For owners of dogs of all breeds, the quality of life of their pets is of great importance. Timely implementation of preventive procedures, such as vaccinations, a balanced diet, and outdoor exercise, does not always guarantee the dog increased immunity and impeccable health.

Some are, in principle, unstable to all kinds of diseases. The reason is mainly the lack of natural selection in the process of forming the breed’s exterior, and with artificial breeding, excellent immunity was not always the goal (exterior is the special appearance and constitutional characteristics of a dog belonging to a certain breed).

Pet monitoring

In order to be able to react in time to the first signs of illness in an animal, every owner must be able to monitor their pet and pay attention to changes. When observing a dog’s behavior, it is worth paying special attention to behavioral reactions associated with positive and negative stimuli.

A sick animal may show unexplained aggression or lack of interest in things that previously interested it (favorite toys, other dogs or people). Against the background of the illness being experienced, almost any dog ​​loses its appetite or refuses solid food, paying attention only to water. The cause can be either simple indigestion or a serious inflammatory process or heat stroke.

In order to verify the true causes of the malaise, it is necessary to measure the animal’s body temperature. A dog's temperature is slightly higher than a person's. It ranges from 38.5 to 39 degrees. Exceeding these readings is a reason to take serious measures. A low temperature also indicates a critical condition of the animal. It can occur during hypothermia, in an exhausted animal, or in a dog with chronic diseases.

How to measure a dog's temperature?

The body temperature of a dog, cat or small rodent is measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. The measuring surface of the thermometer must be pre-prepared: disinfected and lubricated with cream (preferably Vaseline-based). The animal must stand during the measurement process.

The assistant or the person measuring must support the animal under the belly without letting it sit down. The thermometer should be inserted to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. To ensure the safety of the animal and the owner measuring the temperature, it is better to use an electronic thermometer rather than a mercury thermometer. It is better to put a muzzle on a hyperactive or aggressive animal. As a reward for obedience during the measuring procedure, the dog should be rewarded with praise or a tasty gift.

Walking observation

When walking, you need to watch your dog especially carefully. Many animals, even representatives of the noblest breeds, show interest in waste and feces (the fact that a dog has been repeatedly seen eating its own waste indicates that the animal has a serious mental disorder and requires the intervention of specialists). If sharp bones and hard-to-digest plastic and polyethylene particles enter your dog's digestive system, they can cause serious digestive problems. While walking, every caring owner is obliged to monitor the shape and consistency of the animal’s excretions.

Excessive dryness or fluidity of stool may be a sign of poisoning or constipation. A change in the color of urine or the nature of urination (in frequency and quantity) may indicate kidney disease (the normal color of urine is transparent, the saturation of the color must be noted by the owner, as well as the loss of color).

First aid for illness

Caring for a sick dog is very similar to caring for a sick person, and this is no coincidence. Dogs, like people, are mammals. At the first signs of illness (discharge from the eyes and nose, temperature, altered mood, loss of appetite), the animal needs to be put into care mode and some components of first aid for the dog should be taken care of.

It is necessary to ensure peace and absence of irritants, provide free access to water at room temperature and easily digestible food, in case of hypothermia - provide warmth, in case of heat stroke - the outflow of excess heat. All these measures are not suitable for treatment, but to prevent the deterioration of the animal’s condition.

At the first opportunity, a sick dog should be shown to specialists. If this can be done, avoiding transportation, then the likelihood of a speedy recovery will increase significantly, since the stress of moving in a state of illness can adversely affect the general condition of the animal.

When a person adopts a dog, he takes full responsibility for its future. This is not only about proper nutrition and regular walks, it also means assistance in the treatment and prevention of diseases. It should be noted that dog diseases, the symptoms of which are varied and numerous, have become a common cause of premature death in dogs in recent years. The problem with dog diseases is that a pet, unlike a person, cannot tell others what hurts and where it hurts, so the owner is called upon to treat the pet with trepidation and increased attention.

General information about dog diseases

Main groups of diseases:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the mouth, ear, nose and throat;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Endocrine diseases arise from various disruptions in the functioning of endocrine glands that do not have excretory ducts, releasing hormones directly into the blood. These glands include the thyroid gland, pineal gland, pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, adrenal glands, gonads and secretory parts of the pancreas. Endocrine diseases in dogs can occur in two forms: with an increase in the amount of hormones released into the blood and with a decrease. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose; pets are often diagnosed in the final stages, when there is very little chance of curing the dog.

Infectious diseases are associated with the direct entry of a pathogenic microbe into the pet’s body. Let us note that infection and development of the infectious process is possible only if the dog’s body is susceptible to the microbe. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Therefore, dogs with weakened immune systems, puppies and old dogs get sick. Sometimes an infectious process is layered on top of another, which aggravates the course of each disease. In the vast majority of cases, diseases occur quickly and threaten the dog with death. Spread through the air or through direct contact. There are frequent cases of epidemics among dogs.

Diseases of the circulatory system are divided into heart diseases and blood vessel diseases. Typically observed in adult dogs.

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose and mouth are divided into traumatic, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Similar diseases occur in dogs more often than others; these organs are the first to come into direct contact with various agents. The complexity of such diseases lies in their secrecy: in the initial stages, identifying the disease is problematic, the dog does not show signs of the disease.

Eye diseases are not uncommon among dogs, but are observed in adult pets. The main eye diseases include cataracts (clouding of the lens), iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris and ciliary body), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva).

Skin diseases differ according to the causes of occurrence and the location of the pathological focus (on the skin, in the hair, on visible mucous membranes).

Diseases of the digestive system are the result of improper and irrational feeding of the dog, although sometimes the cause of such diseases is banal poisoning with bad water or food.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are considered especially dangerous after the age of 8 years and during puppyhood. With such diseases, the body suffers: the dog’s bones, internal organs.

It should be noted that kidney diseases, in particular urolithiasis and liver diseases, are considered common pathologies among dogs. It is important to know the symptoms of distemper, which is sometimes called canine distemper.

Dog diseases: distemper - symptoms

It is a viral disease, characterized by damage to the skin, digestive and respiratory organs; in rare cases, the development of meningitis and encephalitis is noted. The virus affects dogs of all ages, although dogs between one month and two years of age are predominantly affected. Even marine animals are susceptible to the disease. Terriers are considered relatively resistant to canine distemper and humans do not get sick.

Clinical signs of plague are varied:

Asymptomatic virus carriage or a lightning-fast, violent course occurs. The duration of the disease can range from several days or weeks to several months. When the clinical picture of the disease is dominated by symptoms of damage to the respiratory system, they speak of a pulmonary form of the disease, when the nervous system is extensively affected, they speak of a nervous form. This division is arbitrary; symptoms of damage to the digestive organs often prevail in the clinical picture. Sometimes there is a combination of damage to the respiratory system and skin, the nervous system becomes the final stage of the development of the disease.

Canine distemper begins to manifest itself with the appearance of a pustular or macular rash on the inner surfaces of the thighs, with a runny nose, diarrhea, depression of consciousness, temporary refusal to feed, and redness of the conjunctiva. As a rule, there is an increase in body temperature, although, for example, in dwarf poodles or some other breeds of dogs, the plague occurs against a background of normal temperature. At the same time, the animal hides in dark places and refuses to walk. The dog's skin becomes dry.

It is possible to develop hyperkeratosis on the elbows and small focal baldness. There are discharges from the nose, which are transparent in the first stages of the development of the disease, but become mucopurulent over time. Sometimes there is clouding of the cornea, sticking or redness of the eyelids, shortness of breath appears, and wheezing is heard. The intestinal form of the disease is characterized by the development of diarrhea and vomiting.

Symptoms of damage to the nervous system include the appearance of tics, which begin in the muscles of the head. At the first stages it is not intense, but later it spreads to the limbs and becomes pronounced, as a result the animals do not sleep at night and often whine. Paralysis, paresis, and hyperkinesis gradually develop. At the last stage, meningoencephalitis develops, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and ends in death.

Treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Liver disease in dogs: symptoms

Liver diseases in dogs can occur in acute or chronic form. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of diagnosed liver diseases in dogs, which is directly related to violations of the feeding regime of pets and the widespread prevalence of autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the cause of liver disease in dogs is iatrogenic lesions (caused by a veterinarian).

Symptoms of liver disease in dogs are conventionally divided into a number of syndromes, among which are usually distinguished:

  • cholestatic syndrome;
  • cytolytic syndrome;
  • mesenchymal inflammatory syndrome;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • dyspeptic syndrome;
  • portal hypertension syndrome;
  • hepatolienal syndrome;
  • hepatodepressive syndrome;
  • liver shunt syndrome.

Cholestatic syndrome involves a violation of the secretion and release of bile, which is manifested by skin itching, jaundice, a tendency to eczematous skin lesions, and stool discoloration.

Cholestatic syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of liver cells and leads to fever (increased temperature), enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and an increase in liver enzymes is observed in blood tests.

Mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome is characterized by damage to the stroma and mesenchyme of the liver, which is manifested by an increase in the level of immunoglobulins.

Hemorrhagic syndrome is manifested by various bleedings and hemorrhages, anemia.

Portal hypertension syndrome is manifested by an increase in the size of the abdomen and dilation of the veins on the skin of the abdomen.

Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by lethargy, depression, vomiting, defecation disorders and weight loss.

Hepatolienal syndrome is manifested by an enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Hepatodepressive syndrome is manifested by a violation of the protein-synthesizing, antitoxic and excretory functions of the liver; the symptoms are very numerous.

Liver shunt syndrome allows life-threatening substances to enter the dog's general bloodstream, causing damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs

Kidney diseases are reported more often in dogs than in other animals, and their frequency increases over the years. According to scientists, in dogs over 8 years of age, in almost fifty percent of cases, pronounced symptoms of kidney damage are revealed during studies. With histological examination, the number increases to eighty percent.

The main syndromes of kidney damage include:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • uremic syndrome;
  • pain syndrome;
  • osteorenal syndrome;
  • renal eclampsia syndrome.

Pain syndrome is manifested by the dog's desire to lie in a cold place, frequent arching of the back, the need for frequent urination, pain when urinating, soreness of the back muscles (can be checked by pressing with fingers), swelling and transient paresis.

Nephrotic syndrome is manifested by edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, oliguria and cylindruria, detected during laboratory tests.

Uremic syndrome is manifested by apathy, lack of appetite, vomiting, persistently recurrent diarrhea, urine odor from the mouth, anemia and anuria.

Osteorenal syndrome is characterized by bone deformation and osteoporosis, hypocalcemia and osteodystrophy.

Renal eclampsia syndrome manifests as tonic-clonic seizures, nephrotic syndrome, and episcleral vascular injection (red eyes).

Urolithiasis in dogs: symptoms

Urolithiasis in dogs is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder or their retention in the ureters or urethra.

This disease is considered a relatively rare disease for dogs, in contrast to cats, in which urolithiasis is often recorded. It is common for dogs to develop bladder stones.

Predisposing factors to the development of urolithiasis in dogs are:

    • age (usually found in dogs aged 2-8 years);
    • gender (occurs equally often in both sexes, urethral obstruction occurs more often in males);
    • breed (large breeds are less susceptible to the disease than small ones);
    • diet (food rich in protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium provokes the development of the disease);
    • indoor maintenance and exercise (the list includes infrequent walks, a small amount of water in the bowl and low physical activity).

The main symptoms of urolithiasis in dogs include:

  • vomiting and pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • tension when urinating;
  • blood in urine;
  • weakness;
  • depression;
  • constant leakage of urine in drops;
  • loss of appetite.

The disease is registered at the moment when the stone begins to leave the place of formation and becomes wedged in a narrow place in the urethra, causing urinary retention. Such a situation in veterinary practice is considered urgent, requiring immediate and adequate treatment, otherwise there is even a risk of death of the dog.

In veterinary practice, the maximum period of acute urinary retention is taken to be two days; as the duration of urine retention increases, the chance of saving the dog is extremely small. In such a situation, the dog tries to urinate, but to no avail, urine is released in rare drops. The animal strains and sits down. Signs of intoxication gradually appear - convulsions, vomiting, lethargy and refusal to feed.

In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed during a timely and regular preventive examination of the pet, during which urine tests are taken, where relevant changes are detected (sand, crystals or cylinders).

This situation of diagnosing urolithiasis in dogs is due to the fact that dog owners do not bring their pets for examination on time.

Often those who get a dog at home for the first time do not know all the subtleties and nuances of feeding, caring for and raising it. But there is nothing difficult about it - if you have the desire, you can easily learn all the skills. After all, even young parents often, after the birth of a child, do not know how to change his diaper, how to feed him and change his clothes. Over time, knowledge and experience becomes more and more, and after a few years an experienced mother herself is able to give answers to questions about the health and upbringing of the child.

A dog can be compared to a newborn child who has appeared in your family. She also cannot tell you what worries her or where it hurts. And your task, as a sensitive owner and faithful friend, is to recognize in time that some changes are taking place in the animal’s body. We will present you with some symptoms that may indicate that your dog is sick.


The first thing that occurs during any disease is discomfort and pain in various situations. Therefore, the dog’s behavior changes during illness.

  1. Often during illness the dog becomes lethargic, sleepy and apathetic. She is no longer interested in the games that she always enjoyed. The dog hides in a far, dark corner so that no one will touch it. Pets prefer to experience illness alone.
  2. Another sign of the disease is lack of appetite. It happens that a dog refuses to eat if you overfeed him or he spends little time in the fresh air. If these reasons are excluded, then poor appetite may be a consequence of malaise.
  3. Sometimes a dog can become aggressive even with those it has known for years. This happens when a sick animal is squeezed and forced to play. Treat your pet with understanding; do you lead an active lifestyle when you are sick?
  4. Sometimes the dog may not eat, but drinks a lot. This indicates food poisoning or an infectious disease (if the temperature rises and the body sweats). High fluid intake may be a symptom of diabetes.
  5. Sometimes the dog may experience vomiting and severe shortness of breath. In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  6. Constipation or diarrhea (especially with blood) is also a good reason to urgently take your friend to the doctor.
  7. The normal body temperature of a dog is 38.5-39 degrees. If it is significantly higher or lower, you need to consult a specialist. A high temperature indicates an infectious disease or inflammatory process in the body. Low body temperature is very dangerous, and most often indicates intoxication or internal bleeding.

It is very important to closely monitor your pet in order to recognize the disease as early as possible. Early diagnosis of the disease ensures more productive and effective treatment.


If the dog is sick for a long enough time, or the painful symptoms are sluggish, after a while the pet’s appearance may change.

  1. A healthy dog's coat is usually shiny and smooth. If the pet does not receive enough vitamins and microelements (due to poor appetite or indigestion), then the coat becomes dull and faded.
  2. Due to malnutrition and refusal to eat, the dog rapidly loses weight.
  3. If inflammatory processes occur in the body (especially with an increase in temperature), the nose remains hot and dry all the time.
  4. Sometimes the movements may be imprecise, and spontaneous twitching of some muscle groups appears.
  5. Unusual discharge may appear from the nose, ears, eyes and mouth.
  6. An unpleasant odor often comes from the mouth of a sick dog.
  7. When your pet is sick, his salivation increases.
  8. It happens that the dog’s ears, chest, upper and lower eyelids swell, making the pet’s face puffy. Most often this indicates an allergic reaction.
  9. Sometimes a dog may bleed - from the nose, mouth, ears, anus. Such symptoms indicate an urgent need to transport the pet to a veterinary hospital.
  10. Sometimes it happens that a dog's belly suddenly increases in size. Most often this indicates gastric torsion. This occurs due to the twisting of the spleen around the esophagus. In this case, the passage of food is disrupted. With this diagnosis, the dog becomes restless, sometimes lies down, sometimes gets up, and howls. This requires immediate medical attention.
  11. If a dog has photophobia, it hurts to swallow, it has become aggressive and there are signs of paralysis - rabies appears on the face.

Any deviation from the dog's normal behavior should alert you. In order not to miss the disease, you need to examine your pet more often - fur, mouth, ears, etc.

What to do if your pet is sick

If the dog is simply lethargic and refuses to eat, do not rush to take it to the doctor. This could be a sign of improper feeding, mild poisoning, or simply a sign of longing for a friend. In this case, you need to show maximum care and love.

If you suspect your pet is unwell, you need to monitor him for some time - measure his body temperature in the morning and evening, provide warmth and a gentle regime, give him his favorite treat, and feed him light food. If the discomfort does not go away, consult a doctor.

You should also seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible if there is repeated vomiting, blood in the stool or vomit, if the dog whines in pain or behaves unnaturally. A doctor should be consulted if any suspicions about the behavior or appearance arise in relation to the puppy.

Typically, an experienced dog breeder and attentive owner will not have questions about how to recognize a pet’s illness. Treat your dog like a friend - with warmth and care. And then you yourself will understand if something wrong happens to the animal. Be attentive to your pet, because he can only rely on you.

Video: how to tell if your dog is sick

How can you tell if your dog is sick? How to distinguish the onset of a serious illness from simple malaise or overwork?

The main rule is no panic. A single case of vomiting, an upset stomach or a hot nose of a dog does not always serve as a reason to sound all the bells. For urgent emergencies that require immediate assistance to the pet, a caring dog owner simply needs to pack it and have it on hand.

The difficulty is that dogs cannot tell us where and what hurts them. Some have strong endurance, do not whine or complain about anything, and it is quite difficult to understand the condition of such a dog. But you can, if you wish. Write down or remember the identified bad symptoms before going to the veterinary clinic. Based on individual symptoms, it will be easier for the doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct diagnosis and treatment.

What does a dog in good health look like?

Dogs that are in good health have an excellent appetite, are active, cheerful and mobile. The coat is shiny, shedding is moderate 2 times a year. The nose is cool and wet, but not always. During sleep, immediately after the dog wakes up, after an active walk, in the heat, it may be dry and warm, and this symptom is not a cause for concern. The mucous membrane around the eyes should be pale pink with moderate moisture.

One of the main indicators of health are three: body temperature, pulse and breathing rate.

Normally, dogs have a body temperature of 37.5-39.4°. In miniature dog breeds it is slightly higher than in large dogs. To determine what temperature will be considered normal for your dog, you need to measure it when he is in a relaxed state.

The normal pulsation is from seventy to one hundred and sixty beats per minute. In small dogs and puppies the heart rate can reach 180-220 beats per minute; in large and giant breeds the heartbeat is slow. You can feel the pulse on the left side of the chest under the dog's elbow, or on the inner surface of the thigh, where the main cardiac artery passes. It is enough to count your pulse for 20 seconds and multiply the result by three.

Respiration rate is also an important indicator. Normally, it is from twelve to twenty-five respiratory movements per minute. In puppies and small dogs, breathing rates may exceed these values. Respiratory activity can be determined by the rise and fall of the chest or contraction of the abdomen when the dog sleeps.

All three of these indicators must be determined in your dog in a healthy state and recorded. In order to compare how much the indicators differ from the norm in case of the onset of the disease.
I move on to the second part of my story.

How can you tell if your dog is sick?

Appearance. Of course, a sick dog differs in appearance and behavior from a healthy one. She becomes lethargic and apathetic, may hide in dark corners, lose her appetite, suddenly lose consciousness, and whine. Or, on the contrary, she becomes too excited, coordination of movements is disturbed, pupils float, sleep and rest periods are disturbed.

Coat. The dog's coat may become dull, faded, heavy shedding out of season, yellowness of the skin should be alarming.

Eyes, mouth and nose. Purulent discharge from the eyes, nose, unpleasant odor from the mouth, dry nose, skin on the nose with cracks, all this is a reason to worry. Pale, abundant discharge may indicate anemia, icteric discharge may indicate liver damage, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis, with blood clots - indicate serious infections or poisoning, bluish discharge - indicate abnormalities in the blood or heart system.

Problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach upset, vomiting, constipation that does not stop for more than one day, bloating and overflow in the abdomen can indicate serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Stool with blood or almost black stool is especially dangerous; internal bleeding is possible. Also pay attention to increased drooling from the mouth (if the breed was not slobbering at all before), to increased insatiable thirst (in the heat, dogs drink more water and this is normal).

Genitourinary system. Urinary incontinence or frequent urination, color change (normal yellow without impurities), pain in the back, hunching. Also, a sickly sweet smell from the mouth indicates kidney problems. Purulent discharge from the loop in females and the genitals in males may indicate the onset of inflammation.

Breath. It becomes very frequent or, on the contrary, rare. Wheezing, hoarse cough, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and tongue, these symptoms may indicate problems with the dog’s lungs or heart.

Dog pose. In its normal state, the dog rests or naps in an upright and relaxed posture, with its limbs extended and straightened. When some organ hurts, she takes a forced position in order to minimize pain and stress. So, for example, with diseases of the lungs and heart, a dog can stand for a long time, with its paws spread wide and leaning against a support, so it is easier for it to breathe. And with kidney disease, lameness in the hind leg may begin, localized in the left or right limb.

All of the above signs of dog malaise vary to varying degrees. In aggregate or individually, but if something worries you about your beloved pet, this is a reason to seek qualified help. Veterinarian consultation can now be obtained either in person or by telephone. Perhaps your case is not dangerous, and everything will be done with a phone call.

Don’t let your dog go, because it suffers and suffers from diseases just like we humans do.
Be healthy, love and take care of your pets!

All the best, see you again friends!
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You don't care, but I'm pleased.
Sincerely, blog author Marina.

Dumb animals cannot complain of illness and name the symptoms of the disease. But an attentive owner immediately notices that the pet is unwell.

Apathy, dry nose, shortness of breath, diarrhea or vomiting are visible signs of the disease. This means you should contact a veterinarian. Dog diseases and their signs are reviewed in detail below.

Timely diagnosis is the beginning of successful treatment. All dog diseases are divided into:

Attention! Some of the diseases in dogs can be dangerous to humans.

Dog diseases and their signs and treatment

Among the huge variety of ailments to which a four-legged pet may be susceptible, we can distinguish two main groups:

  • dangerous to humans;
  • frequently occurring.

Contagious diseases dangerous to humans

What diseases can you get from a dog? These are invasive and infectious diseases, their source most often is stray animals.

Infections pose a threat:

  1. . The pathogen, entering the human blood after being bitten by a sick animal through saliva that gets into the wound, causes severe damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, including the brain. The incubation period lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months, the 2nd, manic stage - 2-4 days, death occurs in severe pain, but with a clear consciousness. In case of suspicious contact, immediately contact the clinic - after the incubation period has expired, rabies cannot be treated. The best method of prevention is animal vaccination.
  2. . Infection with microscopic fungi. They are highly resistant to thermal and disinfecting effects and last a long time in the external environment. Small, hairless, round spots appear on the skin, most often on the head and neck, covered with gray scales. In advanced cases, the spots spread over large areas throughout the body. Prevention consists of timely isolation and treatment, avoiding contact with sick animals, disinfection of care items and premises. Severed crusts and hair should be burned.
  3. (infectious jaundice). Dogs and people can become infected after eating uncooked meat or swimming in contaminated bodies of water. Symptoms are fever, hemorrhagic enteritis, jaundice, nervous disorders, rapid weight loss, bleeding areas in the mouth with a putrid odor. When cured, paresis, chronic nephritis and digestive disorders may remain forever.

Important! The best prevention is hygiene and the destruction of rodents, which can be lifelong carriers of leptospirosis.

Attention! To avoid infection, do not feed your pet raw meat products without a veterinary examination.

Most Frequent

These diseases require a quick response. They are the most common, difficult to treat and even in case of recovery, they can leave the animal disabled. How can you tell if your dog is sick?

Important! Vaccinate your pet in a timely manner.

Modern veterinary medicine has stepped far forward, and in case of vaccination, you will not need to suffer and lament what was not done, seeing the suffering of your pet

If your four-legged friend loses fur

Hair loss in a dog: description of the disease, treatment depends on the causes of this phenomenon, There are two main ones:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • skin pathologies.

Hormonal disorders there are the following:

  • excess of the hormone cortisol ();
  • excess or lack of estrogen;
  • lack of thyroid hormones.

Hair loss in dogs may be a consequence:

We hope that after reading this article, you will be more attentive to your pet. After all, he who is forewarned is forearmed. Remember: understanding the problem and timely pre-medical care can save his life.

Additionally, watch a short video about canine diseases and their symptoms: