Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time know that in order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to engage in not only spiritual cleansing, but also physical one. Cleansing the body causes toxins and waste to leave the body and the intestines begin to function normally. It is very difficult for an unclean digestive tract to function fully, so to cleanse the intestines, practicing yogis recommend performing shank prakshalana.

This is called salt water cleaning. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, helps treat colds and viral diseases, and cope with infections. It also generally improves human immunity.

Shank Prakshalana - colon cleansing

Why use shank prakshalana

Shank Prakshalana is safe for any person, but has its contraindications. Unlike enemas and gastric lavage cleansing, Shankh Prakshalana completely cleanses the entire digestive tract, even the most difficult to reach areas. Plus, it's safe for almost everyone. The only exception is people with acute stomach diseases. It is also not recommended to perform Shank Prakshalana for pregnant women and women during menstruation.

  • Neti. Cleansing the nose.
  • Nauli. Special abdominal massage.
  • Kapalbhati. Cleansing the brain.
  • Dhauti. Purgation.
  • Basti. To remove toxins from the large intestine.
  • Shank prakshalana. Cleansing the body with saline solution.

The benefits of this method are so high that many yoga practitioners no longer want to use other methods of cleansing the body. Shank Prakshalana fully meets all expectations.

Preparation for Shank Prakshalana

Yoga cleansing of the body requires certain preliminary preparation. Before starting this practice, it is recommended to visit a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications from the digestive tract. If the doctor has authorized the use of bowel cleansing shank prakshalan, you can begin preparing directly for the procedure itself.

Firstly, you need to carefully study the recommendations for using the amount of water and salt, prepare a container in which you can mix and prepare the solution. Secondly, get ready mentally and physically. Beforehand, the day before the procedure, do not eat anything heavy. It is advisable to avoid meat, fatty and fried foods, fermented milk, bread, sugar and alcohol. Follow a light diet so that the body is tuned to the correct step-by-step cleansing. In this case, Shank Prakshalana cleansing will be as successful as possible.

Body preparation

In order to get good results, you need to properly tune in to shank prakshalana. Yogis recommend performing this cleansing during the new moon. Although some, on the contrary, advise performing it on the waning moon, as they believe that this particular period is ideal for all cleansing procedures.

But this is not the most important thing. It is important to prepare your body and tune in yourself. It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the asanas that will need to be performed during and after the shank. When performing asanas, correct positioning of the body is very important in order to ensure blood flow to the necessary organs.

Before the prakshalana itself, it is best to get a good night's sleep and rest. During the day, do not eat heavy food, do not get carried away with alcohol and other enemies of the body. The last meal is allowed no later than 18.00 in the evening before the procedure the next day.

It is not necessary to drink laxatives; shank prakshalana already provides a powerful effect on the body. It is best to stay at home on the day of the procedure, as you will need to visit the toilet frequently. Therefore, for Shank Prakshalana, it is advisable to give yourself a whole day off, or better yet, two. But the most basic preparation lies in preparing the solution itself.

It is best to choose clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict movement, since you will have to perform asanas during Shank Prasalan. There is no need to be nervous on the day of the procedure. It is important to relax and be positive.

Preparing time and place

The total duration of Shank Prakshalana usually takes from 4 to 20 hours, depending on the structure and characteristics of each person’s body. It is important to equip everything at home so that you can easily get to the toilet when you need it. Cleaning a shank involves frequent visits to the toilet. Therefore, free access to it is important, since it is not recommended to delay cleansing. When you have the urge to go to the toilet, it will definitely free the body from waste and toxins coming out of it.

In terms of time, it is recommended to start the procedure at 5:00 am. Since it is in the morning hours that the body is configured to receive and give as positively as possible. The greatest activity during these hours occurs in the large intestine, and this is ideal for cleansing procedures. But you should also remember about your own biological rhythms. Therefore, if a person is a convinced night owl, then you should not wake yourself up at 5 am, just to comply with the rules of the shank. You can wake up a little later, for example at 6 or 7 in the morning.

Preparing Ingredients

You need to prepare salt, water and a container for mixing the ingredients. You can use regular salt, but not iodized salt. Or you can use coarse sea salt. Concentration - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter. water. It is best to prepare the water in advance. It should be cleaned and warm, preferably room temperature, but under no circumstances should it burn.

Also, you should not use cold water, as you can get a completely unpredictable result. If the water cools down during use, it is better to heat it up again than to finish a cold, cooled drink.

For the entire shank prakshalan you will need to prepare 3-4 liters of the drink. To avoid having to prepare it during the cleansing process, it is best to prepare a large jar or carafe and drinking glass in advance.

Features of Shank Prakshalana

When performing Shank Prakshalana, some difficulties may arise. The pylorus of the stomach may not open during cleaning, then you will have to stop the technique by performing special exercises and inducing vomiting to get rid of the solution you drank. But this doesn't happen that often. Practice shank prakshalana and follow all the recommendations. In this case, cleansing the intestines will be done gently and as delicately as possible, without any problems or side effects.

If a lot of gases have accumulated in the intestines and fermentation processes prevent the passage of water through the passages, then simple pressure on the stomach, as well as performing some asanas, will be a fairly simple help.

If the procedure is successful and even the first time the sphincter has already opened, then in the future there will be no difficulties and the body will be able to fully cleanse itself. Yoga for cleansing will be carried out successfully if you alternate exercises and taking the solution.

Shank Prakshalana

The first bowel movement usually includes hard stool, similar to a normal trip to the toilet. Then, with each trip, they will become more liquid and pure, and ultimately the liquid leaving the body should become as clear as the liquid we drink.

Cleansing the intestines with salt water is not carried out very often according to shank prakshalana, so it is necessary to treat this event with the utmost care and responsibility and carry out all the preparation so that later you do not have to look for information about the procedure.

Indications for use of the technique

Shank Prakshalana is such a deep procedure that it is not on a par with an enema or even with high-quality laxatives. It cleanses the body very deeply and has a positive effect on all areas of human life. In addition to contraindications, there are also indications for the use of shank.

  • Frequent colds.
  • Allergy.
  • Constipation, diarrhea.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Weakness.
  • Constant desire to sleep.

Yoga involves not only spiritual cleansing, but also physical cleansing of the intestines. Cleaning with salt water has an extremely beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and has many indications for use. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations correctly.

How is Shank Prakshalana performed?

The Shank Prakshalana procedure allows for cleansing to be carried out very delicately. The most acute difficulties arise not with drinking fluids, but with carrying out exercises. If you simply drink the solution, you may not expect results; it will remain inside the body and will be absorbed through the intestinal walls. The main rule is to perform the exercises consistently and alternate them with taking the solution.

Before you begin the shank procedure, it is best to review and practice all the exercises in advance.

The speed of cleansing is different for all people and depends on the metabolism and characteristics of the body.

The procedure is considered successful if the water you drink is the same color as the water coming out of the intestines.

How to prepare water

The most important thing is to prepare the saline solution correctly. To prepare it, you will need to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per liter of water. It is best to drink 3 - 4 liters, so you need to prepare the water in advance.

Pre-filter and boil the water. Do not use too hot or ice water. The water should be warm, the air temperature in the room. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of side effects.

How is the procedure performed?

In the morning, at about 5 am, drink a glass of saline solution prepared in advance on an empty stomach. Carry out a series of exercises consisting of five asanas. Repeat the solution and exercises.

During the entire cleaning period, which is about 4 hours, you will need to drink about 12-15 glasses of saline solution. After the second glass you drink, you need to listen to your body’s reaction. If the body reacts positively to what is happening, continue cleaning.

The desire to go to the toilet usually appears after 3-4 glasses of the solution.

After 6 glasses, you will need to visit the toilet more often in order for cleansing to occur faster. Sometimes defecation can occur without the urge, so you need to be close to the toilet.

After each drink of water, do exercises. This is the main rule of Shank Praxalan. There should not be a feeling of fullness in the stomach; the sensation should be very light and comfortable.

If unpleasant sensations appear, stop prakshalana.

What to do after the procedure

To complete Shank Prakshalana, another ritual is performed. To do this, drink two glasses of warm, clean water. After this, you need to induce vomiting. Take the position as described in the Vamana Dhauti ritual. You can perform it not only over the toilet, but also over the basin, depending on your convenience.

After completing these steps, you will need to lie down for one hour. After this, you can have a light snack. It can be boiled rice or rice porridge. Drinking at this time is not recommended. You can drink some water only 2-3 hours after breakfast.

You will need to follow a strict diet for several days. Do not eat fatty, fried, salty foods, avoid dairy products, baked goods and alcohol. It is worth adhering to the rule of light hunger. You can eat cereals, any cereals, whole grain bread and vegetables.

Possible complications after the procedure

Of course, cleansing the body is not a simple process. Often, some complications may occur. And although they happen quite rarely, they are worth knowing about.

Water may begin to be absorbed into the esophagus and excreted through the kidneys if there are problems with them.

If there are many gases in the body, water can be retained inside the so-called gas lock. The plug will interfere with the passage of water through the intestines. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to focus on kneading the abdomen and more thoroughly performing the five Shank Prakshalana exercises.

Nutrition after the procedure

After completing the procedure, you need to switch to a special diet so that the body closes the Prakshalana shank. The diet that is used when cleaning shank praxalan is quite balanced. Don't worry about feeling hungry all the time. This is far from true, because many products are allowed to be taken.

The most suitable option after finishing cleaning is rice porridge in water without additives. Afterwards you will not be able to eat or drink for three hours. Next, follow a diet.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • meat;
  • bread with yeast;
  • milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, Varenets;
  • fermentable foods such as cabbage;
  • fish.

In fact, nutrition after Shank Prakshalana is the usual nutrition of a vegetarian. Gradually, you can add grains and cereals to your diet. It is recommended to exclude coffee, alcohol, tea, fruits and canned food from your diet.

During the cleansing procedure of Shank Prakshalana, special exercises are performed. There are five of them in total. They are aimed at optimizing and accelerating digestion. They are performed in order to improve cleansing and avoid side effects. Doing the exercises is mandatory.

Shank Prakshalana, or otherwise the conch shell gesture, is performed only by healthy people. People with sore joints simply will not be able to perform some exercises, although at first glance they seem absolutely primitive.

Exercises for Shank Prakshalana are selected so that the intestines are tuned in and begin to get rid of the saline solution, and with it, toxins, as quickly as possible.

Exercise 1 Tiryaka tadasana

Stand straight, arms extended up, legs together. Stretch your arms upward, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible. Pull in your stomach as if you were performing a vacuum exercise.

Exercise 2 Kati chakrasana

Also performed standing. One arm is extended forward until it is parallel to the floor. The other hand bends and should touch the opposite collarbone. It is necessary to twist your arm back while twisting at the waist. The abdominal muscles will stretch. The number of approaches is 12 times.

Exercise 3 Tiryaka bhujangasana

Performed from a standing position on the palms and front of the feet. Try to bend your back as much as possible and try not to touch the floor with your knees. Twist your stomach in one direction, then the other. In this case, the tailbone should tend downwards. The number of approaches is 12 times.

Exercise 4 Karshanasana Strikes

Udarakarshanasana is performed while squatting. The knee goes down, the second knee is pressed against the stomach in a twist. The number of repetitions is 12 times.

Exercise 5 Vamana Dhauti

The technique is known as cleansing the middle, that is, the middle of the intestines. Performed while squatting with knees spread. Straighten up and after exhaling, pull in your stomach several times. Bend at an angle of 90 degrees. and induce vomiting.

This exercise is done over the toilet or a clean basin. It is considered final and is performed after drinking a glass or two of clean water.


The benefits of prakshalan are beyond any doubt, since cleansing occurs quite quickly and has virtually no contraindications.

In addition to the fact that a person receives a fully functioning intestine, his complexion, skin and hair condition improves, allergic reactions disappear, his mood and the body’s defenses improve.

The beneficial effects on the body do not appear on the same or the next day. It affects gradually.

Harm and contraindications

People with diseases of the stomach and esophagus are not recommended to undergo shank. In addition, shank should not be performed by people with acute diseases, such as dysentery, diarrhea, heartburn, acute peptic ulcers and the like. It is not recommended to use prakshalan for pregnant and menstruating women, since their body is weakened during this period.

Of course, contraindications to shank are cancer and viral infections during exacerbation. But for diabetics, on the contrary, the procedure is highly recommended and there are even known cases of recovery after several courses of procedures.

Shank Prakshalana has its contraindications, but they are so small that it turns out that almost every person can perform cleansing. The main thing is to take this as responsibly and seriously as possible.

How often can you do shank prakshalana?

Prakshalana is very effective. It should be carried out twice a year. It is not worth doing it more often because the shank cleanses the body so deeply that the effect lasts for about six months. After six months, the procedure can be repeated.

If there are special circumstances, shank can be performed once a week, but this requires certain indications, for example, chronic constipation. After the first course of shank prakshalan, a person’s digestion processes improve and constipation leaves the body for a long time, so the practice usually ends with two courses a year.

What to do if you vomit

If a person vomits during prakshalana, it is better to postpone the procedure to another time, otherwise, stop. The cause of vomiting is most often the obstruction of water in the intestines due to gas plugs. They prevent water from entering the intestines and thus the water simply comes out in the opposite direction. To prevent the same situation from arising again when repeating shank prakshalan, before the procedure you should massage your abdomen for a week and then try to repeat shank again.

After performing prakshalan, many people notice an improvement in the condition of their body. Digestive problems, allergic reactions, acne, rashes and redness on the skin go away, and immunity also improves. It is shown to many people.

Those who have no contraindications to it have every chance to cleanse their body carefully and without much difficulty. The most important thing is to start work on the shank on time and correctly, in this case all the mechanisms will be launched in the right direction and a positive reaction will not be long in coming.

Shank Prakshalana is a unique Indian technique of using water and salt to cleanse the intestines. Unlike other methods, when used correctly, it guarantees complete cleansing of the entire digestive tract. The essence of the technique is to drive several liters of salt water through the entire intestine. All that is required is 3 liters of saline solution and a few hours of free time. Shank Prakshalana is absolutely safe, extremely effective and allows you to achieve amazing results in just 1 day.

Why use Shank Prakshalana?

Considering the thousands of years of history of the use of Shank Prakshalana, it is not surprising that in its homeland there are entire institutes dedicated to the study of its effect on the body. The result of these studies was the indications of doctors for the use of this method of bowel cleansing in the following situations:

  1. Chronic diseases, as well as frequent colds, problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. General weakness or drowsiness, vitamin deficiency.
  3. Skin problems, hair loss.
  4. Consequences of stress, depression.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders: indigestion, constipation, liver and gall bladder problems.
  6. Allergic reactions.

All these problems can be solved using the Shank Prakshalana procedure. The reason is that after cleansing the intestines, metabolism improves and problems with digesting food disappear.

In addition, the load is relieved from the entire body, due to the fact that you do not have to constantly fight against harmful microbes that have filled the insides. Because of this, immunity is strengthened.

But it is worth considering that there are a number of contraindications for Shank Prakshalana:

  1. Serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fact that the technique puts a lot of stress on this organ system, the tissues may not be able to withstand it and bleeding will begin. And if damage is already present, the salt will corrode it, causing severe pain.
  2. Menstruation and pregnancy. This is the time when the female body works to the limit of its capabilities. There is no need to give additional load.
  3. A number of cardiovascular diseases. Although Shank Prakshalana has a positive effect on the heart, high blood pressure and increased blood clotting are contraindications to its use. It is also worth taking care of the body after a heart attack, heart attack or stroke.

In any case, before you start cleansing your intestines with salt water, you should consult a doctor and a competent specialist on this issue. This will help prevent unpleasant consequences and negative reviews online.

How is Shank Prakshalana performed?

It seems that everything looks quite simple. You need to drink a few liters of salt water, wait until it comes out naturally and that’s it. But in fact, the procedure has many nuances.

The main difficulty of Shank Prakshalana is the exercises. If you simply drink water, it will remain in the stomach - this way you can only achieve vomiting. To cleanse the intestines, you need to learn how to control the sphincters, which control the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only difficulty of the technique.

Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is worth remembering a few tips:

  1. It is better to practice all exercises in advance. This is necessary so that you worry less and don’t mess anything up.
  2. For Shank Prakshalana, you need to set aside a day off. It is important to start in the morning, on an empty stomach. The procedure itself may take several hours. And after it the body will weaken. It is necessary to have the opportunity to rest so that the body can regain its strength after cleansing.
  3. It may not work out the first time. This means you need to try again.
  4. Don't overdo it. For the first time you should not drink more than 3 liters of water. Subsequently, this amount may change in one direction or another.
  5. Don't forget about individuality. The speed of action of Shank Prakshalana and the amount of liquid required may vary. It depends on many factors.

It is believed that the procedure is completed successfully if the water remains clean after flowing through the intestines. Most likely, this will not be achieved the first time. But don't rush. Using this yoga technique every day will harm the body. Therefore, for maximum positive effect, it is important to remember how often you can do Shank Prakshalana.

Typically, the frequency of colon cleansing at home is once a season. But if indicated or a change in diet, you can use salt water colon cleansing once every two weeks. For constipation, you can repeat the method every 7 days.

How to prepare water?

The most unpleasant part of Shank Prakshalana is the need to drink 3 liters of salt water. However, salt is the fundamental factor that allows fluid to cleanse the intestines. If it is not used, the water will be forced through the kidneys and exited in the urine. The desired effect will not be achieved.

To avoid this, add salt to the water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of purified and boiled liquid. In this case, the solution begins to exceed the salinity of the blood and its absorption does not occur. It is worth adding that you should not use iodized salt. An ordinary stone one will do. For maximum cleansing effect, you can use salt water with lemon. It is enough to squeeze the juice from 1 fruit and add it to the solution.

It is also worth paying attention to the water temperature. Cold liquids cause spasm of the esophageal tissue. This interferes with the relaxation of the sphincters and the free movement of the solution through the gastrointestinal tract.

If the water is at a temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius, then no unpleasant sensations will arise, and the liquid will flow freely throughout the body.

How is the procedure performed?

Colon cleansing with salt water begins in the morning, on an empty stomach. First, drink 1 glass of the prepared solution. Then you need to do a simple set of 5 exercises, take the next portion of water inside and engage in physical activity again.

This is how Shank Prakshalana is cleaned. In total you need to drink 15 glasses of water. But there are several important points that will help assess how correctly the procedure is going:

  1. 2nd glass. After drinking it, it is important to listen to your body. If there is no feeling of nausea, then everything is in order and the liquid is not retained in the stomach, you can continue cleansing with salt water.
  2. 3rd glass. The first urge to go to the toilet may appear. You shouldn't resist them.
  3. 6th glass. Usually at this stage the fluid finally reaches the rectum. Therefore, it is worth sitting on the toilet even without the urge. If defecation has begun, then there will be no problems until the end of the procedure. Sometimes you need to drink 7-8 glasses, not forgetting about exercise.

If everything goes as expected, then you should continue to drink water and do exercises. But if there is no bowel movement after the 6th glass, you should listen to your stomach. Feelings of fullness and nausea mean that you need to continue doing a set of exercises. If no unpleasant sensations arise, it means that the body simply needs more salt water to cleanse the intestines with the help of Shank Prakshalana. Accordingly, you must continue to act according to the instructions.

If the discomfort in the stomach increases and the exercises do not help, it is necessary to stop cleaning and induce vomiting. Relief will occur very quickly. After this, it is better to consult with a specialist to understand your mistakes and repeat the attempt at cleansing with salt water - Shank Prakshalana.

After each bowel movement, it is necessary to wash the anus and under no circumstances use toilet paper. Salt will already irritate the muscles, so you shouldn’t damage it further with friction. On the contrary, it is better to use Vaseline or vegetable oil and lubricate the anus after each visit to the restroom.

Set of exercises

The Shank Prakshalana method involves the use of 5 simple exercises, each of which must be performed 8-12 times after each glass of water with salt. All of them are performed using the abdominal muscles. This is an important point to ensure a complete cleansing of the intestines with salt.

These exercises do not require any specific preparation:

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose). This is stretching. In order to perform it correctly, you need to stand and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then the fingers are folded into a lock and turned palms up above the head. While taking a deep breath, you need to stand on your toes and look at your fingers. After this, the breath is held as much as possible and with a slow exhalation you can slowly stand on your feet. Your arms can also be relaxed and lowered.
  • Tiryaka Tadasana (Bending Tree Pose). This exercise is a little easier. Having stood up and raised your arms up, as when performing the previous task, you just need to bend to the right and left. It is important to take your time and not twist or move your lower body.
  • Kati Chakrasana (Waist Rotation). To perform turns, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your upper limbs forward. When turning to the right, the right hand is placed behind the back and the left is placed on the shoulder. You need to follow your right palm with your eyes. In this case, you should not strain your arms or neck.
  • Tiryaka Bhujangasana (Turning Cobra Pose). Now you can lie down, but not rest on the sofa. You need to stretch out on the floor on your stomach. The legs are spread wide, and the torso is raised on the arms. The pelvis should be in contact with the floor. Then you just need to turn around. When twisting your body to the left, you need to watch your right heel and vice versa.
  • Udarakarshanasana (Abdominal massage). No hands are required to perform it. We need to squat down. Then the left knee is lowered to the other leg, and the right knee is pressed against the stomach. Then the legs change.

The first 3 exercises help open the pylorus. This is a sphincter that prevents food from passing from the stomach to the duodenum before it is digested. The fourth exercise helps the movement of water through the small intestine. The latter is necessary to open the iorcecal valve, which separates the large intestine from the small intestine. After this, having passed through the entire intestine, the water leaves the body.

What to do after the procedure?

The Shank Prakshalana method implies that the procedure does not end with the last glass drunk. After the water passes through the stomach, it is necessary to close the valves so as not to disrupt the digestion process. For this you need to do Vamana Dhauti.

To do this, drink a couple of glasses of warm water without salt. After this, you need to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers and induce vomiting. For it to pass without discomfort, you need to bend over the toilet so that your head is lower than your pelvis. This will not only block the free passage through the gastrointestinal tract after Shank Prakshalana, but will also help to further cleanse the liver, bile ducts and spleen.

Then you need to rest for half an hour and only after that eat. You should not leave your digestive system idle for more than an hour. Rice porridge with water, with or without ghee, is best for breakfast. You can also add a little tomato paste. It is better not to consume other products.

You can drink only a couple of hours after breakfast. At the same time, it is better to forget about strong tea and coffee for a few days. Also, do not eat meat, fish, fruits and sweets. It is best to limit your diet to vegetables, cereals, cheese and bread. It would be a good idea to take medications to normalize the microflora after cleansing the intestines. According to reviews, in this case he will return to normal much faster.

Shank Prakshalana (Skt. Shankha) – “mollusk shell”, (Sanskrit. Prakshalana) - “washing,” is an Indian method of cleansing with a water-salt solution, practiced by yogis. The procedure has become widespread under the name "Conch Gesture". The method was put into practice by the founder and president of the Yoga Institute, Sri Yogender. He is the author of books on yoga theory and a practicing yogi.

According to Sri Yogender's theory, during the procedure, not only the body is cleansed, but also the internal channels through which the energy flow circulates. It is impossible to put energy channels in order without cleansing the body, since it should experience relief after the procedure. The practice got its name due to the analogy with a mollusk that washes its shell with sea water and pushes it out with muscle effort. The essence of the technique is to cleanse the body naturally. The procedure is quite simple, but guarantees complete cleansing of all parts of the intestines.

The effectiveness of the technique is achieved through exercises that are performed in combination with drinking salt water. The practice of Shank Prakshalana involves performing exercises until the water leaving the body is clean. Shank Prakshalana is performed at home and does not require special expenses, while it effectively cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins from the intestines and is recommended to everyone if the instructions of the method are followed correctly. Shank Prakshalana is one of the most popular and effective hatha yoga practices. It is important to follow the exact instructions for performing the procedure, otherwise an effective result will not be achieved.

Features of Shank Prakshalana

The technique is quite simple, but it has its own characteristics. The essence of the procedure is to drink large amounts of salt water. Due to the salt, all accumulations are washed out, which come out along with the water. Salt water cleansing is carried out through exercises that help open the sphincters that connect the intestines. Exercises are a mandatory part of the methodology. Without their implementation, the procedure makes no sense: the valves will not open, salt water will be removed from the body along with urine. The Shank Prakshalana technique stimulates the work of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and toxins, food debris and solid deposits come out along with salt water and feces.

The procedure will not be effective if cleansing the body at home is carried out with fresh water. Fresh water is absorbed into the intestinal walls and excreted from the body in urine, so cleansing using the Shank Prakshalana method is carried out with salt water. But cleansing with salt water will not have any effect if you do not use enough salt or do not exercise.

Complete bowel cleansing is performed on an empty stomach and will take up to 2 hours. It is important to follow the algorithm of actions so that the technique is not in vain.

The procedure is very simple and can be performed by anyone, even those who have never practiced yoga before. The technique does not require physical training, and its positive effect is achieved through the correct concentration of salt and intensity of exercise.

Indications for use of the technique

Shank Prakshalana is a complete cleansing of all parts of the intestines. The procedure is used as a method of cleansing the body of accumulations and preventing gastrointestinal diseases. Colon cleansing using the Shank Prakshalana method is used for:

  • ulcer;
  • liver diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • dysentery;
  • kidney and gallbladder diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • chronic and acute appendicitis;
  • nervous disorders and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • stagnation of feces in the rectum.

Features of colon cleansing with salt water

Colon cleansing is a necessary procedure to maintain the health of the whole body. Deposits in the gastrointestinal tract create optimal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which disrupt the natural intestinal microflora, impede natural peristalsis and contribute to intoxication of the body. Cleaning with salt water at home loosens fecal deposits and stimulates bowel movements. Together with salt water, the intestinal walls absorb the minerals contained in the salt. Excess toxic accumulations provoke inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, and the salt solution calms the receptors and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

Salt water cleansing procedure

Cleansing the body using the Shank Prakshalana method should be done after preliminary preparation. Recommended in 3 days before the procedure stick to a diet and eat exclusively protein foods of plant origin. Salt water cleansing will be more effective if there are no rocky feces in the path of the salt water, so You should drink plenty of water before the procedure.

Cleansing should be done on an empty stomach. If you have breakfast in the morning, the stomach will digest the food, and the copious amount of salt water that gets into it will be stressful for the body. Shank Prakshalana should be done on a day off. The procedure itself will take a little more than an hour, but the salt solution will have a laxative effect throughout the day. To begin with, the procedure can be done once with an interval of six months.

The high concentration of salt contained in the solution can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora, so cleansing with this method should not be done frequently.

How to prepare a solution for Shank Prakshalana?

Used for cleansing 3-5 liters of salt solution. To prepare the solution, you can use kitchen or sea salt. You need as much salt as cannot be absorbed into the intestinal mucosa. To do this, you need to prepare a solution that contains as much salt as there is in blood plasma. To calculate concentrations, you can use the algorithm 9 grams per 1 liter. Based on this, to prepare salt water you need to take 1 teaspoon per 1 liter.

It is important not to overdo the salt concentration or make the solution too salty. But there will also be no positive effect from under-salted water, so it is better to add as much salt as the method implies.

You need to dilute the salt with warm water. You only need to do the cleansing procedure at home with a warm solution. Using cold water can stress the intestines, and then the procedure will not have a positive effect. The water should be above room temperature. It is not necessary to make it hot, just bring it to a temperature above body temperature.

How to perform the procedure

The procedure must be done in stages. There is a certain algorithm for carrying out the technique. He determines the course of action, alternating the use of saline solution and exercise.

  1. Drink 1 glass salt water. Drink slowly and take sips often, stimulating the intestines to contract. Perform the exercises according to the instructions.
  2. Have another drink 1 glass salt water. Repeat the set of exercises.
  3. Have another drink 1 glass salt water. Repeat the exercises. After the third glass, there should be a desire to void.
  4. If bowel movement does not occur after the third glass, continue drinking glasses of water as much as you can, alternating them with exercise. After 6 glasses stop the procedure and wait as long as you can until you feel the urge to have a bowel movement.
  5. After 1 bowel movement, continue with the steps. 1 glass = 1 set of exercises. Defecation should continue until clear water comes out.
  6. If defecation does not occur, you need to stop drinking water. Repeat the exercises as much as necessary to stimulate peristalsis. After 1 bowel movement, you can continue to drink water and do exercises until clean water comes out.

What kind of drug is “Filtrum - STI”?

The technique in theory involves the use 5 liters of water. 6 glasses Drink before 1 bowel movement, the rest after it. In practice, it turns out that you can drink as much water as your body needs. Cleaning exhausts the body, so after the procedure you may feel weak, drowsy and tired. Salt can cause irritation, so after bowel movement it is better not to use hygiene products, but to take a shower. If clean water comes out of the intestines after the procedure, you can no longer perform it.

Shank Prakshalana also includes the Vamana Dhauti technique - gastric lavage. To do this you need to drink 3 cups salt solution gulp and clear the stomach, causing a gag reflex.

Possible complications after the procedure

Sometimes cleaning does not immediately give a positive result. If emptying does not occur, and the feeling of fullness in the stomach creates discomfort, you can repeat the exercises. Complications can be caused by the formation of a gas plug that interferes with the passage of the solution. In this case, you can do several Hala-Sanu exercises. If the procedure is carried out for the first time by a person who is not familiar with yoga, then it is better to take a laxative in the case when you have drunk as much of the solution as prescribed according to the method, but defecation has not occurred.

There are contraindications to the use of the technique in people suffering from chronic or acute gastrointestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis and indigestion. There are also contraindications during pregnancy and acute appendicitis.

Set of exercises for Shank Prakshalana

The exercises of the complex are not asanas and only stimulate the intestines to peristalsis, so the main thing is to relax and breathe correctly. You should not experience any discomfort from the exercise. It is important to follow the order of the exercise and the algorithm of actions and repeat them as many times as necessary to improve peristalsis.

Shank Prakshalana exercises

  1. Exercise – Tadasana. The first exercise is performed in the “mountain pose”. To perform it, you must take a standing position. Place your feet at shoulder distance. Fix your feet parallel to your body. Straighten your arms at the elbow joints and raise them above your head. Cross your hands, with the back of the hand facing outward, and raise them above your head. Tighten your legs, tighten your gluteal muscle. The stomach should be tense. The chest should be pushed forward a little, but not protruded. The spine should be elongated. You need to rise up on your toes, distributing your body weight along the entire length. After rising on your toes, you need to inhale, and as you exhale, lower down. You need to breathe with your stomach, not your diaphragm. Repeat approach 20 times.
  2. Exercise – Tiryaka-tadasana. To perform the exercise, you need to get into the “bending tree pose.” Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Support your body with your feet. Stretch your arms up in a lock, the back of your palm facing out. Tilt to the right, straighten up, and tilt to the left - straighten up. You only need to bend over with your torso, the pelvis remains fixed. Exercises should be gentle but intense. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Exercise – Kati-chakrasana. Torso turns are performed in a standing position. The back is straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Legs slightly bent at the knees. The right arm is extended forward, the left is bent at the elbow. The torso is rotated to the right following the right arm extended at the wrist, then to the left in the same position of the arms. You need to move your hands behind your back as much as you can. At the same time, the head should turn following the guiding hand. Repeat 20 times.
  4. Exercise – Tiryaka-bhujangasana. This exercise is performed in the “reversing cobra pose.” To perform the exercise you need to lie on the floor. The legs should be spread, the toes should be fixed in a suspended state. Raise your torso with outstretched arms, place your hands parallel to your torso. Make movements of turning your head, trying to see the heel. In this case, you need to pull your side and keep your stomach tense. Repeat turns 10 times in both directions.
  5. Exercise – Kick-karshanasana . This exercise is aimed at massaging the abdominal muscles. To perform the exercise you need to squat down. Keep your feet on your toes, bring your knees forward. The spine should be straight. Hands should be placed on your knees. Turn to the right, moving your shoulder and head back. Return to starting position. Make a left turn in the same way. Repeat turns 10 times in each direction.

Nutrition after the procedure

After cleansing the intestines, you need to eat within half an hour. Cleaning is stressful for the body, so it is important not to leave the colon empty. No earlier than 30 minutes and no later than 1 hour, you should take your first meal.

The diet should be balanced and not contain harmful foods

After the procedure, it is recommended to review your diet. If the cleansing was successful without complications, it means that the intestines were not too polluted and the body was not stressed. If cleansing is difficult, it is better to exclude excess fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Nutrition after the procedure for 10 days should help remove toxins that may not have been removed by the saline solution and continue to accumulate in the body. The diet must be comprehensive, so it is allowed to consume:

  1. 1st day. Chicken, cereal, raw vegetables, broth without salt, durum wheat pasta.
  2. 2nd day. Dairy products, cereals, beef, stewed vegetables.
  3. 3rd day. Fruits, vegetables in any form, natural juices.
  4. 4th day. Seafood, meat, dairy products, cereals.

After day 4, you can stick to your normal diet, but it is recommended to cook food exclusively by steaming, oven or boiling. Adding salt to food should be minimal. After the procedure, it is important to restore water balance, so It is important to drink as much water as possible.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 4 times a year. Those who have difficulties with the technique for the first time are advised to reconsider their diet and repeat the procedure in a month. If the second time the method did not give a positive result, and cleansing did not occur, and distension of the stomach and intestines created discomfort, it is better to abandon this method of bowel cleansing. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a specialist to ensure there are no contraindications.

Shank Prakshalana or “Conch shell gesture” - so beautifully called complete colon rinse with salt water, which has been practiced by yogis since ancient times.

Unlike enema cleansing, which cleanses only the large intestine, Shank Prakshalana also cleanses the small intestine. After such cleansing, a surge of vital energy and health is felt.

The procedure is simple and accessible to everyone. It consists of the following: you need drink salted water and do special exercises until the water comes out clear.

The procedure usually takes about 1 - 1.5 hours. It is better to perform it in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a free day.

Preparing for cleaning

Prepare salted water (10 to 14 glasses, depending on intestinal contamination). Take salt at the rate of 9 grams per 1 liter (1 teaspoon with a small slide). This is approximately the concentration of salt in blood plasma.

The water must be salty, because otherwise, it is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and excreted through the kidneys.

Note: For some reason, it is often suggested to measure salt to prepare a solution using tablespoons. Don't get confused with the salt concentration; 1 level tablespoon contains 25 grams of salt. Taking that much for 1 liter of water is too much. Don't overdo it with salt.

The water should be heated to body temperature. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after enema cleansing.

Advice for those who don't like enemas: take a mild laxative at night. Then there will be no problems when performing intestinal lavage.

Scheme for performing the colon cleansing procedure Shank Prakshalana

  1. Drink a glass of salted water.
  2. Immediately perform special exercises that force water to move into the intestines without causing nausea.
  3. Next, drink a glass of salt water again and perform a series of exercises.
    Continue this way until you drink 6 glasses of water. Usually, after such an amount of water, sewage evacuation occurs.
    If this does not happen within 5-10 minutes, repeat the exercises without drinking more water.
    If, as before, there is no evacuation, you need to activate the siphon using an enema.
    After the first evacuation of the intestinal contents, further lavage occurs without problems.
    To prevent irritation caused by salt, it is recommended that after each visit to the toilet, rinse the anus with warm water, dry it and lubricate it with vegetable oil.
  4. After the first evacuation, you need to drink a glass of water again and perform a series of exercises.

When you see that the water comes out clean enough, you should stop the procedure. You go to the toilet a few more times.

Then, in order to empty the stomach and turn off the siphon after Shank Prakshalans, yoga induces vomiting (Vamana-Dhouti). To do this, you can drink 3 glasses of pure unsalted water and induce vomiting.

Exercise 1

Initial position: standing, back straight, legs slightly apart, palms facing up, fingers intertwined, breathing freely.
First lean to the left, then, without pausing, straighten up and lean to the right. Try not to twist your upper torso. Repeat the exercise 4 times, i.e. 8 tilts, alternately left and right.

This exercise will take approximately 10 seconds. Bending forces the pylorus of the stomach to open, and with each movement, some of the water will penetrate from the stomach into the intestines.

Exercise 2

Initial position the same. Bend your left arm so that your thumb and index finger touch your right collarbone, and extend your right arm horizontally. Turn your torso to the right, pointing your outstretched arm as far back as possible, while looking at your fingertips. Then, without stopping, return to the starting position, change hands and twist in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 4 times too.

These movement causes water to move through the small intestine.

Exercise 3

Initial position: Lie down on the floor. Only the palms of the hands and big toes touch the floor, therefore, keep the hips above the floor. It is important that the feet are slightly apart (about 30 centimeters). Rotate your torso and head until you see the opposite heel, without delay, return to the starting position and do the same in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 4 times. The exercise will take 10 - 15 seconds.

Exercise 4

Starting position: squat down, feet slightly apart (about 30 centimeters), with the heels on the outer side of the thighs, and not under the buttocks, knees also slightly apart, palms on the knees.

Rotate your torso and move your left knee to the floor in front of your right foot. The palms alternately push the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press the thigh on the large intestine, pressing half of the abdomen. Look behind you. This will increase the twisting of the torso and the pressure on the abdomen.

For this exercise, you need to start squeezing the right side of your abdomen first. Repeat the exercise 4 times. The duration of the exercise is about 15 seconds.

These movements water reaching the end of the small intestine, propelled through the large intestine.

Exercise 4 is the most difficult of the entire series. For diseases of the knee joints, you can perform a lighter version of the exercise.

Exercise 4 (light)

Initial position: Sit on the floor, bend one knee, with your foot placed on the inside of your thigh. The shoulder is directed as far as possible towards the bent knee, the torso is slightly tilted back. The hands rest on the bent knee, which serves as a lever to twist the torso and press the thigh to the lower abdomen.

Cases of failure

If you drink 4 glasses of water and feel full to the point of nausea, this means that the pylorus of the stomach has not opened and the contents of the stomach are not passing into the intestines in a normal way. Without drinking more water, perform the series of exercises 2 to 3 more times. The disappearance of nausea will indicate that the pylorus of the stomach has opened. After this, there will be no more difficulties, and the process can continue.

If it was not possible to activate the siphon (sometimes a gas plug from fermentation products can prevent this), it is enough to press on the stomach with your hands or do a shoulder stand (yogi exercise “Sarvangasana”) along with performing the series of exercises described above.

In the worst case scenario, if the water still does not leave the stomach, all that remains is to induce vomiting by tickling the base of the tongue with two fingers. Relief will come immediately. After exercise, you need to rest and avoid fasting.

First meal after Shank Prakshalana

Mandatory after Shank Prakshalana you need to eat no earlier than 30 minutes and no later than 1 hour after the end of the exercises. It is forbidden to leave the digestive tract without food for more than an hour after exercise.

The first food is rice, boiled in water without salt, a little overcooked. Rice can be combined with well-cooked carrots. Along with rice you need to eat 40 grams of butter. Rice can be replaced with oatmeal, wheat cereal, etc.

Warning. Within 24 hours after Shank Prakshalana, it is forbidden to eat yeast bread, drink kefir and milk. You should only eat porridge with water, boiled or stewed vegetables. Raw vegetables and fruits can be consumed the next day. Such nutrition contributes to the revival of normal intestinal microflora.

Drinking after Shank Prakshalana

Consuming salt water will draw some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines due to high osmotic activity. Thus, the microvilli of the small and large intestines are cleansed, because the liquid part of the blood follows in the direction opposite to normal absorption. This is what it's all about uniqueness of Shank Prakshalana.

After exercise you will be naturally thirsty, but do not take any liquid, not even pure water, before your first meal. Then you can drink water or light herbal infusions.

The first bowel movements will appear only after a day. They will be yellow-golden and odorless, like a baby's.

Beneficial Impact

After cleaning the entire digestive tract, you will feel a surge of strength, fresh breath, good sleep, and a refreshed complexion.
At the same time, the liver is toned, which can be seen by the color of the first stool, as well as the pancreas.

The process of absorption of water into the large intestine is possible only from solutions in which the salt concentration does not exceed 0.9%.

If the salt concentration in the solution is 0.9%, then the absorption of water from such a solution into the large intestine will not occur.

When the salt concentration is more than 0.9%, reverse absorption will occur, i.e., water from the internal environment of the body will be absorbed into the lumen of the large intestine.

A simple example. For this reason, sea water with a salt concentration of more than 0.9% cannot quench your thirst and, on the contrary, if you try to drink such water, you can get dehydrated.

Any person who has ever seriously thought about their health is extremely interested in information about methods of cleansing the body. Let's consider a method of colon cleansing at home, which is called Shank Prakshalana. This method is a cleansing of the digestive organ through a high-speed yoga method. This method is also called salt water cleansing. Let's learn more about what Shank-Prakshalana is and get acquainted with the reviews of those who have had the opportunity to carry out such cleansing at home.

In a nutshell, the procedure is that you drink several liters of salt water and, through a series of special exercises, push this water through the entire digestive system before evacuating through the anus, completely flushing the entire digestive tract and cleansing the body of years of accumulated waste and toxins.

Stress, poor nutrition and daily routine, overeating, lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, poor environment, etc. - all these factors give rise to a whole bunch of various diseases, abnormalities and problems in the functioning of the digestive system.


Through Shank Prakshalana, yogis are engaged in washing and cleansing the entire digestive system of the body. This speaks in favor of this method in comparison with enemas, which help cleanse only the rectum, and in the best situation, some part of the large intestine.

This method has been around for several millennia, but despite its age, it has not lost its relevance. No one willingly wants to deal with enemas, but many would like to cleanse the intestines in a quick and effective way. This is where the Shank-Prakshalana technique comes to the rescue. Translated, this term means “shell gesture.”

How is Shank Prakshalana performed?

In order to carry out this procedure, you will need a free day, and, in addition, salt, clean water, an accessible toilet and, of course, the will. How to do Shank Prakshalana correctly? It’s quite simple: after regular intervals and after the necessary exercises, drink one glass of salt water. In total, they drink from eight to twelve glasses, which ultimately amounts to about three liters. Much depends on whether the sphincters of the digestive system have opened, since the salty liquid needs to pass from the mouth all the way to the anus in succession.

So, the best time to carry out this procedure is morning. Please note that for a beginner the procedure may take more than an hour. On this day, it is necessary to avoid performing serious physical activity. The same applies to the day following the procedure. How to do Shank Prakshalana correctly? The sequence of actions should be like this:

  • The glass is filled with warm water, which has a temperature of about forty degrees. Usually it's like the temperature of a soup that doesn't burn and is pleasant to eat.
  • After this, special exercises are performed (which ones will be discussed below).
  • Drink another glass of salted liquid, then do the exercises again.
  • The alternation of drinking a glass with special exercises should continue until six containers of salt water have been used. And, therefore, six series of necessary exercises must be done.
  • Immediately after all this is done, you need to go to the toilet.

This is the instruction of Shank-Prakshalana. As practice shows, the first evacuation occurs almost instantly. Normal solid stools are followed by weaker ones, and then completely liquid ones. The stool is yellowish in color.

If this does not happen immediately or there is no result within five minutes, then you need to repeat the set of exercises and go to the toilet. If there is still no result, which is actually unlikely, but sometimes happens, then it may be necessary to induce an evacuation by using a plain unsalted water enema. After doing a small enema, you should lie down and relax for a few minutes. Immediately after the main evacuation mechanism starts working, the others will be automatically called.

Against the backdrop of Shank Prakshalana (translated as “shell gesture”), there is one very useful piece of advice, which is that you should not use toilet paper after defecation. It is best to wash yourself with water, then thoroughly wipe the anus, lubricating it with vegetable oil. In addition to the above, olive or castor oil is perfect. This measure will certainly help to avoid all sorts of irritations that can be caused by salt. Next, immediately after the first bowel movement, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Drink a glass of salted liquid again.
  • Do the required exercises.
  • Visit the toilet to have a bowel movement again.

It is necessary to continue this chain of actions until the liquid at the outlet becomes as clean as it is introduced into the body. This directly depends on how polluted the intestines are. As a rule, ten to fourteen glasses of salt water are enough to achieve this result.

As soon as a person is satisfied with the results of the cleansing procedure performed (that is, when the emerging liquid becomes absolutely clean), Shank-Prakshalana can be stopped. After completing this procedure, the person may again feel the urge to go to the toilet within the next sixty minutes, which, of course, is an inconvenience.

As another recommendation, it is worth mentioning that after the procedure it is advisable to drink three more glasses of salt water. If there is a suspicion of increased acidity, this can be done without salt. Soda for Shank Prakshalana will be an excellent option. Then you need to induce vomiting. This is done with three fingers of the right hand, with which you need to tickle the back surface of the upper palate. As a result of a simple manipulation, the stomach will empty completely, and the evacuation mechanism will also turn off.

Shank-Prakshalana: rejuvenating effect and benefits

In addition to the main result, which is cleansing the intestines, the skin is also cleansed from any rash. In addition, the following effects can be achieved:

  • Improvement of the general condition of allergy sufferers.
  • A rejuvenating effect of the entire body is achieved.
  • Improved vision and hearing.
  • Eliminate bad breath.
  • Sleep regulation.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Activation of liver functions, just like all digestive organs in general. For example, the absorption of nutrients improves several times. Therefore, at first, special nutrition is required and in reasonable quantities, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Contraindications and possible harm

This procedure must not be used in the presence of acute infectious diseases that are accompanied by high fever, for example, dysentery, severe poisoning with diarrhea, and so on. In addition, Shank-Prakshalana is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Duodenal ulcer.
  • The presence of gastritis and ulcerative colitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Oncological diseases of the digestive system.
  • Presence of tuberculosis.
  • Heart failure.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Regular attacks of angina pectoris.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Menstruation in women.

Carrying out Shank Prakshalana in the presence of most diseases is not recommended due to the fact that this method is very difficult for the body. Considering that with any pathologies a person is already weakened, it is impossible to carry out Shank-Prakshalana. During pregnancy, you should also not resort to this procedure, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

Additional contraindications include the presence of gallstones. High-quality implementation of the technique in this case stimulates the liver, and, in addition, the secretion of bile, due to which the ducts are cleansed. But if there are stones, under the influence of Shank-Prakshalana they can begin to move. The same applies to kidney stones.

Reviews of Shank-Prakshalan suggest that a few days before the procedure itself, adhere to a vegetarian diet. This is required so that excessive gas formation, along with abdominal pain, does not add unpleasant and painful sensations at the most inopportune moment. It is also reported that if the digestive system is relatively healthy, this advice may not be followed.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach at around eight in the morning and preferably on a free day. Prepare three liters of clean and heated water. Water is prepared with the addition of sea salt at the rate of 5 grams per liter of liquid. For one liter take a teaspoon of salt without top. People write that if you make the water insufficiently salty, it will begin to be absorbed into the body very quickly, which will hit the kidneys hard, negating the entire desired effect of this procedure.

It is noted that during the procedure you feel very thirsty. Many reviews of Shank-Prakshalan admit that they allowed themselves to take a sip of pure water while drinking salty liquid.

Reviews and exercises

In addition to the basic tips, the reviews provide examples of physical exercises that help achieve the most positive result during the procedure.

What exercises should be performed during Shank Prakshalana?

So, here are examples of several exercises that are done four times in each direction. One such exercise is a yoga pose called cobra. To perform this pose, a person must lie on his stomach, then raise his torso, leaning on both hands, and then tilt his head back. In addition to this exercise, yoga poses such as pavanamuktasana and salabhasana are also used. Compensatory yoga poses are also used.

Reviews of Shank-Prakshalan say that at first glance they may seem quite simple, but in practice it turns out that some effort is required. And for an untrained body, performing them completely correctly is quite problematic. In addition, the next day the muscles of the legs and abdominal muscles are very sore.

According to experts, after drinking six glasses of salt water, as well as in the intervals between exercises, all sphincters should open, and, in addition, there should be a noticeable urge to defecate. True, people write that this may not happen, which most often occurs due to increased nervousness and cramps, or due to poorly performed exercises.

Some admit that after the sixth glass they did not feel any urge to go to the toilet. But after the eighth, strong sensations of some kind of distension of the digestive organs appeared, which were even accompanied by nausea.

Reviews and features of the technique

Reviews of Shank-Prakshalan say that many experienced discomfort during the procedure. Experts note that if any discomfort occurs, abdominal massage can help. It must be quite intense in order to get rid of the gas lock. The above exercises also help to cope with the discomfort that arises. If this does not help, you should perform any exercises during Shank Prakshalana that involve squeezing the abdomen. For example, the plow pose in yoga, in which you should press your knees to your stomach, as if standing on your shoulder blades.

If it is still not possible to achieve progress through the digestive system, you may have to induce vomiting. This can be achieved by pressing on the root of the tongue. As experts assure, such an incident happens extremely rarely, in only three percent of cases.

After a person has the first bowel movement, we can assume that the mechanism has been started, and then you can no longer make any efforts, but just continue to drink water and run to the toilet. Rinsing to clean water is considered ideal. But, as people report in their reviews, in practice, even after fifteen glasses, the liquid at the outlet still remains yellowish.

Upon completion of the cleansing procedure, drink a couple of glasses of clean water, inducing a gag reflex in order to close the sphincters back. In reviews, people call this stage of Shank Prakshalana the most unpleasant, but on the other hand, it helps to stop the need to sit on the toilet for a long time until the fluid in the intestines is completely eliminated.

A couple of days before Shank Prakshalana, it is recommended not to eat heavy foods, which include all kinds of sweets and flour dishes, along with semi-finished products, smoked meats, fatty meats and fish. It is best to switch to stewed and boiled vegetables, as well as various cereals. You should only drink water and compote, and the night before you should skip dinner altogether.

The diet after Shank Prakshalana has its own characteristics. The first meal after carrying out such an “execution” for forty minutes should be boiled rice. Eating rice after Shank Prakshalana allows the remaining salt to be absorbed to prevent the buds from setting. It is important to note that drinking before meals is not advisable, and you should prepare for the fact that it will be very difficult to endure, since the feeling of thirst will be incredible.

After Shank Prakshalana, in the first two days it is forbidden to consume dairy products along with alcohol, coffee, meat, raw vegetables and fruits. You should also not eat any foods that contain a large amount of chemicals or yeasty white bread. You should eat boiled vegetables with butter; porridge with water is also quite suitable.

In order to further help your body recover as quickly as possible after such an intestinal cleansing at home, you should take bifidobacteria an hour after completing the procedure. It is advisable to use them for at least five days. It is worth saying that the first stool after the Shank-Prakshalana technique can be expected no earlier than a day later.