Becoming the best is a worthy goal for professionals in their field. In fact, this is the logical conclusion of a long path of self-development in a specific area.

But not all specialists achieve this, not everyone becomes the best or even at least somewhat good. So what does this depend on? First of all, from the very desire to become the best.

Do you want to become the best in your field?

Any movement begins with a goal, and the first thing to do is to set the goal correctly.

We start with setting a goal

The first and most important sign of a good goal: it motivates. When you remember her, you want to do something, she pushes you to work and pushes away laziness and procrastination.

If your goal is not motivating, then it is not the right goal.

When starting your movement, you must clearly know who you want to become and after what period of time this should happen. It should not be a secret to you why you are pursuing this goal: for money, recognition, better living conditions.

It is also important to determine the right pace at which you will achieve your goals. If you think that you can become the best in your field in 40-50 years, perhaps you should speed up a little?

Once goals are set, it's time to achieve them. But to do this, you will have to more than once overcome your habits that have accumulated during your aimless existence.

Here is a list of qualities that characterize the best in their field - from a specific profession to a favorite hobby.

Developing the qualities necessary for number 1

Surely these qualities will not be a discovery for you, but have you often thought about their development? All these qualities can be called correct, and even though truth is most often a subjective concept, they coincide in almost everyone.

Don't be late

The best in the business is not late. It’s better to arrive half an hour early than to be 5 minutes late, and there can be no excuses here.

To accustom yourself to punctuality, you can come up with different punishments for being late. For example, as Igor Mann, a famous marketer and author of books on self-development, advises, you can punish yourself by paying the total bill at a restaurant.

Keep your word

Make it a rule to always do what you promise. Of course, it will not be easy to change your mind right away if you are used to throwing words to the wind, and, most likely, you will have to come up with some kind of sanctions for yourself for failures.

Remember one thing: to avoid having to promise too much and then punish yourself for not delivering, just don’t promise something you’re not sure about. In general, try to promise less.

Learn to say no

If you're going to be the best, you simply won't have time for extraneous, meaningless requests.

Therefore, practice saying “no” to all requests that do not correspond to your plans. Although, of course, you should choose carefully: some refusals are fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Delegate tasks

If someone can do a task as well as you, delegate it. Stop pointlessly burdening yourself with everything, as you will simply waste time. Delegate tasks as much as possible and do only what no one can do better than you.

Learn to get things done

This is a serious skill that we have been told about since childhood. Nevertheless, few people complete the work they start, from large projects to small plans.

If you can't complete the most basic task, how are you going to change your life and become a better person?

Cultivate this skill in yourself, do not leave a single task unfinished, and it will be much easier for you to change.

Remember all your unfinished tasks and either completely abandon them or finish them.

Learn to concentrate

This is a vital skill that will come in handy no matter what you are doing. And to become the best, you will have to learn it.

When working in a hostile environment, there are some simple tips that can help. If chatter in the office bothers you, wear headphones with neutral music or earplugs; If you can't concentrate on talking to clients on the phone, try wearing dark-tinted glasses.

Igor Mann claims that this is a great way to concentrate: “All external stimuli are turned off, and it’s as if you see your interlocutor.”

You can also use different techniques to increase concentration, such as Pomodoro. This is a technique in which you work, stopping every half hour to rest for 5 minutes (later 10 and 15 minutes).

This technique is fairly well known, and you'll find plenty of timer apps for iOS and Android, like Clockwork Tomato, desktop options like Windows, or entire services for better concentration and achieving your daily goals like.

Learn to accept new things and constantly develop

The older we get, the more difficult it is to perceive something new. But if you decide to become the best, then standing still is no longer for you.

Try new techniques and tools, find new opportunities, develop not only in your field, but also in related ones, meet new interesting people.

You cannot win the title of the best once, and then put your cup on a shelf and rest on your laurels for the rest of your days. Only constant development will help you remain the best.

Do not give up

In one of his lectures, Igor Mann mentioned one famous saying:

Nothing can replace perseverance: neither talent - there is nothing more common than talented losers, nor genius - the loser genius is already a proverb, nor education - the world is full of educated outcasts.

Only perseverance and perseverance are omnipotent. The motto “push up” or “don’t give up” has and will always solve the problems of mankind.

Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

A person who has all these qualities already claims to be the best and will definitely become one. And now about how to understand that you have become the best.

How to understand that you are the best

How will you prove to someone or even yourself that you are the best specialist in your field? After all, objectivity as such does not exist, and each person judges himself and others from his own point of view.

The very first thing is your projects and accomplishments. If you have projects or things that you are proud of, you can name them and talk about them, this is already a success.

Of course, you may have some documentary evidence recognition: a lot of money, diplomas, excellent ratings, statistics.

What's interesting is your failures can also be considered achievements. Why? Because you did something, and, as you know, only those who do nothing make mistakes. Therefore, appreciate and consider all your mistakes as achievements, the main thing is that they are not repeated.

No less important is position yourself as the best in your business. Creating a personal slogan that sets you up for a certain position in life, the right original resume, 100 words that describe you as a person, and other features - all this helps you see yourself as the best and be it.

So, if you have achievements that you are proud of, have documented evidence that is enough for you to consider yourself the best, and at the same time you continue to constantly develop and position yourself in the right way, we can say that you have truly achieved that you have become a number 1, and few would doubt it.

The rules and methods sound quite simple, but the path itself cannot be called simple. After all, one motivation is missing here: today you decided to become the best, you lived the day “correctly”, and tomorrow you forgot about everything.

Consistent actions, regular classes and constant maintenance of motivation are needed, and this can only be ensured by training with a trainer who has himself walked this path and become the best in his field.

How to become a better specialist? Practice!
Put as much effort and perseverance as possible into honing your skills in a particular area. Your practice should include the correct setting of daily tasks and goals in order to make progress in your development and achieve the sharpening and improvement of skills.
You cannot be a passive spectator of everything that happens. Trying yourself and realizing yourself is much more promising than simply observing everything from the outside and doing tests.
Practice isn't just about repeating things you do every day. Be stricter with yourself and make your tasks more difficult.
Find time to be alone

To make the right and thoughtful decisions, sometimes you need to be alone, even if you work in a team. Remember: professionals most often turn out to be introverts.
More training!
It will take at least one month for you to overcome the initial level of expertise in your business. To become a true expert in your field, you need to train more.
Rule of the "Golden Mean"
If your actions are 70% successful, this is the “Golden Mean”. A lower percentage of success means that you are not trying hard enough to achieve your goal.
A good mentor is 90% of your success
Find yourself an experienced and strict mentor, one who will not let you relax and will quickly find and honestly point out shortcomings in your work. Your mentor should not only criticize, but also show quality work by example.
Pay attention to what you can do least well
Learn to find flaws in your work yourself and be self-critical. Of course, newly arrived employees love praise addressed to them. This helps them maintain interest in their work, but on the other hand, it can also relax them. Try to focus your attention on shortcomings and treat criticism correctly. A positive attitude towards your failures is one of the qualities.
Concentrate your will on your development
Try to do everything not just well, but perfectly. Set yourself the goal of doing better and higher quality work than is expected of you. You will see, this will not go unnoticed and the tasks will become more interesting for you every time.
Seek feedback
To properly adjust your goals and course, you need to determine what brings more results and what is a waste of time. You can use any option to evaluate your result.
Having lost ground, don’t give up
Of course, any growth (and career growth is no exception) is not without some nuances that push you back to previous stages. You can put the failed options aside and continue what you started, trying to avoid the problematic nuance, but this is not a solution.
Try to approach something that does not work out as it should be from the other side. You should not have any gaps in the area you are studying. Keep them to a minimum by any means possible.

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  • Published: 04/29/2015 15:05

    Many of you want to be the best in your business. I will tell you how I am going towards this goal, by what methods and means. Let's read!

    You just have to want it and everything will work out

    Greetings, our beloved regular readers. Today I gathered my thoughts in order to write an article about the development of my career as a programmer, designer, SEO specialist and simply an educated young man. I hope that you can find your own key to success and then write a story about your excellent and wonderful future. Go!

    Stage 1 - You have to want it

    Every billionaire started with something simple. Many worked as postmen, waiters, laborers at construction sites, and so on. Note that if you do not have an initial push in the form of parental money, then the desire to be the best increases several times. I'm talking about determination and perseverance now ( some people misinterpret this quality and call it stubbornness).

    I would advise everyone to go to the sphere to which their soul lies. Try to do what you like. If you sing well, then go to schools and so on, get on stage by all means. There is no need to try to get involved in politics. Nowadays, there are already enough uneducated officials who sit in the State Duma, playing tanks and other toys on tablets.

    At this moment, the main thing is to stop in time if nothing works out. Most people have some kind of manic confidence that they are the best in their business. Very often, women without a voice become singers, and men, who can only work in construction, try to become economists and so on. You need to adequately perceive criticism from the outside. If you see that people around you are happy about your success, then move on. If you are constantly being shouted at every corner, “Get out of here, change your profession,” then you should think very hard.

    There is an unspoken law in Japan that every person will be able to show themselves as a professional in any campaign. If he fails to do this, it means that he is simply in the wrong place. In Japan, employees are not fired, but their qualifications are changed. I really like this approach. If Russia had such an approach, our country would certainly move up several levels in terms of all criteria.

    So here it is. To begin with, just understand where your talents will reveal themselves to the fullest.

    Stage 2 - Taking the first steps

    Now is the time to develop your personality as an aspiring professional. In any field, you should not immediately grab the top. Try to periodically replenish your knowledge in the desired area, and also pick up peripheral topics. In my opinion, the most terrible nonsense that exists in many circles is the clear narrow focus. Let me give you an example. A fellow programmer works with me and assures me: " I am a programmer and should be able to program. I don’t need to know how to install an OS, configure a network, etc. I have to be cool in my direction, nothing more". In my personal opinion, such people cannot turn out to be professionals. It’s the same if I want to create a website and don’t want to promote it. Will it be of any use? I think not.

    Try to develop in what you want + take away something more. A true craftsman must be able to do everything, because a talented person is talented in everything. No one will ever be able to predict what knowledge he will need in a few months. I didn’t even think that I would want to become an SEO specialist. It all just started with the creation of one-page websites and grew into global projects.

    In the first steps, you need to force yourself to work and gain knowledge. There is no need to give up everything halfway, as many do. Only a few, the most assertive and lucky, climb to the pinnacle of success. You will be there too, you will definitely be there! You just need to push yourself and kill your inner laziness. By the way, here (How to force yourself to work. Let's go to the goal together!) I wrote my old article about how you can force yourself to work. Very informative, my friends, I recommend it to everyone!

    Stage 3 - Let's start creating

    Now you need to gain experience ( This is in theory, in reality you don’t know how to do anything, you just consider yourself the smartest and the best) and start doing something. It is best to go to study at a suitable university, or get a job in the right field. At this stage, you will realize that you know nothing, and all your ideas about work will collapse in a few days. It’s like a transitional age - someone quickly becomes a stronger person, and some will be a 2-year-old child until they are 80 years old. The most important thing is to survive this period in order to become a good specialist.

    I experienced this stage first-hand when I first got a job in my specialty. Realizing that I didn’t know anything, I began to learn everything from scratch. We can say that in a short time a new personality has formed in me, which is capable of thinking creatively in any situation.

    Right now I want to start creating something of my own. I always see people around me doing nothing but going to work and home. My friends also don't care about anything other than constantly relaxing. Why is this happening? I am the only one who always plows, does not sleep and works until he sweats. I just believe in my success!

    Great people became great because they made huge changes in this world. For example, Coco Chanel changed her attitude towards fashion, Bill Gates, having created the first computer, subsequently created a whole computer world. And there are many such examples.

    Fate and Dream

    A person himself must choose the scale of his success, and, having made a choice, begin to think about how to become the best in his business. Of course, there is the concept of fate. Fate will or will not lead you to achieve your goal. But if you really sincerely desire something, then this is your destiny.

    You must learn to listen to your dream, no matter how pompous it may sound. After all, many great people had no idea what they should do. They simply followed their inner urges, listening to their subconscious desires. They strived to realize their goal, and this desire, one way or another, led each of them to their dream.

    Three steps

    There are three simple steps on the path to success: development - insight - accomplishment.

    First, the student copies his master, copies his paintings, and tries to repeat what has already been created. And the more he tries, the better he gets. Quantity ultimately turns into quality. For example, you want to learn the art of photography. You take a camera and take pictures of everything. At first it turns out to be all kinds of things, but you continue to learn, analyze and process the images. Over time, you reach a level where you become better than your master. You managed to find a new original angle or process the photograph in some other way, which means you have become an innovator in the art of photography.

    In physics there is the concept of a quantum leap. The same leap occurs with our consciousness when quantitative skills turn into a qualitative phenomenon. But there is a very important condition - you must like what you do. Some people may argue that as long as there is no money to start a business, nothing will work out. If you don't have money, invest your soul. And you can only put your soul into something that you really really like.


    Many people did routine work during the day and did what they loved at night. Of course, everyone has their own success story, but if you love your business, if you are in the right place, then sooner or later you will achieve success in it.

    Money, in this case, is not the final goal. They are simply a good reward, an appreciation of the material world for the efforts you have made. Without them it is also difficult to develop. But if you are in the right place at the right time, then money can appear out of nowhere, as if out of thin air.

    When an idea is ready to be realized, the Universe itself will meet you halfway and organize a non-random event to help you realize your creations. Here, the main thing is not to give up. Because if you do not realize your brilliant idea, according to the law of the collective unconscious, someone else will pick it up and he will certainly achieve success.

    Do you think success in any business is determined by innate abilities and talent? To a certain extent, of course, yes, but this is not always a guarantee that a person will become a Master. Here is the time to remember the common phrase that a talented person is only 5% talent and 95% work. And this is absolutely true.

    So what should a person do if he wants to become a real professional in any field? He must work and practice his craft, hone his skills as much and as diligently as possible. There is even a rule for success called “10,000 hours of practice.” It is believed that after this conditional milestone a person can be considered an excellent specialist.

    Of course, the number of hours of practice in itself does not solve anything. Classes must be thoughtful, thoughtful and very diligent. This is not the case when you can get by with such a principle as “the soldier is sleeping, the service is in progress.” No, it's setting a goal every day, making progress and endlessly improving your skills. In other words, in the morning you need to ask the question: “What can I do today to improve my skills?”, and in the evening, “What have I done to achieve this?”

    You need to surround yourself with your chosen activity and increase its presence in your life to the maximum. For example, are you studying to become an English translator? Read in English, watch foreign films in the original, communicate with native speakers, in general, immerse yourself in the language completely! For me, an example in this sense is my friends, husband and wife, both doctors, who prescribe a bunch of literature on medical topics, constantly read something, discuss it, and become interested. For them, work is not a certain number of hours spent outside the home, but a true interest that is present in their lives every second.

    The main thing is not to be passive. Moreover, you need to constantly try yourself in your business, and not just absorb information, remaining an outside observer. Theory is theory, but practice is priceless.

    In a sense, you should even be merciless to yourself. Do not limit yourself to simple repetition in honing your skills, but take to new heights. Become a kind of ruthless taskmaster for yourself who will not tolerate parasitism and passivity.

    By the way, I would like to say separately about whether one should sacrifice momentary joys for such a noble goal as self-improvement. Absolutely yes. The best people I know often spend their weekends not in the usual leisure activities like walking, drinking, lying on the couch in front of the TV, but in self-education. And not necessarily in your field, but, for example, in learning another foreign language, reading, etc. And, “oddly enough,” they are the true professionals in their field who have reached the most significant career heights.

    This pattern was demonstrated very well by an experiment conducted by scientists. The children were given candy and told that if they did not eat it right away, but a little later, they would get another one. Naturally, not all children were able to show such restraint: some ate the candy right away, while others were able to endure and were rewarded for it. And the most interesting thing was that the more successful people later turned out to be those who, in childhood, were able to give up momentary pleasure for the sake of something more.

    I think this experiment fully demonstrates my point. By the way, in addition to everything, successful people are also introverts. After all, thoughtful, effective work requires solitude, the ability to concentrate and fully immerse yourself in the work atmosphere.

    It is believed that it takes at least 10 years to develop the skills of a real specialist. Learn from your mistakes, challenge yourself, don’t look for easy, simple tasks. True specialists always focus on their shortcomings and weaknesses, as they are constantly looking for opportunities for self-improvement. Try to do better, not just good, better than yesterday.

    It is important not to forget that the key to success is perseverance, the ability to finish the job you started, without giving up or giving up halfway. You need to understand that the path to your cherished goal will be long, and be prepared for this. And remember that the road can only be mastered by those who walk.