedication, perseverance and resourcefulness, courage, determination and other moral and volitional qualities. Participation in physical education holidays helps children to better understand the importance of systematic exercises in motor actions to achieve the desired results, and awakens interest in regular physical education classes.

Of great educational importance is the coordinated activity of adults - employees of a preschool institution, parents, representatives of sponsoring enterprises and sports organizations, their joint participation in the preparation and program of the holiday (fun games, dances, competitions, attractions, songs, etc.).

The positive example of adults serves to increase parental authority. Involving them in participation in children's physical education holidays promotes the promotion of physical education and sports among the general population and is one of the forms of work of the preschool team with parents on physical education. In addition, physical education holidays help improve physical education among children and adults.

1.2 Classification of physical education holidays

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the organization of physical education holidays with preschoolers allows us to formulate the main approaches to their classification.

During any holiday, a comprehensive solution to a number of tasks is carried out that contribute to the harmonious development of the child, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content are selected, methods and techniques of work are determined.

1. By dominant task I think it would be appropriate to highlight the following holidays.

Create a healthy lifestyle . These are thematic holidays such as “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends”, “Health Day” ( Appendix 4), “Cleanliness Holiday”, “The Adventures of Neboleyka”, “Visiting Aibolit”, etc. Correctly selected thematic outdoor games and exercises in combination with text, fights between children and enemies of health (laziness, gluttony, fears, etc. .) allow you to form a positive attitude towards hardening, physical education, hygiene procedures, and daily routine.

Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal achievements, in sporting events in our country and around the world. A characteristic feature of these holidays is the inclusion in their program of games with elements of team and individual competition and relay races. An important role is also given to the selection of educational material aimed at systematizing children’s knowledge about sports, the Olympic movement, Russian athletes, etc. The themes of such holidays are varied: “Olympians Among Us,” “Travel to Sportlandia,” “Fun Starts.”

Amuse the children and give them pleasure . These are comic entertainment holidays with the aim of creating a good mood from games, attractions, joint activities with adults, musical accompaniment, funny attributes, etc.

Develop creativity, initiative, communication skills . A well-thought-out motivation for action (providing assistance to heroes, searching for treasure, demonstrating one’s prowess and strength), interconnected task-tests make this holiday very attractive for children 6-7 years old. Their activities in this case are less regulated: they themselves find a way out of a critical situation, enter into confrontation with the forces of evil, the elements of nature, and weather surprises. The topics are determined by the interests of children and the capabilities of adults. These are “Young Robinsons”, “Space Adventures”, “In the Underwater Kingdom”, “Rescuers”, “SOS Signal Received”.

Showcase sporting achievements . Such a holiday is usually combined with final events in the lives of children: the end of the school year, graduation from kindergarten (“What We Have Become,” “Growing Up”) - or seasonal changes: the end of winter, summer (“Skiing competitions,” “Bicycle racing,” "Festival of Mermaids").

Cultivate interest in folk traditions . These folklore holidays in theme and content are held in accordance with the Christian calendar (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Magpies, Trinity) ( application 1,2,3). They are compiled on material accessible to children using folk games, fun, round dances, songs, attributes of national clothing, and equipment.

Form cognitive activity . The goal is to expand and systematize knowledge in the field of ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, the basics of safe life, etc. Such holidays include competitions among scholars (young astronomers, ecologists, traffic rules experts, etc.): quizzes, solving crossword puzzles, guessing riddles, etc. Children’s knowledge and skills are tested when solving socially significant problem problems: how to save the Earth from an environmental disaster; how to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations; how to master the rules of safe living. Traveling from era to era, across different continents, children gain basic understanding of geography, history, natural science and other sciences.

Cultivate moral qualities. Such holidays are especially significant for groups of different ages and genders, in which favorable conditions are created for the formation of friendly relationships between children and a humane attitude towards all living things. Game activities aimed at developing the readiness and skills to come to each other’s aid or rescue each other from a dangerous situation are an indispensable component of the content of these holidays. As a rule, their plot develops in two directions: on the one hand, all the children are united by one goal (to help the hero-character in trouble by confronting the forces of evil); on the other hand, children are usually divided into two or more teams (traveling sailors and aborigines, earthlings and aliens, people, animals and birds) and are involved in a joint struggle against common enemies (evil, fears, cruelty, envy).

2. By motor content Holidays are divided as follows:

- Combined. It is built on the basis of a combination of different types of physical exercises: gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, sports exercises. Its advantage is the ability to attract children aged 5-7 years to competitive activities with elements of sports, and junior and middle preschoolers to perform simple gymnastic exercises and participate in outdoor games and fun.

- Based on sports games(holding championships in football, basketball, hockey, etc. between parallel groups). Such a holiday can be organized if the children have a good command of the technique of the game and are familiar with its rules. To attract all children to participate, you can organize dance performances for girls and games for fans between halves. If the level of motor fitness of children is not high enough, then the holiday can take the form of competitions between teams on the speed and quality of performing individual elements of sports games (dribbling a ball and throwing it into a basket; keeping a tennis ball on a racket longer; hitting a shuttlecock with a racket into a circle, etc. .). You can also include relay games and games with elements of individual and collective competitions into the holiday.

- Based on sports exercises. Such holidays are organized by combining several seasonal sports (for example, skiing, sledding in winter or cycling, rollerblading, scootering in summer). The content of the holiday may include sports exercises of one type (for example, swimming).

- Based on outdoor games, attractions, fun. This is the most common type of holiday. It does not require complex equipment or a specially equipped area (it can be carried out in a clearing or compacted path). The universality of the holiday lies in the fact that children of all ages and adults can be involved in it.

- Integrated. The content of these holidays, along with motor tasks, includes elements of cognitive, visual activity, theater, etc.

3. By methods of implementation The following types of holidays are distinguished:

Games (carried out with children of all ages).

Competitive (conducted with children 5-7 years old). Participants of two or more teams compete with each other, or all children enter into confrontation with a real or imaginary character.

Plot. Motor tasks are performed in accordance with the leader’s story, and all games and exercises are connected by a single theme and idea.

Creative. Their goal is to develop creative activity, the ability to make decisions independently, and initiatives (problem situations and tasks, puzzle tasks, provocative questions, search questions, group discussion methods, etc.). Holding such holidays requires high professionalism from an adult, since unexpected decisions of children can change the course of the scenario. Therefore, the scenario includes different options for exiting the proposed situation so that children feel responsible for the course and results of their actions.

Note. The classification of holidays according to the method is quite arbitrary: any of them uses a wide arsenal of methods and techniques for teaching and raising children. Therefore, we are talking about the preferential use of any method.

4. At the location of the holidays share like this

On a sports ground or stadium;

In natural conditions (in a forest, near a pond, in a park);

In the gym;

In a swimming pool.

5. According to the composition of children It is most appropriate to classify holidays as follows.

Participants in the holiday can be children from 4 to 7 years old and adults. As a rule, it is based on outdoor games, attractions and amusements, in which all children participate (one at a time or in small groups of the same age), and in mass games, round dances and dances, everyone takes part at the same time.

The holiday can be organized on the basis of bringing together children of the same age or close in age. If it is based on games with elements of competition or sports games, then the participants are children 6-7 years old. If this is an entertainment holiday in which story games and musical surprises predominate, children 4-5 years old can become participants.

The holiday can be held as a fun competition in which parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters participate. General and individual game tasks and mass comic relay races are determined, which include children 2-3 years old (the task is to crawl between the legs of their brothers and sisters) and grandmothers (the task is to dress their grandson as quickly as possible).

6. By the nature of the used equipment, inventory, benefits - this classification of holidays is very conditional: if the kindergarten’s equipment with physical education, sports and gaming equipment is insufficient, this is not a reason to deprive children of a holiday - an adequate replacement can be found for the specified equipment.

Using sports, physical education and tourism equipment.

Using natural materials (autumn leaves, flowers, snow buildings, pieces of ice, snowballs, cones, pebbles, stumps, logs, etc. - depending on the season and natural environment).

Using homemade or adapted equipment. Tires of different sizes can be used (from which you can construct a variety of projectiles), a ladder, a clothesline, household items, children's furniture (chairs, stools), even plastic bottles filled with sand, etc.

With story-based toys and play aids for young children (dolls, animals, cars, rolling toys, building materials).

7. Depending on the season - this classification of holidays is traditional (four seasonal holidays - autumn, winter, spring, summer).

1.3 Pedagogical requirements for organizing physical education holidays

Physical education holidays in kindergarten are organized in accordance with program guidelines. The number of them during the year in the senior group is twice a year, the frequency and duration (within 60 minutes) are differentiated depending on the age of the children, the conditions of the event, the objectives and content of the holiday.

The “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” includes physical education activities and holidays for children in the middle, high school and preparatory school groups. Children of this age are already quite independent, they have access to collective interactions in games and other activities, participation in competitions, attractions, dramatizations is interesting and understandable, they are proactive in fulfilling the roles assigned to them, they are able to mobilize efforts to achieve better results, correctly perceive the assessment of their actions, behavior.

It is advisable to clearly plan physical education holidays at the beginning of the year and outline a theme. This will make it possible to provide for their most appropriate combination with holidays of a socio-political nature, dedicated to the days of national celebrations. Most suitable for children of senior preschool age are physical education holidays that are organized for pupils of one preschool institution. At the same time, it is sometimes permissible to unite 2-3 groups of older preschoolers from 2-3 nearby kindergartens of the same department.

In any form of organizing a physical education holiday for preschoolers, it should be a real holiday for children. It is unacceptable for a children's holiday to develop into an entertaining spectacle for adults. This is especially true for competitive sports events organized on the initiative of sports organizations. It is unacceptable to select festival participants from children who distinguished themselves in staged competitions. This approach does not correspond to the characteristics of the mental and physical development of a preschool child. The selection of children who show only the best results does not contribute to solving the most important educational and health-improving tasks set for a preschool institution, and does not aim to ensure truly mass involvement of children in physical education classes. Training sessions with the “chosen ones” distract the teachers’ attention from systematic work with all the children. As a rule, at competitions with the sequential elimination of weaker participants from stage to stage, an atmosphere of excessive childish excitement and excitement arises from others. This is unfavorable for the development and upbringing of preschoolers: in more prepared children, this can lead to the emergence of selfish character traits - arrogance, hostile attitude towards partners, disrespect for weaker ones, in the latter - cause self-doubt, reduce interest in activities, awaken negative emotions , cause a lot of grief.

Active motor activity of all children at a physical education festival is an important factor in its educational effectiveness. The organizers of the holiday need to make sure that none of the children are among the regular spectators or fans. It is advisable for the children to participate together and alternately in teams in different numbers of the program, to help the presenters and judges. Children tend to have an emotional and effective perception of the competitions, relay races, and attractions that take place at the festival. They often react too violently to the victory and failure of their comrades, shouting, squealing, and stomping their feet very loudly. Although the desire of children to support competitors is understandable, it is still important to be able to restrain themselves and express their feelings more moderately. Adults should not forget about this and strive to maintain reasonable organization and disciplined behavior of children during the holiday. At the same time, you should be sensitive to the manifestations of children, and not drown out their joy with frequent and unjustified remarks.

The greatest benefits for the health and strengthening of children come from physical education events organized in the open air. During the holiday, it is necessary to ensure sufficiently high physical activity, provided that children wear rational clothing. When holding physical education events indoors, you should be guided by these rules and avoid reducing the time children spend outdoors. It is recommended to make extensive use of nearby sports facilities - stadiums, arenas, gyms, swimming pools, skating rinks, etc.

The theme, structure, specifics of preparatory work and design largely depend on the specific location of the holiday. Employees of public organizations, sports facilities, and chefs can be involved in organizing a physical education holiday. When drawing up a holiday program, determining the theme, selecting content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of climatic, geographical, economic, and social conditions.

Drawing up the program. Preparation for a physical education event begins with drawing up a program. This will help to clearly plan the work and begin organizing it in a timely manner - determine the name or figurative motto of the holiday, provide for the distribution of responsibilities between its organizers, draw up a work plan for each of them for a long period, etc. It is advisable to reflect in as much detail as possible all the preliminary work that should be done by teachers together with children, parents, bosses, since the success of the holiday largely depends on how detailed and clearly it is planned.

It is advisable to highlight several sections in the program where the purpose and objectives of the event should be reflected (and all preparatory work should be carried out on this basis); date and time of its holding, expected duration; the location of the physical education festival and individual program numbers - parade of participants, mass performances, competitions in various types of games and exercises, competitions; determine those responsible for preparing and holding the holiday (among them should be the head of the preschool institution or senior teacher, educators, members of the parent committee, there may be representatives of the school, neighborhood, departmental and public organizations); indicate the number of participants, age groups of children - from a preschool institution, school, class who will take part in it; indicate which of the teachers, parents, bosses will be involved in the work, and also invited to the event as guests, will perform a demonstration performance or take part in judging; determine the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions (individual and collective), and encouraging participants.

For example, when drawing up a program for a physical education holiday, which is supposed to be held under the motto “We are the future athletes” (the holiday is dedicated to Athlete’s Day), it is advisable to indicate the following:

I. The purpose of the physical culture holiday: to promote the mass character of physical culture and sports.

II. Tasks:

1) developing children’s interest in physical education, promoting the creative manifestation of physical and volitional efforts in competition;

2) fostering a sense of pride in sporting achievements;

3) popularization of the importance of physical education among parents and the public.

III. Place and time of the holiday (physical education playground of a preschool institution, school stadium, sports complex; 9.30).

IV. Management of holiday preparations. Composition of the commission: the staff of the preschool institution, including a doctor or nurse, representatives of the education department, sponsoring enterprises, parent committee, sports society (the last name, first name, patronymic, and position of each member of the commission are indicated).

V. Participants of the holiday:

Ingredients: children, physical education instructor, teachers, parents, sports school students, masters of sports, invited to the celebration.

VI. Encouragement of participants of the holiday (awarding). It is carried out according to the principle “the main thing is not victory, but participation.” Memorable badges and souvenirs are awarded to all children.

VII. Preliminary work:

1. Distribution of responsibilities: preparation of attributes for games and exercises; production of emblems for teams, commemorative badges for awards; development of the holiday script, its musical arrangement; learning gymnastic exercises with children for performances in physical education classes, selecting and repeating songs and dances; ensuring safety of the event venue.

2. Preparatory work for a physical education instructor, teacher with children: regular mastery of gymnastic exercises during physical education classes and morning exercises; daily participation of children in outdoor and sports games, sports exercises provided for by the program; decoration of event venues; introducing children to outstanding athletes and achievements (conducting conversations, looking at paintings, books, showing filmstrips); conducting classes in fine arts on the topic “Sports in our lives”; design of albums and stands reflecting children's performances at the festival.

3. Organization of joint work between a physical education instructor, a teacher and parents: distribution of responsibilities between parents; creating a team from among the parents participating in the holiday; conducting consultations; preparing a place for organizing competitions and attractions, sportswear and costumes for performances, holiday surprises and posters; participation in artistic design, approval of the script and implementation of the holiday program; photographing children.

4. Instructions for the bosses: work related to the repair of physical education equipment, basketball court flooring, checking the serviceability of the broadcast network; maintaining constant communication with the management of the stadium (if the holiday is held at the stadium) regarding the organization of the holiday.

5. Preparation of a sports facility (stadium): creation of conditions for children’s performances, organization of games, competitions, attractions, work of the refereeing team; ensuring safety of equipment; checking the sanitary condition of the stands and locker rooms; design of an exhibition revealing the achievements of athletes.

The given diagram of a physical education holiday is approximate. It should be specified for each holiday, taking into account the tasks and conditions in which it is planned to be held.

The interested participation of parents, bosses, and the public in the preparation of the holiday is served by the entire system of work of the preschool institution (parent meetings, conversations and consultations on the physical education of children, meetings with bosses, holding open classes in physical education with subsequent discussion, demonstration of exhibitions of children's works, etc.). P.).

The collaboration of a preschool institution with society - a school, an enterprise, a sports section, etc. - makes it possible to give the children's holiday the necessary solemnity and serves to increase the authority of the preschool institution among the population.

R script development. One of the important sections of work in preparation for a physical education event is the development of a scenario, which is entrusted to a commission (group) from among the staff of the preschool institution (physical education instructor, senior teacher, teachers of children's groups performing at the festival, music director). In the case when children from several preschool institutions unite at the holiday, teachers and music directors of these kindergartens take part in the work of the commission. During preparation, the group of employees responsible for developing the script seeks the help of experienced and creative teachers and parents, involves them in drawing up greetings, roll calls, competitions, writing poems, and consults with them on other numbers of the program.

When drawing up a holiday plan-scenario, it is necessary

Ensure a gradual increase in physical and mental stress;

Provide for alternating games and competitions with high physical activity and emotional intensity and tasks aimed at relieving tension;

Alternate mass and individual games and tasks (if possible);

Provide for the participation and assessment of the activities of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities;

Combine games and tasks that are familiar to children and evoke a positive emotional state with the inclusion of new attributes, music, and characters.

The scenario of a physical education event is built on the basis of programmatic and methodological requirements for the physical, hygienic, aesthetic, and moral education of preschool children.

When developing a script, you should take into account its main idea, the motto under which it goes.

So, for example, for holidays held under the mottos “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”, “Health is strength!”, “We grow healthy, strong, cheerful!”, the main tasks are to promote the importance of physical culture, hygienic factors, natural forces of nature as the most important means of promoting health, hardening, improving body functions, nurturing children’s interest in physical exercise and games,

The program of such holidays should include games, relay races, and collective performances by children, in which they demonstrate how strong, strong, and fast they have become; in literary and artistic material - poems, songs, team-to-team addresses, etc., the importance of morning exercises, fun games in the air, in the water for the health of children is revealed. It is appropriate to use poems, game images, plot situations that allow you to show in a humorous form what a negative attitude towards hygiene, neglect of physical education, fear of fresh air, etc. leads to.

The content of the physical education festival largely depends on the season of the year and the specific conditions in which it is held. So, at a holiday in winter, it is possible to use physical exercises and games characteristic of winter conditions - sledding, skiing and skating games and competitions, elements of hockey, relay games on ice, in the snow, etc. Wide scope for selecting a variety of exercises and games opens up when holding physical education events in the summer outdoors. Under these conditions, it is possible to include in the content of the holiday mass performances by children that require large free space, relay games with running, jumping from a place and run-up, throwing at a target and at a distance, balance exercises in different conditions, as well as tasks performed on bicycles , scooters, elements of sports games (basketball, badminton, football), fun attractions (running with tied legs in pairs, tug of war, etc.).

The content of a physical education festival on the water - in the pool - is unique. During it, children show their skills in performing preparatory exercises for swimming (sliding, floating, diving headlong into water, jumping into the water, etc.), swimming with and without supporting objects. At the same time, a variety of games and attractions in and near the water are widely included. When drawing up a scenario for a physical education holiday, regardless of where and under what conditions it is held, one should strive to ensure that its content is varied, interesting, creates the opportunity for the active participation of all groups of children, and brings joy and pleasure not only to the children participating in the holiday, but also for spectators, children and adults, guests invited to the holiday.

When developing a scenario for a physical education event, it is necessary to adhere to a certain order of arrangement of the material. The following approximate construction diagram will help with this:

1. Opening of the holiday, parade of participants.

2. Demonstration performances of groups, teams, combined gymnastic exercises.

3. Mass part of the holiday with the participation of all children and guests present in attraction games.

4.End of the holiday, summing up, awards, closing of the holiday.

The scenario presented by the commission is discussed at a production meeting of preschool employees. During the discussion, additions and amendments are made, recommendations are given to clarify the content and design. The contents of the script are introduced to parents, chefs who will be directly involved in any numbers of the festive program, as well as people involved in preparing the venues for games, relay races, decorating the premises, area of ​​the kindergarten, stadium, swimming pool and other facilities, preparing costumes, manuals , jewelry.

The final approval of the scenario takes place at the pedagogical council of the preschool staff approximately three weeks before the holiday, when the number of participants, main performances, and the preparedness of the children will be determined. The host of the holiday is also confirmed here.

Preparing children. All preparatory work with children in groups should be carried out gradually. A teacher or physical education instructor systematically conducts with children all forms of work and types of physical education classes provided for in the program. Certain types of physical exercises and games included in the content of the holiday are gradually learned by children during physical education classes and repeated during morning exercises and walks through the organization of outdoor and sports games. All this is done for the purpose of the physical development of children, improving their motor skills, and nurturing physical qualities. Should not be practiced with children; specific games, exercises, relay races that will be included in the holiday program. It is advisable to perform some of their elements, in the form of tasks, during training sessions, a walk, but with other aids and in other conditions. So, in the process of individual work carried out by a physical education instructor or teacher, children practice various actions with the ball - hitting, dribbling, passing the ball, one of these actions will be included in the relay race during the holiday. It is advisable to perform balance exercises in different conditions: on the ground, on a log, on a cube, or on a narrow rail. In the relay race, children can easily cope with the task of running across the bridge and board.

Preparations for a physical education festival should be carried out in such a way that there is no need for repeated mass rehearsals.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of musical works. Expressive ceremonial music is selected for the opening of the holiday, and a vigorous march is selected for the parade. The musical accompaniment of various performances should correspond to their character: the performance of general developmental exercises is accompanied by rhythmic, smooth music, and attraction games are cheerful and cheerful. The music director is entrusted with selecting songs, dances, musical works, learning them, if necessary, recording individual musical fragments, and ensuring their timely broadcast during the holiday.

Holiday decoration. The group responsible for the artistic design of the holiday venues (gym hall, sports ground, swimming pool, kindergarten territory) should strive to ensure that the entire environment evokes high spirits and joyful anticipation of the holiday in children.

In the summer, garlands, balls, multi-colored flags, pictures, and posters with sports themes are hung in the kindergarten premises and on the site. The territory of the site is put in order in advance - the green spaces are watered, the paths are swept, the paths are sprinkled with sand, and aids and toys are beautifully placed on the site.

In winter, the area is decorated with snow figures of animals well known to children, characters from fairy tales (hare, fox, bear, etc.), the paths are cleared of snow, the skating rink and sliding paths are filled, snow buildings (slides, shafts and labyrinths) are put in order. a ski track is being laid. In winter, children's performance areas are decorated with colored flags, pieces of ice, streamers, and tinsel.

The responsibilities of those responsible for artistic decoration include preparing announcements for parents, holiday posters, banners, invitation cards for chefs, and guests of the holiday.

When preparing for a physical education event, one of the tasks of which is to identify the dynamics of the development of motor skills and physical qualities of children over the year, it is advisable to prepare a stand (in older age groups) describing information about skills and abilities, types of tests at the initial stage, which can serve as certain promising a guideline in working with older children, as well as to direct the attention of adults to early and systematic preparation for mastering the program in terms of physical training for children.

Children, together with teachers and parents, take an active part in the festive decoration of the premises and territory of the kindergarten. During fine arts classes (drawing, appliqué), older preschoolers can make various crafts (flashlights, multi-colored flags, decorate emblems, badges) to decorate the physical education playground and gymnasium. Children assist the teacher in preparing manuals and physical education equipment, cleaning the area, making costumes for individual characters, and building snow buildings.

Judging. Particular attention is paid to the training of judges (jury). The panel of judges includes the head, senior teacher, teachers of groups taking part in the holiday, parents who show interest in physical education and sports. At the council of the panel of judges (meeting), the requirements for performing various performances of the holiday should be discussed, evaluation criteria should be determined taking into account the age characteristics of the participants. As practice shows, the most correct way is to evaluate children’s achievements not by a point system, but by the quality of performance of various motor actions included in the event program, as well as the manifestation of physical qualities - speed, dexterity, good coordination of movements and orientation in space. Members of the panel of judges must be attentive, friendly, and objective. When summing up the results and analyzing the results achieved in team competitions and relay games, it is necessary to take into account the individual data and capabilities of each person, to note the diligence and honest implementation of the rules by children. It is important to take care of maintaining friendly relations in the team, to prevent cases of disrespect, hostile attitude towards a friend, and arrogance.

1.4. Methodological requirements for holding physical education holidays

The methodology for organizing any holiday is a rather complex process, including the stages of preparation, holding and summing up.

Preparation for the holiday means drawing up a script, distributing roles and responsibilities between participants, selecting musical accompaniment, decorating a site or hall, preparing sports uniforms, emblems, invitations, etc. The preparatory work can be led by a physical education instructor or teacher. Older brothers and sisters and parents can provide very tangible help. The organizers of the holiday determine its type depending on the season, the age of the participants, the availability of equipment, and the interests of the children.

The duration of the holiday is determined by the age of the participants: 45-50 minutes for children 4-5 years old; 60-90 minutes for children 6-7 years old. If children of different ages and adults participate in the holiday, then the duration of children’s participation is determined by their mental and physical capabilities. However, in any case, the holiday should not last more than 2 hours, otherwise fatigue sets in, reducing interest in what is happening.

The beginning of the holiday. On the day of the holiday, everything should be ready for it. Colorful, theme-appropriate design of venues for performances, games, and competitions should evoke joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The entire staff of the preschool institution takes an active part in this.

On the day appointed for the holiday, in the morning an atmosphere of anticipation of general fun should already be created. Each child (or group of children), together with a physical education instructor, teacher or his assistant, is responsible for a specific part of the preparatory work: someone distributes invitation cards, someone arranges benches, hangs festive garlands, balloons, sets up a scoreboard... Professionalism of the organizers The idea is to involve everyone in the process of preparing the holiday, not to suppress the initiative of children, but to give them the opportunity to feel like full owners of the event.

The holiday must begin exactly at the appointed time. It is important to create a good, calm environment and not allow disruption to the children’s routine. For this purpose, physical education holidays are most often held in the afternoon (during the time period from 15.30 to 16.10). This is especially important for their organization in winter (taking into account the length of daylight hours).

Attentive attitude towards each child by the kindergarten staff, maintaining a joyful mood, providing the necessary assistance in changing into festive costumes - all this helps children feel confident and calm.

Progress of the holiday. The structure of the holiday is varied and depends on its type. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts.

The first - introductory - part can be organized in the form of a parade of participants with raising the flag and lighting the Olympic torch. A good tradition could be a mass jog across the territory of the kindergarten of all participants and fans, including adults; the unexpected appearance of fairy-tale characters or barkers who invite everyone to take part in mass games, attractions and fun. In winter, the holiday can begin with the movement of a long sleigh train or three horses. The beginning of holidays and games of rescuers, travelers, and cosmonauts could be different: an alarm that calls on all the strong and brave to take part in rescuing animals affected by floods (fire, earthquake, etc.). There are many options...

For example, the opening of a holiday usually begins with a ceremonial part - the participants entering the hall or physical training ground, followed by formation, submission of a report, and greetings from the head of the kindergarten or department representative. Depending on the theme and motto of the holiday, children can be greeted by representatives of other organizations (enterprises) - athletes, builders, transport workers, factory workers, etc.

At the beginning of the holiday, a roll call is held and a common song is performed, in which the ideological orientation is clearly expressed. The opening ends with the raising of the flag and a parade of participants.

After the ceremonial part, the main part follows - demonstration performances, consisting of different compositions of general developmental exercises, which are performed by children in different formations - columns, two circles (one inside the other), squares, a column or a diagonal line, with various objects: multi-colored flags, flowers, balls, hoops.

Performing general developmental exercises by a group of children is replaced by small group or individual performances, in which children show their skills in different types of physical exercises (jumping rope, exercises with long ribbons, multi-colored balls, clubs and other objects). Physical education routines alternate with the performance of songs, dance routines, and the reading of poems.

Guests invited to the holiday can also perform demonstration numbers: gymnasts, figure skaters, former kindergarten students, sports school students, adults - preschool employees, parents, bosses. Games with elements of competition, relay races, various types of sports exercises and sports games bring great excitement to the content of the holiday.

Along with small-group games, the festival also organizes mass games that are well known to all children. Entire groups of children, as well as guests and parents, take part in them. Particularly interesting for children are amusement games in which tasks are performed in unusual conditions (running in sacks, hitting a ball blindfolded, carrying balls in a spoon, catching children with their eyes closed, etc.).

The main part of the holiday, aimed at solving its main task, is filled with appropriate motor content: games, competitions, attractions. It is important to ensure that every child participates in them. If the scenario is designed to alternate participation of members of different teams in games, it is necessary to consider how to ensure the participation of everyone. Usually in response to challenging questions like “Who is our bravest?” or “Who wants to play this game?” the same children respond, while the shy and indecisive ones remain out of work. In this case, you can do this: each child, upon entering the hall, receives a ticket (tickets can be of different colors, shapes, etc.); During the holiday, the host invites only those who have a ticket in the shape of a red circle to participate in any game, and those children who have a ticket in the shape of a hare to participate in the “Jumpers” competition. Tickets should be handed out by an adult who knows the characteristics of each child well, so that he does not feel out of place. So, if a boy gets a ticket with a picture of a jump rope, but he doesn’t know how and doesn’t like this exercise, then he will feel disadvantaged when paired with a girl or simply refuse to participate. Therefore, you need to decide in advance who to give which ticket to avoid negative emotions.

The festival usually includes performances by children reading poetry, performing songs, and performing magic tricks. Naturally, you can’t do without preparation here. However, you should abandon rehearsals, drills and training sessions! Remember that the holiday is organized for children, not spectators and guests. Therefore, impromptu, live, relaxed communication is appropriate, rather than elaborate and memorized scripted dialogue with children’s pre-learned answers. Rehearsing surprise moments in the presence of celebration participants is absolutely unacceptable. The absence of a sacrament, a miracle designed to bring surprise, insight, delight, makes the holiday a boring event with a predetermined end.

Maintaining interest and creating a good festive mood is facilitated by the inclusion of a “surprise” moment in the content of the holiday - the unexpected appearance of Winter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, cheerful buffoons, Neptune, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Doctor Aibolit and other fairy-tale characters. Their communication with children and guests of the holiday, participation in games, dances, awarding the winners of relay races and competitions enlivens the holiday, attracts attention to what is happening, gives children a lot of fun and joy, and remains in the memory for a long time. In conclusion, the results of the holiday are summed up, awards are given, a general round dance, dancing, and a parade of participants are held.

At the end, it is appropriate to hold a general game of medium mobility (preferably in a circle) such as “Mousetrap”, “Carousel”, or organize a mass dance.

The course of the holiday must be entrusted to a presenter who has the personal and professional qualities of a teacher-organizer. Experience suggests: 80% of the success of the holiday depends on the preparation and abilities of the host. He must be artistic, be able to manage a group of children, know and take into account their characteristics, change the script if necessary during the course of the event and regulate physical, mental and emotional stress. It is advisable that the presenter be athletic and able to perform this or that exercise himself, if necessary.

If the holiday is of a mass nature, then the presenter should have several assistants from among teachers or schoolchildren who will help arrange and remove equipment, provide musical accompaniment, and present gifts.

You can make the process of the holiday easier by including in the script two presenters who are able to “insure” each other if an unforeseen situation arises.

Summing up, rewarding. The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities.

At a festival with a pronounced competitive focus, it is important to timely evaluate the performance of individual participants or teams. To do this, a jury of three to five people is selected in advance and a scoreboard is placed in a visible place. It can be traditional or unusual (for example, basketball baskets into which balls are thrown - one for each team victory). At the end, the points or goals earned by the team are counted. Another option for summing up the results could be to build a tower from building material: whose tower is higher, he won, etc.

It is necessary to sum up both during and at the end of the holiday. After each relay game or competition, the presenter can sum up the results himself and evaluate the physical, moral and volitional qualities of the teams as a whole and individual players. It is wiser to give the jury the floor after two or three competitions, so as not to turn the holiday into continuous performances by adults.

A good impression of the event is created by its proper organizational completion, summing up, and rewarding the participants. It is necessary to think in advance about the forms of rewarding children for good performance of exercises, championship in relay races, resourcefulness and dexterity demonstrated in attractions and fun games. It is important that there are no losers at the holiday, so that every child feels happy from participating in it. It is good if the winners are awarded, taking into account such mottos as “Everyone wins - no one loses”, “The main thing is not victory, but participation”, “Friendship wins”.

Awards and signs of attention can be different: commemorative medals, pennants, badges, diplomas, emblems. They are used differently. Thus, the winners in each individual type of competition are awarded medals immediately after they are held, the remaining children (participants) at the end of all types of competitions receive commemorative medals (souvenirs). Collective rewards (for the whole team, group) are the most educationally appropriate. They help unite children and instill in them a sense of friendship. The winning team can be rewarded by being the first to take a lap of honor and being entrusted with lowering the competition flag. At the next physical education festival (at its opening), the team raises the flag.

At the festival, where family teams participate, each competition is evaluated, awards can be made for victory, both in individual competitions and for the victory of the team. The following forms of incentives are provided: the results of children in individual exercises (movements) are reflected on the competition screen, the winning teams are awarded diplomas, and the participating teams receive memorable pennants. Awards for winners and participants can be the most unexpected. So, in honor of the winners, a song or dance is performed, and the participating children receive sweet prizes (they can also be awarded a variety of homemade medals). Children of primary preschool age present flowers to the winners. It is also necessary to note not only children, but also adults who took an active part in the preparation and conduct of the event.

For mass holidays, you can make simple but cute souvenirs (balloon, apple, chocolate medal, etc.). Most importantly, every child should be rewarded regardless of the place they take.

Children share their impressions of the event in conversations with adults, and in independent activities they repeat individual exercises and relay games. Your favorite episodes of the holiday are reflected in drawings, modeling and appliqué. Adults should be attentive to the emotional experiences of children associated with the holiday, maintain an interested attitude towards physical education and sports, and do their best to encourage children to participate in healthy active recreation.

The award ceremony should be solemn and fun. Pennants, emblems, souvenirs can be placed in the most honorable place in the group (sports corner, information stand for parents). If these are individual prizes and the children want to take them home, advise parents to find a place in the children's room (shelf, closet) where the prizes will be visible to everyone. Such a “victorious” corner is a source of pride for a child. Here you can place photographs and drawings on the theme “Our holiday”. This will allow children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements in sports, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

2.1 Drawing up projects for physical education holidays for children of senior preschool age


“Introducing preschoolers to the origins of national culture

through physical education holidays"

Relevance of the project topic

The need to introduce the younger generation to the national culture is interpreted by folk wisdom: ours today, like never before, our past, also creates the traditions of the future. Our children should know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions of national culture, be aware of, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture; to self-realize as a person who loves his homeland, his people and everything connected with folk culture: Russian folk dances, oral folklore, folk games that children love to play.

All this helped to develop a methodological project based on introducing children to the national culture through physical education holidays in theme and content: calendar, folklore, ritual, name days, etc. These holidays are held in accordance with the Christian calendar (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Soroki, Trinity, etc.). They are compiled on material accessible to children using folk games, fun, round dances, songs, attributes of national clothing, and equipment. Not only children, but also their parents, school students, and pupils of other kindergartens can become active participants in the holidays.

The use of folklore at physical education festivals will not only increase the effectiveness of the physical education and health process, but will also have a positive impact on the health status and dynamics of physical fitness of preschool children, and will also create their interest in systematic physical education classes.

Main goals and objectives of the project:

1. Create a system of work to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture through physical education holidays.

2. Introducing children to calendar and folk holidays, customs and traditions, and folk games.

3. Involve parents (society) in the educational process through participation in physical education holidays.

4. Create conditions for children to independently reflect the acquired knowledge and skills.

5. To cultivate interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, rituals, the folk calendar, folk games, etc.

6. Use all types of folklore as a rich source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Expected results of work :

· Children's use of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, and riddles in physical activity.

· Ability to play Russian folk outdoor games.

· Knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, the ability to apply them in various forms of physical education.

· Meaningful and active participation of children in Russian folk holidays and entertainment (they know the name of the holiday, play national games, fun games).

· Using the attributes of Russian folk games in independent activities.

· Careful attitude towards household items and works of folk art.


Thus, methodically correctly organized work on preparing and holding physical education holidays is designed to satisfy children’s natural need for movement and contribute to their timely acquisition of motor skills and abilities, and to form a positive self-esteem for themselves and the activities of their comrades.

Such work with preschool children is also valuable because it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, since it has a great influence on the development of the mind, character education, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, awakens interest in self-expression, and contributes not only to better learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

Physical education holidays are an effective form of organizing children's leisure time, an effective means of promoting physical culture and sports. These events require careful preparation on the part of the teaching staff and the parent community, bosses, and the children themselves. Holidays should become traditional.

When holding physical education holidays, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions. This opens up another important aspect: there is no need to give children time and spatial reference points.

Work practice convinces that effective work with children requires a well-thought-out training system for physical education instructors and educators, close contact with teaching and medical staff and families.

Teachers of preschool institutions need to improve methods of pedagogical propaganda, involve parents in an active educational process, so that the knowledge they acquire is embodied in specific work on the physical education of children.

Parents should show great interest in ensuring that the preschool regime provides for active recreation for children. The family largely determines children’s attitude towards physical education, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by the emotionally close communication between children and parents in various situations and their naturally occurring joint activities.

Sports holiday


(for older children)


1. Development of interest in sports in children,

2. Implementation of the relationship between physical culture and folk traditions, with oral folklore.

3. Formation of stable motor skills and abilities, development of physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility).

4. Strengthening spiritual condition and physical health.

5. Development of curiosity; bring to the consciousness of your students that they are carriers of folk culture.

Attributes: 3 pins and 1 “horse” per team, rope, 2 helmets, 2 shields, 2 swords, 2 hoops or 2 “pants for two”, 2 wooden spoons, 2 eggs,

Decor: The hall is decorated in Russian folk style. Children with swords, wearing heroic helmets, dressed in shirts, belted with sashes, the “voivode” is a child in a red cape, the presenters are in Russian folk costume, the jury is in kokoshniks.

On the jury's table are rejuvenating apples or a loaf (the main prize).

Participants: 2 teams of 7 people, presenters, jury members - 2-3 people, Baba Yaga.

Progress of entertainment

To the song “Our heroic strength...” 2 squads in heroic clothes enter the hall.

1st presenter.

Oh, you beautiful girls

And good fellows!

We invite you to the heroic games

Get ready quickly, good guests!

Welcome, guests,


2nd presenter. Good afternoon, dear guests. Our boys have already grown up and become strong and brave. Well, why not heroes? I propose to organize a heroic competition today - let the boys show us their agility, strength and brave prowess. In some kingdom, in some state, in Russian land, you will see the games of glorious squads. Let’s stand, heroes, opposite each other and introduce ourselves before the serious competition. Today there are 2 squads participating on the sports ground.

1st presenter.

Like in a glorious city, and in Dimitrovgrad,

In kindergarten….. and…..

Yes in older groups

We lived, we were, we didn’t grieve

Everyone went to physical education

14 nice fellows,

All beauties there are no words!

Team presentation.

We ask you not to spare your palms and support our squads.

2nd presenter.

Jury presentation.

I propose that our competition be judged by the wisest Vasilis the Wise.

So I decided one day

Home Vasilisa to issue such a decree...

Word to the chief judge of the competition - head

Home Vasilisa: is reading


Good fellows!

Gather together into glorious squads!

Show off your heroic strength and brave prowess!

Amuse us with a steady hand and a keen eye!

And before the test begins, I command you to take an oath!

Children take an oath, repeating the words after the princess.


We promise to fight fair!

Don't leave a friend in trouble!

Let us not disgrace the Russian land!

Home Vasilisa:

There's fun here

They will make all the people laugh,

You won't be bored

It's time for the games to begin.

Well, heroes, attention,

Let's start the competition!

1st presenter. What is a hero without a horse? Now we will see how our fellows can stay in the saddle.

Can't hold back the heroes

They immediately jumped on their horses!

Here are the obstacles on the way!

It's not easy to get around them!

We must gallop dashingly,

But don't knock down the barriers!

1 task.

Boys jump on hops or “horses” between the pins.

Each participant is given a “horse” (a stick with a horse’s head).

2nd presenter. And now we must make sure that you are truly heroes.

Task 2.

You need to put on a helmet, take a sword and shield and say: “I am a hero”

1st presenter. And now we will test your strength - heroic.

3 task.

Tug of war (without captain-voivode).

Governor competition.

Arm wrestling competition.

2nd presenter.

And the beautiful girls

Great masters of singing.

While our heroes are resting, our beautiful girls will amuse them with cheerful ditties.


1st presenter. Here is a log, and here are bags,

Come out, men.

The one who gets knocked over with a sack

That winning point will be taken.

4 task.

Pillow fight.

By hitting your opponent with a pillow, you need to push him off the log. For each victory, the jury awards a winning point.

2nd presenter. For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. Can you remember who they are? (children's answers). They imprisoned all Helen the Beautiful in Rus' in their dungeons. We need to help them out.

All obstacles have been conquered,

The heroes all set off on their journey.

alarming music sounds

But alas, that was not the case,

Everything suddenly began to spin like a whirlwind!

Three-headed serpent Gorynych

Met on the way

Don't look for salvation here!

Task 5.

Three-headed Serpent Gorynych.

Three people running in a hoop.

1st presenter.

You defeated the snake!

He fell into a big ravine,

He immediately fell to the ground,

There he breathed his last,

And I died right away...

And such joy

The fellows are galloping home.

alarming music sounds

There's just one problem -

There is Koschey, but no egg!

What to do, how to be here

How can we kill him?!

We decided not to waste time,

They began to look for his death!

What is the meaning of Koshcheev’s death? (children's answers).

6 task.

Transfer the egg in a spoon.

2nd presenter.

Suddenly a swamp is on the way,

Don't pass, don't pass

This is Grandma Yaga

Lured you here.

Grandmother-Ezhka runs out with a net.

Outdoor game with a net “Traps”

Both teams are playing. The result is that Baba Yaga did not catch anyone, but the children entangled her in the net.

Baba Yaga.

Oh-oh-oh, I'm giving up , Help,

Let grandma go.

I will do everything for you -

At least I’ll show you the way to the dungeons now.

To penetrate into the dungeons of evil spirits, you need to go through a swamp, jump over mountains, crawl through a tunnel.

Task 7. Final relay.

Walk over bumps, jump over a barrier, crawl into a tunnel.

1st presenter. Well, well done heroes! They showed their brave prowess and heroic strength. They freed Mother Rus' from the evil spirits and released all the Elena the Beautiful.

The suffering is over

Yes, great challenges!

And with the desired victory

The honest people praise them!

And the beautiful girls

Great craftsmen sing,

They are met at the gate

And they start a round dance.

Performing Russian folk dance.

The results of the competition “BOGATYR GAMES” are summed up

Home Vasilisa:

Congratulations guys!

You deserve the rewards!

Present day

Try to remember

And keep it in your heart.

You are strong, you are brave,

And the enemy is treacherous

He's afraid to approach you.

And there is more in life

Big things

Where are you going honor

I didn’t call for you,

You go boldly

Spear ready!

Fight for your loved ones

For your happiness!

Boys are awarded a diploma and rejuvenating apples.

General photo for memory.

1st presenter.

Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be short.


We say goodbye to you,

See you again!