(mackerel, bonito, tuna, mackerel, bonito)

The name "mackerel" is associated with the open ocean, yachts, and "mackerel" - with blocks of frozen fish, at best - with smoked fish. In fact, mackerel is the name of mackerel adopted in English-speaking countries. Her relatives are tuna and bonito.

Previously, many ichthyologists believed that mackerel, bonito and tuna should be considered separately. Indeed, what can a thirty-centimeter mackerel and a tuna, whose length exceeds four and a half meters, have in common. But between small mackerels and huge tuna, one can place in a continuous row the species of mackerel fish, which occupy an intermediate position in size and lifestyle. Therefore, all these fish are combined into one mackerel family. Scombridae. The family turns out to be large, it includes 51 species of fish, most of which are of great commercial importance. The appearance of all mackerels indicates that they are fast swimmers.

For convenience of consideration and preparation, we will divide all mackerels available to Israelis into three groups: not very large, shorter than 1 meter, from one to 2-3 meters - bonito (these are bonitos, king mackerels and small tunas), and very large, longer than 3 meters - big tuna.

Mackerel is a very beautiful schooling fish, with a spindle-shaped body, a thin strong caudal stalk and a powerful crescent-shaped tail. It rarely grows up to 60 cm. It is characterized by high but variable abundance and occupies an important place in the coastal and ocean fisheries. Mackerel feeds on plankton and small fish and lives up to 17-18 years. It lives at a temperature of 8-20°C, swims quickly (up to 100 km/h in the throw) and makes long-distance migrations.

In Israel, this fish is called mackerel, and in ichthyological Hebrew - "colias". Two types of mackerel are caught in our country, you just need to know where to catch. Atlantic mackerel - Scomber scombrus can be found in the Mediterranean. It is one of the most common species in the North Atlantic. It occurs off the coast of North America from Labrador to Cape Hatteras, off the coast of Europe - from the Canary Islands to Iceland and Norway, as well as in the open ocean and in the seas: Baltic, North, Norwegian, Barents, Marmara and Black. Israeli fishermen in the Mediterranean caught more than 3 tons of mackerel in 2004.

And in Eilat you can try to catch Australian or spotted mackerel S. australasicus . It lives in the western part of the Pacific Ocean (from China and Japan in the north to the Hawaiian Islands in the south), off the coast of Australia and New Zealand, in the northern part of the Indian Ocean (Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Oman). There is also Japanese or Eastern mackerel - S. japonicus , she also lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans, but does not swim to the Red Sea, and gets into stores frozen. Atlantic mackerel grows up to 3.5 kg, Japanese mackerel 3 kg, and Australian mackerel, which is found in the Red Sea, is the smallest, with a maximum weight of 1 kg.

In spring, the fat content of mackerel is low, about 3%, and in autumn up to 30% of the body weight of the fish is fat. Therefore, autumn oily mackerel is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins D and B 12. Such fish is good for smoking and grilling. True, I don’t think that with an abundance of other fish in stores, it makes sense to boil or fry frozen mackerel - the smell is too strong. But I respect mackerel smoked in cold or hot ways.

But here are two rather curious recipes:

1. Mackerel casserole.

Cut fresh or frozen mackerel fillet (1 kg) into small pieces, add a small onion, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of ground white pepper and a teaspoon of ground cumin, a small boiled potato and a tablespoon of starch to the fish. Grind all this in a blender. Fry over medium heat in a Teflon pan. Serve with boiled potatoes and carrots, green or cucumber salad with sweet vinegar.

2. Mackerel with gin and grapefruit juice sauce.

2 small fresh mackerel
1 large green grapefruit
1 small sweet onion, finely chopped
2 teaspoons brown sugar
50 g butter,
Orange juice,

For marinade:
squeeze grapefruit juice, add an equal volume of gin to the resulting juice and mix.
Put the fish in the marinade for a couple of hours. Remove the fish from the marinade and grill for 5-8 minutes on each side, until the meat near the spine is opaque. At the same time, fry the onion in oil until golden brown. Add marinade, sugar, spices, starch and orange juice to the onion and, reducing the heat, stir the sauce until it thickens.
And for lovers of culinary experiments - advice: in order to mitigate the specific smell of this fish, Western sources recommend marinating mackerel in lime juice (this lemon is so bitter) or serving with spicy sour sauces - gooseberry or cranberry.

Just good tuna goes to the grill and steaks. The fact is that tuna muscles are very similar to meat. Even raw fish when cut is a blood-purple color, like weathered beef or game. (). A fried tuna steak is easily mistaken for a beef steak by an inexperienced person. In the ideal case, the carcass is cut right on the ship and frozen in the form of portioned steaks, which you will defrost in your kitchen. Features of frying are not to overdry the already dryish meat. Overcooked tuna is tough and tasteless. When frying tuna, you need to treat it like meat, more precisely, with loin when you want to fry it with blood. Then the meat will be elastic, with a pleasant color and intense smell. Pieces of tuna must be carefully breaded so that the juice does not flow out. It is best to roll first in flour, and then in fine semolina - this is thinner than in breadcrumbs. Be sure to fry the steaks with a lot of onions and oil, so that, in fact, you get a sauce. Tuna goes well with vegetables.

And yet, most people are familiar with tuna only in canned form. Many probably believe that tuna just floats in the ocean in neat cylinders of cans. In any case, these are the cheapest canned fish in our country, which does not make them less tasty. You can eat the contents directly from the jar, or you can put it on a plate along with mashed potatoes from the bag and get lunch in 2 minutes. You can, crushing with a fork in a jar, spread tuna pate on bread, toast or put it in pita, or you can make a salad by mixing tuna with anything.

And it turns out that tuna is a very elite and very democratic fish at the same time. Her sport fishing is an expensive hobby, and fishing provides a livelihood for many poor people. Tuna sushi, sashimi and steaks are exquisite and expensive dishes, and canned food is a common food for every day. It could very well be that while you're munching on tuna-in-oil vodka in nature, someone is munching on sake sushi made from the same fish that's in your canned food. And those parts of her carcass that were considered unfit for food for you and an unknown gentleman, went to "whiskas-tuna" for your pussy.

But we will stop at an intermediate option and cook tuna fillet in Teriaki sauce.

For 1 serving you will need:

300 g tuna fillet,
1 small zucchini,
3-4 st. spoons of teriyaki sauce
1 lemon

Cooking method.

Marinate tuna fillets in teriyaki sauce for 1 hour.
Cut the zucchini into thin circles and simmer in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes.
Drain the water. Put the marinated tuna on a grill or pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side (it is customary to serve tuna not fried to the end).
Pepper, but do not salt (the sauce is quite salty). Arrange the zucchini slices on a warmed dish and top with the tuna fillet. Drizzle with warmed remaining teriyaki sauce.

Very good tuna, salted at home.

Quite often, pieces of tuna fillet on the skin weighing 2-4 kg are sold in Israeli stores. They can be salted at home. The salting technology that I use is very simple, but long.

So, let's go to the store, look at the tuna. Please note that with approximately the same weight, fillet pieces can be long and thin, or they can be short and thick.

We come home, look at what containers we have so that the whole piece fits in there and is covered with liquid. I use plastic boxes with press-on lids.

Again we go to the store and buy tuna of the right size.

The first stage of salting is technical. At home, we wash off the ice crust from it, without defrosting it, put it in the selected container, fill it with water from the tap, so that the piece is covered with liquid. Take out the fish and set aside.

Add salt (~4 tablespoons per kilogram of fish) and sugar (1 tablespoon) to the water and stir until dissolved. (You can add dill, garlic, and whatever else you want to the brine, but I didn’t feel these additives in the finished fish. All this can be added in the second stage).

We put the fish in the brine, if necessary, add water so that the piece is covered. We close the lid, shake several times so that the brine is evenly distributed.

We put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Shake the container 2-3 times a day to speed up the exchange processes between fish and brine.

After two days, we take the fish out of the brine, rinse it very lightly with running water and wrap it in a clean cloth (I use viscose napkins in rolls). We put all this in a plastic bag (do not tie it tightly!) And return it to the refrigerator for 3-7 days. During this time, the salinity in the entire thickness of the piece of fish is leveled.

We cut off as much fillet from a piece as we plan to eat in the coming days, and put everything else in the same rag in the freezer, but close the plastic bag tightly so that the piece does not dry out.

The piece that we plan to eat, cut into thin slices. (And from the piece that we cut off in the freezer as needed, it’s very good to cut not completely defrosted fish, thin neat pieces are obtained).

And we begin the second stage - creative. Cooking filling from vegetable oil. NOT OLIVE, because good olive oil will harden in the refrigerator. I use canola.

And here is a huge scope for imagination. Based on vegetable oil, you can compose various sauces by adding garlic, dill, chili sauce, soy sauce, smoke liquid, wasabi, etc. to it. You can do a little first to see if it’s good

We place the pieces in the sauce, so that each is covered with it, and put in the refrigerator for a day. Shake occasionally so that the sauce penetrates the fish better.

And that's it! This is how we gradually or quickly eat the entire frozen piece and go for a new one. Next time we make the necessary adjustments to the first and second stages, because everyone has different pieces of fish and tastes.

Those who are not yet familiar with this representative of the mackerel family are probably wondering what kind of mackerel fish is and how to cook it. The feature of this product is its versatility. Mackerel fillet is ideal for baking, smoking, frying and other heat treatment methods.

Individuals of this family reach sizes up to 4.5 meters, while the smallest ones are only 60-70 centimeters. Mackerel is a predatory fish whose diet includes plankton, anchovies, shrimp, clams, herring fry and sand eels. This specimen lives in sea and ocean waters at a depth of up to 200 meters.

The name of its varieties comes from the place of residence:

  • Spanish (striped) mackerel - Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific Ocean;
  • Japanese mackerel - waters of China, Japan, Korea;
  • Indian (royal) mackerel - the coast of Asia.

This fish is caught in large quantities and is considered a valuable industrial product. Due to the impressive abundance of individuals of this species in the world's waters, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has given it the status of "Causing the slightest concern."

Taste, calories

Mackerel is a nutritious fish with dense white meat. It is quite fatty, but at the same time, somewhat harsh, which should be taken into account in the cooking process. The taste of mackerel is often compared to the taste of mackerel. Despite the close biological relationship, these representatives have a significant difference. Mackerel can be called dietary, because it is drier than mackerel.

Like any other marine fish, mackerel is rated as low-calorie. So a raw carcass contains about 105-139 kcal, steamed - 134-158 kcal. The discrepancy in the number of calories depends on the variety. So, king mackerel will be less nutritious than Spanish.

The nutritional value varies within the following limits:

  • proteins: 20-22 g / 100 g of product;
  • fats: 3-4 g / 100 g of product;
  • ash: 1-2 g / 100 g of product;
  • water: 73-75 g / 100 g of product.

Remarkably, this individual practically does not include carbohydrates.

5 Delicious Mackerel Recipes

To cook mackerel fish, you do not need to have great culinary skills. It is enough to choose it correctly when buying and strictly follow the recipe. An indicator of the quality of this seafood are pink gills and transparent clear eyes. Additionally, you can try to leave a dent on the carcass with your finger. If the meat quickly returned to its former shape - a sign of freshness.

Smoked mackerel at home

A delicious analogue of purchased smoked fish can be prepared at home. At the same time, this recipe does not require a large number of ingredients, it is enough just to have a desire and a smokehouse.

The ratio of products in this case is as follows:

  • two-kilogram mackerel;
  • edible salt - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g.

First of all, the fish must be cleaned and washed. For this, the head is cut off, the belly is cut and all the insides are taken out. Rinse fresh fish in cold running water at least twice.

We tie the cleaned carcass with a thick thread and sprinkle liberally with sugar and salt. In this state, the fish remains for 45 minutes - an hour. After that, wash off the salt, tie the product in the open air and leave for another 1 hour.

The mackerel is now ready to be smoked. To do this, load it into the smokehouse and put on a small fire. After the appearance of smoke, set 80ºC for 1 hour. As soon as the carcass has cooled, it can be served on the table, serving with herbs and lemon.

Bake in foil in the oven

An equally interesting way of cooking is mackerel in the oven. Under such conditions, it turns out soft, the meat easily lags behind the bone.

To achieve maximum taste, you will need:

  • two mackerels;
  • one bulb;
  • weak mustard - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • lemon juice - 3 teaspoons;
  • one pinch of salt;
  • one pinch of black pepper.

Cooking fish begins with cleaning it: cut off the head, remove the intestines and rinse thoroughly.

  1. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, mix the chopped onion, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  2. Lubricate the fish with the resulting mixture (you can stuff the carcass with the leftovers) and leave to marinate in the refrigerator. Pickling time can be from half an hour to half a day.
  3. Wrap the soaked mackerel in foil and place on a baking sheet. The baking process takes about 40-50 minutes at 180ºC, but do not forget that any fish or meat should only be placed in a preheated oven.

Fish fried with golden brown

Among a number of more nutritious dishes, it is worth highlighting fried mackerel. Such a delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. Even in the process of cooking, relatives repeatedly visit the kitchen to find out what is fragrant being prepared for dinner.

The list of required products is as follows:

  • half a kilogram mackerel fillet;
  • one egg;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 teaspoon;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • margarine - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • half a lemon;
  • greens to taste;
  • one pinch of salt.

Cleaned and prepared fish can be divided into portions or fried whole.

Preparation consists of two stages.

  1. First, dip the carcass into a beaten egg, then into breadcrumbs and fry in margarine. It is better to make the fire medium so that the dish does not burn out and does not remain raw inside.
  2. In the meantime, let's get to the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, herbs and salt in a separate bowl. A few more lemon wedges can be used as a garnish.

Mackerel fricassee

Fricase is a gourmet French dish that can be interpreted as a stew. This dish will consist of two components: tender fish stew and sauce.

Full list of ingredients:

  • mackerel - 250-300 g;
  • green peas - 50 g;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • celery root - 20-30 g;
  • 50 ml of fish and vegetable broth;
  • one teaspoon of flour;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • one pinch of salt;
  • one pinch of ground black pepper.

As expected, we remove the insides, heads from the mackerel and wash it clean.

  1. After cutting the fish into pieces 4x4 centimeters in size, boil it in salted water for about 5-7 minutes after boiling.
  2. In parallel with this, we cook vegetables: onions, carrots, celery and peas.
  3. The broths do not need to be drained, we mix them with flour and melted butter and get a delicious sauce.
  4. Pour the prepared boiled meat and vegetables with the resulting liquid sauce, salt, pepper and decorate with herbs.

Royal steaks

Fish steaks are cooked on the grill, which allows you to save the calorie content of the dish and bring it as close as possible to the restaurant version.

To prepare this culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • one large (royal) mackerel;
  • olive oil - 180-200 ml;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • a couple of lemons;
  • one pinch of black ground pepper;
  • one pinch of salt;
  • greenery for decoration.

We divide the cleaned and washed mackerel into how many steaks (about 6-7 servings are obtained from one carcass).

  1. The resulting pieces are generously lubricated with chopped garlic, vegetable oil, salt and spice.
  2. After that, put the fish on the foil, and on top of it slices of lemon. The entire surface of the steaks should be covered.
  3. We prepare the grill and bake mackerel on it until cooked. Depending on the intensity of the fire and the size of the portions, the cooking time ranges from 20-35 minutes.
  4. The finished dish is served in combination with dry white wine.

As practice shows, mackerel is a worthy unique fish that will become a healthy dinner and hearty lunch. Bon Appetit!

Cooks and just lovers of delicious food really appreciate fish like mackerel. Especially often it can be seen on the tables of our compatriots in salted and smoked form. But few people know that sometimes unscrupulous sellers pass off its relative, mackerel, as mackerel. This fish is found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and it really can be easily confused with the more famous "sister".

How to distinguish them?

It is in this case that we will try to understand in detail.

Like mackerel, mackerel is a fish of the Mackerel family. They are similar in size, but if you are offered a choice of larger and smaller carcasses in a store or market, it is better to choose the one that is smaller - then you are more likely to buy mackerel. Mackerel will, of course, be fatter and larger. This is due to the fact that the stocks of this fish in the ocean are still large, and therefore the young are not actually used in the fishing industry. Only adults get to consumers.

What kind of fish?

Sometimes confusion also arises when importing - as usual, all imported products are labeled in English, as the most common. And among the subjects of Great Britain, both fish are called the same - mackerel. Perhaps that is why the same mackerel is sometimes called mackerel. The fish are similar. And in order to distinguish it, you need to know some important features of each of them. Well, for this you need to see at least once what it is, mackerel fish. You can see photos of her and mackerel in fishing books or magazines. Outwardly, they are very similar: both of a silvery-greenish hue, the same shape. The differences lie in the so-called branded "tiger stripes". In mackerel, they are located clearly on the back. But mackerel, in addition to stripes, also has dark spots. They not only decorate the back of the fish, but also flow onto its abdomen.

Fishing for mackerel usually takes place between April and October from fishing boats. But from the shore it is best to start fishing at the peak of summer - June and July.

Why is mackerel fishing necessary?

Like mackerel, mackerel is an oily fish, which means it is rich in saturated omega-3 acids, which are important for maintaining human health. It is actively used for food, although it loses to its "relative" in terms of taste. You can distinguish mackerel meat - it is tougher than mackerel, it quickly becomes dry during heat treatment. It also differs in color - in mackerel, when cutting, the meat is pale pink. Mackerel is a fish with a grayish tinge of meat. Cutting it is quite simple - you don’t need to remove the scales, and the fillet is easily separated from the ridge with an ordinary knife, there are no small bones in it.

To cook it with maximum benefit, it is better to choose a cooking method such as grilling. For greater juiciness, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice, grease with olive oil, and wrap the carcasses in foil. on the coals on the grill, it will retain juiciness and softness, and the almost complete absence of bones in this fish will make it a favorite dish for both adults and children.

Mackerel is a species of fish belonging to the mackerel family, which in turn is a representative of the perch-like order. People often mistakenly call mackerel mackerel. At the heart of this delusion lies the desire of merchants to give out one species after another, deceiving the buyer.

In addition, this mistake is common in English-speaking countries, where these fish are also called the same. All fish of this family are predators. Their sizes vary greatly. The smallest representatives are only 60 centimeters long, while the largest individuals reach 4.5 meters. The largest mackerel is the Spanish mackerel.

You can find it both on the shores of the Indian Ocean and in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The color of the narrow-striped mackerel, unlike other similar fish of the same species, is distinguished by a lighter belly, and its stripes have a more sinuous shape.

In Japanese, Korean and Chinese waters, mackerel, weighing less than five kilograms, can be more than one meter long. Near the coasts of southeast and south Asia, the Indian king mackerel does not reach even 60 centimeters.

In their natural environment and conditions, mackerel feed on cephalopods, coastal crayfish, herring fry, plankton and sand eels. King mackerel boasts of its tough, pale flesh, which has many health benefits and an extraordinary taste.

Previously, we answered the question -.


To determine where the fish we need is found, you need to understand what this genus includes 15 kinds, respectively, and the habitat is diverse and specific, mainly - it is, of course, sea and ocean waters, but there are also species among mackerels that do not disdain fresh water, which means that they can also be found at the places where rivers flow into the sea.

Fishing in shallow, murky waters is also possible. Consider each species separately, and find out where the mackerel is found.

Australian or broadband mackerel

They are found exclusively in tropical waters in the eastern Indian Ocean and in the central-western and south-western parts of the Pacific Ocean. Most often lives off the northern coast of Australia in Shark Bay and in the south of New South Wales. They are found near coastal headlands and on rocky reefs, living depth - up to 100 meters.

They are found in places where rivers flow into the sea, as they are tolerant of low salinity of the water.

queensley mackerel

They are found in tropical waters in the eastern Indian Ocean and the central western and southwestern Pacific Ocean. Can be found off the coast of Papua New Guinea and off the northern coast of Australia. They approach the shore only off the coast of Queensland in the middle of winter or early spring. Often swim in murky waters not 30 meters deep.

Malagasy or multi-striped mackerel

Found in the subtropical waters of the southeastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans, most often found at depths up to 200 meters but make seasonal migrations.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Japanese king or small-spotted mackerel

Found in temperate waters in the Pacific Northwest, most commonly found at depths up to 200 meters. In Russia, such mackerel can be found in Peter the Great Bay.

Australian spotted mackerel

They are found in the tropical waters of the eastern Indian Ocean and the central western and southwestern Pacific Ocean. In the Queensland area, flocks of these fish swim as close to the shore as possible. Migrations in spotted mackerels are very long, migration duration reaches 230 days, and the length is up to 1100 kilometers.

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papuan mackerel

They are found in the tropical waters of the central western part of the Pacific Ocean. at a depth of up to 50 meters are also found in turbid waters.

Spanish spotted mackerel

They are found in the subtropical waters of the northwestern and central-western parts of the Atlantic Ocean. at depths up to 35 meters. They live in the Gulf of Mexico. They often appear in river estuaries. They migrate seasonally along the coast, and when the water temperature becomes uncomfortable for them, they swim north to the coast of Rhode Island.

Longitudinally striped bonito

They are found in the tropical waters of the Indian and Central West Pacific Ocean and are found at a depth of up to 100 m. Unlike many of their relatives, these mackerels never swim in brackish and muddy waters.

Korean mackerel

Found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, as well as in the central part of the Pacific Northwest, they can be found at a depth of up to 120 meters. A fairly common type of mackerel.

They are found on the shores of countries such as: Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

spotted bonito

They are found in the tropical waters of the Indian, as well as in the central western and northwestern Pacific Ocean, are found at depths up to 200 meters. You can find it in the Persian Gulf, off the islands of Sulawesi and Java.

Single color or California mackerel

They are found in the subtropical waters of the central eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. The habitat of this mackerel is very narrow, you can meet it only off the US coast in the Central East Pacific.

Striped king or Spanish mackerel

They are found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific. In the Atlantic Ocean come across from the island of St. Helena. Live at depths up to 200 meters. They are most often found along rocky coasts and coral reefs. The migration of these mackerels passes through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea.

Cavalla Mackerel or King Mackerel

They live in the tropical waters of the northwestern and central-western Atlantic Ocean, found at depths up to 180 meters. It is possible to catch such mackerel only in the warm season. Can be found on the outer edge of reefs.

brazilian mackerel

They live in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean. at depths up to 130 meters.

What does the mackerel peck at?

In this regard, the fish is more than unpretentious and, as they say, “bites on everything that glitters.” Therefore, there are many types of bait. Both live bait fishing and the classic “sea set” - slicing fish, or, for example, shellfish meat, are suitable. From small fish, atherina or anchovy is suitable.

Experienced fishermen use the so-called tyrants as bait. They independently make them from a piece of fishing line, to which hooks are attached, decorated with multi-colored materials: foil, shiny threads, bright plastic pieces or even colored feathers.

The number of hooks can vary from 2 to 6. This is due to the size of the tackle - the smaller the bait, the easier it is to cast. Also, if you are lucky and manage to cast your line directly into a school of mackerels, then the number of fish caught will be equal to the number of hooks, how many fish can you pull out?

Earlier we talked about what it bites.

When is the best time to fish for mackerel?

The most favorable time for catching mackerel is from early morning to noon, and from four in the evening to sunset, when it comes to coastal fishing. From the side of the boat in the open sea, it bites well at all and around the clock. The fishing season is very long from early spring to November.

If you decide to catch this fish from the shore, then the best season for this will be early spring, since this is when these fish stray into large flocks off the coast.

What tackle is needed for mackerel?

When shore fishing, it is recommended to use rods of the maximum length. The fishing line for such fishing should be the thinnest, since mackerel has very good eyesight. An interesting feature is that when catching this fish, the hook is supposed to be tied directly to the fishing line, a leash is not needed for this.

As for the hook, it is recommended to use it with an extremely elongated forearm. In order for the live bait to remain in one place, the float must be used as much as possible. It is important to consider that the mackerel is very fast enough, so hooking it is very simple.

Also, mackerel caught on the hook tends to squirm, and thereby tangle the fishing line. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to hesitate, but pull out your catch as quickly as possible.

As a bait, as mentioned earlier, a tyrant would be the best choice, but keep in mind that making such a fishing trick requires remarkable skill.

Step sisters - mackerel and mackerel

Mackerel and mackerel - is there a difference between them or is it the same fish? As mentioned earlier, mackerel is a representative of the mackerel family. So does this mean that they do not need to be distinguished, most likely not. After all, tuna also belongs to this family. Unlike its two sisters, tuna is not to be confused with them.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the size. Mackerel is much larger than mackerel. As for the shape, it also has its own characteristics: mackerel for the most part has a more elongated and sharp body shape.

It is also worth paying attention to the color, on the belly of a mackerel you will never find either stripes or dark spots, which cannot be said about its close relative. The color of the mackerel meat is also different in these fish; the meat is much lighter, does not have a creamy-pink hue and its structure is more rigid.

Remember the differences:

  • any mackerel is larger than mackerel
  • the shape of mackerel is sharper than that of mackerel
  • white belly without stripes and spots is found only in mackerel
  • the color of mackerel meat is lighter and has a gray tint
  • mackerel has a tougher meat structure

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Mackerel Mackerel is a fish from the family. mackerel (Scombridae), a detachment of spiny-finned bony fish (Acanthopteri). To the same family belong, among other things, tuna and remora. The genus M. (Scomber) is distinguished by an elongated, slightly laterally compressed body. There are two dorsal fins, separated by a gap, of which the anterior one has weak spines. Behind the second dorsal and anal fins there are several small dense fins with few rays. Pelvic fins on chest. Scales are very small. This genus includes several species found in temperate and hot seas, with the exception of the Atlantic coast of South America. Common M. (Scomber L.) reaches a length of 30 to 60 cm; the back is dark steel-blue, with a golden-greenish sheen and numerous, narrow, wavy, dark transverse stripes; sides and belly silvery; fins are greenish. It is found in the Black and Mediterranean Seas and in the Atlantic Ocean. Twice a year, large flocks come to the shores, in spring for spawning, in autumn, in smaller numbers, follow flocks of young herring. Meat is highly valued. It is eaten fresh, smoked and pickled. W.F.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Mackerel" is in other dictionaries:

    - [Dutch] makreel, fr. maquereau is a bawd, because, according to popular tradition, this fish follows the iron (German: Sungfran) and brings males to it]. Fatty and tasty, predatory fish, from neg. prickly-finned, found in the North, Mediterranean and Black seas. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    European trade name for mackerel. Mackerel has extremely tender and tasty meat, which is desirable to cook immediately after the catch. The most delicious mackerel fried in dense breading, best of all egg or dough. ... ... Culinary Dictionary

    mackerel- and, well. maquereau, goal. Makrell, German Makrele, Makerel. Same as mackerel. BAS 1. It is called so because, according to popular belief, this fish follows the iron and brings males to it. Michelson 1888. Albesors are called by some Naturalists ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    MAKREL, mackerel, wives. (Dutch makrell) (zool.). Marine commercial predatory fish found in the Black and other seas; the same as mackerel. Canned mackerel. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Mackerel (Dutch. makreel) is the same as mackerel "Mackerel", a Russian submarine of the "Kasatka" type, which was part of the fleet in 1908 1925 ... Wikipedia

    MAKREL, and, wives. Same as mackerel. | adj. mackerel, oh, oh. Mackerel family (n.). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Female sea ​​fish Scomber, walks in flocks; one species, mackerel, in the Black Sea, another, tuna, cuff, near Sardinia. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 4 bonites (2) perch-like (107) fish (773) ... Synonym dictionary

    European trade name for mackerel. Mackerel has extremely tender and tasty meat, which is desirable to cook immediately after the catch. The most delicious mackerel fried in dense breading, best of all egg or dough … The Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

    mackerel- MACREL, i, g A small marine commercial fish with a fusiform body of the mackerel family; Syn: mackerel. Mackerel pecks well in the early morning ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


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