Jul 20, 2017

If we assume for a moment that the American writer Ray Bradbury would have written a continuation of his story “Dandelion Wine”, calling it “Dandelion Tea”, there is no doubt: fans of his talent would have put away pu-erhs, oolongs and other elite varieties and brewed them in teapot is an extremely unpretentious, well-known, practically weed plant.

The writer assured that dandelion is “summer caught and bottled.” Who would refuse such a sip?

Even scientists, who would not be suspected of being prone to exaggeration, claim that almost everything in this unpretentious plant is useful.

The leaves are rich in microelements necessary for humans, the flowers are rich in carotene, and the roots are used in weight loss diets.

Here are the components included in the chemical composition of the plant:

In addition to the above, essential oils, resins, tannins, pectin, gum, which also have beneficial properties for humans, were found in dandelion.

Tea helps get rid of swelling, constipation, flatulence, restores health after poisoning (including alcohol).

It is effective as a preventative against osteoporosis and is part of weight loss diets. If dandelion is used to treat bronchitis, then both tea and tincture of this plant can be used for greater effectiveness.

The following video will tell you about the healing properties of dandelion:

Help in treating cancer - true or false

Scientists from many countries are trying to find out whether dandelion helps with cancer, especially since in folk medicine today the ability of this plant to suppress cancer cells is actively promoted.

Among the latest scientific studies is the work of US scientists, whose goal was to find out how dandelion affects the patient’s body with prostate cancer and breast cancer.

Positive aspects have indeed been established, but this data is not enough to use dandelion preparations in official medicine and answer in the affirmative the question of whether dandelion defeats the most terrible disease of the 21st century.

And another important point: the extract prepared from the roots of the plant cannot be used simultaneously with chemotherapy sessions; dandelion can negatively affect their effectiveness.

In such situation self-medication is a big risk. Those patients who still want to use this remedy should definitely discuss the upcoming treatment with their doctor.


You don’t have to prepare dandelion tea yourself; you can purchase an industrially produced product.

The American company The Art of Tea produces 2 types of such tea: the first is prepared on the basis of green tea, the second variety is a herbal mixture without any classic tea additives.

Both types are produced in bags, which are very convenient to take with you to work or on a trip.

The company is proud that the product is 100 percent natural, not fermented, and does not contain any impurities or flavors.

Both plants belong to the same Asteraceae family and are similar in appearance, so people who are not experienced in botany will find it's easy to confuse them.

This should not be allowed if you plan to use the plant to combat any diseases (both have medicinal properties).

A mistake can be dangerous, especially for women - coltsfoot should never be used by those who are expecting a child or who are feeding their baby with breast milk.

To avoid mistakes, study the description of these plants and their differences:

  • the dandelion root has no branches, while its opponent has a branched, creeping root;
  • the leaves of the first are long, carved, the leaves of the second are rounded and covered with fluff;
  • The hollow stems of dandelion contain milky juice; the stems of coltsfoot do not secrete juice.

When and how to collect, prepare and dry it

Dandelion grows everywhere, it doesn’t matter for it whether the soil is fertile or not - the powerful root will extract nutrients and water from great depths.

For medicinal purposes, plants cannot be collected in a city where there is a lot of harmful emissions, near highways: any grass in such places absorbs dirt, dust, and toxic substances.

Harvesting is usually done in the spring, while the leaves are young, tender, and the flowers have not turned into fluffy white caps.

It is best to prepare dandelion roots for the winter in early November., at this time they contain the most active substances. It’s good if these are two-year-old plants, with thick, non-bifurcating roots.

Tea is prepared from different parts of the plant in different ways. Yes, they have different purposes: the root is effective in weight loss drinks, the leaves are for vitaminizing the body, and dandelion flowers are effective for acute carotene deficiency.

Root tea has such an unusual taste that the drink is sometimes compared to coffee. Before cooking, the roots are fried in a frying pan without oil.

Unfortunately, some of the beneficial substances are lost as a result of heat treatment, but the aroma becomes much more interesting.

To make a drink from flowers, take a couple of handfuls of freshly picked and washed heads and fill the teapot with them (this volume will require two glasses of boiling water). After just 5 minutes you can drink the tea.

Leaves are dealt with in much the same way as flowers., but slightly change the ratio of ingredients: one and a half glasses of water are consumed for 2-3 handfuls of fresh leaves.

To infuse the tea better, cover the teapot with a terry towel. A leaf of fresh mint or a slice of lemon is already placed in the cup to add originality to the taste. We wrote about the benefits and harms of mint tea.

If tea is prepared from dried raw materials, then grind it into crumbs before brewing. One tablespoon is enough for a glass of drink.

We offer you a video on how to make coffee from dandelion root:

Dandelion is included in many medicinal mixtures, so it can be used all year round. The plant is already very useful, but additional components further enhance its effectiveness. Here are some options.

With nettle and oregano. Improves digestion and is used for weight loss. Take a tablespoon of dandelion root, oregano, nettle leaves and parsley. Dill and mint - half a tablespoon each.

All components are mixed. To brew, you will need a tablespoon of the mixture and 250 ml of boiling water. The medicinal drink must be infused for half an hour.

With burdock. A good remedy for furunculosis. To prepare tea, use only the roots of both plants, chop them finely, take them equally (a tablespoon each), and pour three glasses of water.

The drink will be infused overnight, and in the morning a decoction will be prepared from it, boiling over low heat for several minutes.

With chicory and walnuts. This infusion is recommended for diabetics. The collection consists of dandelion and nettle leaves, chicory root, and walnut.

The components are taken in equal quantities. For 450 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is consumed. The beneficial properties of soluble chicory can be found at.

It all depends on the purpose for which the drink is prepared. If you need it to raise your tone, it is prepared from crushed roots, pouring boiling water over them, and keeping them in a water bath for half an hour to “pull out” more useful components from them.

If tea is needed to support liver function, do it differently: pour cold water over the roots overnight, and in the morning put it on the fire, bring to a boil.

To use dandelion tea to cleanse the blood, dry crushed roots are poured into a thermos, boiling water is poured into it and infused for several hours.

This method is also suitable for those with allergies. In addition to dandelion roots, you will also need burdock root. The drink is infused in a thermos overnight. We talked about which thermos holds heat better.

This is usually done with flowers and leaves: pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

Dandelion flowers, leaves and roots have been used as folk remedies to treat many diseases, probably for centuries. However, the first documented mention of dandelion tea dates back to 1830.

Today, at home, you can make quite a lot from available raw materials. effective healing drugs:

If you are interested in what diseases to use the drink to treat, read this article.

You can find out whether there is caffeine in green tea from the publication.

Contraindications and possible harm

Unfortunately, this remedy is not universal for all people. It should not be used by those who have:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer in the acute stage;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • allergy to this plant.

Experts warn against using dandelion tea, infusions and decoctions simultaneously with medications (for example, antibiotics).

Modern studies of this problem still provide conflicting data, which means that it is better to play it safe than to create a health-threatening situation for your body.

Dandelion coffee is an original recipe for an excellent tonic drink, which is also a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The fact is that dandelions strengthen bones, cleanse the liver, help with weight loss, contain more vitamin C than lemon and are an anticarcinogen. However, you must remember the main rule: young leaves need to be kept for half an hour under cold salted water so that the bitterness goes away.

Cooking time - 15 minutes

Calorie content - energy value is equal to the energy value of cream.


  • Dandelion roots - 2-3 pieces per mug;
  • Cream;
  • Boiling water;
  • Sugar to taste.


  1. Dig lightly and carefully pull the dandelion out of the ground along with the roots. The root needs to be cut off and washed thoroughly, removing all the small roots, then peeled - it can be easily removed from the roots of dandelions. The root should be cut into separate pieces 1-1.5 cm long, placed on a dry baking sheet or frying pan and thoroughly fried until dark brown in the oven or on the stove, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Excess moisture will first leave the roots, after which a pleasant smell will appear, and the root itself will become dark.
  2. The roots need to be ground in a mortar or coffee grinder, then brewed as if it were natural coffee: pour boiling water over it and cook until a light brown tint forms in the drink.
  3. Strain the drink and pour into cups. Cream, milk and sugar are added to taste; if desired, you can also add chicory and cinnamon.

Natalia Kotoman 06/21/2017

Dandelion coffee



Dandelion latte

Required ingredients:

  • half stack water;
  • 1-2 tsp. coconut sugar;
  • half stack milk;
  • cinnamon.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Add sugar and stir.

Dandelion coffee with honey


  • 300 ml. water;
  • two teaspoons of honey;
  • 40 ml. cream.


  1. Add honey and cream.

Dandelion coffee with cream


Cooking steps:


Dandelion root is a kind of medicinal treasure, an invaluable natural raw material that is used in folk medicine in various recipes to improve the health of the body and fight quite serious diseases.

During pregnancy, dandelion root helps relieve constipation in women. And during the lactation period, dandelion root can increase milk production and prolong the period of breastfeeding a child.

If we talk about the benefits of dandelion root, we need to mention its benefits in the treatment of malignant tumors in the breast in women, as well as mastopathy. But in this case, the correct approach and notification of the attending physician about the start of alternative treatment is necessary.

Under the influence of the bitter substances contained in dandelion root, the secretion of gastric juice and the secretion of bile improves. Therefore, in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, the medicinal properties of dandelion root are more than justified. Do you or your child suffer from poor appetite? Dandelion decoction will relieve you of this problem.

In addition, dandelion root exhibits beneficial properties in the treatment of liver diseases (it perfectly cleanses the blood), jaundice, cholelithiasis, gall bladder, and has a choleretic, antipyretic, expectorant, sedative and mild hypnotic effect.

This may come as a revelation to some, but at home you can make coffee and tea from dandelion roots. The beneficial properties of these drinks are simply shocking. For example, dandelion coffee is similar in effect to the coffee we are used to. It invigorates, but this effect does not occur due to caffeine, which is harmful to the body. And coffee made from dandelion roots strengthens bones, invigorates, and saturates the body with vitamin C no worse than lemon.

As for dandelion root tea, it is extremely useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. Hot or cold, this drink improves the functioning of the stomach walls, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and saliva, thereby improving the activity of all organs of the digestive system.

Dandelion root: contraindications

Like any plant, the use of dandelion root has some limitations. This raw material should not be used if you have the following diseases:

  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • increased acidity (with caution).

Proper collection and preparation of roots

Collect dandelion roots correctly - you need to dig up the roots in late April early May, or in September.


The beneficial properties of dandelion have been known since ancient times. Various parts of this plant are actively used in folk medicine. Dandelion root tea is not just tasty, but also a healthy, healing drink.

The benefits and harms of dandelion root tea

Teas made from natural ingredients help improve health and cure many ailments. Dandelion root tea not only fights diseases, but also restores the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Dandelion tea acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antiviral agent.

Useful properties of the drink:

  • Fights inflammation of blood vessels, muscles, bones, used in complex therapy of gout and rheumatism
  • Effective in the treatment of gallstone disease
  • Helps reduce weight
  • Copes with problems such as constipation
  • Helps with poisoning, including alcohol poisoning
  • Removes puffiness
  • Effective for heart and kidney failure
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Copes with skin diseases

Dandelion root tea “expels” harmful and toxic substances, salts and bad cholesterol from the body. The benefits of tea are also reflected in the treatment of colds. The drink speeds up the healing process and prevents possible complications.

For people experiencing increased mental stress, dandelion tea will also be useful. It increases attention and concentration, improves memory.

Tea also gives vigor and strength, eliminates weakness and fights loss of strength. Effective during increased physical activity.

Dandelion tea, like any medicinal product, has some contraindications. The drink can harm the body for people suffering from:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach ulcers (especially during exacerbations)
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergies to dandelion

Some experts say that dandelion root tea should be used with caution with other medications (antibiotics). The drink has mostly positive reviews, but some are confused by the bitter taste of the tea.

When to Harvest Dandelion Root

Harvesting dandelion roots should be done in early spring (April-early May), or at the end of September. In spring, it is important to collect the roots before the plant blooms. The beneficial properties of dandelion allow you to use all its parts to prepare various infusions. Harvesting the plant is not difficult as the flower grows everywhere.

Large dandelion roots must be peeled, dried for several days, washed, then cut and dried in a special dryer or on paper in a well-ventilated room.

When drying, the temperature should be no more than 40 degrees.

How to brew dandelion tea?

To make dandelion root tea, For one mug of boiling water you will need 1 teaspoon of roots. The tea should be steeped for 20 minutes to half an hour. You can drink it warm or cold.

For coffee lovers You can make a drink based on dry roasted dandelion roots. To do this, dandelion roots need to be fried in a frying pan without adding oil, so that they have a brown tint, but are not overcooked. Afterwards, the roots need to be crushed to a powdery state.

For one liter of boiling water you need 1 tbsp. dandelion root powder. Dandelion coffee should be boiled for 2 minutes and immediately strained. This drink is perfect for coffee lovers who, for some reason, are prohibited from caffeine.

Dandelion as a cure for cancer

According to research, dandelion root tea can destroy cancer cells. Many traditional healers recommend using various dandelion infusions in the fight against cancer.

Recipe to stop tumor growth

To prepare the drink you need 3 tbsp. Pour powdered dandelion roots into two cups of boiling water. The infusion should boil within 15 minutes. You need to drink one glass twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

It's better to do it in summer infusion using fresh roots. For this you need 2 tbsp. Pour a cup of boiling water over finely cut roots and leave for 45-50 minutes in a water bath under a lid. You need to drink 0.5 glasses three times a day. Effective against liver and stomach cancer.

Against liver cancer you need to brew 2 tbsp. dandelion roots and leaves with boiling water (based on 1 cup of boiling water per 1 teaspoon of mixture). The drink is infused for 1 hour, after which it must be strained.

In the fight against tumors in the chest, groin, armpits, it is effective to apply a bandage with crushed dandelion root to places where there are seals.

Dandelion root tea has many beneficial properties and is effective for many ailments. It is not a drug and is best used in complex therapy.


This plant has been known to everyone since childhood, but few people know what power lies in it. Since time immemorial it has been called the elixir of life, but to our contemporaries it is better known as a weed.

The benefits of dandelion are so many-sided that it serves as a pretext for including it in the family diet. Moreover, the roots, stem, leaves, flowers - everything is useful in the dandelion!

However, unlike ordinary people, the scientific minds of medicine did not ignore this extraordinary plant. Pharmacies sell many medicines obtained from dandelion to help those suffering from atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis with low acidity, edema, cholecystitis, hypokalemia and many other ailments. It’s impossible to list everything. That's why they are scientists, to study everything, even the ubiquitous weed - the dandelion. The benefits and harms of medicines based on it are determined by the doctor. And if you simply diversify your dining table with such a plant, you can forget about diseases.

To ensure that the benefits of dandelion are complete and obvious, do not collect flowers within the city, near roads or near any industrial production.

Salt will help get rid of bitterness. Before using dandelion leaves for food, soak them in heavily salted water for about half an hour, and the roots can be boiled in a saline solution for about 7 minutes for the same purpose.

Dandelion salad

The benefits of this dish are invaluable, and listing the vitamin and mineral composition could take several pages of printed text. Not only is the salad healthy, it’s also delicious!

Try mixing sauerkraut, chopped boiled egg, chopped dandelion leaves, green onions, parsley, dill in the proportions that suit your taste best. Mix everything with sour cream, let stand for five minutes and then enjoy it to your health!


Soak dandelion leaves in a strong saline solution for half an hour. Then grind them using a blender or meat grinder. Add vinegar and salt to taste. This dandelion puree should be stored in a cool place and used as a dressing for soups, meat and fish dishes.

Refreshing smoothie

The benefits of dandelion can also be used in drinks. Mix a glass of kefir with half a glass of fresh milk, add four finely chopped dandelion leaves and a couple of flower heads, chopped kernels and four walnuts. Beat the mixture for three minutes.

Morning cottage cheese

This breakfast strengthens the immune system well. For a serving of cottage cheese for one person, add yellow petals from two dandelions, a teaspoon of honey, sour cream or milk to taste.

Cucumber salad

Cut two fresh cucumbers into cubes, add chopped herbs and a couple of dandelion leaves, salt and season with sour cream.


The benefits of dandelion are so beneficial that there is no ban on its use. And yet everything is good in moderation. Any excess does not lead to good. Include dandelion in your diet, experiment and be healthy!


A perennial plant with golden-yellow flowers called dandelion is known to everyone. It is considered one of the most common weeds in our gardens and vegetable gardens. Dandelion flowers begin to appear in late spring on hollow stalks. They are very rich in nectar, thereby attracting bees. The wide distribution of the plant is explained by its viability. It is estimated that 1 well-developed bush can produce up to 1500 seeds. In addition, it reproduces well using parts of the rhizome.

Dandelion is commonly called the “elixir of life” or “little yellow doctor”, as it contains a valuable supply of the most useful elements of the periodic table.

Chemical composition of dandelion

Vitamins: A (more than in carrots - 5.85 mg), B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.

Minerals: boron, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus.

In addition, the solar plant serves as a source of fiber, protein, essential oils, coumestrol, resin, organic acids (linoleic, linolenic, lemon balm, oleic, palmitic, cerotinic) and tannins. They are considered champions in antioxidant content.

Calorie content of dandelions - 45 kcal per 100 g.

Each part of this sunny plant has a positive effect on humans in its own way: the leaves help with bone problems, colds and skin diseases, the roots improve vision, the juice from the flowers tones and strengthens the body’s protective functions.

Beneficial properties of dandelion roots. Application

Even the medieval Iranian scientist and physician Avicenna paid special attention to the roots of the solar plant. They are used to make powders that effectively relieve spasms and also have a diuretic and choleretic effect. In addition, this remedy normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and the functioning of the pancreas. This is caused by a large amount of inulin - a natural substance consisting of fructose (organic sugar).

Dandelion root is a good preventive remedy; it is even used in the treatment of diabetes. People suffering from high blood sugar need to include powder from the roots of the plant in their diet - 5 g every day in pure form or add to water, juice, smoothies, salad, etc.

In ancient times, the Slavs called the infusion from the inflorescence of this plant the “elixir of youth.” They were dried and then brewed. 0.5 tsp poured a glass of hot water and left for 5 minutes.

It is recommended to drink this drink in late spring - early summer, as it is a concentrate of beneficial substances. It has all the medicinal properties of the plant, but, as a rule, it is taken for constipation, gout, liver and gallbladder diseases, as well as inflammatory processes in the stomach. People suffering from anemia are advised to include it in their diet, as the drink serves as a rich source of magnesium and iron.

2. This method is the simplest. Take a bunch of dandelions (they should be fresh, juicy, “crispy”) and pass them through an auger juicer. Suitable for both manual and electric. Such juice, in addition to valuable vitamins and minerals, will be saturated with chlorophyll - a natural energy booster. Take juice 1-3 tbsp. in a day. It is recommended to mix it with water in equal proportions.

4. Soak fresh leaves of the plant for half an hour in salted water (do not use table salt, as it is very harmful; it is recommended to purchase sea salt). This is done to eliminate the bitter taste. After this, rinse them very well in cold water, chop them, put them in a colander and scald them. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder and use a cloth bag to squeeze out the juice. This method is less attractive to us because it is too complicated. In addition, the more manipulations are carried out, the less useful substances remain in the plant product.

  • gastritis,
  • blockage of the bile ducts,
  • tendency to diarrhea,
  • children under 4-5 years old.

Flowers and leaves. Collect in dry weather during flowering period. Select raw materials carefully: do not pick off damaged inflorescences and leaves. It is best to collect the leaves when the buds have not yet blossomed - they are much less bitter.

Dry in a well-ventilated area, avoid direct sunlight. The best place is the shade. Stir the leaves and flowers from time to time.

Roots. They are usually collected in early autumn - when the leaves of the plant wither. Use a spatula to dig up the roots and immediately rinse them in water. A stream or pre-prepared water in a bucket will do. Cut off the thin roots and the above-ground part. Then spread the roots out on the grass to wilt. When you notice that the milky juice has stopped secreting, transfer the raw materials to a permanent storage location. As with flowers and leaves, they should be dried in the shade and with good ventilation. If desired, you can use an oven (t=50°) or a dehydrator.

Store the resulting raw materials in a dry and dark place, using glass or wooden containers, as well as a cardboard box, paper bag or cotton bag. Shelf life - 1 year.

To eliminate freckles, you need to wipe your face with juice from dandelion leaves 2-3 times a day, age spots - 4-5 times a day until a noticeable improvement.

Dandelion in cooking

With an infusion of the roots, you can rid yourself of coffee addiction. Dry fresh dandelion roots in the oven or dehydrator until they turn brown and become hard and brittle. Then lightly fry them. This is done to obtain a piquant taste reminiscent of coffee. After this, grind the roots into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. 1 tsp + 1 glass of hot water: in 10 minutes the drink will be ready. If all the rules have been followed, then the color of dandelion coffee will be very similar to regular coffee, and the taste will be similar to chicory.

Dandelion jam recipe

1 way. Collect as many flowers as possible during dry weather. When you come home, carefully sort them out, remove the dense green part - only yellow petals with pollen should remain.

Place them in a saucepan, add lemon slices along with the peel and fill with water (which should be about 1.5 times more). Bring to a boil, then cook the mixture for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Then leave the flowers to infuse (without draining the water!) for 8-12 hours in a cool place. After this time, strain the flower mass. Add sugar to the resulting infusion (we recommend using natural sugar, such as coconut or grape) - to taste. Place the pan back over medium heat. To dissolve the sugar, stir the dandelion water until it boils. Cook until desired thickness is achieved, but not less than 30 minutes.

Method 2. Making jam is easy because you don’t need to boil it. Thanks to this, by the way, the beneficial substances of the plant are preserved. Take a glass jar. 1st layer - dandelion flowers, 2nd layer - honey, 3rd layer - dandelion flowers, 4th layer - honey, etc. all the way to the top. Close the container with a lid. After 7 days, a very tasty delicacy will be ready.

How to make dandelion jam

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In addition to dandelion flowers, roots are used in preparation. Dandelion roots are healthy; they are boiled and eaten raw, and they also make delicious and aromatic coffee. This type of coffee can replace black coffee, it does not contain caffeine, and its taste and aroma are not inferior to regular coffee.


  • three dandelion roots.


  1. Wash the dandelion roots very well in cold water.
  2. Finely chop the roots and fry in a dry frying pan over low heat.
  3. Fry the roots until they brown and become brittle and crumble.
  4. Brew the prepared roots like regular coffee.

Three dandelion roots make one serving of coffee. It will take about 15 minutes to prepare the drink.

Dandelion latte

Not only regular coffee is prepared from ready-roasted dandelion roots. For variety, you can make a dandelion latte.

Required ingredients:

  • half stack water;
  • 3 tsp roasted dandelion roots;
  • 1-2 tsp. coconut sugar;
  • half stack milk;
  • cinnamon.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Pour boiling water into a large mug and add ground roots. Leave to infuse for three minutes.
  2. Add sugar and stir.
  3. Pour in warm milk and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

This aromatic and tasty drink will warm you up and benefit your body.

Dandelion coffee with honey

This is a dandelion coffee recipe with honey added to replace sugar. Making coffee from dandelions is not difficult, it will take half an hour.


  • two teaspoons of dandelion roots;
  • 300 ml. water;
  • two teaspoons of honey;
  • 40 ml. cream.


  1. Process the roots and fry in a dry frying pan.
  2. Grind the prepared roots and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Brew the coffee until ready, strain and pour into cups.
  4. Add honey and cream.

Prepare an aromatic and tasty drink and share photos of dandelion coffee with your friends.

Dandelion coffee with cream

Coffee is prepared from the roots of the plant with the addition of sugar and cream.


  • three roots;
  • boiling water;
  • cream;
  • sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Fry the peeled roots in a dry frying pan, stirring, until brown.
  2. Grind the roots in a coffee grinder or mortar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the roots and cook until light brown.
  4. Strain the drink and add cream and sugar.

You can add cinnamon to your homemade dandelion coffee.

The benefits and harms of dandelions

Chemical composition of dandelion

The ancient Slavs used dandelion infusion

This drink supports high performance of all organs. The infusion is used for insomnia and hypertension.

Medicinal properties of dandelion juice

Dandelion juice works well against colds and lowers body temperature. This happens due to the diaphoretic and antipyretic effects of the plant.

The drink will also be extremely useful for breastfeeding women to increase lactation. But you shouldn’t abuse it!

If warts, calluses, eczema, etc. appear, then fresh juice will be very helpful. Gently wipe problem areas of the skin with it 2-3 times a day.

How to make dandelion juice

The juice is prepared from all parts of the plant. It turns out to be bitter; if desired, it can be sweetened with natural sweeteners.

How to make wine from dandelions

1. Juice made from dandelion flowers is often called wine, but without alcohol. Drink it 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Place the blossomed buds in a glass jar, cover with sugar (preferably coconut or grape) and cover with a lid. After about 3-4 days, sweet juice will be released. For convenience, pass it through gauze before using it.

Instead of leaves, you can use dandelion roots.

3. Chop fresh and juicy leaves and pass through a meat grinder. Place the crushed plant in a special cotton bag and squeeze out the juice.

Contraindications and harm of dandelions

  • individual intolerance,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • gastritis,
  • blockage of the bile ducts,
  • tendency to diarrhea,
  • children under 4-5 years old.

Do not overuse this plant, otherwise symptoms of poisoning may appear. This is especially true for children, pregnant and lactating women. Everything is useful in moderation!

How to collect dandelion flowers, leaves and roots

Flowers and leaves.

How to store dandelion flowers, leaves and roots

Dandelion rejuvenates facial skin

Dandelion juice nourishes, moisturizes, whitens and rejuvenates the skin. In addition, it helps remove dead cells and gives elasticity. The solar plant is a folk remedy for removing acne, freckles and age spots.

Dandelion in cooking

The solar plant is used in cooking, but basically all dishes are strengthening and healing in nature. Therefore, traditional dandelion dishes (jam, salad) can be used to eliminate health problems and boost the immune system.

Experiment by adding inflorescences, leaves and root powder to your usual recipes. For example, in smoothies, vegetable salads, and raw food desserts.

Coffee made from dandelion roots. Recipe

Dandelion jam recipe

Approximate quantity of products: 400 g of flowers, 1.5-2 lemons, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 l of water.

Dandelion leaf salad recipe

Dandelion salad is a healthy spring and summer dish. To give it greater benefits, it is recommended to add a few flowers of the plant.

The healing properties of dandelions are simply amazing. Many consider it a weed that needs to be controlled. However, adherents of traditional medicine have long noticed that it has miraculous healing powers. 😉

The benefits and harms of dandelions

Dandelion is commonly called the #171;elixir of life#187; or #171;little yellow doctor#187;, since it contains a valuable supply of the most useful elements of the periodic table.

Chemical composition of dandelion

Vitamins: A (more than in carrots #8212; 5.85 mg), B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.

Minerals: boron, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus.

Dandelion root is a good preventive remedy; it is even used in the treatment of diabetes. People suffering from high blood sugar should include powder from the roots of the plant #8212; 5 g every day in pure form or add to water, juice, smoothie, salad, etc.

The ancient Slavs used dandelion infusion

In ancient times, the Slavs called the infusion from the inflorescence of this plant the #171;elixir of youth#187;. They were dried and then brewed. 0.5 tsp poured a glass of hot water and left for 5 minutes.

This drink supports high performance of all organs. The infusion is used for insomnia and hypertension.

Medicinal properties of dandelion juice

Dandelion juice works well against colds and lowers body temperature. This happens due to the diaphoretic and antipyretic effects of the plant.

The drink will also be extremely useful for breastfeeding women to increase lactation. But you shouldn’t abuse it!

If warts, calluses, eczema, etc. appear, then fresh juice will be very helpful. Gently wipe problem areas of the skin with it 2-3 times a day.

How to make dandelion juice

The juice is prepared from all parts of the plant. It turns out to be bitter; if desired, it can be sweetened with natural sweeteners.

How to make wine from dandelions

1. Juice made from dandelion flowers is often called wine, but without alcohol. Drink it 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Place the blossomed buds in a glass jar, cover with sugar (preferably coconut or grape) and cover with a lid. After about 3-4 days, sweet juice will be released. For convenience, pass it through gauze before using it.

Instead of leaves, you can use dandelion roots.

3. Chop fresh and juicy leaves and pass through a meat grinder. Place the crushed plant in a special cotton bag and squeeze out the juice.

Contraindications and harm of dandelions

  • individual intolerance,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • gastritis,
  • blockage of the bile ducts,
  • tendency to diarrhea,
  • children under 4-5 years old.

Do not overuse this plant, otherwise symptoms of poisoning may appear. This is especially true for children, pregnant and lactating women. Everything is useful in moderation!

How to collect dandelion flowers, leaves and roots

Flowers and leaves. Collect in dry weather during flowering period. Select raw materials carefully: do not pick off damaged inflorescences and leaves. It is best to collect the leaves when the buds have not yet blossomed #8212; they are much less bitter.

Dry in a well-ventilated area, avoid direct sunlight. Best place #8212; this is a shadow. Stir the leaves and flowers from time to time.

How to store dandelion flowers, leaves and roots

Store the resulting raw materials in a dry and dark place, using glass or wooden containers, as well as a cardboard box, paper bag or cotton bag. Shelf life #8212; 1 year.

Dandelion rejuvenates facial skin

Dandelion juice nourishes, moisturizes, whitens and rejuvenates the skin. In addition, it helps remove dead cells and gives elasticity. The solar plant is a folk remedy for removing acne, freckles and age spots.

To eliminate freckles, you need to wipe your face with juice from dandelion leaves 2-3 times a day, age spots #8212; 4-5 times a day until noticeable improvement.

Dandelion in cooking

The solar plant is used in cooking, but basically all dishes are strengthening and healing in nature. Therefore, traditional dandelion dishes (jam, salad) can be used to eliminate health problems and boost the immune system.

Experiment by adding inflorescences, leaves and root powder to your usual recipes. For example, in smoothies, vegetable salads, and raw food desserts.

Coffee made from dandelion roots. Recipe

Dandelion jam recipe

1 way. Collect as many flowers as possible during dry weather. When you get home, go through them carefully, remove the dense green part #8212; Only yellow petals with pollen should remain.

Approximate quantity of products: 400 g of flowers, 1.5-2 lemons, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 l of water.

Dandelion leaf salad recipe

Dandelion salad is a healthy spring and summer dish. To give it greater benefits, it is recommended to add a few flowers of the plant.

The healing properties of dandelions are simply amazing. Many consider it a weed that needs to be controlled. However, adherents of traditional medicine have long noticed that it has miraculous healing powers. 😉

#171;Fate always offers you two alternative options. The one you should have chosen and the one you choose#187;

The benefits and harms of dandelion root

During the flowering period, the plant accumulates all kinds of useful substances in its root system:

Dandelion root: beneficial properties

Traditional healers claim that the plant helps in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and mastopathy. It also fights gout and chronic constipation. Medicines containing dandelion roots have a diuretic effect, reduce body temperature and cause an expectorant reflex.


Instructions for use

Dandelion roots are dug up in early spring, when the plant is not active, or in the fall. The stems and leaves are cut off and the roots are washed, dried, crushed into small pieces, and dried. Raw materials are stored for 2-3 years in a paper bag or in a glass jar.

Important! The room where medicinal plants are stored should be regularly ventilated to prevent the appearance of mold.

  1. For atherosclerosis, it is necessary to treat with pure powder (1 large spoon before meals) of dandelion root, but it should be washed down with sweet water, for example: water with honey, sweet syrup.
  2. For liver diseases, arthritis, gastritis, flatulence, ulcers, take 1 large spoon of root (crushed) and pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook for 25 minutes, take 60 ml half an hour before meals.
  3. For hepatitis and stomach diseases, take 1 small spoon of dandelion root powder, add a glass of water, and steam for an hour in a steam bath. Half an hour before meals, drink 1 large spoon of infusion.
  4. In case of giardiasis, also pour a spoonful of powder with water, cook in a bathhouse for a quarter of an hour, cool, strain. Then add another glass of boiling water to the broth. Take 60 ml of warm decoction before meals.

For weight loss

Crushed dandelion roots are often used for weight loss. To do this, prepare a decoction of 2 large spoons of the roots with a glass of water and heat it in a bathhouse for no more than 20 minutes, infuse the decoction overnight and take it before meals.

For hemorrhoids

Tincture: 50 g of dried roots should be poured with half a liter of vodka or pure alcohol, cover with a lid and leave for half a month in a dark place. Take tincture 30 drops before meals.

Important! Shake the contents of the jar from time to time.

How to prepare a decoction

  1. To reduce cholesterol, make a mixture of dandelion roots (100 g), pure alcohol (15 g), glycerin (15 g) and water (17 ml). Take 2 large spoons throughout the day.
  2. To treat cholecystitis, you need to pour crushed and dried dandelion roots (3 large spoons) with water (2 cups), boil, cook for 20 minutes, strain. The decoction should be taken half an hour before meals (0.5 cups).

Dandelion root oil

The roots should be infused in olive or vegetable oil (1:4) in a dark place for about half a month. Apply to affected areas of the body or apply as a compress.

To cleanse the blood, you need to add 1 large spoon of pre-dried dandelion roots, add boiling water and leave for an hour, drink chilled 15-20 minutes before meals, 60 ml in 4 doses.

A decoction is widely used to lighten pigmentation and freckles. Preparing the decoction is very simple: add dandelion roots to water and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, then cool the decoction, strain and wipe your face with a moistened cotton pad in the morning and evening. You can also freeze the broth, wipe your face with medicinal ice cubes 2 times a day, or better yet, after using a mask or scrub.

To treat eczema, you can prepare an ointment containing dandelion root powder and liquid honey. The proportions for preparing the miracle ointment are taken in equal quantities. This ointment also treats sunburn of the skin.

For conjunctivitis

For conjunctivitis of the eyes, the juice obtained from the leaves is usually used. Fresh dandelion juice is diluted with water (1:10) and the eye mucosa is washed. Also, at the same time, a solution should be ingested: dandelion juice (1 ml) is diluted in a glass (200 ml) of water. Take a small spoon 3-4 times a day.

Important! You should not take infusions of dandelion roots orally if you have inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause a deterioration in health to the point of fainting.

Dandelion root during pregnancy

In general, dandelion has no contraindications during pregnancy, but it is worth limiting the amount of medicinal plant consumed. During this period, women have hormones in their liver in large quantities, and infusions, teas, and decoctions of dandelion roots completely cleanse the liver, removing both harmful and beneficial substances. You can also make dandelion jam. The root can also be used instead of coffee. First chop the roots, then fry them.



© Treatment with folk remedies - the best recipes

The information is provided for informational purposes.

Dandelion root is the most accessible and valuable medicinal plant. The inulin content in it helps stabilize normal liver function and helps diabetics. increase appetite, reduce painful spasms and help cleanse the blood. Dandelion roots also help in the production of breast milk in women during lactation.

During the flowering period, the plant accumulates all kinds of useful substances in its root system:

  • inulin 25%, sucrose 21%;
  • triterpene compounds, carbohydrates, sterols, protein, fatty oil, mucus, resin;
  • carotene, lenoleic, ascorbic and oleic acids;
  • flavonoids, rubber;
  • vitamins B, B2, A and C;
  • trace elements: magnesium, manganese, boron, choline, copper, sodium, nickel, iron, potassium, phosphorus, cobalt, molybdenum, calcium;
  • milky juice

Dandelion root: beneficial properties

Traditional healers claim that the plant helps in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and mastopathy. It also fights chronic diseases. Medicines containing dandelion roots have a diuretic effect, reduce body temperature and cause an expectorant reflex.


Despite the fact that it also contains disadvantages. You should not use infusions of dandelion root for ulcers, intestinal diseases, duodenal diseases, diarrhea, etc. An allergic reaction is possible due to individual intolerance to the medicinal plant. Cannot be used if the bile ducts are blocked. In case of overdose, vomiting and fever occur.

Instructions for use

Dandelion roots are dug up in early spring, when the plant is not active, or in the fall. The stems and leaves are cut off and the roots are washed, dried, crushed into small pieces, and dried. Raw materials are stored for 2-3 years in a paper bag or in a glass jar.

Important! The room where medicinal plants are stored should be regularly ventilated to prevent the appearance of mold.

The basic recipe for a medicinal infusion based on dandelion roots is: powder (grind in a coffee grinder), 1 large spoon and a glass of boiling water. Pour the powder with water, insist and drink instead of tea, but not more than 250 ml. This tea will cope with chronic constipation and increases appetite.

  1. For atherosclerosis, it is necessary to treat with pure powder (1 large spoon before meals) of dandelion root, but it should be washed down with sweet water, for example: water with honey, sweet syrup.
  2. For liver diseases, gastritis, flatulence, you should take 1 large spoon of root (crushed) and pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook for 25 minutes, take 60 ml half an hour before meals.
  3. and stomach disease, take 1 small spoon of dandelion root powder, add a glass of water, and steam for an hour in a steam bath. Half an hour before meals, drink 1 large spoon of infusion.
  4. In case of giardiasis, also pour a spoonful of powder with water, cook in a bathhouse for a quarter of an hour, cool, strain. Then add another glass of boiling water to the broth. Take 60 ml of warm decoction before meals.

To treat tumors and hardenings, the powder is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Spread the paste on gauze or a bandage and apply it to the swollen area as a compress. The procedure is carried out until the tumor subsides. Can be used on various parts of the body (in the groin, under the armpit or on the female breast).

For weight loss

Crushed dandelion roots are often used for weight loss. To do this, prepare a decoction of 2 large spoons of the roots with a glass of water and heat it in a bathhouse for no more than 20 minutes, infuse the decoction overnight and take it before meals.

For hemorrhoids

An infusion based on dandelion root helps to cure kidney inflammation, remove worms, skin diseases, jaundice, and tumors. A glass of boiling water is poured into 2 large spoons of dandelion roots and infused for 10 hours in a dark place, then filtered; it is recommended to drink the infusion within 24 hours.

Tincture: 50 g of dried roots should be poured with half a liter of vodka or pure alcohol, cover with a lid and leave for half a month in a dark place. Take tincture 30 drops before meals.

Important! Shake the contents of the jar from time to time.

How to prepare a decoction

To do this, you will need crushed roots, but you should not grind them to a powder state, you need a coarse grind. Place 5 large spoons of dandelion roots in boiling water and cook under a closed lid for no more than 25 minutes. Take half a glass of warm decoction daily an hour before meals.

  1. To reduce, make a mixture of dandelion roots (100 g), pure alcohol (15 g), glycerin (15 g) and water (17 ml). Take 2 large spoons throughout the day.
  2. To treat cholecystitis, you need to pour crushed and dried dandelion roots (3 large spoons) with water (2 cups), boil, cook for 20 minutes, strain. The decoction should be taken half an hour before meals (0.5 cups).

Dandelion root oil

The roots should be infused in olive or vegetable oil (1:4) in a dark place for about half a month. Apply to affected areas of the body or apply as a compress.

To cleanse the blood, you need to add 1 large spoon of pre-dried dandelion roots, add boiling water and leave for an hour, drink chilled 15-20 minutes before meals, 60 ml in 4 doses.

For face

A decoction is widely used to lighten pigmentation and freckles. Preparing the decoction is very simple: add dandelion roots to water and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, then cool the decoction, strain and wipe your face with a moistened cotton pad in the morning and evening. You can also freeze the broth, wipe your face with medicinal ice cubes 2 times a day, or better yet, after using a mask or scrub.

To treat eczema, you can prepare an ointment containing dandelion root powder and liquid honey. The proportions for preparing the miracle ointment are taken in equal quantities. This ointment also treats sunburn of the skin.

For conjunctivitis

The juice obtained from the leaves is usually used. Fresh dandelion juice is diluted with water (1:10) and the eye mucosa is washed. Also, at the same time, a solution should be ingested: dandelion juice (1 ml) is diluted in a glass (200 ml) of water. Take a small spoon 3-4 times a day.

Important! You should not take infusions of dandelion roots orally if you have inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause a deterioration in health to the point of fainting.

Dandelion root during pregnancy

During this period, a woman is especially attentive to her health and nutrition. Can dandelion be used for medicinal purposes during pregnancy? It’s possible, but only its roots. Teas based on the root help pregnant women: relieve constipation and improve digestion. These are the most common problems that occur in women during this period.

In general, dandelion has no contraindications during pregnancy, but it is worth limiting the amount of medicinal plant consumed. During this period, women have hormones in their liver in large quantities, and infusions, teas, and decoctions of dandelion roots completely cleanse the liver, removing both harmful and beneficial substances. You can also cook it. The root can also be used instead of coffee. First chop the roots, then fry them.

Dandelion root coffee, or more correctly, a coffee drink made from dandelion roots, can be prepared all year round. From fresh, just dug up roots - in spring, summer and autumn, or from pre-collected and dried roots - in winter. The process of making coffee from dandelion roots is very simple and this drink is not difficult to make even in unpretentious field conditions.

Dandelion (Taraxacum) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants. The main part of the dandelion is its roots, which contain up to 40% inulin, up to 20% protein substances, up to 15% sugar, organic acids, vitamins C, B2, P, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphotriterpene compounds, sterols, nicotinic acid, choline, wax, flavonoids, tannins. For medicinal purposes, dandelion roots are collected in early spring or late autumn, since in summer the roots are depleted by the flowering of the plant and are of no medicinal interest.

To make one mug of coffee, the roots of two or three large dandelions are enough. You won’t be able to pull the roots out right away; it or most of it will come off and remain in the ground, so it needs to be dug up. To do this, we will make a digging stick. Here is the actually extracted dandelion root, in the first photo - fresh from the ground. The second one is already slightly cleaned. The roots of large dandelions are as thick as a pencil; the thicker the root, the richer the coffee made from dandelion roots will be.

Place the dry container with the prepared roots on the fire and fry them well. During the frying process, dandelion roots must be constantly stirred so that they do not stick to the dishes and burn. The dishes will then be difficult to wash, and the burnt roots will give the finished drink a bitter taste. When excess moisture is removed from the dandelion roots, they stop sizzling, a delicious smell appears, and they turn dark brown in color—the roasting process can be considered complete.