Journalists accuse deputy of the St. Petersburg legislative assembly Alexei Plotnikov of leaving his wife a few months after the wedding, immediately after her father, an influential deputy, died and she herself was hospitalized for a long time.

On June 5, a young municipal deputy from the A Just Russia party, Alexey Plotnikov, married Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of the vice-speaker of the legislative assembly Pavel Soltan. On August 14, on the Scandinavia highway, the Soltan family’s car collided head-on with a Mercedes that had jumped into the oncoming lane. Pavel Soltan and his wife died on the spot, and Anastasia, who was in the back seat, was bedridden for a long time with multiple fractures. On November 21, Plotnikov divorced Anastasia, and on November 24, her 22nd birthday, the girl lost her life.

At the scene of the accident on the Scandinavia highway

Journalists have been following the story, which ended in divorce and then the death of a woman, for a long time. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote in September, and Life wrote in October that Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov are in a quarrel. According to Anastasia and her relatives, after the accident Plotnikov actually did not care about his wife, who had lost both parents and could not move independently, chained to hospital bed. Moreover, when the matter was already heading towards divorce, he began to manage their common and her personal money, depriving his wife of her livelihood.

We were supposed to go to the sea in the fall for our honeymoon. It was a wedding gift from my parents. 200 thousand rubles were in the travel agency’s account. But after the accident, I am not able to go anywhere, and we decided to postpone the trip for six months or a year. The other day I went to a travel agency, and it turned out that Alexey came there alone and wrote an application for a refund.

In addition, according to Anastasia, ex-husband took the money given for the wedding - 250 thousand rubles. Alexey did not deny that he had returned his parents’ advance payment for the trip, but he explained it in his own way.

Nastya asked to go to a travel agency - I went there. Well, the travel agency employees, since we are husband and wife, transferred the money to my account. Nastya asked to return everything. I wrote her an SMS: “No problem, get yourself debit card" Unfortunately, due to the scandalousness of what is happening, everything has to be formulated exactly like this.

Even before this, Anastasia Soltan wrote in detail about the quarrel on her page on VKontakte. According to her, she needed support and care, but her husband left her, nurses looked after her in the hospital, and Plotnikov almost never visited her. Gradually she came to the conclusion that her husband never loved her, and the marriage was of convenience.

People are known both in sorrow and in joy. Our family could not survive the grief. My husband has elections now, and this is the most important thing.

According to Soltan, Plotnikov needed her father to get a deputy seat in the legislative assembly, moving up a step in career ladder. When the father died, Alexei no longer needed his daughter. Plotnikov himself presents the situation somewhat differently, but in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda he confirmed the main thing: the election campaign really was in the first place for him.

The tragedy is that our misfortune happened at the moment election campaign. IN this moment I, of course, need to maintain composure for the sake of my wife and take care of the future. I am responsible for her and for the people who depend on my work.

Alexey Plotnikov came to St. Petersburg to study from Saratov and graduated from St. Petersburg State University. He became an active member of the youth organization A Just Russia, quickly stood out and tried to participate in elections in the Okhta municipal district. It didn’t work out the first time, but in the 2014 elections he became a municipal deputy.

Plotnikov was active in the public sphere: in January 2015, he changed his contractor to publish a municipal newspaper. Instead of the Polax company, which is associated with the former head of the Okhta municipal organization Dmitry Monakhov, the Avtoperspektiva company received a contract for 1.8 million rubles. The St. Petersburg media connected her with Plotnikov himself, and it was he who invited her to participate in the competition. Prior to this, Avtoperspektiva provided transportation to the State Monitoring Center organization, having won competitions for this several times. The owner of Avtoperspektiva, Artyom Savostin, judging by social networks, is in close relations with United Russia Gleb Kryukov, who, in turn, was actively involved in the election campaign of Alexei Plotnikov, despite the fact that they are members of different parties.

Alexey Plotnikov, “A Just Russia”, (left) and Gleb Kryukov, “ United Russia", (on right)

As the regional publication “News of Spirituality” wrote, the little-known Plotnikov got a real chance to become a deputy at a higher, regional level after meeting the daughter of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Pavel Soltan, one of the two main “Socialist Revolutionaries” of St. Petersburg along with Oleg Nilov, and soon by marrying her.

In the summer, even before the wedding, Plotnikov began an active election campaign, for which he willingly took photographs with his wife: the last such photo was taken on July 9.

He traveled to the territory of the self-proclaimed DPR (there are many photographs from there), and even received unofficial awards from this entity.

Most of the posts on Anastasia Soltan’s VKontakte page are about their family drama Already deleted, but screenshots remain.

In an interview, Plotnikov himself explained his wife’s posts by the fact that she was depressed after the accident, as well as the intrigues of her sister, who allegedly laid claim to her parents’ apartment. However, Anastasia explained everything differently. As a result, she filed for divorce herself.

On November 21, the marriage was dissolved. On November 24, Soltan gave her last interview to LIFE78 and even thanked the TV channel on her page, and when the report came out, she committed suicide.

I am now confused in this world, for me there has been a big reassessment.

Anastasia Soltan reported that relations with other relatives also deteriorated: they allegedly took away her gadgets so that she would not look at photographs of her parents and would not be upset in vain. The girl said that she needs further rehabilitation, but she does not have enough strength without support.

If I had an understanding person next to me or had the opportunity to watch films, communicate with people in virtual space, I would be able to return to treatment.

Shortly before the last step, Anastasia Soltan published the following message on her VKontakte page.

In September 2015, after breaking up with actor Jim Carrey, his girlfriend Catriona White. One year later trial between Kerry and relatives dead woman continues, . White's relatives accuse the actor of giving her the drugs that killed her from an overdose, and also of driving her to suicide. Jim Carrey countersued for defamation.

From cultural capital Russian World reports
"And Nastasia Soltan, youngest daughter dead Paul and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.
The car accident in which Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, broke up another family. The youngest daughter of a parliamentarian, who got married shortly before the tragedy, is filing for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for his wedding.

Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexey also transferred them to his own account.

“At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money is ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up and spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital and said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my friend in a conversation that he would live in the hospital after the elections, in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatskoye, he doesn’t show up at his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks,” says Anastasia.

According to the girl, Alexey Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the A Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Alexey is inclined to believe that his wife’s behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

“Immediately after the tragedy, I was advised to protect Nastya from communicating with my sister, but after all, these are relatives. If after every quarrel all young girls take everything out on social networks, involve their relatives... You see, the situation is generally dirty, someone may like to sort through dirty rags, but I think it’s obscene. The most important thing is to take care of honor from a young age. It’s extremely unpleasant for me that journalists call. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya’s sister’s husband changed the locks in their parents’ apartment. He said that until 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing wrong with this, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I needed to move into that apartment. Now her ex-boyfriend comes to Nastya’s hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well,” Plotnikov complains.

In August, the girl was in a terrible accident that took the lives of her parents. The next three months included a divorce from her husband, quarrels with her sister, and difficult rehabilitation after the fractures she received. Anastasia repeatedly demonstrated that she was in a state of crisis and twice attempted suicide, but on the fateful day she was still left alone in the apartment of her dead mother and father.

The summer of 2016 promised to be the happiest period in the life of the 21-year-old daughter of the former deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg parliament, Anastasia Soltan. June began with continuous celebrations. On the 4th, the girl’s beloved father Pavel Soltan and groom Alexey Plotnikov celebrated their birthdays, and the next day there was a beautiful wedding ceremony: smiles, kisses and dozens of loving friends and relatives. The honeymoon was supposed to take place in the fall. But the honeymoon never came, and the happiness turned out to be short-lived and ended in one short moment on August 14 at the 43rd kilometer of the Vyborg highway...

Law enforcement agencies are still investigating the circumstances of the terrible head-on collision between two cars. In one there were Svetlana and Pavel Soltan, as well as their daughter Anastasia, in the other there was another family: 28-year-old Dmitry Izotov, his wife and their 10-month-old child, all three received fractures. Pavel Soltan died on the spot, Svetlana was hospitalized in critical condition, but she soon died in the hospital. Their daughter was diagnosed with extensive blood loss, as well as pelvic and femur fractures. Doctors assessed his condition as serious.

IN law enforcement agencies they believe that Izotov’s Mercedes flew into the oncoming lane, but he himself claims that he did not violate the rules traffic and became a hostage high status politician driving a Toyota.

Pavel Soltan is a rare example of a famous St. Petersburg politician with considerable experience, about whom people spoke extremely positively. Many thanked the deputy for the assistance provided in resolving specific problems of residents of his electoral territory. At the age of 20, he lost his hands and feet, but did not give up and, thanks to prosthetics, took advantage of a second chance for normal life. human life. After graduating from the institute, the future politician worked for 14 years as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics, and from 1998 to 2016 he was constantly elected to the city legislative assembly.

Anastasia was very attached to her parents. This can be judged by her activity in in social networks. I was proud of my dad. In the first days, her relatives did not dare to tell her about their losses. But in the end the sad news had to be reported, and it was only the beginning of a whole series of blows of fate.

Following the crushed bones, Anastasia’s young marriage cracked. The girl was in an extremely depressed state and needed support from the very loved one, but encountered misunderstandings. At that moment it seemed to Alexey that politics and participation in the upcoming elections to the State Duma and Legislative Assembly more important, and personal matters can wait. The election campaign schedule includes numerous meetings with voters, photo sessions and others. public events, left virtually no windows for visiting the hospital.

As a result, Anastasia filed for divorce, accusing her husband of careerism and misappropriation of money donated for the wedding.

I called him to come, asked for help from family and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But his goal was a career, even before the accident he said that his work came first,” the girl complained.

At that moment, she was sure that Alexei was only using her to get Pavel Soltan to move up the career ladder and be included in the elections from A Just Russia.

Before the wedding, many people told us, people who had known my husband for many years, tried to convey to the parents: they say, aren’t you afraid to give your daughter to such a person. But we didn't believe them. We have known Alexey for only a year at the moment. He asked my parents for political help; they were very trusting people and wanted to see only the good in people. I think that he took advantage of his connections, and I am sure that this marriage was of convenience. This is exactly what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding,” Anastasia said angrily.

Sister Veronica and her husband sided with the girl, changing the locks in her parents’ apartment, where the newlyweds lived, immediately after the breakup. And Alexey ultimately lost the elections miserably at both the city and federal levels.

And yet, the new experiences did not help the treatment at all, the girl continued to yearn for her parents, and her injuries threatened to leave her on crutches forever.

Soon a noisy breakup with his sister was added to this. On November 22, Anastasia stated that Veronica and her husband forcibly sent her to the hospital for rehabilitation. At the same time, they took away money, keys to the apartment, an iPhone and a computer.

Veronica and her husband claimed that their actions were caused by concern for the girl’s health. As relatives later said, before that she tried to commit suicide twice.

She didn't want to go there and tried to escape. In order to take care of her health and pass full course exercises, my husband temporarily changed her iPhone to a regular one push-button telephone“so that Nastya is not distracted by social networks, posts, likes, interviews and the number of views of her videos,” said the sister.

And a day earlier it became known that Alexey Plotnikov routinely divorced Anastasia. The court decided to divorce in the absence of the girl, who could not be at the hearing for health reasons.

“VK” can’t communicate. I’m disturbing other patients, and they asked me to move out,” said Anastasia.

The documents and keys to her parents' apartment were returned to her that same evening.

Each of Anastasia’s latest statements on social networks and interviews literally screamed that she was in a state of crisis and needed help. urgent help. And then suddenly the girl found herself completely alone in the apartment of her parents, whose death she could not survive.

I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I am offended by them because they did not let me understand how I can live without them. How to live without them. And that life does not end without them, says Nastya. - I was very dependent on my parents. I loved them madly. And the fact that now I don’t feel them, I don’t hug them - I still don’t understand this. When I see my mother in a photograph or hear her voice in a video, I want to go there and I can’t handle it. Now I don’t know how to raise my children now. You can’t say from the first years that I am your mother and I will die before you. “I’m now confused in this world, there’s been a big re-evaluation for me,” Anastasia frankly admitted shortly after the move.

And the next day she fell out of the window.

The girl died on her birthday. © Freeze frame video

“Back in the summer I had everything I needed to be happy,” says one of Anastasia Soltan’s last entries. Her life was truly the envy of many girls. Loving family, young handsome husband, huge plans for the future. The girl’s father, Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, was highly respected in power circles. The politician lost his arms and legs in his youth, but this did not hinder him either in his career or in his personal life. Soltan was happily married for 25 years and raised two daughters. The eldest Veronica was not his own, but only genetically, he raised her as his own. Both girls doted on their parents.

In the summer, a joyful event happened in the family - the youngest daughter, 21-year-old Anastasia, got married. I met my fiancé through my father's work. The girl participated with him in party events. Municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov, like Pavel Soltan, came from A Just Russia. The proposal followed literally a few months after they met. The wedding took place on the day of family, love and fidelity. “Young and beautiful! I look at you and my heart rejoices! Take care of each other and your love!” — Veronica commented on photos of the couple.

It all ended a month later, on August 14th. Anastasia and her parents were returning from the dacha. My father, as always, drove the car - he had many years of driving experience, which was not hampered by his disability. But that evening, the deputy speaker's car collided head-on with another car. The politician died on the spot. Doctors fought for the life of the vice speaker's wife Svetlana, but she died that same night. Anastasia was in intensive care with severe injuries. They didn’t tell her about the death of her parents for a long time; she found out about it after the funeral.

The girl had to undergo pelvic and hip surgery and a long rehabilitation. But the loss of her parents crossed out her entire previous happy life.

“It’s very bad, painful and scary. I understand that if I survived terrible accident with terrible injuries, which means they didn’t take me with them, which means I have to live. But how? How can we live without them? When you realize that you are 21 years old, and life is still so long, and I will never see or hear them again, my heart breaks. Everyone moves on, grieves, and that’s it. And I lost the most precious thing in my life - my parents, I can’t live normally. I am physically crippled, I have a long rehabilitation ahead of me, but the worst thing is that I am mentally crippled, and this will last my whole life,” Anastasia wrote on the social network.

After the accident, her marriage to Alexei also ended. The separation of the couple was observed by both the media and numerous onlookers - the girl wrote about everything on social networks. According to Anastasia, Alexey abandoned his sick wife in the hospital, did not come and did not support. It was in full swing election campaign in the Legislative Assembly, and the man was actively engaged in his own PR. He posted smiling photos on social networks and urged voters to vote for him.

“Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, because I either feel bad mentally, or I’m lying alone, chained to the bed, and he says that he has work, period. Many people have asked me if I am sure that he loves me? I answered that I know that he loves me. But now I don't know. It seems to me that when you love a person, you don’t behave like that. On the other hand, I remember the wedding and I think that my parents and I could not have made such a mistake,” Anastasia wrote on September 7. She asked her friends to talk to Alexei. However, the very next day the girl stated: “My husband betrayed me. Chose your career over helping me. I understand that it’s my own fault, I trusted this person. My heart was 90% mom, dad and husband. There is no one now. I don’t know how to live with 10%.

Then the matter took a completely unpleasant turn - we were talking about money donated for the wedding and paid honeymoon. According to the girl, Alexey took both the gifts and the money given to the travel agency for the trip. However, the man’s friends justified him and said that sister Veronica and her husband were deliberately setting Nastya against Plotnikov. But the marriage could no longer be saved.

Anastasia returned again maiden name on social networks, and a few days ago the divorce was formalized.

The loss of her parents and the betrayal of her loved one broke Anastasia. More than once she expressed thoughts that she would prefer to be with her dead mother and father: “I don’t want to live in this terrible and deceitful world, I want to go to my parents,” “The worst thing has already happened to me, and my whole life is still ahead.” . But is there any meaning to such a life?”

True, there were also moments of optimism, when Anastasia assured everyone that she would definitely hold out until the court, where the circumstances of the accident were to be examined. The culprit in the car accident was not officially named, and the girl really wanted to defend good name father and continue his work. In October, she wrote that she was “clinging to life” and was already confidently standing on crutches.

“It’s hard, painful, scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs when he was young, but he didn’t give up,” the girl seemed to be persuading herself. But in the 20th of November another breakdown occurred. Anastasia had a long rehabilitation ahead of her, but, as it turned out, the girl was not psychologically ready for it. And she escaped from the hospital. Now she blamed everything older sister Veronica and her husband. According to her, her relatives took her money and phone because the girl spent too much time on social networks. Anastasia was also outraged that she was not allowed to live independently in her parents’ apartment.

Judging by the girl’s latest posts on social networks, her condition was emotionally unstable. She made many mistakes, repeated herself, and openly wrote extremely personal things about her family’s life. In fact, all social network users witnessed an argument between two sisters. In one of her comments, Veronica said that Nastya recently tried to jump out of a window in the presence of her little nieces. Anastasia reproached her family for not having winter boots. However, the girl was still allowed to live in her parents’ apartment again. “Tomorrow is some kind of birthday. I know that they would like to see me strong and beautiful on this day,” the girl wrote, referring to her deceased parents.

“Now I’m at my friend’s house, since I ended up on the street. I'm Soltan Nastya. Everything I wrote here is not me. Believe it, don't believe it. I only need my things, my phone, which Veronica took, the keys to the house where I lived, but Veronica and Slava did not, and the money of good and famous people,” wrote Anastasia (spelling and punctuation preserved).

The correspondent asked Anastasia whether she was actually forced into treatment? The answer came 43 minutes later. "Good evening! If this issue is resolved tomorrow, then good. If not, I’ll definitely contact you,” Anastasia wrote.

Apparently, the issue was not resolved peacefully, after which Soltan wrote: “I agree, write a note about this story.”

Still, doubts remained about the girl’s version, so the correspondent asked two more clarifying questions - where she was and whether her keys and phone had really been taken away from her. Anastasia never answered.

Late in the evening, police and investigators arrived at her house. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God,” Sister Veronica wrote at 10:25 p.m. Anastasia fell from the window of the 12th floor of the apartment in which she lived with her parents before the accident. On November 24, the girl turned 22 years old.

Ilya Davlyatchin, Sofia Mokhova