Last week, a new part of the popular game series "Hitman" was released - Hitman: Absolution, the creators of which offer users to plunge into complex world hired killer. Based on "Hitman", FURFUR compiled basic tips on how to become an assassin yourself, providing a guide with experience famous films on the same topic.

Unfortunately, this is one of those professions, the good possession of which is not worth showing off to friends. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with the law, it is better to try to eliminate targets so that no one sees it. But if witnesses appear, you should not hope that they will not remember your face. Pity is exactly the feeling that killed all the best killers from cinema.

Especially for those who like to shoot with two hands in Hitman: Absolution there is a "Fame" parameter. With frequent posing for cameras and the presence of witnesses civilians they start to recognize you on the streets and run away in a panic. Fortunately, in the game you can always kill or bribe anyone you need.

To avoid unforeseen situations and simply not crowd into the living room of a potential victim, it is always better to go to work alone. The partner is well suited for a great crime buddy movie, but definitely not for a successful assassination order. In addition, the fee will not have to be divided into two.

Throughout its professional career the protagonist Hitman series, a contract killer known by the callsign Agent 47, has always worked alone. His only partner was his cinematographer Diana Barnwood, whose face we never saw until we were sent to eliminate her in the new Hitman: Absolution.

Any professional killer should have a personal set of indisputable rules that help him avoid dubious orders and successfully maintain his small business afloat. For example, do not kill Jews or do not take up a case until you find out all the details about his customer.

This game is good because here you can invent these rules yourself: do not kill priests, kill priests exclusively with a crucifix, or shoot them point-blank with a shotgun.

The heart of a real killer must always be cold, like a can of beer from the refrigerator, and the brains must be hot from permanent concentration. Because any friendships and love affairs lower your vigilance, which makes you vulnerable to enemies. After all, your new passion she herself could easily turn out to be a hired killer with a gun in her stocking.

In his work and personal life, Agent 47 is always guided by the principle of "trust no one" and usually spends time solely in the company of his pistols and garrote. Throughout his life, he did not get close to anyone, except for Father Vittorio, whom he was forced to save from the mafia in the second part and ... the genetically modified girl Victoria, who you have yet to save in Hitman: Absolution.

A normal weapon kill, no matter how elegantly executed, is always a murder, which means that you will be searched for. Fortunately, there is one way to avoid this - staging accidents. Even if your deeds have unexpected witnesses, this will only play into your hands and strengthen your alibi. While the victim is in agony under a piano that accidentally fell on her, you will calmly drink coffee in your quarter.

On par with Hitman's mindless shooting: Absolution you can always go through the so-called social stealth: dressing up, mixing with the crowd, hide and seek in closets. And also there is the possibility of arranging accidents. For example, “accidentally” drop a mirror ball on the discotheque visitors or, say, poison the victim with a fish and post a photo on Instagram.

Without their own rules of life, ideals and concepts of honor, any killer sooner or later turns into an ordinary mugger, after which professional burnout inevitably sets in. In order for the profession to acquire additional meaning in your eyes, and for your enemies to respect you even in the face of death, it will never be superfluous to develop your own system of values, and at the same time learn a couple of loud quotes from the Revelation of John the Theologian or Ulysses.

The 47th also has its own principles, with which it does not part even in a bloodbath. He always treats his victims, other people's costumes and humiliated and offended characters with due reverence. However, a lot depends on you - in Hitman: Absolution you can kill absolutely everyone or get by with just a couple of shots.

Sometimes a job well done is not enough, because in the company of dim-witted cops there can always be a smart Columbo who will instinctively feel that out of a hundred of the same plain-looking suspects in a hat and coat, it is you who are guilty. Even if you don't have anything to do with it this time, a pre-provided alibi (for example, a date with a girlfriend) or a good cover for your criminal activities will never be superfluous.

As a true silent killer, Agent 47 never used this technique. In addition, for example, in Hitman: Absolution the search question can always be settled by others, less legal ways. And if you play well, then he definitely won't need an alibi.

Crime syndicates and assassination agencies are not a photo agency commissioning you to shoot a landscape. Just because they're paying you good money today doesn't mean they didn't book you with someone else yesterday. Relations with such people are always built on mutual distrust, and their break is only a matter of time. Therefore, if possible, you should try to find their dirty laundry in order, as the bandits say, "to hold these guys by the balls."

In Hitman: Absolution there was also a place for dubious customers who ordered the 47th to kill his faithful cameraman Diana Barnwood, and then opened the hunt for him. For which many thanks to them - thanks to this, the game was enriched with first-class action and turned into a real thriller from the big screen.

As in any other creative profession, to get good results, a professional killer must devote himself entirely to his work, devote his whole life to this. After all, the cops solve so many crimes every day precisely because their initiators weren't crazy enough about their jobs. Just be prepared that there will be no one to praise you for such dedication.

Since the passage of Hitman: Absolution will take you from 15 to 20 hours, and at the most difficult level of difficulty - at least three times more, you can not avoid insanity in this game. We advise you to focus on collecting screenshots in parallel - local beauties are worthy of a postcard.

The main problem of hired killers is that sooner or later they all go to jail, and most of them live a little longer than rock musicians. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to think over the scenario of a beautiful death in advance, so as not to look like a weakling when the cops corner you. With proper performance, this will create a veil of mystery and heroism around you.

Fortunately, the 47th has not yet had a reason to think about a beautiful departure, but all the screensavers with his death in rapid motion on a white background or, as in Hitman: Absolution , in monochrome, look very majestic.

Necessary accessories

Professional killers never go to work with their bare hands - each of them always by default has a set of irreplaceable accessories with them that make life easier not only for the agents themselves, but also for the death of their victims.

Lock pick set

Leather gloves

Bulletproof vest

Well-ironed classic suit

Syringe with sleeping pills

amalgamated case

electric shock

Jean Reno with a big heart and an iron grip, Jack Nicholson torn between his duty and love, the terrifying Javier Bardem, the lonely Alain Delon and the gray-haired Tom Cruise - on the occasion of the release of the action movie "3 Days to Kill" KinoPoisk recalls the most remarkable movie characters who have mastered killer craft.

The action movie "3 Days to Kill" started in the Russian box office - the story of a professional killer and loving father Ethan Runner (Kevin Costner), who, before retiring and reuniting with his family, must complete the riskiest mission of his life - neutralize one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world.

On the occasion of the release of the film, the script of which was also written by Luc Besson, who gave us such remarkable killers as Leon and Nikita, KinoPoisk I decided to remember 10 movie heroes who make a living by killing. Perhaps their work was not approved by the CIA, but some of them, like Costner's character, protect their loved ones, someone finds his craft the only way survive, and someone is just a real killing machine.

A silent killer who lives in a shabby Parisian apartment with his only friend, a caged canary. Honor for Costello is everything, but in modern world he is an inappropriate person. He violates his personal set of rules only once, during the execution of a contract to kill the owner of a nightclub. And this turns into the fact that both the police and their own customers start hunting for him. An outstanding work by Jean-Pierre Melville with the iconic role of Alain Delon, combining the style of American film noir and Eastern philosophy, had a huge impact both on the entire French cinema, and on the lion's share films from our list.

Aging hitman Arthur Bishop is called the Mechanic for his ability to fix things that went wrong. And he does it with the toughest, but skillful methods, disguising murders as accidents. Bishop listens to classical music, appreciates high art, in particular Hieronymus Bosch, understands wines, but at the same time does not hesitate to satisfy his needs with prostitutes, does not know mercy and feels himself detached from the whole world. When Bishop meets the son of his old accomplice, he begins to have paternal feelings for him and raise a worthy successor from the guy. But this sympathy for a young loner can be the most fatal mistake in his life. British director Michael Winner's existential thriller caught Charles Bronson at the peak of his career, which allowed the actor to give out one of his best roles. Almost 40 years later, a remake with Jason Statham saw the light, which made an obvious roll towards action and therefore was not accepted by fans of the original.

« 500 thousand dollars? I'm asking for little, because for this price you get France". Jackal hires French terrorist organization to assassinate President Charles de Gaulle. He does not ask unnecessary questions and does not share any information about himself, remaining a real mystery. Emotions are alien to him, because where there are emotions, misfires are possible. The Jackal engages in a cat-and-mouse game with the detective and prudently moves towards the desired victory. In the film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Frederick Forsyth leading role Michael Caine could have performed, but director Fred Zinneman decided to invite a not so recognizable actor. In part, this was the reason that the picture undeservedly went unnoticed. After 24 years, the image of the Jackal was nevertheless tried on by the much more famous Bruce Willis, however, the remake of Michael Cayton-Jones was received with hostility by the creators of the original, and Frederick Forsyth even asked to delete his name from the credits.

During a shootout in a nightclub, professional assassin Jeffrey (Chow Yun-Fat) accidentally hits the singer, who, as a result of her injury, begins to go blind. Only an expensive operation can save the girl's eyesight. Jeffrey undergoes a metamorphosis, so rare in his environment, and he begins to regret his criminal past. Hoping to atone for his guilt, the killer with a big heart takes on the last case that will help him get the money he needs. The harsh action movie of John Woo, one of the most influential masters of the genre, was parsed into quotations by Western directors in subsequent years, including Luc Besson, and in recent times more than once, information has surfaced about an English-language 3D remake approved by Wu himself.

A lone killer, a professional who kept in touch only with his employer, until he met young Matilda (Natalie Portman), whose family was killed by dirty cops led by psychopathic Commander Stansfield (Gary Oldman). He seeks forgiveness, she seeks vengeance for the death of her loved ones. Leon takes the girl under his wing and teaches her the art of murder. Luc Besson's first American film gave us not only an outstanding controversial hero, but also a villain played by Oldman, and subsequently firmly established himself in all sorts of lists of the best films of all time.

Someone after graduation dreams of a successful career in some reputable company. Someone wants to devote himself to the service of society. Martin Blank decided to become a hired killer. He arrives at the reunion in his hometown of Grosse Point, pursuing two goals - to make peace with his ex-girlfriend, with whom he broke up at the graduation, and do another dirty job. In this black comedy, which Quentin Tarantino could be proud of, John Cusack helped write the script, invited almost his entire family to film and played the brightest role of a completely atypical killer, innocently revealing to everyone the secrets of his profession and getting into a considerable number of troubles.

Not every killer has a code of honor. But the protagonist of Jim Jarmusch's cult thriller follows the ancient samurai "Hagakure" manual. He does his job not for profit or bloodlust, but to repay the debt to the leader of the gangster group who saved his life. AT free time he meditates, plays chess and takes care of pigeons, and as soon as it comes down to it, Ghost Dog becomes a real killing machine. Inspired by the work of Melville and Kurosawa, Jarmusch wrote the title role specifically for Forest Whitaker, and together they gave the world an extremely unusual and sophisticated killer.

Experienced, ruthless and cold-blooded, Vincent (Tom Cruise) arrives in Los Angeles for just one night, during which he must cross five names off his list of victims at once. Time is running out, the city is quite big, and you don’t want to attract too much attention on the roads, so the killer hires an unsuspecting taxi driver Max (

In the 1990s, there was an unprecedented rise in crime in Russia. At this time, their own legends appeared in the criminal environment. One of them is the killer of the Kurgan organized criminal group Alexander Solonik. Solonik has become a cult character not only in criminal community, but also in popular culture. Books have been written and films made about him. For what merits did he receive such fame? The future legend of the criminal world was born in 1960 in the city of Kurgan. His father was a railroad worker and his mother was a nurse. At the age of 18, Solonik joined the army, where he served in tank division USSR in Germany.

There he managed to fully realize himself in his favorite business - shooting. This hobby appeared in him in school years. In his own words, in the army he learned to master weapons perfectly and became a shooting instructor. He not only successfully hit targets, but also knew how to shoot with two hands, for which he received the nickname "Sasha of Macedon". After the army, Solonik decided to continue his service in a different capacity, and went to work in the Kurgan police. In those days, he began to communicate closely with young athletes with whom he trained from school - Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin, Vitaly Ignatov and Pavel Zelenin. It was they who became the founders of the Kurgan organized criminal group. In addition, Solonik often rested in the city's railway station restaurant, where the first persons of local criminals gathered. There, a sociable policeman acquired connections in the underworld. Throughout his life, Solonik experienced a passion that eventually ruined him - namely, love for women. This passion put an end to his police career. During one of the patrols, Solonik and his partner noticed two young girls.

After a quick acquaintance, the law enforcement officers continued to communicate in the apartment of new acquaintances. There, after drinking a certain amount of alcohol, Solonik committed rape. As it became known later, this was not the only case: subsequently, four of his acquaintances filed an application against the young policeman. After that, he was detained and sentenced to 8 years in prison. However, Solonik, having heard the verdict, pushed the guards away and managed to escape from the courthouse through the window. It was not possible to hide from law enforcement officers for a long time - soon Solonik was detained in Tyumen. Two years later, he managed to escape from the Ulyanovsk colony. It all happened like in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" - a former policeman managed to crawl to freedom through a sewer pipe. This time, the crime bosses of Kurgan helped him hide from his former colleagues. In June 1990, he committed his first high-profile contract killing - in Tyumen, he shot the leader of the Ishim criminal group, Nikolai Prichinich. Soon, Solonik, along with school friends who formed the Kurgan organized criminal group, moved to Moscow. One of the features of the "Kurgan" was that they had no respect for criminal status and thieves' concepts, killing everyone indiscriminately.

In April 1993, Solonik shot dead the leader of the Bauman organized criminal group, thief in law Valery Dlugach, nicknamed "Globus", and then, a year later, the new leader of the gang, thief in law Vladislav Vanner, nicknamed "Bobon". In 1994, the killer again fell into the hands of the police. During an ordinary trip to the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market, a conflict broke out, during which shooting began. Solonik shot and killed four policemen and two private security guards. However, the killer himself was shot in the kidney, as a result of which he lost consciousness near the site of the shootout. There he was found by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and taken to the pre-trial detention center Matrosskaya Tishina. But even there Solonik did not stay long. His influential patrons allocated a million dollars for the killer's escape. Part of this money went to bribe a young prison officer, internal service sergeant Sergei Menshikov. He brought climbing equipment to the territory of the detention center, with the help of which he escaped together with Solonik. However, the money received did not bring Menshikov great happiness - a few months later his corpse was discovered in the suburbs of Athens, where the killer himself settled. After escaping, Solonik fled to where she fled most of Russian "lads" - to Greece. There he lived under the name of Vladimir Kesov. Together with him, he took a fashion model, the finalist of the Miss Russia-96 beauty contest, 22-year-old Svetlana Kotova. In Greece, the couple settled in chic mansion on the seashore. However, by that time, Solonik had claims from his leaders.

At that time, the Kurgan organized criminal group closely cooperated with the Orekhovskaya and Medvedkovskaya groups. The gang leaders did not like the loud fame and free behavior of the famous killer. On the instructions of the Orekhovskys, an equally legendary killer, Aleksey Sherstobitov, nicknamed Lesha the Soldier, arrived in Greece. He stuffed the Greek villa of Solonik with bugs to monitor the actions of the killer. So the leaders of the Orekhovskys learned that Solonik was also dissatisfied with his leadership, and expressed a desire to kill them. The original plan to hand over the killer to the police in exchange for preferences for the gang was replaced by a more cruel one. On February 2, 1997, Greek investigators discovered Solonik's body. He was strangled, and his girlfriend Kotova was strangled and dismembered. Shortly before this, three members of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group arrived in Greece - Alexei Gusev, Alexander Sharapov and Alexander Pustovalov ("Sasha the Soldier"). They came to Solonik under the guise of old friends. During the feast, the Orekhovskys suddenly attacked the killer and strangled him with a cord from the kettle. On the loud sounds Kotova came, who was also killed. Even after the body was found, many crime bosses do not believe that Solonik was killed. They believe that all this was an operation of the special services, and the killer himself is hiding somewhere with new documents. However, the DNA analysis confirmed that the famous killer of the Kurgan organized crime group Alexander Solonik was killed in Greece.

This post will introduce you to the most famous assassins in the world who were closely associated with the mafia circles and carried out various tasks for them. Some of these people managed to achieve considerable heights in the underworld and still live, others were waiting for much more.

Abe Reles, nicknamed Baby Twist, was one of New York's most notorious hitmen and was a member of the infamous well-known organization Murder Inc. He often killed his victims with an ice pick. He could kill a person for no reason, for example, once a valet drove his car late, for which Abe killed him. Everyone was afraid of him, including influential mafiosi. Abe had many convictions, was in jail several times, but never received a really long sentence. On November 12, 1941, he was found dead in the street near the hotel in which he lived.

Salvatore Gravano, nicknamed Sammy the Bull, is very famous person in criminal world USA. He began to steal from childhood, although he grew up in a fairly decent family. In the 60s, Gravano got involved with the mafia. Initially, he was engaged in small matters, after which they began to trust him with something more serious. The rapid growth of "career" made Sammy the assistant boss of one of the families. In 1990 he was arrested, but actively participated in the investigation and was sentenced to 5 years. Gravely implicated in at least 19 murders. Some of the murders he committed are described in his book. Several times he tried to engage in legal business, however, the criminal past prevailed. He is currently serving time for trafficking in ecstasy. Organized the largest dealer network in Arizona.

Sam DeStefano (Sam DeStefano), nicknamed the Crazy, embarked on a criminal path in the late 20s of the last century. He spent many years in prison. He was engaged in lending and dealt with his debtors very cruelly. He tortured his victims for a long time, as a result of which they died in agony. He could kill a person even after he once delayed the payment of interest, so that his other clients would understand that it was not worth joking with Sam. In 1973 he was killed by his own student.

Frank Abbandando (Dasher) is implicated in 30 murders. Cold-bloodedly dealt with his victims with the help of improvised means. In the 30s he was a member of one of the influential gangs, and was also a member of the Murder Corporation organization. In May 1940, he was arrested and sentenced to death penalty. In 1942, Abbandando was put in the electric chair.

Harry Strauss, nicknamed Pittsburgh Phil, is considered one of the most brutal members of Murder, Inc. During his "career" he killed 30 people, this is just what he managed to prove. It is believed that the number of his victims could exceed a hundred. He carried a suitcase with him in which there was an ice ax, a rope and a sawn-off shotgun. He was arrested 18 times, but the arrest of the 40th year was his last. Harry tried to make himself look insane, but he was sentenced to the electric chair. The sentence was executed on June 12, 1941.

Thomas Pitera, nicknamed Tommy Karate, was a hitman for the Bonanno family in the 80s. Excellent command of martial arts, had sadistic inclinations. According to investigators, he killed about 60 people during his "career". Dismembered the bodies of the victims and buried in plastic bags. In 1990, he was charged only with involvement in several murders and drug trafficking. This was enough for Tommy to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Joseph "The Animal" Barbosa, before embarking on a criminal path, managed to get an education as a chef and try himself, quite successfully, as a boxer. In the early 50s he went to prison, and after his release he began working for the Patriarca crime family. In the 60s he became one of the most famous killers, achieved influence in criminal circles. Completed at least 26 orders. In 1966 he was arrested and began to cooperate with the investigation. In 1975 he received an early release, and the very next year he was shot dead.

Roy DeMeo worked for the Gambino crime family. In 10 years, his team completed 70 kills. The gang was very good at hiding the bodies of the victims, many of them were never found. In 1982, the FBI began investigating a series of murders, and the following year, DeMeo was found dead in the trunk of a car.

Giovanni Brusca, nicknamed the Pig. Hereditary mafioso, who became one of the leaders of the Italian mafia. Prior to that, he performed various assignments, including assassinations. According to Giovani himself, more than 100 people were killed by him. He was arrested in 1996, but began to actively cooperate with the investigation. Thanks to his information, many prominent mafiosi were arrested. He is still serving his sentence, but has the right to a weekly "holiday" every 54 days.

Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski worked with many Italian-American families. Claimed to have killed over 100 people. He committed his first murder at the age of 13. In the 1950s it became professional killer, honed his skills on the homeless. In 1986, he received several life sentences. He died in prison in 2006.

If you believe they are evil, heartless, or simply mentally ill, then you are still part of a society that both repels and attracts the lives and minds of serial killers.

Who are they and what drives them ?

Below are the most horrifying serial killers of the 20th century.

25. David Berkowitz

Known as the Son of Sam or the .44 killer, David Berkowitz carried out a series of murders in the summer of 1976. Using a 44 caliber Bulldog revolver, he killed 6 people and injured 7 more. Berkowitz also sent a number of letters to the police and the press with stories of his further murders. for the purpose of teasing.

He terrorized New Yorkers for almost a year. He was eventually captured in August 1977. Berkowitz confessed to all of the murders and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for each.

24. Edmund Kemper

Edmund Kemper is an American serial killer and necrophile who carried out a series of brutal serial killings in California in the 1970s. At the age of 15, he killed his grandparents, and later killed and dismembered six hitchhiking women in the Santa Cruz area.

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He later killed his mother and one of her friends, and turned himself in to the police a few days later. In November 1973, he was found guilty of 8 murders. He asked for the death penalty for himself, but instead received a life sentence without parole.

List of serial killers

23. Larry Bittaker and Roy Norris

Together, these two American serial killers took the lives of five young women in California in 1979. They lured the victims into their van drove off to secluded places and then both raped and tortured the unfortunate with a series of tools.

In 1981, the maniacs were charged with murder, kidnapping and rape. Bittaker was sentenced to death and remains on death row to this day. Norris, however, was spared in exchange for testifying against his accomplice. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

22. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

These people killed five children between 1963 and 1965 in Greater Manchester, England. Their victims were between 10 and 17 years old. Before being brutally murdered, the unfortunate were subjected to sexual violence.

Three of those killed were found in graves dug on Saddleworth Moor, the body of the last victim was found in the Brady home. Location fourth child, Keith Bennett is unknown to this day.

Both Brady and Hindley were later sentenced to life in prison. Hindley died in prison in 2002. Brady has since been moved to the Ashworth Maximum Security Hospital, where he remains to this day, periodically on hunger strikes.

21. Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono

Between late 1977 and early 1978, cousins ​​Kenneth and Angelo kept California at bay by kidnapping, raping and killing 10 girls aged 12 to 28. Each of their victims ended up in the mountains above Los Angeles where they strangled them.

Bianchi tried to plead innocence, citing insanity, but it was later found that the documents confirming his mental illness were fake. He pleaded guilty and began to testify against Buono.

Both were sentenced to life imprisonment. Buono died from heart attack in his cell in 2002.

20. Dennis Rader

Dennis Rader killed 10 people in Sedgwick County, Kansas between 1974 and 1991. Obsessed with popularity, Rader sent teasing letters to the police, signing himself "SPU", which stood for "Bondage, torture, murder."

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The raider pursued his victims before breaking into their homes, tied them up and tortured them. After disappearing in 1988, Rader reappeared in 2005, sending a floppy disk to the media, which helped expose him. He was arrested and charged with the murders, to which he immediately confessed.

He is serving 10 life sentences with the earliest possible release date being February 26, 2180.

19. Donald Henry Gaskins

In 1969, Gaskins begins killing hitchhikers he picks up as he drives around the US South, torturing and maiming his victims. He claimed to have killed 80 to 90 people.

He was arrested in 1975 when a famous Criminal authority confessed to the police that he had witnessed the murder of two young men by Gaskinson. He was found guilty of killing 8 people and sentenced to death, however, the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment without parole.

Notably, Gaskins continued to commit murders while in a maximum security prison, killing an inmate. He only person who killed an inmate on death row.

Notable serial killers

18. Peter Manuel

The American-born Scottish serial killer is known to have killed 9 people in Southern Scotland from 1956-1958. He was suspected of killing 18 people.

The police could not prove his guilt until it was confirmed that some of the banknotes with which Manuel paid for drinks in Glasgow pubs belonged to one of his victims.

He confessed to his crime in front of his mother while at the police station where he was being held. In July 1958, Manuel was hanged for his crimes at Glasgow's Barlinnie Prison. He was one of the last prisoners in Scotland to be hanged before the death penalty was abolished in the country.

17 John George Haigh

This man was an English serial killer in the 1940s. He was admitted to killing 6 people, although he claimed to have killed 9. John was a professional con man, met rich people and made them believe that he was a successful businessman.

He lured his victims to an abandoned warehouse, where he shot them. After that, he dissolved their bodies in sulfuric acid, then forged documents to get his hands on all their property and savings.

He was identified from human remains, and the police were able to gather enough evidence to convict Haig. In 1949 he was sentenced to death and hanged at Wandsworth Prison.

16 Fred & Rose West

Between 1967 and 1987, Fred West and his wife Rose tortured, raped and murdered at least 10 young women and girls, most in their home at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester, which was later called a house of horrors.

The couple was finally apprehended and charged with the murders in 1994 after police obtained a search warrant. They found human bones buried in the garden and hidden under the floorboards.

Arrested in the courtroom, Fred hung himself in his cell before he was convicted. Rose was jailed for life in 1995 after being found guilty of 10 murders.

Their home on Cromwell Street was demolished in 1996 to discourage souvenir hunters.

15 Arthur Shawcross

Known as the "Genesee River Killer," Shawcross committed his first murder in 1972, raping and brutalizing a 10-year-old boy he lured into a wooded area in Watertown, New York.

10 most incredible prison escapes

He then raped and killed an 8-year-old girl, for which he was captured and charged with manslaughter. After serving 14 years in prison, in 1988 he was released and brutally cracks down on 12 prostitutes aged 22 to 59 years.

In the end, he was caught at the scene of the last crime. He confessed to all 12 murders and was sentenced to 250 years in prison, but died in prison of a heart attack in 2008.

14. Peter Sutcliffe

Peter William Sutcliffe is a British serial killer known as the "Yorkshire Ripper". In 1981, Sutcliffe was convicted of the murder of 13 women and the attempted murder of 7 others.

He killed prostitutes in Leeds and Bradford, creating a climate of fear throughout northern England. During his arrest in 1981 for driving a car with fake license plates, the police interrogated him about these murders, and he confessed.

At his trial, he pleaded not guilty to insanity murder, but the cause of self-defense was also rejected by the jury. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, and to this day he remains in psychiatric hospital Broadmoor Maximum Security Mental Hospital.

13. Richard Ramirez

Ricardo Ramirez Leyva Munoz was an American serial killer who worshiped Satan and terrorized Los Angeles from 1984-1985. Nicknamed "The Night Stalker", Ramirez would break into the homes of his victims, shot, beat, maimed, raped and killed.

He did not choose his victims according to any special parameters, they ranged from a 9-year-old girl to an elderly married couple aged over 60. Ramirez was distinguished by the fact that he painted pentagrams on the walls in the homes of his victims.

He was captured in 1985 and sentenced to life imprisonment. For 23 years he was on death row in a California prison, and in June 2013 Ramirez died.

12. Jeffrey Dahmer

Known as the "Milwaukee Cannibal", Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He was also a necrophile and ate his last victims, preparing food from them in the backyard of his house.

Dahmer was caught after his potential victims were able to overcome him and went to the police. In 1992 Dahmer was found guilty of 15 murders and was sentenced to 15 life terms.

However, just two years after being in a Colombian penitentiary, he was beaten to death by a cellmate.

Serial killers of the world

11. Dennis Nilsen

The British equivalent of Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Nielsen was a homosexual killer who massacred 15 gay men. sexual orientation at his home in London between 1978 and 1983.

He kept the bodies of his victims for some time, then the decaying remains were burned or flushed down the toilet. This helped to catch him when human flesh was found in his sewers.

Nielsen was convicted in 1983 on six counts of murder and two attempts. The sentence is life imprisonment. He is to this day serving his sentence in Yorkshire, England, with no chance of parole.

10. Ted Bundy

This is one of the most famous killers of the 20th century. He kidnapped, raped and killed young women and girls in the 1970s. Bundy usually approached his victims in public places, took them to secluded corners, raped and killed them.

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He beheaded at least 12 victims, and he kept the severed heads in his apartment as trophies. He was repeatedly detained by the police, but twice he managed to escape. He was accused of numerous murders and sentenced to death. Bundy was executed in the electric chair in 1989.

9. Charles Ng and Leonard Lake (Charles Ng and Leonard Lake)

Chinese-American serial killer Charles Ng is believed to have raped, tortured and killed 11-25 people along with his accomplice Leonard Lake at the latter's ranch in Calaveras County, California.

They filmed how they raped and tortured their victims. Their crimes were publicized in 1985 after Lake committed suicide when he learned that Ng had been caught stealing from a hardware store.

The police searched Lake's ranch and found human remains there. Ng was identified as Lake's accomplice in the crimes, but he tried to evade charges by fleeing to Canada. After a lengthy extradition to the United States, he stood trial in 1998 and was found guilty of 12 murders.

Ng is currently on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

The most terrible serial killers

8 John Wayne Gacy

Gacy raped and murdered 33 teenagers and young adults between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois. He lured the victim to his home, promising money or work, then strangled him with a tourniquet. 26 people he buried in his yard, he disposed of the bodies of the next killed by dumping them into the Des Plaines River.

Convicted of 33 murders, Gacy was sentenced to death. He spent 14 years on death row before being lethally injected on May 10, 1994.

7. Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer, nicknamed "the Rostov butcher". Between 1978 and 1990, he raped and killed at least 52 people, including women and children.

Suspecting Chikatilo of the murders, the police kept him under surveillance, the results of which provided sufficient grounds for his arrest. He confessed to a total of 56 murders, and in April 1992 was convicted of committing 53 of them.

Relatives of the victims demanded his release from custody to commit lynching. Chikatilo was sentenced to death and shot in February 1994.

6 Tommy Lynn Sells

Claiming to have killed at least 70 people, Tommy Lynn Sals was considered one of the most dangerous criminals USA. He was found guilty of several brutal murders between 1985 and 1999. Among his victims was also a 13-year-old girl whom he stabbed 16 times.

He was captured after The 10-year-old victim of the maniac, whom he left to die, was able to get out and warn the neighbors. She described the criminal in detail, which ultimately contributed to his arrest.

Sells is sentenced to death. To this day, he is on death row in a maximum security prison in Livingston, Texas.

5. Gary Ridgway

One of the most "prolific" serial killers, Gary Ridgway was arrested in 2001 for 4 murders, although he confessed to committing at least 70 murders of women in Washington state in the 1980s and 1990s.

10 crimes of the century

He escaped the death penalty by telling the police in detail about the murders and bringing authorities to the burial sites. He threw five women into the Green River, for which he was nicknamed the "Green River Killer" in the press. He was convicted of 49 murders and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

4. Pedro Rodrigues Filho

Filho is a Brazilian serial killer arrested in 1973 and convicted in 2003 of killing at least 71 people. Sentenced to 128 years in prison.

He committed his first murder at the age of 14. He went against local drug dealers who killed his girlfriend while he was in jail for a series of thefts. At the age of 18, he already had 10 murders on his account.

While in prison, he killed his father, who was also serving time for murder. While in prison he killed 47 prisoners. Initially sentenced to 30 years in prison, Pedro extended his own term with his own hands, as amid constant murders, his sentence was increased to 400 years in prison.

3. Daniel Camargo Barbosa

The man was a Colombian serial killer who is believed to have raped and murdered over 150 young girls in Colombia and Ecuador in the 1970s and 1980s. He calmly confessed to killing 71 girls in Ecuador after escaping from a Colombian prison.

He led the police to the place where he collected the bodies of the victims. After raping the girls, he killed them with a machete. Barbosa was convicted in 1989 and sentenced to 16 years in prison, the maximum sentence in Ecuador. In November 1994, he was killed in prison by cousin one of the dead girls.

Harold Shipman was an English physician and also the most "prolific" serial killer in human history, who was proven to have been 250 kills.

Being a professional, he was respected in his circle, however, colleagues and locals began to express concern about the high mortality rate in the area, and a large number signed cremation forms for older women.

Some of the bodies were later exhumed and examination of the corpses showed the presence of diamorphine in them. Later it was established that Shipman deliberately administered lethal doses of the drug to a huge number of patients.

Then he forged documents under the will, thereby inheriting large sums of money. He also forged cremation documents to completely cover his tracks. The judge sentenced him to 15 life terms without parole.

In January 2004, Shipman hanged himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison.

1. Pedro Alonso Lopez

Lopez is a Colombian serial killer accused of raping and killing over 300 girls in South America. He was believed to prey on young and vulnerable teenage girls in Peru. He lured them to secluded places, raped them, and then killed them, most often by suffocation.

Lopez was arrested when another attempt the kidnapping of the girl failed, and he was caught by market workers. He confessed to killing over 300 people.

The police only believed him when a flash flood uncovered a mass grave of many of his victims. In the end, 53 bodies were found. Detained in 1980, he spent only 18 years in prison, then he was released from an Ecuadorian prison and deported to Colombia, where he was arrested again in 2002 and sentenced to life imprisonment.