The kind of kids who can put any adult to shame... Read more...

Willie Mosconi

Willie Mosconi - professional billiards at age 6

William Joseph Mosconi was a famous American billiard player from Philadelphia. His father was the owner of a billiard room, but did not allow the child to play, so the boy literally trained on tomatoes, and instead of a cue he used a mop handle. The father soon noticed that his son was showing success, and began to organize exhibition tournaments in which his son had to stand on a stool to see what was happening on the table. At the same time, he almost always beat older players. In 1919, an exhibition competition was held between six-year-old Willie and the reigning world champion, Ralph Greenleaf. Ralph won, but Willie's brilliant play opened the way for him to professional billiards. From 1924, at the age of 11, William regularly staged performances demonstrating his elegant trick shots.
Later, between 1941 and 1957, he held the world title in the BCA World Championship 15 times in a row. The number of various records related to billiards and set by William Mosconi would take a long time to list, but I will only say that the record for continuous scoring of balls (consecutive balls) performed by him is 526! That is, he pocketed 526 balls continuously and without errors...

Kim Ung-Yong

Most clever man in the world - child prodigy Kim Ung-Yong. University in 4 years

The Korean miracle child was born in 1962 and still holds the Guinness World Record for having the highest IQ of 210. At the age of 4, the boy could read Japanese, Korean, German and English. When he was 5 years old, Kim decided complex system probabilistic differential equations(after university I don’t remember what it is..). He was then invited to appear on Japanese television, where he demonstrated his knowledge of Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog (Filipino), German, English and Korean. From the ages of 3 to 6, Kim was a student at Hanyang University; at the age of 7, he received an offer to work for NASA. There, at the age of 15, he received a doctorate in physics from Colorado State University and worked in the United States until 1978. After this, Kim returned to Korea with the intention of pursuing civil engineering and construction. To do this, he defended his doctoral dissertation on this subject, after which he was invited to the most famous Korean university, which he refused, preferring to work at a provincial university. Since 2007, he has also worked as an assistant at Chungbuk National University. Kim Ung-Yong is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person in the world, his IQ = 210

Gregory Smith

Gregory Smith - Nobel Prize at age 12

Born in 1990, Gregory Smith learned to read at the age of two and entered university at age 10. To his credit, the boy not only studies the exact sciences, but also travels the world as an activist for the protection of children's rights. Gregory is the founder of the International Youth Advocates movement, which is dedicated to achieving understanding between children around the world (I wonder how?). The gifted boy was honored with a conversation with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev, and also made a speech from the podium at one of the UN meetings. For his work, he was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize, although he never received it. His most recent achievements include obtaining a driver's license.

Akrit Yasval

Akrit Jaswal - 7 year old surgeon

Akrit Yaswal was born in India, where he is called the smartest, as his IQ reaches 146, which is an excellent result in a competition of a billion people (the country's population). Akrit attracted public attention in 2000, when he accidentally performed his first “surgical” operation. He was seven years old, his patient, a neighbor girl, was eight. Due to the burn, the girl could not unclench her fist, and Akrit, without special medical skills, was able to carry out the necessary actions and returned mobility to his eight-year-old patient’s fingers. After this incident, the boy went to study as a doctor at Chandigarh College and is now the youngest student among all in Indian universities.

Cleopatra Stratan

Cleopatra Stratan is the youngest pop star on the planet. Charges 1000 euros per performance

Cleopatra was born in October 2002 in Chisinau in the family of singer Pavel Stratan. Surprisingly, in her case, her genes and talent have developed in such a way that the girl is the youngest performer to achieve commercial success after the release of the album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3 years"). At her more than young age, she has the experience of performing for two hours in front of a large audience in a concert hall, receives money for it, and received an MTV award as the youngest performer.

Aelita Andre

Aelita Andre - two-year-old artist

Aelita is a celebrity among certain circles of connoisseurs of abstract painting; she began to “create” her works when she was not yet two years old. It is clear that we are not talking about landscapes, but she is good at abstract art, like all children. One day, the director of the Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne, Mark Jamieson, at a meeting with one of the photographers, saw photographs of works by an author unknown to him, and agreed to include them in the program of the annual exhibition . Booklets were printed and advertisements were given in specialized magazines. When the machine was started, he learned that the author of the paintings was the photographer’s daughter, two-year-old Aelita. The director was, of course, shocked, but it was decided not to change the exhibition program, and the paintings of the young talent were released.

Saul Aaron Kripke

Schoolboy who taught at Harvard - child prodigy Saul Aaron Kripke

Saul Aaron Kripke was born in New York in 1940 - in the family of a rabbi.
IN primary school Saul managed to study full course algebra, geometry and philosophy. His life is a series of unexpected insights and discoveries. In the fourth grade of school, he took an algebra course, and by the end of junior school he had completed the study of geometry and philosophy. During his teenage years, Saul wrote a series of papers that changed the course of teaching modal (formal) logic, which led to the fact that the gifted teenager received an offer to work from Harvard. Like an obedient Jewish boy, Saul wrote back: “Mom says I have to finish school and college first.” After graduating from school, Saul still went to study at Harvard. Cyle Kripke is the winner of the Schock Prize, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in philosophy, and is now considered one of the most prominent living philosophers.

Michael Kevin Kearney

Michael Kevin Kearney - university at age 10

24-year-old Michael Kearney is known as the youngest graduate of the university - he was only 10 years old at that time. In addition, in 2008, he won a million dollars in the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Kevin was born in 1984, has set many intellectual records in his life and has been working as a college teacher since the age of 17. The boy said his first words at 4 months, at 6 months he said at a pediatrician’s appointment “I have an infection in my left ear” (I’m sure the doctor fainted), and learned to read at the age of 10 months. When Michael was 4 years old, he passed the Johns Hopkins precocious math program. At the age of 6, Kevin graduated from high school, entered Santa Rosa Junior College, and at the age of 10 he graduated with a degree in geology and archeology. Michael entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate to receive a bachelor's degree in archaeology. He also holds the record for being the youngest graduate student (at that age, I personally only pulled girls’ pigtails at school and was in 3rd grade). In 2006, Michael became famous around the world after winning the game "Gold Rush" and winning $1 million.

Fabiano Lugi Carvana

Fabiano Luigi Caruana - chess grandmaster at age 14

Fabiano, at 16 years old, is a grandmaster and chess celebrity, and has honorary citizenship in Italy and the United States. In 2007, at the age of 14 years and 11 months, Fabiano received the title of grandmaster, becoming the youngest chess master in the United States and Italy. In April 2009, according to FIDE, he had a rating of 2649 points, which is the highest in the world among players under 18 years of age.

Today, the only thing heard from everywhere is a call for early development. Of course, after three it’s too late! And it’s better to study mathematics right in the cradle, so as not to work as a janitor all your life. Drama club, photo club. We dream that our children will be the most talented, successful and happy...

First of all, we note that the word prodigy is not a scientific term and translated from German means “wonderful or miracle child.” Prodigies are children who are carriers of talent (genius), gifted and so-called “savants” - children who have abilities in some narrow area (mathematics, modeling, music, fine arts), but often have problems in others (usually in verbal skills ) Talent - highest degree giftedness, an ability that is revealed as one develops and acquires skills and experience in one area. The genius of a child is a gift from nature, which has invested in him great, adult talent.

More than one generation of scientists has been struggling with the mystery of genius. Some believe that the whole point is in the characteristics of genes and the structure of the brain. Others believe that talent manifests itself only in the presence of a rare disease. “Genius is 99 percent hard work and one percent imagination,” said Thomas Edison.

Child prodigies tend to show their abilities at an early age. These abilities can relate to any intellectual field of activity: mathematics, physics, music, encyclopedic knowledge, and so on. Already at an early age they can go to college, graduate and defend a dissertation, while their peers are still in school; gifted children with musical talent write operas; with aptitude for chess, they become champions.

Contrary to popular belief that child prodigies do not produce anything special, they often keep their genius to themselves even in adulthood...

One of the most ancient cases of child prodigies was Christian Heinrich Heinecken, whose outstanding achievements are immortalized in an old German book. At the age of 14 months, the child was able to recite the traditions of the Old and New Testaments from memory. At the age of 4, he read and spoke French, German and Latin languages. At the same age, the child prodigy was able to perform basic arithmetic operations, knew many historical facts, and understood geography. Being known throughout Europe, the boy was accepted by the King of Denmark. However, Heineken was a sickly child and died at the age of 4 years and 4 months.

A counterweight sad fate K. G. Heineken can be cited as an example of Karl Witte, born in Prussia in 1800. This child prodigy lived to the age of 83 and retained his outstanding intellectual powers until the end of his days. His father was convinced of the effectiveness of early education and taught the child from the cradle using educational games. At the age of 8, Karl read Homer and Plutarch, Virgil and Cicero, Florian, Metastasio and Schiller in the original. At the age of nine, the boy became a student in Leipzig, and on the eve of his fourteenth birthday he received a Ph.D. Two years later he became a doctor of jurisprudence and was appointed to the teaching staff of the University of Berlin. Of course, the role of Karl Witte’s father in his son’s success is great; discussing the process of his son's education, he wrote: "... the son had, first of all, to grow up as an active, healthy and happy guy. I would be unpleasant if he prematurely turned out to be an outstanding specialist in languages ​​or mathematics, so I stopped him, when I thought it caught his attention too early."

Maria Agnesi

Maria Agnesi was born in Milan in 1718, this was precisely the time when women were not very favored in scientific circles. But she was different: she spoke several languages ​​as a child and performed with scientific speeches in front of his father's friends.

By the time of her death at the age of 80, Agnes had received the title of professor. Not bad for the 18th century.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

In 1777 (the time of Gauss's birth), mathematics was not the same as we know it today. It didn’t take long for Gauss to start redoing everything, and it all started at the age of three, when he began to do some mathematical calculations; later, in elementary school, he easily and quickly added more than 100 numbers in his head.

Gauss continued to study mathematics and made important contributions to the development of algebra and number theory. He also wrote several papers on magnetism, which is why you often see his name on a magnet: Gauss is the unit used to measure magnetic field.

Paul Erdős

Do you know how many seconds you have lived? Three-year-old Paul Erdős could easily give you the answer to this question. As a child living in Hungary in the 1920s, he amazed everyone with his amazing ability.

When Paul crossed the 20-year mark, his skills in mathematics could only be envied; by this age, he received a doctorate in this science. He was also quite eccentric, developing his own unique set of vocabulary and making sure that he lived his life out of suitcases.

By the end of his life, Erdős was one of the most influential and knowledgeable mathematicians of all time, publishing more than a thousand papers, many of them over the age of 70, proving that starting early does not mean finishing the race quickly.

William Rowan Hamilton

How many teenagers are there in modern world speak 10 languages? Hamilton knew 14. He was born in 1805 in Dublin, and by the age of 16 he was already studying higher mathematics.

He spent most his life studying optics, but his most important and influential work was his work on algebra and the quaternion, a number system that was created to become the critical foundation of computer graphics, quantum physics, and vector algebra today. No wonder the Irish are still so proud of him.

Jean Piaget

For someone who would study the cognitive development of children, Jean certainly had an unusual childhood. Swiss by birth, Piaget published his first scientific work in 1906, when he was 10 years old.

Piaget observed children as they grew up from babies to adults, he studied how they learned about the world and developed. His findings changed society's view of children and childhood, showing how important this period of a human being's life is.

John von Neumann

When a 6-year-old child can divide 6-digit numbers in his head, one cannot help but say that he is a genius. Hungarian by age 8, John could memorize entire pages of telephone books. However, by the age of 50, he was no less surprising.

Von Neumann, in the company of the world's leading physicists, confronted the mysteries of quantum mechanics, and also connected with economists human behavior with game theory.

He then became a key person involved in the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, moreover, was the very first and most influential computer designer.

Ekrit Jasvel

Not many 7 year olds have surgery, or at least want to. Surely, many here will wonder what the adult doctors were thinking if they allowed this? But Indian-born Ekrit, now a university student as a teenager, was always a little different.

He is not a doctor, but his parents say he has always had a passion for anatomy and science. From the age of 5, the boy enthusiastically read Shakespeare. Today, Ekrit talks about that. that he would focus all his efforts on finding a cure for cancer. Well, he has a lot of time ahead to achieve his goal.

William James Sidis

William Born April 1, 1898 in New York. At the age of 18 months, he was reading the New York Times. At the age of 6, William consciously became an atheist. Before his eighth birthday, he wrote four books. He was a mathematical genius who entered Harvard at age 11 and became a professor before he was 20.

W. J. Sidis is rated by some biographers as the most gifted man on Earth. Here are the biographical moments that gave rise to this opinion:

  • William learned to write by the end of his first year.
  • In his fourth year of life, he read Homer in the original.
  • At the age of six he studied Aristotelian logic.
  • Between the ages of 4 and 8 he wrote 4 books, including one monograph on anatomy.
  • At the age of seven he passed the Harvard Medical School exam in anatomy.
  • By the age of 8, William knew 8 languages ​​- English, Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, French, German and one more, which he invented himself.
  • In his adult life, William was fluent in 40 languages, and, according to some authors, this number reached 200.
  • At the age of 11, Sidis entered Harvard University and soon lectured at the Harvard Mathematical Club.
  • He graduated from Harvard with honors at age 16.

    His IQ was estimated to be between 250 and 300 (the highest recorded IQ in history).

    Unfortunately, Sidis was perhaps the classic example of a maladjusted child prodigy who was "put into the limelight" by overzealous parents.

    After a socialist anti-war rally in 1919, he was imprisoned. There, Sidis abandoned his old life, renouncing his academic career and taking up a regular working profession, while lamenting the lost love of his life.

    He died in 1944 at the age of 46. He may have been the smartest man on Earth.

    Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal only lived to be 39 years old, however, this Frenchman, born in the 17th century, made the most of these 4 decades of his life, since he had an “early start”. At the age of 12, he began solving complex geometric problems and proving theorems.

    By the age of 16, he had created his theorem and was in the circle of prominent French mathematicians. He even invented the first mechanical calculator at the age of 19, called a pascaline.

    By the time of his death, Pascal had moved beyond mathematics to become a philosopher, theologian and writer. Among his most famous philosophical concepts is Pascal's Wager. This is an argument that says you can either believe in God or not believe in him, since believing in him carries no potential risk or great reward. Very pragmatic.

    Mozart and others

    Music is one of the areas where geniuses can manifest themselves at a very early age and long years to delight listeners with your composing or performing art. Most famous example here is the fate of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

    At the age of three he performed his first own concert. Even then, Wolfgang memorized pieces he had heard only once, note to note. At the age of six, together with his sister, he went on a long tour of Europe, where he made a splash in every city with his talent.

    The further creative fate of Mozart is known - a huge number of brilliant works that have forever entered the world treasury of culture.

    The nature of Mozart's genius defies description. He himself said this:

    "When I'm in good mood— in a carriage, on a walk after a pleasant dinner, or at night when I have insomnia, sometimes a stream of thoughts and melodies hits me, that’s all.

    Where and how - I don’t know: those melodies that are pleasant to me, I remember and hum them to myself - at least that’s what those around me say. Then I continue to develop these themes, making them more defined, more specific, so that over time they become almost complete in my head.”

    History knows many other musical prodigies. Chopin made his public debut at the age of eight. Weber was appointed conductor of the Breslau opera orchestra at age 17. Strauss and Haydn began composing music at the age of six.

    Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev was a typical child prodigy - at the age of 6 he composed small piano pieces, at 9 - a children's opera, at the age of 13 he entered the conservatory.

    Unfamiliar general public and the name of Tom Blind, the son of a black slave. But at the age of five, a boy could play two different compositions on the piano with both hands at the same time, while whistling a third melody...

    Ampere power

    Mathematics is the second area after music where a child can show
    yourself with early childhood. Few people know that the great French physicist and mathematician Andre Marie Ampere was also a child prodigy. In addition to his amazing abilities in mathematics, he was distinguished by an extraordinary passion for reading. At seven or eight years old, he literally devoured huge volumes, preferring thick encyclopedias. Surprisingly, after many years, Ampere could repeat almost word for word everything he read in childhood.

    But his main passion was mathematics. At the age of 11, André was independently solving complex problems in Joseph Lagrange's famous work Analytical Mechanics.

    And Ampere's genius did not disappear over the years. He revolutionized mathematics, discovered the fundamental laws of electrodynamics, and wrote significant works on chemistry, the theory of poetry, and psychology.

    Another famous mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, also demonstrated his remarkable abilities very early. Already at the age of two, he, having made calculations in his head, eliminated the mistake of his father, who incorrectly calculated the salaries of several workers.

    And at school, Karl was exempted from attending mathematics lessons, since the teacher admitted that the eight-year-old boy knew much more than himself.
    At the age of 14, Gauss was invited to the court of Prince Brunswick, who admired the young mathematician’s amazing memory and his ability to instantly perform complex calculations in his head.

    The mathematician Evarst Galois, at the age of 16, mastered the book “Principles of Geometry” in two days, designed for two years of systematic study. Also, in two days he studied the monograph “Solving Numerical Equations.” And at the age of 17 he created a theory that had a significant impact on all mathematics of the 20th century...

    Many of our country's geniuses of mathematics and physics were also child prodigies. Nobel Prize winner Lev Landau became a university student at the age of 13. And the mathematician Sergei Mergelyan, at the age of 15, had already completed the entire school curriculum and immediately entered the university, which he graduated from at the age of 19. At 20, he had already defended his Ph.D. thesis, for which he was immediately awarded a doctorate. And at the age of 28, Mergelyan became an academician!

    Engineer prodigy

    But sometimes the amazing abilities of math prodigies suddenly disappear for unknown reasons. The young American Zerah Colburn was already performing in front of the public at the age of six, impressing them with her skills. The boy spent seconds thinking and solving complex problems. It should be noted that many adults would not immediately overcome such tasks even in writing, for example: “What is Square root out of 106,929? or “Squaring 999,999.”

    But after a few years young genius I lost my phenomenal abilities, had difficulty solving even the most complex problems, and not at all mentally. It remains a mystery to science - where did his amazing talent go, and most importantly, where did he get it from... The Englishman George Bidder had similar abilities. Already at the age of four, he amazed those around him by performing complex calculations in his mind.

    For example, when asked, “How long will it take to fill a 1 cubic mile tank at a rate of 120 gallons per minute?” two minutes later the answer was given: 14,300 years 285 days 12 hours and 46 minutes. Interestingly, when solving the problem, the boy took everything into account leap years for this period!

    Fortunately, unlike Colburn, Bidder did not lose his abilities over time. But he did not turn into a great mathematician, since he applied his talent in another area - he became the most famous engineer in England and a very wealthy man.

    Talking baby

    Prodigies can appear not only in the fields of music and mathematics. Sometimes their skills are simply shocking to adults.

    So, at the beginning of the last century, a boy was born in Poland, who, a few hours after birth... spoke. At one year old he could already read the Bible, and at two years old he could recite it. John Stuart Mill, famous philosopher and an economist of the 19th century, at the age of three he was already reading books written in Greek.

    Englishman Thomas MacAulay at the age of seven he wrote works on general history. His compatriot Basie Ashford, at nine, wrote the novel “The Young Guest,” which was immediately recognized as a genius.

    Hindu Ganesh Sittampalam At the age of seven he entered the university, where he was considered the most capable student!

    It must be said that most child prodigies grow up, coping with difficult life tasks and becoming famous. In the USA, they conducted an analysis and found that out of 282 American child prodigies, 105 achieved success in the very area in which their gift was manifested from early childhood.

  • There were child prodigies in Russia, for example, A. Griboedov, however, in the conditions of noble life they were not in demand, which did not prevent some of them from appearing very successfully later, for example, in literature, A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy and M. Bulgakov... There were many Russian prodigies in music - M. Glinka and P. Tchaikovsky, A. Scriabin and S. Prokofiev... They were also in science - N. Pirogov and I. Mechnikov, N. Bogolyubov and L Landau... They appeared later, and now there are our own - artists and musicians, physicists and mathematicians, poets and actors... How can we not say about the bright artistic talent of Nadya Rusheva and the extraordinary poems of Nika Turbina, five years old! diploma winner of the sixth international competition of young performers - musician Daniil Bulaev and a young scientific genius from Saratov, eight-year-old Matvey Nickelsparga...

    Here are some more examples of today's child prodigies

  • Six Month Prodigy - Michael Kevin Kearney

    American Michael Kevin Kearney developed amazingly quickly as a child. He was born in 1984, and four months later he began to talk.

    At six months old, at an appointment with the pediatrician, the young genius announced: “I have an infection in my left ear!”

    At 10 months, Michael was already reading fluently, at the age of 6 he brilliantly graduated from school, and at 10 he graduated from college with a degree in Geology and Archeology. In addition, in 2008, Michael won a million dollars in the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

    Two-year-old artist and prodigy Aelita Andre

    Aelita was born in Australia on January 9, 2007. This girl started painting when she was only 9 months old. Aelita's style is abstractionism.

    Prodigy - artist

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    Prodigy paintings

    When Aelita was in her second year, her father captured the works of his beloved daughter in photographs and showed them to his friend, the director of the Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne, Mark Jamison. The gallery was to host an annual exhibition for which Jamison collected works. Jamison liked the paintings and decided to take them to the exhibition. When Jamison found out that these were the works of a two-year-old girl, he was shocked to the core. But the exhibition took place and Aelita’s paintings saw the light of day.

    When Aelita was only 4 years old, her personal exhibition was organized. IN given time, Aelita is considered the youngest artist on Earth. 32 paintings have already been sold for $800 thousand.

    Aelita's father, mother and grandfather are also artists.

    Three-year-old singer - child prodigy Cleopatra Stratan

    One of the youngest singers on our planet is Cleopatra Stratan. Cleopatra was born on October 6, 2002 in Chisinau. Her father is singer Pavel Stratan. When Cleopatra was three years old, her father took her with him to the recording studio, where he recorded the song “Mama.” Unexpectedly, Cleopatra said to her father, “I also know this song. Can I sing it? The baby was given a microphone and she sang, so well that they soon recorded a song in which Cleopatra sang the leading part.

    After this, Cleopatra's father became seriously involved in the musical development of his daughter.

    In 2006, Cleopatra's album "At the Age" was released three years" The girl received the award for the youngest singer, as well as 1000 euros for her performance. And in 2008, Cleopatra released another album, “At the Age of Five.”

    Cleopatra sings her songs in Moldovan, Russian and English.

    Prodigy - singer Stratan

    And here you can listen to how the youngest singer on the planet sings:

    Seven-year-old surgeon - child prodigy Akrit Jasval

    Seven-year-old surgeon Akrit Jaswal was born in India. In 2000, he attracted the attention of the country's residents with an amazing operation. Akrit learned that a girl from a neighboring house could not unclench her fist due to a burn and decided to help her. Without any medical skills, he was able to restore mobility to his little patient's fingers. After this amazing incident, Akrit was sent to study as a doctor at college. He became the youngest student in Indian universities.

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    Prodigy - surgeon Akrit Jaswal

    Twelve-year-old Nobel Prize nominee - child prodigy Gregory Smith

    The youngest Nobel Prize nominee is American Gregory Smith. Gregory was born in 1990. At two years old he read, at 10 he entered university, and at 16 he successfully graduated. He began to be nominated for the Nobel Prize at the age of twelve, was nominated four times, but, unfortunately, never received it.

    In addition to his studies in the exact sciences, Gregory is known as a children's rights activist.

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    Prodigy - Gregory Smith

    Schoolboy who taught at Harvard - child prodigy Saul Aaron Kripke

    Saul Aaron Kripke was born in New York in 1940, the son of a rabbi.

    In elementary school, Saul managed to study a full course of algebra, geometry and philosophy. As a teenager, Saul produced numerous works that changed the teaching of formal logic. A gifted teenager was invited to work at Harvard. But Kripke refused, explaining that he first had to finish school and college.

    And yet, after graduation, Saul went to work at Harvard. Saul Aaron Kripke is considered the most outstanding philosopher in the modern world.

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    Philosopher prodigy Kripke

    The smartest person in the world is child prodigy Kim Ung-Yong

    Kim Ung-Yong was born in Korea on March 7, 1963. At the age of 4 he was already solving complex differential equations.

    At the age of 5, Kim Ung-Yong knew four languages ​​(Korean, English, Japanese and German). At the age of 8, Kim was invited to study at Colorado State University, and at the age of 15 he became a Doctor of Physical Sciences.

    Kim Ung-Yong is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person in the world, his IQ = 210

    The smartest person is Kim Ung-Yong

  • Research by French scientists has proven that out of 287 great personalities, 230 are already in early years discovered remarkable abilities and talents.
  • And of course, a few examples of child prodigies from Russia
  • Nika Turbina

    Perhaps one of the most famous Soviet child prodigies is Nika Turbina. This is a girl poet, her first book “Draft” was translated into 12 languages ​​and had a circulation of 30,000 copies. They found out about her all over the world, at that time Nika was only 9 years old. She played roles in films, and after that the film “Nika Turbina: The Story of Flight” was made about her.

  • Andrey Khlopin

    At the age of 10, Andrei explained how “noctilucent clouds” appear, and this remained a mystery to scientists for many years. For his hypothesis, a boy from Krasnodar was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Another example of the fact that there are child prodigies in Russia.

    Afanasy Prokhorov

    Theater artist, dancer, pianist and singer, and he is only 12 years old! He performs classical works in 6 languages, has repeatedly taken first place in international competitions, and performs at charity concerts. The boy is originally from Moscow, but in 2007 he left for America, and today he is already gaining recognition there.

    Dasha Baldenkova

    She is only 18, but she already works in a research and educational laboratory at the center for applied nanoelectronics. Daria is a multiple winner of competitions and Olympiads. She won two semi-finals of the world's main competition for school students, Intel ISEF. It should be noted that many Nobel Prize laureates have already emerged from its finalists.

    Here are just a few stories about what child prodigies do and work on. Of course, a variety of examples can be given, there are many of them...

  • Whether your child is a child prodigy or not, the main thing is to be attentive to him and develop his abilities without injuring or confusing him.

Greetings, dear readers!

Have you encountered particularly gifted children? Or maybe a child who stands out for his knowledge and skills lives with you in the same apartment? In general, who are child prodigies? Can any child who can read at five or draw at three be considered unusual and be included in the ranks of child prodigies? Or is this a special caste that nature chose for itself and gave it a little more than everyone else?

In fact, I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of questions. It is clear that we, parents, are not at all against our children standing out among their peers. But how are these supernatural abilities given? Is the child happy with them? Is he comfortable with something so unusual? And what happens next to the child prodigies - do they find their purpose in life or bury their talent “before it starts”?!

Lesson plan:

What does it mean to be a child prodigy?

In general, the word itself does not carry anything supernatural or unusual. Translated from German language"Wunderkind" means "wonderful child". Not only every second, but every first is a wonderful child, right? But prodigies are usually called those children who naturally have special abilities. They are recognized as gifted because they significantly exceed the limits of intellectual development of their peers.

Children who show their talents early are realized in various fields. It doesn’t mean that someone who draws or sings a little better is already a child prodigy. But a child who can solve mathematical problems at kindergarten age that even a school graduate cannot do, and who composes sonatas like a great musician, can well lay claim to this title.

As a rule, even before adolescence, child prodigies receive secondary education as an external student, enter institutes and defend their candidate and doctorate degrees.

Early ability to grasp everything and do several things at the same time - all this distinguishes little nuggets.

What types of talents are there?

Outstanding child prodigies are divided into three types.

  • Gifted children. Such people are clearly a bright spot among others due to their higher mental development.
  • Geniuses. They are born with natural talents. Without their gift, it’s not that they can’t live, they don’t take a step. An example of this talented personality maybe the world famous Mozart, who at the age of eight was already composing sonatas.
  • Savants. A special phenomenon that is under the close attention of scientists. A rare form of natural gift, which is accompanied by limited communication. Therefore, compared to others, they often look like mentally retarded people. "Island of Genius" most often refers to mathematics or art. Such unique individuals are the owners of something in an acute form. They can acutely sense time intervals or smells, and remember information phenomenally.

Prodigies and indigos: is there a difference?

Very often a parallel is drawn between child prodigies and indigo children. Although by their nature these are different phenomena. The concept of “indigo children” was brought into our lives by the psychic Nancy Tapp, who saw in such gifted children a special dark blue shell, which magicians call an aura. Children with these indigo “clothes” are different from ordinary ones with an aura of other colors high intelligence, they feel in a special way and have extrasensory perception.

Maybe, of course, to teachers and scientists who see things differently, this seems like just ordinary mysticism and the fantasy of those who know how to “see through walls.” In any case, there are those among us who suddenly begin to speak foreign languages, which were not taught at all, or read a hundred pages of poems, flipping through them in only five minutes.

However, with talented child prodigies, indigo children with paranormal abilities are both similar and different.

  • Both are unique and chosen by nature from millions.
  • Both of them can shine in more than one area and reveal talents in different areas.

Where are child prodigies made?

For decades, scientists have been trying to find that natural workshop that produces the chosen ones. And everything is in vain. Even in this century modern technologies no one can be one hundred percent sure that two brilliant parents will produce an unusual child prodigy. Quite the contrary, there is a saying: “Nature rests on the children of geniuses.”

Many geneticists argue that giftedness is still a deviation from the norm in the structure of the brain. This addition of the contents of the cranium is given to only one in a thousand, continues to develop in one in a million, and only one in ten million reaches the final stage, acquiring the stamp of genius.

Special abilities cannot be cultivated from scratch, even if you “study, study and study again.” They are transmitted at the genetic level and provided by nature.

The level of giftedness is measured using intellectual tests, which classify a special child into one of the following levels:

  • an enlightened child - he has an IQ of 115 units, such children are about 17%, or he is 1 unique in 6 ordinary ones,
  • moderately gifted child prodigy - IQ over 130, only 2%, or 1 in 50,
  • highly gifted people with an IQ of 145 are only 0.1%, that is, this happens 1 in 1000,
  • exceptionally gifted people with an IQ of more than 160 can be found in 1 in 30,000, their 0.003%,
  • There are only a few unusually gifted child prodigies, their IQ is 175 or more, and only 0.00003% of such children occur, only 1 in 3 million of their peers.

This is interesting! As practice shows, the most prodigies are among first-born children. Gifted children master up to 50% of their abilities by the age of four, up to 70% by the age of six, and up to 90% of their intelligence by eight. What is paradoxical is that only 10% use this natural gift; the remaining 90% become mediocre people.

Fly in the ointment in sweet honey

No matter how attractive the career of a prodigy may be, this medal has a championship and back side. Do you think it’s easy to make your way among those around you who are not ready to step aside and give way? What is the price of genius?

Were there any child prodigies in the USSR? Of course they were! I found an interesting documentary about Soviet gifted children who were known throughout the country. I advise you to look.

This is the price of talent. "To be or not to be?" - a rhetorical question that only the prodigy himself can solve. So if your child is not ready for a moment of glory, probably don’t.

Psychologists recommend using the most favorable option - normal giftedness. For specialists, this is the high standard at which nature endows the chosen one with everything he needs: the ability to learn, the ability to adapt, the ability to communicate, and physical health. You throw this one into the water, and he will swim up with a fish in his teeth. Why not a happy accident?

And with this I say goodbye to you. I would like to hear your opinion, is it necessary to strive for prohibitive heights?

See you again!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich)

The news about the brilliant little girl, who already speaks seven languages ​​at the age of 4, amazed Runet users. The girl became a real star after the TV show “Amazing People” on the Russia 1 channel, where she demonstrated her unusual abilities.

The baby owes her success to her mother, who communicated with her daughter in Russian and English from birth. And then, seeing that the girl was showing talent, she added other languages.

We decided to figure out which of the children can actually be considered a genius, is it a blessing or a curse, and where should the parents of young Einsteins and Mozarts go?

7 Signs of a Child's Giftedness

According to long-term research, from 1% to 5% of children around the world are born with the inclinations of genius, but only every hundred of the gifted manage to demonstrate them. The chances of raising an adult genius from a small one are very slim, but it’s worth a try.

First you need to distinguish a child with unusual inclinations from his peers. A child of genius always has the following traits:

  • A craving for communication with adults and problems with peers due to a lack of common interests;
  • Perfectionism;
  • Increased curiosity that does not decrease over the years;
  • Ability to independently acquire new skills (reading, counting, drawing);
  • Obsession with your favorite activity, reluctance to switch;
  • Emotional instability;
  • The ability to build cause-and-effect relationships at a very early age.

If you discover several of these qualities in your child before the age of 4-5, contact a specialist. An experienced child psychologist or teacher will tell you whether the child’s development corresponds to the norm, and if he is ahead of it, then by how much.

Child psychologist Tatyana Lyubeznova often repeats to the parents of her little charges:

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The peculiarity of gifted children is not only intelligence or talent for creativity, but also an extremely “fragile” psyche. Often adults, seeing beyond their years developed child, communicate with him on equal terms, without making any discounts on the level of psycho-emotional development. For such children, any rude phrase or intonation can cause injury. Two extremes (communicating as with an adult and lisping as with a baby) are equally unacceptable when working with such children. Both kill the child’s self-esteem and his trust in loved ones.

4 types of giftedness in children

All talented children who are ahead of their peers in development can be divided into four groups:

Creative kids- the rarest of the gifted, show talent for one of the types of creativity already in the first year of life. Otherwise, they develop on par with their peers, but they can be lazy and not show interest in the general development program. Requires work with experienced teachers and individual mentors.

Prodigies- children who are interested in everything, gifted by nature. From a very early age they show a craving for learning and new knowledge, very early they learn to read, write, count and begin to obtain information in all available ways. Most often they are not interested in communicating with peers, playing games, or physical activity. They require special education, training in special boarding schools, and are not adapted to everyday life.

Hypermotivated children- diligently study everything that is required of them. Interested in learning for the sake of praise, typical excellent students and “nerds”, they try to study better than anyone within the framework of the general program, and win competitions in one or more subjects.

Capable children- are slightly ahead of their peers in development, love to learn, are extremely curious, and from childhood it is clear whether a child is a “techie” or a “humanitarian”, because he is interested only in a certain type of knowledge. It is these children who by the age of 2-2.5 years learn to read and count a book the best gift. Non-conflict, obedient, assiduous. They rarely show interest in their peers and can become outcasts in the team due to their reluctance to communicate.

Features of raising gifted children

Raising a gifted child is always an additional burden on parents. However, it is important to understand that for a child such mental activity is no less stressful. Any genius has “side effects,” and children require a special approach from the first days of life.

Marina Kudeikina, a preschool teacher with 35 years of experience, recommends remembering the following aspects of education:“The earlier you identify a child’s talents, the easier it will be to improve them. For example, it is easier to develop creativity abilities if you start classes at 3-4 years old, languages ​​- at 3 years old, music - from 1.5 years old.

  • Find a specialist who will create an individual education program for your child, as well as a teacher or several who will work with him. Pay special attention not only to the teacher’s knowledge, but also to his contact with the child. A teacher who is too strict or unpleasant can discourage a child from studying and nullify any innate talent.
  • Do not demand constant results and achievements from your child, let him study for pleasure and in no case put pressure on him or blackmail him. Even an ordinary child who hears “you didn’t do the task, and that’s why daddy and I don’t love you anymore” will panic, but brilliant children with their heightened perception can give an unpredictable reaction.
  • In pursuit of records, do not forget about such aspects of life as sports, communication with other children, and emotional development. Pets and older children will be good helpers in this. Remember, very often genius borders on emotional coldness, so teach your child not only to solve algorithms, but also to love, express affection, and have compassion for the weak.
  • Do not show off your child's peculiarities; this will only lead to envy on the part of other children (and parents) and will prevent him from making friends.
  • Remember that most brilliant children by the age of 7-8 are compared in terms of development with their peers, which means do not teach your child that he is better than others. If the difference in development is erased, the awareness of one’s normality will be a severe blow for the little man, who is accustomed to looking at others with condescension.”