Negative emotions always seem to shout at you, while positive emotions are more like a whisper. This creates that very asymmetry between the positive and the negative, tilting our attention more towards the negative (and in some cases leading to a complete inability to experience positive emotions). And this is not an individual feature, this is how the human brain works: everything negative sounds louder to us, warning us of danger. This secret is well known to the media: the fastest, most reliable and, most importantly, cheapest way to attract our attention is a spark of fear (after all, all our “fearless” ancestors died out without ever evolving, right?).

Good news, friends!

"Friendship" with 10 positive emotions will help you cope with negative ones!

Barbara Lee Fredrickson

The person I consider my guide to positive psychology is Barbara Lee Fredrickson (Barbara Lee Fredrickson), she is the head of the Laboratory of Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology, president of the International Association of Positive Psychology. This outstanding woman was at the forefront of the study of positive emotions and remembers the time when these studies were considered meaningless, like positive emotions themselves and their meaning in human life. In her lectures on the types of positive emotions, Dr. Fredrickson deliberately forbade the use of the word "happiness", since, due to too frequent use, it has a rather generalized meaning and does not convey all possible emotional overflows.

  1. Joy. That feeling when something works out really well for you, maybe even better than expected. We view the situation and the world as safe, familiar, and ever-improving. Feelings of joy trigger the need to be playful. But it is during the game that we learn. So in the case of feelings of joy, the outcome is often the acquisition of skills.
  2. Gratitude. This is a calmer emotion that is more connected with society. It is perceived not just as something good that happened to you, but as if someone deliberately went out of their way to do this good deed for you. We experience it as an altruistic gift that we want to somehow compensate for. Therefore, gratitude leads to giving (while finding a creative way to give), and the result of gratitude is social connections and the skill of intimacy and love. A characteristic feature of gratitude, when it occurs normally, is the duration and cyclical nature of this feeling, when the exchange of good deeds between people continues.
  3. Calm. It feels like your current circumstances in life are so right that you want to prolong this feeling. Many people believe that calmness leads to passivity and laziness. Yes, the state of serenity is accompanied by a feeling of security, confidence and low activity, but the main advantage of this feeling is the ability to enjoy, savor the moment and integrate the experience within oneself. The result of a feeling of calm is a change in one’s self, worldview and setting life priorities.
  4. Interest. Yes, few people consider interest in positive emotions, and in emotions in general. But this is his rightful place. You feel that the people, objects, and circumstances around you are safe, but there is an element of novelty in them, something you don’t know yet, something mysterious. So interest provokes research activity and the result of this emotion is new knowledge and fullness of energy.
  5. Hope. A unique positive emotion that is born in circumstances that cannot be called positive. You sense that the next emotion may well be despair; it is the fear of the worst and the desire for the best, which contributes to the development of our ingenuity, increasing resilience during and in the face of difficult times.
  6. Pride. I can already hear the dissatisfied grumbling... In no case should it be confused with pride and immodesty! Pride is always associated with socially significant achievements. It's not just something you did well, but it's something good that is valued in your culture, that brings people together. You can be proud of your actions, as well as the actions of your family members, friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens. This is not bragging. It's a feeling that inspires you and makes you dream big. So the result of pride is new achievements (and new reasons for pride).
  7. Fun. Doesn't pleasure begin from fun? It is associated with frivolity, slight social inappropriateness. Your mistake does not lead to self-flagellation and condemnation, but to shared fun, laughter, and strengthening connections. The outcome of the fun is not so insignificant - it is the creation of friendships, the development of creativity. Agree, for this you can allow yourself to commit a little stupidity!
  8. Inspiration. This emotion awakens in us when we come into contact with human perfection. At the same time, the emotion of inspiration is more related to interpretation: when you see that people can do something very well, talentedly, you say to yourself, “This is great! I would like to be like this person, to do the same!” That is, it is a peculiar combination of the desire for one’s own perfection and the ability to see and positively evaluate the superiority of another person. What does inspiration lead to? Of course, to the acquisition of new skills, creativity and the development of one’s own morality.
  9. Awe. This emotion is similar to inspiration, but it is more personal. You feel overwhelmed by the grandeur, you feel tiny compared to the incredible things that are happening next to you. Awe opens your heart and mind to new things, and the result of this emotion is the feeling of being part of a great whole.
  10. Love. This is one of the most positive emotions. Its peculiarity is that it accumulates all other positive emotions: joy, serenity, gratitude, inspiration, pride for a loved one, etc. But this is also not an individual experience - it is a joint experience of two people. A positive sense of belonging that allows you to dream, explore, enjoy, and play. Love brings a feeling of strong connection, trust, community and overall health.

And finally, a few more words about the asymmetry between positive and negative: the bad is stronger than the good, since negative emotions must scream to save our lives. Therefore, we notice the negative more often than the positive. But: in fact, positive events are more frequent than negative ones! There is relevant scientific data to support this. There are many good things in our life. But whether we allow positive events to turn into positive emotions is a matter of choice and upbringing in the family. But whether you like it or not, you feel these mild positive emotions all the time throughout the day, although most often we call them average or neutral. Neutral emotions are positive emotions that we do not recognize or are not aware of at the moment. And if you recognize them, begin to notice them, you will strengthen them and provide them with a field for their magical inner work!

I have already touched on the importance of energy in our lives. Especially in the mini-book "". Today I would like to talk about this in more depth.

I tried to describe as many sources of energy and techniques for quickly obtaining it.

Of course, we will do without artificial energy drinks (coffee, sweets, energy drinks, alcohol, drugs, etc.), which do more harm than good.

1. Positive emotions

Positive emotions are a very important source of energy. Here you can get unlimited supplies of it. Everything that we like and brings joy to our lives gives us a good boost of energy.

Do what you like. Make your favorite business a source of money and do it constantly.

Laughter perfectly energizes us. Joke more, approach life with a smile, have fun like a child.

Enjoy life and the changes in it, be amazed at its versatility and thoughtfulness, enjoy every moment.

Life is a great gift that is given to man. Thank the Universe for this gift.

Hang out with nice people. And also with those who have already achieved what you strive for.

Listen to energetic music that gets you dancing. And start dancing. This will bring even more joy.

Have sex regularly. If a person is not satisfied in this regard, he spends a lot of energy trying to regulate this area of ​​life. Sex takes energy in the short term, but gives it even more overall.

“Unreasonable Fun” Technique. You just start running, jumping, screaming, laughing. Out of the blue. You receive an injection of positive emotions and energy.

“Distorted Mirror” technique. Just go to the mirror and start making faces, making scary and funny faces, laughing, smiling from ear to ear. This is both a warm-up for the facial muscles and an excellent charge of positivity.

Gratitude technique. Think about the fact that you live and can feel the world around you. About what was good in your life. Thank the world and the people who surround you for this priceless gift. You will immediately feel great.

2. Physical activity

In a healthy body healthy mind. Is not it? Exercise your body and be sure to feel a surge of energy.

Pleasant fatigue after training indicates an increase in your potential. And it gives you the positive emotions that we talked about earlier. When playing sports, we spend a small amount of energy to get much more in the long run.

Do exercises in the morning. Warm up, do a series of physical exercises, and stretch. Jog in the morning if circumstances allow.

Also do some stretching throughout the day. If you work at a computer, get up and walk around several times a day, drink water, stretch your muscles, or maybe do a couple of exercises.

Walk more and take the stairs to the desired floor. Why not walk a couple of stops instead of jostling on public transport.

Do yoga, join a gym, take up some kind of sports discipline (for example, gymnastics).

Take up martial arts (for guys) or dancing (for girls). This is not only useful, but also interesting and brings a huge amount of positivity. Practice this constantly and develop your body.

Sleep correctly. Go to bed early and get up at dawn. Be sure to get enough sleep. After waking up, we should feel energized, not overwhelmed.

"Warming Up" Technique. Quickly and vigorously massage the muscles of your arms, legs, chest, and neck. Get the blood flowing throughout your body. Massage your face, head, rub your ears. And the blood will rush to the head. This simple technique provides a sharp surge of strength.

3. Cleanliness

The feeling of cleanliness also carries a certain energy. You feel fresh and ready for action.

Be sure to take a shower in the morning. Preferably with a washcloth. This is how you cleanse your body of dead skin and dirt, open your pores, and allow your body to breathe. This means getting energy directly from the air.

Pouring cold water or a contrast shower will give you several times more energy. By provoking this little stress, you strengthen your body and increase its potential. And of course you recharge with energy. Blood rushes to the skin.

Also take a shower before bed (this will improve your sleep) and during the day after exercise and walking (this will allow you to get back into your normal rhythm of life).

It is also beneficial to undergo more intensive cleansing procedures from time to time. For example, go to the bathhouse once a week. And after a good steaming session, jump into a pool of cold water.

Technique "Refreshment". Always works great. It is not necessary to take a shower in the morning. Do this whenever you want to recharge your batteries. It is advisable to take a cold or contrast shower.

To be continued…

These are just 3 of the 12 energy sources that I wrote down on a piece of paper today. This means there will be a lot more interesting and useful things on the blog. To receive the best materials, subscribe to our newsletter

Hello, friends! For most people, positive or positive emotions are the basis of their happiness in life. And of course, you need to be able to create such emotions, how to strike a spark in yourself, and even better, so that they continuously flow in a person). And without positive emotions, life becomes sad, a person becomes despondent, falls into depression, hysterics, etc.

An even more powerful option is when in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions, high emotions also live. In this case, the state of happiness can approach the maximum!

Before considering what positive emotions are and where to get them from, I recommend getting acquainted with the basic concepts:

Positive (positive) emotions

There is one single basis for positive emotions and feelings - this! It is joy, both as an emotion and as a feeling, that is the ancestor of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If there is no joy in a person, all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into continuous.

All other positive emotions, by and large, are a derivative of Joy. It should also be noted that many people confuse positive emotions with feelings. For example, respect and gratitude are feelings, not emotions, although they can be expressed quite emotionally. Let me remind you that feelings are given to a person from Above and they live in the spiritual heart (in), and emotions are produced by people themselves and their place is (the lower chakras).

But positive emotions and high feelings have a common basis - this, as mentioned above, is joy and a positive attitude in something. Exactly positive attitude is the basic basis of positive emotions.

For example, if you hate people, then you have virtually no chance of experiencing positive emotions while communicating with them. And vice versa, if you love someone, sympathize with some person, you will experience positive emotions when communicating with him.

And so it is in everything. If you love ice cream, you enjoy eating it). If you hate the foam from boiled milk, you are disgusted by the mere sight of this foam. Etc.

What is a Positive Attitude?

A positive attitude towards something is not a spontaneous phenomenon “it just so happens that I hate people...”. A positive attitude is a set of ideas and beliefs a person has about something or someone. By and large, this is the knowledge he acquired, which turned into life attitudes and images, into his ideas about the world around him and himself. Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas form a negative attitude, while positive beliefs form a positive attitude. A negative attitude, in turn, is fundamental to anyone.

The conclusion is obvious: In order to experience more positive emotions and feelings, you need to form in yourself as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your destiny. And the negative attitude (beliefs and ideas) needs to be removed, replacing it with a positive one.

This is the path to Happiness! About what Happiness is and what its exact formula is -!

What are positive emotions?

In essence, positive emotions are joy of varying strengths with hundreds of shades:

  • Emotion of Joy.
  • Emotion of Jubilation.
  • Emotions of Pleasure (there are many types and qualities).
  • The emotion of Pride (if pride without joy is already ).
  • Emotion of Admiration.
  • Emotion Attraction (attraction).
  • Emotion of Anticipation (of something good).
  • Other positive emotions.

Many emotions, such as , border on feelings; they are possessed by more spiritual people, with an open spiritual heart and a pure Soul.

Where to get and where to draw positive emotions from?

Of course, the world around us is an endless source of positive impressions, but if a person himself is filled with continuous negativity, nothing in this world will please or satisfy him. On the contrary, even something good around him will make him angry and irritated.

Therefore, the main source of positive emotions and happiness in your life is yourself, your inner world: all your knowledge and beliefs, all your personal attitude towards what is happening around and inside you.

It says: like attracts like. By thinking about debts and illnesses, you attract them into your life. When you experience positive emotions- even more positive things come to you. And this is true in all areas of human life.

If you constantly worry that you don't have money, you're afraid that you won't be able to pay off your debts, then you won't be able to achieve a state of abundance.

If you constantly expect that you can have a fight with someone close to you, this is most likely what will happen.

If you experience negative emotions, then you are in a state of stress, which means your health suffers inexorably.

What kind of happiness can we talk about if you are captive of negative emotions?!

Getting ready for the next lesson "Workshop of positive emotions" In the book “Ask and You shall Receive” by Jeri and Esther Hicks, I found an illustration of the “Emotional Scale”.

Your thoughts create feelings, feelings create vibrations, vibrations bring thoughts into reality. If your thoughts are negative, they will cause negative emotions and negative energy, which leads to stress and illness. Positive thoughts will create positive energy and lead to health, harmony and abundance.

Positive emotions lead you in an upward spiral. Negative emotions trigger the process of falling down. Using this scale you can easily understand where you are at different points in your life, and in which direction you are moving - towards health and success, or towards stress and problems.

Positive emotions

Main types of positive emotions:

  • Flow, inspiration, creativity, open thinking, initiative
  • Humor, enthusiasm, surprise
  • Gratitude, respect, recognition of others
  • Love, friendship, awareness of a higher purpose
  • Forgiveness, understanding, compassion
  • Joy, fun, enjoying the moment
  • Generosity, service, kindness

What to do to increase positive vibrations and rise up the spiral?

Positive emotions help you relax, be in a state of harmony, find creative solutions and easily achieve your goals.

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct connection between thoughts and body that leads to long-term health. In recent years, a branch of science has developed - PsychoNeuroImmunology, which studies how thinking affects the health and condition of the body. Scientists have confirmed that emotions “turn on” various diseases and lead to dysfunction of the body’s organs.

Exercises and practices that lead to relaxation and harmonization of brain activity, such as meditation, visualization, positive thinking, Emotional Release Technique, lead to a change in the charge of emotions from negative to positive, and act on the human immune system.

How to get positive emotions

This is one of the simplest but incredibly effective methods that works quickly and quietly, with results that exceed expectations.

The effectiveness of the Emotional Release Technique makes it one of the fastest growing methods of self-control and personal growth. It is no coincidence that most Teachers from the film The Secret love this technique and use it regularly to manage emotions, achieve goals, achieve a state of harmony, and improve health. Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Louise Hay - they all speak very highly of meridional tapping.

By doing daily meridian tapping exercises that will help you maintain POSITIVE EMOTIONS, you will be able to constantly be in a state of harmony, a feeling of joy and happiness. You will be in the Flow, which means health and well-being will become your true friends.

Having mastered the Emotional Release Technique, I fell in love with it at first sight! After that, I read dozens of books, watched hundreds of hours of videos, completed the best courses from leading practitioners, and took part in Pamela Bruner’s training in the USA. Now the process of gaining new knowledge has been enriched by my own experience. After all, more than 200 people have already been trained in my “Forward to the Dream” and “Laser Marketing” programs.

Each of my programs is unique! In addition to the fact that I use my rich life experience and knowledge, only in Katerina Kalchenko’s author’s program you can become so deeply and fully familiar with the Technique of Emotional Liberation. And I am proud to say that I am the First Russian-speaking expert on achieving success with the Emotional Release Technique.

In April 2013, at the request of graduates, I opened

- a community of people who want to continue to maintain their thoughts and emotions in a state of positivity, moving in an upward spiral. After all, it is much easier and more fun to do this in the company of like-minded people.

A month has passed and the results are impressive for all participants! Now they can control their happiness with their fingertips!

If you want to learn how to manage your emotions and move upward, to happiness and joy, then in our « » You are always welcome!
You can join from the beginning of every month.