Of particular importance in feng shui mesh bagua. It is thanks to her that you can determine and find out where which zone is located in your house, in order to then activate each one and attract harmony, prosperity, health, success, love, material wealth, etc. to your house.

What does this mysterious grid mean, how does it look and how to overlay bagua mesh on certain objects, all this will be discussed in this article.

According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the greatest Chinese sage Fu Xi saw this arrangement of trigrams Bagua for the first time, he was sitting on the bank of the river when suddenly a huge turtle crawled out of the river to him on the back of which the same grid was depicted. Later, the sage managed to decipher these trigrams and learn how to apply them in life.

All this happened more than 2000 years ago, but to this day this technique remains in demand, not only in the east, but also in modern European society. Today, every second person is interested in the question, how to overlay bagua mesh, to improve your life in this way.

Let's try to learn how to manage our own destiny with the help of Feng Shui, because, in fact, it is not difficult to do this, you must admit that every object in our home has a certain meaning, we just have to set it in the right direction and everything will work out by itself.

A few words about what a bagua is. She has two appearances, the first is a regular octagon, divided into eight equal parts, each of which has its own name, its own color, element and direction. It is also depicted as the so-called Bagua square, divided into nine absolutely equal parts.

Now more about each square or trigram Bagua.

In the southeast direction is a sector called "Wealth". Its main element is a small tree, feeding - the Earth. The characteristic colors are purple and green, trigram Xun. This sector is responsible for all the material benefits of your family.

In the south is the "Glory" sector, the main element of which is Fire, and the nourishing one is Wood. The colors crimson, red and green, trigram Li. This site is responsible for fame, reputation, public opinion and your plans.

The southwestern zonal space corresponds to "Love and Marriage". The main element is Fire, the nourishing element is Earth. Colors pink, red, brown, trigram Kun. Has a direct relationship with husband, wife and family relationships. If there are none, the marriage is considered inactive.

In the east, the "Family" sector is located, its ram is the Tree, which feeds - Water. Color green, brown, black blue. Trigram Zhen. Influences your family, relatives and ancestors.

In the center is the “Health” zone, it is a kind of unity of harmony and everything that was not included in the grid. The main element is the Earth, feeding - Fire. Color yellow, orange, beige, terracotta.

The western part is dedicated to "Children and creativity", its main element is Metal, which feeds - the Earth. The main color is white, gray, golden, silver, yellow. Trigram - Duy. Responsible for spiritual and creative development, children, communication.

Northeast is "Wisdom and Knowledge". The main element is Earth, which feeds - Fire. Color shades of yellow, orange, brown, terracotta. Trigram - Gen. Responsible for the mind, experience, self-improvement and clarity of thought.

The penultimate direction is north, here is a site called "Career". The main element of a career is considered to be Water, the nutritious element is Metal. Color blue, black, blue and white. Trigram - Kan. Work, earnings and professional activity are connected with this space.

The North-West direction went to "Helpers and Journeys", it is protected by the element of Metal, and nourished by the Earth. Characteristic colors are white, gray, silver, yellow, trigram - Qian.

How to properly overlay a bagua mesh

There are two different ways to overlay a bagua mesh. The essence of the first is to use a conventional compass, and the second is the use of forms, relative to the front door, let's deal with both more closely.

Bagua mesh how to make correct overlay. Option number 1.

Let's take a ready-made plan of an apartment, a house, or draw it on our own, maintaining exactly all the proportions and scales, after which we will try to determine the geometric center of the apartment. To do this, draw diagonal lines according to the plan with a simple pencil under the ruler in the direction from the outer corners of the room, which are located near the outer wall. The intersection of the lines will become the place that determines the center of the dwelling.

Bagua grid on the plan of the apartment. Option number 2

The second option is no less simple. For it, we also need a plan of a house, an apartment, only in this case we take a compass, and determine from it where the north is in relation to your home, make an appropriate mark on the plan, and only then, starting from it, we divide everything into certain zones.

Having decided on the necessary cardinal directions, and having found out the zones belonging to them, you can proceed to their activation, observing everything.

Grid bagua wish card.

In addition to activating the right space in your dwellings, this grid will help you correctly map your desires, namely, place clippings and images in the sectors that correspond to them. For example, pictures with banknotes, coins and full wallets should be pasted in the wealth zone, and landscapes of distant cherished countries and the sea coast in the travel zone.

You see, in fact, everything is quite simple and accessible even to those who have recently decided to build their prosperous life, following the philosophy of Feng Shui. Now you own the "key" that will open the door for you to significant positive changes. Good luck!

Good afternoon, dear wizards and sorceresses! Today we continue to study feng shui and talk about one of its tools - the bagua pattern.

Bagua (Pa-Kua) - the sacred octagon or bagua grid. It is one of the key analytical tools.

Every part of the body must function properly in order to maintain the harmony of the whole.

In the event that an element is faulty, its neighbors take over its function to temporarily make up for the deficiency, but it is obvious that if the problem is not corrected, then over time the balance of the system will be disturbed.

Bagua will allow you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your home and create a favorable atmosphere in the house that will contribute to your success.

Bagua consists of nine sections: eight trigrams, which correspond to the eight parts of the world (north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest), and the center.

Each section corresponds to one or more areas of your life and has its own meaning, color and direction. Bagua shows which elements of your environment affect certain aspects of life.

Trigrams are ancient symbols used in medicine and philosophy. Each trigram consists of three lines, which can be solid or broken, that is, a solid line is Yang, a broken line is Yin.

Bagua can also be represented as a square divided into nine equal parts. Each part represents an area of ​​a person's life.

Nine Zone Bagua

Below you can see a table with Bagua zones and their respective directions and colors:

Zone Side of the world Color
Wisdom, knowledge Northeast Beige, brown, yellow, orange
A family East Dark green, dark brown
Wealth Southeast Green, purple
Glory South Red Green
Love, marriage Southwest Pink, beige, terracotta
Creativity, children West White, gold, silver
Assistants, travel Northwest Gold, Silver, White
Health Center Yellow, caramel, orange, beige
Career North Blue, cyan

Some want to activate a certain zone, depending on what they want to get at the moment, such as wealth or a successful career.

But all zones are important, as they are interconnected. The weakness of one sector can have a negative impact on other sectors and related aspects of life. For example, failures in a career can affect personal life, the destruction of a family.

You get the most benefit from Feng Shui when all of the Bagua directions in your home and workplace are strong and balanced.

If there is a sector that can dominate others, it is the center. He is responsible for your health, and this is the most important thing in life. And if you have not decided which sector to start from, then it would be most reasonable to start from the center.

Meaning of trigrams

By overlaying the bagua grid on the plan of your house or apartment, you can assess the energy of the place, identify weaknesses and strengths. There are two ways to overlay a bagua grid:

  • the zone of the north of the octagon is imposed on the front door of an apartment or house;
  • or according to compass directions. This method is more popular.

Each trigram has several meanings. I will list the main ones.

1. Trigram Qian. This is the sector of the head of the family. This is a dragon, a creative spirit that lives in water or soars in the sky. It gives creative strength and strength for resistance. The image is the sky. Symbolizes the Father.

This sector is responsible for assistants and travel, associated with people who help you in life: teachers, mentors, friends and colleagues. It is also associated with travel and with the male half of the family: father, brother or son. Located in the northwest.

2. Trigram Kan. This is the spirit of water. He overcomes obstacles, fills in the gaps. It gives strength to concentrate in a difficult situation and overcome difficulties. The image is water, symbolizes the middle son.

Sector: Career. This direction is associated with work, profession, employment and income. Located in the north.

3. Trigram Gen. This is a mountain spirit, it helps to evaluate your successes. Her image is a mountain, denoting the youngest son.

Sector: wisdom, knowledge. This direction is associated with self-improvement and the mind, life experience and spirituality. Located in the northeast.

4. Trigram Zhen. It is the spirit of thunder that inspires, motivates and upsets the balance. It reveals what was previously hidden. It can awaken dormant energies and give strength to perform difficult tasks. Her image - thunder, symbolizes the eldest son.

Sector: family. This direction is connected with your family (with close and distant relatives). Located in the east.

5. Trigram Sun. It is the spirit of wind and wood. Delicate and beautiful, she gives things maturity. She nourishes and supports. Her images are the wind and the tree. Symbolizes the eldest daughter.

Sector: Wealth. This direction is associated with your wealth and symbolizes abundance and prosperity. Located in the southeast.

6. Trigram Li. This is the spirit of fire, light and heat, the magical power of awareness. It can give strength to understand the meaning of things, to formulate goals. Her image is fire. In the family of trigrams, it denotes the middle daughter.

Sector: Glory. This direction is associated with your fame and reputation, it reflects what others think of you. It also has to do with how you see your future. Located in the south.

7. Trigram Kun. The image is the earth that gives birth to all life, without it nothing can exist. It gives the ability to give shape to things, to bring ideas and images to life. Symbolizes the mother.

Sector: love, marriage. This direction is associated with your main partner: husband or wife, friend or girlfriend. In addition, he is associated with the female half of the family - mother, sister, daughter. Located in the southwest.

8. Trigram Dui. This is the spirit of fog from lakes, ponds and swamps. This is the most friendly and open spirit, which is associated with a pleasant pastime, the absence of restrictions. Gives confidence and inspiration, the ability to create a good mood. His image is a lake. Symbolizes the youngest daughter.

Sector: Children, creativity. This direction is connected with children, creative projects, artistic self-expression. It also reflects your propensity to communicate. Located in the west.

Sector: . The central area is associated with physical health, unity and harmony of all things. It connects and unifies all eight outer lines.

And in fact: if there is no health, then you will not experience joy from anything else.

We will talk more about each sector in other articles.

- this is a sacred octagon, which is one of the foundations of Feng Shui, or sometimes it is also called the "Bagua grid". It is built on the basis of eight trigrams, its sides, or directions, indicate various aspects of your life, which, according to the rules of Feng Shui, need to be harmonized. Having mastered the concept of Bagua, you will always know what needs to be changed in the interior to improve your life.

- these are symbols of the four elements, formed by combinations of solid (masculine symbol) and broken (feminine symbol) lines. There are eight trigrams in total; hence the name of their totality in the Chinese tradition - ba gua - eight trigrams. The Bagua system is discussed in the treatise "I Ching" ("Book of Changes"). The very first mention of divinatory trigrams refers us to the legendary ruler of ancient China, Fu Xi, who was in power from 2852 to 2737 BC.

Trigrams formed the basis of hieroglyphs meaning sky, water, air and fire. Trigrams are usually arranged in pairs on the sides of the Yang-Yin circle, and there is also a system of circular arrangement.

Each of the trigrams has many meanings, but only a few will be given in this article.

The trigram means and symbolizes strength and authority.

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Metal, and the number is 6.

The opposite of the trigram Tian, ​​is the trigram, which means softness, peace.

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Earth, the number is 2.

Trigram, in Chinese philosophy means aggressiveness and assertiveness.

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Wood, the number is 3.

- speed, mobility

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Wood, the number is 4.

- wisdom, secrecy

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Water, the number is 1.

Lee - brightness, attractiveness

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Fire, the number is 9.

- stubbornness, firmness

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Earth, the number is 8.

- fun, immediacy

The element that this trigram symbolizes is Metal, the number is 7.

From ancient times to the present day, the Book of Changes has had a tremendous impact on the entire life of Chinese society. The impact of the ideas of the "Book of Changes" can be found in all philosophical schools of both ancient and modern China. In its practical application, it is regularly used in every Chinese family, and recently it has been widely used throughout the world.

In practice, the Bagua grid is used to understand the energy configurations that are inherent in your home, apartment or office.

Mesh Bagua

The Bagua grid with the help of the Bagua compass establishes the nine main ones - the eight sides of the octagon and the center. Each zone corresponds to one or more areas of your life, has its own meaning, its own direction and its own color. With it, you can find out which elements of your environment affect certain aspects of being.

Section - home area - color:

Career - North - Blue;

Knowledge, Wisdom - Northeast - Blue

Family - East - Green

Wealth - Southeast - Purple

Reputation - South - Red

Love, Marriage - Southwest - Pink

Creativity, Children - West - White

Need people, Travel - Northwest - Gray

Health - Center - Yellow

All parties are equally important, they interact and depend on each other. If any one side is weakened, for example, a career, this will have a negative impact on other sides and aspects of life, in particular, family and relationships. Ideally, all areas of the Bagua grid in your home should be strong and balanced. Therefore, you should not strengthen only one thing, for example, the wealth zone: this will immediately affect the rest of the areas. You may gain wealth but lose everything else. So does it make sense?

Only one zone dominates all the others - this is the center, symbolizing health and unity. If you don't know where to start in order to improve in several areas of your life at once, start from the center and you can't go wrong.

Bagua is a sacred octagon, which is built on eight trigrams. It is also called the Bagua grid. The sides of this octagon indicate different areas of human life. The ninth field on it is the center, which represents you.

Trigrams- symbols of the elements, which are formed by combinations of one long line (male) and two short (female). "Ba" means eight, and "Gua" is a trigram. Hence the name.

Each house can be attributed to a specific trigram. There are also personal trigrams that determine the date of your birth. Formulas for men and women are different.

man you need to subtract the last two digits of his year of birth from 100, and divide the difference by 9. You will need a remainder, and not a quotient obtained by division. For example, if your year of birth is 1962, then subtract 62 from 100 - you get 38. Divide 38 by 9 and the remainder is 4. Your trigram is Xun.

woman we need to subtract 4 from the last digits of the year of birth and divide by 9. We also need a remainder. For example, the year of birth is 1984: 84 - 4 = 80. Divide 80 by 9 and get 8. Gen will be the trigram. We define a trigram by the remainder:

5 - Kun for a man and Gen for a woman

no remainder - Lee

Qian - a symbol of creativity

Consists of three continuous lines. Associated with the head of the family and symbolizes the northwestern position.

Element: "Metal"

Season: "Autumn"

Meaning: "expansive energy, sky"

Kun - a symbol of susceptibility

Consists of three dashed lines. Associated with the mother and the rooms she occupies and uses, symbolizes the southwest.

Element: "Earth"

Season: "Summer"

Meaning: "receptive energy, relationship between husband and wife"

Zhen - a symbol of anxiety

Consists of two broken lines over one continuous line. Associated with the eldest son and represents the eastern direction.

Element: "Forest"

Season: "Early Spring"

Meaning: "Excitement, revolution, separation"

Xun - a symbol of gentleness

Consists of two continuous lines over one broken line. Associated with the eldest daughter and represents the southeast.

Element: "Forest"

Season: "Late Spring"

Meaning: "Integrity, intelligence, inner strength, flexibility"

Kan - a symbol of the abyss

Consists of one continuous line between two broken ones. Represents the middle son and the northern direction.

Element: "Water"

Season: "Winter"

Meaning: "Danger, fast rivers, abyss, moon"

Li is a symbol of affection

Consists of a broken line between two continuous lines. Refers to the middle daughter and the south.

Element: "Fire"

Season: "Summer"

Meaning: "Fast movement, radiance, sun"

Gen - a symbol of peace

Consists of two broken lines under one continuous line. Represents the youngest son and the northeast.

Element: "Earth"

Season: "Winter"

Meaning: "Silence, immobility"

Duy - a symbol of joy

Consists of two continuous lines under one broken line. Refers to the west and the youngest daughter.

Element: "Metal"

Season: "Autumn"

Meaning: "Joy, satisfaction"

For a house, its trigram is determined by the direction in which its back side faces. For each member of the family, it is better to arrange the rooms according to his personal trigram. So, for the youngest daughter, she should be in the west, and for the eldest son - in the east.

The eight trigrams are divided into two groups: the four eastern houses (Li, Kan, Zhen and Xun) and the four western houses (Qian, Kun, Gen and Dui). Auspicious directions for the four eastern houses are north, south, east and southwest. The best directions for the four western houses are west, northwest, southwest, and northeast.

Four oriental houses

The trigrams Li, Kan, Zhen and Xun refer to the elements of water, wood and fire. This is a very good combination, because water gives birth to wood, and wood gives birth to fire.

This means that apartments belonging to oriental houses can be improved with objects that symbolize these elements. Aquariums, miniature fountains, potted plants, fresh flowers and bright colors improve the feng shui of apartments in this group.

four western houses

The trigrams Qian, Kun, Gen and Dui refer to the elements of metal and earth. This is also a harmonious combination, since the metal is mined from the earth. However, due to the fact that various elements do not fit well with each other, eastern houses conflict with western ones.

The feng shui of apartments belonging to Western houses is improved with the help of metal wind chimes (the so-called set of tubes that emit melodious sounds when the air is blown or touched), metal decorations, crystals, ceramics and porcelain.

It may be difficult for you to determine which trigram your apartment building belongs to if it has an irregular shape. In this case, use the compass to find out where the emergency exit of the building is facing.

You will feel best in a house that belongs to the same group as your personal trigram. If, for example, your trigram is Li, the houses Li, Kan, Zhen or Xun will suit you, since they all belong to the eastern houses. Naturally, the most successful case is when the trigram of the house coincides with your personal trigram. Therefore, one whose trigram is Qian will feel best in the house of Qian, but he will also be fine in the apartments of Kun, Gen and Dui (which belong to western houses).

It is desirable that your apartment belongs to the same group of trigrams as the building. You can determine this using a compass at the main entrance to the apartment.

It is especially favorable when the trigrams of the apartment and the house belong to the same group as your personal trigram. For example, your trigram is Gen, buildings are Kun, and apartments are Dui. All of them belong to the Western houses, that is, they are in harmonious relations with each other.

To identify nine bagua zones in the house, a bagua grid is applied to its plan. In this case, the front door is always aligned with the bottom side of the grid.

Zones in separate rooms are defined in the same way.


The wealth zone is located diagonally to the left of the front door. It is associated with money, finance and abundance. If you want to have all this, you need to activate this area of ​​your apartment. To do this, strengthen its illumination, which will attract qi here. Crystals accumulate qi and spread it in all directions. Also, place something metallic in this part of the house, as metal symbolizes money. An aquarium will also be in place here, since water in Feng Shui is a symbol of money, and fish symbolize success and achievement. Do not start an aquarium if your element is fire, as water puts out fire. Instead, hang red fish decorations. Place in this zone some object that symbolizes the element that precedes yours in the generation cycle. And finally, in this zone, some item related to your element is needed. All this will help activate the wealth zone of your apartment.


The glory zone occupies the middle third of the back of the apartment, between the wealth and marriage zones. It symbolizes your position in society. If you want to become famous, you need to activate this area.

You can stimulate it by increasing the lighting in this part of the house. Here you can hang crystals and place something related to your element. It is not bad to hang your own portrait in this place. Here you should exhibit your hunting trophies, awards and diplomas.


In our time, the zone of marriage correlates not only with marriage as such, but also with intimate relationships in general. If you are looking for new acquaintances or want to improve existing relationships, you need to activate this part of the house. Attract qi here by improving the lighting in this area. Hang crystals here and place nice-looking items related to your element and to the element of your life partner, if any. This is where photos of both of you will come in handy. If you're looking for love, a shot of two lovers walking hand in hand on a deserted beach can activate this zone. In general, there is a place for any objects that evoke love associations in you.

A family

The family zone is a symbol of the family in the broadest sense of the word. It symbolizes people close to you. This part of the house is also associated with health.

The activation of this zone strengthens family ties and can be used during periods of quarrels or disagreements on any issue. It is good to display family portraits and items reminiscent of close friends and loved ones here. If you or someone close to you is sick, this zone should be activated.

Naturally, to activate this zone, its lighting should be improved. In addition, for activation, objects are needed that symbolize the element of the one we want to help. In the case of illness, items associated with the element preceding the sick element in the generation cycle are needed.


The children's zone is located on a small diagonal to the right of the front door, between the zones of marriage and teachers. It can be activated in two ways.

If you're having trouble with a child, you can energize that part of the house with items related to the element that precedes the child element in the spawn cycle. Naturally, you should also enhance the lighting in this area.

If you want to have children, this zone is activated by increased lighting and crystals suspended from red ribbons. For the same purpose, you can use young plants in pots or fresh flowers. As soon as the flowers begin to wither, they must be thrown away immediately, as dying plants spread negative qi. You can put here and artificial flowers; it is not recommended to use dried plants: they lack water, which is unacceptable from the point of view of feng shui. After all, the word feng shui means "wind and water".


The knowledge zone is located on the same side of the room as the front door, at the maximum distance to the left of it. This place is about learning. It's perfect for a library or office. Any activity that requires mental activity will be most effective here.

This zone is activated in the usual way - with the help of lighting and crystals. In addition, subjects related to what exactly you are going to study will become a source of additional activation. For example, if you are going to learn a foreign language, you should study in this zone and keep textbooks and dictionaries here.


The career zone occupies a central position on the wall of the apartment in which the door is located. If you are trying to get promoted or looking for a new occupation, you should activate this zone. To do this, you can use light, crystals, wind music and objects that symbolize your element. It is good to put a fax, computer, telephone - any office equipment here.


The teachers' area is located to the right of the front door. There is an ancient proverb: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." If you feel ready and the teacher hasn't shown up yet, you can speed up his arrival by activating this part of the apartment. Teachers are people who help us in life in word and deed, those whom we can rely on in different areas of life. By activating this zone, we encourage them to come and help us.

The teacher zone can be activated by normal means, however, if you have a specific person in mind and know their year of birth, you can place an item here that is related to their element.

This part of the house is associated with travel. If you want to go on a journey, you can activate this zone by hanging a crystal from it or placing an object here that symbolizes your element. Here you can also hang pictures of the places where you are going to go.

good luck center

The place in the center of the apartment is known as the "fortune center", or "spiritual center". It should be well lit - this will encourage the inhabitants of the apartment to communicate and spend time with each other. Here is the most suitable place for a crystal chandelier - each of its crystals will distribute qi throughout the apartment.

Undoubtedly, the most wonderful and common feng shui tool is the Bagua magical symbol. In translation Bagua means "Eight signs" or "Eight trigrams". Bagua symbolism is based on the philosophical principles of the Book of Changes (I Ching), but even today it finds wide practical application in everyday life.

The Bagua symbol is an octahedron divided into 9 parts - 8 sectors and the center of the figure, and manifests the idea that everything in this world - both material objects and emotions and tastes and colors and spiritual qualities and seasons and everything else can be reflected in the characteristics of each of its 8 parts. Trigrams can be applied both in the Pre-Heavenly and Post-Heavenly sequences. Each trigram represents one of the natural forces, which are divided into four yin and four yang. The sequence of trigrams represents the balance and harmony of forces in the universe, in a house or room.

It is easy to see that the above drawing is made in the "Western manner", i.e. north is up, south is down, west is on the left, and east is on the right. In Chinese drawings, south is shown at the top, north at the bottom, west on the right, and east on the left.

The Bagua principle - the principle of 8 directions - is also a natural development of the principles of Yin / Yang and 5 elements, since it already defines 8 different types of Qi energy, stating that everything in our life is connected with the energy of one of the 8 sectors.

By imposing the Bagua symbol in a certain way on the plan of a plot, house or room, you can find out which areas of the house or room are associated with one or another aspect of our life, and knowing this and changing the energy of certain places in the house, you can change the energy of the corresponding aspects of life. Thus, the second idea of ​​Bagua is that all objects in our house have not only a direct purpose, but also a symbolic meaning that is directly related to various aspects of our life.

The Chinese have long since firmly believed that understanding the symbolism of the Bagua and using its connections with home, the physical body and good luck allow a person to control his destiny.

Since any aspect of our life is associated with the energy of one of the eight Bagua zones, we can distinguish eight different types of Qi energy corresponding to these zones.

The Bagua center has very powerful energy characteristics, but unlike the 8 directions, it is not associated with any trigram and its energy combines many aspects of all 8 directions.

The Bagua symbol is shown in the figure, and the table shows some correspondences between each of its nine sections and various natural phenomena, spheres of life, objects and concepts.

To work effectively with the energy of these zones, you need to study feng shui more deeply, but now my goal is not to teach you how to work with them.

The purpose of this note is to talk about only one kind of use of the Bagua sign - a symbol or sign of good luck in Feng Shui, namely, the Bagua mirror.

The classic and simplest Bagua mirror is an octahedron, along the perimeter of which 8 trigrams are applied, and in the center there is a round mirror. In the traditional, classic Bagua mirror, the trigrams are applied in the Precelestial sequence and hung with the “Heaven” trigram up and the “Earth” trigram down, i.e. a trigram consisting of three solid lines up and a trigram consisting of three broken lines down.

Such a mirror is designed to protect the house from negative external influences and it is always hung with a mirror outward, in the direction of the source of the negative impact. Such a source can be a cemetery, a pole, a corner of a neighboring building, a police station, a sharp corner of a roof, a straight road leading to the entrance, etc.

The mirror in the center of the symbol can be flat, convex or concave. A flat mirror simply reflects negative energy towards its source. A convex mirror reflects and dissipates negative energy in the surrounding space. A concave mirror accumulates negative energy into a highly directional beam, so such a mirror can be dangerous for the one to whom it is directed, and the use of concave mirrors causes a “mirror war” in Asian cities. I do not recommend using the Bagua symbol with a concave mirror, so as not to harm the neighbors, although some believe that a concave mirror neutralizes negative energy in the center of its concentration.

There are many highly modified Bagua mirrors on the market today. In each sector, signs inherent in the direction of this sector can be drawn, 24 mountains, signs of the zodiac can be applied, or written characteristics of the energy of this direction can be written in words. I believe that this is acceptable and does not detract from the value of the Bagua mirror as a symbol, as a protective feng shui sign. The color of the coloring of the symbol also does not matter.

One can find Bagua symbols without a mirror in the center and with trigrams around the perimeter, applied in the Postheavenly sequence.

Strictly speaking, such symbols can no longer be called Bagua mirrors, but they are also called Bagua symbols and mirrors. Such Bagua symbols without a mirror in the center and with trigrams applied in the Postheavenly sequence are used not to reflect the negative energy directed at the house from the outside, but to neutralize the negative energy inside the house, for example, to neutralize the influence of a combination of negative flying stars 2 and 5. Such mirrors can be hung or placed on a stand indoors and, in general, they can be hung anywhere in the home simply to harmonize the energies in that spot in the home.

If the muzzle of an evil animal is drawn in the center of the symbol instead of a mirror, then such a symbol is used to neutralize negative energy inside the house or to reflect negative energy from outside the house. It happens that the Bagua symbol is drawn on the forehead of the animal's muzzle, and such objects are also used to reflect and harmonize energy.

If instead of a mirror in the center of the sign there is a Yin / Yang symbol, then such a Bagua symbol is used to harmonize the space inside the house. I believe it will be better when the Yin/Yang symbol is drawn correctly, as shown in the following figure.