The composition and properties of green tea, which make it a valuable component of remedies for bruising and swelling under the eyes. Recipes based on it to eliminate these cosmetic defects, features of their use, contraindications.

The content of the article:

Green tea is an effective, harmless and affordable ingredient in skincare natural cosmetics for dark circles and bags under the eyes. The way our face looks is largely determined by the condition of the eyes. Shining eyes, without such troubles as bruises and swelling, make him attractive, distract from shortcomings. Therefore, it is so important to learn simple recipes using green tea for skin care under the lower eyelids.

Description and composition of green tea

Green tea is better known as a wonderful tonic drink that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the internal organs of a person. The record amount of nutrients in the composition makes it an essential element of cosmetics. That green tea is useful has been known since ancient times. But only in the last decade, scientists have seriously begun to study its effect on human health, cosmetologists have become interested in it.

Get black and green tea from the same plants. The harvested leaves are either crushed and dried to a black state, or steamed to produce green tea. Thanks to this technology, green leaves not only retain their natural color, but also save tannins, which have strong antioxidant abilities, and other useful microelements.

People living in eastern countries honor the ancient culture of tea drinking, and also use tea in home cosmetics. In the homeland of the great drink in China, its properties are highly valued, rightfully considered a medicine that can prolong life, fill it with harmony, energy and peace of mind. It was believed that they can cure about 400 diseases. Especially indispensable was green tea to restore the lost freshness and beauty of the lower eyelid area.

American scientists have established the following phenomenon: where green tea is most consumed, there are almost no skin ailments, although the sun is very active in these places. This happens because of the ability of a special substance found in green tea to suppress the enzyme responsible for the reproduction of cancer cells.

The green drink contains a unique amount of chemicals, most of which are concentrated in the leaves, the most important of which are:

  • Tannins. Green tea of ​​high quality surpasses black tea in the presence of tannins in it twice. Catechins, tannins, polyphenols and their compounds - excellent antioxidants, more effective than vitamins - occupy 1/3 of its composition. They are stimulating in nature, increase immunity, suppress viruses and microbes on the skin.
  • alkaloids. In terms of the amount of caffeine, green tea is ahead of natural coffee. The percentage of caffeine ranges from 1 to 4% and depends on the type of tea, the method of preparation. There is more theine (a milder analogue of caffeine) in small leaves, brewing with boiling water increases its content in a cup of drink. These substances favor the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the skin.
  • Minerals. A huge complex of trace elements is especially relevant due to its lack in modern ecology. Green tea contains fluorine, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, gold and other elements. In addition, it contains essential oils. Most of them are destroyed during brewing, but green tea essential oil extract can be purchased at the pharmacy. These substances nourish, rejuvenate the skin, make it soft and smooth.
  • vitamins. Almost all known vitamins are present in green tea - A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, F, K, P, PP, U. Interacting with each other, they enhance their healing abilities: protect cells from destruction, remove free radicals fighting bacteria and viruses. Tea is rich in vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes, has an antioxidant effect, strengthens skin turgor, makes it supple and elastic.
  • Squirrels. Protein substances make up 1/4 part of tea, especially a lot of them in Japanese teas. When brewing, not all components pass into water, only partially, but the nutritional value of the infusion for the delicate skin around the eyes does not get poorer from this.
  • Amino acids. The composition of green tea has not yet been fully studied, but 17 useful amino acids have been identified in it. For the skin, the most important acid is glutamic acid. It helps to activate the production of its own collagen in the skin, improves its condition, slows down aging, including under the lower eyelids.

Useful properties of green tea

The main cosmetic problems of our time that bring discomfort to the lives of women and men are bags and dark circles under the eyes. The skin there is especially defenseless, since it does not have muscles and adipose tissue, therefore, it needs careful care.

Blue circles are explained by the fact that the skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive, gradually due to poor blood circulation, insufficient moisture, beriberi, it becomes completely transparent, capillaries appear through it, forming bruises under the eyes, harbingers of future edema.

Edema appears due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. The subcutaneous membrane becomes thinner over the years, and fatty tissue begins to be pushed out through microscopic holes through it under the skin. The skin, which has lost its elasticity, is unable to retain adipose tissue, as a result, swelling appears under the lower eyelids, then the swollen pouches sag.

Most often, swelling and bruising under the eyes is only a visual nuisance that worries not only women, but also men. In addition, it can be a symptom of a disease of internal organs, a signal of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The eyes of a modern person work in a very intense mode. The predominance of mental work professions using computers, cell phones, e-books, lack of sleep, overwork, unfavorable conditions for the eyes for a long time lead to the appearance of morning swelling, bags and dark circles.

The most common sources of the problem are the following factors of everyday life:

  1. Insufficiently long, poor-quality sleep on an uncomfortable pillow, a prolonged period of overwork, insomnia;
  2. Unhealthy diet with an abundance of fatty, spicy, salty foods, alcohol abuse;
  3. Smoking, prolonged stay in a smoky room in the company of smokers;
  4. Overweight, obesity, eating large amounts of carbohydrates;
  5. Unbalanced diet, constant lack of vitamins, seasonal beriberi;
  6. Being in a state of fear, depression, stress, accumulated negative emotions - excitement, anxiety, resentment;
  7. Abuse of ultraviolet light, severe sunburn;
  8. Use of cosmetics of poor quality or not intended for skin care around the eyes, applying a special cream directly at night (recommended 30 minutes before bedtime);
  9. Late dinner, heavy drinking at night;
  10. Night vigils at the computer, in front of the TV, doing needlework in poor lighting;
  11. Poor heredity, diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal changes.
Perhaps it is green tea that is most often used in cosmetics as an old, proven skin care product that can eliminate many visual problems, including bruises and bags under the eyes. By the number of useful properties, it can replace a whole vitamin complex. Welding remarkably tones, moisturizes and rejuvenates the dermis.

The popularity of green tea is well deserved due to the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes metabolism in the skin. Flavonoids streamline metabolic processes in the skin. Being an ergotropic product that promotes weight loss, tea increases the energy tone of the dermis, promotes the breakdown of fatty tissue.
  • Stimulates collagen production. The skin under the eyes becomes denser, the subcutaneous membrane becomes less porous, bruises and swelling gradually disappear, and minor wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Improves blood circulation. Vitamin P in green tea is a natural “rejuvenator”, especially useful for mature skin. It strengthens the walls of capillaries, makes them healthy. The stagnation of lymph in the tissues is eliminated, the fluid does not accumulate under the skin, forming swelling under the eyes, but is removed from this zone. At the same time, the dermis is toned and strengthened.
  • Increases the protective properties of the skin. The delicate skin around the eyes becomes more elastic, healthy, and its ability to withstand the negative effects of the environment increases.
  • Fights premature aging and skin aging. Over time, the dermis under the eyes becomes thinner, fades, and capillaries are more noticeable under it. Under the influence of green tea, this process slows down, cell interaction improves, and nutrients saturate the skin. It "gets younger", remains dense, fresh and elastic longer.
  • Moisturizes, softens and smoothes the skin. Dry skin under the eyes is a consequence of the lack of fat, muscle fibers, moisturizing glands in it. Applying green tea leaves under the eyes, we make up for the lack of moisture. The supply of oxygen to the skin is an excellent prophylactic against puffiness.
  • Improves skin color. Tired skin acquires a grayish color, capillaries appearing through it add an unhealthy yellowness or bluish tint. Green tea refreshes the dermis, makes it rested, luminous. By improving blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries, it flows to the integumentary tissues, restoring the natural radiance.
  • Soothes and relieves inflammation. Puffiness and blueness under the eyes, which has arisen after a long stay in a mode unusual for the eyes (in the sun, in front of a computer, near a fire, in dust or smoke), is accompanied by peeling, skin irritation. Essential oils of tea contribute to its rapid healing, neutralize the negative effects of various kinds of radiation, eliminate irritation and, consequently, swelling.

Important! Make sure that bags and dark circles under the eyes are an imprint of a wrong lifestyle or heredity, and not an external manifestation of a disease (heart, kidneys, endocrine system) that requires immediate treatment. Be sure to visit a general practitioner and an endocrinologist, especially if the age is over 35, tea will not help in this case.

Contraindications to the use of green tea

The skin around the eyes needs careful, caring care. Green tea does not cause allergies, it is practically harmless when used externally, but some precautions should still be observed.

When using green tea under the eyes as part of home cosmetics, consider the following features:

  1. Product quality. Only the best is needed for the eyes. The maximum usefulness can only be extracted from high-quality large-leaf green tea. The least use is from small grains of tea in the form of granules, in addition, dust particles can get into the eyes and damage the mucous membrane. The sachet option is fine too, as long as they don't contain obvious tea rubbish that doesn't do any good. The color of good tea is light green, pistachio is the best variety, dark, dirty green is spoiled or overdried.
  2. Unwanted Additives. Pure green tea is non-allergic for the vast majority of people and does not harm the skin. But additives in it in the form of flavors, fruit particles, flower petals may be your antigen or too coarse for the thin epidermis under the eyes.
  3. Presence of caffeine. There is more caffeine in green tea than in natural coffee. Therefore, refrain from cosmetic procedures based on it immediately before bedtime. If you are very sensitive to alkaloids, then a surge of vigor inappropriately deprives you of sleep.
  4. color pigment. The color of green tea is not as pronounced as black, but it becomes saturated when brewed with boiling water. Observe the time of exposure to lotions (compresses) indicated in the recipes, otherwise the bruises under the lower eyelids will acquire a new shade, especially if the skin is endowed with aristocratic pallor. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough, you can repeat the procedure several times a day.
  5. Drying effect. Any aqueous solutions lead to drying of the epidermis, including welding. There is a way out - make it a rule after the tea ceremony to blot the skin with a napkin and apply your usual cream under the lower eyelids. If you are struggling with dark circles, then it should be deep moisturizing, toning or anti-aging. If you want to remove bags and swelling, then give preference to a tonic cream with an effect against signs of fatigue and swelling of the eyelids.

Important! It is not necessary to carry out tea procedures for the eyes in the winter before going outside. Moisture-saturated skin will not tolerate frost well.

Recipes for cosmetics with green tea from bags under the eyes

It makes sense to resort to green tea first aid when it comes to cosmetic defects - blue, grayish circles and puffiness around the eyes. You can fight them on your own, the properties of green tea in recipes will come in handy. If the color of the circles under the lower eyelids has other shades - brown, blue-violet, dark yellow, then they are probably caused by some kind of ailment.

Green tea lotion for puffy eyes

To prepare the lotion, you should take green tea in its pure form without flavor enhancers and additives. It is good to supplement tea leaves with a collection of various medicinal herbs, but not necessary.

Recipes for lotions based on green tea for skin care under the eyes:

  • Classic recipe. Pour one or two teaspoons of green tea with soft boiling water (200 ml), leave to infuse and cool to a comfortable temperature, strain the tea leaves through cheesecloth folded in several layers to prevent the smallest particles from getting into the liquid.
  • With chamomile. Make a mixture of a spoonful of green tea with an equal amount of dried chamomile flowers. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and use.
  • With birch leaves. An excellent tonic is prepared as follows: grind a glass of fresh birch leaves, pour sparkling mineral water, leave for 2-3 hours (or until morning) in a tightly sealed glass container. Drain the infusion and combine with an equal amount of cooled green tea leaves.
Store the product in the refrigerator, in a glass jar, use in the morning and evening. Wipe the puffiness area under the lower eyelids with a cotton pad moistened with lotion. The procedure will remove swelling and bruising, simultaneously eliminate the feeling of pain, redness, eye fatigue. It is good to lie down with tea lotion for 10-20 minutes. Time is determined by the severity of the problem. You can make a compress from the lotion or freeze it in the form of ice cubes.

Advice! The lotion is suitable for gentle skin cleansing, including make-up removal.

Cosmetic ice from green tea from bruises under the eyes

The leading position among the remedies for bruising under the eyes is occupied by iced green tea. Its composition is so self-sufficient, saturated with vitamins that it does not need supplements. The main thing is that the tea is of good quality, not counterfeit.

Cosmetic Ice Recipes:

  1. Classic without additives. It is not difficult to prepare cosmetic ice from green tea: brew the leaves with hot water (not boiling water) at the rate of 2 teaspoons of tea in half a glass of boiling water. Cool the liquid, pour into special molds for ice or any convenient containers, put in the freezer. It will take 25-30 minutes, and the ice is ready.
  2. With lemon juice. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to tea leaves. Such ice will refresh, tighten and brighten the skin under the eyes.
  3. With medicinal herbs. Prepare a collection of any dry herbs, for example: cornflower, parsley, oak bark, lime blossom, sage, mint. These plants are best suited for the purpose of removing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Combine a spoonful of herbs and green tea. Next, make ice according to the classic recipe.
Cosmetic ice is easy to use, stored in the refrigerator for a long time, eliminates bruising and swelling under the eyes with regular use. Massage ice cubes into cleansed skin under the eyes in the morning and evening for a refreshing and revitalizing effect.

Green tea masks for bruising under the eyes

Regular use of homemade masks will make the blue under the eyes less noticeable. Nutritious, moisturizing substances of tea and additional ingredients will restore metabolic processes in the skin, improve blood and lymph circulation. As additives, use products with bleaching abilities.

Recipes for nourishing, moisturizing and brightening masks with green tea:

  • With cottage cheese. The mask will require soft, fatty cottage cheese without additives, not too dry, but also without excess moisture. Knead it well and gently apply under the eyes, being careful not to stretch the delicate skin. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then remove with cotton pads dipped in green tea at room temperature.
  • With sour cream. Mix sleeping green tea leaves with high-fat sour cream, and preferably homemade, in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the resulting mass to gauze pads and attach them to the problem area. Lie with the mask for 5-10 minutes, then remove.
  • With mint. Finely chop the green leaves of fresh mint to a pulp and put a spoonful on gauze napkins, previously moistened with green tea at room temperature. Apply wipes to the area under the lower eyelids for 15 minutes. This procedure will refresh, brighten the skin and relieve puffiness.
After keeping the specified time, remove the mask with warm water, then rinse your face with cold. The effect can be fixed with tea washing.

Green tea compresses for dark circles under the eyes

The delicate area under the lower eyelids is rapidly aging, sensitive to overwork, adverse conditions with a dark skin color. Compresses (lotions) cope well with this problem, moisturize the dermis, fill it with energy.

A few simple recipes for bruises under the eyes with a whitening effect:

  1. with parsley. Parsley on its own supports the fading skin under the eyes, and together with green tea they create a magical tandem. Prepare tea, drain the liquid and combine the tea leaves with parsley leaves, chop the mixture in a blender. Put the resulting gruel under the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If the skin is very sensitive, then the mass can be placed between two layers of gauze. The whitening effect of parsley and the tonic properties of the tea will help with bruising.
  2. With potatoes and cucumber. Mix three liquids: cucumber and potato juice, cold brew of green tea, taken in equal amounts. Soak cotton pads in the composition, make a compress under the eyes, soak it for 15-20 minutes.
  3. With milk. Boil milk, divide into two parts. Cool one part, and warm the other slightly. Add some green tea to cold milk. Soak cotton swabs alternately in hot and cold milk, each applying under the eyes for 3 minutes. Repeat 4-5 times. Always finish the procedure with a cold lotion.
During the procedure, you must take a horizontal position. After removing the compress, be sure to apply the cream around the eyes.

Important! Compresses are not prepared from hot decoctions, it is better to cool them to room temperature. More often used cold or frozen lotions.

Lotions from green tea from circles and bags under the eyes

Lotions under the eyes will help erase the traces of a sleepless night, stress, or the consequences of some harmful factors. The procedures performed in the morning will effectively cope with the problem, refresh “tired” skin. Green tea restores elasticity to the epidermis, in order to more effectively get rid of excess fluid in the tissues, other components can be added to it.

Here are some of the best recipes for lotions from the arsenal of traditional medicine for bags under the eyes:

  • Contrasting compresses. You can quickly cope with bruises and swelling under the lower eyelids using the contrast effect. Cool half of the tea leaves by adding ice cubes, and heat the other half, but do not make it too hot so as not to burn the delicate skin. Soak cotton swabs in a hot liquid and apply under the eyes for a few minutes, then cool the steamed skin with a cold compress. Repeat the procedure several times. The best time for her is in the evening after removing makeup and cleansing the skin.
  • From tea bags. The fastest and most effective version of the compress is prepared as follows: squeeze freshly brewed and cooled green tea bags a little and place on a plate in the freezer for 10 minutes. Apply the bags under your eyes and lie down calmly with a compress for 10-15 minutes. The anti-inflammatory components of green tea will cope well with swelling.
  • with potatoes. Grind raw potatoes in a blender or grate on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting slurry in a gauze napkin soaked in tea leaves. Remove the compress after 15 minutes. Another option is to apply potato pulp directly to the skin under the lower eyelids, apply cotton swabs soaked in green tea on top.
  • with cabbage. Squeeze the juice from the cabbage leaves and mix with cold tea leaves at the rate of 1:1. Place cotton pads or swabs soaked in liquid for half an hour under the eyes. Repeat the compresses every evening for several days, and the swelling will disappear.

Important! To get rid of swelling and bruising under the lower eyelids for a long time, perform the procedures at least 2-3 times a week for 2-3 weeks, then a break. If skin problems bother you often, then get used to doing them regularly.

How to use green tea for the skin under the eyes - see the video:

Puffiness and blue circles under the eyes can add 10-15 years. Green tea is endowed with a precious property to keep the skin young and healthy, slow down its aging. An effective fight against dermal problems includes a set of regular procedures based on green tea leaves, where you can introduce natural ingredients at your discretion. The beauty and freshness of the eyes will return the charm and good mood.

Inflamed red eyes, bags under the eyes immediately make the face tired and ugly. You can make your eyes clear, and the skin around - toned, just with the help of sleeping tea. The active components of the tea infusion relieve redness and swelling, tone and tighten the skin, and have an antiseptic effect.

Is tea good for eyes?

Reddened eyelids, bags and swelling - all this makes the face ugly, gray and tired. In this case, eye tea is the first assistant - the drink will tighten the skin, remove inflammation, and restore clarity to the look. Tea tree leaf infusion is an affordable and effective remedy in the treatment of eye diseases. Its action is due to the presence of tannin substance, which is an astringent.

Tea has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing effects, with green and white varieties more effective than black ones. Thanks to the active components of the drink, skin color improves, blood circulation normalizes, and collagen production is activated. Small wrinkles are tightened, the skin becomes elastic.

For swelling and inflammation

Eye swelling and bags accompany some diseases, occur after abundant salty foods, during pregnancy. To reduce this unpleasant phenomenon, brew a strong tea infusion, soak cotton pads in it. Lie down, put soaked discs on your closed eyelids, lie with it for 10 minutes. You can use tea bags - pour boiling water over them, cool, place on your eyes.

Relieve tea from puffiness under the eyes quickly enough to enhance the effect - cool the tea infusion in the refrigerator. You can even freeze tea ice cubes in small containers - ice packs will instantly tighten the skin. Before freezing, add a little lemon juice to the tea - this will lighten dark circles. After removing the compress, apply a thin layer of cream on the eyelids.

Contrasting tea for swelling under the eyes is done like this: prepare a tea infusion and divide it into 2 parts. Freeze one and keep the other warm. When the ice is ready, heat the second part of the tea leaves to body temperature. Soak a cotton swab in warm infusion, apply for a minute to the eyelids. Then remove, wipe with an ice cube, repeat several times. Contrasting procedure sharply tightens the skin, refreshes the look.

In addition to compresses, try tea mask: Pour a few tablespoons of tea leaves with a small amount of boiling water, cool, drain the water and apply thick on the eyelids. Wash off with warm water after 5 minutes. Do not overexpose the mask on the face, otherwise it will stain the skin. The second version of the tea mask - add thick sour cream to the tea leaves. Place the mass in a gauze napkin, cover your eyes for 5 minutes. This procedure nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

With inflammation

In case of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis), inflammation of the eyelids, it is recommended to wash the eyes with tea infusion. The anti-inflammatory effect is more pronounced in the sleeping tea, which stood after brewing for at least 10 hours. But do not use a drink prepared more than a day ago - bacteria are already multiplying in it, aggravating the disease.

For washing with inflammation, use an infusion of:

  • equal parts of tea leaves and chamomile flowers;
  • for conjunctivitis, add a spoonful of dry white wine to a mug of green tea.

How to wash your eyes correctly? Follow the advice:

  • Soak a cotton swab in the prepared tea. The drink should not be too hot, so as not to burn the delicate skin.
  • Rinse along the line of the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner.
  • Be sure to use a separate swab for each eyelid.

If a mote is stuck in the eye, then use another washing method:

  • Take a glass with a diameter a little more than a century in size.
  • Rinse the container thoroughly with soap, pour over with boiling water.
  • Put the glass on a plate, pour the prepared infusion to the brim.
  • Immerse your eye in the tea solution, blink several times.
  • If you need to rinse the other eye, rinse the container again and pour fresh solution.

Drink Recipes

To improve vision, with inflammation of the eyes, you can use herbal infusions inside. Repeshok, eyebright, fennel, blueberries, couch grass, rose hips and lemongrass - they all have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.

Eyebright leaves and agrimony strengthen eyesight, blueberries improve blood circulation in the eyeballs. Rosehip strengthens cells, supplies vitamin C and cleanses the eye vessels. Fennel gives the eyes shine and whiteness.

Try eye health teas:

  • 4 tbsp. l. creeping wheatgrass root pour 5 tbsp. water. Simmer until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Drink 5 times a day for a spoon.
  • 1 tsp dill seeds and 1 cup of boiling water leave for 15 minutes. Consume a third of a cup before the main meals. Course - 1 month, 1 week break.

Precautionary measures

Use large-leaf tea leaves for compresses. Granular varieties contain fewer nutrients, they get dust that can damage the mucous membrane.

Choose an eye tea without flavors or fillers. The compress can stain the skin, so don't keep them on your eyelids for more than 10 minutes. Due to the caffeine content, it is not recommended to make tea lotions at night, the tonic effect can interfere with sleep.

So what does the use of tea bring more - benefit or harm? Of course, there are more positive moments. If you follow all the precautions, you can easily cope with swelling and inflammation of the eyelids.

Traditional medicine recommends white, green and black tea (in bags and brewed) in the treatment of eye pathologies, to improve visual acuity. An allergy test should be performed before using an alternative technique. It is important to remember that for serious progressive diseases, traditional medicine complements conservative methods, but does not replace them. The benefits of the sessions are achieved only with the regular use of tea bags for the eyes 1-2 times a day.

Benefits of tea bags

The most useful are white and green teas of weak tea leaves, however, you can also use tea bags. You should carefully study the composition and avoid flavored additives that can cause skin irritation and an allergic reaction.

The healing effect of natural eye lotions is based on the composition of tea, which is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, micro-, macroelements and essential oils. The first improvements in the external use of a natural remedy are noted on the 3-4th day of admission. Regular washing of the visual organs and face with tea leaves for 1-3 months has the following positive effect on the eyes:

  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of tissue edema in the eye area;
  • disinfection and prevention of purulent processes;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • improved tissue nutrition;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • acceleration of collagen production;
  • general soothing effect on the body.

Indications for the use of welding

This method helps to avoid the appearance of wrinkles under the visual organs.

Eye tea bags are used for cosmetic purposes to prevent wrinkles, maintain skin tone, remove dark circles under the eyes and brighten the eyes. As well as lotions are recommended for the prevention and treatment of the following conditions:

  • barley and chalazion;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased fatigue of the visual organs;
  • visual computer syndrome;
  • glaucoma;
  • night blindness;
  • complete or partial clouding of the lens;
  • cataract;
  • dry eye syndrome.

Application: healthy recipes

Basic Rules

Large-sheet raw materials are suitable for the procedure.

In order for eye tea to give the maximum effect and not cause negative effects, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists:

  • The most useful are brewed large leaves, since in a granulated drink, when a compress is applied, they can scratch the mucous membrane of the visual organ.
  • The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable so as not to provoke a thermal burn of the retina.
  • Eye compresses should not be left on the eyelids for a long time, as there is a high risk of causing irritation and the appearance of black circles.
  • The optimal time for the procedure is early morning. Thanks to caffeine, tea leaves have a tonic effect and will prevent you from falling asleep if you make a compress late in the evening.
  • If itching, burning or pain occurs, you should immediately remove eye lotions from the tea and wash your face with chilled boiled water. The use of flow is not recommended due to the risk of infection.

Tea lotions and washing

The most effective procedures include the following recipes:

A drink with the addition of honey is used for washing and internal use.

  • Lotions with green tea. Brewed 1-2 tsp. in 1 cup. The brew is left for 10-15 minutes. before cooling. Cotton pads are soaked in liquid and applied to the eyes. The optimal duration is 10-20 minutes.
  • Tea for swelling under the eyes. It is used in the form of contrast procedures. First, warm packs are applied, then the eyelid is wiped with a frozen tea cube. You can alternate procedures 3-4 times. However, sessions are contraindicated for glaucoma and problems with intraocular pressure.
  • Compress with black currant. The contents of freshly brewed bags must be squeezed onto cotton pads. In case of inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to keep lotions for 15-20 minutes. To increase visual acuity, additionally drip blackcurrant juice on the cotton wool.
  • Tea with honey. It is recommended to wash your face with honey diluted in a freshly prepared drink twice a day. The temperature should be comfortable. The solution can also be taken orally before meals for ½ cup to improve visual abilities and strengthen the immune system.

With barley, the imposition of cooled wet bags on the nodules helps. The optimal duration of fixation is until the folk remedy reaches body temperature. Then you need to apply the next similar compress.

Redness, swelling, bruising under the eyes - all this is the result of lack of sleep, a long state of stress and overwork. Tea bags on the eyes will help restore freshness to the eyes. Thanks to the beneficial properties of tea, they have become indispensable in facial care.

The brewed tea leaf is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Black tea has a decongestant, tonic effect on the skin. A strong black tea brew is effective in treating conjunctivitis.

Important: black tea lotions are best not used by women with pale, fair skin. The coloring properties of the tea leaf can enhance dark shadows under the eyes.

Features of the use of tea lotions are explained by the beneficial properties of the tea leaf:

  • vitamin B - an element of beauty, helps to remove traces of stress and fatigue on the face;
  • essential oils for wrinkles;
  • tannins;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamins C, P, which are part of tea, strengthen capillary vessels, activate the regenerative processes of the skin.

What does the use of tea bags help with:

  • soothes irritated skin, relieves inflammation;
  • activates the production of collagen, thereby eliminating fine wrinkles;
  • vitamin P is of particular benefit, due to which tea has a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • disinfects the skin, prevents the reproduction of infections and bacteria.

eye lotion recipes

Tea bags are one of the proven, effective ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Important: the effect of the procedure depends on the method of preparation and use of lotions.

A few tablespoons of a dry leaf are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. The dishes are tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse in a dark place. Then a cotton pad is lowered into the tea leaves and lotions are applied under the eyes. Depending on the degree of fatigue and inflammation, compresses can withstand up to twenty minutes. The procedure helps to quickly and effectively, at home, get rid of bruises under the eyes, feeling of fatigue.

When choosing sheets of black tea, for 200 ml of boiling water, you need to take three, and preferably four tablespoons of dry raw materials.

The property and features of the use of tea explains the variety of recipes. So for the preparation of compresses and facial massage, it is good to use black or green tea, frozen in special forms. A slurry of used brewed tea is great as a face mask.

From bags under the eyes

The use of tea bags will help to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes.

A few recipes:

  • Five teaspoons of green tea leaves brew 250 ml of hot water. Cotton pads are dipped in a strong tea leaves and applied to the eyes. How much to keep tea bags is determined independently, according to the degree of puffiness and the severity of the blue.

This is interesting: lotions with green tea are a good remedy for relieving pain and fatigue.

  • One tablespoon of green and black tea is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water. After the tea reaches the required strength, it is frozen in ice molds. In the morning or evening tea cubes rub the skin.
  • An effective remedy for bags under the eyes is contrast procedures (we alternate tea lotions and the use of tea ice cubes). Several procedures and the skin regains a fresh and healthy look. This method is most effective for women after 45 years.

From swelling and bruising under the eyes

Lotions from a leaf of green tea will help to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes. The effectiveness of this tool will be appreciated by people who work in front of a computer monitor for a long time.

For the preparation of lotions, only freshly brewed tea bags are used. They are squeezed and placed in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. While lotions from bruises and swelling are cooling, it is necessary to prepare an additional nutrient mixture of potatoes and cream. A cleanly washed raw potato tuber is rubbed and mixed with two teaspoons of heavy cream. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and gently applied with a sufficiently thick layer to the problem area around the eyes. Fifteen minutes later, the mixture is washed off and chilled tea bags are applied to swollen eyes. The procedure is repeated several times during the week.

From inflammation

An effective remedy for inflammation is lotion from chamomile and tea tree leaf. It is possible to achieve a positive effect as quickly as possible, provided that this remedy is properly prepared and used. Dried chamomile flowers and tea leaves are poured into small fabric bags. The bags are dipped in boiling water and brewed for fifteen minutes. The resulting tea leaves are slightly cooled with slightly warm water, after which the lotions are applied to the damaged area. The exposure time of lotions is no more than fifteen minutes.

Lotions from tea and mint will also help relieve inflammation. To do this, you can add a tablespoon of dry peppermint grass to the tea leaves. The broth is steamed for ten minutes. After that, cotton pads are moistened in tea leaves and applied to inflamed, tired eyes.

Compresses for reddened and tired eyes

Compresses or lotions from eye tea will help restore the beauty and fresh look of the face after a sleepless night. For the procedure, you need to take two tea bags (warm). Having covered their eyes with them, it is necessary to lie down for ten to fifteen minutes. Such lotions for tired eyes change as they cool. It is good if chamomile or mint is additionally used for the preparation of lotions.

Important to remember:

  • a mask for the eye area is prepared only from freshly brewed tea without flavorings and dyes;
  • tea has a strong tonic effect, so the procedure is best done in the morning;
  • black tea tends to stain the skin. Do not exceed the duration of the procedure.

Green tea compresses for dark circles

Green tea eye lotions will help to quickly eliminate traces of overwork. Morning procedures using green tea leaves will restore elasticity and eliminate swelling.

Some of the most effective recipes:

  1. contrast compress. Brew strong green tea. Cool half of the tea leaves, and keep the second part warm, constantly heating. Moisten cotton pads with warm and cold tea leaves and apply them alternately on the skin under the eyes.
  2. Tea bag compress. Already brewed green tea bags are squeezed and placed in the freezer. After ten minutes, they need to be taken out and applied to the area of ​​dark circles under the eyes. Compresses withstand fifteen minutes.
  3. Green tea with potatoes. The washed tubers are rubbed on a fine grater and wrapped in gauze. The resulting tampon is abundantly moistened in strong green tea leaves. Together, potatoes and tea leaves have a quick decongestant and soothing effect.

Important: to achieve the maximum effect of removing dark circles, green tea compresses must be applied at least three times a week, for a month.

An ordinary tea bag can help in the fight against swelling and redness better than any other cosmetic product. Carrying out cosmetic procedures at home, using proven recipes for tea lotions, you can quickly restore the beauty and health of the eyes.

Washing with strong tea is good for coping with fatigue, inflammation and colds. Tea brewed at night has anti-inflammatory properties. But in no case should stagnation be allowed, since after two days bacteria begin to multiply in it, which can worsen the condition. If you have conjunctivitis or inflammation, a strong infusion of black and green tea with a little dry wine is suitable for you. One spoonful of dry wine per glass of infusion.

To get rid of bags under the eyes, you need to make a compress. To do this, brew black tea, wait until it cools to a warm state, then moisten cotton and apply to closed eyelids. After the procedure, a cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

Tea with chamomile extract. To do this, you need to sew two small bags from gauze fabric, then place a small handful of tea with chamomile in them. After that, these bags should be put in a cup and pour boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. At the end of the specified time, remove the bags and put them on the eyelids in a warm state.

For morning puffiness under the eyes you can get rid of yesterday's brewed tea bag or freshly brewed. Just before using the sachet, place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, then apply it for 10 minutes on puffiness.

How to do it right?

Barley on the eye tea treatment

From barley at home, you can make lotions from tea, for this, take one spoonful of green tea and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, then leave it to brew for 10 minutes so that it brews. After the solution has cooled, soak a sterile cotton swab in the tea solution and apply to the barley. This procedure must be repeated several times.