Nature cannot be caught sloppy and half-naked; she is always beautiful.

Ralph Emerson

Why do we need to protect nature? I think probably everyone has asked this question at some point.

From birth, a person touches the world of living and inanimate nature. As children, we are more attached to the wonderful world of nature: we admire the bright petals of flowers, we run with delight on the green grass. I am no exception; since early childhood I have loved to relax in nature: go to the forest, swim in the river. Recently, the river banks and forests have become so polluted that it is painful to watch.

And it's all the fault of us, people.

There is a lot of talk now about the deterioration of the environmental situation. Ecological clubs and teams are organized in schools. I care about our future, the future of our generations, so I signed up for the environmental squad. In the environmental circle classes, we are told about the situation in the world around us, how easy it is to upset the balance in nature and how difficult it is to restore it. Fortunately, nature is very intelligently designed; it can restore itself, only slowly. Time is the only thing nature lacks due to unreasonable human behavior.

Humanity, in pursuit of new technologies, their improvement, and profit, has exterminated many animals, some species of which are lost forever, or only a few remain. A predator, chasing an animal, wants one thing - to eat. He won't kill more than he needs. And there is harmony and balance in this. Man destroys everything he sees, he needs more and more. And as a result, he will destroy all living things.

We breathe like all living beings, inhaling oxygen in the air and exhaling carbon dioxide. But the oxygen content in the atmosphere largely depends on plants. It is plants that enrich the air with oxygen through the process of photosynthesis! How long has humanity not thought about this, destroying forests, plowing up steppes, draining swamps.

You can’t teach everyone to care about nature in one day. This takes time, perhaps entire generations. If now every person keeps clean, at least in his yard, in the forest where he walks, at his place of study or work, how much everything around him will change!
I hope that the time will come when people will come to their senses and move on from the destruction of the earth. We must not forget that we are part of nature. And our planet is not disposable.

Why you need to protect nature.

The nature of our Motherland is very beautiful. Its forests, fields, groves and meadows are beautiful. Trees and shrubs grow in the forests of central Russia, some of which are listed in the Red Book. They are very useful not only for animals, but also for humans. In the forests of the Far East, for example, sea buckthorn grows. In directories twenty years ago it was listed as growing wild. Currently, it can be considered a cultivated plant; it is grown in gardens, and the most useful medicinal oil is made from sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is grown both to strengthen the soil in gardens and for decorative purposes - the golden-yellow “cobs” of its ripe fruits are very beautiful. Scientists know that this berry is rich in active substances: oil, carotene, vitamins. Is it just sea buckthorn! Nature has given us many useful plants.

Not all people treat nature with care: they light fires in the forests, cut down Christmas trees for the New Year, throw garbage into rivers and lakes, waste from factories and factories often also ends up in water bodies. And because of this, many fish die, sometimes very valuable species.

If people do not understand that nature needs to be protected, then not only fish, but also animals and birds will die. The plants will not be healthy. As a result of this, cows, sheep, and goats will have nothing to eat.

There will be no dairy and meat products in stores. People will have nothing to breathe, as the environment will be ruined. Therefore, it is very important to protect nature and properly organize the work of factories and factories.

Protect the environment!

Why you need to protect nature.

Nature is necessary for man to live. If we do not protect nature, people will begin to die from various diseases and even environmental disasters.

During their lives, people heavily pollute forests, seas, rivers, and lakes. Some people think that nothing bad will happen if their bag of garbage is thrown into a pond. What if a hundred people think so? And it turns out that at the bottom of rivers you can find fragments of broken bottles, pieces of torn bags and other garbage unnecessary to nature. People breathe environmentally polluted air from factories and factories, drink polluted water. Do we really want to live like this?

Vice versa. We want to come to the clean forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Listen to the birds singing. Birds are part of our nature. They add charm to forests, gardens and groves, and are the best decoration of city parks. Birds transform the landscape and make it joyful and pleasant with their singing. However, people must remember that birds, fish and animals cannot live in a dirty environment. That is why the Red Book was created, protecting the flora and fauna of our Motherland from destruction.

It cannot be said that humanity is doing nothing at all to preserve the environment on the planet. People build wastewater treatment plants, create nature reserves, and plant trees. It is simply necessary that there be more such people, so that each of us, according to our capabilities, makes at least a small contribution to nature conservation. Nature is the most important wealth given to humanity.

Let's take care of her!

In an ultra-modern city in an ultra-modern country, ultra-modern people lived. They lived in multifunctional, ultra-modern houses, where the lights turned on with a click, and the equipment started up with one word.

Robots walked and drove along the city streets next to people. Just as ultra-modern and sophisticated as everything around. All the plants in this city were artificial, created according to the most complex patterns. Animals were the result of the work of designers.

But there was one problem that the scientists of the ultra-modern city could not solve. Life in the human biological body did not last very long. Ultra-modern drugs did not help. It was not possible to invent a universal fuel for the human body. People could not be “tucked in.” Moreover, we had to buy oxygen and water, which affected the budget of the ultra-modern state.

For some reason, modern man strives for such a fictitious life. He forgot that HE is a biological being, living, part of NATURE. And only a living environment can provide him with a long, painless life. NATURE.

Man is often called the creator, the crown of nature. But what kind of creator is he?! He can create only thanks to nature. From what nature gives him. What kind of crown is he?! Weak, small, sick... He is unable to protect himself from natural disasters or deadly disease. He knows the history of the emergence of states and countries, the emergence of terrible infections; knows why it is necessary to study viruses, how to preserve external youth. He knows a lot of things... But he doesn’t begin to live longer.

Why should we protect nature?


Clean, fresh. For a person, it is better than an expensive perfume scent. Every cell of the human body needs oxygen. Without a breath of air, a person dies.

People living in huge industrial centers are more likely to encounter fatal diseases, age faster, and more often give birth to genetic freaks. After all, they breathe smog, smoke from factory chimneys, and exhaust fumes from millions of cars.

Green forests are needed for clean air. And people forget about this, mindlessly preparing wood for their needs.

Fresh air must be protected from factories and factories. And the entrepreneur does not want to spend money on expensive cleaning equipment.

The air cannot remain clean in the presence of large amounts of exhaust gases. And car enthusiasts buy low-quality, cheap fuel and save on repairing their cars. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the quantity of equipment, nor requirements for its quality.


People need clean water as well as clean air. Where can I get it?

If enterprises discharge their waste into natural bodies of water.

If a person drains swamps and lakes for his own purposes.

If, due to human activity, the ozone holes are so large that the climate has changed. Springs, streams, and rivers dry up on their own.

If thoughtless consumption of groundwater leads to the disappearance of these sources of drinking liquid.


Healthy food products are already very expensive. But consumer use of natural resources and soils will soon make natural food unavailable.

We will eat GMOs and synthetic foods. They will not improve your health.

We are like those fools on a ship on the high seas who themselves poisoned all the food, threw all the water overboard, and then made a hole in the hold of their ship.

Thinking about tomorrow

Why is it necessary to protect nature? History includes mass extinctions, global warming, ice ages, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. But all this was subject to natural processes. Therefore, the Earth survived and survived.

A person spends the benefits given to him unreasonably, thoughtlessly. One gets the impression that he completely forgot about tomorrow. After the evil brought by a human being, nature cannot recover on its own.

Yes, the wind carries plant seeds, and birds help it. And soon a forest will grow in a new place. But it takes time. But Nature does not have this time. Man is cutting down forests too quickly and cultivating soils, uprooting “extra” trees. Therefore, growing a new forest is already his task, Man.

Keep the air clean.

Since a person drives cars and builds factories and factories.

And after all, much is not required from a Man. There is no need to even give up the benefits of civilization. You just need to THINK about the future.

We hear about the need to protect nature from early childhood. Most often we only hear. Adults (not counting school teachers) rarely explain to kids why this needs to be done. Moreover, the behavior of adults most often demonstrates the opposite examples.

Remember how many times you lit fires outside the city? How many branches were broken? How many flowers did you pick while relaxing in the forest?

We tell the child: “Take care of nature!”, but we throw garbage into the rivers, pollute the atmosphere, and poison the soil with excess amounts of fertilizers. And at the same time we hope that environmental disasters will not befall us.

Have you ever wondered: why do we need to protect nature? A common answer like: “To preserve the environment!”, although absolutely accurate, sounds unconscious (most often). Let's try to fantasize and remember the real facts.

Imagine that you are the owner of a site and at the same time a small workshop for the production of chemicals. To increase your profit, you dump chemical waste on your site. This is also where you send scraps and sewage. What do you think will happen to your land in a year? And in ten years? What plants will survive on it? Will they be edible?

But this is exactly what we do with our planet. We forget that we need to protect nature not periodically, during events, but every day, every second.

An example that has not yet been forgotten is when, several decades ago, all sparrows were destroyed in China: they ate rice crops. But instead of increasing the yield, we first received a huge number of pests, then the drying out of forests and, as a result, the shallowing of rivers. There are many such examples in the history of Russia and planet Earth.

Remember the sad fate of the Aral Sea, the incessant forest fires. Think about how many people have been poisoned by vegetables containing excess chemicals, how many people are suffocating in the atmosphere of industrial waste?

Why do we need to protect nature? The short answer is to live. To have healthy children, raise healthy grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

But how to properly protect nature?

From early childhood you need to learn to live in harmony with nature and the world around you. Close people and teachers tell you how to do this. It is worth listening to such advice in order to live, bringing only benefit to nature and people. Many proverbs and sayings say that we need to appreciate natural gifts. Many people don't even know why.

Why you need to take care of nature

The answer to this question is simple. A person is born and lives in the natural environment, using all resources, developing physically and spiritually. It is very difficult to imagine a world without rivers, seas and oceans, without plants and animals. All this is the natural world that surrounds us, with which we coexist. Without water and heat there would be no life on Earth; man would not be able to survive in such conditions. Nature provides life for all living things:

  • it gives clean air;
  • gives water and warmth necessary for humans;
  • natural materials for home improvement;
  • energy that gives strength every day;
  • beautiful views that inspire new creations.

This is not the entire list of things we should be grateful for.

Wise words about nature

To protect nature means to protect people. This is true. How you treat yourself is how you should treat the world around you. The destruction of resources leads to the destruction of all living things. Other words also have meaning: life is lived in vain if you haven’t planted a tree, built a house, or raised a child. Everyone can leave their good mark on the earth and you need to start with a small tree that will grow and serve as a reminder of a good deed.

One picked flower is worth ten. More words of wisdom to heed. Even the smallest creature in nature has the right to life. Destroying even one will lead to great losses.

These are, of course, just words, but they are not meaningless. Many more proverbs can be found about protecting nature. The fact is that everyone must independently realize what they are doing wrong. Good should only be responded to in the same way. Everything in the world around us is coherent and harmonious; this should not be disturbed.

1. Man is a part of nature, he depends on it. In particular, the duration and quality of life depends directly on the environment. Hence. if we take care of nature, we take care of our own future.

2. A person who left nothing behind has lived a wasted life. You can devote yourself to work, but it will not take care of you in old age. No one will remember the person who worked well, but the family will. The tree and the house will last a long time and remind of the person. who put his hand to them.

3. When we pick a flower, we don’t think about the fact that it could produce seeds and more flowers would grow. For us it is just a beautiful flower. which will wither tomorrow.

Today, human society is structured in such a way that it chases modern developments, new technologies that make life easier and more comfortable. Many people surround themselves with hundreds of unnecessary things that are not so environmentally friendly. Environmental degradation affects not only the quality of life, but also the health and life expectancy of people.

State of the environment

At the moment, the state of the environment is in a serious condition:

  • water pollution;
  • depletion of natural resources;
  • destruction of many species and;
  • violation of the regime of water bodies;
  • education ;
  • melting glaciers;

All this leads to ecosystems changing and being destroyed, and territories becoming unsuitable for human and animal life. We breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, and suffer from intense ultraviolet radiation. Now the number of cardiovascular, oncological, and neurological ailments is increasing, allergies and asthma, diabetes, obesity, infertility, and AIDS are spreading. Healthy parents give birth to sick children with chronic diseases, and pathologies and mutations often occur.

Consequences of nature depletion

Many people, with a consumerist attitude towards nature, do not even think about what global consequences can lead to. The air, among other gases, contains oxygen, which is necessary for every cell of the body of humans and animals. If the atmosphere is polluted, then people will literally not have enough clean air, which will lead to numerous diseases, rapid aging and premature death.

Lack of water leads to desertification of territories, destruction of flora and fauna, changes in nature and climate change. Not only animals, but also people die from lack of clean water, from exhaustion and dehydration. If water bodies continue to become polluted, all supplies of drinking water on the planet will soon be exhausted. Polluted air, water and soil mean that agricultural products increasingly contain harmful substances, so many people cannot even eat healthy food.

What awaits us tomorrow? Over time, environmental problems can reach such proportions that one of the disaster movie scenarios may well come true. This will lead to the death of millions of people, disruption of normal life on earth and will threaten the existence of all life on the planet.

There are many different assignment options in the school curriculum. The essay “Take care of nature” is one of them. It is necessary to tell boys and girls how to cope with such a task correctly in order to get a good grade and earn praise from the teacher.

What should the essay “Take care of nature” be like?

The main thing is that the essay be written sincerely, from the heart. Every line needs to be filled with meaning and emotion. Therefore, the essay “Take care of nature” should include:

  • Experiences.
  • Thoughts on how people can preserve nature.
  • Recommendations.
  • Personal examples of how a student cares about nature.

Each essay “Take care of nature” can have its own mood and duration. The main thing is to fully express your thoughts and talk about your experiences.

Essay plan

In order for the discussion on the topic “Take care of nature” to be written correctly and to carry useful information, you need to invite the child to write the story according to plan. As an example, you can take this variant of the writing sequence:

  • Introductory part. In this section of the essay you need to briefly describe the problem of nature conservation. Talk about the actions by which people spoil and destroy the environment.
  • Main part. Here we should give specific examples of how nature can be preserved. It would also be a good idea to talk about your personal methods of preserving the environment.
  • Completion. In the last section of the essay you need to summarize and draw conclusions about everything written in the argument.

This is a standard outline for a school essay on “Take care of nature.” Based on this order of writing, you can draw up a more detailed plan.

Essay “People, take care of nature” for elementary grades

Children studying in the first grades are quite capable of talking about their thoughts on what nature is and how to preserve it. The essay “Why we need to protect nature” for the youngest schoolchildren could be as follows:

Nature is our life. After all, trees purify the air we breathe, and forests and parks delight the soul with their beauty. If each of us does not start caring about nature, then over time there will be nothing to admire.

Personally, I always take care of nature. When walking in the forest, I try not to break branches from the trees, and when walking through the park, I try not to pick the flowers that grow in the clearings. I also help my grandparents plant new trees at their dacha. And then care for the plants with excitement and care and watch them grow.

I believe that every person is obliged to take care of nature, because there are many of us, but there is only one. If someone does not have the opportunity to plant new trees, then we must at least try not to destroy what nature itself has given us.

This essay-reasoning “How I take care of nature” is suitable for students in the first three grades. Each student can tell his or her own story, but the main message must not be lost.

Essay for high school students

Older children in fifth grade and above can talk in more depth about how to preserve nature. As an example, you can take this version of the essay:

Nature is much more important than any of us might think. Animals live in forests that could not exist if there were no nature around them. People, thanks to trees and shrubs, can breathe purified air. And an ordinary trip to nature, for example to a barbecue, saturates a person with kind and pleasant emotions. It is worth taking care of nature so as not to deprive yourself of this happiness.

Personally, I try my best to protect Mother Nature. I try to conserve natural resources. For example, I always turn off the water in the tap after myself, and turn off the gas when the food is cooked. When I relax with my parents in nature, I never leave trash behind. After all, over time, even one piece of paper left on the ground can cause damage to plants located nearby. I also never throw garbage into waterways. Firstly, it is uncivilized, and secondly, if everyone throws out even one small candy wrapper, then instead of seas, rivers and lakes, in the near future we will have puddles of garbage.

If every person at least sometimes thinks about the fact that nature needs to be protected and cherished, then we will be able to preserve the beauty that surrounds us. The main thing is to never forget that one small wrong action can have a detrimental effect on what surrounds us.

Such an essay with deep meaning will help the student earn a high grade, as well as praise from the teacher.

Short essay about nature conservation

If children do not like to express their thoughts in detail, then you can invite them to write a short essay. As an example, you can take this option:

It is imperative to protect nature. The most important thing is that everyone remembers this, because only together we can make a significant contribution to environmental protection and avoid environmental disaster.

You can protect nature in different ways:

  • Introduce innovations into the operation of factories so that harmful substances do not enter the environment.
  • Save water by not leaving taps running when they are not needed.
  • Plant trees.
  • Do not break plants that come along the way.
  • Watch your culture and do not throw garbage in the wrong places.

These simple actions will allow us to preserve what we have, and maybe even improve the state of the environment as a whole. But in order for there to be any effect, every person on the globe must think about what contribution they make to the conservation of nature.

This essay is also suitable for schoolchildren. Therefore, you can take it into account.