“E=ms squared. Everything is relative?"

dialogue with a candidate of technical sciences,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

Klykov Lev Vyacheslavovich

Topic: "Unified Knowledge System"

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Studying and modeling the world in which he lives, a modern scientist relies on the sensations of the five senses that serve to understand the visible world. He forbade himself from studying what he could not see, postulating objectivity as a necessary property of any knowledge. Meanwhile, any knowledge obtained by a person is fundamentally subjective, and the so-called objective knowledge is the subject of a social contract. The time has come to study the invisible spiritual world, cognizable by the heart - the sixth sense organ, and make knowledge about it the subject of a social contract.
Region Unified Knowledge includes the indivisible unity of four aspects of knowledge:
1.Indivisible Unity of the Creator and man,
2.Unity of phenomena on all planes of existence (mental, astral, physical),
3. The unity of all humanity as a trainable set of evolving individuals, and at the same time as an evolutionary learning environment,
4. Unity of human mental-sensory perception.
Results of research in the field of Unified Knowledge

Awareness of the unity of the Creator (God) and man leads to the need to know and study the ethical world - the world of life and existence of the soul and spirit (including the World - the Holy Spirit). The spirit and soul of a person reside in this world constantly, and a person’s whole life is determined by the ethical content of the events of his life. Unified Knowledge studies the whole person, i.e. and its Divine (ideal) and phenomenal, embodied part. The Unified Knowledge studies the Universal ethical laws, goals, methods and results of the development of the soul and the realization of the spirit in the field of action of these laws. Knowledge of these laws allows us to predict and direct the development of society of different levels of harmony and humanity as a whole, move to the conscious use of Love as a vital resource, and build a happy, creative society on the principles of Love.
Mastering quantitative methods in the study of the ethical world of man has made it possible to:

Create a science about the life of the spirit and soul and the cause-and-effect patterns of this life,
- see the eternity of the life of the spirit and the dependence of the events of the current life on past lives,
- reveal the mechanism of creativity of your world and discover the resulting opportunities for conscious management of your life.

The Unified Knowledge shows the dependence of all life events on the state of consciousness of the people participating in them, and shows the method of conscious mental control of events - the formation of reality at will in co-creation with the Holy Spirit.

The Unified Knowledge made it possible:

Open new horizons of science through knowledge of the ethical nature of man,
- describe the sequence of events of the eternal life of the spirit, the evolution of the human monad,
- show the dependence of the events of a person’s life on the events of the life of the spirit and soul,
- show the possibility of consciously collecting information about the spirit, its state, behavior to manage spiritual development and accelerate the evolution of consciousness,
- show ways to control your spirit, in particular, discover the most effective methods of human spiritual development,
- describe the connection between the events of the life of the spirit and soul and the health of the physical body,

  1. for the first time to pose and solve the problem of eternal health and immortality in one body; and for this purpose, make the problem of health care dependent on the spiritual (ethical) content of life,
  2. to provide methods for returning and preserving the spiritual and physical eternal health of an eternal person,
  3. show the meaning, necessity and methods of cleansing the spirit and healing the body,
  4. show the complete coincidence of this methodology with the methodology of spiritual development.

All of the above allows us to speak about the existence of a new science - the Unified Knowledge about man. It has its own subject of study, method of study, goals and scope of application, different from traditional science. United Knowledge is ready for close cooperation with traditional science and religion.

Unified Knowledge has the following achievements today:

  1. 1. The phenomenon of creative perception has been discovered. It is shown that this is a complex creative act of creating one’s own world, consisting of a project of a life form on the mental plane, manifestation of the project on the astral plane (showing it to the Holy Spirit for inclusion in the plan of the general world) and the implementation by the Holy Spirit of the general world up to the physical life form. It is this life form that man perceives. The creative qualities of a person determine and explain all events in a person’s life.

2. The topography of ethical space and a system of measuring the spiritual components of any life events have been developed.

3. Representative quantitative ethical (spiritual, mental and physical) characteristics of a person have been discovered, allowing one to assess his spiritual and physical condition and monitor the spiritual development of a person,

4. Quantitative methods for diagnosing evolutionary achievements and current states of the spirit, soul and physical body are proposed.

5. The evolution of human consciousness is described. The past, present and future stages of the evolution of consciousness and their characteristic states of the soul are shown.

6. The concept of “creator man” - the creator of life forms, was discovered and introduced, revealing his image of God. The path and moment of acquiring this Divine quality is shown.

7. The sequence of historical alternation of social formations introduced into consideration by K. Marx is clarified, and the true reason for the alternation is shown - the ethical properties of the human soul - morality.

8 Ethical principles for building a future creative society have been discovered. The necessary conditions for its sustainable existence are formulated: man’s awareness and manifestation of his Divine qualities: Love for himself and for everyone, and responsibility for everyone. Technologies for building society and methods for educating a new person are proposed.

9. A system of spiritual and physical human health based on morality was discovered and developed. The complete dependence of a person’s physical health on the spiritual component of his eternal life has been experimentally proven.

10. The spiritual factors that determine the duration of each human life have been discovered and studied. A method is proposed to achieve eternal health and eternal life in one body.

11. Methods of spiritual cleansing (healing) of a person have been discovered and developed, serving to improve the quality of life. The need is shown and methods for educating feelings and caring for them are developed. Methods for changing (improving) a person’s external social environment have been developed and tested.

12. Technologies for shaping events through non-magical means, together with the Holy Spirit, were rediscovered and proposed.

The research results are presented in three books:

  1. Klykov L.V. Long live man in the world Love, M, "CENTER" 2001
  2. Klykov L.V. Freedom of eternal life, M, “Epifanov” 2005
  3. Klykov L.V. Unified Knowledge and the New Man, M, "Lika" 2006

We invite professional scientists who wish to cooperate in the field of Unified Knowledge: physicists, doctors, psychologists, teachers, linguists, cultural figures, as well as priests of any denomination, heads of theological schools and seminars.
Proposals for financing any work in the field of Unified Knowledge are being considered.

Every person on Earth will have to undergo spiritual selection into the New World. Those who have passed will begin to rebuild this world themselves. They may not know today what they will experience before this new life begins.

In the Gospel it is written on this matter that of the two plowing in the field, one will be taken and the other will be left. Modern society is most similar to the theater of the absurd, while for many this world seems natural and the only possible. For them, the selection conditions may be unacceptable. According to various sources, from 4 to 30 percent of earthlings will survive. This is not the end of the world, but the end of a violent, parasitic society.

What determines the conditions for selection into the New World? We have the opportunity to quantitatively assess a person’s spiritual qualities (see articles 1, 2, 3).

Therefore, we can give clear descriptions of the criteria by which people are selected for the New World, and the ways in which those who need it can spiritually achieve the standards necessary for successful selection.

Managing your mind

The selection criteria are the qualities of a person’s consciousness, which have been cultivated for thousands of years, and it is very difficult to remake or complete one’s consciousness in months. If a person has identified with society and is its product, he will not have time to change. And if a person is constantly engaged in spiritual work, receiving new information will speed up the process of self-improvement. But, perhaps, many more will pass into the New World of those who simply know how to Love and live, Loving. Christ said about them: “Blessed are those who love the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

There are problems such as uncorrected mistakes or a worldview accepted by a person as the rules of the game, but not inherent to him initially. Here, with desire and spiritual work, one can achieve standards that ensure a favorable selection outcome. A few months is a tight deadline, but the author knows people who managed to rebuild in a short time. They knew what to do and did it.

Now everyone needs this knowledge, and we are glad that we can give it to everyone. Making a decision and working to achieve a goal is everyone’s business. We have already shown in the previous article what the qualities of a person are by which one can judge his spiritual development. We also introduced you to how these qualities can be measured. Knowing the quantitative values ​​of each person’s spiritual characteristics, one can judge his ability to move to the New World.

The conditions for a person’s transition to the New World are as follows:

Dignity – not less than zero Numbers of the Trinity (NT),
Responsibility – at least 50 hrs,
Value system – at least 30 CHU.

All three conditions must be met simultaneously. If we evaluate people with such qualities roughly by the level of harmony of consciousness, these are people with a consciousness of no less than 12–15 levels of harmony. The first two conditions characterize morality, and the value system characterizes the level of worldview.

Responsibility is 96% determined by the properties of the soul, its creative ability. Dignity is the quality of the multi-life experience of one’s own spirit and genetically derived experience, stored in the subconscious. This experience is divided almost equally between intellectual and sensory decisions. A value system is a picture of the world that exists in the human mind and a definition of one’s place in it. The declared threshold indicators of consciousness allow a person to continue life in the existing physical body.

The first two conditions for a successful Transition require establishing proper order in the subconscious, and the third - in the conscious (intellectual) part of consciousness - the mind.
We found out earlier that today a person performs almost all his actions subconsciously. Consequently, a person’s life is determined by the life experience of many lives, both past and present, which is stored in the subconscious. However, a person perceives and understands his positive and negative experiences differently. Positive experience raised a person to the level of Responsibility that
it is there today. A person tries to take a place in society that corresponds to his best ideas about himself, i.e. Responsibility.
Responsibility, more than 90%, depends on the education received in this life. This is the best thing that we managed to perceive from our parents, clan, and other educators. Therefore, even without knowing anything about reincarnation and the life of an eternal person, a person perceives his Responsibility adequately. He develops it in every possible way, and his average spirituality grows. He believes that he will get to the new world automatically.
But he has a wrong and irresponsible opinion about the reasons for his irresponsible actions, which are better not to remember. He puts the blame for them on anyone, but he doesn’t take it upon himself. And they correspond to his Dignity, and therefore are not accidental. It is precisely because of the deplorable state of Dignity that many highly spiritual people will not get into the new world, because information about their Dignity was hidden until recently by the managers of society. Efforts must be made to obtain information and correct the situation. And there is little time for this.
The centuries-old negative experience of man has led to a low level of his Dignity. It turns out that Dignity is 90% determined by the state of a person’s individual karma. Understanding the root of one’s shortcomings is difficult, because a person does not know about his past lives and negative experiences in them. He does not understand that his health, fate and even the events of the current day are often determined by his Dignity, i.e. the worst qualities of his morality.
This means that if you want to manage your life yourself, you need to believe in eternal life and receive information about your uncorrected negative experience. Your past can and should be corrected so that it does not interfere with your present and future life. What prevents a person from working on himself today?
The first thing that slows down work with the subconscious is disbelief in the eternal life of a person, cutting off all the karma of previous lives from consciousness. Agree that you cannot work on something that does not exist and that you do not believe in.
The second is ignorance of what a person receives reward for. You need to know the exact list of what, for what mistakes a particular person is responsible.
Third, ignorance of what responsibility a person bears for each specific mistake.
On the first point, the world's largest religions keep their adherents in complete ignorance. On the last two points, practically no one gives knowledge. Only those who are connected to their impeccable mentor through a reliable, noise-resistant channel for receiving information can receive the necessary knowledge.
Various religious systems of knowledge have their own myths to substantiate the moral norms of human behavior in society. They are full of fairy-tale plots, and atheists are right when they do not believe in this nonsense. Nobody was going to tell the person the truth, because... this may interfere with its management. He was deliberately kept in ignorance, and then he could be fooled and robbed.
For example, in the Christian Catholic Church there was the practice of legalized bribery. Moreover, the main bribe-taker turned out to be no more and no less than the Apostle Peter himself (the gatekeeper of paradise), and the bribe was pompously called an indulgence. Naturally, no one saw Peter.
affairs, and the money “for him” was collected by his attorney, the Pope. He also gave a receipt for receiving the money. An indulgence “provided a place in heaven,” just like in a cemetery. In other words, the sinner could pay off with money and “buy a ticket to heaven.” Very respectable and intelligent people went through this, as they now say, scam.
We have already shown that hell or heaven are areas of the spiritual world, in one of which the spirit and soul of a person, both living and awaiting incarnation, are constantly located. A person can move in the spiritual world only during his life, and the reason for movement is the spiritual content of the states of his soul, actions and plans. Creative life lifts him up, like a float in water, and destructive life lowers him, like a sinker, down. The spirit and soul are followed by the physical body.
We know how to measure the coordinates of the location in the spiritual world not only of the states of spirit, soul and body, but also the coordinates of the location of the spiritual world to which each of the errors is attributed. Errors (sins), from the point of view of creativity, represent destructive states of the soul, human actions and his plans, leading to the destruction of a person. A person himself builds his own world and, even wishing something bad for another, realizes it, starting with himself.
Retribution is a process that leads to illness and death. A mistake and retribution for it represent a process of self-destruction. People have learned to spoil others, and, at the same time, avoid retribution. Now retribution will affect everyone equally. And since information about everyone’s mistakes is stored forever, now the retribution will work at once, and death awaits the opportunistic fraudsters. They are all warned about this, but few take these warnings seriously. Long-term impunity breeds carelessness and complacency.
Implementation of the law of self-destruction of evil.
One of the important aspects of the manifestation of life as a Divine process is the self-destruction of evil. Talking about non-resistance to evil through violence is not a very successful formulation of advice not to stick your head into this meat grinder of self-destruction. The ethical space of human society up to and including the ninth level of harmony is a zone of constant decay, in biblical terms - hell. Man (and society as a whole) as a system can exist sustainably and independently on planet Earth, starting from the eleventh level of harmony. Today. people on Earth - with consciousness up to the 7th level of harmony, and they control society, predominantly.
Man as the image of God, i.e. the creator is responsible for any destruction by the destruction of his world. The society that exists today is forced to use various forms of violence to maintain the integrity of existing economic and political associations. And it is impossible to ensure its apparent stability by any other means. The highest achievement of violent control is ideological control, i.e. control of human consciousness. Next we will get acquainted with the knowledge systems on the basis of which this control is possible.
Man exists (lives) simultaneously in the spiritual world. Its destructive actions lead to the descent (fall) of the spirit, soul and body in the spiritual world. The mechanism of spiritual movement of the spirit and soul, and the body after them, has the ability to move upward when the error is recognized and corrected in the consciousness of the owner of the body. This is how the purification of spirit and body occurs. It is essential that if the properties of the soul or spirit are not changed by the owner to
for the best, everything returns to normal. Without working on your own soul, Divine cleansing is temporary.
The subtle plane is cleansed quickly, but the physical body can be cleansed for years. Changes in Dignity, Responsibility and Value System can occur quickly, because These are the parameters of human consciousness. You can be completely healthy on the subtle plane, but physically be sick. It is interesting that a person who believes in the devil cannot be healthy on the subtle plane, because... He himself holds the cause of all diseases in his consciousness. Even with the highest aspirations of Christianity or Islam, their value system will not rise above minus 13 TH. Therefore, renouncing belief in the devil is a prerequisite for a successful Transition.
We present a list of ethical mistakes when teaching the ability to live - the first task of a consciousness freed from instincts. This is not an analogue of the criminal code, but an explanation of the operation of the mechanism of responsibility that connects the spirit and body. This is an illustration of the law of cause-and-effect relationships realized in living conditions. Another name for it is the law of karma. In reality, this is the law of self-destruction of evil, self-purification of the universe from destroyers who do not know how to use destructive tools and have an evil will. In the process of the evolution of consciousness, a person learns to survive by correcting the mistakes he has made, and then to live without making mistakes.
We will not describe the mistakes themselves, but take a list of them and note the depth of the descent of the spirit and soul in the spiritual world - the length of the segment of descent as a result of committing each mistake, as the creation of a corresponding thought form (action). The length of the segment is measured in Trinity Numbers.
In Fig. 2 provides a list of a person’s ethical mistakes and the reward for each of them as the length of the segment in the Numbers of the Trinity to which a person is thrown by a single act in the spiritual world.
A list of a person’s mistakes or sins and the amount of retribution for them (in negative numbers of the trinity)
Murder in war
Idolism of fate, principles
Idolism of intellect
Actions that led to the disaster
Idolism of abilities
Idolism of relationships between people (love, friendship...)
Death wish
Hatred of people
Compulsion versus will
Actions that harm others
The desire to die soon
Gaining benefits for oneself at the expense of others
Thoughts about suicide
Idolism of the body, sex
Idolism of food and drink
Breach of obligations
Consider yourself a victim
Lack of love for God, life, people
Seduction, seduction
Refusal of God
Refusal to help
Ingratitude to God
Seeing the enemy in a person
Persistent unforgiveness of others and oneself
Oath-breaking before God
Swearing to yourself
Deprivation of liberty
Ignorance of God
Not accepting God's word
Cruelty to people
Neglect of prayer
Actions leading to death
God's Judgment
Blasphemy of God
Overestimating yourself, not accepting criticism
Unmerciful towards people
Harassment towards people
Denial of God
Oathbreaking before people
Predicting the future
Excessive pride and ambition
Mentioning God in vain
Condemnation of the present
Default of Duty
Regret about the past
Now you can quantify the harm caused by ethical mistakes. Half of them have such power that any pair of actions leads a person to the bottom of hell, even if he now satisfies the conditions of the Transition. It is not difficult to understand that the lower the decline in spirit, the more spiritual work is needed to correct mistakes. An increase in the number of such sins increases the number of anchors that prevent one from breaking away from the bottom of hell. Christians and Muslims are promised life in paradise after death, but they will end up where they were in the spiritual world during life. We showed the ways of human self-destruction through our mistakes as separate steps.
We will not touch on how civilized society, represented by the authorities, religious denominations, employers and other “riders”, mocks its citizens. We draw your attention to the fact that people are taught to destroy (kill themselves) and pass off what they teach as virtues. These are violence, greed, actions to the detriment of others, seeking benefits for oneself at the expense of others, self-abasement, abortion, murder in war, seeing a person as an enemy and much, much more. And people play these scary games because they don't know anything else.
Now the situation is changing, a bright future is near. It will come only with the death of the old world. These worlds are incompatible. Everyone born into the New World will have to sever the umbilical cord connecting him to the present world.
We remind you that hell begins from zero and ends with the ninth level of harmony in the spiritual world. In other words, all hell turns out to be not so big (100 WH) for those who constantly make mistakes. Considering the destructive power of mistakes, you can not leave the bottom of hell for a long time - the zone from -100 BH to -90 BH (zero level of harmony), where immunity does not work as a human defense system. It is then possible to maintain the protection of the physical body only by introducing immunomodulators from the outside, which is practiced very widely. As you can see, medicine interferes with the implementation of the law of self-destruction of evil. This benefits a person’s physical body, and if he realizes the lessons learned, then also his spirit.
All the actions listed in the list do not allow the soul and spirit of the sinner to escape from hell during his lifetime, although outwardly the person may not show that he is feeling bad. If he has learned to use the energy of other people, he is really doing well. Modern society provided ample opportunities for such practice, and even the earthly God contributed to this. Now this raspberry is over. Violent society is being dismantled. Rapists will either learn to live differently or leave the Earth along with their society.
The system of responsibility presented to you (the law of karma) works for every person embodied on Earth, regardless of gender, age, nationality, for atheists as well as people of any religious affiliation. It will not stop working even after the Transition, because... This is an obligatory part of the system of teaching a person to live without mistakes.
Concepts of building the world with your consciousness.
In the field of ideology, there are two incompatible concepts for building your world.
1. The divine concept affirms the unity of everything that exists, its close interconnection at all levels of life without exception. The main mechanism of life is harmony. The final phase of the development and life of the universe is the appearance of humanity in it. Life
our universe depends on the fate of earthly humanity, the only one in it. The life of the universe is possible only if the Divine concept is realized. This concept today includes the human creator as an obligatory element participating in the creation and maintenance of life in the universe and bearing responsibility for everything that happens in it. The degree of participation is determined by the state of a person’s consciousness. The driving force of life and the development of life is the Love of God for people, and of people for God and for each other.
2. Another concept, opposing the first, speaks of constant hostility and uncompromising struggle between two world principles: good and evil. It tries to pass off the struggle as the main mechanism for maintaining life and has many supporters and functionaries on both sides who have devoted themselves to this crazy game of marked cards. Marked because only death plays for you. Everyone else loses in this game. Because there is a law of self-destruction of evil, the tools and practice of which you have just become acquainted with.
Evil in a person manifests itself through destructive emotions and plans, even with the best intentions. And they kill him with them. Knights of both camps with these instruments in their hands lay their heads on the altar of hostility and mutual destruction. Jews and Christians, Christians and Muslims, capitalists and communists, black and white, rich and poor - this is already a systemic implementation of a warring world. The Universe does not need a self-destructive warring world built on Earth, and it removes it from its path. People who are its products are also not needed. The Universe is getting rid of them, as from incurable carriers of the “viruses” of hostility and acquisitiveness that have settled in their consciousness.
The mind of every person accepts one of two concepts and builds its world in accordance with it. The content of a person’s consciousness determines his destiny today. Of those in power today, only 0.1% of their number have a chance to survive the Transition. Of all the people who accepted the concept of enmity, only 4% have a chance to survive the Transition. These are those who, in fact, are ready to change the concept of enmity to the concept of Love. Another idol of the dying world is the golden calf. 82% of the Earth's population is drawn into the race for wealth and material values. But not all of them see anything other than wealth. Therefore, in this risk group the chances are higher - 22% have the opportunity to survive.
The criteria for a successful Transition are the parameters of human consciousness, the degree of its development or reflection of the truth. The accepted concept of building one’s own world determines a person’s worldview and value system. The boundary between the value systems of the two concepts in the spiritual world passes at the level of 15 CT.
Systems of human knowledge as the level of knowledge of truth
Probably, it does not require proof that a person’s worldview and worldview are determined by the level of his knowledge: intellectual and sensory. Therefore, if we are going to study the world around us, we, first of all, must pay attention to the knowledge that underlies it - the paradigm. It turns out that how and what a person thinks depends on how he feels. Worldview and attitude as world-forming categories, due to the laws of the development of consciousness, always appear in the form of a system of knowledge that has logical and emotional connections.
We can say that each person has his own system of knowledge. The adoption by a person of any system of knowledge is not accidental, but a natural act and process. A person often simply cannot accept a knowledge system that is higher than his level of knowledge of the Truth, and will certainly reject a knowledge system of a lower level. This position makes it possible to accurately assess for each person the position of his knowledge system in the spiritual world in the form of a point on the scale of levels of harmony or the Numbers of the Trinity.
Each of the systems of social knowledge that exists today represents a multitude of knowledge systems of its supporters, adherents, and adepts. From now on we will call all of them adherents. The entire multitude of their consciousnesses constitutes the egregor of a given system of knowledge, for example, religious.
Social knowledge systems are a very informative characteristic of the social consciousness of individual parts of humanity: nations, religious groups, communities of scientists, etc. The knowledge system gives an idea of ​​the collective or social sensory and intellectual experience (knowledge) used in the life of the corresponding group of people. It is necessary to discuss the social knowledge systems that currently exist on Earth, because indicators of morality and value systems of people, as a rule, are based on one or another social system of knowledge. Any social system of knowledge, in turn, is characterized by its characteristic indicators of morality and value system.
We said in one of the articles that when making decisions, a person uses mainly (95%) sensory knowledge. It follows from this that the individual and social systems of knowledge that exist today are almost all sensory. In another way, we can say that these are systems of perception or belief. And one of the main indicators of the system will be the moral indicator. A person has two characteristics of morality: responsibility and dignity. Dignity characterizes the subconscious facet of a person’s morality; for an inharmonious person, it is the worst facet. And Responsibility characterizes the pinnacle of conscious sensory experience. It is by Responsibility that a person positions himself in society.
Today, the level of a person’s knowledge system or the highest degree of his knowledge of the truth is determined by his indicator of Responsibility. Any system of knowledge has its own system of values ​​as a spiritual characteristic of the mind: individual or social.
Knowledge systems, one way or another, are connected with systems of training and human upbringing. We will have to consider both the Divine system of education, perceived by man as the evolution of consciousness, and social systems of knowledge that give man an idea of ​​the Universe at different levels of faith. They prescribe a person’s way of life and standards of life. In the process of development of society, some systems may replace others, or they all exist simultaneously, serving different groups of people.
Social knowledge systems and their future
We begin to get acquainted with public knowledge systems. Using the same social system of knowledge, people form a community with the same faith or worldview. When forming a social system of knowledge, the responsibility of each of its adherents is a system-forming factor. The dignity of each turns out to be a purely individual indicator of the worst part of individual karma.
This is an indicator of the presence of individual ethical errors, affecting the state of public morality.
The Responsibility values ​​of individual adherents of the social system of knowledge form a certain set of points on the measurement axis. The number of points in it is equal to the number of adherents of the knowledge system.
The straight line segment connecting the extreme points of this set is a generalized characteristic of the adherents' Responsibility indicator. In order for the characteristic to be sufficiently representative, the extreme points of the segment are selected so that the interval covered by the segment falls
95%, and on each of its sides there remain 2.5% of all adherents - on the one hand the weakest, and on the other the most advanced. We will not take them into account, because, for various reasons, they broke away from the main mass of adherents. The percentage measure was chosen due to the fact that we are not interested in the popularity of different systems, but only in their relative position in the spiritual world. In addition, on the segment of the distribution of adherents, we will mark a point dividing the number of adherents in half, which gives the first idea of ​​​​the distribution of adherents within the segment. Thus, on the shorter part the density of adherents is greater than on the longer part.
Different systems are characterized in the spiritual world by their characteristic segments of the Responsibility of adherents, which give an idea of ​​the moral level of reflection of the truth by public consciousness.
Imagine that a person grows spiritually, and this happens quickly during one life. What relationship will it have with knowledge systems? Being and developing within the bulk of adherents of his system of knowledge, he will not particularly feel his separation from society. A separation will arise when not his Responsibility, but his Dignity becomes higher than the Responsibility of the bulk of his adherents - his environment, society. It is this fact that will force him to look for another knowledge system or create his own.
There are people who position themselves as adherents of any one system of knowledge, for example, Orthodox Christianity, but in reality they are adherents of another system of knowledge, which in the accepted example is correctly called patristic Orthodoxy. They may not know that Orthodoxy as a system of knowledge existed long before the advent of Christianity, and patristic Orthodoxy is a system of knowledge that preserved Orthodox knowledge under the yoke of militant Judeo-Christianity, which enslaved Rus' and fought against Orthodoxy. These are two opposing systems of knowledge, two opposing ways of life. And under no circumstances should we lump them together, as happened historically.
Quite in the spirit of Orthodox Judeo-Christianity, S. N. Lazarev recommended being both a businessman and a monk, but it is known that you cannot serve two such different masters as God and mammon at once. Those who try to do this quickly develop duplicity, beautifully called a double standard.
Let us illustrate in Fig. 3 the position of public knowledge systems in the spiritual world. To do this, let us depict the spiritual world on the drawing plane in a coordinate grid formed by rows and columns. At the base of the figure (bottom two lines) we will place a horizontal ethical axis with a measuring scale marked on it. The scale has divisions expressed both in BH (from -80 to +1320) and in harmony levels (from 2 to 142). The vertical lines of the coordinate grid form columns corresponding to the divisions of the scale of harmony levels. Horizontal lines correspond to the spiritual characteristics of the 44 knowledge systems widespread in the post-Soviet space. Each of the systems has a name (it is given in the wide left column of Fig. 3), reflecting the content: religious, scientific or “everyday”.
In order to accurately perceive the material, we remind you that we are considering data on how the systems look “from above.” Let us depict the moral indicators of knowledge systems in the form of segments showing the position in the spiritual world of the bulk of adherents of each system according to their Responsibility. Below, but on the same line, a square adjoins the segment at the level of harmony where the number of adherents is divided in half. Above the segment, but in the same line, there is a black circle showing the level of the Value System (in the Numbers of the Trinity) of each of the knowledge systems. We get a table where lines 1...44 present generalized spiritual “portraits” of the knowledge systems that interest us.
The order of their arrangement corresponds to the degree of reflection of the truth of each of the systems. The most advanced of them are ahead. For the first, the circle marking the position of the Value System does not fit in the figure, because is at the harmony level, the number of which is represented by one followed by 98 zeros,
We have specially prepared material on the spiritual assessment of the overwhelming majority of religious and other systems of vision of the world widespread in the post-Soviet space. By comparing the data for the knowledge systems under consideration, we can judge their moral and value level, understand what they teach us, which of them are at risk of not going through the Transition.
In Fig. 3, two groups of knowledge systems are clearly visible, reflecting two concepts of building their world: Love and enmity. They are separated by a border based on the value of the value system of 15 CHU. Systems of Love are located according to the indicator “system of values” (circle) to the right of this border, systems of enmity are to the left. Systems of enmity can be called systems of slave consciousness. Most of them are knowledge systems of the oppressed. There is also a system for the slave-owning elite - Kabbalah, Freemasonry. It is distinguished by a combination of high morality, mandatory for the volitional management of life, with unprincipledness, determined by a low Value System.
Today, of the knowledge systems offered to man, both religious and scientific, almost all are not suitable for life in the New World.
Let us consider what conditions of the Transition each of them satisfies. We remind you of the conditions of the Transition:
1) for liability – at least 50 hrs,
2) in dignity – the positive Numbers of the Trinity,
3) according to the value system - no less than 30 CT.
In Fig. 3, the conditions are indicated by vertical dashed and dashed lines, as thresholds for transition to the New World.
The first condition is satisfied by: the majority of representatives of the Unified Knowledge, the teachings of Christ, the best half of the adherents of Patristic Orthodoxy, the Vedas and Ingliism, as well as other best adherents of the systems from the first nine lines of the list. All the other 35 systems of knowledge, due to the state of morality, do not leave the overwhelming majority of their adherents any chance of salvation during the Transition.
If we consider the chances of people according to the third (system of values) and the first conditions together, in the just identified group of people there will remain, in addition to adherents of the first three systems of knowledge, Lamaists and adherents of the teachings of Anastasia and Kalagia. The circle of potential lucky ones is narrowed down to the best representatives of only the six listed knowledge systems among the 44 considered. Their number is estimated at 4% of the Earth's population, i.e. no more than 280 million people.
If we consider this sample for the fulfillment of the second condition, the number of lucky ones will decrease by another half. This is explained by the fact that people inadequately assess their Dignity and do not think about increasing it. Even if they know about their shortcomings, getting rid of them does not seem worth the spiritual effort.
Any material life is created by consciousness. The quality of life is determined by the level of development of the creating consciousness, i.e. worldview and attitude. In fact, in the consciousness of, for example, a person there is a certain picture of the world. The world created by this person takes on the same appearance and content. If a person is a convinced atheist and materialist, he lives in a world that constantly confirms to him the existence of just such a world. The consciousness of another person may have a completely different content: have an idea of ​​subtle worlds, immaterial phenomena, and all this will exist in his world.
However, the first person can find himself in a world created by the second and experience something incomprehensible and alien to himself. His consciousness, as a rule, will reject someone else’s experience, finding any explanation suitable for a given event that his faith (attitude) will allow. Faith is a censor that regulates changes in the knowledge system. The systems of knowledge considered are systems of faith that are not suitable for a new life. The selection is already underway. Therefore, in order to survive, you must first of all believe in something that few people think about today. And you need to start with mandatory and intense spiritual work on yourself in order to survive spiritually and physically.
There is hope that some events will occur that will stimulate people to quick and effective spiritual work and restructuring. Then the number of those who survive will increase. In the meantime, people are still sleeping, at least talking about 2012 as something far away. And 2012 came two years ahead of schedule. Methods of spiritual work on oneself are already ready for those who are awake.

The familiar world is fading into oblivion, and in order to become part of the future, it is necessary to improve the soul. In other words, today’s existence depends on how a person perceives himself, how he relates to faith, how well he manages his consciousness and how clearly he imagines himself in the new world. It is also very important to learn to live in this world that has changed beyond recognition and to understand the causes of ailments.

Klykov Lev Vyacheslavovich: biography

Lev Klykov, a man who became a candidate of technical sciences and a doctor of psychological sciences, a professor and academician, was born in the Soviet city of Samara in 1934. How his childhood passed is not known for certain. According to available information, in 1958, after completing his studies at the Moscow Energy Institute, he worked in various research institutes, working in optics, electronics, the theory and practice of information recognition, working with information retrieval systems and classifying the information obtained.

In atheistic Soviet times, only a few citizens dared to turn to faith. Among them was Klykov Lev. The biography of Klykov the believer began after he reached the age of thirty.

A parishioner of the Orthodox Church, he was interested not only in Christianity.

The biography of Lev Klykov is not only about studying and working in Soviet institutions. While studying Islam, Buddhism, yoga, Judaism and other religious systems, he strove for more and in 1998 became interested in issues of the integrity of human consciousness, religion, metaphilosophy and other existential sciences.

The years devoted to scientific research were not in vain, and Klykov began to think about divine ways of controlling life.

Lev Klykov: biography, date of birth of a person are predetermined by karma, but everything can be changed

Methods of purification through prayers and electronic versions of books authored by Klykov Lev are of great interest. The books from the series “Man and His Soul” are titled: “Freedom of Eternal Life”, “Long Live Man in the World of Love” and “Unified Knowledge and the New Man”.

What Lev Klykov is calling humanity to do

“The new abode of humanity has long been ready,” say people whose teacher is Lev Vyacheslavovich Klykov, “the biography of earthlings will be rewritten anew: the doors of the new house are wide open and the guests only have to move into it. Why don't they come? Because they don't know the right way. That path, which is impossible to embark on without performing certain actions called spiritual work.”

To help modern earthlings understand what the Universe wants from them, they give clear examples from everyday life. For example, they suggest imagining yourself on a ship sailing to a new life. Who will sail as part of the crew and who will occupy the passenger cabins depends on each individual. It is also possible that some representatives of today's earthlings will find themselves in the role of mourners, as they will prefer to remain in their old life.

However, to find yourself in new conditions, it is not enough to simply make the transition. The new world needs builders, and only people who know how to build will be able to make the transition. The idle and lazy will be thrown overboard, and God himself will be the contractor of this construction.

And finally, the most important thing. Neither material accumulations nor useful connections will help idle people take comfortable places.

What Lev Klykov warns about

“When we consider two parts of consciousness: intellectual and sensory, we can talk about a person’s worldview (faith) and his worldview,” says Klykov Lev (biography of the scientist is at the beginning of the article). - Attitude or faith determines everything that happens to a person. Wrong faith is very difficult to live with.

What is correct faith? First, you need to understand that man is inseparable from God. This means that even karma (a set of previous mistakes that determine one’s future destiny) is not given by the Creator to a person right away. If karma is given to him immediately, as soon as he is born, he will live a maximum of six years. But he needs to live, gain some experience, pleasure about life... Without receiving pleasure, he will turn into a destroyer. The Creator gives him karma in stages, and this “distribution” is done individually.”

Lev Klykov is convinced that healing people and adjusting their destinies, that is, taking on the responsibilities of the Creator, is a pointless activity, since the healing process can only be started if the healer is in contact with higher powers.

How karma works

Lev Klykov explains the effect of karma using the following example: a patient comes to a person with psychic abilities, and the doctor manages to restore the patient’s health for some time. Time passes and the disease returns. Why? Because a person is constantly broadcast a program for the implementation of his karma. To stop this process, you need to ask the Creator to do this. And he will do it right away. For what? After all, he gives people karma so that they realize that something is wrong, they did something wrong.

“Everyone must heal on their own, learning to control their consciousness,” explains Klykov Lev, whose biography is an indisputable confirmation of his teachings.

To achieve such a state, you must have the appropriate faith. You need to believe that there is a God, and that apart from boundless love for man, God has nothing. But what is most important is that every person is his own God and king, and therefore other people who meet on his life’s path did not meet him by chance. He himself invited them into his life. The mechanism is simple: it is the resonance of emotions.

There are no coincidences in earthly life

What else does Klykov Lev warn about? A person’s biography is a set of previously programmed events: “Here’s another example from life: I’m standing in line at some kiosk. A woman with a child walks past. She started looking at some prices, and the child stood in front of me in line. I say, are you in a hurry? He looked at me very carefully. The woman does not know why she came to the queue. She looked at the prices and left. And I called the boy. I was emotionally dissatisfied and so was he. We talked to him and we both got sick. I felt my throat immediately begin to hurt. I immediately healed both myself and the boy.”

Lev Klykov. Unified Knowledge: Creating your own prayer to shape life events

Prayers, now everyone should do this. This is an unusual type of creativity, but you need to master it. And this is not accidental. Tell me, if you want to become rich, who should you learn from: the rich or the poor? All education and training systems today are occupied by people who do not have and do not know what they are teaching. This is a system that creates obedient performers, rather than daring creators responsible for their creations. However, no one has yet canceled responsibility. This is why so many people live in unhappiness, troubles, and illnesses. Religions are the pride and decoration of this system. We are going to teach you how to create a responsible and happy life. Does the life you live now suit you? If not, you can begin to form a new life at any time.

And no one, no one can stop you from doing this, because your life is your creation, and you are its owner. Look at your loved ones and neighbors as if in a mirror. These are teaching aids for your eternal learning, constantly shown to you by the Creator for educational purposes, so that you can see yourself in them (actually recognize yourself in them) and correct (in yourself, of course) what you don’t like. You will definitely find something about yourself that you don’t like about them, and how you attracted them to you. When you begin to change this (that is, yourself), you will quickly see it. Now you need to get used to the fact that, in addition to personality, you are also a spirit, inseparable from personality.

1. Relationships in man between creators: spirit and personality

1.1 First lesson of Love

Our Savior Christ teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves. This means that you need to Love not only your neighbor, but also yourself - fill yourself with Love. After all, you cannot give to another what you yourself do not have. And if a person does not know how to Love himself, is not filled with Love, then he gives to others only what he has. At the same time, love for another turns into a search for Love, and not into its giving - a person begins to constantly demand attention to himself, do something to receive this attention, etc. If you think that you are unhappy, ruined, unlucky, ugly, not understood, not valued, etc. - you do not love yourself. You need to learn to love yourself. Learning to love yourself is not as easy as it might seem.

Here's your first lesson. Take a medium or large mirror so you can see yourself clearly and avoid distractions. Sit in a calm and friendly state directly in front of the mirror for 20–30 minutes. And don’t take your eyes off yourself during this time. You are the spirit that controls the personality, and you see your personality as the result of your management. This is how people who deal with you see you. Look not at wrinkles or cosmetics, makeup, but into the person’s eyes. How does he look at you: happy and confident, cheerful, condescending, haunted, bitter? You will be disgusted, ashamed, scared or something else, but try to focus on the fact that this person wants and needs Love. Your spirit can give Love to your personality.

You live forever, and He came to experience happiness and joy for you and for Himself. He wants to master everything that is known and available to you, but without your Love this will be a pipe dream for him. By and large, there is no person in the world closer to you than Him; and no one knows him better than you. You must find a common language with him, smile at him so that his return smile becomes pleasant to you, so that He answers you sincerely and not suffering, but rejoicing in communicating with you. If you see that he has complaints (no matter who), they are addressed to you. But no matter what feelings you experience looking at him, think that you will live with him all this life. And it is you who are responsible for him, for your life and his.

I will say from my own experience that at first it was a nightmare, and only after 15 minutes we agreed that everything could be worked out and he could represent me in front of others.

Now that you understand that you are not alone (this is not a joke), that you are a spirit, and He (your personality) represents you in the world, and together you can do anything, begin to build your world responsibly together. First of all, learn not to reject or judge anything, no matter what happens. This is necessary because the reason for everything good and bad that has happened is you. You create your world, and he “sorts everything out” for the two of you. Respect him and give him the opportunity to enjoy life. Of course, he will not learn this right away, but be persistent.

If you reacted negatively to the situation (this indicates your weakness and inability to cope with the situation), you will have to face troubles again, but in a more difficult version. Remember, different people react to the same event differently. Here you can find the keys to the correct reactions. Use your imagination or watch other people, choose one of the positive reactions you like and use it next time. Thank God and the one who gave you trouble for showing you your mistake. Deal with the consequences generously. Be ready now to do everything right, “with joy.” You can try to act out examples of communication with others in order to guess and understand how difficult it is for him without Love. He seeks it from others, but should receive it from you. By looking in the mirror from time to time, learn to always enjoy meeting each other, no matter what happens in life.

Everything that happens to you is your internal problems. And the neighbor who shows them to you has the same emotions or even character traits with you. You are mirrors for each other, and if you don’t like each other, you both lack Love. Learn to give Love to your personality. Forget once and for all the expression “it’s not my problem.” All the problems that visit you are necessarily yours. They act as your states of mind. Be the master of life. The more you dismiss everything, the more your life will burden you.
Christ taught Love even more harshly. If you get hit on the cheek, it's your own fault. Now, however, you have a brilliant opportunity to test whether you know how to Love. Love the offender (after all, you are the same now, and you need to love your neighbor as yourself, without distortions) and turn the other cheek or the same one again to the blow specifically for testing. If you fall in love, there is no second blow: I checked it myself and others too. Well, if you couldn’t fall in love, then you’ll get another slap in the face. And so on until you learn to Love.

2. Awareness of your purpose

Each life of an eternal person contains a goal that he, once on Earth, can forget about. You need to consciously return to this problem, analyze your past and evaluate it. Try to understand who you are and why you are here. First, you need to clearly formulate your own goals for yourself: for today and tomorrow, for a week, a year, a five-year period, for life. It is most convenient to present them as plans.

Secondly, these goals should be outlined in four areas: spiritual plan, personal plan, social plan, financial plan. Then these plans need to be linked into a single life plan. Don't worry about plans changing tomorrow. This means that you are living, but you still don’t know how to plan your life. But learn.
When linking desires into a single plan, you need to compare your desires with your resources: spiritual, physical, social, financial. This will lead to the need to find out your resources and establish regulations for their use.

If it turns out that your plans are not feasible, think about how to get out of the situation. There are people who try to plan their lives one hundred percent. It is important for them to understand that we are part of a whole whose life takes precedence over ours (God also makes plans with our participation). And it will most likely not be possible to implement 100% of the plan. If you already have conscious experience of life, you know that there is a “stream of life” that you need to get into. Then you can do almost nothing, and he carries you through life. This is life on a higher level. You need to feel it, understand it and accept it as your own. It cannot lead you to destruction, because... it is more harmonious than yours. By worthily rising to a higher level of harmony, you acquire a new, higher spirituality.

A person’s main resource for everyone and for all time is his spirituality as a result of evolution, but this is hidden from him in every possible way so as not to pay for it, and so that it would be easier to manage a person. They allegedly pay for the performance of duties, but exploit the entire human resource of spirituality. Therefore, life needs to be made such that everyone can appreciate the spirituality of their neighbor and incorporate this knowledge into all types of relationships. This is the real path to justice. A person can evaluate someone’s dignity subconsciously (intuitively) only through personal contact. Therefore, all types of relationships are manifested only in the collective of neighbors - in the community. Try to create a community in which to live your life.

Since a person is a self-adjusting and self-learning system, it is necessary to always live at the maximum of one’s spiritual capabilities, crossing the line of the impossible every day. This requires strength, and it is acquired only through Love. Therefore, make sure that the source of your Love is always pure and full. Pray for an increase in Love at least three times a day. You need to save your strength, and for this there is nothing better than Love for everyone. It will give you the support of your loved ones in your aspirations, new opportunities and offers, new resources for material and personal growth. And in order to increase Love and strength, we turn to the Creator for help in creativity. In addition, through Creative Prayer we form and support the faith you need if there is still no understanding (feeling / “seeing”) of the flow of life.

Since consciousness is primary,
1) you need to already have in your consciousness what you want in life,

2) you need to know your own worth and make sure that others are also aware of this,

3) those aspects of life that have the greatest value for you should be recognized and controlled.

A person's personality is an "EGO". You need to understand that the ego is grown by the personality. This is everything that has undergone intellectual awareness in the experience of the current life. The reality is that the ego is determined by the intellect and is raised in a worldview of good and evil. Intellectual experience also contains awareness of positive feelings and emotions at the moment of their formation, i.e. creative principle belonging to the soul. Negative emotions are realized only through stress, illness, or through conscious negative emotional communication with others.

The spirit is represented by the heart, where life forms are created, and the ego is represented by the intellect, which evaluates them. When creating life forms, the spirit uses knowledge of ethical laws. Mental and astral lifeforms have an ethical component in themselves, but the physical lifeform is devoid of it (after all, this is only a terminal display). As a result, a physical life form is created by the spirit according to one value system, and assessed by the personality according to another until the person comes to the realization of his spirit and merges with it. Moreover, the spirit and soul always have one goal in life - to successfully undergo the evolution of consciousness, and the personality... Do you know at least one person who has set such a goal in life?

As you can see, it is not possible for an individual to realize the meaning of his life for hundreds of lives. But immediately after each death of the body, the spirit appears before the head of evolution to report on the life lived and sum up the results. Here the purpose and result of life are compared. Towards the end of evolution, the person comes to awareness of the spirit and union with it. The grown and matured ego gives itself to the service of the spirit

The unified consciousness of man completes the evolution of individual consciousness. We know that an evolutionary, i.e., thought-form created by a person, correcting and growing the spirit, is necessarily conscious. If the heart and mind are connected, a Unified consciousness arises, and creativity becomes harmonious, no longer requiring correction. As a person realizes himself first as a personality, and then as a spirit, his ego grows and becomes the Unified consciousness of individuality. We call this centering consciousness on the Divine level - in the spirit.

Sometimes they say that you need to grow your ego and then drop it. It's not like that at all. The only thing that needs to be abandoned is the worldview of good and evil. Refuse in favor of the Universal Ethical Law. And with the growth of the ego, it becomes possible to connect the mind with the heart. The mind increasingly transmits the state of the spirit with its understanding of the ethical content of life. But, becoming more and more spirit, a person begins to manifest himself as the Unified Consciousness of the Creator, revealing benevolence, a desire to help, community, humility (humility is the perception of everything that happens to the world in the heart). An amazing quality arises - the desire to give up the ego for joint collective work and life of the United Consciousness of the Creator.

Let's return to the properties of consciousness. The main Divine and fundamental property of consciousness is the ability to Love. It belongs to the spirit, and the ego must recognize it and make it its own. We have already talked about this, now we will add that only Love, poured into the world from the heart, reveals to the world itself and its main purpose.

Since Love is a force that the ego needs as its own, inherent property, it always speaks of its strength. But when it finds it in the spirit, it becomes silent. Bathing in its Love, the mind gives birth to humility, and a person acquires the Holy Spirit.
The mind manifests through the “physical brain.” This is the organ that introduces us to the content of our mental knowledge, but this does not mean that all of it is broadcast on demand. Most of the knowledge is hidden from the idle mind, which can disrupt the harmony of body control. And although almost any organism is controlled by its soul, precisely following its instructions, human knowledge about this side of the life of the body is obtained through the great labor of many people. Along with the heart, the “brain” is an organ that transmits our states of consciousness. If the heart shows the state in feelings, the “brain” gives them descriptions, evaluations, develops plans and dreams, models the past, present and future. The heart cannot deceive in assessing the state of the soul, and the action of intuition is based on this. The “brain” is much more free in its activities, and very often this “ability” backfires. The mind is busy with analysis, generalizations and logic and, naturally, gives clues to solutions. But the decision is made by the heart (this is where the thought form is created).

3. Awareness and study of oneself as a creator of life forms. Will

We do not set out to describe in detail the process of creating life forms, but we will note the main, key points of this activity. Let's define a life form. The creative act of a human creator begins with awareness on the physical plane of the result of the previous act. As a result of awareness, an evolutionary thought form may appear. An evolutionary thought form is a preparation of the personality for a creative act of the spirit. But it may not exist (95-99% of cases for modern people). And then the spirit creates, in fact, without personality (subconsciously), using ready-made thought forms collected over hundreds of lives in its bank of experience - the subconscious. And an involutionary thought form is the very act of physical realization of a thought form by the spirit (according to other, inaccurate ideas, by the soul). In philosophy, involution is the materialization of the spirit.

A life form is an involutionary thought form created here and now and related to the present moment, i.e. falling into the general world. Such a life form is the creator himself and his external world - everything he needs for his life: relatives, home, land, etc. There are also, for example, thought forms of the past that are not currently life (you never know what happened).

In other words, real events only happen if they have the status of a life form, or, in other words, you create them in the present Here and Now. Life forms are created by combining a mental image and a feeling image in the present. Only that which was created as a life form can be called reality. This is the formulation of the basic Law of Consciousness.

The present differs from other times in that it is created together with others and with the participation of the Holy Spirit. This is a common world - the main property of life and its purpose. But “life” in the past and future is only individual and, as a rule, not supported by anyone. The reality of the present is the highest, since the realities of existence of the life forms of all participants in life “add up” thanks to the participation of the Holy Spirit in the process of creating existence. The Holy Spirit organizes existence (this is the action of the law): selects harmonious partners, ensures the replacement of what is being destroyed with what is being created, etc. The past and future, which are not life forms, are created by a person, as a rule, alone, and this happens only in his world, and not in general.

Those emotions that a person experiences Now, and those mental images that are in Now and Here will take part in the creation of a life form. For the spirit they always coincide, but for the ego they do not always coincide (thoughts can be in the past or in the future and, in general, anywhere). And if they do not coincide, the ego does not participate in creativity (“flies by”).

It would be good right now to realize the relationship in the creative spirit-personality pair. The spirit relates to the ego in the same way as God treated man when he gave him the opportunity to create his own world. As soon as the ego shows at least some activity in the process of creation, the spirit gives it a green light in creativity. And from the example of these relationships one can understand that evolution is the Divine creative education of the God-man. A person is given everything to work on himself: the spirit is the responsible creator, emotions are the tools, thoughts are the plans, the neighbor is the reflection of the result and the mind is the corrector.
We are now also pointing out the need not to fall out of the process of creativity (creating oneself) and knowing how to do it. In fact, we are talking about how to exercise your will, because will is the ability not to fall out of the process of creating yourself.

A not very spiritual person creates himself, the world around him and, at best, his neighbors in it. The rest of the world does not exist for him, and this is an explanation for his social passivity. Being engaged in the creation of the world in his microsociety, a person seems to be physically in it. But where is he located with the consciousness with which he creates? To create itself and its world, the ego must be fixed by consciousness on itself and its affairs, not be distracted, and be present in the present Here and Now. Now we must still distinguish between the presence of the ego in our momentary life and its presence in the spirit.
Let's start with being present in our lives. It turns out that the ego can practically not concern itself with itself or its world, and not create them. There are countless ways to turn off a person’s (ego) from the creative process of creating his world, to deprive him of his will. To do this, he just needs to be distracted from his own life. He can be distracted at will.

Most often, he is distracted by moving his consciousness to another (not his own) world, as well as to the past or future. Previously, spectacles were organized for this, but now, in addition to this, they also use the media, bringing huge streams of information noise, disinformation and various types of information violence directly into a person’s home. In addition to removing the ego from the Here, such violence is practiced to change a person's worldview and faith, as well as to use his creative abilities in an alien sphere. A person who does not recognize himself as a creator is helpless in the face of any informational violence or manipulation.

If he reads a newspaper or watches TV or a movie, he creates not for himself, but for someone else. Without creating anything for himself, he experiences positive emotions, tunes and trains his creative tools, increasing his creative potential. Positive communication (including live broadcast in real time) is extremely important for self-creation, because in this case, with a sufficiently large astral body, co-creation occurs Here and Now. Such creative learning is justified when a person does not perform very well as a creator in his microsociety.

But when destructive life forms form in his head and heart while reading or watching TV, then he already learns to destroy, gains emotional experience in this matter and forms a destructive worldview or even faith. All these life forms he created “on the road” do not belong to his life, but his creative experience is destructive, and his chances of building his own happy life are becoming less and less. All these conclusions are also relevant to human communication, but here the damage inflicted extends directly to the sphere of health. If a person realizes himself as a creator, then he can realize this dignity and his main resource (creative abilities), and their value. But he must understand how to use them for himself, and not allow himself to be manipulated.
And if the ego consciousness can be distracted from its spirit, forget about it, the question arises, what does it mean to be oneself? And this means that a person’s ego should be Here and Now, i.e. be present in your life. The ego (personality) is itself being Here and Now (Presence). We call the presence (location) of ego consciousness in the spirit the state “I am.”

Man (as a whole) appears to himself in the state of “I am Presence.” In this case, he has Divine will. By the way, Spiritual Creative Prayer provides you with the state of “I Am,” and “Presence” is ensured by your behavior.

4. Creativity in the Here and Now

Now we must reveal the content of the state of Presence, i.e. to realize the states reflected by the concepts of “Here” and “Now” and evaluate their significance in creativity. The correctness of this idea determines what kind of reality you will build.

4.1 Creativity in the Now
Let's imagine that today I have planned a certain event to happen tomorrow.

I planned an event today, but I want it to happen tomorrow. I want it to become reality. Tomorrow is the future in relation to today, and for me this is a welcome event. Even if today I create a thought form of a future event (dream), but do not create a life form at the moment when tomorrow comes (when tomorrow has become the present), the event will not take place and will remain a dream.

The night passed and tomorrow became today. If I do not now create a life form corresponding to the event, when tomorrow has become the present (now), the event will not happen. It is easy to understand that there may be many supposed events in the future, even in the form of thought forms, but there cannot be a single life form there. This is also true for the past when consciousness moves into the past and attempts are made to create thought forms. These will be individual, and perhaps collective thought forms of the past or future, related to individual (even in the second case) worlds. For there, when a person creates thought forms, there is no Holy Spirit.

The past (experience) is only events that actually happened once in the present (Now). To guarantee creativity in the Now, you must always be in it, i.e. do not think about the past or the future, but think about what you are doing. At the same time, you can do seven things at the same time (in parallel).

Events of the future are fundamentally only thought images or thought forms of the future, because have not passed through the reactor of life in the present - Here and Now. We have just described the process of creating reality in the Now. It is clear that any “exit from the flow of life” is a loss from the Presence. But there is another aspect to the Now factor.

Full-fledged creativity is characterized by awareness of the entire tree of goals. This means control over the entire creative process, from the details of momentary overcoming obstacles in solving an active problem to the properties of the operating system used. In the process of managing your creativity, the “now” point can become a segment of greater or lesser length. Be sure to clarify where the boundaries of the present are, separating it from the future and past.

The reality of the external world, which seems continuous to us, is actually quantized (broken into parts), and individual quanta of consciousness are divided in the same way as individual sessions of a computer when its power is turned off. Consequently, we must remember that in the work of the “brain” to broadcast the state of consciousness, breaks occur during sleep, quantizing reality. All connections formed in the neural network that processes conscious information are “reset to zero” during sleep. And into this part of the brain after sleep, you also need to enter (load) first the “operating system”, and then the specific programs of the day. Faith and worldview act as an operating system for a person.

Therefore, that part of the information that plays the role of an operating system must be “introduced into consciousness” after each dream, i.e. every day in the morning. In fact, this means that in creativity, in addition to conscious attitudes and mental models that become thought forms, there may be subconscious thought images and, what is very important, feeling images. Moreover, the latter are usually not subject to the control of mental consciousness, because their generation in the soul is a manifestation of the state of the heart (which does not deceive). Thus, the present in terms of feeling images is always the present moment (Here and Now). This is, so to speak, an active task. To solve it in a controlled manner, you need, firstly, to monitor the installation of the required operating system in terms of faith - to control your disposition (for example, through prayer). Secondly, you need to formulate the task itself, especially in terms of mental images. Creative spiritual prayer is precisely the work of installing such an operating system and an active task in general.

It is not subject to discussion that the composition of the thought form includes the state of the lower mental of the individual at the present moment. And if we want to understand where the boundaries of the present are in terms of the mental images that make up the thought form, and the mental attitudes that determine the state of the heart, we will have to take into account many different factors. But, in any case, prayer for the week, etc. should be present in one form or another in daily morning prayer. This is necessary because the computational abilities of the spirit are not actually fully realized by the individual. Success comes from a combination of faith and steadfastness in the affirmed principles (trust in the spirit) and tracking the process of managing creativity (leading life) at key points. As they say: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

4.2 Creativity in "Here"

Presence in your own world at the moment of creativity is just as necessary for the creative creativity of yourself as Presence in the Now. “Here” is determined, on the one hand, by the size of the creator’s astral body, within which his emotions operate. The world of human creativity is his astral body (the space it occupies). It is within its boundaries that a person creates himself and the world. The size of the astral body actually depends on the Dignity of a person. With the growth of spirituality (and Dignity), the astral body grows in size, and its growth is practically unlimited. The diameter of the astral body of a person at the 5th level of harmony with pure karma is 0.7 m, at the 6th level – 1.4 m, at the 7th level – 2.8 m. People with a sufficiently large astral body can create not only themselves, but also their immediate environment: their neighbors and everything that is necessary for life.

And the degree of reality of the created world depends on the needs and capabilities of the human creator, which are determined by his spirituality. But, in any case, you need to think about yourself and your world. Creativity is the conscious creation of thought forms and, ultimately, life forms. But if the consciousness of the ego is absent in the volume of the astral body, creativity occurs without the participation of the ego. In this case, the spirit creates. And the ego believes that it lives in an objective world (not created by it). In reality, the world is still its own and subjective, but created by its own spirit. The ego consciousness may be far from its astral body in the real world or even be in the virtual world. And then the creation of oneself occurs either by one’s own spirit or by someone else who turns out to be stronger.

Thought images of future thought forms arise in the mind. And, if you are interested in this process, you can listen to what is brewing in your “word stirrer” - the endless internal dialogue of the individual. And the life forms that become reality are created by the spirit in the heart. Russian monks advise lowering the mind into the heart so that it silently stands where the eternal truths are written (in the instruments of creativity). Tools can change under the influence of actions and a whole series of them. It is actions that lead a person up the ladder of spiritual growth (or drag him down). In the heart, in contact with eternity, the mind calms down and is cleansed of petty husks. Then he is able to realize, accept, study and apply a new and impeccable, like the creator himself, way of creativity.

When a person is in creative prayer and is not distracted by thoughts from the prayer process (is in prayer), he is guaranteed to be in the Here and Now. During collective prayer, the dimensions of the “collective astral body” become larger. If prayer is not creative, Presence depends on the feeling of Oneness with God.

When a person is in spiritual prayer, his “Here” is of the best quality (he is in the spirit). The dimensions of the astral body for creating lifeforms increase by the amplification factor of spiritual prayer. This coefficient changes from one harmony level to another, and remains constant within the level. Consequently, being in spiritual creative prayer provides a person with the most favorable conditions for creation and the greatest degree of success.

5. Formation of a Creative Attitude

Now let’s study the content of our creative prayer. This is a subject of independent creativity. Prayerful creation is, first of all, the ability to think and comprehend one’s life. Every person comes to Earth to learn to live harmoniously, without senseless destruction, creating a wonderful life for themselves, without infringing on the interests of others.
Spiritual creative prayer is the first and, so to speak, the senior instrument of creation. Therefore, try to imagine the entire path to achieving your desires. Nobody can do it better than you. After all, these are your own tasks and decisions. You create a technical task (literally) for the fulfillment of your desire. In human spiritual practice, methods of using affirmations and attitudes have taken root, the real effectiveness of which is no longer in dispute.
At their core, these are the same prayers addressed to your higher self, and they work in the same way - through primary consciousness, becoming an implementable program. Such self-programming has already been quite well studied by psychologists and is widely used in NLP, PR (PR), etc. And we are also forced to enter this area of ​​human consciousness, but with exclusively creative goals. There should be nothing superfluous, vague, or ambiguous in the installation. Try to think through everything you can so as not to encounter surprises later. This is done not in order to then fit everything into the installation, but in order to imagine the entire process of achieving the goal and, perhaps, see in it something that should not be there. If it is impossible to think through everything, then you are going for an experiment, and be prepared to adjust the process on time and effectively (also through prayer).

It is now clear that creative prayer is something that every creator must learn to do for himself. Here he himself must act boldly and responsibly, learning to formulate what will become his life. It's time to make up your own prayers. And not only creative ones.

The creative attitude of constructive prayer is written in the present completed tense (Here and Now). Any creative attitude must be an act of creation. It is necessary to avoid (on the principle of non-resistance to evil by violence) preventing someone from doing something, even if it is destruction, because you get involved in this process as a destroyer and destroy yourself. Don't take on the role of "Divine Bailiff". Do not associate yourself with evil, and do not interfere with your struggle in the work of harmony mechanisms that you have no idea about.

Avoid using negative sentences. The phrase “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” is a clear example of how not to compose a creative (or, in general, any) prayer. For example, this phrase might look like this: “lead us through temptations and deliver us, etc.” The presence of denials in your mind indicates your unpreparedness (inability or unwillingness) to create. The state of your consciousness is not creative, but destructive. You are overwhelmed by dissatisfaction or disagreement, antagonism, hostility, dissatisfaction, mental pain. In such a state it is impossible to create (and pray). Your consciousness is not ready. You must first put yourself in a creative state, and then create a prayer.

It is necessary to create an environment in which the actions of the destroyer become meaningless. And to be more precise, you need to attract Divine forces to creativity at such levels that your goal is achieved without the use of those physical means that pop into your head first. “At the top” your task will be solved more easily and peacefully. Although, you need to be prepared for the fact that the resolution of the situation will initially seem unacceptable to you from your point of view. For you, the way out of the situation is the best (the spirit from above can see it better), but this will not be immediately visible to you (the individual). Therefore, have patience and the desire to understand everything, to understand the essence of the events taking place specifically for you.
It is best to write a creative attitude yourself, getting used to this independent creative work. You need to think through and implement:

Firstly, a creative creative state of consciousness,
- secondly, a competent, thoughtful, careful choice of means to achieve goals,

Thirdly, an accurate and clear formulation of each goal that you want to achieve.

A creative creative state of consciousness is formulated in the form of statements like: I am beautiful, cheerful, brave and confident, etc. You must understand that such attitudes program your consciousness, affirming them in it as reality. It is very important to understand that if you do not have faith that this will really happen, you yourself are closing the path to the acceptance and implementation of the formulated programs. First, admit this possibility, and then build self-confidence. The Creator is looking forward to your liberation from internal blocks and clamps, but you must do this yourself.

You already know that not all states of consciousness can be controlled by the (physical) mind of the individual. But in prayer you can record such qualities of your character that will contribute to achieving your goal. If you are convinced that you do not have such qualities, write them into your prayer anyway. This is exactly the moment when you can and should buy them. And your prayer will do this for you. You formulate those qualities that will lead you to your goal. And they should be in prayer for a creative creative mood of your consciousness. Generally speaking, this is already tuning creative tools. Creative prayer is a type of creative meditation, when the creator creates himself new, unprecedented. He exhibits character traits that he did not have before, but which were “ordered.”

The next task is to formulate the very action of prayer. For example, I form (create) my strong, healthy and happy family. Action leads to achieving the goal of prayer - a healthy family. Each person builds his own tree of goals - a system of goals in which the most important goals are achieved in the process of achieving goals of lower levels. This whole tree must be alive - conscious. This hierarchy of tasks (goals) must be updated as necessary to maintain the responsibility of consciousness. Considering that the morning creative prayer may contain several goals of different levels at once, the order of the goals in the prayer is from the upper levels to the lower.

The next task when writing creative prayer is to select and set up creative tools. It is very important how exactly you are going to do what is the subject of your creativity. This is called: choosing instruments and tuning them (to evoke appropriate sensations and feelings during the process of prayer). For example, purposefully, responsibly, patiently, with Love, respect and gratitude to my family members, my and their neighbors.

Now we can give a complete formulation of the creative attitude of our exemplary prayer. Setting up tools can meaningfully intersect with the goal. By combining together the individual parts of the prayer that we have built, we get a prayer, or better yet, a creative attitude as a whole:
With Love, respect and gratitude to the members of my family, my and their neighbors, I am building my strong, healthy and happy family.
After all that you have done to create your creative attitude, you insert it into the Opening Prayer and see what you come up with. Let's look at this using an example.

I, beautiful, cheerful, brave and self-confident, purposeful, responsible, patient,

The first line of the prayer is an appeal-invitation to your problem, the creativity of your Father - Christ, and a request to the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints to support your creativity.

The second line is creativity, creating your inner person, awareness and inclusion in active life of those qualities that you consider necessary tools for creativity. Every time you pray, you tune these instruments. As a result of frequent and conscious tuning, they become familiar to you, even if you didn't have them before. Once you have become accustomed to these tools, pick up new ones and incorporate them into your prayer.

The third and fourth lines are the creation of your outer man and the outer world, society. Naturally, you can expand the volume of your external world and get the effect from this even with a small volume of your astral body. Because you create together with those whose area of ​​creativity is immeasurably larger than yours - it has no boundaries.

The first great meaning of your personal creative spiritual prayer is to increase the volume of your world.

The second great meaning of your spiritual prayer lies in the power of it, which comes from your co-creator - God.

The third great meaning of the above personal creative prayer is that when you are immersed in prayer, you are here and now creating yourself and your own world.
Finally, your sample spiritual creative prayer looks like this:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

For in us is Your kingdom, and power, and glory forever and ever.

To the Almighty, Son of God, Prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints,
I, beautiful, cheerful, brave and self-confident, purposeful, responsible, patient,
With Love, Respect and Gratitude to my family members, my loved ones and theirs
I am building my own strong, healthy and happy family.
King of the universe, Comforter, Soul of truth,
Existing everywhere and fulfilling everything, the Treasures of the Good and the Giver of life,
Come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.
Our love! Almighty, in the highest living, ever-present and beginningless Light,
Your name is sacred to us, Your Love is always with us, Your Kingdom is growing on Earth.
Take away our sins from us, cleanse our bodies and souls.
We create our world with dignity, we recognize it in humility,
We illuminate it with Love for ourselves and for everyone, fill it with bright joy,
For in us is Your kingdom, and power, and glory forever and ever. Let it be so".

In spiritual creative prayer with ten thousandfold power, you create yourself and your own world that has no boundaries. You have prayed for help in your business and are waiting for the result on the physical plane. When the result is different from what you intended, do not try to correct something on the physical plane. This is completely pointless. Correct your creative mindset and pray again. This is the meaning of education on Earth - to learn to consciously shape your life.

The famous academician was born in the city of Samara in 1934. Almost nothing is known about his early childhood. According to information that has reached our time, Lev studied at the Moscow Energy Institute and changed several jobs at a research institute. Thanks to his work, which he devoted to information retrieval systems, electronics and optics, he became famous.

Life management theory

Lev Klykov was a very religious man. In addition to science, he studied Buddhism, Judaism and even Islam, although he remained faithful to the Orthodox Church all his life. Years of studying religious branches were not in vain; Leo began to think about the meaning of existence and about divine ways of managing life. He believed that all actions performed by a person are inherent in his date of birth. However, he did not rule out the possibility of changing everything.

Ideological considerations of Lev Klykov

Lev Klykov believed that a new haven for humanity was already ready, you just need to move into it. But in order to get there, you need to choose the right path, which can only be found by realizing spiritual truths. According to him, the new world needs builders who can create a new world. It is noteworthy that the lazy and idle will be thrown overboard, and connections and material values ​​will instantly depreciate.

Leo believes that correct faith consists of the integrity of man and God. God does not endow a person with karma, he gives it in the process of his life, when he has already known himself and gained experience.

Klykov considers the healing of people by the creator to be a pointless exercise, since the healing process can be started if the healer comes into contact with higher powers. The disease will go away for a while, and will return again, as the program for the implementation of karma will be activated.

In his works, Lev Klykov describes a large number of incidents from his life that confirm the fact of divine healing. In addition, he argues that every human biography is a set of previously programmed events that inevitably happen.

Personal life of Lev Klykov

The personal life of Lev Klykov did not work out. In all his 84 years, he has never been married, which means he has no children either. He devoted himself entirely to religion and to understanding his own life. Several documentaries have been made about the famous scientist, which are a stunning success. In addition, you can meet the great thinker in person.