Offers a full range of Ems devices for physiotherapy and rehabilitation, health and beauty centers, and spa salons.

Our partners are the world's leading manufacturers of physiotherapeutic equipment for rehabilitation treatment, hydrotherapy, massage, fitness and massage training. Based on the assortment, our specialists select equipment that corresponds to the specifics of medical institutions, taking into account all the wishes of clients.

Modern equipment of rehabilitation and physiotherapy departments

The main activity of the Tech-Med company is the comprehensive equipment of clinics and departments of exercise therapy, massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy rooms, balneology, spa salons and health centers. We supply quality products.

The devices are multifunctional and will help you save money when creating a new institution or office. They have a wide range of adjustments and a large range of additional accessories. Among the advantages, we note modern design, light weight, convenient accessories, and a large database of methodological recommendations.

All equipment has GOST certificates and registration certificates from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Medical equipment for physiotherapy and rehabilitation Eme and BTL

Our company is a reliable and proven partner of leading European manufacturers. Over the years of successful work, we have sold hundreds of types of rehabilitation equipment and furniture. Having assessed the quality of services, our new clients become regulars. We respect every customer equally.

Our research department never stands still. We keep our finger on the pulse of new technologies and strive to bring new products to the warehouse as quickly as possible. This means we offer the most modern medical equipment for rehabilitation, including Eme and BTL.

Each device and accessory has a specific function, influencing different systems of the human body, thereby facilitating accelerated healing or maintaining and strengthening the patient’s health.

Multifunctionality of physiotherapy equipment for rehabilitation

A lot depends on technology. Naturally, more complex and modern devices provide more opportunities, and, accordingly, the doctors of this clinic can prescribe more effective procedures.

A multifunctional physiotherapy device is suitable for:

for electrotherapy,
TES therapy,
magnetic therapy,
amplipulse therapy.

This is not the entire list. Thus, the system can be equipped with devices for magnetic laser therapy, inhalers, ionizers, humidifiers, air purifiers, and so on.

We offer only certified plus medical equipment from the best European manufacturers.

Why is physical therapy effective?

Modern technologies and techniques give excellent results without side effects. After undergoing a course of physical therapy, the patient gets rid of the consequences of the disease, addiction, allergies, and recovers faster.

This procedure can be combined with other treatment methods: from “traditional” medicine in the form of mustard plasters, cupping, massage, foot parks, baths to a course of potent drugs and surgery. Physiotherapy sessions are safe and can be done without the help of a doctor. They are prescribed individually, taking into account age, severity of the condition, chronic and acute diseases.

Our company sells therapeutic equipment of any configuration. We have a large warehouse, and if necessary we can deliver goods to order.

Physiotherapeutic equipment. Areas of use

This medical equipment is used in many areas of medicine. They are simply irreplaceable in surgery, dentistry, neurology, obstetrics, gynecology, urology, and cosmetology. Procedures are prescribed to prepare the body for the upcoming main treatment and for recovery after. They are also necessary for general health promotion and relapse prevention.

It is worth buying devices for surgery, therapeutic, neurological, and ENT departments. They will help the body recover after surgery.

Medical equipment for physical cabinets are complex, expensive equipment, and it must be operated according to the rules. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will help increase its service life.

We offer reliable, durable, easy to maintain and operate, repairable devices. We take full responsibility for product quality. By purchasing it from us, you will open up new perspectives for yourself.

Where is the best place to buy physiotherapy equipment?

Therapeutic equipment is necessary in medical institutions for the effective treatment and prevention of various diseases. The Tech-Med company offers advanced devices and instruments from the world's leading manufacturers and guarantees the most favorable purchasing conditions.

Physiotherapeutic devices have long been firmly established in our lives. Thanks to constant technological progress, the use of physiotherapy devices has become possible not only within the walls of a medical institution, but also at home.

1. Darsonvali.

Darsonval devices and their therapeutic effects are based on the external action of pulsed alternating current with high voltage and frequency values.

Thanks to modern developments, it is now possible to use such devices individually at home. Among the best Darsonvals, the Darsonval KARAT-212 device is distinguished.

Thanks to procedures using this method of physiotherapy, such positive effects as activation of metabolic processes, improved blood circulation, oxygen supply, pain reduction, and bacteriostatic effects are achieved.

Darsonval prices are presented in the catalog in the appropriate section.

2. Inhalers and nebulizers.

Very popular today, nebulizer inhalers are perhaps found in almost every home. The fundamental factor in popularity should be the high effectiveness of the inhaler for coughs and runny nose.

Depending on the principle of operation, devices are divided into:

    Compressor inhalers. In such devices, a compressor forces air into the spray chamber. Under air pressure, the drug is “broken” into tiny particles no larger than 3 microns in size.

    Ultrasonic inhalers. Medicines are converted into an aerosol under the influence of ultrasonic waves. A significant disadvantage of such devices is their incompatibility with many medications.

    Steam inhalers. The drug is heated in the inhaler and vapor is produced.

3. Balneological equipment.

This treatment method is associated with water procedures. This group includes baths, water massage systems, oxygen-generating devices, shower cabins, and balneological baths.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by achieving a state of complete relaxation and relaxation by the patient.

4. Massagers and myostimulators.

The effectiveness of this equipment is based on the mechanical impact on certain areas of the body - medical massagers, as well as on the impact of electrical impulses - myostimulators.

Electric massagers are designed for different areas of the body. So, there are massagers for:




    back and shoulders;

    legs and feet, etc.

5. Therapeutic devices and devices.

The group of therapeutic devices in physiology is the most extensive and includes a wide range of different devices.

Therapeutic devices include:

    UHF therapy;

    SMV therapy;

    EHF therapy;

    magnetic therapy;

    laser therapy;

    color therapy;

    UFO, etc.

Each device has a different operating principle and therapeutic effect.

You can buy and select any physiotherapy device in our company’s catalog at the most affordable prices.

Equipment such as simulators for rehabilitation and physiotherapy are used for therapeutic purposes to restore patients after operations and injuries, as well as to prevent functional disorders of the body.

LLC M.P.A. medical partners" offers high-tech rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic equipment from world famous brands. We also design specialized rooms in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, sports centers, fitness clubs and provide after-sales service for exercise equipment.

Equipment for rehabilitation in our company

  • Devices for rehabilitation and physiotherapy, sports and aesthetic medicine. Multifunctional simulators based on electrical, ultrasonic, laser, magnetic, micro- and short-wave effects are used to improve microcirculation, regeneration and tissue trophism. Robotic vertical beds, sensor treadmills, strength and cardio equipment have many settings and are easily adjusted to the physiological characteristics of each patient.
  • Hydrotherapeutic and balneological equipment. Showers and baths with the option of hydromassage, baths based on mud, mineral and thermal waters provide effective therapeutic and SPA procedures.
  • Stabilometric systems. Exercise machines with biofeedback based on the ground reaction force help restore the motor activity of bedridden, partially immobilized and outpatient patients.
  • Equipment for shock wave therapy. Devices for generating acoustic waves are equipped with a wide range of applicators and attachments that specifically target problem areas of patients with urological, neurological, orthopedic and other diseases.
  • Urodynamic systems. Fully computerized equipment provides effective training of the pelvic floor muscles. Saving session data helps track the progress of each patient's rehabilitation.

The rapid development of medicine requires constant improvement of equipment, including physiotherapy.

What devices are used in physiotherapy? How are they different? How do they affect the human body?

Physiotherapeutic devices are widely used in hospitals, outpatient clinics, sanatoriums and boarding houses.

Currently, medicine is fully provided with domestic equipment for various physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, you can choose equipment from different manufacturers. But most of the devices produced in Russia were developed more than 10 years ago and are significantly outdated. Therefore they do not meet international standards.

Recently, the development of physiotherapeutic devices that meet modern requirements has begun. But still, their quality, design and level of service for such devices lags significantly behind foreign ones.

Classification of physiotherapy equipment

Depending on the operating factor, all devices for physiotherapeutic effects are divided into several groups:

  • low frequency;
  • high frequency;
  • ultrasonic;
  • magnetotherapeutic;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • phototherapy;
  • thermotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • mechanotherapeutic and massage;
  • compression;
  • other.

Where are the devices used?

Low frequency equipment is used for:

  • electrophoresis and galvanization (usually Potok-1 and Aksidin are used, Fitera-01 and Fitera-02 are being developed);
  • diadynamic therapy (Tonus-1, DTP50-3, Aksidin);
  • fluctuarization (Fitera-02 and Fitera-03 devices are being developed);
  • electrical stimulation of muscles (Stimul-1, Miorhythm-040);
  • stimulation of organs located in the abdominal cavity (Intraton-3 is used in urological practice, developed by Omnistim, which allows you to select the desired mode for tissue stimulation);
  • electric sleep (ES-10-5);
  • pulsed current treatment (Eter);
  • therapy of sinusoidal modulated currents (Amshshpuls-7/4);
  • interference therapy (AIT-50-02);
  • electroanalgesia (Lenar-2, Transair).

High frequency devices are used for:

  • ultratonotherapy (Ultraton);
  • inductometry (IKV-4);
  • darsonvalization (Iskra-1, Iskra-3);
  • ultra-high-frequency therapy and ultra-high-frequency inductometry (Undaterm, UHF-80-3, UHF-30-2);
  • decimeter therapy (Ranet, Volna-2m operate at a frequency of 460 megahertz, Irma, Thermik, Elektronika-therma operate at a frequency of 915 megahertz);
  • centimeter therapy (Luch-4, Luch-11);
  • extremely high-frequency therapy (Stella, EHF-ND).

Ultrasound machines use ultrasound:

  • low frequency (for the treatment of ENT diseases, Tonzillor and Tonzillor-2 are used, in addition, Tonzillor-2 allows for diagnostic studies, Gineton is used in gynecological practice, and Stomaton is used in dental practice);
  • medium frequency (UZT 1.08 F, UZT 1.03 U).

Devices for magnetic treatment operate with a magnetic field:

  • running (Alimp-1, in ophthalmology they use Atos, which can be equipped with an Amblyo attachment, which has a photostimulating effect);
  • rotating (Polyus-3 allows for magnetophoresis, Polyus-3U and Polyus-4 have a large set of inductors characterized by different purposes);
  • pulsed (Gradient-1, Gradient-2 (has an expanded potential of the operating mode), Polyus-2, Cascade emits low-frequency pulses of a special shape, Intramag is used in urological practice);
  • high-intensity (Avimp);
  • three-phase (Hummingbird).

Physiotherapeutic devices for laser therapy differ in operating mode and use different attachments and emitters. The devices included in the Mustang series have 8 modifications that differ in operating mode. The Milta F-8.01 device is capable of performing diagnostic procedures.

For ultrasound therapy, Albedo is used, which has 7 modifications that differ in design, AUSI, which allows for magnetic treatment, and Vulcan-1.

Light therapy devices affect:

  • broad spectrum ultraviolet (ORK-21m, ORKU, ON-11m);
  • UV range AB (Solis);
  • ultraviolet light in the C range (for abdominal procedures OUP-1 is used, and for the nasopharynx - OUP-2, BOP-4 has a complex effect);
  • polarized light (Vitastim);
  • visible and infrared light (ATT Matrix).

For heat treatment, a Cascade paraffin heater is used.

Hydrotherapy equipment includes:

  • Department of Water Therapy (VK-3, allows you to take 3 types of shower: ascending, circulating and rain);
  • underwater shower-massage (UGN-3, has 3 tips, of which one shower and two jet);
  • set of showers (KVD, used for contrast showers and Charcot showers);
  • baths for balneotherapy (Zagorye, Titan);
  • grid for bubble bath.

Devices for mechanotherapy allow you to:

  • vibration therapy (Intrafon-1m provides vibroacoustic stimulation, Ormed is used for vibration massage and makes it possible to stretch the spinal column);
  • vacuum massage (Eton-700);
  • massage complex (MK-4 and MK-6).

Compression devices include IP-21SH and Boreal. IP-21SH is available in stationary and portable versions.

Physiotherapeutic equipment also includes:

  • devices for aeroion therapy (Aeroion, Elion-132, or Chizhevsky chandelier);
  • devices for speleotherapy (Haloneb);
  • devices for oxygen therapy (KI-3 and KI-5);
  • apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail (Health, AZ-1);
  • hypoxicator (KP1AT);
  • devices for aromaphytotherapy (Aroma).

Electrotherapy devices

The equipment is used for electrical treatment and uses constant or pulsed currents. Constant frequency currents are used in electrophoresis and galvanization. Galvanization is based on the processes of electrolysis and polarization, changing the content of ions in cells). It restores the functioning of the nervous system, activates the movement of blood and lymph, provides cells with oxygen, increases the concentration of glycogen in the heart muscle, and activates the endocrine system.

Domestic devices “Ion-1” and “Potok-1” are widely used (also available in a wall-mounted version). Italian equipment is also used: “Ionostim-2”, “Ionostim-4”, “Kinesport” in desktop version, have a built-in liquid crystal display.

Irradiation equipment

Devices in this group, depending on the type of radiation, are divided into sound, ultrasonic and electromagnetic.

Sound devices

The domestic device "Intraon-2" is used for conservative removal of stones from the ureters. It also reduces hydrourethronephrosis, treats postoperative intestinal paresis and helps prevent them.

The device stimulates smooth muscles, as a result of which the contractility of the ureter is restored, which facilitates the passage of stones.

Ultrasound machines

Ultrasound has a thermal and massage effect on the body, which allows you to get rid of many ailments. Typically, such devices are made tabletop.

Electromagnetic equipment

The devices generate an alternating electromagnetic field characterized by a high frequency. Under the influence of such a field, eddy currents arise in the tissues, the mechanical energy of which is transformed into thermal energy.

Inductometry is mainly used to treat diseases of the circulatory system.

The most common domestic device is IKV-4. A German-made device “Jasmine” is also used. It deeply warms the tissues and helps destroy malignant tumors, mainly gynecological ones.

Devices for high-frequency electromagnetic irradiation

With ultra-high frequency therapy, the body is mainly affected by an electric field.

The thermal effect of this type of therapy is less pronounced than with inductometry. Basically, heat is generated in those tissues that do not conduct electric current well (including nerve and bone).

Devices for ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic irradiation

The devices generate an alternating electromagnetic field with ultra-high frequency. It can penetrate the body to a depth of 10-12 centimeters. Under its influence, cells are polarized, and their polarity is constantly changing. As a result, the tissues are heated to the desired temperature. If necessary, the necrotic temperature can be reached.

All such devices operate in continuous mode, but some of them can switch to pulse mode.