Mikhail Vorobyov, chairman of the Solnechnogorsk district branch of VOOPIiK, spoke about the history of the village, about the people who “built and labored in ancient times,” about the Reverends Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky. His story uses materials from the collection of articles “Forgotten Saints of the Village of Sokolovo” (Local History Project “The Lost House of God”, 2016) and the historical, local history and popular science almanac “Rays of Solnechnogorye” (No. 1, 2016).

Ancient history awakens

About prpp. Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky

"At the bottom of folk legends,
especially church ones, the truth always lies.”
Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin).

Solnechnogorsk is a fairly young city. It cannot boast of centuries-old history and traditions. For example, the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Sokolovo was built in 1858, and a century and a half of history is quite a bit for a temple. But if you look deeper into history, it turns out that the church in the village of Sokolovo existed back in the 16th century. What do we know about the people who built and labored in this temple in ancient times? Many will say: nothing - and they will be wrong.

In the summer of 2015, the following message was posted on the website of the Moscow diocese: “On July 19, on the day of remembrance of Saints Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky, in the village of Sokolovo, at the site of the saints’ exploits, a prayer service and consecration of a worship cross took place, which was performed by the dean of the churches of the Solnechnogorsk district, Archpriest Anthony Tirkov in the concelebration of the clergy of the deanery. The Sokolovsky saints are the only ancient Russian saints whose lives took place on the territory of the modern Solnechnogorsk region. The brothers Reverends Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky asceticised in a dense forest east of Sokolov in the 16th century.”

This message appeared as a result of the first steps that have recently been taken by pious parishioners and local clergy to revive the memory of forgotten ascetics. Recently, an icon of the Sokolov saints was painted (unfortunately, the old icons with the faces of these ascetics were not preserved; their images were painted anew). Nowadays it is located in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Alekseevskoye, Sokolovsky rural settlement, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region.

Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky...

Who were these ascetics, what deeds did they become famous for? Unfortunately, finding the answer to this question is not easy. The past centuries have almost completely erased the pages of the lives of these saints of God. Very few journal publications, short articles in month-word collections, and a few archival files where the Sokolov saints are mentioned have survived. Moreover, this information turned out to be scattered across various hard-to-reach sources and, it seems, that no one had previously collected the surviving information about these saints of God.

It should be said that the story of these saints is amazing: over the centuries, society almost forgot about them twice (but, fortunately, not all people: in the village of Sokolovo, believers always remembered and revered them). As it turned out, in the middle of the 19th century, the diocesan authorities knew nothing about the Sokolovsky saints. And if it weren’t for the famous church historian-publicist, then the rector of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery near Moscow, Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin), who was approached by an inquisitive priest of the village of Rozhdestveno-Sokolovo, Zvenigorod district, with a request to investigate the local folk legend “Tikhon-Nikon”, then we, Probably today we wouldn’t even talk about these ascetics. Indeed, even at that time, local residents could tell little about the saints who once labored in the surrounding forests. What then can we say about our days? Those few ancient icons depicting the Sokolov ascetics that were once in the local church and attached chapels have disappeared without a trace, and the parishioners, who for centuries prayed to their saints in the parish church, have long since died. And for many years now, in the village of Rozhdestveno-Sokolovo, that same Church of the Nativity of Christ, where once there were revered images of ascetics, was no longer there. There are also no chapels that marked the places of the exploits of the Sokolov saints...

Fortunately, Archimandrite Leonid responded to the request of the village priest, and this served as the starting point for his research. He not only tried to study the issue of the Tikhon-Nikon tradition, but wrote and published two small article-notes in a church magazine, thanks to which the general public learned about the saints who had been almost forgotten by that time.

However, before we start talking about the saints, we should say a little about the village of Sokolovo itself (at different times it was also called Petrovskoye, Rozhdestveno, sometimes had a double name, and among the people it was called “Tikhon-Nikon”) and about the temple, once who was here. We are most interested in the times when the saints labored there (since the exact dates of the lives of the ascetics are not known, the possible time frame for research has been expanded). “At the beginning of the 17th century, these places belonged to V. Golovlenkov and F. Lvov. From them Sokolovo passed to A.N. Godunov. In 1656, the village went to Prince Yu. P. Buinosov-Rostovsky as a dowry. In 1658, Patriarch Nikon acquired Sokolovo from the latter for the New Jerusalem Monastery he founded. The village was in monastery ownership until 1764, then it became state property. The church in the village of Sokolovo existed back in the 16th century. It did not stand in Sokolov itself, but to the east of the village, higher along the Kamenka River, on the road to Povadino, where the cemetery is now located. For this reason, until the 18th century, the place where the church stood was called the village of Petrovsky, and Sokolovo itself was considered a village.

The first publication in the general press on the topic of the Sokolov saints, namely Tikhon and Nikon, was an article by Archimandrite Leonid in the journal “Moscow Diocesan Gazette” in 1872. In it, first of all, it is noted that in the village of Sokolovo, Zvenigorod district, Moscow province, in the Church of the Nativity of Christ there are two ancient icons “depicting the Venerables Tikhon and Nikon (in monastic robes, in stoles with open heads).” At the same time, neither the village priest nor the parishioners could say which saints were depicted, except for their names - Tikhon and Nikon. Let us note that, for a still unknown reason, much less information has been preserved about the last ascetic, Vasily, than about the first two.

It was with a request to find out about them that the clergy and local residents turned to Archimandrite Leonid. People wanted to know more about the ascetics to whom they had prayed for a long time and whose memory and veneration were passed on from generation to generation. Speaking about veneration, the article especially emphasizes that in the village they honor not so much the icons themselves, but rather the saints depicted on them, which is confirmed “since ancient times” by two chapels installed not far from the temple, erected, based on local tradition, on the places where “they stood once the hermit cells of the monks.”

Having studied the historical documents preserved in his monastery archive, Archimandrite Leonid suggested that the Sokolov ascetics were unlikely to be the monks of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery on the Istra River, which, as is known, was founded by Patriarch Nikon in 1656 and to which for some time the village of Rozhdestveno-Sokolovo belonged. He further notes “that the local legend about these desert dwellers actually belongs to more ancient times (XV or XVI centuries).”

Six years after the first publication, in 1878, a second small article-note by the same author, Archimandrite Leonid, at that time already the rector of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, appeared in the same magazine. The most important discovery over the past years was that for the first time in an ancient historical source, namely in the “record of the 18th century, found in one of the manuscripts of the Moscow Theological Academy No. 209,” it was possible to find confirmation that such ascetics really lived and that they were “among the saints of the city of Dmitrov.” In this manuscript, under the heading “The Holy City of Dmitrov,” there is the following entry: “Reverend Fathers Nikon, Vasily, Tikhon, who were also residents of the Sokolovskaya desert, even near the Resurrection Monastery on the Istra River, brothers according to the flesh.”

Information from this manuscript and its various lists was included in several monthly books and collections of the lives of Orthodox saints, published in the second half of the 19th century. In addition, for the first time the name of another Sokolovsky ascetic, Vasily, was mentioned in the general press. At the same time, it was especially emphasized that all three were “brothers in the flesh,” which suggests that they were siblings. In addition, the place where the ascetics labored was called the monastery - “Falcon Hermitage”. Archimandrite Leonid also clarified the time frame of the lives of the saints, comparing the “geographical” information given in various historical documents and the territorial division of that time, namely: where (in which camp, tithe, district) the specified area was included (“the village of Petrovskoye - Rozhestveno also with the villages of Sokolova and Novinki"), and how (in what years) camps and tithes were renamed and their boundaries changed. Without citing all the calculations and evidence available in the article, we will only note the conclusion that the respected author comes to: “the ascetics labored in the Sokolov Hermitage in the second half of the 16th century.” At the end of the article, an assumption is made as to why the names of the Sokolov ascetics were practically forgotten: “the church of the village of Rozhdestveno is listed as “without singing”, empty from the Lithuanian devastation, the storm of which, as is known, passed with particular cruelty throughout the Dmitrov district... and destroyed local shrines ; but folk memory saved the names of its local ascetics from complete oblivion and perpetuated them in its own way: giving its village the peculiar name “Tikhon-Nikon”.

After the discovery of a written record that justifies and clarifies the local tradition, the clergy of the village of Sokolov can... together with their parishioners honor the memory of the venerable men: Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily...

The Sokolovsky saints are the only ancient Russian saints whose lives took place on the territory of the modern Solnechnogorsk region. Since ancient times, as today, the memory of the Venerables Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky is celebrated on the first Sunday after the feast of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul, i.e. on the first Sunday after July 12th.

How little we know. The icons that the residents of Sokolov preserved even in the storm of the Time of Troubles have been lost. The temple was destroyed and the chapels were destroyed. There is no life. The service has not been compiled. But we are beginning to remember our history. We begin to honor the saints who lived so close to us and so long ago.

Since 2013, all churches in Solnechnogorye have commemorated St. Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky. Archpriest Vadim Eliseev served a prayer service at the site of the saints' feat. On the day of memory of St. brothers, on July 13, 2014, in the Church of the Intercession in the village of Golovkovo, a vigil service was performed for this saint, and on July 19, 2015, a worship cross was consecrated on the site of the altar of the ancient wooden church in the Sokolovo churchyard. Every year on the day of remembrance of the Sokolov saints The cathedral service of the water-blessing prayer of the cross is performed by the clergy of the Solnechnogorsk deanery. Since February 15, 2016, weekly, on Mondays, at 1:30 p.m., a prayer service for the reverend fathers and a memorial service are being held at the village cemetery at the worship cross.

About St. Tikhon, Vasily and Nikon Sokolovsky.

Solnechnogorsk is a very young city. It cannot boast of centuries-old history and traditions. For example, the Church of the Nativity in the village. Sokolovo was built in 1858, which is not at all a long time for a temple. But if you look deeper into history, it turns out that the church in the village of Sokolovo existed back in the 16th century. Those. The temple was founded before the birth of Ivan the Terrible. What do we know about the people who built and labored in this temple in ancient times? Many will say nothing - and they will be wrong.

The three brothers of St. Petersburg are commemorated in the calendar. Tikhon, Vasily and Nikon Sokolovsky. These illustrious saints labored in the village of Sokolovo, which today is located on Pyatnitskoye Highway. They lived in the 16th century. Their memory has been celebrated by the entire Russian Church since the 17th century. The day of remembrance of these saints is moving - the first Sunday after Peter's Day.

In the 19th century, “among the old images of the Nativity Church in the village of Sokolovo, two images of saints without signatures stood out, which local residents called the image of the Monks Tikhon and Nikon Sokolovsky.” The venerable fathers were depicted in monastic robes and stoles with open heads. Honoring these saints of God, the local population and their village itself called Tikhon-Nikon. “The ancient chapels of St. Nikon and Tikhon Sokolovsky, located at different ends of the village, were, according to legend, placed over the graves of saints. In the beginning. XIX century in Sokolovaya Grove there were still 2 oak trees, near which at one time, as local residents claimed, saints labored.”

One of the clergy of the Nativity Church in the village. Sokolovo, becoming interested, turned to the famous theologian, historian, archaeographer, bibliographer and translator of the 19th century, Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin). He asked to establish who owns the images on the icons that are so revered in his village. At the beginning of the research, arch. Leonid was inclined to believe that St. Tikhon is the founder of the Resurrection Tikhon Hermitage near the city of Karachev, and St. Nikon is his student. But after 6 years, he found a manuscript from the end of the 16th century, “Description of Russian Saints (MDA No. 209),” which mentioned “the Reverend Fathers Nikon, Vasily, Tikhon, who were also residents of the Sokolovskaya desert, even near the Resurrection Monastery on the Istra River , - brothers according to the flesh." From this it was concluded that the brothers were residents of Sokolovo and the time of their life was established as the 16th century. “And the clergy of the village of Sokolov can... together with their parishioners honor the memory of the reverend men: Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily...”.

How little we know. The icons that the residents of Sokolov preserved even in the storm of the Time of Troubles were lost. The temple was destroyed and the chapels were destroyed. There is no life. The service has not been compiled. But we are beginning to remember our history. We begin to honor the saints who lived so close to us and so long ago.

Since 2013, all churches in the Solnechnoye Mountains have commemorated St. Tikhon, Vasily and Nikon. Archpriest Vadim Eliseev served a prayer service at the site of the saints' feat. This year, on the day of remembrance of St. brothers On July 13, 2014, a vigil service was celebrated for this saint in the Church of the Intercession in the village of Golovkovo. And folk memory brings to us through the centuries fragments of a life that has not yet been compiled “... that their cells, which were located at different ends of the village, St. Tikhon and Nikon chopped with one ax...” And this is important. Important for composing the service. Important for writing a life. Important for restoring popular veneration.

We have a HUGE REQUEST: if you know anything about these saints, have heard anything about them from your parents or neighbors, if you have old photographs of the Church of the Nativity in the village. Sokolovo or any other information related to St. Tikhon, Vasily, contact the author of the article by phone. 8 (9I6) 9ОI - 72 - I8. I really want to know about the fate of the icons of St. Tikhon and Nikon, knowing about the people’s love for these saints, I can’t believe that they died. Even the smallest piece of information can be very important.


    “The Nativity Church in Sokolov” // “Solnechnogorye - pages of history.” 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Solnechnogorsk 2011

    VASILY SOKOLOVSKY // Orthodox Encyclopedia.

    “The village of Sokolovo, colloquially called Tikhon-Nikon” Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin) // MEV. 1872. No. 25.

    “A study of the folk legend according to which the village of Sokolovo is colloquially called “Tikhon-Nikon” Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin) // MEV. 1878. No. 27.

    “The book is a description of the Russian saints, where and in which city or region, or monastery and desert, live and create miracles of every order of saints” MDA arch. 209.

The Nizhny Novgorod Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster promoted blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky, who was tried for catching Pokemon in the temple, to the rank of saint. This was reported on the official website of the religious organization.

23 people took part in the voting. The decision was made unanimously, the KhraLMM clarified. – Catching Pokemon is a godly thing. Catching Pokemon is not prohibited in most religions, including in the Bible there is no explicit prohibition on it. Sokolovsky must be released. Otherwise, the judge who sentenced Sokolovsky to real time and the prosecutor will immediately be declared Pokemon: the judge is Pikachu, and the prosecutor is Jynx.

Having learned that Sokolovsky was given only a suspended sentence, the Pastafarians considered this a victory - which, however, might not have happened if not for their intercession.

After all, they have nothing else to do, these pasta loafers, Nizhny Novgorod residents are already discussing on social networks. – Sokolovsky is not a saint, but a real blasphemer!


Pastafarianism is a parody religion that American Bobby Henderson founded in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Department of Education's decision to introduce the concept of "Intelligent Design" into school curriculum as an alternative to evolutionary teaching. By the way, in some countries - for example, Holland and Australia - Pastafarianism is an officially recognized religion. Nizhny Novgorod parishioners of KHRALMM hope to achieve the same status for Pastafarianism in Russia - and are slowly but surely moving towards this goal. Thus, at the end of April 2017, the Nizhny Novgorod Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was officially recognized by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and entered into the department’s register.


The number of “saints” of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was replenished by the lead singer of the group “Leningrad” Sergei Shnurov, also known as Shnur. He was promoted to this rank in his native St. Petersburg on Friday, May 12. Sergei Shnurov himself has already commented on this news on his Instagram.

Now to the question “Who are you?” I can reasonably answer - holy. “Thank you for the honor,” wrote Shnur.

Commemoration in the first week after June 29 (day of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul)
Brothers according to the flesh, they lived and labored in the 6th century.
Information about Vasily Sokolovsky was preserved in the lists of “Descriptions of Russian Saints” (late 17th-18th centuries): “Reverend Fathers Nikon, Vasily, Tikhon, who were also residents of the Sokolovskaya desert, even near the Resurrection Monastery on the Istra River, brothers according to the flesh "

According to the descriptions of the beginning. XIX century, p. Sokolovo, which the peasants called Tikhon-Nikon, was located at a distance of approx. 20 km from New Jerusalem Istra in honor of the Resurrection of the Lord husband. monastery

The Sokolovsky saints are the only Drenerussian saints whose life took place on the territory of the modern Solnechnogorsk region. An outstanding researcher, Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin) discovered a manuscript with a list of Dmitrov saints, among whom were mentioned the Monks Tikhon, Nikon and Vasily Sokolovsky - brothers who labored in a dense forest east of Sokolovo. They probably lived in the 15th century. In the 19th century, local residents remembered only two brothers, Tikhon and Nikon. Two small chapels, now defunct, marked the places where the cells of these hermits stood. A quarter of a mile from the Church of the Nativity there was a chapel on the site of St. Tikhon, and in the distance a chapel on the site of St. Nikon’s cell.

One of the last rectors of the church was Father Vasily Illarionovich Vinogradov. It was under his care that the Lytkin literacy school was supported for 12 years. In 1906, an orphanage school for orphans of the peasant and bourgeois classes was opened in the parish of the Sokolov church, which was part of the Department of the Empress Maria. After the revolution, the shelter ceased to exist due to lack of funding.

In the beginning. XIX century in Sokolovaya Grove there were still 2 oak trees, near which at one time, as local residents claimed, saints labored.

Sokolovskaya Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ and the chapels were closed in the 30s. XX century,
On an ancient icon in the church of the village of Sokolovo (Moscow province, Zvenigorod district) they are depicted in schematic attire; They were buried in Sokolovaya Grove.

The time of local canonization is unknown. The memory of Vasily, Tikhon and Nikon Sokolovsky was included on March 23 (the namesake of St. Nikon) in the Kaidalovsky calendar (late 17th century).

According to the archbishop. Sergius (Spassky), in the 19th century. The memory of the saints was celebrated on June 16 - the namesake of St. Tikhon.

Reverend Fathers of Sokolov, pray to God for us!

Icon of the day

Orthodox calendar

Great Heel. Remembrance of the Holy Saving Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sschmch. Artemon, presbyter of Laodicea (303).

Mch. Criscenta, from Myra Lycia. Mts. Thomaida of Egypt (476).

Prmts. Marfa Testova (1941).

Morning – Gospel Follow-up of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1st. John, 46 credits, XIII, 31 – XVIII, 1. 2nd. In., 58 zach., XVIII, 1–28. 3rd. Matthew, 109 readings, XXVI, 57–75. 4th. In., 59 zach., XVIII, 28 – XIX, 16. 5th. Matthew, 111 readings, XXVII, 3–32. 6th. Mark, 67, XV, 16–32. 7th. Matthew, 113, XXVII, 33–54. 8th. Luke, 111, XXIII, 32–49. 9th. In., 61 zach., XIX, 25–37. 10th. Mark, 69, XV, 43–47. 11th. In., 62 credits, XIX, 38–42. 12th. Matthew, 114 readings, XXVII, 62–66.

There is no liturgy.

At the 1st hour: Gal., 215 credits. (from half), VI, 14–18. Matthew, 110 readings, XXVII, 1–56. At the 3rd hour: Rom., 88 credits. (from half), V, 6–11. Mark, 67, XV, 16–41. At the 6th hour: Heb., 306 ch., II, 11–18. Luke, 111, XXIII, 32–49. At the 9th hour: Heb., 324 ch., X, 19–31. John, 59 books, XVIII, 28 – XIX, 37. Forever: 1 Cor., 125 books, I, 18 – II, 2. Ev. composite: Matthew, 110, XXVII, 1–44; Luke, XXIII, 39–43; Matt., xxvii, 45–54; John, XIX, 31–37; Matt., XXVII, 55–61.

Strict post.

Usually on Thursday evening Matins is performed with the reading of the 12 Gospels of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The 1st hour is not added to morning. Dismissal at the end of Matins: “Like spitting, and beating, and strangling...”.

On Friday morning, the Sequence of the Great Heel hours with figurative ones takes place. In the afternoon, Vespers is celebrated, at the end of which, during the singing of the troparions for “Now You Let Go,” the Holy Shroud is carried from the altar through the northern doors. Dismissal of the hours with pictorial and vespers: “For our sake, men...”. After the dismissal of Vespers, there is Little Compline with the canon “On the Crucifixion of the Lord and the Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos.” Small Dismissal of Compline.

While kissing the Shroud, it is customary to sing the stichera “Come, let us bless Joseph of ever-memorable...”.