Skull and jaws The teeth of predators are divided into incisors, canines and molars. The most developed of them are canines and four molars, which, unlike other molars, are called carnassial. With their fangs, predators kill and tear apart their prey, with their molars they gnaw through muscles and tendons, and with their incisors they scrape meat from the bones of the animals they kill.

Limbs Carnivores have four or five toes on each paw. The thumb is not opposed to the other fingers and in some species is atrophied or reduced. The bones of the wrist are usually fused, making the joints stronger. The clavicle in both pinnipeds and other families is reduced or completely absent. However, in carnivores, which are primarily adapted to chasing prey, the limbs move mainly only forward and backward. Some carnivores, such as felines and canines, walk on their toes, while bears rely on their feet. The limbs of pinnipeds are highly adapted to the aquatic environment and are transformed into flippers, in which the fingers are connected by leathery membranes.

Organs Due to the generally low specialization for taking certain foods, the digestive system, like the jaws, is very archaic compared to many herbivores, but at the same time it provides great adaptive capabilities. It consists of a stomach and a relatively short intestine. Females have a two-horned uterus, and the mammary glands are located on the abdomen. Males, with the exception of hyenas, have a baculum and the testes are located outside the body. The brain is relatively large and has cortical grooves.

Diet Most carnivores are carnivores. They cover their need for meat by hunting or feeding on carrion. However, most carnivores are omnivores, meaning their diet is supplemented by other types of food, such as berries or herbs. Many small carnivores, such as mongooses, as well as larger ones, also feed on invertebrates, mainly insects. In some species of carnivores, such as the badger, raccoon dog, red panda, giant panda and kinkajou, plant food is even primary, if not the only one. However, classic predators are included in this particular order.

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Presentation - Predatory animals

Text of this presentation

Predatory animals
Presentation made for a biology lesson by a student of grade 6A

Predators who are they?
ANIMALS OF PREDATORY (Carnivora), order of mammals. According to modern ideas, it includes the families of wolfs, bears, raccoons, hyenas, mustelids, civets, mongooses, cats, as well as three families previously united in the order of pinnipeds: seals, eared seals and walruses; only about 270 species. Distributed throughout the world, only civets are absent in Russia. The body size of adult animals can be from 12 cm with a weight of 50 g (weasel) to 3 m and 700 kg (polar bear) and even 6.5 m and 3000 kg (elephant seal). Specific features of body structure and lifestyle differ greatly among representatives of different systematic and ecological groups. Various species of carnivores can lead a terrestrial (most species), semi-arboreal (some civets, raccoons), semi-aquatic (otter) and aquatic (sea otter, seals) lifestyle. They inhabit a variety of landscapes - from arctic deserts to deserts and highlands. Most species feed primarily on animal food, but among terrestrial forms there are also omnivores and even predominantly herbivores (for example, the giant panda). Some species are distributed over very large areas, are found in various biotopes, and are characterized by a wide food spectrum. Others are characterized by a narrow biotopic or food specialization. Terrestrial carnivores are characterized by monogamy and the birth of underdeveloped and blind young.

WOLVENIDES (canines, dogs; Canidae), a family of mammals of the order of predatory animals, includes 11 genera (about 35 species), including maned wolves, red wolves, arctic foxes, raccoon dogs, fennec foxes (all of one species), wolves, foxes . Most of the species belong to the wolf subfamily. They always live in a pack of 6-8 animals. The main feature of a wolf’s character is “friendliness.” The length of an adult wolf from the tip of its nose to its tail is 2 meters. They weigh 43-45 kg. They can smell it 1.5 km away. Hardy Run 65-80 km per day at a speed of 55-60 km/h Eat up to 6 kg of meat in one sitting, hide the rest in reserve

Mustelids, or martens (lat. Mustelidae) are a family of mammals of the order Carnivora. They are one of the most species-rich families. Mustelids appeared 40 million years ago; their size is quite small for predators. Mustelids include martens, minks, otters, badgers, ferrets, and so on. Mustelids are able to adapt well to various conditions, therefore they are represented in all parts of the world.

Raccoons (Procyonidae), family of mammals of the order Carnivora; includes 8 genera, 15–21 species. Most raccoons are medium-sized animals with an elongated, flexible body (31–67 cm), a long (20–69 cm) tail, some of which are prehensile. Weight from 0.8 to 22 kg. Almost all of them have a short, pointed muzzle and erect ears. Paws with long prehensile toes, plantigrade or digitigrade, sometimes with semi-retractable claws. Color varies from gray to bright reddish-brown. There are often markings on the muzzle, and a ringed tail pattern is characteristic. Most species live in South and Central America, one species in North America, two species in Asia (pandas). Raccoons live mainly in tropical, mixed and mountain forests. Some species hibernate (raccoon). Raccoons feed on amphibians, fish, rodents, as well as plant foods (fruits, berries) and insects. They breed once a year, usually giving birth to 2 to 6 young. Some species (raccoon) are objects of fur trade.

HYENAS (Hyaenidae), a family of predatory mammals; includes four types. Hyenas are quite large animals: their body length is 55-165 cm, tail 20-33 cm, weight 10-80 kg. They have a short body. The head is massive, in most species with powerful jaws. Legs are strong, somewhat curved. The forelimbs are longer than the hind limbs. True hyenas have 4 toes on both feet, while the aardwolf has 5. The claws are long, but blunt, convenient for digging. The coat is coarse, shaggy, on the ridge in the form of a long, erect mane. The general color tone is dirty, yellowish-gray or brown, with a striped or spotted pattern on the entire body or only on the legs. Hyenas are common in Africa, Western, Central and South-West Asia. One species is the striped hyena (body length about 1 m, tail about 30 cm) in Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The smallest species is the aardwolf (Proteles cristatus). Its body length is up to 80 cm, tail up to 30 cm. It is distributed in Eastern and Southern Africa. The aardwolf does not feed on carrion, unlike other species, but mainly on insects and their larvae (termites), and less often on small mammals and birds. An important means of defense is the secretions of the anal glands, which repel predators. The spotted hyena is the largest member of the hyena family. The number of hyenas is declining due to the decrease in wild ungulates, the corpses of which hyenas mainly feed on. The brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea) and striped hyena are listed in the International Red Book.

Viverridae (Viverridae), family of mammals of the order Carnivora. Mostly small, slender animals with short legs and a long tail; many V. are similar in appearance to representatives of the mustelidae family. Some have special glands located near the anus and secrete an odorous secretion - civet. 36 (or 37) genera, including about 75 species (the largest family of the order Carnivora). Distributed in South Asia, Africa (including Madagascar) and Southwestern Europe. They lead a terrestrial lifestyle, some also live in trees. They feed on small animals, sometimes fruits and nuts. Main genera: genets (6 species), civets (3 species), binturong (one species), fossa (one species), ichneumons (8 species), mungo (one species), African civet (Civettictis, one species), African palm civet (Nandinia, one species), etc. Many V. are the object of hunting; civet is used in perfumery and medicine. Some V. are also kept in captivity to obtain civet.

Tiger (lat. Panthera tigris) is a species of predatory mammal of the cat family, which belongs to the subfamily of big cats. Reaches a length of 3.5 meters. Weighs 300 kg. A hungry tiger eats everything: deer, bulls, cows, buffaloes, lynxes, wolves, fish, locusts, snakes, frogs, mice. They live closer to the reservoir, swim well. Tigers hunt in the evening. With one blow of their paw they kill a horse.

What is developed?
Perfection of the brain The high level of nervous activity characteristic of predators is ensured by the great perfection of the brain. It has well-developed hemispheres with three grooves, numerous convolutions, and large olfactory lobes. The number of respiratory movements in mammals depends on the size of the animal, which determines the different metabolic rates. It is (in 1 minute): for a horse - 8-16, for a black bear - 15-25, for a fox -25-40, for a rat - 100-150, for a mouse - about 200. Ventilation of the lungs not only ensures gas exchange, but it also has thermoregulatory significance. As the temperature rises, the number of respirations increases, and at the same time the amount of heat removed from the body also increases. Thus, in a dog, the ratio of heat transfer during breathing to its total loss at an air temperature of 8° C is (in percent) 14, at 15° C - 22, at 30° - 46. All sense organs are well developed. All organs of predators are well developed feelings. Especially the sense of smell: it is thousands of times stronger than the human sense. The sense of smell gives the predator more information about the world around him than his, also acute vision.

Predator birds
Birds of prey are birds that hunt in flight. They have good eyesight, large claws and beaks adapted for capturing or killing prey. Birds of prey do not form a single taxonomic group, but rather represent several taxa united by common features. Most diurnal birds of prey belong to the order Falconiformes: Accipitridae (Accipitridae) Ospreys (Pandionidae) Secretaries (Sagittariidae) Falconidae Nocturnal birds of prey include representatives of the order Strigiformes, which includes two families: Owls (Strigidae) Barn owls (Tytonidae)

What is characteristic of birds of prey?
a certain set of digestive enzymes necessary for the efficient digestion of animal food, and corresponding forms of behavior used when hunting various animals (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc.), a large wingspan, highly pointed claws, a curved beak, acute vision and good hearing .

Accipitridae (lat. Accipitridae) - a family of falcon-like birds. Found on all continents except Antarctica and some oceanic islands, they are most diverse and numerous in the tropics. There are cosmopolitan species whose range covers several parts of the world; island forms have a single-point range. They are found in a wide variety of landscape types: forests, tundras, steppes, deserts, in mountains up to an altitude of 7000 meters above sea level.
Whistling Kite

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is the only species of the osprey family - it has a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring near water bodies. It lives in Europe and Asia (except for the tundra, south to Spain, the Mediterranean and Southern China), in North Africa, Australia, North America, and on a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean. In the northern part of the breeding area, the osprey is migratory; it winters in South Africa, India, Indochina, and southern North America. The osprey arrives in our country in April, when water bodies are free of ice cover, and flies away for the winter in September. The length of the osprey is 55-60 cm, weight 1.3-1.9 kg.

The secretary bird, or secretary[ (lat. Sagittarius serpentarius) is a bird from the order Falconiformes, the only species of the secretary family. Her peculiar name comes from the black feathers on her head, reminiscent of the goose feathers that court secretaries used to like to insert into their wigs.
Secretary bird

Falconidae (lat. Falconidae) is a family of birds from the order Falconiformes. Contains 12 genera and about 60 species. These include the smallest birds of prey - pygmy falcons, whose size ranges from 15 to 19 cm.

Owls (lat. Strigidae) are a family of birds of prey belonging to the order Owls. Owls include, for example, long-eared owls, tawny owls, scops owls and eagle owls. In total, 23 genera and more than 200 species are classified as owls. Most owls hunt exclusively at night or at dusk. They differ from other birds of prey by the absence of a crop and the presence of long caecum. For many peoples, owls are a symbol of wisdom. The owl has always been depicted together with the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom Pallas Athena and the Roman Minerva.

Barn owls (lat. Tytonidae) are one of two families of owls. The triangular-shaped facial disc, tapering downward, distinguishes barn owls from true owls. The body is slender, the head is narrow and long. All barn owls are nocturnal hunters and feed mainly on small mammals such as mice, shrews, as well as small birds and large insects. To avoid sounds when flying, their feathers have special fluff, and the feathers themselves have a special structure.
barn owl

Informational resources

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The Education Development Strategy of the Russian Federation indicates the need to work with different children and create a variety of conditions for receiving a quality education. The use of modern educational technologies improves learning, making it more intense, dynamic, and creative.

The technology of project activities allows you to reveal the abilities of each child, increase his cognitive activity, gives cooperation skills, teaches him to work with information, think logically and generalize, broadcast the results obtained, prepares him for constant self-education and obtaining a profession.

The use of student projects during lessons makes schoolchildren active participants in the educational process and co-authors of the lesson.

Lesson objectives:


  • Identify common features of the external structure and behavior of predatory mammals.
  • Show the structural features, behavior, and lifestyle of representatives of some families of the order Carnivora.


  • To increase the level of cognitive abilities and self-education of students through their inclusion in project activities using ICT.
  • Develop the ability to work with presentation materials, highlight the main points, compare, formulate questions and conclusions, and navigate the text.
  • Develop students' independent work skills.


  • Show the importance of predatory mammals in nature and human life, justify the need for their protection.

Planned results:


  • Systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge about orders of mammals, including carnivores.
  • Determination of a family based on specific animal characteristics.
  • Expanding students' understanding of the role of predatory mammals in nature, their characteristics and diversity.


  • Development of students' oral speech.
  • Development of skills in working with various computer programs
  • Development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the studied material.


  • Increasing students' learning motivation through project activities.
  • Formation of readiness for education and self-education.
  • Improving monologue and dialogic speech.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

Equipment: multimedia projector, PowerPoint presentation, handouts.

Technologies: information and communication, development, project activities.

During the classes



Questions for students.

TO What orders of mammals do the following representatives belong to: muskrat, nutria, rabbit, mole, killer whale, pika, squirrel, horseshoe bat? By what characteristics can representatives of each order be identified?

Independent work. Use of handouts. <Приложение 1>

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of representatives of the class Mammals and the orders (groups) for which they are characteristic.


2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1


When conducting the lesson, the presentation “Carnivorous Mammals” is used, which is the result of the project activity of a group of 7th grade students. Students defend their project.

Lesson topic: Orders of predatory mammals<СЛАЙД 1>

Teacher's actions Student Actions
1. An introductory speech about the topic and objectives of the lesson.

2. Conversation with students

Try to name the mammals that you classify as predators.

Why are they named like that? Indicate the common features of such animals.

Write down the topic of the lesson

They answer questions and express their opinions.

2. Explaining new material using a presentation

<СЛАЙДЫ 2 - 6>

The entire order of predatory mammals is divided into 15-16 families, of which we will get acquainted with four. Carnivores are united by common characteristics, such as: cubs are born blind and helpless, carnivorous hunters, carnassial teeth stand out among the molars, well-developed cerebral hemispheres with a large number of convolutions; challenging behavior; well-developed care for offspring, etc.

Record the signs in a notebook.
The teacher gives the floor to the students who prepared the project.

Each family has its own characteristics. We indicate the distinctive features of each family, briefly introduce the children to the representatives, and show interesting moments using videos that make it possible to more clearly demonstrate the life of animals in their natural habitat: behavioral characteristics, care for offspring. The videos are short to save your time.

Speakers teach the lesson:

  • talk about the common characteristics of representatives of canines, cats, mustelids, and bears;
  • name typical representatives and their characteristics;
  • use videos showing the lifestyle of these animals;
  • talk about predatory mammals listed in the Red Book, using the handout “Carnivorous mammals of Europe subject to protection.”

Wolf family (canines)<СЛАЙДЫ 7 - 11>

Cat family <СЛАЙДЫ 12 - 20>

Mustelidae family<СЛАЙДЫ 21 - 24>

Bear family <СЛАЙДЫ 25 - 28>

Fill out the table



Ask students questions about the topic of the project and provide information they know.

Work with the Application

3. Generalization of the material.

Why is it necessary to study these animals? What significance do they have in nature and human life?

Try to determine who is the odd one out? What family does the “extra” animal belong to? What do you know about him?<СЛАЙД 29>

A) fox, arctic fox, cheetah, jackal

B) weasel, rat, squirrel, beaver

C) sperm whale, bottlenose dolphin, white-sided dolphin, hyena

Solve the puzzle<СЛАЙДЫ 30 - 31>

Suggested student answers:

important link in food chains

regulate the number of other animals, destroying the weak and sick

by eating corpses, they perform a sanitary role

have commercial significance

attack livestock, causing harm to humans

spread some dangerous diseases, etc.

Complete teacher assignments


Students evaluate the work of the project group: the quality of presentation, presentation of material, ability to command the attention of listeners. Students evaluate their activity in class.

The teacher gives grades.


Paragraph 33, Task 5 of the Workbook, p.89.

"Orders of Mammals" - Mole. Donkey. Squirrel. Representatives of the Wolf family. Subclass Beasts. Homework: Lowland tapir. Bear family. Cat family. Rhinoceros. Cat breeds. (Marsupials). Belukha. Diversity of mammals. Order Cetaceans. Mink. Muskrat. Walrus. Wolf. Hyena. Horse. Shrew. Lesson objectives:

“External structure of mammals” - Subaquatic mammals. Terrestrial - arboreal mammals. Lesson objectives: Thus, Mammals constitute the most highly organized class of vertebrate animals. They inhabit forests and open spaces. Problematic question. Methods of movement - walking, running, jumping.

“Order Pinnipeds” - Family true seals Family eared seals Family walruses. Red Book. Origin. Classification of pinnipeds. They are part of food chains. They use tusks, meat, lard, and skin. Conclusions. They become sexually mature by the age of 3-7 years. Once a year they give birth to one cub. Unified collection of digital educational resources: Ecological groups of mammals.

“Rodents” - Orders rodents and lagomorphs. Figure 1. The area represents an isolated space north of Tomsk. Tables with the diversity of rodents. Equipment: Features of the structure of teeth: Stuffed hare or rabbit. Variety of rodents. Figure 2. Introduce economic activities. Purpose of the lesson: To reveal the biological characteristics of rodents.

“Order of Mammals” - About the author. About 240 species of modern predatory animals are known. The skeleton of equids lacks clavicles. Marsupials. Distributed across all continents except Antarctica and Australia. Artiodactyls. Test. The total number of known species is about 400. Photo. Primates. The subcutaneous layer of fat is about 10 cm. The total number of teeth in different species is from 28 to 48.

“Rodent Squad” - 2007. In winter, many rodents hibernate. Animals from the order of rodents did not get their name by chance. 6 families: beavers, American beavers, squirrels, flying squirrels, sac rats, sac rats. What is the most distinctive feature observed in these mammals? Rodents. Hibernation.

There are 28 presentations in total