A teenager who came to us for an appointment was worried that his friends were addicted to games and the Internet to such an extent that they forgot about food, study and the rest of the world. But they are aware of all the new gaming products and, unlike him, ideally know the differences between certain game genres and speak extensive computer jargon.

So is this a simple hobby or... computer addiction?!

This question has been heard more and more recently not only from teenagers, but also from their parents.

Symptoms of addiction

Can a computer cause psychological addiction? Absolutely yes. However, psychologists and psychiatrists are still arguing which people are considered addicted and which are not. If we take the time spent at the computer as a criterion, then all programmers, with rare exceptions, will have to be considered dependent. But it is not so.

Unlike truly addicted people, programmers do not have a pathological desire to constantly work on the computer. They just have to do it because of their duty.

Therefore, psychologists have come to the conclusion that a computer dependent person is, first of all, one who spends too much time at the computer for unrelated purposes, and at the same time consciously (or unconsciously) harms his health.

Psychologists identify the following symptoms of psychological dependence on a computer:

  • good health or euphoria at the computer;
  • reluctance to be distracted from work or playing on the computer;
  • irritation due to forced distraction;
  • inability to plan the end of a computer session;
  • spending a lot of money to ensure constant software updates (including games) and computer upgrades;
  • forgetting about household chores, work responsibilities, studies, meetings and agreements while working or playing on the computer;
  • neglecting one’s own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer;
  • a person prefers to eat in front of a monitor;
  • discussion of computer topics with all people more or less knowledgeable in this area.

Excessive involvement with the computer can have negative consequences for both physical and mental health:

1. Staying in front of a monitor for many hours can cause

  • visual impairment,
  • decreased immunity,
  • headaches, fatigue,
  • insomnia.

2. Moreover, sitting for a long time puts a lot of stress on the spine, which causes frequent lower back pain and problems with posture.

3. Another disease of modern users is carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a disorder manifested by pain in the wrist and resulting from uncomfortable working conditions with the keyboard and mouse.

In turn, psychological dependence is less noticeable to a person. He may not even notice how much time he spends on the computer, how he moves away from friends, or forgets to eat. According to psychologists, computer addiction usually affects people who are insecure, have difficulty communicating, are dissatisfied, have low self-esteem, complexes, or are naturally shy.

The computer (primarily games and the Internet) gives them the opportunity to escape reality, realize their desires, feel significant, strong, armed, and experience some new emotions.

In the virtual world, you can easily change your age, gender, name, appearance and biography. Exacerbating his situation, a person begins to spend more and more time on the computer, chatting or playing games. In rare cases, a person can mix reality and virtuality. He may begin to act and think in new ways, become aggressive, prone to violence.

Teenagers are especially susceptible to psychological dependence. After all, they quickly adapt to the world around them and to the world of computers too.

It is noted that children who spend a lot of time at the computer stop fantasizing, become unable to create their own visual images, they experience emotional immaturity, irresponsibility, and the effectiveness of certain types of memory decreases.

There is a separate distinction between psychological dependence on the Internet (netogolism) and computer games (cyberaddiction). Each of them has its own causes and consequences and applies to different age groups. As a rule, young people between the ages of 10 and 18 are interested in games. Networkaholics are often representatives of the older generation.


People who are addicted to the Internet are called networkaholics. They need to be online again and again, and they can easily spend 12-14 hours on the clock, continuously downloading music, programs, communicating in chats and forums. They make endless virtual acquaintances without trying to bring them into reality. Networkaholics experience self-isolation, loss of internal guidelines, imbalance, absent-mindedness, sloppiness, disregard for loved ones and, naturally, huge costs for paying for the services of a provider.

According to statistics, networkaholics make up 3-5% of the total number of Internet users. These are mostly beginners who have recently gained access to the World Wide Web, and they are eager to try out all its possibilities in practice. Over time, such users gradually “cool down” to the network and spend less time there.

But in some cases, excessive passion for the Internet develops into addiction, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, in the USA, the computer and the Internet are increasingly becoming the cause of divorce, and recently, while a mother was “walking” on the Internet, two children died of starvation.

Cyber ​​addiction

Passion for computer games is called gaming (cyber) addiction. In psychology, “addictive realization” is a withdrawal from reality. According to a number of psychologists, computer games are precisely designed for such “care.” Many games create their own reality, their own world, their own vocabulary (jargon). Take the same fantastic world of adventure games, quests, RPGs.

A person becomes interested in the game, merges with his character, and lives his life. Moreover, in the game you can return to the previous level and correct all mistakes, which makes virtual reality much more comfortable than real reality.

Adding to the addiction is the fact that many games provide the ability to create your own levels and maps. It turns out that in the game a person can become anyone, do whatever he wants (within the limits of the game’s capabilities, of course) and at the same time avoid responsibility, because if he loses, he can easily return to the previous level!

Psychologists distinguish the following classification of computer games according to the degree of danger:

I. Role-playing computer games. They provide the most opportunities for realizing the need to accept a role and escape from reality.

  1. Games with a view “from the eyes” of a computer hero. Very quickly identification with the hero occurs, complete entry into the role, immersion in the virtual reality of the game are the most dangerous.
  2. Games with an outside view of “your” computer hero. Sometimes they are called “quests” (from the English quest). Here, too, identification of oneself with a computer character occurs, although not as pronounced. Nevertheless, the defeat or death of “their” character can be experienced by the player almost as their own.
  3. Strategy games. They are also “leadership”: the player can act as a special forces commander, commander-in-chief of armies, or even the Creator. The role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player himself, and there is no actual hero on the screen. People endowed with good imagination have a better chance of immersing themselves in such a game. Many researchers write that such games develop systems thinking, others believe that players who prefer this particular type thus realize their need for dominance and power.

II. Non-role-playing computer games. The player does not take on the role of a computer character, that is, the formation of addiction and the influence of games on a person’s personality are not so pronounced. Main motivations: the excitement of achieving a goal, “passing” the game and/or gaining points.

  1. Arcade. They are undemanding in terms of resources and usually have a weak linear plot. The main thing in arcades is to move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes while driving a computer character or vehicle. These games are harmless in most cases. If they cause psychological dependence, it is short-term.
  2. Puzzles (chess, checkers, backgammon). The main motivation in such games is to prove your superiority over the computer.
  3. Games for speed of reaction. This includes all games in which the player needs to show dexterity and quick reaction. They differ from arcade games in that they either have no plot at all, or are abstract and have no connection with real life. Motivation based on passion, the need to “pass” the game, to score more points, can form a completely stable psychological dependence of a person on this type of game.
  4. Traditional gambling. This includes computer versions of card games, roulettes, and slot machine simulators. The mechanisms of addiction to these computer games and their real-life counterparts are similar.

To treat or not to treat?

It is a fact that computer addiction exists. Another thing is - is it worth treating it or not? Psychologists tend to believe that any computer addiction is temporary. Sooner or later, a person will become saturated with games and the Internet, and his former hobby will either develop into a professional activity, or the computer will lose its former attractiveness.

Naturally, an obsessed (albeit temporarily) person falls out of society, from real life, and has problems with school or work. But then, is it worth waiting for saturation?

This is especially true for children. Indeed, will they then be able to make up for lost time, finish school well, and go to college? Here psychologists recommend approaching each case individually. It is unlikely that harsh methods can save a child from addiction. He will simply go to play with his friends, or instead of going to school he will go to computer clubs. It is better to teach your child to control his time in advance or find him another hobby. The dependent person needs to be shown that the real world is much more interesting than the virtual one. After all, no computer game can compare with the beauty of reality.

In the modern world of new technologies and achievements, people constantly deal with various information systems. The computer has become an integral part of life for each of us, some use it for information purposes, others for communication and hobbies. Of course, a personal computer acts as an assistant, performing cognitive and communicative functions. But then, when the time spent near the computer exceeds acceptable norms, a person becomes socially isolated and is only interested in the virtual world, it makes sense to talk about computer addiction.

Among all types of computer addiction, gaming addiction is the most common. According to statistics, approximately 5% of people around the world suffer from gambling addiction and need psychological help.

Psychology of gambling addiction

The gaming process itself is a natural activity; play has been present in human life since birth. Everyone plays: football players on the field, a child in kindergarten, actors on stage. But with the birth of computers, a lot has changed; a cyber game is fundamentally different from a regular game, since a person is immersed in another world that is not similar to reality.

Computer is a departure from reality into cyberspace, a change in mental state, obsessions and thoughts. A person obsessed with computer games begins to confuse the virtual world with reality; in severe cases, cyberspace becomes the main environment of existence.

In its symptoms, gambling addiction is similar to alcoholism and drug addiction. Symptoms of gaming addiction:

  • spending time at the computer more than 5-7 hours a day;
  • outbursts of aggression in response to comments from others about gambling addiction;
  • inability to escape from a computer game;
  • eating at the computer;
  • isolation from social contacts and society as a whole;
  • depersonalization;
  • ignoring personal hygiene;
  • use of psychostimulants;
  • communication on topics exclusively related to gaming;
  • identification with the main character, complete dissolution in the game;
  • state of euphoria during gameplay;
  • investing money in gameplay or gaming equipment.

Physiological symptoms of gambling addiction:

  • dry eyes;
  • pale skin, anemia;
  • back pain, spinal curvature;
  • headache;
  • exhaustion, starvation (in severe cases - dehydration);
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increased heart rate and pulse.

There are a large number of different computer games that are interesting to gamers in their own way, but the most dangerous for the psyche are online games. At first, a person simply identifies himself with the hero, then there is a complete dissolution in the virtual world and an escape from reality. People live in cyberspace: they fall in love, make friends, quarrel, and the emotional coloring of relationships online is much brighter than in real life. There are several important aspects to the psychology of gambling addiction:

  • loss of sense of time;
  • constant feeling of novelty;
  • distorted perception of oneself;
  • change in consciousness;
  • antisocial character;
  • feeling of virtual power;
  • change in the volitional aspect.

The addicted player is so captivated by the gameplay that he loses his understanding of the passage of time and the concepts of “here and now.” Consciousness gradually ceases to distinguish the real from the virtual. There are cases where people addicted to computer games played for several days in a row, without sleep or rest.

Gamers (translated from English as “game”) can play the same game for several decades, as they are constantly updated (graphics change, new interesting stories are invented). A so-called feeling of novelty arises, when the game not only does not get boring, but is perceived every time as something unusual and interesting.

Computer gaming addiction erases personal boundaries, a person stops living his life, the virtual existence of the hero becomes dominant. Some gamers even changed the name in their passport to a gaming nickname and changed their appearance to be more like their character.

In gaming addiction, a distortion of consciousness occurs; the real world is perceived with difficulty, in contrast to virtual reality. The cognitive sphere of a gambler suffers to a greater extent: attention is scattered, thinking is slowed down, and memory is distorted.

A person with a computer gaming addiction becomes a “social disabled person,” and his thinking takes on an autistic character. Gambling addicts stop going to work, visiting crowded places, and communicating with relatives and friends. Computer gaming addiction is often accompanied by a fear of large crowds of people and open spaces.

In the game, a person thinks that he can achieve anything, his self-esteem is high and his intellectual abilities are at their peak. In reality, everything looks different, the individual becomes powerless: basic hygiene procedures become difficult to perform.

Normal human activity is carried out with the help of volitional efforts, the motivational sphere and the main goals set. In virtual reality, on the contrary, actions occur without volitional impulse, by inertia. The player seems to be under hypnosis, his consciousness is programmed to complete the game. Often such people have a glassy look “to nowhere” during gameplay, they do not hear speech addressed to themselves, and do not notice anything around them.

Computer gaming addiction consists of 4 main stages:

  • slight interest;
  • passion;
  • addiction;
  • attachment and complete dissolution in the gameplay.

Most often, children and adolescents are addicted to computer games due to immaturity of mental functions and greater suggestibility. However, there is currently an increase in cases of gambling addiction in adults. There is a tragic case where a 30-year-old man, after spending more than 4 days in the game, died of cardiac arrest. Sharp outbreaks of gambling addiction in adults are most evident in life failures and chronic diseases.

Gambling addicts experience the following mental changes:

  • anxiety levels increase;
  • fears appear, panic attacks are possible;
  • aggressiveness and irritability increases;
  • signs of deviant behavior and sociopathy appear;
  • the tendency to violence and murder increases;
  • the likelihood of developing mental disorders increases.

Statistics and shocking data

Adolescent children, in particular boys, are most prone to gaming addiction from computer games. According to a survey conducted among American schoolchildren, 50% of girls spend more than 5 hours a day playing computer games. Boys, on the other hand, spend more than 7 hours playing every day, and their number is close to 80%.

The largest percentage of gambling addicts live in Japan and China. There is a known case where a schoolgirl played an online game for more than three days and died from dehydration. One Russian man spent almost a million rubles on an online game and filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer due to “virtual theft of funds.” One American young man became so carried away by the virtual world that a large, intractable tumor formed on his right hand, in which he was holding a mouse while pinching the carpal tunnel.

Often computer games are a catalyst for the development of congenital psychopathology. One of the terrible cases that shook the whole of Europe occurred quite recently: a schoolboy dependent on computer games shot his classmates and teacher. The boy's mental health before the game was normal, but after several months of gambling addiction, he developed symptoms of paranoia. There are known cases when avid players of the aggressive genre became maniacal killers. A resident of Louisiana killed several people over the course of a week because they seemed to him like monsters from his favorite computer game. An eight-year-old boy living in the United States killed his nanny by playing a fairly well-known crime game.

Gaming addiction to computer games can leave a heavy imprint on the human psyche. The personality becomes antisocial, aggressive, uncontrollable, and ultimately completely degrades.

Video - “Gaming Addiction”

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a computer. The laptop, tablet and smartphone have become a part of the lives of not only adults, but also children. Working with these devices helps you learn new things, quickly find the information you need, be in the access zone, always in touch, and find out the latest news. However, modern gadgets also have negative sides for humans. Computer addiction, which is called the epidemic of the modern century, is especially dangerous.

The essence of the term

Computer addiction is a form of addictive behavior. Any addiction is an unhealthy craving for performing a certain activity. If it is impossible to carry out the plan, the individual begins to experience withdrawal syndrome, that is, “withdrawal,” when the person feels bad both morally and physically.

Such computer addiction is a non-chemical addiction, that is, there is no special chemical substance that provokes addictive behavior, but only repeated actions.

They are of a ritual nature: they have become a habit and are not fully recognized by the person. Due to the fact that there is no mental analysis, no control over one’s actions, a person loses track of time, forgets about important matters, about himself. All his attention is focused only on virtual reality.

Depending on what a person is doing at the computer, the following are distinguished: types of computer addiction:

  • internet addiction– constant obsessive desire to be online, to be online;
  • gaming – addiction to computer games;
  • network – the desire to communicate through various social networks;
  • cognitive – excessive passion for news, gaining new knowledge via the Internet;
  • erotic – searching for romantic relationships and sexual experiences online.

When analyzing this list, it may seem that cognitive addiction does not pose any danger, but, on the contrary, is very useful for a person. But this is not so, because the individual forgets about real life, searches for information, reads a lot, watches videos, but this knowledge is practically not absorbed.

The person himself is exhausted, his brain is tired, and besides, there is usually no proper motivation to receive such information. The individual simply clicks on the advertisement that interests him and reads the article. This page contains links to other materials that provoke a click on them.

This creates a chain of actions along which the inquisitive mind moves. But as a result, a tired person can only talk in general terms about what he has learned on this issue. Such actions are unproductive, take a lot of energy and do not give the desired result.

Such dependence (this means any gadget - computer, phone, tablet) is especially dangerous for an unformed child’s psyche. Scientists have proven that prolonged exposure to a computer reduces a child’s memory, flexibility of thinking, attention and imagination. They even introduced a special term - “ digital dementia virus».

It has been proven that the development of all areas of the brain requires a variety of experiences. A child who spends a lot of time in front of a laptop screen has limited such sensations. Consequently, not all areas of the brain develop to the required extent. Scientists compare their activity with the functioning of the brain in a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury or has crossed the 70-year mark.

Consequently, this dependence is dangerous not only because it disrupts a person’s communication with the outside world, but also affects his mental development as a whole.

Distinctive features

Signs of computer addiction- these are some symptoms that appear in most people who spend a lot of time at the computer. These include:

  • a lot of positive emotions from games and spending time at the computer;
  • depression, aggression, apathy, when such actions cannot be carried out;
  • “falling out of time,” that is, loss of time orientation due to spending a long time at the computer;
  • ignoring loved ones and communicating with them for the sake of one’s addiction;
  • lack of hobbies and interests other than computers;
  • deterioration of health (sleep disturbance, vision problems, problems with the digestive system, poor posture) due to prolonged work at the computer;
  • financial injections into the Internet for the sake of your favorite pastime (playing games, communicating on social networks, shopping);
  • dreams, daydreams, fantasies, dreams associated with this addiction.

Individual signs of computer addiction may also appear, in particular, lying to loved ones about what a person does on the computer; avoidance of problems, that is, the inability to solve them in other ways. In addition, depending on the age of children, there may also be a variety of symptoms of addiction.

Computer and preschooler

It is advisable not to allow a child of early and middle preschool age to access the computer at all. The first acquaintance with him should take place no earlier than six years. At this age, the child has already developed the initial skills of goal setting and time control. He is able to work according to instructions, understand why he carries out certain actions.

It is important from the very beginning to convey to the child important information that a computer (laptop, tablet) is not a means of entertainment. First of all, they help solve work issues, study, and quickly find the necessary information.

A six year old child can be offered educational computer games or applications(for learning a foreign language, alphabet, counting, logic, memory, thinking, imagination). An adult should be nearby and monitor how the child completes tasks and help him. When the baby has already become accustomed to such games, parents still should not leave the child alone with the gadget. He should be visible, he should be asked questions, asked to comment on actions on the computer. This is done so that the child does not “play too much”, understands where he is, and tracks his current state.

Children 4-6 years old should play with each other, and not at the computer, since at this age it is the role-playing game (at home, at school, in the hospital, etc.) that has the main influence on the mental and personal development of the child.

In preschool age, a child should spend no more than 20-30 minutes a day at the computer.

Computer addiction in preschool children is most often expressed in the occurrence of various fears before bed. They complain that they cannot sleep, they are afraid of something, but they cannot name what. They become capricious and aggressive. If such symptoms appear, you should keep your baby away from the computer for now. Most likely, his psyche is not yet ready for such stress. You need to repeat your acquaintance with the computer in a few months and look at the result.

Peculiarities of manifestation of addiction in primary school age

Play is being replaced by study as the leading activity for children aged 7-11 years. Computer technologies can provide significant assistance in mastering the school curriculum. The main thing is to understand for what purpose and to what extent to use them. The child should be taught to search for the necessary information on the Internet. To do this, you should first study all the available material, and then set a specific goal regarding what additionally to look on the Internet. For example, in “Natural History” we studied indoor plants, but the student did not have time to remember what they all look like and are called. You can also watch a video on the Internet about indoor plants.

It is advisable that parents also participate in this process and discuss what they saw with the child. A junior schoolchild should spend no more than an hour a day at the computer, and this time should be divided into two approaches.

Addiction at this age already manifests itself in the form of some of the symptoms listed earlier. Thus, children experience strong emotions both on and off the computer. Sleep, posture, and vision may be disturbed. Communication connections deteriorate as the child spends more time alone at home. At school, such children are absent-minded, miss much of the teacher’s explanations, are distracted, and lag behind their peers.

It should be noted that at primary school age, computer addiction can be easily corrected. The fact is that at this age children look up to adults and value their authority.

What should parents do to overcome their children's addiction? First of all, be attentive to your children and monitor the symptoms of addiction. You cannot kick your child away from the computer without reason. It is important to explain to him why it is harmful to stay in the computer world for a long time. Parents should offer some alternative activities that the student likes. For example, go with the whole family to the skating rink, to the pool, to the beach.

Teenage addiction

Computer addiction most often occurs in children during adolescence. The fact is that in this crisis period, boys and girls are often dissatisfied with themselves, and their parents lose all authority in their eyes. In order to somehow escape from emotional experiences, teenagers go into the world of computer games or communication. Such children's school performance declines, they skip classes, lie to teachers and parents, and may start stealing money to invest in the development of their character in games.

Teenagers should spend no more than 2 hours a day at the computer, divided into 2-3 approaches.

What to do if a child sits at the computer for half a day? First of all, parents should not demand anything from a teenager or give him ultimatums. You should respect him, accept him and show him that he is loved no matter what. In order to convey the necessary information to your child, you should use “I-statement” technique. It consists in the fact that instead of blaming, an adult talks about his feelings about what is happening. For example, instead of saying “Stop playing computer games for so long!”, you should structure the phrase as follows: “I’m worried about you because you’re spending your best time on the computer rather than on real communication!” . In this way, the parent becomes equal to his child, and not above him. A teenager in such a situation is ready to communicate.

Ways to overcome

What should people do who have noticed symptoms of such an addiction in themselves, or whose children have begun to develop such an addiction?

  • First of all, you should limit the time spent at the computer and on the Internet. To do this, you can use a timer or install a special program that will automatically turn off the device after a set time.
  • You need to find something interesting to do, a hobby. It is desirable that it be in nature and outside the home.
  • Invite a controller who will help you get rid of your addiction. Regarding children, parental control will apply if the children themselves have come to the conclusion that addiction is interfering with their lives. Otherwise, it is better to involve a psychologist in this work.

It is interesting that the creators of famous social networks themselves limit their time using them, and also allow their children to go online for only an hour a day. Reasonable use of means of progress testifies to the maturity of the individual, attentive attitude towards oneself and loved ones. Life should not be spent outside of reality!


Computer addiction in children and adults is a “plague” of the 21st century, to which people of various social statuses are susceptible. An impressive number of families have already broken up due to this disease. A person who is completely immersed in the illusory world changes overnight, losing his personal qualities.

People who have had to deal with this phenomenon claim that in a short period of time the gamer changes beyond recognition.

Features of computer addiction

Or dissatisfaction with one’s own life - the reasons differ in wording, but not in content. People hide from problems that appear in the real world behind the veil of virtual space. The features of computer addiction include the following facts and observations:

Workers in alternative medicine and drug treatment centers officially recognize computer addiction as a severe form of mental disorder.
People susceptible to such a disease will never seek qualified help from a specialist on their own.
Regular exposure to a blue screen is comparable in severity to alcohol addiction. People experience alienation from the world around them, personality degradation occurs, and priorities change.
Diagnosing such a disease is a labor-intensive process, because computer addiction does not have clear symptoms and behavioral signs.
There are only 10–15 clinics on the international scene that can cure a person from computer addiction with the help of medication and mental treatment.

Computer addiction in children and adults differs only in the age of the “victims,” while the symptoms and prerequisites for the disease are absolutely identical.

Symptoms of computer addiction

Complete detachment from reality and the emergence of a desire to stay in an illusory world is the last stage of computer addiction. At this stage, people are ready to spend money from the family budget on the game, without thinking about the consequences. However, you can recognize a patient suffering from a similar disease in a loved one by other symptoms:

Physical signs - disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract; decreased metabolic processes; the appearance of excess weight; displacement of the cervical vertebrae; musculoskeletal disorder; the occurrence of chronic fatigue and dulling of instincts.
Mental signs - lack of concentration on events occurring around the computer; loss of control over the time needed to play; decreased interest in information coming from the real world; indifference to one's own appearance; causeless manifestation of irritation and aggression.

A person who is addicted to a computer automatically loses the following qualities - friendliness, openness, compassion, mercy and sociability.

Causes of computer addiction

Why do children and adults, accomplished individuals, choose the virtual space? There are many prerequisites for the emergence of computer addiction, but the main reasons traditionally include:

Immersion in an illusory and fictitious world, where there are many more opportunities to become successful.
Detachment from the harsh reality in which a person was unable to achieve the desired results.
The realization of childhood dreams - obtaining heroic skills and titles, acquiring protective armor and new adventures in a fairy-tale space.
Interactive communication with like-minded people becomes a significant factor in spending an extra hour of free time.
Recognition of other gamers playing on an identical server.
The emergence of a sense of necessity and importance during events occurring on a web resource.
Partial or complete combination of the game with reality, without which existence becomes boring and mundane.
Spilling out negative energy in case of failure in the virtual space is an opportunity to feel relief and peace.
Defeat in the game is only a stage in a multi-way story, in which there is the opportunity to start over.
The competitive spirit does not allow you to close the window with your favorite game in time, “capturing” the gamer’s consciousness.

To avoid gambling addiction, it is important to pay enough attention to the person. Loneliness and lack of support are the main reasons that play a major role in a gamer’s choice of the illusory world.

Consequences of computer addiction in children and adults

In addition to the “terrible” course of a mental disorder, during which a person partially degenerates in front of close relatives, the consequences of computer “fever” also become a problem:

Childhood addiction - apathy to communicate with friends and comrades; removal from company at school or kindergarten; lack of desire and desire to explore the world; a sharp decline in academic performance; expulsion from a general education or higher institution.
Addiction in an adult is a loss of personal qualities; the appearance of monetary debts; lack of friends and acquaintances; discord in family life; divorce from your beloved spouse; dismissal from work; deprivation of social status.

A self-sufficient person or a talented child can sit down at the computer, but get up from the gaming table as a helpless person, unaccustomed to the reality of modern society. The consequences of computer addiction force people to learn to live again, putting a “fat” end to the past.

How to get rid of computer addiction: self-treatment

People addicted to computers refuse to turn to professional narcologists, so friends and relatives begin to treat diseases on their own. In this situation, adhere to the following rules:

Reduce the dependent person's access to pocket money by regularly monitoring expenses.
Announce the trouble in narrow circles of friends and relatives, enlisting support in the current situation.
Through friendly conversations, get the person to admit his own dependence, while understanding the scale of the events taking place.
Tell us about positive things that happened in reality that the gamer doesn’t know about.
Regularly offer alternatives to computer addiction - socializing with friends, outdoor activities, a romantic getaway, or a trip to an amusement park.
Introduce the dependent person to other ways to relieve emotional stress - physical activity, intimate life, visiting intellectual circles or entertainment programs.

Develop discipline in the gamer so that he can easily complete the gameplay within a predetermined time.

You can get rid of gambling addiction on your own, but it is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming process. The best option is to seek help from professionals at a drug treatment center.

January 18, 2014, 11:52

How to understand how harmless a computer game is? What is computer game addiction and how to deal with it?

Global technological progress has given us a lot of new and interesting things. The computer, which a few decades ago was a unique miracle of technology, accessible only to a select few, is now present in almost every home. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his day without this universal device - it is our faithful companion both at work and at home, when we “rest” after a hard day. Undoubtedly, there is nothing terrible about watching an interesting movie on the World Wide Web in the evening or searching for the necessary data. But this is not all that a computer can offer us...

There are probably few people left on Earth who are not familiar with computer games, or at least have not heard of them. According to experts, the history of computer games goes back a little more than half a century - the first of them appeared in the distant 50s. By definition, a computer game is a program that serves to organize the game process, communicate with gaming partners and/or is itself a partner. Often such games are created based on books and films. And since 2011, in the United States, computer games have been officially recognized as a separate art form.

In recent years, the production of computer games has become a huge industry. Of course, demand creates supply, which means more and more people want to play. Naturally, an hour or two of gaming once a week “to relax” will not kill anyone. But is everything as simple with computer games as we would like to believe? Let's figure it out.

Computer gaming addiction, or gambling addiction- a form of addiction that manifests itself through obsessive passion for computer games and video games. Addiction forms especially quickly in cases where a person tries to solve his psychological problems and tasks with the help of games. For example, in the game you can feel like a completely different person, not the same as in real life; you can show feelings that are not customary to experience openly: aggression, anger; you can throw away real anxiety from the present time and go into the virtual world. According to research by experts, online games are the most addictive. History knows of cases of fatal consequences of such fun - for example, in 2005, a Chinese girl, who lost many days in a row at World of Warcraft, died of exhaustion.

At the moment, gaming addiction is not recognized as a disease. This disease is not officially included in the International Classification of Diseases. But debate over the adoption of this term is ongoing. According to experts, additional tests are needed to study in detail the impact of gambling addiction on the human body.

However, the results on the ground speak for themselves. Online games have captured the minds of humanity. The number of players is already in the millions. What is the catch in such a seemingly harmless activity? And the whole point is that, like any other addiction, it can drag you into its networks. The player forgets about everything in the world: food, sleep, basic hygiene, responsibilities to family, loved ones, children, not to mention physical activity and walks in nature. Unable to interrupt the gaming process, gambling addicts can lose their jobs and families. The real world for them is completely replaced by the virtual one.

But, naturally, it’s hardest for teenagers. These “no longer children, but not yet adults,” who are going through one of the most difficult periods in their lives, throw themselves into games “with their heads.” As a result, relationships with family deteriorate, exams fail, and exams fail. Former straight-A students fall into bad grades. In addition, over time, games begin to require more and more financial investments. Where can a person who does not yet earn money on their own get them? Many begin to beg from their parents, and when they stop giving, they take without asking. In such cases, urgent help is required - the young man is now unable to get out of this endless marathon alone...

How to recognize computer gaming addiction? Experts call these symptoms:

  1. Reluctance to be distracted from a computer game;
  2. Irritation when forced to be distracted from the game;
  3. Euphoria or just a good feeling while being at the computer and playing a game;
  4. Inability to schedule the end of a game session and time spent on the computer;
  5. Forgetting about home and work responsibilities, studies, agreements, scheduled meetings while playing on the computer;
  6. Large financial investments to ensure that devices and computer software are constantly updated;
  7. Neglecting sleep, hygiene, health, in favor of spending as much time as possible in the game;
  8. Refusal of normal meals, preference for mechanical “absorption” of irregular, monotonous food in front of the computer;
  9. Abuse of psychostimulants: coffee, various energy drinks;
  10. An obsessive desire to discuss a computer game with everyone who understands at least something about it.

In addition, addiction to computer games negatively affects both physical and mental health of a person. The following physical symptoms are common:

  • Visual impairment, dry eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Changes in sleep patterns, sleep disorders;
  • Digestive disorders due to irregular and unhealthy diet;
  • Frequent back pain caused by prolonged sitting;
  • Problems with posture;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Constant feeling of fatigue;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is a lesion of the nerve trunks in the wrist area. This disorder occurs due to uncomfortable working conditions with the mouse and keyboard and prolonged muscle strain;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene and related problems.

Psychological symptoms of addiction are less noticeable to the naked eye, but no less significant. The player himself may not even notice how much time he spends on games, how he forgets to eat and moves away from his family and friends.

According to psychologists, the most susceptible to computer gaming addiction are people who are insecure, have low self-esteem, have difficulty communicating, are dissatisfied with life and themselves, are naturally shy and have complexes. The game gives them the opportunity to escape into another reality, fulfill their desires, experience new emotions, feel strong, significant, and armed. That is, in essence, real life is being replaced by a virtual game.

Psychologists include the following as the main reasons for the development of computer gaming addiction:

  1. Lack of real quality communication. Most of all, this problem affects children and adolescents whose parents are too busy or prone to overprotection. The lack of real communications forces people to look for them in the virtual world;
  2. Lack of bright interesting moments in life. When a person’s everyday life is filled with dullness and boredom, he tries to “get” positive emotions in the game;
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction. Basically, the “victims” of gambling addiction are people who are dissatisfied with their personal life or do not have one. Also, sometimes a pathological attraction to games disguises various sexual disorders and deviations from the norm. After all, the beauty of toys is that the player is essentially anonymous, no one will “see through” him or poke fingers at him, which means he can express himself in different ways;
  4. Unformed psyche. Often players “get stuck” mentally in childhood or adolescence, not wanting to accept adult life with all its responsibilities;
  5. Social fears, phobias. Often behind an increased craving for games is a fear of interpersonal relationships, society as a whole, the inability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, and a lack of creativity and flexibility. In this case, the virtual world of the game can replace a person with the reality that he is so afraid of and provide a more comfortable environment. All this poses a serious threat to success in real life;
  6. Conflicts, discord within the family. When everything is boring, “it’s not going well”, it’s not working out, there is a great temptation to go somewhere where you won’t be judged, and in general no one knows you;
  7. A chance to escape real life problems. A person begins to think that with the help of a game he can relieve his stress, anxiety, depression, “escape” from problems in school, overload at work, discord in the family and circle of friends;
  8. Presence of psychopathy. Psychopathy does not mean a disease, but pathological character traits, which under unfavorable conditions lead to prolonged stress and chronic diseases. Psychopaths are considered the most susceptible to various addictions.

According to psychologists, role-playing games pose the greatest danger. The very meaning of such games involves a person’s “entry” into the game, identifying himself with the character, the loss of the player’s individuality and his integration with the computer. And the stronger the immersion effect, the more difficult it becomes to tear yourself away from the game.

Computer games attract many people, but not everyone becomes a gamer. Players can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Situational game. Such people play when there are external factors: free time, competition. If there is no external influence, there will be no interest in the game either;
  2. Episodic game. In such cases, people start playing computer games from time to time, but they are able to control themselves and limit the time spent in the game;
  3. Systematic game. Such players are fond of computer games, but wasted time and unfulfilled responsibilities cause them remorse, as a result of which they may stop playing;
  4. Gambling. For people in this group, gaming becomes the meaning of life and takes up virtually all of their time. When at the moment a person does not have the opportunity to play, he still plans the course of the game in his thoughts, waiting for the moment to return to it. Unfulfilled obligations, unclosed cases, losses, instead of being removed from the game, on the contrary, provoke him to continue further and further. In this case, we are already talking about true gambling addiction.

The development of addiction to computer games occurs in several stages:

  1. Stage of mild infatuation. At this stage, adaptation to the game occurs;
  2. Infatuation stage. Sharp and rapid formation of dependence. There is an increased desire to play, and gaming sessions become longer. The stakes in the game increase (if the game is played “for money”). At this stage, there is still no struggle between the desires to play or not to play, and a person can still refuse to play even if he wants to sit at the computer;
  3. Dependency stage. At this stage, the magnitude of the dependence reaches its maximum value. The struggle between motives to “play” or “not play” is clearly evident; it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose “not to play.” The time spent at the computer increases sharply, excitement increases, and it becomes very difficult to tear yourself away from the game. If a player receives cash winnings, they are immediately returned to the game;
  4. Attachment stage. The strength of dependence remains stable for a long period of time, then declines slightly and is fixed again and remains stable. Now the game turns into the center of the player's entire life. Money becomes only a symbol of the game. At this stage, a person can no longer overcome the desire to play on his own. The goal of the game is the process itself, not winning. It is very difficult for a person to abstain from gambling; such intervals are extremely small and only arise forcibly. The player is always immersed in his gaming fantasies.

What consequences does computer gaming addiction entail? Psychologists include:

  • private and protracted conflicts at home, often family breakdown;
  • loss of friends and close circle;
  • loss of social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • personality degradation.

It is always easier to prevent any disorder than to cure it. And gambling addiction is no exception. According to psychologists, a very important part of preventing computer gaming addiction (as well as other addictions) is outreach work, primarily among young people. It is necessary to give them examples of how such addiction destroyed human lives, led players to poverty, to the loss of favorite activities and previous interests. It is important to point out that gambling addiction is often a consequence of a weak character and lack of willpower. Also in the prevention of gambling addiction among children, the positive example of the parents themselves and close adults is important - constantly observing how bright and interesting real life can be, independently taking part in it, the child is unlikely to want to exchange it for virtual life. And, of course, you should not neglect close emotional contact with your child - having found him among family and friends, the child will not be forced to chase him, running to the computer.

If such an addiction has already occurred, it is important to know that it is also treatable. But, depending on the stage of attachment to the game, its treatment may take months or years, full of prohibitions and restrictions.

Among the recognized methods of treating computer gaming addiction are the following:

  • Conversations with a psychologist. The task of such sessions is to convince the player of the ephemeral nature of his virtual world, to show him all the beauty and perfection of real, real life;
  • Drug treatment. An experienced doctor can prescribe special psychotropic drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics;
  • Attention to a loved one. It is very important to notice in time when a family member is immersed in games, try to pay more attention to him, diversify life, add new colors and impressions to it. After all, if a person, in addition to computer games, has other interests and hobbies, study, work, sports, a constant social circle, the likelihood of developing gambling addiction is negligible.

All these measures work best together, and under the supervision of specialists. Often, when treating a gambling addict, family psychotherapy is used - at the same time, many related problems of family members are solved.

If you are concerned about your family member's pathological passion for computer games, do not hush up the problem! It is very important to notice warning signs in time and seek qualified help. But don’t forget – a holy place is never empty. If you don’t fill the space freed up from games with lively, productive activities, there is a chance that other addictions will take their place - alcoholism or drug addiction. After all, in essence, a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation tries to find a way out for himself, a kind of “surrogate” for a normal life, which in reality does not exist for him. But to help find it, create it and love it - this is the specific task of the player himself and his loved ones. The task is difficult, but feasible, as many examples show.

“Be attentive to your loved ones, choose live communication, real life and always be happy!”
Anna Kutyavina