Barbara Brylska came to the USSR to shoot "The Irony of Fate ..." in the status of a young mother. She gave birth to her first child, daughter Barbara (Basya), at the age of 32. It was, in the truest sense of the word, motherhood. Prior to that, she had experienced several miscarriages and was literally afraid to breathe when she wore Basya.

The daughter was born prematurely and for almost a day the doctors fought for her life. When the baby was finally brought to Barbara, she said:

God, how ugly!

Now memories of this cause only a sad smile. Barbara Jr. grew up to be a beauty with a bright future. It was that rare case when nature did not rest on the children, and Basya inherited both the beauty and talent of her mother. But fate had other plans for her...

Ludwig Kosmal is the father of Barbara Brylska's children

Before meeting with Ludwig Kosmal, the father of her children, Barbara already had an unsuccessful marriage, and several serious romances with colleagues in the acting department, which left only disappointment in their wake.

The beautiful woman of Brylska chose men to match her. Ludwig completely fit outwardly into her ideal of a man, besides, he had a serious profession - a gynecologist. This marriage seemed successful and Barbara decided that it was time to have a baby.

While pregnant, Barbara went to a fortune teller who told her:

There won't be two Barbaras in your family. One has to leave!

Brylska chose the name of her daughter between Tamara and Natasha, but her husband did not believe in omens. Bringing the newborn girl to the ward to his mother, he said: “Here is your Basya!”

Their further relationship with Ludwig was difficult. He turned out to be a "walker", although he did not admit any of his betrayals. And he also abused alcohol. This did not stop him from being madly jealous of Barbara herself and throwing scenes at her when she returned from the next shoot.

Many times they broke up and started over. During one of these periods of reconciliation, Barbara realized that she was expecting a child. She was already 42, but she decided to give birth. A decade later, this act would save her own life to some extent.

By the way, the son was named Ludwig, in honor of his father. But the marriage did not sleep. Brylska and Kosmal nevertheless parted, although for a long time they continued to live under the same roof, already as neighbors.

Basya Kosmal is the talented daughter of Barbara Brylskaya

Barbara saw her continuation in her daughter and very early began to develop her acting talent. For the first time on the screens, 15-year-old Basya appeared with her mother in the film Full Moon Hour (1988). Then modeling agencies noticed her.

Basya worked as a model in Paris, and then went to Japan. She called her mother from there every day, as once Barbara herself contacted her while on the set and wished her good night.

Barbara Jr. was not only unusually beautiful, but also a very well-read and intelligent girl with a wonderful sense of humor. It was always interesting with her. It is not surprising that the directors considered the talent of a dramatic actress in her.

In 1993, Kosmal starred in the drama Motif of the Shadow and was invited to the new film Fake Hitchhiking, in which she did not finish.

Shot from the film "Shadow Motif" (1993)

Basya Kosmal, Xavier Zhulavsky and the accident

If Barbara Brylskaya had many novels in her youth, then her daughter in this regard was much more constant and more focused on work. Basya's last love was the son of the famous Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, Xavier. He was also responsible for her early death.

Brylska had known Zhulavsky Sr. for a long time. She was supposed to star in his film, but when work had already begun, he replaced her with his wife. Ironically, their children, who had known each other since kindergarten, began dating and were even about to get married.

On that fateful day, May 15, 1993, Xavier took Basya from the filming and was supposed to bring him home to Warsaw. On the road, he lost control and she was gone. The driver remained unharmed.

Barbara never blamed Xavier for what happened. After they met only once and she hugged him. Zhulavsky was a young inexperienced driver, the situation on that road could have developed in different ways. It's just the way fate decreed.

For Xavier, all this also did not pass without a trace. He became a director, like his father, and in 2006 he released the film Chaos, which he dedicated to Basya:

What could I do about what happened? Change yourself, make a film and not pretend to others that nothing happened. The accident was the first event in my life that deeply shocked me and left its mark forever. “Chaos” is my first film in my life. Therefore, these two stories had to be connected.

Barbara Brylska: live for the sake of her son

After the incident, Barbara went into a severe, protracted depression. For several years she could not work normally, and even just leave the house. I suppressed my pain with pills and alcohol and saw my daughter everywhere. It seemed to her that she was sending her signs - she saw her in a dream, heard her voice on the telephone receiver.

Son Ludwig was 10 years old at that time, he endured the suffering of his mother for a long time, and then said:

Mom, don't die! Live for me!

Brylska pulled herself together. The daughter lived for 20 wonderful years, and yet many do not even have that. Everyone has their own destiny - there is nothing left but to come to terms with this pain.

Barbara Brylska is a famous film and theater actress. The difficult tragic fate of the actress is known to all. The audience fell in love with her after the release of the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". But then no one knew that during the filming, Barbara cried all the time, because at that time her daughter tragically died.


Barbara Brylska was born in early June 1941 in the Polish town of Skotniki, which is located near the city of Lodz, and once it was the Lodz Voivodeship. It is known that at the time when the famous actress was born, the place where her parents lived was occupied by Germany.

The parents of the future actress were ordinary people who worked hard. Barbara's father worked as a locksmith, and her mother worked as a seamstress. After the war, another daughter, Jadwiga, was born in the family. At home, Barbara was called Basya. Parents tried to raise their children in strictness, so the future actress was a timid and quiet girl with a lot of complexes.


In childhood, Barbara Brylska (whose photo is in this article) showed a penchant for drawing. Parents immediately noticed this and tried to do everything to develop these abilities. So, the girl was sent to study at an art lyceum. At one of the reporting concerts, she was noticed by the director of this educational institution and invited the familiar director to take a closer look at the talented girl. At the age of fifteen, Barbara first began acting in films.

After that, the future actress entered the drama club, where she successfully studied. And when she graduated from school, she entered the Higher School of Theater, Television and Cinema in Warsaw.

Theatrical career

For the first time, Barbara participated in a theatrical production at the beginning of the 21st century. Director Roman Markholia invited her to play in the play "Quartet" at the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Singing Center.

Film debut

Barbara Brylska in her youth was not only talented, but very beautiful and charming. This combination of beauty and talent attracted the attention of many directors. But the first film in which she starred was the film "Galoshes of happiness" directed by Antonio Bogdzevich. This comedy film was released in 1958.

According to the plot of this film, Sadness and Joy own galoshes that have magical and magical powers. One has only to order them, and they can easily transfer their owner to any place and at any time. And these wonderful galoshes begin to get to different people and perform various tasks. The aspiring actress in this film starred in a cameo role, because she was still a teenager.

Cinematic career

In 1965, Barbara Brylska, whose films the whole country knows and loves, starred in the film "Then Silence Comes" directed by Janusz Morgenstern. This war drama tells about the love between Lieutenant Marek Kolski and Eva, played by Barbara. After that there were such films as the drama "Yokmok", the comedy film "Their Weekday" and the melodrama "Boomerang", which was released in 1966 and in which Barbara's biggest role was played at the beginning of her career.

From 1966 to 1968, the famous actress Barbara Brylska, whose life is full of events, played Inga in the Polish TV series Bigger than Life. It is known that this multi-part film was incredibly popular after its release, and the artists who starred in it received success and fame. This series was even shown in many European countries.

Soon Barbara Brylska, whose photos in her youth show us a very beautiful woman, accepts an offer from foreign directors. The first such film in 1968 was the film of the German-Soviet production "Falcon's Trail" directed by Gottfried Colditz. Two gold diggers violate the peace treaty and search for gold in the lands of the Dakota tribe. Soon the war with the white invaders begins. In this film, a talented actress plays Katherine Emerson.

After that, the famous actress Barbara Brylska starred in the Yugoslav film "White Wolves", which is a continuation of the previous film. In this film, the talented actress also plays Katherine Emerson. After that, in 1968, she starred in the Bulgarian film "To die as a last resort", where she plays Linda.

In 1968, the famous actress changed her appearance and in the film "Pan Volodyevsky" directed by Jerzy Hoffman, she appeared before the audience in the form of a brunette Kristina Drokhonovskaya. The film tells about the Polish governor, who managed to successfully stop the raids of the enemies. In 1969, Barbara Brylska, whose biography is bright and tragic, is filmed in the Soviet film Liberation, which tells about the Second World War.

This was followed by shooting in the German film "The Secret of the Wooden Idols", which tells about an incredibly intricate crime that the detective Laube is trying to unravel and investigate. But unexpectedly, the detective himself falls under suspicion, and then his assistant, Bentheim, takes up the investigation of this case. A lot of job offers come to a talented actress from Polish directors. So, Barbara Brylska starred in many Polish films: "The Criminal Who Stole the Crime", "Anatomy of Love", "Red Hotel" and others.

Shooting in the film "Pharaoh"

In 1966, the famous and talented actress Brylska starred in the historical film "Pharaoh" by the Polish director Jerzy Kawalerowicz. This film tells about how the fearless warrior and ardent young man Ramesses the Thirteenth, who was the pharaoh, lived and ruled. His power is no longer as strong as before, since the treasury is empty. He is in love with two women at once, but this love does not bring him happiness. He also has a son, whom Sarah, a Jewess, gives birth to. But he has no right to inherit his father's throne.

The second woman - Kama - is a priestess who has no right to carnal love. She is played by actress Brylska. But the pharaoh hates the high priests, who have now taken possession of all the riches.

The main role in the film "Anatomy of Love"

In 1972, the film Anatomy of Love directed by Roman Załuski was released on Soviet cinema screens. But this film was shown in a small reduction. The main character Eva, who is successfully played by Brylska, recently buried her husband. She lived with her unloved husband for seven years. She married him, as her mother insisted on it.

Once at the exhibition, the widow Eva meets Adam, who stays with her for the night, and after that does not even remember her and does not call. But the girl is trying to achieve his love, and in the final scene, Eve already forgets about Adam, and he is waiting for her call.

The film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"

But still, the talented actress was remembered and loved by the Soviet audience after the film “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” was released in 1975. directed by Eldar Ryazanov. According to the plot of the film, the main character goes to the bathhouse, where, according to tradition, he always meets with his friends. But, having drunk more than necessary, he falls asleep, and his friends, confusing the hero with Pavlik, send him to Leningrad.

It turns out that in this city there is not only the Third street of builders, house 25, apartment 12 on the second floor, but the layout of the house and the rooms in the apartment are the same. It is in this apartment in a foreign city that the protagonist meets Nadia Sheveleva, a teacher. She is not married, but she was not going to celebrate this New Year alone. A strong feeling flares up between Zhenya and Nadia, and they completely forget about those who were waiting for them that night.

The film "The Secret of the Four Princesses"

In 2014, the last film was released in Russia, starring Barbara Brylska, whose personal life is always available to the public. In this musical fairy tale, a famous actress played a fairy.

In the film "The Secret of the Four Princesses" we are talking about the poor tailor Hans, who is instructed by the king to find out the secret of his daughters. His daughters disappear from the bedroom every night, and he really wants to reveal this secret.

Personal life

The famous and talented actress Brylska was married three times. But every time her marriage ended in divorce. Barbara's first husband is a mathematician from Poland. She met Jan Borovets on a train when Barbara was only seventeen years old. After the wedding, Jan asked Barbara to quit her studies at the theater studio, the girl obeyed her husband. But she could not live without a theater for a long time and very soon, secretly from her husband, she returned to this studio.

Upon learning of this, Yang, agreeing with the filming of his wife, demanded that she be indicated in the credits under her maiden name. But since Barbara soon became famous, they began to call Jan Brylska, and he did not like it very much.

In 1966, on the set of the film Pharaoh, a talented actress had an affair with an actor who played the main role. The actress quickly divorced her first husband and married Jerzy Zelnik. But the new husband turned out to be very windy and soon he found himself another woman.

In 1969, on the set of the film White Wolves, actress Brylska fell in love again. And again, the actor became her chosen one. The actress hoped that with Slobodan Dmitrievich her life would improve and they would live together for a long time. As the actress herself would later recall, she had the strongest feelings for this man. But this love was doomed, since the aristocratic family of the actor was against such a marriage, and the actor did not dare to disobey.

Such an unexpected gap led the famous and talented actress to become depressed. The gynecologist Ludwig Kosmal helped her get out of such a psychological state, who later not only became her third husband, but also in this marriage Barbara gave birth to two children. In 1973, a daughter, Barbara, was born, and nine years later, a son, Ludwig. Although the marriage lasted eighteen years, it was not a happy one. Constant betrayals and domestic conflicts completely destroyed this family. Over the past ten years, Ludwig has constantly insisted on a divorce, but Barbara could not decide on this.

Immediately after the divorce, the actress Brylska began to constantly change her romantic relationships, as she perfectly understood that they were all frivolous and would not lead to anything in the end.

Tragedy in the life of an actress

The daughter of Barbara Brylska not only followed in the footsteps of her mother, becoming an actress, but she was also a sought-after model. The young girl starred in the films Shadow Motif and The Flying Dutchman and worked on a new role in the film directed by Jerzy Hoffman. In the film "Fire and Sword" she was supposed to play Helena. The famous actress Barbara Brylska hoped that her daughter would continue her acting dynasty.

But as soon as the girl was twenty years old, she tragically died in a car accident. This greatly broke Barbara, and she even had thoughts of committing suicide. But a teenage son was growing up, who still needed her. This stopped her at that moment. Now she helps her son raise his children. Grandchildren Yakub and Shimon bring her great joy. She is currently almost unremovable.

It was interrupted too early - at the age of 20, the girl who conquered the catwalks of France, Japan, America, crashed in a car accident. They say that her death was predicted in advance, and after the tragedy, the inconsolable mother was haunted by the spirit of her beloved Barbara.

Childhood and youth

The star of the cult Soviet film "" (1975) Barbara Brylska knew how to smile dazzlingly in the frame, but outside the lens she yearned for loneliness. Her first early marriage turned out to be a failure: her husband tried to turn the ardent 17-year-old actress into a housewife.

After short-term romances at the age of 31, Barbara found peace in a relationship with a gynecologist, Ludwig Kosmal. The husband drank a lot, often made scandals. Complicated personal life and the fact that they could not manage to have children - Brylska survived 2 miscarriages.

They say that during the third pregnancy, the actress turned to a fortune teller. The woman spoke the fatal words:

“There won't be two Barbaras in your family. One has to leave."

On February 26, 1973, the long-awaited daughter was born to Barbara and Ludwig. Doctors feared for the health of the girl, because she was born much ahead of schedule, unconscious, and her mother lost her milk from stress. The baby was fed. Brylska wanted to give the child a Russian name - Tamara or Natasha, but her husband insisted on Barbara.

The girl grew up in conditions of boundless love. Brylska dreamed that her daughter would follow in her footsteps and earn a living with beauty. And so it happened.

Modeling career and films

Immediately after leaving school, Barbara Kosmal began her creative ascent: in 1988, she starred with her mother in the drama Full Moon Hour about the eradication of paganism in Lithuania in the 16th century, and appeared in several Polish magazines as a model. Elizaveta Machulska, the wife of director Juliusz Machulsky, helped the girl break into the pages of glossy publications.

Photos of Barbara Kosmal attracted the eye: blue-black hair, a “fly” above the lip, like a. By itself, the girl resembled a young or. Perhaps the similarity with the latter attracted the attention of the Parisian modeling agency Marilyn Agency. In France, Kosmal spent a year, then another 2 months was filmed for the covers of magazines in Japan, and then in New York.

The appearance of the Polish beauty was of interest not only to photographers, but also to directors. Jerzy Hoffman himself wanted to invite Kosmal to the main role in his film "With Fire and Sword", but did not have time.

Personal life

Barbara Kosmal had absolutely no time for her personal life, and, unlike her mother, the girl did not differ in amorousness.

During the filming of the drama "Shadow Motive" (1993), the actress was very close to her partner on the set, Józef Skolimowski, but the young people were united only by friendship.

Kosmal's real feelings woke up to the man who, ironically, became the culprit of her death - Xavier Zhulavsky, the son of director Andrzej Zhulavsky. After the tragedy, it became known that the lovers were going to marry.


In 1993, Barbara Kosmal was preparing to replenish her filmography with another major role in the drama Hitchhiker, and in a few weeks she planned to present Shadow Motif, which would surely have made a splash in the cinema. Fate decreed otherwise.

On May 15, Kosmal was returning home from filming (according to other sources, she was going out of town on vacation). Xavier Zhulavsky was driving a Fiat 126r car. According to official information, the young man unsuccessfully entered the turn and crashed into a tree. As a result of the accident, Barbara died on the spot, her fiancé escaped with a slight fright.

Some sources indicate that this is not the first time Zhulavsky put Kosmal's life in danger. The previous accident ended not so tragically, but the girl spent a long time in the hospital. The news of her daughter's death killed Barbara Brylska. In an interview, she confessed:

“For 3 years I cried every day from morning to evening and drank pills.”

The press and the environment turned the tragedy into a farce.

“At the funeral, someone noticed that I had a black skirt above the knee, but I didn’t find another one. Gossip went: “How did she come to her daughter’s funeral with open knees?” That's what they were thinking about! ”, Brylska shares her memories.

The mental state of the actress was in jeopardy, she was thinking about suicide. The Polish woman was saved from a fatal mistake by her son Ludwig, who was born 10 years later than Barbara, in 1982.

“I dedicated myself to my son and spoiled him is simply impossible. I won’t say that because of the loss of my daughter only my love is to blame: I poured it all into Ludwig, ”says Brylska.

In caring for her son, Barbara did not forget about her late daughter: she constantly went to the grave and wrote letters to Kosmal. They say that once a mystical incident happened to the actress. After 3 years of unanswered letters to the next world, the phone rang in Brylsky's apartment. In the voice of her daughter, the woman asked how things were going. Apparently, so the spirit of Barbara asked for peace. Brylska no longer took up the pen.


  • 1988 - Full Moon Hour
  • 1993 - "Shadow Motif"
  • 1995 - "Flying Dutchman"

Guess what actress from abroad is the most famous in the countries of the former Soviet Union? Of course, this Barbara Brylska! She played not only the legendary teacher Nadia from The Irony of Fate, but also many other great roles in European films. On May 29, Barbara Brylskaya turns 75 years old - it's hard to even imagine a more significant date! And so on the eve of her birthday trendy-u decided to recall the best roles that Barbara Brylska is proud of, interviews and quotes, as well as interesting facts from the personal life of the actress.

Barbara Brylska: early years and best films

In Barbara's passport, the date of birth is June 5, although in fact the future actress was born on May 29, 1941 near Lodz, the "theatrical capital" of Poland.

I celebrate two birthdays. When I was born, Lodz was under the rule of the Germans, and according to their rules, children were registered only a week after birth

Already at 15, the actress played her first, very small role. After that, Basya began to actively engage in a theater studio, and later entered a higher educational institution in the theater class.

The most significant and memorable for the Poles was the work of Brylskaya in the film "Pharaoh". Here Barbara was literally on top - swarthy, thin and graceful, black-haired priestess, seducing everyone with her appearance in a translucent tunic. The result - a nomination for "Oscar" and participation in the program of the Cannes Film Festival.

The film "Anatomy of Love" was no less scandalous - in the Soviet box office it was released under censorship, without sex scenes, but it was highly appreciated by critics around the world.

After that, Barbara filmed all over the world, not only in her native Poland and the USSR, but also in other European countries. But the most significant for the Soviet and post-Soviet audience was her work in the legendary "Irony of Fate" in 1976.

I still can’t understand what is the secret of the success of The Irony of Fate? How can a movie stay at its peak for 40 years?!

It was difficult with the film, more precisely, with the main character. Her role was played by the Polish actress Barbara Brylska, although Eldar Ryazanov, the initiator of this fact, was repeatedly told: we have many of our outstanding actresses (this role was predicted for both Lyudmila Gurchenko and Alisa Freindlich)!

They do not agree with you, but I see the main character only in your performance. You must make every effort to please the management

So Eldar said in a personal telephone conversation with Brylskaya, whom he phoned Poland and invited to audition. Barbara, who does not know Russian well, had to memorize the role, and it was difficult for her to cope with the accent. But, full of determination, on the tests she showed herself surprisingly organically, although in the film itself her role was dubbed.

The image of Nadia caused a wave of imitation among women. Well, what can I say: not every Soviet teacher could look so trendy: in the safari style (which in the 70s was at the peak of popularity in Europe with a light hand Yves Saint Laurent), a hat-crow's nest made of red fluffy fox fur and.

How do you like perfume Climate from Lancome that gave Nadia Hippolyte? And the gold chain around your neck as thick as a finger? A real Soviet woman? It is doubtful… Well, okay, something like this. Although not without a touch of European chic. The style of Barbara Brylskaya also changed after this film - she liked the image of the heroine so much.

In Poland, The Irony of Fate was almost never shown. And when I was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, the Poles were terribly jealous!

Barbara Brylska: personal life

Barbara's career skyrocketed. But what about personal life? It can be called stormy. For the first time, Basya got married at the age of 17 to Jan Borovets. Everything would be fine if it were not for completely different outlooks on life. The first betrayal of her husband happened to Barbara on the set of the film "Pharaoh". Her partner in the film - aspiring actor Jerzy Zelnik - it is because of their connection that the love scenes in Pharaoh turned out so organic.

But the reason for the divorce from her husband was Barbara's connection with the Yugoslav actor Slobodan Dimitrievich. Brylska calls him the most important man of his life. The air around them literally sparkled with passion. But after some time, Slobodan simply disappeared from the life of Brylskaya, and she learned about his marriage and success much later.

Finally, Barbara met the doctor Ludwig Kosmal. It would seem that Brylska has found a safe haven. The children were supposed to seal the marriage - and the first daughter Basya was born. But over the next ten years, the relationship between Barbara and Ludwig did not work out. A year and a half after Brylska gave birth to his second child - the son of Ludwig, they divorced.

Brylskaya's daughter Barbara became a beauty to her mother - she dreamed of becoming a fashion model and successfully starred in many magazines.

But a tragedy happened: at the age of 20, Basya got into a car accident and did not survive. Brylska after her death lived for 2 years in a severe depression, on pills.

Barbara Brylska now spends a lot of time with her son Ludwig and grandson

Brylska is removed a little, rests a lot, leads a "home" lifestyle. And it still looks elegant and stylish - just fine for its age!

Well, we can wish Barbara Brylskaya good health and radiance, with which she illuminates everything around! The legendary Nadia in her performance will delight many of us on New Year's Eve for a long time to come.

Tatyana Maltseva

Barbara Brylska, or BB, as she was called in the Soviet Union (by analogy with the French icon Brigitte Bardot), is known in the post-Soviet space as Nadia from Ryazanov's most New Year's comedy The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath (1975). Today, the actress - hard to believe - turns 77 years old. We recall the bright milestones in the biography of the actress.

Impossible not to notice

According to Barbara, her attractiveness is an inheritance that she inherited from her parents.

Baby Basya was born near Lodz, in the town of Skotniki, in 1941. Her parents are a locksmith and a seamstress. They raised their daughters Basya and the younger Yadya, as it should be in provincial Poland, in Catholic strictness. Girls, naturally, were shy, timid and insecure.

We must pay tribute to ordinary working people, Barbara's mother and father, who managed to see a creative nature in their daughter and, noticing her ability to draw, gave Basya to an art lyceum.

Drawing is not everything: when she performed at an amateur concert, the pan director of the lyceum himself recommended a bright and talented student to a familiar director, and as a result, 15-year-old Barbara first hit the screens, starred in an episodic role in the film "Galoshes of happiness".

Basya is inspired, she is diligently engaged in the drama club and enters the Warsaw Higher School of Theater, Film and Television.

An unusual image for the audience: Barbara is a brunette

Marry - always for love and always at first sight

Barbara Brylska fell in love more than once, but always suddenly, in the first moments of acquaintance. And somehow she admitted in an interview: “I always looked at beauty, and then at everything else: there is no beauty - and there is no man” ...

In the 10th grade, 17-year-old Basya went with her class to Krakow on an excursion. On the train, she got out into the vestibule, saw a handsome man - and disappeared ... Then a 23-year-old admirer, an electronics mathematician Yan Borovets, seemed to Basya so grown-up. He handed the beauty a card with a phone, but pretty soon he arrived in Lodz and found his Basya.

Jan and Basya got married. And immediately after the wedding, Jan demanded that his wife quit theater classes, and she obeyed! Although a year later she secretly returned to classes. Jan resigned himself, but demanded that the maiden name, Brylska, appear in the credits of the films. And this played a cruel joke on him: when fame came to Barbara, Jan was called “pan Brylsky” ...

The couple did not have children, and not because they did not want to. Later, in a new relationship, both Jan and Basya will nevertheless become parents.

On the set of the film "Pharaoh" directed by Jerzy Kawalerowicz (after him real world fame came to Barbara), the actress broke out in an affair with her shooting partner Jerzy Zelnik. Basya divorced and immediately got married. But Jerzy very soon found another lover, and the marriage broke up.

Barbara and Jerzy were a very beautiful couple

The position obliges not to marry

On the set of the film "White Wolves" Barbara fell in love again, this time with the Yugoslav actor Slobodan Dmitrievich. Every day spent without Slobodan, Barbara wrote him a letter. She calls this novel the most powerful love of her life. Perhaps because it did not work out to be with his beloved, and for an absolutely outdated reason: Slobodan could not marry Bas because his aristocratic family could not allow a misalliance.

Is the daughter-in-law an actress? Divorced? From a family of some Polish hard workers?

I had to leave.

be born happy

Barbara was brought out of a deep depression by a new relationship. Bulgarian Ludwig Kosmal, a gynecologist by profession, became the husband and father of her children - a daughter and a son. According to family tradition, they were named after their parents: Barbara and Ludwig. By the way, the son of the actress is late, he appeared when she was 42 years old.

The marriage lasted 18 years, but, alas, it turned out to be not so strong either: betrayals, revels and scandals, Ludwig's demand for a divorce. Barbara gave up: it was ridiculous to keep the relationship.

She later told reporters: “Women are not warned from a young age that a man is a completely different animal. He checks all the time, looking for something, I don’t know what, but the woman does not understand that it will be so, even if he loves his wife.

And then a new test: 20-year-old daughter Basechka, beloved and already successful actress and model, Barbara's pride, crashed in a car accident (in 1993). Behind the wheel was her boyfriend, an inexperienced driver.

Barbara's daughter was actually an amazing beauty. She was compared to Monica Bellucci and Cindy Crawford

Barbara complained in an interview that this misfortune for many people was from the category of a show. At the funeral, someone noticed that Brylskaya's skirt was above her knees: "she came to her daughter's funeral, opening her knees." Such words of strangers added bitterness.

For three years, Barbara cried for her daughter every day and took pills. Too heavy a burden, and Brylska seriously thought about suicide ... She was pulled out of such a gloomy state by the need to take care of her teenage son.

irony as fate

During her career, Brylska starred in more than 70 films, and back in 1972 she was incredibly popular after the release of the film "Love's Anatomy" in Poland. In this spicy tape, by the way, the actress was allowed to act in films by her husband, and in especially spicy scenes, Barbara's partner was filmed in pantyhose - at the request of Brylskaya! The Poles went to the session several times to get a better look at everything. But the Soviet censorship shyly cut out erotica, not meeting the expectations of the public. But this role led Barbara to the next one.

Eldar Ryazanov was looking for the leading lady Nadia for The Irony of Fate (1975). The director, who always saw the characters in certain actors in advance, was at a loss. It was necessary to find such a woman, for the sake of which the man (the hero of the tape) would send his whole former life to hell. Just beauty was not enough here.

After watching "Anatomy", Ryazanov called the actress for an audition, and when Brylska arrived, she said that she was here "to act in film, not to audition." A lot had to be settled in order for Barbara (a foreigner!) to become Nadia. But Alisa Freindlich was almost taken for this role! Brylskaya's hoarse voice and her speech with a Polish accent are not heard in the tape. The dubbing did its job: the melodious voice (of Pugacheva and Talyzina) plus the viewer's vague recognition of a woman "out of nowhere" created the image of a dream itself.

"Nadia" in the continuation of "Irony of Fate"

Interestingly, neither Andrei Myagkov (Zhenya Lukashin in the role), nor Yuri Yakovlev (Ippolit) seemed attractive to Barbara Brylskaya at all. She admitted in an interview how difficult it was for her to kiss on the set: “I don’t like kissing other men, although I understand that in our profession you have to play different things ... After all, something must be saved for private life.”

For her role in this tape, Barbara Brylska received the USSR State Prize - the first foreign woman with such an award. But in Poland, such a “merit” was not appreciated - there were fewer roles, some colleagues turned their backs ...

Old age is bullshit

According to Brylskaya, beauty is happiness, for which you have to pay dearly. Ugly women know that happiness lies elsewhere, they get used to themselves, and husbands get used to them anyway, says Barbara. But she was so used to it that in their youth, men turned their necks, looking at her on the street! Now she misses it so much.

Barbara is not ashamed to talk about her life, in which sadness is no less than joy: “Let the audience know me for who I am. They have enough troubles of their own, but if they find out that sometimes life is hard for me, maybe it will make it easier for them.

As for age, Barbara happily quotes her 90-year-old mother: “Old age is a tragedy and a big stink.” But the latest photos of the actress prove that old age can be very beautiful. Happy birthday, Barbara!