It's safe to say that AliExpress delivery is the cornerstone that many buyers fall short of. It's no joke to receive a parcel from China - not a low beam!


And besides, sellers do not always take direct routes when trying to save on delivery. Result: packages that disappear without a trace or arrive when you have already mentally said goodbye to it.


In order to clarify this issue and learn how to choose the RIGHT Aliexpress delivery, this article was written. So, which delivery on Aliexpress should you choose?

What kind of delivery does Aliexpress have?

All types of deliveries can be divided into two groups:

  1. Free delivery from aliexpress
  2. Paid delivery from aliexpress

To see what delivery is possible, you need to go to the product page and go to the DELIVERY AND PAYMENT tab:

As you can see, for this product both paid and free delivery are possible in TWO options: China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus And Seller's Shipping Method.

Not so long ago, most items could be obtained through free shipping, as the seller himself decided which shipping to offer. People tend to save money, and sellers tried (if possible) to provide free shipping.

But recently Aliexpress shipping rules have changed, now for Russia free shipping from is available only for goods under $2. I decided to check if this is really true?

As you can see, free delivery from Aliexpress to Russia ended at 71 rubles, which once again proves that this is all true. There are no such benefits for residents of Belarus and Ukraine; according to the new rules, everything must be paid there...

It should, but in reality you can order goods to Belarus with free delivery in the amount of 238 rubles! And where is the justice?

But one way or another, the former universal free delivery is no longer there...

Why did Aliexpress charge for delivery?

The explanation is very simple: when the seller sent the goods for free, he usually did not indicate a tracking number to track the parcel, or indicated a free Chinese one, which is not tracked further than China. Since delivery is free, the seller did not want to pay for tracking, and this is logical.

And all this led to the fact that such parcels actively disappeared on the way; the Russian post office shamelessly stole them, because if there is no tracking, then it is not clear at what stage and who stole the parcel.

In this case, first of all, the seller suffers, since it is not possible to indicate the reason " The parcel did not arrive, the track number is not tracked", then you have a 98% chance of winning it and your money will be returned. And the seller will be left with nothing...

In addition, there were many scoundrels who took advantage of this: they ordered parcels that were not given tracking numbers, and upon receiving them they still opened a dispute. It was as if they had received nothing and returned the money for the order back.

Now the seller does not need to save on tracking. If the package has not arrived, it is easy to track where it went missing and file a claim with the delivery service.

Also, now the merchant does not need to look for tricky moves to make delivery cheaper by sending it through the stump deck. After all, this led to the fact that the parcel took a very long time, and sometimes arrived when the buyer had already won the dispute and.

So paid express delivery by aliexpress is GOOD, not EVIL, because we have to overpay quite a bit, and in return we get fast and guaranteed delivery.

How to check delivery from Aliexpress by order number?

Since we started talking about tracking Aliexpress delivery, I’ll tell you about that too. You can use this form to check by tracking number where your parcel is:

When your package arrives at the post office, they will send you a notification or maybe even call you personally. But the tracking will also show that the parcel has already been delivered.

There are also other services through which it will not be difficult. If you are interested SPECIFICALLY in how to track delivery from aliexpress to Russia, then it is best to use RUSSIAN POST website.

Transport companies delivering from Aliexpress

It is also very useful to know that goods from Aliexpress can be delivered by many transport companies. Some of them deliver for free (for you, but not the seller), others charge good money for their services. Here is a table of the main transport companies working with Aliexpress and their prices with delivery times.

Transport companyPriceDelivery terms
Yanwen Economic Air Mail25 rub.14-90 days
China Post Ordinary Small Packet37 rub.from 20 to 60 days
AliExpress Saver Shipping88 rub.15-20 days
China Post Registered Air Mail157 rub.from 30 to 60 days
AliExpress Standard Shipping157 rub.30 days
ePacket252 rub.15-45 days
Hong Kong Post Air Mail315 rub.30-60 days
China Post Air Parcel1705 rub.from 30 to 60 days
HongKong Post Air Parcel1904 rub.15-30 days
EMS3357 rub.30 days
TNT3681 rub.15-60 days
Fedex I.E.4741 rub.25 days
Fedex IP5172 rub.25 days
UPS Express Saver8509 rub.from 7 to 14 days

All data in the table on delivery times approximate. Most websites of each company provide calculators for calculating the cost and delivery time to your city.

How much does delivery within Russia with Aliexpress cost? As you can see, the dependence of price on delivery time is clearly visible here (although there are exceptions for each country separately), which is again very logical, and what is noteworthy: Aliexpress paid standard delivery is not the most profitable. Although even the most expensive delivery cannot guarantee 100% super speed, since if customs does not give the go-ahead, then even the fastest plane will be powerless.

As can be seen from the table, prices are basically fixed, but many sellers often offer VERY BIG DISCOUNTS.

It’s unclear at whose expense the compensation is paid, but it’s still nice, since discounts are up to 50%...

Some people are wondering if Aliexpress delivers in one day? I have not seen this and it is even physically impossible given the distances and boundaries.

Which delivery on Aliexpress is better?

If we talk about paid and free delivery, then paid is certainly better. If you choose between paid deliveries, then, as can be seen from the table above, the price is directly proportional to the quality. If in some specific case there is an exception, then you need to use it. Here's an example:

It is clearly visible that the transport company Fedex IP in this case, under the SAME CONDITIONS, your competitors are more profitable and you can save 2-3 thousand rubles.

If you are in doubt, then try this transport company through a search, writing in GOOGLE something like this:

And read what people write, and then see if it’s worth contacting this company or not? In any case, MOST OFTEN the worst paid delivery is better than the best free delivery.

Don't be afraid that the package won't arrive. If this SUDDENLY happens, then you, because paid delivery is always tracked and it will be clearly visible that the goods did not reach you, did not fly or did not sail.

Previously, parcels were delivered only from China, but some time ago Russian businessmen got involved and began selling their goods through Aliexpress. Well, like their own, along the way they buy up popular goods from the Chinese, fill their warehouses in Russia with them and then sell them from Aliexpress to TMOLL section .

And the trick here is that delivery with TMALL is MUCH faster, since the warehouses with the goods are MUCH closer and do not cross any borders. So if you can find a product in this section, then buy it there.

Finally, I will answer some more popular questions regarding the delivery of goods from Aliexpress.

How to speed up delivery from Aliexpress to Russia?

As you understand from the above, there is only one way to speed up delivery - PAY MORE.

Another option is to ask the seller to send the parcel FASTER, as sometimes they take a very long time to do this. THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS.

How to extend delivery time on Aliexpress?

You cannot do this yourself, but the seller can do it. If you see that the time is already running out, and the tracking package is already somewhere nearby, then simply WRITE TO THE SELLER and ask him to extend the delivery time. And that's it...

How many times can a seller extend delivery time on Aliexpress? As much as you want until you get tired of listening to his promises and you open a dispute and break this vicious circle.

If you don’t like the fact that Aliexpress no longer has universal free shipping, then take a look at excellent Chinese stores with a bunch of goods.

If you have additional questions, ask them in the comments, I always answer everyone....

P.S Today on Aliexpress there is free delivery on goods for Russia. But, if you are observant, you have already noticed that prices on Aliexpress have become higher. Well, what else could you expect? After all, the seller still has to pay for delivery somehow.

Despite the fact that millions of people successfully receive their parcels from Aliexpress every day, newcomers always have a lot of questions on this topic. How long does delivery take? What is the cost of the parcel? How can I speed up the process of receiving my order? You will find answers to all these and other questions of interest in the article.

Delivery is the most discussed topic on Aliexpress. Of course, each of us dreams that the goods will be with us within an hour of placing the order. But alas, teleport has not yet been invented in the world, and before reaching the addressee, the package goes a very long way with many checks by customs services. Because of this, some goods are delivered to customers after months. But Aliexpress perfectly understands the desires of its users to receive their orders as soon as possible, so the site is constantly being improved. Today, the trading platform practices the fastest delivery. But here problems arise, because as you know, you have to pay for speed. And it often turns out that the delivery itself costs three times more than the product itself. Therefore, for now such delivery is ordered exclusively by wholesalers who purchased products for further sale. But after some time, the fastest delivery will become available to any Aliexpress user.

Methods of delivering goods to Aliexpress

Of course, every Aliexpress user is interested in the question of possible delivery methods. Some people are interested in a cheaper package, while others are more interested in fast delivery times. And in order to satisfy the desires of all its customers, Aliexpress expands the list of postal services every year. Currently we have delivery service available from the following companies:

  • China Post Air Mail is China's postal service. Designed for small-sized goods weighing no more than 2 kg. The biggest advantage of this company is its low cost. It was China's service that allowed most sellers to ship their products for free. But China Post Air Mail has a huge disadvantage - time. On many sites you can find information that the service delivers orders within 60 days, which is already a considerable period. And taking into account that goods are often delayed by border control, this time may increase;
  • China Post Air Parcel is China's postal service. Almost the same characteristics as China Post Air Mail. The difference is that Air Parcel delivers heavier goods (up to 20 UAH);
  • Hongkong Post Air Mail and Parcel is Hong Kong's postal service. Prices are affordable for everyone, and the goods arrive within 1-2 weeks, but keep in mind that this company refuses to deliver equipment, perfumes and explosive goods;
  • Singapore Post is Singapore's postal service. One of the best delivery companies. Goods arrive 10-14 days after placing an order, safe and sound;
  • Swiss Post and Sweden Post are the postal services of Switzerland. Fast and reliable delivery of your purchased products. Among the disadvantages, we can highlight problems with tracking goods using the track code;
  • EMS and DHL - courier deliveries. The goods are delivered directly to your door, these services are the most reliable and the fastest, but at the same time their price is appropriate.

Choose the option you like and complete your order quickly.

Delivery of goods to Ukraine on Aliexpress

Ukraine is one of the leading countries in terms of the number of orders for Aliexpress. Every year the number of citizens of this country using the services of the Chinese trading platform is growing. And of course, every newcomer has questions about the delivery of goods to Ukraine. Moreover, given the military situation of the country. Therefore, we will analyze the most exciting questions from users.
Firstly, today the delivery of products to Ukraine from Aliexpress is working properly. Regardless of the city of residence, your purchase will arrive at the specified destination.
Secondly, in order to immediately see which products are delivered to Ukraine for free, register and select the required delivery country at the top of the page.

There is no need to change currency into hryvnia. Leave it in dollars and then you will see the real price of the product. Thus, without overpaying a cent.

Thirdly, free delivery comes to Ukrposhta. You can pick up your parcel at a specially separated window. Therefore, there will be no need to stand in line with people who receive regular letters and pay utility bills. It is also worth noting that Nova Poshta is entering the international market by creating a subsidiary, Nova Poshta International, so now some parcels will arrive at their branches. Paid delivery also takes place through Novaya Poshta, but in this case the purchase will be delivered by a courier to your home, having previously sent a written notification or warned you by phone.

If you are ordering delivery to Ukraine with Aliexpress for the first time, it is worth purchasing an item that costs up to two dollars to get the necessary experience without major losses.

Delivery to Russia from Aliexpress

If Ukraine is the leader in the number of orders from Aliexpress, then Russia takes an honorable first place in this list. It is for this reason that a large-scale Russification of the site is taking place. Almost every citizen of this country orders Aliexpress products. Most stores purchase products from the Chinese marketplace for sale.
In February 2017, a rumor circulated on the Internet that Aliexpress was canceling free delivery to Russian cities. Then this news excited millions of people and caused a wave of indignation. The issue of free delivery worries Russian site users to this day. We want to assure you that there is nothing to worry about.

In fact, free delivery will remain, but you will need to pay a small amount for the tracking code in the price of the product or by a separate check. It is necessary to track the goods. After placing an order, the buyer is sent a track code. By entering it on the website of the selected postal service, you will be able to see at what stage of delivery the package is. The thing is very convenient, but why did Aliexpress make this service mandatory? The fact is that without a track code, orders were often lost and, as a result, neither the client received his purchase nor the seller received money for it. And some dishonest users did not admit this after delivery of the goods and in the dispute also won money for the purchased products. And with the help of a track code, both the buyer and the seller will be sure that the goods have arrived at their destination.

Delivery to Belarus on Aliexpress

Belarusians also often use Aliexpress. They order clothes there for themselves and loved ones, toys for their kids, household goods, etc. Due to the cheap prices and high quality of Aliexpress products, citizens of Belarus are very satisfied with their purchases, but the only problem remains delivery. We all know that the arrival time of the parcel does not depend on us, but on the work of the postal services. Aliexpress has a set time within which delivery must be confirmed. If time runs out, the seller receives money. But what to do when time is running out and the goods are still not at the required post office? Then you need to extend the order protection period. To do this, go to “My Aliexpress” → “Required order” → “View Detail” → “Request to Extend the delivery Date”. Next, we set the date we need and write to the seller about it. Now the protection period has been extended and you just have to wait for notification of the parcel’s arrival at the post office.

Usually it comes in the form of a letter, but sometimes postal employees warn you by calling. When the notification arrives, we go to collect the parcel. To get it, you need to take your passport with you, or if you are under 14 (16), you need to have a birth certificate with you and come with one of your parents.

Fast delivery to Aliexpress

Every Aliexpress user has wondered how to speed up the delivery of goods. Of course, the easiest option is to order paid delivery. Then the purchase will arrive within 1-2 weeks. But not everyone can afford this delivery method. Therefore, in order to bring the moment of receiving the purchased goods a little closer, you need to do the following:

  • Fill in the address correctly. This is a very important point, since due to incorrect registration of the delivery address, the parcel may remain at customs for a long time, or even not be allowed through at all. Then you will have to re-order the products and wait for their arrival again. Thus, you can waste several days;

  • Decide in advance what items you will buy as a gift. The fact is that during the holidays the number of orders increases sharply. And of course, it is difficult to cope with such a huge number of orders, which is why many parcels are delayed;
  • Choose the right delivery service. This does not mean ordering courier companies, but choosing less busy options. Where can I find this information? To do this, you need to use the service, go to the statistics service, which displays the speed of movement of all parcels in various directions. You can trust this data without fear, because it is complete.

Using these simple rules, you can, although not much, still speed up the delivery of your purchase from Aliexpress.

Paid delivery on Aliexpress

Of course, paid delivery has its advantages: you can be sure that the ordered product will arrive within the specified time frame without any damage. But it also has a huge disadvantage - cost. Often, it even happens that the delivery price exceeds the price of the product itself. Courier services that transport purchases from Aliexpress charge over $30 for their work. And, for example, when purchasing a smartphone case for $5, you have to pay 6 times more for delivery. But there are situations in which you cannot do without courier services. Transportation of large goods, or weighing over 20 kg, or bulk orders.

Such delivery will be exclusively paid. Therefore, before placing an order, you should consult with the seller. Based on the size and weight, he will be able to calculate the cost of delivery, and will also tell you which courier service is recommended for transportation. If you are a regular customer of this store, then the seller can take on a small part of the delivery costs.

Free shipping on Aliexpress

Free shipping is one of the biggest advantages of Aliexpress. Almost every user of the site orders things that have it. Free shipping is so popular that they even have a filter for it on the main page.

But often people wonder if this is a hoax? We can safely say that if free shipping is indicated on the product page, then it is so. The main thing is to look carefully in the Shipping column (in the Russian version of the Aliexpress delivery website), it should indicate free.

The fact is that shipping costs are so small that they are immediately included in the cost of the product itself. But you should always pay attention, because sometimes free shipping is available on orders over a certain amount or a certain number of items. Therefore, if you are not sure, check this fact with your seller. He will explain all the details to you in detail.
It is also worth mentioning that sometimes, even with free delivery, you will need to pay a separate payment for the track code, according to the new Aliexpress rules.

Delivery of goods to Aliexpress in 1 day

Recently, Aliexpress announced that it was launching a program: “Delivery in 1 day.” Many may have thought that this was some kind of bad joke. But no - this is reality. True, for now, only those living in the 20 largest cities of the Russian Federation (including Moscow and St. Petersburg) can be the lucky ones who received their goods the next day.

Another 50 cities in this country will be able to see their parcels 2-3 days after placing the order. How it works? Addresses and orders for goods are sent to Russian warehouses. From there the described goods are taken and delivered to their destination. Products that may arrive during the day can be seen in the Mall section. The most popular among them were products from Asus, Samsung and Philips. Also, the head of Aliexpress officially announced that in the near future he will expand the list of products and the list of cities in which 1-day delivery will become available. Let's hope that someday such parcels will be able to arrive all over the world.

Fast delivery to Aliexpress video

As you can see, fast delivery to Aliexpress is possible. The main thing is to know some tricks and follow some rules. And if after reading the article you still have questions, we recommend that you watch the following video:

More and more buyers prefer more expensive goods that they can receive in the shortest possible time. Therefore, quite recently, a Mall section appeared on the Aliexpress website, which sells goods with very fast delivery.

Now such lightning-fast delivery is possible in major cities of Russia. You should not expect that you will receive the goods in 1 day. Perhaps your purchase is in a warehouse in another city, so delivery will take a little longer. The scheduled delivery time is 1-7 days. It is during this period of time that you will receive a new thing.

Please note that such fast delivery is carried out exclusively for a certain group of products. All of them are in Russian warehouses. This became possible thanks to the expansion of sales. After all, now Aliexpress also sells goods made in Russia. All products that are sold at a promotional price can be found in the Mall section with the designation Lightning.

Goods are delivered by SPSR service. This courier organization operates in 50 major cities of Russia. If you are in a remote area or town, you will receive your order at Russian Post.

At the moment, household appliances, computers, and electronics are delivered in this category. Over time, the project managers promise to expand the range of products. Products for instant delivery can be viewed.

In total, the campaign operates in 50 cities of our country. Below is a table of cities and approximate delivery times. It is worth noting that the products are delivered directly to your home by courier, so please indicate the address correctly; it cannot be changed. In addition, the delivery person calls the client 30-60 minutes before his arrival and asks to receive the package.

If you were unable to answer the phone or are at work that day, you can reschedule the delivery to a day convenient for you. If you do not respond to 2 calls from the courier, you will have to pick up the goods yourself at a delivery service branch.

Many customers have already received their orders and are very satisfied, because in addition to fast delivery, the goods received have a guarantee. You can exchange goods within 14 days if something does not suit you.

Prices in the Mall category are quite reasonable and affordable. Buyers note that the cost of household appliances is one and a half times lower than in regular stores. In this case, you will have to wait a maximum of a week. Now you can buy more on Aliexpress, while receiving huge discounts and lightning-fast delivery of goods directly to your home.

Be sure to purchase a product in this category and you will become a regular customer.

VIDEO: MALL in Russia

One of these features is fast delivery, almost lightning fast. It is for this reason that the section received its own name. In addition, customers can return the product at any time within 2 weeks, since they receive an official guarantee on it.

Delivery to Aliexpress in one day. Mall - fast delivery, its conditions

Today, such a delivery method is possible only for large Russian cities. Do not count on the fact that you will be able to receive the parcel after 1 day. It is possible that the product you have chosen is located in a warehouse in another city at the time of placing your order, so you will have to wait a little for your own parcel. As a rule, Mall delivery time ranges from 1 day to 1 week. It is during this time that your product will arrive at the nearest post office in your city.

Remember an important point - Mall's fast delivery applies only to certain products. And these goods are mainly in Russian warehouses. The fast delivery method has become available to Russian citizens due to an increase in product sales. After all, today it is trying to sell exclusively domestically produced goods. You can find every product that is sold at a reduced price in the Mall category, where there is a “Lightning” icon.

As a rule, parcels are delivered to customers using SPSR. This company operates in many Russian cities. If you live in a remote city or area, then you can receive the parcel by Russian Post.

Delivery to Aliexpress in one day. Advantages of the Mall section on Aliexpress

  • All Mall products are original, licensed, and you can still get a discount of up to 60%.
  • You can receive the goods right at the door of your own home. You don't always have to pay for delivery.
  • You will receive a guarantee for products purchased in the Russian Federation.
  • If for some reason the product does not satisfy you, you can return it within 2 weeks.

Delivery to Aliexpress in one day. How do you order goods in the Mall?

  • If you decide to purchase something on the website, namely a product from the Mall category, then you will first have to register. After registering, entering your username and password in the special fields, go to the website.
  • Find the Mall category and go there.

You can also visit the page using social networks. Follow these steps:

  • On the main page, find a little man figurine in the upper right corner.
  • Hover your mouse cursor over it and select a social network.
  • Now you can start shopping directly.

  • Find the product you need. If you have a wishlist, look into it and select the item there.
  • Go to the product page.
  • Click on the “Buy” or “Add to Cart” button.

If you clicked on the "Buy Now" button, then do the following:

  • After clicking the button, select the address where the goods will be delivered.
  • Please check carefully all the details regarding your order.
  • Select the quantity of goods, write a comment about it.
  • Next, click on “Place an order” and go to the payment page.

Delivery to Aliexpress in one day. How to pay for Mall goods?

Today, customers have access to several payment methods for goods.

  • Bank card.
  • Electronic wallet (Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex money).
  • Mobile phone.
  • International transfer via bank.

Payment for goods occurs as follows:

  • Once you have decided on the product, feel free to go to the payment page.
  • A window will appear in front of you in which select the currency you need.
  • Choose your payment method. All the methods that we have listed for you are to some extent similar to each other. When paying by credit card, enter your card details and click “Pay.”
  • If you decide to choose an electronic wallet, go to the page of the selected wallet and confirm the payment.
  • But, if you are interested in paying using a mobile phone, then, having received a special code on your phone number, confirm it. Money will be immediately withdrawn from your number to cover payment for the goods.

Video: The fastest delivery of parcels from China