The cargo transportation sector in our country is quite well developed, but finding a company that could be trusted with valuable cargo will not be so easy. The risks are great, and besides, transportation often must be carried out within a clearly defined time frame. That is why the selection process should be approached very responsibly.

Our company has been successfully operating in the field of cargo transportation for many years. During this time, we have managed to gain the trust of a huge audience of potential clients. Far Eastern Road Construction Company LLC always fully fulfills its obligations to each customer. Today you can trust us to transport absolutely any cargo. Moreover, its transportation can be carried out not only within the Russian Federation, but also to other countries.

One of our most popular services is the transportation of inventory materials and flotation concentrate. For this, we have all the necessary equipment, thanks to which the task is completed in the shortest possible time, while the cargo remains intact and safe. As for inventory directly, this may include certain groups of goods and products from various manufacturers.

How does the transportation of goods and materials and flotation concentrate take place?

To transport goods and materials and flotation concentrate, the DDSC company uses the most modern cargo and construction equipment. For each individual case, transport is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the cargo. This task falls entirely on the shoulders of our specialists, while the client can be sure that transportation will take place within a clearly defined time frame.

Hundreds of clients use our service every year, and transportation volumes are gradually growing every year. Transportation of cargo can be carried out to any distance, in any case we guarantee its safety. Thanks to the use of the latest technology, transportation of inventory items is carried out in the shortest possible time. It all depends on the quality of the road surface and weather conditions. In any case, our specialists will do everything possible to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the work done. We strictly comply with the norms for the transportation of such goods, starting from the preparation of the necessary documents and ending with the support of our cargo equipment.

Thanks to extensive experience, our specialists today will be able to cope with any task. At the same time, we guarantee complete confidentiality of information about transported inventory items.

Main advantages

By contacting Far Eastern Road Construction Company LLC, each client can be sure that the cargo will be transported within a limited time frame while maintaining its complete safety.

However, these are not all of our advantages; it is also worth highlighting the following:

— low cost of services;

— use of modern technology;

— individual approach to the client;

— personal discounts for regular customers;

— coordinated work of specialists;

— excellent logistics, which allows transportation to be completed in a minimally short period of time.

We value each of our clients, so every day we strive to improve our service.

The issue regarding the transportation of inventory items sooner or later arises before every organization that, due to its expansion and renewal, has to deal with such operations.

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Inventory materials can be transported by the company, the seller, or using the services of third parties (transport company). In any case, the carrier will face numerous questions, the solution of which may require basic understanding of the implementation of this task.

What is this

As already mentioned, the term “materials and materials” refers to inventory items. These include any assets of the enterprise used in the form of materials for various stages of production, provision of services, employment of workers and much more.

Inventory and materials - This is all property owned by a legal entity.

The transportation of any material assets of the company in accordance with the “Primary Accounting Documents” must be formalized accordingly.

To be more precise, we can give the full text of the article prescribing these circumstances: “Any business transaction related to the movement of inventory items must be documented with supporting documents that serve as primary documentation on the basis of which further accounting is conducted.”

If we take information from the International Accounting Standards (IAS) that this is inventory, the transportation of which is disclosed in this case, these include the following assets:

  1. Stored for the purpose of subsequent sale during the normal functioning of the company.
  2. They are at the production stage for further resale.
  3. They are located in the form of material or stock necessary for further production or provision of services.

Thus, the Russian formulation almost completely coincides with international standards.

Transportation methods

Any of the known modes of transport can be used to transport inventory items.

Depending on which tool is needed for a particular situation, the following methods are used:

  1. Automotive.
  2. Railway.
  3. Air.
  4. Nautical.
  5. River.

For example, there is no need to pay for transportation by several trucks if it is possible to load all goods and materials into one railway car.

If the organization has personal transport in its fleet, it is possible to use it to move cargo. Otherwise, you will have to use the services of logistics companies.


According to the contract for the transportation of goods and materials, the carrier is responsible for moving cargo from the point of departure to the point of destination and transferring the cargo to an authorized person in accordance with the documents.

Sample sample contract for the carriage of goods:

The applicant, in turn, undertakes to pay a certain amount specified in the document for the services provided. Compliance with these requirements is regulated by legislative documents, in particular.

It is possible that a contract of carriage may be concluded in the form of an order accepted for execution. Systematic deliveries of inventory items to a pharmacy, store or other organization are carried out on the basis of a long-term contract.

Following this agreement, the carrier undertakes to accept the order for execution, and the customer undertakes to provide goods and materials for loading and facilitate the access of transport to the loading zone, in accordance with the above-mentioned articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In case of a previously concluded agreement, actions are carried out on the basis of an application submitted both in written and oral form.

Documents for transportation from site to site

Transportation of goods and materials within an enterprise can occur according to two schemes:

  1. The first involves the movement of cargo without leaving the organization. In this case, there is no need to prepare accompanying documentation. Material assets are transported by company employees on production carts, their own transport, or the services of transport companies are used. In the latter case, an agreement is concluded or an application is made for the provision of transport services.
  2. The second option involves the removal of cargo outside the territory of the enterprise. Here, to prevent possible problems with inspection authorities, the driver will need official papers:
  • the corresponding category for the right to drive this vehicle;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • waybill giving the right to drive this vehicle;

  • agreement for the provision of services for the transportation of goods and materials belonging to the customer organization (LLC, individual entrepreneur, OJSC, and so on);
  • invoice for the export of products outside the enterprise for the purpose of moving them within the structural divisions of the organization.

    In this case, a document of the TORG 13 form is used, which provides for the movement of inventory items between branches or responsible persons. An invoice of this type is used on the basis.

    Analyzing the list of what documents are needed to transport cargo within the organization, without the intention of its implementation, it follows: from the general list of generally accepted papers used for other transportation, the only unique point is that the driver or forwarder must have a TORG 13 consignment note.

    Documents for delivery by your own transport

    Several years ago, tax authorities required taxpayers' accounting departments to provide reports on KOSGU and invoices, even if the transportation of material assets was carried out using their own transport.

    Emerging controversial issues had to be resolved only in court. This continued until April 15, 2011, when it was approved, which practically resolved these issues and determined the basic rules for transporting goods by road.

    In Appendix No. 4 of the document:

    • contains a new sample of the waybill, drawn up in a new form and emphasizing that it was drawn up with the obligatory existence of a transportation agreement;
    • There is no product section, list and information about the cost of the goods.

    Instead of these lines, the following lines are added:

    1. Name of goods and materials.
    2. Quantity.
    3. Weight (number of cargo pieces).
    4. Value.

    Based on its design, the TTN can be used directly when using the services of third-party carriers. As a result, the old sample of the 1-T invoice form becomes unclaimed.

    Moreover, the legislation does not outlaw it, which allows it to be used for transportation on one’s own, that is, in the company’s personal vehicles.

    The criteria determining the legality of using this form are given in.

    In addition, several years ago there were statements from the Ministry of Finance characterizing the situation in such a way that if a transportation contract is not concluded, and the buyer transports material assets from the supplier’s warehouse on his own (or the manufacturer transports goods and materials to the place designated by the consignee), then the transportation service is not considered provided .

    The costs of fuels and lubricants and the labor of workers employed at this stage become incl. in the price of the goods and are confirmed by a waybill containing information about the trip.

    Prices for services in Moscow

    Information on tariffs for the transportation of material assets is of interest to many global market participants who periodically face issues of transporting cargo from one point to another.

    As is obvious, the cost of calculating cargo transportation is not fixed and is determined in a specific situation.

    There are plenty of reasons for this:

    1. Direction of movement.
    2. Cargo dimensions.
    3. Number of free seats in the cabin.
    4. Terms of the transaction, availability of additional services (preparation of accompanying documentation, development of a route, if the situation requires it, loading and unloading operations, construction of multimodal flights, and so on).
    5. Additional transportation difficulties.

    As a rough guide, below are tables compiled based on an analysis of the cost of cargo transportation of goods and materials in Moscow and the region:

    1. Price .

      All rates presented are taken from the website of one of the transport companies, selected at random.

      The given calculation values ​​are indicated in rubles and include the following:

      1. 1 shift equals 8 hours of work.
      2. The role of the forwarder is performed by the driver.
      3. The price is shown excluding VAT, 18%.
      4. Calculation of the cost of renting equipment is given along with driver services.
      5. Within the Moscow Ring Road, hourly wages apply; when leaving the Ring Road, they are recalculated into the cost of kilometers traveled.

      On the one hand, the transportation of inventory items does not involve anything complicated. But if you try to figure this issue out on your own, a lot of incomprehensible things appear.

      Cargo transportation by road is one of the largest and most important areas of activity in Russia. All year round, transport companies provide a range of services for cargo clearance, loading, unloading, and also ensure timely delivery of goods and materials intact throughout the country and abroad. Many structures are involved in this area, including the logistics department. Road transportation of goods and their rules are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2011 No. 272 ​​“Rules for the transportation of goods by road.”

      Cargo transportation by road takes up a significant part of the cargo transportation market

      Freight road transportation is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and UAT. The general rules for transporting goods across Russia and abroad contain several important points, knowledge of which allows us to ensure the conduct of a reliable, profitable and stable business in this field of activity.

      Rules for acceptance of goods and materials for transportation

      Acceptance of inventory items by licensed carriers is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with the cargo supplier.

      The sender undertakes to present to the carrier the appropriate document for the transportation of goods and materials by road. In the absence of an agreement, a one-time application is submitted.

      Submission of documents for transportation of goods and materials is provided within the period specified in the agreement. The number of loading spaces and their type are selected by the carrier, depending on the type of goods and materials transported, their quantity and the nature of transportation.

      After the transaction is concluded, transport companies undertake to:

      • Timely deliver vehicles with tail lifts and other necessary equipment to loading and unloading points for goods and materials.
      • Submit only serviceable vehicles suitable for transporting a certain type of inventory. Providing a faulty vehicle is equivalent to not delivering it.
      • Vehicles provided for transportation with a tail lift, slats, shelter and other devices must comply with all sanitary standards.
      • Carry out container road transport along the shortest route that is open to vehicle traffic. If the distance of a vehicle with cargo increases, the carrier is obliged to notify the sender of the order about this.

      The sender of the order is obliged to carry out a number of activities: prepare goods and materials for loading, fill out and prepare all the necessary documentation (pass documents for the carrier to travel to the place of acceptance and delivery of cargo, licensing and all necessary documents in accordance with sanitary and other standards).

      If these rules are not observed, the goods and materials provided will not be accepted for loading. The sender undertakes to pay the amount calculated for the mileage of the vehicle from the place of dispatch to the place of delivery for loading.

      The sender of the order has the right to be present when his goods are loaded onto the vehicle provided by the transport company.

      Container road transport must be carried out along the shortest possible route

      Refusal to accept goods and materials for transportation

      Road freight transportation in the city, in the suburbs, as well as intercity road freight transportation is not carried out if:

      • Products or goods provided for loading in improper packaging.
      • If the cargo vehicles are not specified in the current transportation request.
      • The mass of the goods and materials exceeds the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the supplied train.
      • Force majeure circumstances – unfavorable weather conditions, due to which delivery of goods and materials is impossible. In this case, road transport is postponed or restrictions are placed on road freight transport on roads.

      There are some restrictions according to which the sender of the order does not have the right to present, and the motor transport company does not have the right to accept, inventory materials for transportation. If such transportation is prohibited by the UAT, in the absence of the necessary road documentation.

      Almost every company licensed to carry out cargo transportation by road provides the service of receiving, escorting and handing over cargo to a forwarder. But this is not a mandatory condition and is carried out by agreement of the parties.

      Force majeure circumstances may cause refusal to transport goods

      Rules for issuing and forwarding goods and materials

      After sending the cargo, the sender is obliged to notify the recipient about this for the timely preparation of access roads, the place of acceptance and issuance of goods and materials.

      The point of delivery of transported goods and products is indicated in the waybill. After receiving and unloading them, workers are required to clean the cargo area and, if necessary, disinfect it.

      Acceptance of goods and materials is carried out in the same way as their dispatch - they are weighed, measured, and the number of packages is calculated.

      If cargo transportation by road within the city, as well as intercity truck transportation, is carried out in accordance with all norms and rules - on a serviceable vehicle, without damage to the sealing or damage to inventory items, then checking their weight, condition and counting the number of cargo pieces is not carried out.

      The carrier company, which is licensed to carry out such activities, does not bear any responsibility in the event of discrepancies between the data on the weight of the cargo and its actual weight, if such discrepancies are within the limits of:

      • Permissible rate of decrease in the weight of inventory items.
      • Maximum discrepancies in the readings of weighing equipment.
      • Standards of accuracy for weighing cargo, regulating the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for metrology and standardization.

      If shortages, damage or damage to inventory items are identified, a report is drawn up by the recipient and, at the request of the applicant, an examination is carried out by authorized persons.

      The recipient may refuse the delivered order if its qualitative and quantitative indicators have changed so much that their possibility of being used for their intended purpose is excluded in whole or in part.

      Freight road transport within the city, in the suburbs, as well as intercity road freight transport can be redirected. In case of refusal of delivery of goods and materials by the recipient for unknown reasons, the sender must notify the transport company about this and provide the necessary data for their forwarding:

      • Number of the first application and TTN.
      • Address of the first customer and company name.
      • New customer's address.
      • Name of the new recipient.

      Such a document can be drawn up either in writing or orally - by telephone, email or fax, if this is provided for in the contract.

      If the recipient refuses the cargo and the sender does not notify the transport company about the new customer, the carrier has the right to deposit the goods and materials at their actual address until receiving instructions from the sender. Also, the transport company can transfer the cargo to another recipient if it is a perishable product.

      Road freight transportation within the city, suburbs, as well as intercity road freight transportation, in accordance with accepted standards, provide for the return of the cargo, in case of refusal by the recipient, to the sender and demand reimbursement of all transportation services provided, taking into account penalties.

      Return of cargo to the sender is provided for cargo transportation within the city

      Temporary standards for loading and unloading vehicles

      Based on the current temporary standards, payments for services for the transportation of inventory items by transport companies and wages for drivers are calculated.

      These standards apply to almost all types of vehicles. This group includes flatbed vehicles, vans, specialized rolling stock, as well as vehicles with tail lifts, tractors, vehicles equipped with trailers and semi-trailers.

      These rules were developed with the aim of competent and profitable organization of cargo transportation by road with a tail lift and other devices, namely

      • Saving time spent on vehicle downtime for acceptance and issuance of inventory items.
      • Rational stacking and loading of products and goods with maximum use of machine lifting capacity and their capacity.
      • Compact stowage of cargo (uniform distribution of the load of the mass of goods and materials on the chassis of the vehicle).
      • Creation of an optimal mode for the movement of vehicles along a given path, taking into account the condition of the roads, traffic intensity and other factors.

      Transportation of perishable products by road

      Groups of perishable products:

      • Vegetation for the garden and vegetable garden.
      • Recycled products.

      Road transportation of such products in the city, suburbs, as well as intercity road freight transportation requires compliance with a certain temperature regime in cargo areas, regardless of the transportation season. There is a special table that indicates all types of perishable products (prefabricated, bulk or liquid) and the required temperature for their transportation by car or truck.

      There are certain norms for the loss of food products during transportation, which were established by Order of the Ministry of Trade of the RSFSR No. 144 of 06/09/86

      For each product group, special packaging is used.

      When delivering vehicles by a carrier company that is licensed to supply and transport such goods and materials, the sender is obliged to provide perishable items in proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of the SES.

      Road transportation of consolidated cargo in one truck or passenger vehicle or trailer is allowed if these goods are included in the same group.

      Different stowage methods are used for each perishable cargo. Frozen products are stacked tightly with the possibility of maximum use of loading space with a tail lift and other devices. Fresh and chilled products are placed in such a way as to ensure air circulation.

      The sender of the order assumes all responsibility for the correct stowage and placement of the cargo.

      Intercity road freight transportation involves calculating the delivery time of groupage, liquid or bulk cargo, based on the actual distance from the point of loading to the point of unloading and the average daily mileage of a vehicle - six hundred kilometers.

      If the delivery of perishable goods and materials is impossible due to a vehicle breakdown, the sender of the cargo and the transport company undertake to take all possible measures to transfer the cargo to the nearest retail chain for sale.

      After the unloading process in a trailer or container with a tail lift or other devices is completed, cargo areas must be cleaned of cargo residues, as well as disinfected if necessary.

      Products of plant and animal origin are classified as perishable

      Controversial situations and their resolution

      Features of road freight transportation include consideration and resolution of controversial situations. Disputes can arise at all stages of the provision of transport and forwarding services and are resolved in court.

      Responsibility lies with the person accompanying the cargo from the moment he accepts the goods and materials from the sender until the moment they are issued to the recipient.

      If shortages are identified, the sender of the order may request from the cargo escort:

      • Compensation for damage is free of charge.
      • Reduced cost for services provided by the forwarder.
      • Reimbursement of amounts spent to cover losses with own funds.

      Responsibility is assigned to the forwarder if the road transportation of goods was carried out with loss, damage or damage to inventory items, as well as their untimely delivery. The blame lies with the accompanying person unless evidence is provided that all possible measures have been taken to eliminate or prevent the occurrence of such consequences.

      Release of the forwarder from liability

      The forwarder accompanying road freight transportation is not responsible if:

      • Damage to goods or products due to natural causes during their transportation on an open trailer, semi-trailer or container.
      • The mass of the missing goods does not exceed the limit of natural loss, which is prescribed in the regulations of municipal and state bodies, as well as in the transport expedition agreement.

      If the damage caused to the cargo was not externally noticed, the recipient of the order must prove the guilt of the accompanying person in the damage caused.

      Transportation of trucks, as well as other goods and materials that were not delivered within sixty days from the date of conclusion of the transaction and the delivery date of the products may be considered loss. Based on this, both parties have the right to demand compensation from the accompanying person for the entire cost of the cargo.

      After clarifying the circumstances and confirming the guilt of the forwarder, the applicant calculates the amount of damage. In accordance with the current rules and regulations for intercity road freight transportation, as well as transportation within the city and beyond its boundaries, the amount of compensation for losses caused cannot be higher than the tariff for freight forwarding services, which is specified in the transport company’s contract.

      None of the parties involved in the transaction is liable for damage to the goods or products on the basis of an oral order, order or notification. Cargo transportation by road is carried out after drawing up all the necessary documentation. These are documents that are certified by signatures and a seal. They have legal force.

      The forwarder is not responsible for natural drying of the goods

      Rules for loading and unloading goods and materials

      The loading process, calculation of the quantity of cargo, its distribution and closure is assigned to the sender of the cargo in accordance with the UAT. Removing the cover, unloading and cleaning a car or truck from cargo residues is the task of the order recipient.

      If agreed, the transport company can assume all obligations related to loading and unloading operations. To carry out such work, the company must own the necessary equipment and be licensed. This condition is specified in the contract between the customer and the cargo carrier, or an additional agreement to the contract is drawn up. Then the transport company bears full responsibility for the safety of inventory items during loading and unloading operations.

      The driver, the direct carrier of goods and materials, can also take part in such work, if this condition is specified in the contract between the two parties.

      Transportation of goods by dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 10 tons, as well as transportation of goods by other types of vehicles, is carried out with the most rational use of its capacity, but within the limits of the load capacity.

      Automobile transportation of lightweight cargo involves the use of additional sides to prevent materials from spilling out during transportation.

      Bulk cargo transported in bulk is loaded at the level of the extended sides to prevent them from tipping over during transportation.

      To transport heavy cargo, trucks with a lifting capacity of 10 tons are used, which are equipped with special devices - a tail lift, hinges, eyes and frames.

      Before loading, the amount of cargo is calculated. The placement of goods and materials must be as reliable as possible in order to prevent their shifts, friction, pressure on the doors and ensure maximum safety during the loading and unloading of goods and materials and the route.

      After the cargo loading process is completed, the driver is obliged to check the correctness of its stowage in order to ensure safety during transportation and traffic safety.

      Transportation of trucks with a carrying capacity of 10 tons, as well as transportation of goods by other modes of transport, involves loading and unloading operations using automated equipment. Some types of cargo are loaded manually if their weight does not exceed fifty kilograms.

      Loading of goods heavier than 50 kg is carried out using equipment

      Safety rules when loading cargo manually

      • To carry sharp, prickly and cutting objects, special cases and cases are used.
      • Loading and unloading of goods in packages with a hard surface and ice is carried out using gloves.
      • It is not allowed to carry inventory items in damaged containers with protruding prickly or sharp objects.
      • Glassware is placed on special stable stands.
      • Special supports are used to transport boards to eliminate the possibility of them bending and being damaged during transportation. Elements with a thickness of at least 50 mm are allowed for loading.

      Intercity road freight transportation, as well as transportation of goods within the city and suburbs, is carried out from the moment the driver provides a travel document at the goods and materials acceptance point. The cargo delivery time is calculated from the moment of submission of the technical specification at the point of unloading.

      Calculation of the travel time of rolling stock with cargo excludes the time the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded.

      Loading goods manually must be carried out in compliance with safety precautions

      Rules regulating the labor activity of a cargo carrier

      There is a certain algorithm for preparing a car driver for the transportation of goods, which is prescribed in the regulations and applies to all types of freight transport by road:

      • Preparing the vehicle for loading.
      • Passing the required medical examination before departure.
      • The transportation process, which includes the delivery of a vehicle to the point of loading and unloading of consolidated, bulk, liquid and other types of cargo.

      In addition, the driver’s responsibilities include ensuring the smooth operation of the vehicle, the safety of transportation of goods and materials, the full use of working hours for the current period and compliance with all the rules and regulations of the current legislation on the transportation of goods by road.

      In accordance with the regulations, the carrier’s working hours should not exceed forty hours per week.

      The working day for a driver working five days a week is eight hours, and for a six-day driver it is seven hours.

      For drivers transporting inventory items in intercity traffic, the working day can be increased to twelve hours.

      Drivers' rights

      • Break during the working day for rest and food.
      • Rest on weekends and holidays provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
      • The right to annual paid leave and additional leave in accordance with the current legislation of Russia.

      The process of organizing the work of drivers in intercity traffic is carried out as follows.

      • If the vehicle is turned over during a work shift, the company provides one driver to transport the cargo.
      • On routes over two hundred and fifty kilometers long, a truck or car is serviced by several drivers.
      • Shift-freight driving involves the operation of several cars, to which a group of drivers is assigned, each of whom works on different cars and on a certain section of the route.

      Every driver must know the rules for transporting all types of cargo, the purpose and operating principle of all mechanisms and devices that serve the vehicle, and promptly identify and eliminate all malfunctions that may arise during the operation of the vehicle.

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      Good afternoon.

      When transporting general cargo:
      * for enterprises and organizations (legal entities) - in accordance with Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording the work of construction machines and mechanisms, work in road transport”;
      * for individual entrepreneurs - in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 30, 2000 No. 68 “On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation activities in road transport”;

      a copy of the employment agreement (contract) - on the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 17, 1996 No. AL-2/37 “On control of the activities of individual entrepreneurs”, a driver working for hire;

      consignment note(s) for the transported cargo, which is the main transportation document - in accordance with the Charter of Road Transport and the Instructions on the Procedure for Payments for the Transportation of Goods by Road (as amended by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 26, 1997 No. 78) ;

      In addition to the documents listed above, taking into account the characteristics of the goods being transported, the driver must have:

      When transporting dangerous goods:
      certificate of admission of the driver to transport dangerous goods (a sample form of the certificate is given in Appendix 7.12 of the POGAT Rules).

      emergency card of the hazard information system (a sample is given in Appendix 7.5 of the POGAT Rules);

      addresses and telephone numbers of officials of the motor transport organization, the consignor, the consignee responsible for the transportation of the duty units of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia located along the route.
      When transporting perishable goods (in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of goods by road, approved by the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR on July 30, 1971):

      a checklist for checking the temperature of the cargo and the air in the back of the vehicle, issued to the driver by the owner of the vehicle or the forwarder transporting perishable goods;

      product quality certificate, or quality certificate, issued mainly for vegetables, potatoes, fruits and melons. Both documents confirm the quality and safety of the product and are transmitted to the driver by the shipper;

      quarantine certificate, issued by the local veterinary and sanitary inspection organization and handed over to the driver by the shipper;

      veterinary certificate, issued by the local veterinary and sanitary inspection organization and handed over to the driver by the consignor;

      a sanitary passport is issued by the territorial body of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision for each vehicle and is handed over to the driver of the vehicle.

      When transporting large and heavy cargo:
      special permit for the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo - in accordance with the Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 27, 1996;

      a special pass issued by the traffic police (must be placed in the lower right corner of the windshield of the vehicle).