There is some differentiation of words as they are used: words that name vital, necessary concepts do not age for centuries; others archaize rather quickly. We stop using them, either because of the disappearance of the very concepts that are designated by these words, or because they are being transformed into other, more modern and acceptable for a given era. The education system in Russia has changed - the words institute of noble maidens, class lady, realist (student of a real school), schoolgirl have gone from our speech.

Words that served as names for disappeared objects, concepts, phenomena are called historicisms. They occupy a completely special position in the language, being the only names for objects long gone from our use. Therefore, historicisms do not and cannot have synonyms.

"Tiun" (tax collector), "beekeeping" (collecting honey from wild bees), etc. are now out of use, but when describing Ancient Russia they appear as Historicals (in relation to modernity). The age of Historicisms can be counted in centuries ("smerd", "boyar", "brother"), and decades ("Nepman", "educational program", "tax in kind"). In contrast to archaisms, Historicisms do not have their semantic equivalents in the lexical system of the modern language.

Now we do not measure yardsticks, do not bow to the volost foremen and clerks, and are happy to forget all the "unnecessary", as it seems to us, words. But in historical literature, in works of art telling about the past of our people, one cannot but use historicism. They help to recreate the flavor of the era, give the description of the past features of historical accuracy. Historicisms are usually used in the language of works of art on historical themes in stylization, for example, "On horses, the princes rode around in patterned shishaks, kmets in bast shoes reflected enemies in those stubborn battles!" (N. Aseev). : bursa, caftan, posadnik. Histories are found in the main texts about the past (both scientific and artistic).

In addition to historicisms, other types of obsolete words are distinguished in our language. Have you ever observed how this or that word for some reason "falls into disrepute"? We use it less and less in speech, replacing it with another, and so gradually it is forgotten. For example, an actor was once called an actor, a comedian; it was not a journey but a voyage, not fingers, but fingers, not a forehead, but a brow spoke. Such outdated words are called completely modern objects, concepts that are now customary to be called differently.

New names have supplanted the old ones, and they are gradually forgotten. Obsolete words that have modern synonyms that have replaced them in the language are called archaisms.

Archaisms are fundamentally different from historicisms. If historicisms are the names of outdated objects, then archaisms are outdated names for completely ordinary objects and concepts that we constantly encounter in life. these are words that have passed into a passive stock due to the fact that other names have appeared for the objects, phenomena, concepts designated by them - and existing to this day.

Archaisms, and especially Old Slavicisms, which have replenished the passive vocabulary, give speech an exalted, solemn sound: Arise, prophet, and see, and listen, fulfill my will, and, bypassing the seas and lands, burn the hearts of people with a verb! (NS.).

Old Slavonic vocabulary was used in this function even in Old Russian literature. In the poetry of classicism, acting as the main component of the odic dictionary, Old Slavicisms defined the solemn style of "high poetry". In a poetic speech of the XIX century. with the archaizing Old Church Slavonic vocabulary, the outdated vocabulary of other sources, and above all the Old Russianisms, has stylistically equaled: Alas! wherever I cast my gaze - everywhere scourges, everywhere glands, laws a disastrous shame, captive weak tears (P.). Archaisms were the source of the national-patriotic sound of the freedom-loving lyrics of Pushkin, the poetry of the Decembrists. The tradition of writers' appeal to outdated high vocabulary in works of civil-patriotic themes is retained in the Russian literary language in our time.

Archaisms and historicisms are used in works of art about the historical past of our country to recreate the flavor of the era; Wed: As the prophetic Oleg is now getting ready to take revenge on the unreasonable khozars, their villages and fields for a violent raid, he doomed to swords and fires; with his retinue, in Tsaregrad armor, the prince rides across the field on a faithful horse (P.). In the same stylistic function, obsolete words are used in the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov", in the novels of A.N. Tolstoy "Peter I", AP Chapygin "Stepan Razin", V. Ya. Shishkov "Emelyan Pugachev" and others.

Obsolete words can be a means of speech characteristics of characters, for example, worshipers, monarchs. Wed stylization of the Tsar's speech in Pushkin:

I have reached [Boris Godunov] the highest power;

For the sixth year I have reigned calmly.

But my soul is not happy. Is not it

We fall in love from a young age and hunger

The comfort of love, but we will only satisfy

Heart smoothness with instant possession,

Already, having cooled down, do we miss and languish?

Archaisms, and especially Old Slavicisms, are used to recreate the ancient oriental flavor, which is explained by the closeness of the Old Church Slavonic speech culture to biblical imagery. Examples are also easy to find in the poetry of Pushkin ("Imitations of the Koran", "Gabrieliad") and other writers ("Shulamith" by A. I. Kuprin).

High outdated vocabulary can be ironically rethought and act as a means of humor, satire. The comic sounding of obsolete words is noted even in everyday novels and satire of the 17th century, and later in epigrams, jokes, parodies, which were written by participants in linguistic polemics of the early 19th century. (members of the "Arzamas" society), who opposed the archaization of the Russian literary language.

In modern humorous and satirical poetry, outdated words are also often used as a means of creating an ironic coloring of speech: The worm, skilfully planted on a hook, enthusiastically uttered: - How favorable the providence is to me, I am independent, finally, completely (N. Mizin).

Analyzing the stylistic functions of obsolete words in artistic speech, one cannot but take into account the fact that their use in some cases (as well as referring to other lexical means) may not be associated with a specific stylistic task, but is due to the peculiarities of the author's syllable, the individual preferences of the writer. So, for M. Gorky, many outdated words were stylistically neutral, and he used them without a special stylistic setting: People passed by us, slowly, dragging long shadows behind them; [Pavel Odintsov] philosophized ... that all work disappears, some do something, while others destroy the created, not appreciating and not understanding it.

In the poetic speech of Pushkin's time, the appeal to incomplete words and other Old Slavicisms that have consonant Russian equivalents was often conditioned by versification: in accordance with the requirement of rhythm and rhyme, the poet preferred one or another option (on the basis of "poetic liberties"): I will sigh, and my languid voice, like a harp's voice, will die quietly in the air (Bat.); Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva ... - Go to the banks of the Neva, a newborn creation ... (P.) By the end of the 19th century. poetic liberties were eliminated and the amount of outdated vocabulary in the poetic language sharply decreased. However, also Blok, and Yesenin, and Mayakovsky, and Bryusov, and other poets of the early XX century. paid tribute to the outdated words traditionally assigned to poetic speech (however, Mayakovsky had already turned to archaisms mainly as a means of irony, satire). There are echoes of this tradition today; Wed: Winter is a solid regional city, but not a village (Eut.).

In addition, it is important to emphasize that when analyzing the stylistic functions of obsolete words in a particular work of art, one should take into account the time of its writing, know the general language norms that were in force in that era. Indeed, for a writer who lived a hundred or two hundred years ago, many words could be quite modern, commonly used units that have not yet passed into a passive vocabulary.

The need to refer to an outdated dictionary also arises for the authors of scientific and historical works. To describe the past of Russia, its realities, which have gone into oblivion, historicisms are used, which in such cases appear in their own nominative function. So, Acad. DS Likhachev in his works "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", "The Culture of Russia in the Time of Andrei Rublev and Epiphany the Wise" uses many words unknown to a modern native speaker, mainly historicisms, explaining their meaning.

Sometimes the opinion is expressed that outdated words are also used in official business speech. Indeed, in legal documents sometimes there are words that in other conditions we have the right to attribute to archaisms: deed, punishment, retribution, deed. In business papers they write: attached to this, this year, the undersigned, the aforementioned one. Such words should be considered special. They are fixed in the official business style and do not carry any expressive stylistic load in the context. However, the use of outdated words that do not have a strict terminological meaning can cause an unjustified archaization of the business language.

Depending on which aspect of the word is outdated, different types of archaisms are distinguished: - lexical- the word itself is outdated, its sound-letter complex is no longer used, and the meaning is expressed by another lexical unit:

eye, mouth - lips, cheeks - cheeks, right hand - right hand, shuytsa - left hand

phonetic- the sound appearance of the word has changed, which is reflected in its spelling. These include the words klob (modern. Club), number (modern number), store (modern curtain), hospital (modern hospital) and the like, which are found among the writers of the 19th century. They differ from their "rivals" often only in one sound, less often - in several sounds or outdated stress. (young - young, gold - gold, breg - coast, hail - city, raven - raven; the first words in these pairs sound archaic).

"He sang the faded color of life / Almost at the age of eighteen" (Pushk.).

Also, phonetic archaisms include words that have preserved the sound [e] before a solid consonant, while in their modern versions [o] (written yo) sounds here - red-hot (red-hot), enlightened (enlightened), doomed (doomed).

Another group of archaisms combines words with outdated suffixes, the word-formation structure of the word is outdated in them: Poison drops through its bark, / By noon melting from the heat, / And freezes in the evening / Thick cool resin (Pushk.); A mad man cries only from misfortune, / A clever one is looking for funds, / How to help grief with deeds (Wing.). And our forester was Fedos Ivanov, a great literate and knew how to sort things out well (Lesk.). As Famusov said at Griboyedov's? - Transferred to Moscow through my assistance (not assistance). Such archaisms are called derivational... And we come across quite a few of them in the works of our favorite poets - fisherman, flirt, votch, museum (modern museum). ...

semantic - the word exists in the modern Russian language, but has lost one or several meanings: And so that he does not dare to wonder in the future, / Having caught it truly, / And deprive him of his belly (Pushk.). Have you read the article in Petersburg Vedomosti? (S.-Sch.) Arkady noticed all this, but kept his remarks to himself (Turg.).

grammatical - certain grammatical forms of the word are outdated: Farming is breathing with joy / When the granaries are full, he rejoices (Zhuk.)

As you can see from the examples, obsolete words differ from each other in the degree of archaism: some are still found in speech, especially among poets, others are known only from the works of writers of the last century, and there are some that are completely forgotten.

Archaization of one of the meanings of a word is a very interesting phenomenon. The result of this process is the emergence of semantic, or semantic, archaisms, that is, words used in an unusual for us, outdated meaning. Knowledge of semantic archaisms helps to correctly understand the language of classic writers. And sometimes their use of words cannot but make us think seriously ...

One should not neglect archaisms: they say, they are leaving the language, well, let’s forget them! Do not pass judgment on obsolete words. There are times when they return to the language, re-enter the active vocabulary. This was the case, for example, with the words of a soldier, officer, warrant officer, minister, adviser, which received a new life in modern Russian. In the first years of the revolution, they managed to become archaized, but then they returned, acquiring a new meaning.

Archaisms, like historicisms, are necessary for artists of the word to create the flavor of antiquity when depicting antiquity.

Poets-Decembrists, contemporaries and friends of A.S. Pushkin, used Old Slavonic vocabulary to create a civil-patriotic pathos of speech. A great interest in obsolete words was a hallmark of their poetry. The Decembrists were able to single out the layer in the archaizing vocabulary that could be adapted for the expression of freedom-loving ideas.

Assessing the expressive possibilities of high archaic vocabulary, A.S. Pushkin in the later period of his work turned to it as an irreplaceable source of the sublime sound of speech. Who will be left indifferent, for example, the lines from Pushkin's "Prophet" permeated with Slavism?

Arise, prophet, and see, and hearken,

Be fulfilled by my will

And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn the hearts of people with the verb.

Not only A.S. Pushkin and his contemporaries, but also poets of a later time found in archaisms a means of sublime sound of speech. Throughout the 19th and even at the beginning of the 20th century, obsolete words were perceived as poetics and did not seem as archaic as they are now.

We try to learn good literary language from writers. Analyzing their use of archaisms and historicisms, we have the right to ask ourselves the question: “Can we ourselves decorate our speech with these expressive words?” This is not an idle question ...

Obsolescence of words is a process, and different words may be at different stages. Those of them that have not yet gone out of active use, but are already used less often than before, are called obsolete.

Obsolete words are used in various functions. For example, when used to name objects and phenomena, they perform a nominative function (in scientific and historical works, etc.). In works of art on historical themes, this vocabulary already fulfills a nominative-stylistic function - not only denotes realities, but also creates a certain flavor of the era. Obsolete words can be used in fictional text to indicate the time at which an action takes place. Obsolete words (mostly archaisms) can also fulfill stylistic functions proper, be expressive means, giving the text a special solemnity.

I want to hope that we will master the art of using historicisms and archaisms and will not allow lapses that cause the smile of an intelligent interlocutor or listener.


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Russian language

Archaisms and historicisms - what is the difference between them?


Cultural, economic, social changes are taking place in the life of society: science develops, technology appears, everyday life improves, political transformations take place.

This leads to the fact that words cease to be used, become obsolete, are replaced by new words. Let's look at illustrative examples of what historicisms and archaisms are. Two layers of vocabulary coexist. The first is the words that are known and used by native speakers (active vocabulary).

Another layer - words that do not sound in speech, the main part of the users of the language does not know them, require additional explanations or understandable names that have ceased to function in speech - passive vocabulary.

Obsolete words belong to the passive vocabulary. They differ in the level of obsolescence, the reasons for which they became such.

The difference between historicism and archaism

Historicisms are not used in speech, there are no those objects, concepts that they called. Archaisms denote objects and phenomena that still exist today, but have been replaced by other phrases. The difference between the two groups is that the archaisms have synonyms, this is important.

Examples: ramena (shoulders), tight (sadness), ruin (doom)

Historicisms have been in use for a very long time. Words that were once popular under Soviet rule have already become forgotten - pioneer, communist, soviet power, politburo... Sometimes words become common vocabulary: lyceum, gymnasium, police, governor, department.

It also happens that outdated words return to speech in a new sense. For example, the word squad in ancient Russia it meant "princely army". In the vocabulary, its meaning is "a voluntary community of people formed for a specific purpose" - people's squad.

History - how did it appear?

The development of society is progressing at a rapid pace, and therefore cultural values ​​change, some things become obsolete, new ones appear. Fashion is moving forward and the previously popular caftan is now just an outdated word. Such clothes are not worn, and many outdated names can be found in ancient books or historical films.

For modern man, historicisms are part of history, they can be studied for development, but there is no need to use them in speech, others will not be able to understand their meaning. Misunderstandings will arise.
To understand historicisms, consider examples and the interpretation of words.

Histories, examples Interpretation of the word
granary private barn owner who buys grain or leases barns
good food, dishes
business card men's clothing, a kind of jacket with rounded hemlines that diverge in front; originally intended for visits
hryvnia necklace silver or gold jewelry in the form of a hoop
hound bear a bear specially trained for palace "amusement games"
clerk official in the order
stubborn court official in the Moscow state
unworthy money money for the undeserved period, which the soldier was obliged to return to the community in case of early termination of service
order industry governing body
cold shoemaker in Russia until 1917 - a shoemaker who did not have a job, but repaired shoes right on the street near a client who took off shoes from his feet

Among the reasons for the formation of historicisms: the improvement of the tools of labor, the complication of production processes, the development of culture, political transformations.

The abolition of the dependence of the peasant on the landowner in Russia has left in the past the words: master, quitrent, corvée, tax, serf. The main thing is that historicisms remain in the history of mankind and do not return to speech, therefore they do not matter. No one will put on a caftan now or there will be no corvee and serfdom.

Historicisms forever disappear from speech

Histories can be divided into groups for understanding the meaning of words:

  • old clothes and shoes - cloak, armyak, camisole, fizma, shoe, bast shoes;
  • names of social life phenomena - duel, Cominternist, farm laborer, collective farmer, kulak, self-employed;
  • craft and professions of people: scrambler, buffoon, journeyman, water carrier, cooper;
  • monetary units - polushka, imperial, five;
  • measures of weight and length - verst, vershok, span, pound, fathom, pood;
  • titles and positions - excellency, rider, honor, governor, hussar, batman;
  • military household items - mace, chain mail, ax, brush, aventail, pishchal;
  • names of administrative units - county, parish, province;
  • the letters of the ancient alphabet - beeches, yat, lead.

Outdated phrases can be found in a scientific style to denote phenomena in an epoch-making period, to give expressiveness to heroes, images in an artistic style.
In modern language, one cannot find a synonym for historicism. What is remarkable is the fact that historicisms can go back several centuries.

Archaisms - what is it?

These are outdated names of objects and concepts that have been replaced by other words familiar to modern society. The world is changing, people are changing along with it and the language is expanding with new concepts, and other words are being invented for the old.

Archaisms have taken on a new look, therefore they can be counted among the synonyms of modern words, but nevertheless their use in the Russian language will be strange than a familiar phenomenon. For understanding ancient objects, for in-depth study of the culture of ancient people, archaisms and their significance can play a role.

To understand, consider a table where the interpretations of old words are described. It is not necessary to know them, but for the historian it will be a godsend.

Archaisms are divided into groups. Sometimes not the whole word is outdated, but only part of it. Let's take meanings that are completely outdated: verses (verses). Some words have obsolete morphemes - prejudice.
The process of the formation of archaisms is uneven. Thematic groups of archaisms are different:

  • person's character - verbalist(chatterbox, chatterbox), word-lover(scientist, expert), word finder(flatterer), quibble(idle talk);
  • profession - skipping rope(gymnast), cattleman(cattleman), warehouse clerk(writer), skoroposolnik(messenger, messenger);
  • social relations - consonant(companion), companion(girlfriend, companion), suvrazhnik(enemy);
  • family relationship - sister(sister), kindred, kindred(relative);
  • objects of the surrounding reality - selina(a. dwelling, building; b. cleft), sennitsa(tent, tent);
  • natural phenomena - arrow(lightning), student(cold, cold);
  • things - saddle(chair, armchair), servette(napkin), shell(peel, peel, shell), screen(chest, chest), standing(stand);
  • abstract concepts - literature(eloquence), intelligence(inference), laugh(mockery), companionship(acquaintance, friendship).

Archaisms are rarely used in literature. If the writer is literate enough and knows not only modern, but also the ancient language, then such words will give the speech a special "zest". The reader will ponder and delve into reading, trying to understand and unravel what the author had in mind. It will always be interesting and informative.

In this function, archaisms appear in rhetorical art, judicial debates, in fiction.

A word can lose one of its meanings

Types of archaisms

Archaisms in literature and social activities of people are usually divided into types. For a deeper understanding of the language, its historical development. No novel based on historical events can do without mentioning outdated words.

1. Semantic archaisms

Words that previously had a different meaning, but in modern language they have a new meaning. We understand the word "housing" as a kind of real estate where a person lives. But earlier the word had a different meaning: he feels so bad that he walked to the fifth home; (housing - floor).

2. Phonetic archaisms

They differ from modern ones in one or two letters, even the spelling can be similar, as if one letter was removed or added. It might even sound like a bug, but this is just an obsolete expression.
For example: poet - drink, fire - fire, dishonorable - dishonored.

3. Word formation

Obsolescence occurs only part of a word and usually in a suffix. It is easy to guess the meaning for understanding, but it is more customary to recognize archaisms if you already know which letters have been replaced, removed or added.

  • The rubber ball bounces off the floor (rubber - rubber).
  • What a lovely pencil drawing (pencil - pencil).
  • The entire audience, competing with each other, shouted different phrases (competing - competing).
  • This nervous person is just terrible (nervous - nervous).

4. Phraseological

When we talk about this kind of archaisms, we understand whole sayings, volatile expressions, a special ancient combination of words that was previously in use.
Examples of stable expressions include: buy myself a farm; little wife is making good coca with juice; shoved to whom it should.

5. Grammar

Such words have remained in modern speech, but their genus has changed. Examples include tulle, coffee. Our coffee is masculine, but they want to make a middle one. The word tulle is masculine, but sometimes it is confused and they want to make it feminine.
Examples of words: swan - formerly feminine, now masculine. Earlier, poets wrote that a lonely swan floats.

The importance of obsolete words

Outdated vocabulary is a valuable material for the formation of knowledge about the history of the people, its introduction to national origins. These are tangible threads that connect us to history. Its study allows you to restore information about the historical, social, economic activities of ancestors, to gain knowledge about the way of life of the people.

Outdated words are a means that allows you to diversify speech, add emotionality to it, and express the author's attitude to reality.

The average high school student is often confused in terminology, trying to answer the question of how archaisms differ from historicisms. These word groups are obsolete and belong to passive vocabulary. However, archaisms and historicisms can still be found in fiction and cinema, therefore it will be useful to find out the difference between them.

Features and examples of archaisms

Depending on why a particular lexeme has become obsolete, they are subdivided into archaisms and historicisms. The difference is that the former include words denoting objects, phenomena, processes and concepts, existing and currently... For some reason, most often not related to the language itself, they have been replaced by more modern counterparts. The process of archaism arising is called archaization. In art, imitation of the style of antiquity is called archaism.

Consequently, any archaism has a synonym in modern Russian. For example: instead of the old Russian “sail”, nowadays “sail” is used, instead of “memoria” - “memory”, instead of the union “kol” - the union “if”.

Depending on what exactly is outdated in what constitutes the word: the whole word, a separate word-forming morpheme, meaning or sound - archaisms are divided into several groups:

Characteristics and originality of historicisms

Historicisms are speech units that denote phenomena that have completely disappeared from our life. Usually, they are an attribute of a certain era and die with her. No phenomenon - no concept. This is how historicism can be characterized.

In the study of historicisms, it is no coincidence that they speak of concepts and not of words. After all, they have been preserved in historical sources, archives, letters. Some of them can mimic. So, "elbow", which was a measure of length, began to denote a part of the body. The state institution "order" died along with the institution, but the lexeme "order" exists in modern Russian in the meaning of "order, order". The word "throw away" has disappeared from the meaning of "put up for sale a product in short supply."

Historicisms have been preserved in the language as a tribute to the era. For historicisms and archaisms, the difference lies precisely in the presence or absence of synonyms. Thus, historicisms do not and cannot have synonyms, because phenomena, concepts, processes and objects that they designated cannot be returned to life. This is the main difference between archaisms and historicisms.

Histories can also be divided into several groups:

For polysemous words, historicism can become one or more meanings. For example, "people" in the meaning of "servant" are morally outdated and not used, while it is quite suitable for the plural for the lexeme "person".

The role of obsolete words in modern language

Obsolete words are present in the passive vocabulary of any language, no matter Russian, English or Portuguese. Archaisms are often used in fiction, poetry and prose. Words like this fill text in a certain color, convey the characteristic features of the era, serve as a means of enhancing artistry. Give solemnity.

Histories are also used in works of fiction. They are used in order to realistically recreate the era in which the actions of the work unfold, they are introduced both into the description of the surrounding phenomena and into the dialogues of the heroes.

A broader interpretation of the very word "historicism" is also permissible. It can denote the principle of accurately displaying the reality of a certain historical era without the subjectivism of descendants and contemporaries in order to objectively convey reality. There is also such a thing as "historicism of the word."

Obsolete words can be compiled into a separate dictionary. Even though they refer to the inactive vocabulary of ours, and indeed of any language, archaisms and historicisms still make up its flavor, giving the language unique features.

In highly stratified developed languages, such as English, archaisms can function as professional jargon, which is especially characteristic of jurisprudence.

Archaism is a lexical unit that has gone out of use, although the corresponding object (phenomenon) remains in real life and receives other names (obsolete words, supplanted or replaced by modern synonyms). The reason for the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language, in the renewal of its vocabulary: some words are replaced by others.

The words displaced from use do not disappear without a trace: they are preserved in the literature of the past and in the composition of some established expressions used in a certain context; they are necessary in historical novels and essays - to recreate the life and linguistic flavor of the era. In a modern language, derivatives of words that have become obsolete can be preserved (for example, « this hour" and « this of the day " from archaic "this" and "This").

Examples of archaisms in Russian

az - I am (" you're lying, dog, I am the king!», « vengeance is mine, and I will repay») lead - know (derivatives: not ved nenie, not ved washed, ved uma) Velmi - very, very you - neck (" Israel did not bow before the proud satrap») voice - voice (" voice in the wilderness», « the voice of the people is the voice of god"; derived words: with voice not, with voice ny, full voice not, united voice ny, carriage voice carry / transport voice go, voice atay) right hand - right hand (" avenging right hand») hand - Palm daughter - daughter ( "You are my unlucky daughter"- humorous) if - if ( "If you are polite") stomach - in the meaning of "life" (" not sparing his belly», « not on the stomach, but on death») zelo - very gold - gold (" There, Tsar Kashchei wasted away over gold») like - which, which (ex. "Like them") lanits - cheeks lepota - beauty, splendor talk - talk (" did not lead to execute, lead the word to say"); derivatives: "on rumors go ", "on rumors ka " night - night (for example, in the expression "Day and night", that is, "day and night") o'ko, o'chi - eye, eyes (" in the blink of an eye», « Black eyes», « days and nights at the open-hearth furnaces our Motherland did not close eyes"(See Victory Day (song)," an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth», « eye of sauron"; derived words: oche prominent, oche videts, in och ju, och ny / for och ny, och ki) one - they (about females) about seven (genus pad. " oct") - eight (derived word: oct feet) october - eighteen finger - finger (" pointing finger"; derivatives: finger yen, on finger OK, twelve finger naya gut, on finger yanka(digitalis), lane chat rooms) therefore - therefore because - because, because, because this, this, this - this, this, this (" this very second!», « this moment!», « what does this mean?») adversary - villain, villain the essence - form 3 l. pl. h. the verb "to be" tocmo - only trust - hope (" I trust in the mercy of God») mouth - lips, mouth (" a frozen smile"; derivatives: mouth ny, mouth th) red - red, scarlet person - forehead (" bang”, That is, to express respect, respect; derivative word: " brow bit») shelom - helmet (" drink helmets to don"; derived words: O shell go, O shell lazy) yako or aki - how, as if, exactly (to add a comparative turnover - "Wise, like a serpent", "And all that you are in the works, great sovereign, like a bee")

see also

  • Neologism - on the contrary (opposite), a newly introduced word; New word.


  • R. P. Rogozhnikova, T. S. Karskaya. School Dictionary of Obsolete Words of the Russian Language: Based on the Works of Russian Writers of the 18th-20th Centuries. - M., 1997, 2005 .-- ISBN 5710795305
  • V.P.Somov. Dictionary of rare and forgotten words. - M .: Vlados, Astrel, AST, 1996, 2009 .-- ISBN 5-17-004597-2, ISBN 5-271-01320-0
  • O. P. Ermakova. The life of a Russian city in the vocabulary of the 30s - 40s of the twentieth century: A short dictionary of bygone and leaving words and expressions. - Kaluga, Moscow: Eidos, Flinta, Science, 2008, 2011 .-- ISBN 978-5-9765-0967-2, ISBN 978-5-02-037282-5


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.



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    Obsolete and obsolete word. In artistic speech, A. is one of the stylistic means studied in a special department of stylistics. In our country, Slavicisms are most often found, drawn from Church Slavonic, until the 18th century. was … Literary encyclopedia

    Belching, relic, atavism, anachronism Dictionary of Russian synonyms. archaism see relic of the Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian language. Z.E. Aleksandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    archaism- a, m. archaïsme m. 1. Obsolete word or turn of speech, obsolete. Our language has neither OZHE nor ACE, nor other many Archaisms, that is, deep antiquity. 1751. Trad. 1 sec. LXII. // Uspensky 1985 190. 2. A relic of antiquity. Oh ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    ARCHAISM, archaism, husband. 1. Archaic, obsolete word or turn of speech (ling.). 2. An obsolete phenomenon, a relic of antiquity (book). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ARCHAISM, ah, husband. 1. Obsolete word, turn of speech or grammatical form. 2. A relic of antiquity. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Husband., Greek. ancient, old, dilapidated turn of speech. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from the Greek. archaios ancient) 1) outdated, a relic of antiquity; 2) an outdated word or turn of speech that is out of use; 3) the revival of the old, archaic style as a result of conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction with the fact that ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    The use of outdated words and old turns of speech; also imitation of the old style in art ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Archaism- ARCHAISM is an old word or an outdated turn of speech. We find archaisms alive in documents and monuments of the word, compiled at any time that is remote from us. In poetic speech, archaisms are often introduced with a dual purpose. In ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Archaism- (gr. archaios - eski, kune, ezhelgі) - 1) қoldanystan shyққan eski soz nemese soz aynalymy; 2) eskinin kaldygy ... Philosophies


  • Modernism as archaism. Nationalism and the Search for Modernist Aesthetics in Russia, Irina Danielevna Shevelenko. The book is devoted to the interpretation of the interaction of the aesthetic searches of Russian modernism and nation-building ideas and interests that developed in the educated community in the late imperial ...

The Russian language is a kind of living organism, constantly changing and acquiring new forms. In different historical eras, it sounded differently and the lexicon that has survived to this day has changed a lot. The texts of the Old Russian chronicles, for example, today the usual it is impossible for a layman to understand... words change, though not so noticeably. New concepts constantly penetrate the language from abroad, thanks to the discoveries of science and technology, thereby enriching it. Some concepts become unnecessary and lost, others live for a very long time.

Active vocabulary - vocabulary, used in daily life. Passive vocabulary - words that leave us and are forgotten. Passive vocabulary includes:, historicism. Neologisms are new concepts, terms and concepts related to active vocabulary.

Historicisms and archaisms Are important means of artistic expression.

In contact with


Archaisms there are:

  1. Lexical are the largest group. Examples: lzya - you can, very-very, forehead - forehead, finger - finger.
  2. Word-building - separately outdated word-building element, usually a suffix. Examples: restaurant, promotion, Asian, coffee.
  3. Phonetic - slightly modified in sound. Examples: liquorice, crow, gishpan, tie, string, number.
  4. Semantic - that have lost their original meaning. Examples: shame - used to mean "spectacle"; a dream is a thought.
  5. Grammatical - changed the gender. The piano, the swan were feminine.


Histories are words that denote disappeared:

  • clothes and shoes (zipun, armyak, chereviks);
  • household items (light - a stand for a torch);
  • weapons (pishchal, ax);
  • administrative units (county, volost);
  • persons and positions (sergeant, policeman);
  • military ranks (centurion, warrior, cuirassier);
  • units of measurement (altyn, grosh);
  • historical phenomena (rent, corvee).

It should be noted the social terminology of the Soviet era, which very quickly fell out of use (Budenovka, Revolutionary Committee). In Ushakov's dictionary they marked with double mark"New.", "History."

What is the difference between concepts

Archaisms are called objects or concepts that exist in our life, therefore easily replaced by synonyms. For example: in Pushkin: "Noise, noise, obedient sail (sail)."

Historicisms are words that mean something that no longer exists. Therefore, they have no synonyms. For example: a policeman - the lowest rank of the police of tsarist Russia. Policemen in Moscow wore black uniforms, in other cities - green.

A metal badge with a personal number and a coat of arms (provincial or city) were attached to the headdress. In Chekhov we read: "Overseer Ochumelov walks along the square, followed by a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled to the brim with confiscated gooseberries."

Important! Archaisms, unlike historicisms, have synonyms in modern language.

Words and their meanings are falling out of use for a variety of reasons. It happens that they return to circulation after a long time, changing its original value. After the revolution returned: a soldier, a lieutenant, etc. In the fifties - a minister, a ministry. To collect information, scientists create dictionaries of words that have come out of use, in particular, an explanatory dictionary.

Archaisms differ from historicisms, also in that they can highlight the degree of obsolescence:

  1. Words that have disappeared from the language and are not even found in derived words. For example: kotor - a quarrel, a blooming man - February, cancer - a grave.
  2. They are not consumed on their own, but are present at the root. These are: swearing is a mockery, beef is cattle, thin man is skillful.
  3. Preserved only in. A stake is a small plot of land (no stake, no ...), a falcon is a weapon for destroying walls (a goal, like ...), a zga is a path (no zgi can be seen).

These concepts dropped out of common use and are not used. They tell us about the distant times of the development of the language, about what has long passed.

So, let's conclude: words are going out of frequent use, passive, and even disappear altogether. If they were replaced by more comfortable sounding ones and retained their meaning, these are archaisms. If expressions have become unnecessary, if concepts themselves have disappeared, these are historicisms. Archaisms differ from historicisms in meaning.

The role of forgotten concepts in literature

Expressions recreate the flavor of the historical period in the narratives of a military theme.

Forgotten words tell us about the past, help the reader feel the spirit of the times. In the literature, you can come across outdated vocabulary of two layers. Pushkin in "The Captain's Daughter", in order to create the flavor of antiquity, deliberately introduces into the text forgotten words from the 18th century: corporal, soul warmer.

While writing the story, at the beginning of the next century, the author uses the usual vocabulary of that historical period: coachman, second. By our time, they are already outdated.

They create the solemnity of style in poetry.

Obsolete words (usually archaisms) give speech high poetic sound... In Blok's poems we read: "madness is youthfulness", in Yesenin we notice: "with a light wave of the finger", "I want to be a youth."

They successfully implement the author's ideas, create rhythm and good rhyme in poetry. Lermontov loved to poeticize the past. His "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" is a unique stylization of folklore of a large epic form. To bring the reader as close as possible, to describe the events of deep antiquity, the author used a large number of historicisms: oprichnik, place of frontal, cup, fathom.

Emphasize comic and satirical moments

The master of ridicule Saltykov-Shchedrin skillfully used archaisms to create ironic situations and ridicule human vices. By choosing highly solemn terms and including them in a commonly used context, the author achieved a humorous effect ("The Story of a City").

Examples of words and expressions are often found in historical novels and fiction.

The cultural value of the old vocabulary

The use of archaisms and historicisms expands the view about Russian culture and history. Education forms a full-fledged person, a versatile personality who gets to know the world with the help of languages.

A broad-minded person, spiritually and morally strong, aesthetically educated, respects and loves the true values ​​presented in literature. The great, mighty Russian language reflects a truly human attitude towards the world.

Knowledge based on local history topics of native speakers will be useful for foreign students studying Russian.

What is the difference between historicism and archaism?

Obsolete words - archaisms