Warm and gentle sun, sandy and pebble beaches, the sea inviting you to cool off - all this awaits you with open arms in Crimea. This is a place where several hundred thousand people come to spend their long-awaited vacation. Most lovers of this beautiful corner of the earth will agree that Crimea is beautiful at any time of the year and in any weather. And they will be right. But still, it will be useful to know about the weather in Crimea in different parts of the peninsula and at different times of the year. Then you can decide for yourself when is the best time to vacation in Crimea.

The climate of Crimea can be divided into three groups: mountainous, subtropical and temperate continental. The mountain climate predominates in mountains with deciduous forests. Summers there are dry and moderate, winters are quite cold and wet. The south of the peninsula has a subtropical climate, characterized by mild winters without snow and hot, humid summers. In the temperate continental climate of the northern part of Crimea, summers are very dry and hot, winters are windy.

The climate and weather of Crimea are greatly influenced by the mountains and the sea. As for the sea, it heats up all summer, and with the arrival of autumn it begins to gradually cool, giving all its heat to the air. That is why autumn on the sea coast is warm, as many say – “velvet”. The mountains protect the coast from the northern winds.

The terrain of the peninsula is very diverse. So, for example, if you move from its northern part to the southern part, you can clearly see that the northern territory of Crimea is, as a rule, a steppe without any hills or mountains. The closer you go to the south, the more hilly the area becomes. The climate changes accordingly - from temperate to sub-Mediterranean.

For many, the weather in Crimea is at its best during the spring months. It is at this time that nature wakes up. Already in early March, numerous fields of snowdrops, jasmine, almonds, honeysuckle, dogwood, and almonds begin to bloom on the mountains. In April, peach, apricot and many other trees bloom. Melted snow, or rather the water from it, fills rivers and waterfalls, which become very beautiful already at the end of April.

But at the same time, spring in Crimea is the windiest season. In March there are very often frosts at night, especially in river valleys.

The average temperature of spring weather in Crimea is from +8 to +17 C during the day, and from -1 to +10 C at night. The water in April and March stays at +9 C. In May it warms up to +16 C. In spring, the weather is not very stable - the bright sun can shine in the morning, and heavy rain by lunchtime. But generally, this does not last long - approximately until the first days of May.

The summer months in Crimea are the height of the tourist season. In June everything is still blooming, all the trees have already bloomed their leaves. It's not so cool anymore, but it's not very hot either. You can swim in the sea. The average water temperature until mid-June is +20C, by July it warms up to +22C, and already in August you don’t want to leave the sea at all - the temperature stays at +25C. Moreover, the water warms up faster on the western coast of the peninsula than, as many are accustomed to thinking, in the south. This is facilitated by the shallow waters of the Kalamitsky Bay.

The mildest weather in Crimea is in the mountains in summer. At night, the temperature here often drops to significant levels, especially in the gorges. By the way, on the southern coast of the peninsula in the summer there are often heavy rains, thanks to which there is a lot of greenery there. But in the steppes of the north-west, the leaves of trees, on the contrary, become yellow in the summer due to strong sunshine and low precipitation.

The temperature in June is +23C, in July and August - +27+30C. The peak season is between June and August. It is worth warning that somewhere in mid-to-late June in Crimea, a natural phenomenon such as upwelling may be observed. Locals call it "surge". This is the rise of cold masses of water from the very depths of the sea to the surface. In this case, the water temperature drops to + 13 + 15 C in 10 minutes, and stays at this level for about 2 days until it warms up again.

Note: when going to the mountains in summer, you should take into account the large temperature difference. So, for example, if in the shade in Yalta it is about +30C, then in the mountains (gorges) it will be only +5+9C. Also there is very often cold rain.

If you still don’t know when it’s better to vacation in Crimea, so that it’s cheaper and still warm, then think about the option of an autumn stay at the sea. This time is called the velvet season - the sea is very warm, housing prices have fallen, fruits are ripe, the beach is not as sunny as in summer. But all these advantages remain until the end of September - beginning of October. After this time, the rainy season begins in Crimea. Until the end of September, the temperature remains at +23C during the day and +13C at night. The sea water is warm - +21C.

In October, the weather in Crimea is still quite normal, many people still swim (water is +17C), but there are no large crowds on the beach anymore. At this time, it is very good to relax here for those who came specifically to relax, and not to go on excursions. The average temperature in October during the day is +17C, at night - +8C.

In November, the swimming season stops, the weather becomes autumnal - during the day the air temperature warms up to +12C, at night it drops to +4C. The water in the sea is also not very warm anymore – about +15C.

Winter is the time for ski resorts, of which there are many in Crimea. In general, snow for the Crimean peninsula is a rather rare natural phenomenon. If it falls out, then after 2, maximum 7 days it will melt without a trace. It’s all because of the mountains that protect the coast from cold cyclones. As for ski resorts, to get to them you need to look for mountainous areas where snow lingers for a long time. For example, Evpatoria or the east of the peninsula.

In other areas of Crimea, the weather is mild, but often due to low pressure over the sea and high pressure over the southern part of the CIS, dry and cold continental air literally bursts into the peninsula, which causes possible winds from the northeast. That is why, under such weather conditions and high air humidity, even at above-zero temperatures, it will seem like it’s -10C outside.

In December, the average temperature during the day is +8C, at night - +1C. Many tourists come here at the end of the month to celebrate the New Year. Some people choose places with snow, others prefer fast-melting snowdrifts on palm branches.

January and February are a time of rest for those who throughout the entire tourist season have helped tourists relax comfortably - homeowners take a short vacation to prepare for the next season. If anyone is lucky enough to be in Crimea at this time, be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, take the cable car to a height of 1234 meters - you will not see such a sight in the summer.

The average air temperature in January and February is approximately the same - during the day - from +6C, at night - about 0C. The sea at this time has a temperature of only +7C.

Some climate indicators of Crimea

Relative humidity- the percentage of air humidity in relation to the amount of moisture saturating it at a certain temperature. A line with an average air humidity of 70% passes through Feodosia, Yayla and Chersonesos. When it deviates to the south or north, this percentage increases.

Absolute humidity– a value indicating the pressure of water vapor in the air. Measured in millimeters (mm). Absolute humidity on the line Kerch, Ak-Mechet is about 8. It increases to 8.5 closer to Sevastopol and Feodosia.

Precipitation measured in centimeters. Precipitation of 30 cm is typical for Evpatoria and Dzhankoy; 40 – Feodosia, Bakhchisarai; 50 – Ai-Petri, Forosa.

Steppe and foothill areas suffer most from precipitation in June and July. But on the east and west coasts they fall evenly throughout all seasons. On the South Coast and in the southern mountains - in the depths of winter - December, January.

The weather in Crimea is often spoiled by rains, which account for 80-85% of the peninsula’s precipitation. In steppe places they last up to 130 days, in the mountains - up to 170 days a year.

Cloudiness. The average annual sky coverage ratio over Crimea is 55%. At the same time, there are 100 completely cloudy days, and 80 completely sunny days.

Ice cover. The Genichesk region holds records for the longest ice stay in Crimea - more than 80 days a year. Moreover, the temperature here is below 0C for more than 90 days a year. Snow lies for about 40 days in the north of the peninsula and about 20 in the northwestern part.

Thunderstorms. For the climate of Crimea, such a natural phenomenon is quite rare - on average, thunderstorms occur no more than 10 days a year.

Well, now you know in general terms about the weather and climate of this wonderful peninsula, and you can easily decide for yourself when is the best time to vacation in Crimea.

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A special feature of the Crimean climate is that the entire southern coast is protected by mountains from the piercing northern winds and throughout the year there is mild and warm weather, which is typical for subtropical latitudes.

Although the length of the southern coast is short, the weather conditions at different resorts, albeit slightly, differ. The weather at the Simeiz resort is characterized by cool summers and the least amount of rain in Crimea. In Evpatoria and Feodosia the lowest level of humidity is 40-50%, while in other resorts the air humidity can reach 60%. Yalta is embraced on all sides by a high ridge of mountains, which prevents the northern winds from breaking through, and therefore there are no sudden cold snaps in this area, and the weather is stable.

On the coast, winters are usually snowless and mostly rain. The real winter in Crimea begins in December, there can be frosts at night, and during the day for residents of Crimea the air temperature is very cold +5°C, which on some days rises to +15°C. The land is shrouded in fog and cold rains often fall; the water in the sea cools down greatly, and its temperature is only +11°C.

In the south of Crimea in January it is quite warm, the temperature stays at +15°C, and in the west it is cold - +5°C, but the days are mostly clear, and frosts are extremely rare. Even if snow falls on the Crimean coast, its snow cover does not remain on the ground for long, only a few hours. Sea water is still cold +8-9°C.

This is the coldest month in Crimea, even in Yalta, shielded from the plains by the mountains. Basically, the thermometer readings stay at +3°C. But the air temperature can drop to -4°C, but it only gets that cold just before dawn. Short and mild frosts occur on the peninsula. The sea freezes off the coast, and where the water is not frozen, storms rage; the water temperature is +6-7°C.

In spring, the weather on the Crimean peninsula is not stable; there are years when it is warm here, the water warms up so much that you can safely swim, and sometimes it rains constantly in these places, the seashore is shrouded in white fogs and strong humid winds blow.

This month, spring comes on the Crimean coast, the air is heated by the sun's rays to +12°C, and after twelve hours the air temperature can already reach +20°C. But the nights are still cold, the temperature remains at 0°C. Water temperature – +7°С.

This month everything is blooming in Crimea, it is becoming warm, the air temperature remains stable at +20°C. A light breeze filled with aromas blows from the sea, the water temperature is already +9°C. Many vacationing tourists begin sunbathing in April.

May in Crimea

In Crimea, the tourist season begins this month, the air temperature is already above +20°C, the water warms up to +17°C, which allows you to fully sunbathe and swim.

In the summer in Crimea, the tourist season fully comes into its own. The sun shines brightly on the blue sky, although sometimes there are short showers, mainly in the first half of the day.

June in Crimea

Although there are not very many people at the resorts yet, the weather conditions are already favorable for a good rest. The air temperature rises to +32°C, but the sweltering heat does not yet force one to seek refuge from the scorching rays of the sun in shady places. Sea water warms up to a comfortable temperature for swimming – +22 °C.

Over the past hundred years, weather forecasters have found that July in Crimea is the most comfortable month in terms of air temperature. The thermometer in the daytime can rise to +27°C, the water is very warm, +24°C, and it is in July that the tourist season reaches its peak.

August in Crimea

The weather in Crimea has been very hot all month, even in the morning the thermometer can show +40°C, and even the night does not bring coolness, the air temperature remains at +35°C. The sea is calm, completely calm, and the water is heated to +25-27°C.

The first half of autumn in Crimea is characterized by calm, sunny, warm weather.

September in Crimea

The velvet season, praised by artists and poets, is coming. Both the air temperature, which is +30°C, and the water temperature – +24°C – are comfortable and very pleasant for tourists vacationing here.

October in Crimea

In the west of the Crimean coast it is still very warm - +25°C, the water temperature of the Black Sea is +20°C, but in the east the water is already cool - +16-17°C - and only people accustomed to low temperatures can swim in it. Sometimes there are short warm rains and fresh winds blow from the sea.

On the coast it is still warm in November, the temperature remains at +20°C, but sharp cold snaps are increasingly occurring, and in the last week of the month the first night frosts begin. The waters of the Black Sea off the Crimean coast are cooling to +15°C.

What is the climate in Crimea? The weather on the peninsula is so varied that we can talk about it for a very long time. In this article we have collected useful information about the climatic conditions of this place and hope that it will help all vacationers, travelers, tourists and pilgrims.

For those planning a trip, we recommend focusing on the average temperature of the area chosen for vacation and the seasonal period. Crimea is divided into 3 climatic zones, so we will present average temperature indicators for each region: southern coastal, mountain and steppe.

Crimea: annual weather and average air temperature by month

Crimea: climatic conditions and average annual temperature

The average annual parameters are different in each region. The further west you go, the lower the temperatures:

  • On the southern coasts the range is from +12 to +14 °C, and these are the warmest areas.
  • In steppe zones, the difference ranges from 9.7 to 11 °C.
  • In the foothills the average temperatures are from 8 to 10 °C.
  • On the yailas the lowest values ​​are from 3.5 to 6 °C.

The data provided allows us to understand how different the weather will be on the peninsula. Everyone can find a comfortable climate zone for living and relaxing here. After carefully studying all the data, you can easily decide which area is preferable for you.

Climate of Crimea: climate map

The northern steppe regions have a temperate climate: in the cold season it can be quite snowy and windy. But spring comes quickly, and the summer months are hot and rainy. Mild weather conditions with high humidity prevail on the plains. The reason lies in the abundance of deciduous forests: the mountain ranges are covered with them.

The southern Crimean coasts are located in a subtropical climatic zone with a sub-Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by a late spring and a long “velvet season”, as well as a rather late autumn.

We briefly examined the features and type of climate in Crimea, and identified the main climatic zones and zones. We hope that we were able to highlight what conditions the nature of the peninsula offers you in each type of terrain. The overall picture looks like this: it is dry, warm and very sunny. The most comfortable period is considered to be the beginning of the summer and autumn seasons: the heat has not yet gained strength or has already subsided, but the land and sea have already warmed up.

The main forces influencing the local climate are the Crimean mountains and forests, impressive flat territories and steppes, as well as two seas washing the peninsula on three sides - the Black and Azov. Thanks to the powerful influence of all these factors, as well as the influence of a large amount of sun and winds, an incredible variety of very diverse, and sometimes even unique, weather phenomena are created. This is what gave rise to the saying that Crimea is a separate planet.

Brief characteristics of the climate of the Crimean Peninsula: atmospheric pressure, air humidity, wind and precipitation

Despite the difference in weather conditions for different territories of Crimea, one parameter remains practically unchanged. This is air pressure. Its performance varies between 758 mm (summer) and 765 mm (winter).

Relative humidity is extremely low in the summer, but increases noticeably in winter. Geographically, it is distributed as follows: the foothill areas and the southern coast are characterized by low parameters (from 65 to 74%), and the rest of the territory is quite high (from 73 to 82%).

The variety of winds here is due to the territorial location and rich landscape of the peninsula, which creates and maintains air flows. Moreover, in mountainous regions they are stronger than in steppe regions. On the southern shores and in the foothills, wind gusts rarely exceed 3 m/sec, in yayla they reach a maximum of 7 m/sec, and on Ai-Petri gusts of 40 m/sec are recorded.

Precipitation is unevenly distributed over the seasons: rain - about 86% of the annual norm, snow or hail - about 9%, and the rest are mixed. The number of rainy days in the steppe regions is from 81 to 135, and in the mountainous ones from 151 to 172. During the entire summer on the peninsula, it rains no more than 5, maximum 10 times.

When is the best time to vacation in Crimea: water temperature by month

The Crimean peninsula is designed for year-round recreation. There are three main climatic zones and up to 20 subregions with unique natural and weather conditions. Come any time and you will definitely enjoy it.

In February, tourists fill the mountain slopes. In the spring months, many people come to boarding houses and sanatoriums for treatment, since the air at this time is considered especially healing. Resort holidays are limited to the summer period (June-August). At the same time, vacationers who can’t stand the heat usually go here in May or during the “velvet season.”

If the purpose of your trip is to get acquainted with the numerous historical values ​​of these places, then there are no restrictions for you. Those interested in the ancient history of Crimea and pilgrims come to the peninsula all year round.

There are many forested areas and mountain ranges, and Russians have long been convinced that the Crimean region has a particularly healthy climate. The main Russian hospitals, sanatoriums and health resorts, popular among the residents of our country, are located in these parts.

There is an impressive range of water temperatures on the peninsula. We present averages by month, characterizing the warmest areas in the south and the coldest in the north.

  • In January, the sea temperature ranges from +3 to +9°C.
  • February is the coldest period. Ice forms near the coast, and in the water column the indicators vary from 0 to +7°C.
  • In March, the levels are also low, from +3 to +8°C.
  • In April, warming begins: from +7 to +10°C.
  • May opens the swimming season for some, but the water is still refreshing (from +13 to +16°C).
  • In June, swimming becomes available to everyone: at sea from +18 to +22°C.
  • In July, at the height of the holiday season, the water reaches 26 °C. The average numbers look like this: from +21 to 24°C.
  • August is a period of very warm seas. Vacationers compare the water with “fresh milk” (up to 28 °C). On average: from +22 to +25°С.
  • September. The “velvet season” is coming: from +18 to +22°C.
  • In October the numbers drop to +15.
  • In November up to +13°C.
  • December closes our list with the following indicators: from +4 to +11°C.

We tried to collect and analyze the most relevant information about climate conditions so that our readers understand what the climate is like in Crimea. To sum up our review, we state: soft and dry.

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The climate of Crimea is very diverse, ranging from temperate continental in the north, west, east and subtropical in the south to mountainous, characteristic of deciduous forests, in the Crimean uplands. In Crimea, the maximum number of sunny hours is close to 2500, which makes it possible to characterize the peninsula as very sunny.

The climate of the northern part of Crimea causes hot, extremely dry summers and windy winters with little snow. On the southern coast of Crimea, summers are also hot but humid, and winters are mild and snowless. Speaking about the Crimean Mountains, summers here are moderate and dry, winters are wet and cold.

Regarding precipitation - on the southern coast and southern slopes of the mountains, most of it falls in December and January; in summer there is practically no rain; in the center and north of the peninsula - in June and July; in the west and east, precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. The amount of precipitation in the steppe zone is approximately 350 mm of precipitation per year, in Feodosia and Sevastopol about 400 mm, and in Yalta about 480 mm.

Four seasons - Four faces of Crimea

spring weather in Crimea it is established in the month of April, but has a different character. It is possible that there is still snow on March 8, and maybe there are bright sunny days, complemented by the cheerful chirping of birds. Snow begins to melt from the Crimean mountains and meltwater fills the rivers. The active time of flowering of the most diverse flora of Crimea begins. In May the weather is already very similar to summer.

Summer season begins in early June, when it becomes quite hot, especially on the southern coast, where there is a high level of air humidity; In July there are frequent showers, thanks to which everything begins to be surrounded by greenery. In the steppe regions in mid-summer the picture is a little different; due to the heat they acquire a scorched yellow tint. In the mountains at this time the weather is more moderate, and in the gorges there are very low temperatures at night. In the evening hours, the high daytime temperature drops, bringing the desired coolness. The beach season can be considered open as early as the 20th of May, but you can really enjoy the sea only at the beginning of June. By this time the water temperature is about 20 °C - 21 °C. In the second half of summer, the water warms up to 24 °C -26 °C, but on the South Coast these levels are a couple of degrees lower.

Crimean autumn- very warm, but towards the end of the season it becomes rainy. This is one of the best times of the year. Autumn is significantly warmer than spring, as after warming up in the summer months the sea turns into a huge pool of heat that maintains warm weather. From September to mid-October there is definitely still a swimming season, the so-called velvet season. The sun becomes less active, the air temperature drops slightly during the day, but the sea still remains comfortable for swimming from 20 °C to 22 °C. With the arrival of autumn and the end of the holiday season, the price level falls along with the number of vacationers, which is an attractive advantage of the velvet season in Crimea. And only in November does autumn come into its own, and then most likely in the last ten days. At this time, the foliage turns a huge number of golden-crimson shades. The frequency of precipitation increases towards the end of autumn and is accompanied by winds.

September October November
Temperature average +18 +13 +8
Temperature during the day +23 +17 +12
Temperature at night +13 +8 +4
Water temperature +21 +17 +15

Concerning winter, then we can say that snow is typical only for the mountains, where the ski season opens in January. On the rest of the peninsula, if snow falls at all, it is in small quantities and does not last long, from several days to a week, depending on the region. The weather is mild, although cold snaps are frequent. At this time, northeastern winds blow and are stormy on the coast. Therefore, an air temperature of +7 °C can give a feeling of minus.

We conclude that the best time for a beach holiday on the peninsula is the beginning of summer, the second half of August and September. Well, winter extreme lovers have at their disposal all three months of the cold season on Ai-Petri.