The worst thing that can happen to a woman is loneliness. What if a man leaves not his family, but his life? 3 years ago, singer Utah lost her husband and was left alone with three children..

The voice and songs of singer Utah are known to many. She began conquering the musical Olympus back in 1999, and since 2005 she has become known as a film composer. The series “Soldiers,” for which Utah worked on the music, turned her life around. The song “Once upon a time” brought her even greater fame. And the singer’s personal life was irrevocably changed by the producer of the series, Oleg Osipov.

In 2006, Oleg and Yuta got married. In 2007, their son Anatoly was born, and in 2010, twins Maria and Ekaterina. In 2011, Oleg passed away. Doctors stated the cause of death as cardiosclerosis. Before this, the producer already had heart problems and suffered a heart attack. Yuta was left alone with three children in her arms. website, the singer told how she was able to become strong and survive the tragedy.

About motivation to live on

At some point, the realization came: I’m now alone, I have three children, and they don’t have a dad. Who should now serve as dad? Me: This did not allow me to go into suffering and depression... And music is the meaning of my life, it sounds in my head constantly. If I have the opportunity to record it and convey it to listeners, this is the highest pleasure. Music and children - these concepts contain my whole life: love, suffering, happiness, joy, and tears.

About supporting loved ones

After my husband died, my mother helped me a lot. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't have managed it. She is my closest person, she was there every second, helped with the children, supported me. Just like now. She is the best mother and the best grandmother.

About talented children

My children are a treasure trove of talent. They do something that I have never been able to do in my life. Both Katya and Masha are both amazing drawers. The truth is so different! These are two unique individuals with their own imagination. Tolik, at the age of 7, sits down at the instrument and composes music! I couldn’t do this at his age... My son also shows miracles in the field of mathematics, he does brilliant math and, like his dad, he has a logical mind. Tolya is generally a copy of Oleg in character. He sometimes reveals things that he could not know and remember due to his age. In some key situations, he behaves exactly the same as his husband. I'm shocked, to be honest. Although I understand that genes are something that cannot be changed.

About children's choices and parents' mistakes

I believe that children choose their parents. There is such a strange system up there, it seems to me. We often get offended by our parents, saying “they didn’t give us enough,” or “they broke us.” Looking back, I understand that perhaps they made mistakes, they were wrong. But it was these mistakes that made me who I am today. And I am grateful to my parents for both their softness and their harshness - for everything. This was only good for me. And so, it seems to me, it was no coincidence that Tolya, Katya and Masha wanted to choose exactly a mother like me.

About what kind of mother you can’t be

Every mother has such a situation when she starts to eat herself: I’m a bad mother, I don’t devote enough time to my child. And the dusting of ashes begins. This is completely biased. We must remember that you are always the best for your child, even if you see him an hour a day because of work. This is enough for a child; children's love is unconditional. We must remember this and not engage in self-criticism. This is my message to all mothers.

About fate and higher powers

To be honest, I believe in fate and I believe that it is good to me. Every time a problem arose, I told myself: “Everything will be fine.” And the problem solved itself. I still have a clear feeling that I am being led and directed. And I even know who. This is Oleg. I believe that he is watching us from above and helping me. The most important thing is faith and optimism. No matter how terrible it may sound, at some point, quite soon after Oleg’s death, I said to myself: “Everything is fine with me, I have three beautiful children, they are with me. I'm happy".

About readiness for new relationships

Of course, I understand that a person will appear who will be close to me, who will become a dad to my children. But now I’m so busy with myself (and the children are also me, and the music is me) that I just don’t see anyone next to me who would fall into my soul. He hasn't appeared on the horizon yet. There are a lot of acquaintances and friends, amazing and wonderful. But none of them are looking for a life partner.

Oleg Osipov was born in distant Kyrgyzstan in the city of Frunze (now Bishkek). During his school years, he studied well, standing out among his peers with his knowledge of the exact sciences. Mathematics, physics and chemistry were easy for him.

In his free time, he went to music school, mastering the skill of playing the six-string guitar. The parents did not pay attention to the acting talents that the boy possessed from the cradle. And at first he himself did not think of earning his bread and butter from them.

From physicists to lyricists

After graduating from high school, Oleg Osipov listened to the advice of his parents about which way to move forward.

In 1992, the young man applied to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where he successfully entered and studied for 6 long years.

But he failed to become an engineer, a researcher, or a teacher. At some point, the young man realized that his calling in this life was completely different, and made a sharp turn from physicists to lyricists, associating himself with the theater.

Oleg Osipov received his acting education at GITIS. Since 2002, his service began in various theaters.

He worked at the Moscow Art Theater, collaborated with the Living Water Theater, and is now an actor at the Stanislavsky Drama Theater.

Chemist-programmer from Sled

The actor’s film career began in 2000, when he first appeared in front of a movie camera in the project “The Death Gene.” In total, he has more than 60 film images to his credit.

In parallel with his work on the theatrical stage, he took part in the filming of such TV series as: “Law and Order”, “Galina”, “Children of the Arbat”, “Soldiers-7”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Glukhar-3”, “Forester” " As a rule, these were episodic roles.

But the most iconic role for the actor was the image of chemist-programmer Sergei Belozerov in the TV series “”. His character not only conducts the most complex research in the laboratory, but also copes well with field missions to collect the necessary evidence.

Perhaps it was for his role in the famous “Trace” that Oleg Osipov came in handy with the knowledge acquired while studying at a technical university. Since his appearance in the detective series, viewers fell in love with him, and directors began to invite him to other projects.

Oleg Osipov continues to combine his service in the theater with work on the set. 2016 brought the actor in the projects “You All Infuriate Me,” “Pennsylvania” and “I Know Your Secrets.” In 2017, viewers saw him as a governor in the film “Circle.” Admirers of the actor's talent are convinced that his best roles are yet to come.

Romantic race car driver

Oleg Osipov prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is known that he married himself twice. The name of the actor’s first wife, as well as the reasons for divorcing her, remain a mystery to journalists. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Nika.

Oleg met his second wife Anna at the theater in 2007. He sang on stage with a guitar, and the girl, a student at that time, was in the audience. At some point, they met their eyes - and he decided everything.

That same evening, the actor escorted his new acquaintance home, and then began spending all evenings with Anna. Three weeks after they met, Oleg proposed marriage to the girl, and the wedding took place in January 2008.

  • In his free time, Oleg Osipov enthusiastically drives a car, going on trips over short and long distances.
  • He recreates his travel impressions and other experiences in his own songs, for which he writes the music himself.
  • His wife taught Oleg to play billiards, and since then it has been one of the family’s favorite pastimes.
  • The actor rides horses.

“Where the Nophelet Is”, “Deja Vu”, “The Thief”, “The Wedding”, “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, “Driver for Vera”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”... - her filmography includes many high-profile names and vivid images.

Through thorns to happiness

“AiF”: – Without begging your theatrical and film merits, I want to talk about women’s issues. You have been married for 30 years. How did your family history begin?

G.P.:– In the 10th grade, I enrolled in a theater studio. I dreamed of becoming an actress and meeting a handsome prince. And then he appeared. Just walked in the door. It was impossible not to pay attention to him. But I had practically no chance until Oleg saw me on stage. We started a whirlwind romance: we got together, then broke up. I wanted a serious relationship, and he had a “polygamous” period. So we got married when I graduated from college and Oleg served in the army.

“AiF”: – Was the wedding noisy?

G.P.:- Rather extraordinary. My classmate sewed me a dress from a sheet and pieces of colorful chintz. And we laughed throughout the registration.

“AiF”: – Maybe this is the secret of family longevity?

G.P.:– It seems to me that everyone should leave their own personal space. I will be an ideal mother-in-law, because I have never had the habit of intruding into someone else’s territory if the person himself did not want it. We must always leave a person the right to solve his own problems. If he asks for help, then, of course, I will help. This also applies to the relationship between husband and wife.

“AiF”: – They say difficulties bring us together...

G.P.:- Agree! It was very difficult for our eldest daughter Natasha. She was sick a lot as a child, and our whole life was aimed at curing Natasha: every morning we did exercises with her for an hour on the street, then dragged her home and doused her with a cold shower, fed her breakfast, then dragged her to kindergarten and only after that this - to work. No days off, every day. But thanks to this gymnastics according to the Tolkachev system, we managed to avoid chronic asthma. That is why there is a big difference between our children. Only when Natasha was 14 years old did we decide to have a second child.

I share the cleaning with my husband.

“AiF”: – What do your household members do?

G.P.:– My husband Oleg Osipov is a director by training and writes scripts for TV series. Daughter Natasha is 30 years old, she graduated from VGIK, and now works as deputy editor-in-chief of one of the film magazines. Son Roma is still a schoolboy, he is 17 years old. He studies at the Lyceum at the Institute of Radio and Television. And there is also a wonderful cat Tasya of “basement origin”. The cat chose Natasha herself. Someone dropped her off. At night Tasya was locked in the basement, and during the day they were allowed into the editorial office for food and water. The cat came to Natasha, sat on her lap, and climbed into her bag. There was nowhere to go. We treated her and are now happy together!

“AiF”: – Creative people are above everyday life. Do you agree with this statement?

G.P.:– We are provincials (Atrisa is from Tambov. – Ed.) and are used to achieving everything ourselves. It’s the same in everyday life. When I’m not working, not on set, not away, I try to somehow support my household. But in principle, my husband and I share washing, ironing, cleaning, and cooking. It has long been agreed that homework is done by whoever is free. I am the brain and moral center of our family. They consult me ​​on all human and global issues. We consult and seem to discuss things together, but I understand that everyone expects me to make the final decision.

“AiF”: – Don’t you get tired of being a perpetual motion machine?

G.P.:– I can be an absolute goofball and sometimes I allow myself to relax and do something wrong. I’m also an introvert by nature; my profession forces me to be an extrovert. I really like to be silent, read, and be alone. But it rarely succeeds. I love putting together puzzles! This is my kind of psychotherapy. We frame the most beautiful ones and distribute the rest to relatives. When we were poor during the era of stagnation, I knitted and crocheted for 11 years without a break. The results were very beautiful. And when my son was born, everything was cut off. I really love and know cinema. At one time I infected my daughter with this. Now Natasha is a film expert.

Both theater and life

“AiF”: – What do you recommend watching?

G.P.:– I advise you to watch a quiet, quiet, not loud movie. Good stories about normal, living people.

"AiF": - And in the theater?

G.P.:– Come to Sovremennik, you won’t go wrong! And I cordially invite everyone to my latest premiere at the enterprise “Calendar Girls.” Alexandra Nazarova, Anna Kamenkova, Marina Dyuzheva, Tatyana Rudina, Anna Yakunina, Lyubov Matyushina, Elena Biryukova, Maria Ryshchenkova are playing with me.

“AiF”: – Last summer I watched the series “Such an Ordinary Life.” Your character Ada was immobile, but nonetheless very memorable. First of all, by strength of character.

G.P.:– Life forces Ada to either become strong and wise, even tough in some matters, or turn into complete nothingness and die. She chose to become strong. Ada was written like that, but I also wanted to add my own: under no circumstances should you become obsessed with yourself. And most importantly, Ada is capable of love! With the role of Ada, I wanted to make it clear that you need to love people and loved ones until your last breath.

“AiF”: – Have you ever encountered such people in your life?

G.P.:– I remember the story of my grandmother. She raised me, replaced my mother, who left us when I was 3 years old. Then my second mother appeared - Nina, she was from a peasant family: kind, but reserved. I wanted more affection, and my grandmother gave it to me. She spoiled me and loved me to the point of oblivion. Thanks to her, something very important grew in me. My parents loved me, of course, but they said I was ugly. This made me very shy, bordering on autism. Grandmother loved me in every way. She said I was charming. I owe my grandmother’s love for some hope in life. And suddenly, when she got sick, something terrible happened - she stopped loving me. She felt so bad, she was so scared that she had no time for me. I dream of loving my loved ones to the last and bringing them something.

Family affairs

“AiF”: – What do you not accept in people?

G.P.:– I wouldn’t want to be so categorical. I rather don't quite understand some people. In our country, at first everyone didn’t believe in God, and then they issued a directive, and everyone became Orthodox. The religious issue for our profession is ambiguous: there is an opinion that acting is not a godly craft. People, having believed in God, began to behave strangely: my colleagues refused to play plays on Orthodox holidays. From the statement: “I won’t speak this text today, because today is Easter...” - I was at a loss. This is hypocrisy! If you sincerely believe in God and believe that acting is a sin, then do not engage in this profession!

“AiF”: – You have a very simple surname. Ever wanted to change it to something more sonorous?

G.P.:- I probably wanted to. But it didn't happen. I am Petrova, and all my family are Osipovs. Well, tell me, what’s the point of exchanging Petrova for Osipova?! If my husband’s last name were Zadunaisky, I would change it. Larisa Rubalskaya once told me: “Galya, you were unknown to anyone for a very long time, because that’s your last name. You can’t be an artist with a last name like that!” And she's right! Petrova - too simple. It turns out that complex surnames are remembered faster. Simple ones - viewers cannot remember, like something from the series of Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov.

In general, the combination of surnames is a very strange question. We had two actors Suvorov and Kutuzov working at Sovremennik at the same time, and there was Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova. I, Petrova, play Tonya Petrova’s mother in Ranetki, and Rita Ivanova plays Tonya Petrova. We find each other, we are attracted! But no one wants to take us seriously.

You know, they always forgot to write me in the credits. Even where I played the main role. Quite recently, in one publication I read the announcement of the play “Mom-Papa-Son-Dog”, in which there are only four characters. Quote: “Chulpan Khamatova and Olga Drozdova play children in this play...”. I’m no longer angry: the Ivanovs, Petrovs, Sidorovs are in the air. Why write them?!

“AiF”: – What do you dream about?

G.P.:– About a house in the village and about making the world more perfect.

While remaining not a very well-known person for most of his fellow citizens, Russian TV presenter, film director and producer Oleg Osipov had a good reputation and a rich track record in the field of cinema. He had more than 50 works producing 35 films and TV series. Among them are the projects of the series “Soldiers”, “Students”, “Happy Together” and others. The cause of death of Oleg Osipov, according to the conclusion of specialists, is cardiosclerosis.

He was born in the city of Aleksandrov, Vladimir region, and in 1991 graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, receiving a diploma with honors. Osipov’s first place of work was Russian TV, where he was a correspondent for Channel One for 6 years. He was entrusted with the role of presenter in the programs “Under 16 and older”, “Together”, “Gallop across Europe” and so on. Oleg’s first distinction in this field was the Interpol International Award for a series of programs on combating drug addiction. At the same time, his first attempt as a producer to create a series for teenagers “ABVGD Ltd” took place.

Since 1998, Oleg began working as a producer for the Mir television company and the World Radio radio station, where he achieved significant success. In 2002, a new stage of his creative development began: Higher courses for screenwriters and directors, as well as the release of several current documentaries from the “Coming Home” series and the production of the film “Scorpions in Russia.”

Having received the position of general director of the LEAN-M production center in 2000, Osipov confidently moved up the career ladder, and in 2007 he became co-chairman of this company. During his work at LEAN-M, 3 dozen works were created for the public with a wide variety of interests. TV series that are popular with a wide audience of viewers have become especially successful. Osipov’s first directorial work, the drama “After Life,” was awarded several awards. The second film, the comedy “If only,” was completed after Oleg’s death. As a producer, he participated in the release of more than 50 TV series.

He was married twice and had 4 children. Twins Katya and Dasha were only one year old when their father died. Their older brother is 4 years old. Telling why Oleg Osipov died, his wife Anna Semina, better known as the singer Utah, recalled that recently he had been working a lot and was tired, experiencing panic attacks, typical of people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Doctors did not find any special pathologies in him and insisted on general strengthening procedures such as quitting smoking, normalizing his regime and playing sports.

A few days before his 42nd birthday, Oleg and his wife celebrated a housewarming party with close friends and stayed up late. The next morning, he suddenly collapsed in the bathroom, feeling unwell. The emergency doctors who arrived were unable to help. Later, the pathologist said that Oleg had recently suffered a heart attack on his legs caused by coronary artery disease and died of cardiac arrest. This happened in September 2011.

He is buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.