“In the modern world, an educated person
must be properly oriented
information space.
YES. Medvedev

Education today is becoming the main national priority of Russia.
The implementation of the state educational standards of the new generation, the formation of a unified system for assessing the quality of education, models of innovative activity of higher education teachers are topical problems of modern Russian education.
The State Program clearly defines the main priorities. Firstly, it is the full satisfaction of the needs in preschool institutions. All children between the ages of 3 and 7 should be provided with quality preparation for further studies at school. Secondly, children should study in good conditions, using modern equipment. The quality of education must comply with State standards.

Thirdly, educational institutions need to be adapted for the full education of children with disabilities. And I also think that one of the most important goals of the program is to improve the professional skills of the educators themselves. Ultimately, the success of an educational institution depends on the teaching staff, because the future of our children is in our hands.
In my opinion, a modern preschool teacher is a broad-minded person who has the necessary competencies in the field of pedagogy, psychology, methodology, computer technology, is well versed in the problems of raising and educating children, is able to show initiative, independence in constantly changing pedagogical situations and creativity in the organization educational process.
The world in which modern humanity lives can no longer exist without computer technology and digital technologies. Therefore, modern education cannot exist without the introduction of informatization in the educational process.
Our present day is a rapidly changing kaleidoscope of events, affairs, meetings, negotiations, discussions, decision-making and other urgent matters. Everything needs to be done. In such an active rhythm and pace, we educators are increasingly using the latest technical miracle assistants that serve us daily.
Today, all of us and our children live in the age of informatization. Therefore, we have new needs and new opportunities for the development and education of preschoolers. The products of scientific and technological progress have become everyday tools in my teaching activities.
“A child is a small researcher,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed, therefore, in my opinion, children, almost from a young age, begin to master technical means, as they are of great interest, this is especially noticeable in the process of training in special educational and developmental programs. Gradually, preschool children become active users of all means of information and communication technologies.
In our kindergarten, multimedia technologies are widely used, which, in my opinion, have advantages over traditional teaching. Children enjoy watching presentations, films, slides that allow them to broaden their horizons and get an idea of ​​the whole picture of the world.
The child increases motivation and interest in the surrounding life, new, through the use of modern technical multimedia tools.
I include in my work, as a teacher I acquire a lot of new things, improve the level and quality of my skills. Achievements of scientific and technological progress help me in a short time to orient myself in the search for the necessary information, in its processing and its inclusion in the educational process.
Dear Colleagues!
We are lucky to live in a fast-paced age, where technological progress dictates new needs: new educational technologies appear and are introduced, based on a combination of advanced scientific ideas and innovative pedagogical practice.
Let's dare, create, strive for perfection, because there is no limit to perfection in the field of informatization!

What is the role of education in human life? What kind of people are considered educated and why is it so necessary to get an education? Probably, these questions concern every person at a certain stage of his life. Many people know that it is necessary to get an education, but not everyone is aware of why.

Education is the possession of knowledge, the ability to manage it, which helps people make discoveries that improve our lives. So, we cannot imagine the world without the inventions of Albert Einstein - cameras, refrigerators; the discoveries of Isaac Newton - the law of universal gravitation, his three famous laws of mechanics, the theory of the motion of celestial bodies; projects of Leonardo da Vinci, although not implemented during his lifetime, but so indispensable today - an airplane, a bicycle, a parachute, a tank. The contribution to science of our Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, who explained the most complex phenomena of physics, chemistry and astronomy, laid the foundations for many studies and discoveries, is enormous.

Yes, indeed, the role of education for a person in the modern world is very great. A smart, literate person has more opportunities to realize his potential, more opportunities to reveal his talent. Enlightened people are more successful and authoritative, they have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, a significant status in society. Well, do not forget that educated people are capable of more skilled work, and therefore, they will earn more than those who have not been trained.

Thus, we can say with confidence that in the modern world it is impossible to live without a decent education.

Essay discussion on the topic The role of education in human life

Every citizen of our great state has the right to education. This right is enshrined in the Constitution of our country. The life of a modern, civilized person living in society is impossible without education. Quality education is the engine of every person's life and its important component. Getting an education, a person acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, develops self-confidence. Under the influence of learning, personality is formed. School education is the foundation of a person's personality and life in general.

The child masters the first stage of education in kindergarten. Preschool education gives the child the simplest knowledge about the world around him. The kid acquires his first knowledge of mathematics, Russian language, music, literature, learns to think and analyze in a directed way. In kindergarten, the child develops memory, thinking and speech. And also the preschooler acquires his first social skills.

School education includes a wide range of different subjects in its curriculum. Thanks to this, the child acquires basic knowledge in almost all areas of science. It develops thinking, speech, memory, social competence. It also helps to make an informed choice of a future profession, to decide what he would like to do all his life. The school accepts a small child, and lets out a socially and intellectually developed citizen.

Thanks to a wide range of subjects, a graduate of the school has knowledge in various scientific fields. This helps him in further obtaining a profession, and also characterizes him as a person with a broad outlook. Of course, not all subjects will be needed in future professional activities, but the knowledge gained helps to navigate in life, analyze complex social situations. And the skills to perform creative work, such as an essay or a project, teach you to correctly formulate your thoughts, which contributes to an effective interview in the future.

The role of education is very important.

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"Modern education as I see it."

“A lot of knowledge is necessary and important,

but the most important thing is how to live.

L.N. Tolstoy

Not knowing how to begin this work, I decided to look into the explanatory dictionary in order to find out how they interpret the word "education", and was struck by the dryness and lifelessness of the wording.

Education is the acquisition of systematized knowledge and skills as a result of learning.

And that's it. That is, within the framework of education, we are trying to create a person who then, someday, somewhere, supposedly, realizes himself. Is this education? Traditionally, a person with a higher education in general (and a teacher especially) for the layman is primarily identified with such qualities as decency, honesty, responsibility, etc. But then what about corrupt officials, "educated" boors, cynical doctors, but you never know. After all, they studied together with really worthy people, who may not have received a proper education, but who deserved respect for their deeds and deeds.

The question arises: Why do they learn from the same textbooks, according to the same program, often from the same teachers, but have such different moral and life positions?

When we talk about the goals of education, we mean - to educate. those. to create such a person who would be useful and necessary precisely their close, his people his state, not a hippie "child of the world." And is our education always aimed at this? In my opinion, the problem of modern education is that it is not aimed at the development or improvement of any abilities, but at elementary coaching on the subject of future activity. The teacher in this case, according to L. Tolstoy, “is likened to a bad sculptor who, instead of cutting off and scraping off the excess, sticks, inflates, sticks up irregularities that catch the eye, corrects, educates. Of course, this is not a discovery for anyone, most of us see and understand this. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

Teachers with extensive experience in school note that there are fewer and fewer bright, gifted children with a "God's spark". These “sparks” after leaving elementary school quickly become “like everyone else”, then the UNT smoothes everyone completely, besides, the media actively cultivate and aggressively impose the mass culture of the West, alien to us, with all its “charms”, headed by the well-known money symbol . As a result, it is not “hot hearts” who are ready for a feat for the sake of their country that leave the school, but inert young people who vaguely imagine their future, but who know the “laws of the chicken coop” to the subtleties, and therefore consider these “laws” the norm of life. Why is that? Everything is simple. We live in an age of scientific and technological progress, where you have to pay for everything, including the benefits of civilization. We pay for them with the loss of Culture and Spirituality. From history we know that the best times of mankind are associated with the flourishing of culture, and the worst with the development of civilization. Culture is not only ballet, music or painting - this concept gives rise to diversity, implies the versatility and uniqueness of the individual, and civilization strives for equality, standard, unification, i.e. cultural degeneration, even spiritual values ​​are evaluated exclusively from the material side. These "charms" of civilization are now reaping the so-called highly developed countries. Here are some interesting statistics compiled by the police department and education system in Fullerton, California, USA.

Main problems at school:

They talk in class, chew gum, make noise, run down the corridors, don't keep lines, don't dress according to the rules, litter in the classroom.

Drug use, alcohol use, pregnancy, suicide, rape, robbery, beatings. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

Now tell me: is it worth planting the failed European and American programs and standards on our culture, on our mentality? But it is also an integral part of modern education.

So what should education be like?

Even in the middle of the 19th century, while fundamentally dealing with issues of education, the great Leo Tolstoy drew attention to the fact that “teachers contribute to development, and not to the harmony of development,” and this is the “eternal mistake of all pedagogical theories.” In my opinion, it is necessary, first of all, to create a program in which all subjects would be interconnected. So that they are not perceived separately from each other, but rather find common ground. The curriculum should present our surrounding world as a whole, not fragmented into academic disciplines, because all subjects came from this world, and not some other. Each subject must have a certain bridge that would transfer it from one type of knowledge to another. The teacher, on the other hand, should be striving for creation, “this work should begin from a very early age, from the alphabet, and give the little man the highest examples of morality. The valuable end product of education is HUMAN. At first glance, the task is extremely difficult, but this is only at first glance.

In order for a student to study well, it is necessary that he study willingly, in order for him to study willingly, it is necessary:

So that what the student is taught is understandable and entertaining, and so that his mental strength is in the most favorable conditions.

So that the student is not ashamed of teachers or comrades

So that the student is not afraid of punishment for bad teaching, i.e. for misunderstanding.

The human mind can only function when it is not suppressed by external influences.

“In order to have a consciousness of the benefits brought, one must have one quality, the same quality completes every teacher’s art, and every preparation, because with this quality the teacher will easily acquire the necessary knowledge. If the teacher during the lessons did not feel boredom for a minute, he has this quality. This quality is Love. Leo Tolstoy wrote these simple and intelligible advice to the teacher in the century before last, their great wisdom is obvious. Following only simple instructions from the Tolstoy alphabet will arm the teacher many times more than modern pedagogical training.

The great teachers of mankind - Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu show us a single path, which is formulated in different ways, but the final goal is common - the creation of a harmonious personality, i.e. perfect person. Here is a way out of this situation, to return to eternal human values, but instead, for some wild reasons, Dale Carnegie’s etiquette troubles are “sucked in” by Dale Carnegie as a panacea for all diseases in millions of copies.

Despite all the difficulties in our time, there is still an opportunity to build that universal foundation that would reflect the characteristics of any culture, any people, and this is probably the moment that should be paid special attention to. Education, ultimately, should be based not on sowing flour, not on the topic of the day, but on something more weighty. Somewhere eternal, somewhere necessary, but the most important thing that mankind has developed.

Svetlana Vasilyeva

In the life of every person there comes a moment when a person gives a reassessment of life values. This determines his future path. The question of revaluation is undoubtedly the key one. For example, let's take education system. Despite the fact that many modern people find themselves in areas not related to education system nevertheless, she, this system is an essential part of their lives. Children attend preschool institutions where they are taught the elementary foundations of mathematics, develop speech, form communication and work skills, provide physical education, instill interest in music and art, in children's literature, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool education. After reaching school age, students continue their education in general education schools, and, in parallel, the most gifted in a particular field, study at schools of arts, sports and other schools, after which they enter and continue their studies in higher educational institutions.

Today, like hundreds of years ago, a significant part of municipal formations throughout the country is located in rural areas. Therefore, the main problem in modernization education systems Russian Federation is the availability of quality and effective education in rural educational institutions. To solve this problem, teachers are needed who have special knowledge, have creative potential and are able to competently and creatively teach children, using their knowledge and experience of the best teachers in the country.

Moreover, in modern conditions, teachers employed in the field education and claiming a leading position in the market educational services, it is necessary to use not only the accumulated experience, but also to introduce the achievements of modern pedagogy into the work process. Use of discoveries in the field of satellite systems and in the field of new pedagogical technologies, will allow the Russian education system go global. But success depends not only on the introduction of know-how, but also the atmosphere within the team is an integral part of it. As well as well-coordinated work and understanding of the importance of processes by all three parties - students, teachers and parents - are the main points of success in any business.

In conclusion, I note that during many years of work in educational institutions, I have mastered not only teaching methods, but also gained additional knowledge and skills in using modern communication technologies, which are necessary for every modern teacher. Was understood by myself education system. On my sight, not just knowledge, but understanding of the process of modern effective learning distinguishes an ordinary teacher from a professional who is able to see not only the problem in perspective, but also ways to solve it. Only by joint efforts, in the trinity, the Teacher - Student - Parent or other legal representatives of the child-student, it is possible to modernize education system.

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Education yesterday is, above all, Soviet education. Some time ago, education combined culture, educational work, social relations and, of course, education. Although this system carried an ideological color, it cannot be called imperfect. Today's adults, born and raised in the Soviet Union, nurtured and educated by Soviet teachers, know by heart many of the classics' poems, the capitals of countries, and much more. The image of the teacher had high moral principles and comprehensive knowledge. The students were always sure that their mentor would not let you down and would always come to the rescue and give advice. In turn, the students of Soviet education were active and ideological, responsive and responsible. This was dictated by the ideology of the Soviet state, within the framework of this doctrine it was possible to give and receive a quality education. One point that determines such a quality is the status of a teacher. At that time, to become a teacher, one had to successfully pass all the tests. After all, the best of the best will teach children. A worker in the field of education was rightfully proud of his title - a teacher.

We can not say that the current education has become worse. It just became different. Modern educational institutions have begun to focus more on the Western model of education. This reason is the fact that the diplomas of our schools and higher educational institutions are not quoted abroad. Education today has many shortcomings and problematic issues. One of them is not the most important, but it has a significant impact on education. For example, not all educational institutions have been modernized. Starting with an elementary equipped room for classes, ending with the use of additional multimedia tools. Today it is impossible to keep track of the constant changes in the program, there is no optimal and general program, which causes difficulties for students. Often, some of them are forced to hire tutors, as they simply do not keep up with the curriculum. Repeatedly, many teachers and lecturers complain about the lack of time to simply communicate with children. Students have a very busy schedule. After the lessons, they rush to the tutors, then to the classes of interest. Teachers are loaded with useless paperwork, which also affects their interest in work. Of course, modern education is diverse, it gives knowledge from various fields of science and culture at the end, but how long will all this knowledge, all the memorized material in the minds of students.

The future of education is seen in bright colors, as the process of its transformation does not stand in one place. The constant variability of the program is not very good for quality, but these changes are definitely needed. In the end, after some time, the optimal course for a good education will be found. For many, the future is seen as stills from a movie where students are taught by faceless robots or, in general, there will be such chips where all the material will be stored and can be used at any time. Such progress is not excluded, but all this may be in the boundless future.

There are a lot of flaws in the current education. It is less and less concerned with the education of disciples. Therefore, the main goal should be to improve it. And this should be done not with an emphasis on covering all kinds of subjects, but on the quality of their study. In addition, this improvement should include educational activities aimed at the cultural and spiritual enrichment of students. The successes of education in the past cannot be ignored; they must be used now to improve it in the future.