The path to success is not strewn with rose petals. Everyone knows this. And if a woman builds the path to a successful career, then it is doubly difficult. Business woman- a woman running a business, creating commercial structures, focused only on financial success. At the same time, it is not always important that a woman be a leader.

Who is building the business?

Businesses are built by people who take risks when creating something new. They know that having invested money, it is necessary not only to return it, but also to increase it.

A successful business woman is risk-averse, but within reason, to accomplish her own goals. A successful woman always predicts the result of her actions and clearly knows where to invest money for maximum profitability.

The strengths of a business woman include communication skills, initiative, the ability not only to select a team, but also to work in it, communication talent, a strong-willed personality. It's not easy being a business woman.

Stereotypes about successful women:

1. A successful business woman is successful not only at work, but also in her personal life.
2. A business woman prioritizes her career, her family is not important to her.

There is some truth in these stereotypes. Women who have a successful business, if they have a family, but pay little attention to it. Of course, everything needs harmony. But practice shows that improperly organized time and low efficiency of a domestic business woman prevent her from working on two fronts. The “soviet” upbringing interferes - for years we were told that in order to work effectively we need to work 50 hours a day. Therefore, midnight work, protracted presentations, etc. have become the norm.

Of course, with such a distribution of time for the family, there is absolutely no time left. The mistake of our post-Soviet workers is the wrong distribution of time, the inability to delegate authority to their employees. The myth of “presence” also serves negatively - not a single enterprise has yet collapsed if the leader does not control every second.

Successful business woman and their categories

Of course, given the above factors, personal life flies into the abyss. In such a situation, a business woman can be classified into two categories.

Women of the first category understand that it is impossible to forget about the family. They try to find time to take a walk with the children, communicate with them, spend time, though not very much, but qualitatively. A successful woman will always find time for her family.

Directly opposite are our business women and those who are abroad. In other countries, both time management and delegation of authority are excellent. Foreign business women devote more time to their families and children.

The work of a successful business woman and her psychological problems

Women additionally have to face many psychological difficulties, including the male team. Entrepreneurs, for the most part, treat their colleagues with disdain. Every day a woman has to defend her right to a place in the sun. Being successful isn't easy.

The second problem is often illiteracy and unpreparedness, this can be attributed to both men and women. Our entrepreneurs can't stand up for their space and emotional health. As a result, incorrectly conducted negotiations, incorrect distribution of time and tasks between their subordinates. Such hard work can have an extremely negative effect on the nervous system of a woman. Often, lack of self-control due to nervous exhaustion contributes to divorce and loss of contact with children. Only professionalism will help to solve the problem. If a business woman is a professional of the highest class, then the male team will follow her and appreciate her merits.

What qualities does a business woman need?

Not every woman can be a business woman. According to statistics, only 10-15% of people have a business streak. To be successful, you need to be highly developed intellectually, sociable, courage, have leadership qualities, it is very important to be able to set tasks and goals correctly. It is important to learn how to negotiate and make the right decisions. Remember, business is hard work and you need to be prepared that you won’t be able to rest and relax. Try to achieve harmony and be successful in your affairs and endeavors.

16 .10 .2015

Business woman must learn

You are interested in trainings:

As a result, you will gain an understanding of the main sources of problems when interacting with subordinates and how to eliminate them. Develop your leadership skills and improve personal efficiency, learn right to control work of subordinates inspire them and constantly maintain a high level of motivation to work.

What is prohibited for a business woman: TOP 10 “no” Elena Alexandrova

Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Harosky. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world. Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Harosky. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world.

Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

We are talking today with the executive director and managing partner of BogushTime about what is strictly forbidden for a business woman

Who is a business woman? This is a female leader. Who is a successful business woman? This is a business woman who knows that a leader is a person who is obliged to ensure the result, regardless of the situation, without discounting the floor. A business woman knows how to provide this result and at the same time does not forget that she is a woman. How does she manage all this? Let's go from the opposite and name those moments that should not be in the work of a business woman.

Business lady can't go astray

Any leader should focus on, because working with goals is the main function of the leader and his main advantage. Focusing on goals makes it possible to see the whole picture of what is happening, take into account risks, draw up a working strategic plan, set priorities correctly, influence the situation and direct your employees in the right direction. Every time you get into a state of confusion, you really need to work on goals and make plans. You sit down and describe everything according to the company's activities and then you see that in order to have such a result in 3 months, you and your employees need to take such and such steps today.
In order for each employee to understand what he needs to do to achieve a common goal, the manager must convey these goals and developed plans to his employees: people need guidance for the future and confidence in it. In addition, they must understand why today they are doing the work that is not always interesting and does not always inspire them. Only an understanding of the goals gives their work meaning, determines motivation and forms loyalty to the management and the company.

Business woman should not let things take their course

The leader must be able to control the execution of tasks well, because setting goals is one thing, but being able to control their achievement is another. Therefore, any leader must have the tools with which he controls the achievement of a particular goal and be able to use them. Tools may be different, but they should be. Because if the manager does not control the receipt of intermediate results, especially the final results, then the employees get the idea that this is not important and they sabotage the work.

Business woman must not lose faith in the product

A successful leader must constantly or subdivision. Those. people should understand that they are doing something good, useful and they manage to achieve results and achieve goals even in difficult times. Therefore, it is important to constantly focus the attention of your team on what has been done well.

Even in our company, when we stop sending out good news, when we don't report some good results, and when we don't take stock, people get stuck in a routine and lose energy and motivation. When we give confirmation of what has been done, when we sum up the results within a week and send out good news, then people really see how much has been done, how cool we are and our product is great, and how many people we have helped.

Business woman can't be modest

You need to constantly ask customers to give feedback about the product, about the benefits they received by purchasing your company's product or service or interacting with you. It's important to get positive feedback from customers and make it known to your employees to inspire them. It is even better to make it known to the general public in order to create a certain image for yourself, your company and its products.

Business woman can't be biased

There must be leverage, carrot and stick, reward and punishment. If a person deserves a bonus, then he needs to be rewarded and not necessarily with money, for example, give an additional paid day off. Those. give some special conditions at the moment when a person deserves it. At the same time, encourage everyone to know about it.
And to punish behind closed doors, but only when a person has really gone blunt somewhere, as a result of which the company has suffered some losses, received a blow to the image, etc. If people are only encouraged, that's good. But people should understand that if you make a mistake, you must make a contribution to correct the situation.

Business women should not be led by employees

The successful action of any leader is not to get involved in the problems of employees. Because the leader must be “lazy” and force employees to work, and not work for them, and he must have his attention on the future. Because when a leader gets involved in current problems, his attention gets off track, and this does not allow the company to develop. Therefore, as soon as a problem arises, then demand from the employee options for solutions, you can support one of them, direct, but never take up the matter yourself.

Business woman should not forget about people

My tactics are such that it is important for me to support people, and if I see that I can help, then I help. At least the fact that I’m talking to a person and it already becomes easier for him from the fact that he was given attention. At the same time, it is important to help employees keep the focus on personal goals. The goals of the company are good, but if you see that an employee is dead, then talk to him, find out what he wants for himself and how he can realize it with the help of the company.

A business woman should not focus only on the company

A top executive must have public relations at his level. Those. if you are a director, then you need to communicate with directors, if you are a commercial or financial director, then you need your own social circle. It is imperative to have communications outside the company, because when you are just “boiling” inside the company, you get stuck, your attention is only here and there is no way to look outside at your company and your activities. And when you communicate with people, then you have some new ideas, the opportunity to evaluate what is happening now and what you can improve.

Business woman must learn

It is important to be constantly learning. If this is not done, then the ways to get results and achieve goals become obsolete over time, and learning is the only way to start doing things differently.

Business woman should not miss the mood of her team

It is sacred for a successful leader to ensure that employees understand each other and maintain productive communication with each other. If I see that someone is in conflict with someone, I settle it here. I do not allow someone to swear at someone - when I see this, I do everything to cope with it. And people who are not configured to communicate and interfere with the work of other employees need to be removed from the team - this solves many problems in itself.

Business woman should not be in a bad mood

The leader must keep himself in a good emotional state. Because if you, as a leader, are crushed, then you don’t want anything - no goals, no control, no work. In fact, when you are in a bad state, you cannot manage normally. Therefore, sometimes a leader, especially a woman, needs to drop everything and go do what is pleasant. Everyone chooses something for themselves: massage, training, sports, extreme sports, family, children, etc. Everything that you like, that inspires you, that lifts you in emotional tone.

"Business woman!" the competitor will hiss angrily. “Business lady…” another will admiringly say. Such different feelings in relation to the same lady, but both of them have a real background. So who are business women, why do they evoke in men (and women too) a range of feelings from hatred to admiration?

A few important words about a business woman

Every year there are more and more representatives of the fair sex in various, often not quite suitable for fragile ladies, business areas. There is no doubt that they are true professionals in their field.

Unlike male colleagues, a business woman does not allow herself to be late for business meetings, as she highly values ​​her own and other people's time. It is unlikely that you will hear excuses from her about traffic jams, an evil traffic police officer who stopped the car. These ladies are perfectly able to calculate their working time, having time everywhere.

A business woman is forced to live in the harsh world of male business, accepting its rules. She knows that she is treated with prejudice, and tries not to make a single mistake, so as not to let her colleagues say: “Oh, these women ...”.

In business, women are often tougher and more ruthless than men. Due to their natural charm, they are very dangerous opponents in negotiations. And if a lady has been in business for a long time, then this is an experienced manipulator who, by nature, with these charms, will influence the decision in her favor.

But with all this, a business woman brings good to a purely male company with its inherent features of victory at any cost, not allowing participants to go beyond what is permitted and turn an exciting competition into a bestial fight.

Why is a business woman worthy of respect and admiration?

In return, she asks for respect and attitude as an equal. After all, a business woman achieves everything herself, with her work and often with tears that no one will ever see. She will not tolerate pity and condescension.

If you want to offend or hurt her, show her these feelings or hint that her career has been successful thanks to the support of a sponsor. But be careful: female revenge is insidious and will overtake you suddenly, when you are least ready for it.

Business women deserve respect. What kind of man can not only work and be a successful businessman, fly on business trips and negotiate, spend 10-15 hours at work, but also always look impeccable, keep the house in order and raise children?

Who are business women? These are ladies who, in addition to their husband and child, have a beloved brainchild that they love no less, do everything for its successful growth and do not allow anyone to encroach on it. These are girls and women for whom self-realization and victory are not empty words, but daily realities. And these are dangerous opponents who build multi-level plans, skillfully manipulate people, using feminine charm.

We have long been accustomed to the concept of a businessman, which means a successful man who has his own business. Such a minion of fate. But who is this business woman? Judging by the polls of the population, the majority considers them incredibly tenacious women who firmly know what they want from life.

But this is not entirely correct. A business woman is a very attentive, hardworking and smart woman. In addition, she looks great, is fluent in the art of negotiations and is constantly engaged in self-development.

Today, this concept is often used in everyday life. And this happens if only because a huge number of women occupy leadership positions, slowly pushing the representatives of the stronger sex into the background.


If you want to be a business woman, then you should remember that you should not appear to be one. That is, if you put on a beautiful pantsuit, made a strict haircut and gave your face a smart look, then you are not one step closer to such an image. It's not so much about appearance, but about inner feelings.

First of all, you should watch your speech. A real business woman will never raise her tone just because she doesn't like something. A business woman is not a hysterical woman whose reaction depends on emotions and inner feelings.

Business does not tolerate emotions, so you need to control yourself: the nerves must be steel, and the head must be cold. Any problem can be solved peacefully, taking into account the interests of all parties to the conflict.

As for the form of communication itself, you must be friendly. As one well-known American manager said, “… business women speak in a friendly voice, behind which their interlocutor hears a smile". It's funny you say. What difference does it make what voice to speak when it comes to business negotiations. But you are wrong!

Let's imagine: you came to your business partner and instead of discussing all the details of a future deal over a cup of coffee, he monotonously reads out all the clauses of the contract that interest him.

You will most likely sign this contract, if, of course, all the proposed conditions suit you. But next time, you will subconsciously look for partners who will directly express their interest in your participation.

It is also worth developing self-confidence. Where have you seen a successful woman who mumbles something to her partners. The voice should be confident, but not too loud. The posture should be even, the head proudly raised up. You must show with all your appearance that you know your worth. So, first of all, you need to respect yourself, then others will treat you accordingly!

It should also be noted that a leadership position is a completely optional condition, the presence of which will help you become a business woman. You can work as an ordinary secretary, but at the same time be a real business woman, because, as we have already figured out, this is not a social position, but a state of mind.

Image for a business woman

Internal self-confidence is, of course, good. But do not forget that you are greeted by clothes, but you are escorted by mind. And you won't get a chance to make a first impression. Therefore, you should be very careful about your appearance.

First of all, remember that the style of a business woman is strict outfits. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to wear tightly closed blouses or sweaters. Yes, and only trouser suits are also not worth wearing.

Add a touch of strict sexuality to your appearance. For example, on the basis of sociological research, it can be firmly argued that women who wore a skirt to work achieved career growth much faster than others. So think at your leisure about this interesting fact.

But the length of the skirt should also be appropriate. So you can forget about miniskirts. You will wear them on weekends. And for work, a skirt just above the knee is all you can afford.

There is also a certain list of things that you should never wear to work if you want to become a real business woman:

  • Jeans;
  • Too short dresses and skirts;
  • Transparent blouses and T-shirts;
  • Top with a deep neckline;
  • Sneakers and sneakers.

In general, if you put on something from the specified list for work, then you can’t even count on a serious attitude towards yourself. At best, your colleagues will simply not show that something is wrong.

As you can see, clothes for a business woman are important, so you should take a responsible approach to choosing a wardrobe. And no one tells you to adjust your choice solely to the business style, but a few things of such a plan should be mandatory.

Hairstyle for a business lady

Hairstyle also plays an important role in the appearance of every woman. But it is important to be able to choose it depending on where you are going to go. Naturally, in business negotiations, a creative mess on your head will look ridiculous.

Hairstyle should be neat, but not sleek. A ponytail, secured with some pretty hairpin, is best suited. Or you can braid a braid that will look strict, but at the same time romantic.

You should also not dye your hair in extreme colors. Perhaps the soft carrot color suits your eyes, but it doesn’t really fit with the workflow. The tips should be aligned, and the roots should be painted over as they grow.


Particular attention should be paid to makeup. The fact is that the image of a business woman does not imply bright war paint. You must look natural. Therefore, we recommend that you lightly powder your face and apply a little mascara to your eyelashes. If you want to use lipstick, then you should stop at pastel shades.

What can be said about the Russian business lady? She is certainly a bright and self-sufficient person, firmly confident in her abilities. Such a woman knows exactly what she wants from life. And she also has information on how to achieve her goals in the shortest possible time.

It is common knowledge that the seductive path to the top is not strewn with rose petals. And if at the same time we are talking about a woman, it is doubly difficult!

A business woman, as follows from the very semantics of the word, is a woman who is engaged in business, creating commercial structures, and is focused on financial success.

However, she is not always the leader.

First of all, business employs people who know how to take risks when creating something new, investing in the expectation that this money will not only return, but also bring profit.

Characteristics of a business woman

A business woman, or a female leader, as a rule, is inclined to take reasonable risks for the sake of solving her own creative problems.

A business woman predicts the results of her actions and finds successful niches for investing money.

The strengths of a business woman are communication talent, good communication skills, initiative, charm, and the ability to select a team.

Ideally, a business woman is a charismatic, strong-willed, strong personality.

That's how many requirements, so the path of a business woman is quite difficult.

  • Myths about business women
  1. A true business woman must be successful both in work and in her personal life.
  2. A true business woman devotes herself first of all to her career, her family is in tenth place for her

There are women who are successful in business and have a more or less decent family, but the latter lacks attention.

It is clear that the best option is harmony, in which neither the family nor the business suffer.

But practice shows that due to low labor productivity and improper organization of her time, our business woman, unlike the foreign one, often does not physically have time to win “on two fronts”.

After all, this is a purely post-Soviet approach: they say, for effective work, you need to spend almost around the clock in the office.

Presentations that end after midnight and negotiations that go on for many hours have become the norm.

Well, what kind of family can we talk about in this situation?

Unfortunately, we are not accustomed to organize our time, we do not know how to delegate authority to subordinates.

One can only sympathize with those business women who cannot break out of this vicious circle.

The "myth of presence" also has a negative effect - they say, without the constant, almost every minute control of the leader, everything will instantly fall apart.

Of course, personal life suffers at the same time. What is reflected in relationships with partners, children, yes, for that matter, such a woman has no time to relax, read, go to a concert ...

In this situation, business women are divided into two categories.

  • Two categories of business woman

1 - good mother

Some of them understand that, in order to achieve success in business, one should not forget about a loved one and a child.

They take the time to find out what books their children are reading, talk with them, chat, if not for very long, but fully.

A business woman will find ten minutes to look into the eyes of a child, to pay attention to a loved one.

2 - lack of care for the child

The second option is that the woman is so strongly involved in the process that she makes a fundamentally wrong conclusion: maternal attention can be replaced by monetary investments in the services of a nanny, cleaner, governess...

And then, if any problems arise, the child is severely punished.

Of course, the children of such business women suffer greatly, and they themselves can hardly be called happy.

There is a fundamental difference between the position of our business woman and abroad. Abroad, time management is better, delegation of authority is developed.

Accordingly, a business woman pays more attention to the family and raising children, if only because she can stay with them longer.

Psychological problems in the work of a business woman

In her work, a business woman additionally has to face some psychological problems.

  • 1. Working in a male environment

Entrepreneurs are accustomed to treating female colleagues as “zhinochki”: they say, what smart can they say or do?

As a result, almost every day a business woman must defend her right to a full-fledged professional life, to success, to the power that she herself has achieved.

Being a business woman is not easy in itself.

  • 2. Psychological unpreparedness

The second problem is psychological unpreparedness and illiteracy: however, this applies to both women and men.

Our businessmen and businesswomen do not know how to protect their space, emotional health is not always able to properly negotiate, allocate time and tasks between subordinates.

Stressful working conditions often lead to nervous exhaustion: when a business woman comes home, she is sometimes simply unable to communicate with her husband or children, which, in turn, makes her even more unhappy.

Often this ends in divorce, loss of contact with children.

But what if a woman leader has to lead a male team or a mixed one? The key word here is professionalism.

If a business woman is a high-class professional, then men are quite capable of respecting such a person, following him, appreciating his dignity.

Of course, there are also rules of the game in the men's team: one must be tactful, behave respectfully, one must not allow oneself unnecessary emotions and, of course, professionalism, strength of character and sociability are necessary.

What qualities should a business woman have?

Being a business woman is not for every woman. In general, only 10-15% of people have a business streak.

First of all, such a woman must be highly developed intellectually.

Of course, we are not talking about an “excellent student” by school standards: just three-year-olds often achieve much more success, because they have the courage to act differently from everyone else.

Such a person should be sociable, have leadership qualities, courage. It is very important to be able to set tasks correctly, it is desirable to have charismatic qualities.

It is important to know which qualities can be developed in oneself and which are given by nature: either they are, or they are not.

For example, charisma or intellectual activity can only be strengthened, but it is impossible to acquire them. But you can learn how to negotiate and make decisions.

Business women turn to psychologists very often. First of all, on the issues of raising children: it is in this area that business ladies have maximum problems.

The illusion that a child can be paid off with gifts, an elite school, the care of a governess is very pernicious... This often leads to the fact that children begin to behave simply horribly - in this way they achieve the attention of their mother.

Business often becomes a work of wear and tear. This is due to the inability to rest, relax.

Often, the help of a psychologist is needed to avoid serious somatic problems.

The sooner a business woman gets rid of the delusion that you can hit the jackpot only by devoting yourself to work one hundred percent, the better.

The best option is harmony.

Of course, every woman has her own: for example, Condoleezza Rise consciously prefers the business side of life - this is her main need.

But the vast majority of prominent women are quite successful in the family sphere.

It all depends on the choice of the woman herself.