This program is wonderful for several reasons. Firstly, all exercises can be done literally without letting go of the child. This means you don’t have to wonder who will look after him while you do crunches.

Secondly, you can start exercising (with the consent of the doctor observing you) just a month after giving birth. “I did exactly that myself,” says Svetlana Litvinova. — When my youngest daughter Alenka was only a few weeks old, I began to perform various turns, squats with her, lightly lifted her up, rocked her... All these movements are from everyday life. For a mother, the baby’s weight is a natural load, which, very fortunately, gradually increases as the woman grows. Therefore, even those who have had a caesarean section can join my program.”

Thirdly, such training strengthens the bond between mother and child and instills in him an interest in physical exercise. Each lesson lasts only 13 minutes, so your little one won't get bored. In addition, classes will be useful for muscles that need to be strengthened after childbirth - these are the abdominal muscles, hips and back.

"Fitness mom" video

Each lesson has its own value. This means that you can join the program at any time, and thanks to it you can constantly return to the activities you especially like.

“The result will be in any case,” says Svetlana. — You may not lose much weight, although most exercises are basic and energy-intensive. But you will definitely become more resilient, and your muscles will become toned. And then it will be easier for you to return to your regular workouts. This is exactly what my program, consisting of 15 lessons, is designed to do.”

"Fitness Mom" ​​watch online

In our fitness video library you will find video lessons of the program!

It's hard to find anyone more interested in home workout programs than a new mom. For, unlike most other people, she doesn't have much choice about where to train. Mom, as a rule, is rigidly attached to the child and home. And it would be very unfair to ignore young mothers who simply cannot wait to regain their elastic muscles and slim figure.

There are enough requirements for a training program that is designed for women who have recently given birth. It has already been said that it should be adapted for home use. But mothers don’t have much time in them either, so training should be as quick as possible - around 15-20 minutes.

Do not forget that exercises should be selected in such a way that do not damage and the body is already quite shaken by pregnancy and childbirth.

With all this, training shouldn't be boring and monotonous. Women who stay at home with children have enough routine even without training. By the way, too A training program cannot be gentle either.- otherwise it will be deprived of its basic meaning. Namely, to get our beautiful mother in shape as quickly as possible.

The selected program meets all these conditions. It was first posted on For those who don't know, this is a very respected sports information resource. It publishes the world's leading instructors, trainers, physiologists and nutritionists.

Mode: in one day


  • The system consists of 5 circuit training sessions. Training days alternate with rest days, and the training itself alternates with each other in a circle. On the first day, do the 1st workout, the second day - rest, the third day - 2nd workout, the fourth day - rest, etc.
  • Do the exercises one after another, resting 10 seconds between them.
  • Perform 3 rounds of exercises per workout
  • If the workouts seem easy, then gradually increase the load - either add weight to the dumbbells, or speed up the pace of the exercises.

Workout 1

Workout 3
(repeat the circuit 3 times, rest between exercises - 10 seconds)

Workout 4
(repeat the circuit 3 times, rest between exercises - 10 seconds)

1. - 15 times
2. - 10 times

Being a young mother is an unforgettable experience; it brings many new emotions and impressions. Constantly being alone with the baby and following a daily routine can be difficult psychologically and physically for a new mother, but thanks to modern technology, life with a newborn is quite easy to arrange. Just a few weeks after giving birth, more and more young girls are trying to find time for themselves. Exercises with a child in your arms are an excellent way to maintain a good appearance and a cheerful mood.

Choosing a lesson time

It is recommended to start doing the simplest exercises aimed at training the pelvic floor muscles, or Kegel exercises, already in the maternity hospital. Squeezing and unclenching the internal muscles of the vagina helps prevent problems with urination and restores the muscles of the uterus, stretched after pregnancy and childbirth.

It is advisable to start doing it no earlier than 6-8 weeks after birth, if it passed without pathology. In case of cesarean section, heavy bleeding or other complications, it is better to postpone gymnastics until you consult a gynecologist or your doctor.

Fitness exercises should be carried out provided that both mother and baby are in good health. Her goal is not only to restore the female figure after childbirth, but also to enjoy the time spent with the baby.

The best time to play sports with a child in your arms - this is the period from 3 to 12 months of the baby. A baby at this age is already strong enough for a little joint gymnastics. It can serve as a weight for exercises with loads and at the same time it does not move too confidently and can be fixed in the position that is required.

You should not handle the baby immediately after feeding, so as not to cause regurgitation; it is better to wait 40-45 minutes.

Naturally, the baby should be active and alert while charging. If the baby is naughty or falls asleep, you will have to choose a different time for training or wait until he sleeps and do the exercises yourself.

Fitness rules for mothers with children

Carrying out home sports activities for mothers and babies requires compliance with simple rules:

You should start your fitness routine with a warm-up in the form of a quick step or jumping on the spot, dancing to your favorite music. It is better to carry out this part of the training without the child, leaving him in a crib or other safe place (on the floor, in the playpen). After 4-5 months, a baby will follow with interest the actions of his mother, which will benefit the development of his attention and observation skills.

You can turn on the music and dance with your child, moving smoothly and calmly.

Fitness for mothers with babies includes exercises for various muscle groups, but the main focus is on the abs, abdomen, and buttocks as the areas most affected during pregnancy. You should also not forget about back exercises, since carrying a baby in your arms for a long time puts a serious strain on the spine.

Initially, any exercise is performed with a minimum number of approaches. The increase in load should be gradual and not lead to overwork. In case of discomfort or pain, especially in the lower abdomen, exercise should be stopped.

Ab exercises can be performed no earlier than 2-3 months from the moment the baby is born. If there are surgical scars, the date for starting classes is recommended by the doctor; violating it is dangerous due to the risk of sutures coming apart.

Presses with baby in hands will strengthen the mother’s back and upper shoulder girdle muscles. Perform these exercises only with babies who can confidently hold their head up.

Fitness for moms in the pool and gym

You can train with your baby both at home and in a special room.

Many fitness centers offer similar services. for mothers with children from 3 months. Classes in the gym are conducted under the guidance of an experienced trainer and include a full range of exercises for losing weight and restoring the body after pregnancy. Postpartum gymnastics has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health and gives her vitality.

Attending such classes is a great way to get in shape, be physically active, make new acquaintances and expand your social circle.

A popular type of physical activity with a baby is baby yoga. This is a set of asanas selected for women after childbirth and performed together with their babies. The older children are, the more actively they become involved in yoga practice. During training, mainly static poses are used, which alternate with rest. This activity will not only put your body in order, but will also teach you how to properly relax and distract yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A significant disadvantage of the training option in a specialized center is the need to visit public space at a certain time. In young children, their immunity is still developing and they can easily be susceptible to viruses. In addition, the periods of sleep and wakefulness of babies up to 3-4 months are just being established, so it may be difficult to synchronize training and daily routine. It is also important that the road to the center is not tiring for either mother or baby.

An alternative to fitness can be swimming. Special classes for mothers with babies are held in many swimming pools. Many children under one year old enjoy swimming and can easily learn to dive if they regularly attend classes. Staying in cool water helps strengthen the immune system, strengthening, physical development and restful sleep of the baby after training. When choosing a pool, you should pay attention to the quality and method of water purification, the availability of conditions for babies (changing tables, playpens). Classes must be taught by a certified instructor.

Lessons on the street

In the warm season you can spend gymnastics while walking while the baby sleeps in the stroller. At the first stage, it is enough to alternate fast and slow walking paces, roll from toe to heel, walk on tiptoes and goose step. You can practice leg swings, try to do “swallows” and squats, if your physical fitness allows.

Don't forget about your hands. Although carrying a child in your arms in itself stimulates the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is worth adding unloading exercises: rotating your arms in a circle, squeezing your clasped hands while holding your elbows at chest level. The last task also helps prevent milk stagnation during breastfeeding.

Some models of strollers allow you to go for a full run when walking with a baby. For such training you need to choose smooth paths away from highways to minimize the baby's shaking. You should pay attention to the stability of the stroller when turning.

At the dacha or in your own home, you can do all the same exercises as at home, while being outside, combining the benefits of physical activity with being in the fresh air.

The benefits of exercising with a baby

Fitness with a child in your arms will bring obvious benefits for both mother and baby.

Mom will be able to improve her appearance and mood. Restoring your figure will add self-confidence. Physical activity, especially in the air, will give you vigor and maintain vitality.

The child will receive new impressions and a wonderful experience of emotional interaction with his mother. Exercises with the baby as a weighting agent contribute to the development of his vestibular system and sense of balance. Children older than six months will try to repeat the movements, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of motor skills and abilities.

Fitness mom- this is a modern trend among young people; now it is fashionable to be beautiful and confident. Exercising and regular exercise will allow you to quickly and painlessly return to your pre-pregnancy form and give you strength and energy. You can do exercises both at home and outside, or attend sports classes for mothers with children in a fitness center or swimming pool.

Attention, TODAY only!

Currently, an active lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise, is capturing an increasing number of people of different ages. And that is great! Being in great shape is beautiful and fashionable, and the best part is that once you have set foot on this path, you have no desire to return to your roots.

Modern mothers also erase stereotypes and strive to find time for sports. Fitness groups have appeared where they conduct training in the “mother and baby” format, allowing the mother to exercise together with the child. But, due to various personal circumstances, not everyone has the opportunity to attend them, and such groups are not opened everywhere. Nevertheless, after approximately 6–8 weeks after giving birth, a nursing young mother can safely begin training at home, even in the most gentle mode.

Find time during the baby's sleep period, or you can do it differently: let the baby train right along with his mother! A change of activity, oddly enough, is the best rest, plus such rest has a lot of benefits: you are in excellent shape, for which, of course, you will have to work, you feel great, the child is always with you and already “from such nails” absorbs good habits – be healthy, athletic and active!

Our project is a full-fledged resource with a whole range of training programs for young (breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding) mothers, which allows you to train at home some time after giving birth. The presence of a video for each exercise described in the program practically eliminates the possibility of violating the technique of performing this exercise.

We present to your attention the most effective training programs:

What exercises to do after childbirth

Choosing the most appropriate workout is based on the desired end result. In particular, new mothers (breastfeeding or not, it doesn’t matter) who set a goal to lose weight and get in shape after childbirth should choose the most effective set of physical exercises that provide both cardio and strength training. It is also desirable to have elements of gymnastics to develop flexibility - the ligaments and joints will tell you: “Thank you!”

There are many exercises, even more variations. In all cases, adherence to the execution technique is the most important link, if, of course, you want to enjoy the training and not perceive it as torture.

The training program for women after childbirth, as a rule, is not much different from the usual program. Perhaps the only thing worth focusing on is the fact that at the very beginning of the path, the exercises should be... What? The most intense and effective? No! Exercises should be simple and easy to perform! Here we remember the golden rule - do no harm!

The question, overgrown with speculation, deserves special attention: what physical exercises can a nursing mother begin to do, calmly including them in the training complex? Yes, almost everything... some time after childbirth, if the recommendations for implementation and load restrictions are followed, and with the exception of those that can injure the breasts and create excessive vibrations. Otherwise, complete freedom of choice!

We never tire of repeating: there is a place for sports after the birth of a child! Mommy can and should be active, athletic, fit and beautiful, and it is not necessary to visit sports centers for this! Numerous positive responses fully confirm this fact. You just need to tune in, choose the most suitable set of exercises, start exercising at home, and soon the extra pounds remaining after childbirth will safely leave you. By the way, when breastfeeding, this process only accelerates.

The training programs we have compiled are aimed at strengthening muscles and restoring shape after childbirth, supplemented with videos and successfully work in the “mother and baby” mode, including a set of exercises that can be performed at home, and even together with the child.

We will tell you everything and even more about fitness. Join the movement of modern sports moms!

Hello, dear readers! Who said there is no time to play sports with a baby? You can’t even imagine how much your little one will enjoy joint activities! Below I will show you several physical exercises that will help you get your body in shape after childbirth. You can involve your baby in exercises starting from the moment he learns to hold his head up (maximum 3 months).

Exercise #1: Raise your arms

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Grab your child and raise your hands! The little one will definitely like this attraction, and you will pump up your biceps if you haven’t already 😉

Exercise #2: Raising your legs

In the same position, lying on your back, place your baby on your shins, naturally holding him well. Straighten your legs, but not to a right angle with the floor, but to 70-80 degrees, so that your assistant does not fall) You can’t even imagine how effective this exercise is! Your butt, abs and calves will thank you :)

Exercise #3: Push-ups

Are your hands rested? It's time to flex your biceps again! Place the baby on the mat, place your hands 15 centimeters to the left and right of his head and be sure to straighten his body. Gently lower your body, keeping your legs, back and tummy tight and straight - this way you will get the maximum effect in a short time. Don't forget to kiss your baby at the end of the journey! An explosion of laughter is guaranteed :))

Exercise #4: Lunges

Do you want a butt like a nut? Lunge the best!

Take the child with his back to you, lean his elbow slightly on his thigh and squat on one leg, then on the other. This is the number for the baby :) This exercise is a very effective prevention of cellulite on the fifth point.

Exercise #5: Stretching

We finish the exercise with stretching, which will help relax and restore the body after training. Place the baby between your legs, bend one leg, straighten the other and bend towards the straight leg.

Now straighten both legs and place them at an angle of 90 degrees and continue bending in one direction or the other. You can kiss the baby alternately on both cheeks!

Every mother can do these exercises 2-3 times a week, even with a baby in her arms;) Don’t forget to take care of your body, and it will thank you. Many women who look 30 at 40 don't do anything extraordinary - sleep enough, watch their diet and exercise, no matter how many children they have.

Wish you all the best!

  • How to restore your body after childbirth?...