BASHKIR Reserve The Bashkir Nature Reserve is located among the mountains and endless forests of the Southern Urals. In the 18th century, this area was covered with beautiful forests with colorful flowering meadows. People living in this territory cut down and burned forests, killed animals, trampled fields, and already at the beginning of the 20th century there was a real danger of complete destruction of natural ecosystems. The Bashkir Nature Reserve was created in 1930; in 1951, it was liquidated, and predatory destruction of the forest began. Only 7 years later the Bashkir Nature Reserve was restored. Its area is almost 50 thousand hectares.

Hawk Owl It is of medium size, has a small round head, an incomplete facial disc, relatively small eyes, long sharp wings, a long sharply stepped tail, densely feathered tarsus and toes. The total length of the hawk owl is cm, with a wingspan of 7080 cm, wing length cm, weight g. A sedentary bird, associated in distribution with woody vegetation, mainly coniferous. The hawk owl's food consists primarily of rodents (lemmings and other voles). The owl also attacks birds, white partridges and various passerines. The hawk owl is a diurnal bird; it hunts during daylight hours, especially early in the morning or in the evening.

Deer beetle The largest stag beetle. It is black, the upper jaws and elytra are chestnut-brown in the male and black in the female. The length of the female is mm, the length of the male without the upper jaws is mm, and with them up to 75 mm. He lives in the south of the forest zone and in the forest-steppe, mostly in oak forests. It feeds on sap from wounds on oak trunks.

Boar Wild pig, the most widespread species. Lives in a wide variety of places from dark coniferous taiga to tropical forests and deserts. In the mountains it can be found in all zones, up to and including alpine meadows. In Europe, it especially loves oak and beech forests, alternating with glades, meadows and swamps. In the Caucasus, especially in autumn, it lives in fruit forests, and in the mountains of Central Asia and Kazakhstan it is more often found in spruce and deciduous forests, but also prefers walnut and fruit groves. Often found in bushy valleys of mountain rivers. In the Far East, the wild boar lives in both cedar and mixed forests. Everywhere, especially in the mountains, it wanders depending on the harvest of certain feeds.

Burial ground The total length of the burial ground is 7284 cm, wing length is 5465 cm, weight is about 3 kg. The burial ground inhabits forest-steppes, areas of woody vegetation in the steppe, semi-deserts and in some places even deserts (Central Asia). The burial ground is found on the plains and in the lower mountain belt. The Imperial Eagle's nests are located in trees, rarely along cliffs. The Imperial Eagle's main food is small mammals, especially ground squirrels, sometimes it attacks hares, and does not neglect mouse-like rodents (voles, etc.). In addition, the Imperial Eagle feeds on birds, especially young ones, and also eats carrion.

Kutora swims and dives willingly and with great skill, for which it received the name - water kutora. It feeds on earthworms, insects, aquatic invertebrates and, apparently, small vertebrate young of small rodents, frogs, tadpoles, and small fish. The mass of food eaten per day by the shrew somewhat exceeds the mass of the animal itself. A shrew can starve longer (it dies from hunger only on the third day).

Elk The largest modern deer. Adult males have a body length of up to 300 cm, a height at the withers of up to 235 cm and a weight of up to kg. Moose inhabit a wide variety of forests, willow thickets along the banks of steppe rivers and lakes, and in the forest-tundra they stay in birch and aspen forests. Both in the steppe and in the tundra they are found in the summer and far from the forest, sometimes hundreds of kilometers away.

Golden Eagle This is a large bird with long and relatively narrow wings, a slightly rounded tail; the feathers on the back of the head are narrow and pointed; the paws are very powerful, with strong claws and a tarsus feathered down to the toes. The dimensions of the golden eagle are as follows: total length 8095 cm, wing length 60 72.5 cm, weight 36.5 kg. Female golden eagles are noticeably larger than males. The golden eagle is a sedentary bird, with the exception of the northeast of Siberia (Yakutia), where it is migratory. Young eagles roam quite widely. The golden eagle nests in forests, mountains, and also in deserts. The golden eagle's food is varied: animals include hares, gophers, marmots, young ungulates (deer, in particular reindeer, roe deer), also foxes, martens; birds the size of wood grouse and geese. In addition, the golden eagle willingly feeds on carrion. Sometimes the golden eagle also feeds on small animals (mice, voles).

Capercaillie This is a large, clumsy and timid bird. Its gait is fast; when searching for food, it often runs on the ground. The capercaillie rises heavily from the ground, loudly flapping its wings and making a lot of noise. The flight is heavy, noisy, almost straight and short unless absolutely necessary. The capercaillie usually flies just above the forest or at the height of half a tree;

Tawny Owl Birds of medium and large (for owls) size, with a total length of 30 to 70 cm, gray or reddish with mottled colors. Tawny owls have a relatively large and round head. They are forest birds that are primarily nocturnal. They feed on prey caught on the ground; the main diet consists of rodents; they also hunt small and medium-sized birds.

Buzzard A medium-sized bird: total length 4552 cm, wing length 3743.5 cm, weight g. Builds a nest from twigs and usually decorates it with green branches and leaves Buzzards feed mainly on insects, especially the larvae of social hymenoptera (wasps, bumblebees). Sitting on a tree or flying slowly, the honey beetle watches for insects, notices the nest, approaches it and tears it apart with its paws. Additional food for the honey buzzard includes other insects, large caterpillars and beetles, as well as frogs, lizards, snakes, small birds and rodents.

Tap dance A very small bird, about the size of a siskin. Its weight ranges from 10 to 15 g. It usually flies in dense flocks with a continuous chirp, sounding like a repeated “chiv-chiv-chiv” or “chi-chi-chi-chi-chi.” It nests in the bush tundra among thickets of dwarf birch and willow, in the taiga in small swampy clearings. For the winter, tap dancers migrate or fly away to the south, going beyond the nesting area to the southern regions of Europe and Asia. In late autumn and winter they appear in the middle parts of our country, enlivening the edges of forests and gardens.

Roe deer Roe deer is a small deer of light and graceful build with a relatively short body. Roe deer feed on herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation. In spring and early summer they love cereals, onions, lilies, sleep grass, lungwort, primrose, etc. In summer, umbelliferae, legumes, ranunculaceae, and Asteraceae are of great importance in the diet of roe deer. He loves aquatic plants, such as the watch, for which he comes to swamps and lakes.

MUSKRAT The largest of the voles. The weight of adult individuals can reach almost 2 kg, although usually about 1.5 kg. Active at dusk and in the dark, as well as early in the morning, spends the day in a shelter. Constructs burrows in the banks with an underwater entrance. On low, swampy shores or islands, it constructs huts up to a meter high from the stems of aquatic plants (reed, sedge, cattail). The exit from the hut also leads directly into the water and is not visible from the outside. The muskrat feeds on aquatic or semi-aquatic vegetation; sometimes eats small invertebrates.

Spindle copperhead has a long spindle-shaped body. Lives in deciduous and mixed forests, also found in bushes, meadows, fields and gardens, but usually not far from the forest. In the Caucasus, the spindle rises quite high into the mountains, penetrating in places into areas of subalpine meadows at the upper forest edges. It hides in rotten stumps, under fallen tree trunks, in piles of dead wood, in the thickness of the forest floor, under stones and in anthills. Spindles feed on earthworms, land mollusks, insect larvae, centipedes and other slow-moving animals, since they can keep up with more mobile prey unable.

Snakes are especially numerous along the banks of calm rivers, lakes, ponds, grass swamps, in damp forests and floodplain meadows covered with shrubs, but are sometimes found even in the open steppe and in the mountains. Snakes feed on small frogs, toads and their young. Occasionally, their prey includes lizards, small birds and their chicks, as well as small mammals, including newborn cubs of water rats and muskrats. Young snakes often catch insects.

Taimen. Taimen can reach 1.5 m and weigh more than 60 kg. Taimen is very widespread; it can be caught in all Siberian rivers, up to the Indigirka. It is found both in the Amur basin and in large lakes (Norilskoye, Lake Zaisan, Teletskoye and Baikal.) Taimen never goes to sea, prefers fast, mountain and taiga rivers and clean cold-water lakes. It spawns in May in small channels. This large and beautiful fish is a desirable catch for the amateur fisherman.

Grayling The size of the grayling does not exceed 50 cm, the weight is usually 0.51 kg, but there was a case of catching a specimen in 4675. Graylings, in general, are predatory fish, but in small rivers where they usually live, food supplies for them are limited . Therefore, they feed mainly on small bottom animals, fish eggs, and insects falling into the water (which is what sport fishing for grayling with a fly is based on). Large fish can swallow rodents and shrews crossing the river.

Cape Town - about 2 million people. Historical past. The South African economy is a dual economy. Population of the country. South Africa is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The remaining ethnic groups are relatively small. Natural resources. Member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Port Elizabeth – 800 thousand people. South Africa's mining industry contributes about 1/5 of its GNP, but 2/3 of its export value. UNK: economic map of Africa, atlas, presentation.

"Arsenyev" - Scientific and literary heritage. Arsenyev. Far East. Biography lines. The village of Semenovka. Pride of the Fatherland. Grave. Dersu Uzala. Monument. Life. Daughter. Memory. Petersburg Junker Infantry School. Arsenyev in the Far East. City of Arsenyev. Arsenyev's Far East. Arsenyev in the Far East. The flagship of the Amur River Shipping Company. The mystery of the manuscript. Memorial plaque. Date of Birth. Arsenyev.

“Typology of countries” - Practical assignment. What can a political map tell you? Typology of countries and its characteristics. Grouping of countries. Developing countries. Changes on the political map. Economically developed countries. The difference between quantitative and qualitative shifts. Countries are giants. Modern political map of the world. Qualitative changes. Number and grouping of countries. Features of various historical eras.

“The process of urbanization” is the “sprawling” of cities. History of the emergence of cities. Cities arose in ancient times. Cities are distinguished by their multi-story buildings and layout. Attention. Fast growth rate. Modern city. The first cities. Rates and levels of urbanization. The Middle Ages. UAE. Photo quiz. Urban agglomerations. High level of urbanization. The largest agglomerations in the world. Urbanization. Concept of urbanization.

“World Economic Development” - Globalization of the economy. Why does Russia need the WTO? A look at the consequences of joining the WTO. Federal State Educational Standards require knowledge. Professor. Main trends. Reflection in the textbook. Consequences of accession to the WTO for production. Russia in the WTO. Russian regions after joining the WTO. The modern world is very dynamic. Trends in global economic development. Getting acquainted with the opinions of experts. Main trends in global economic development.

"Description of Monaco" - History of Monaco. Geographical location and climate. Culture of Monaco. National holidays. Interesting Facts. Monaco. Famous people of Monaco. Territorial division. Cuisine of Monaco. Anthem of Monaco. Principality of Monaco. Coat of arms of Monaco. Economy of Monaco. Population. Flag of Monaco. Money in Monaco. Language and religion. Armed forces. Beautiful state. Brief information. Transport. Political structure. Education.

“Astrakhan Nature Reserve” - Plan: Prepared by: Pupils of 8 "B" class Pereverzev Zina Zavorotynsky Sasha. Among eastern peoples, the lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility. Astrakhan Nature Reserve. But there are especially many bloodsuckers. We chose the topic of our presentation: Astrakhan Nature Reserve. The relief is almost perfectly flat. Among eastern peoples, the lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility.

"Yugansky Reserve" - ​​?Red Book black stork. Geographical position. The average temperature in January is -19°C, but sometimes frosts reach –55°C. Climate. The largest rivers of the reserve are Negusyakh, Vuyayany, and Kolkochenyagun. Winter is cold and long. Tourists on the territory of the reserve. The terrain of the reserve is flat, with a slight slope towards the Ob valley.

"Ussuri Nature Reserve" - ​​Russia Primorsky Krai. Climate. In 1949 it was approved as a nature reserve. Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve named after Acad. Rocks. Features: Ussuri Nature Reserve. Animals. Red Book. Flora and fauna of the reserve. Until 1973 it was called Suputinsky.

“Baikal Nature Reserve” - On Lake Baikal - the cities of Slyudyanka and Baikalsk. Sayan, Baikal region, on the Arabian Peninsula and others. The flora of the reserve includes 800 species of plants: birch, aspen, cedar, spruce. Baikal is part of the Barguzinsky and Baikalsky nature reserves. Baikal environment. Founded in 1969. The deepest (up to 1620 m) in the world. Area 165,724 hectares.

"Lazovsky Reserve" - ​​Far Eastern State Marine Reserve. Lazovsky State Nature Reserve. The reserve was formed within the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1991, the Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS). Khankaisky State Reserve.

“Specially protected areas” - Article 82. Compensation for damage caused by violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of protected areas. On the territory of an environmental institution, the following is not allowed: Article 83. Rules for visiting protected areas by individuals. - Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” dated July 7, 2006 N 175 Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 01.01.2009.

There are 28 presentations in total

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To relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you don’t have to go far away. There are a lot of beautiful places in our republic that you can’t take your eyes off.

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A reserve is a territory where a natural complex is preserved in its natural state and is completely excluded from economic activity. There are three reserves in Bashkortostan: Shulgan-Tash Reserve Bashkir State Reserve South Ural State Nature Reserve The total area of ​​the reserves in Bashkortostan alone is 327.1 thousand hectares. This is approximately 40% of the area of ​​all specially protected natural areas. The most favorable conditions for the protection and scientific study of the forests of Bashkortostan have been created in the state reserves of the republic. These reserves are of not only republican, but also all-Russian and even global significance. It should be especially noted that our reserves are geographically located at the junction of 2 parts of the world: Europe and Asia, and therefore they have very interesting floristic and faunal complexes..

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Shulgan-Tash (reserve) Shulgan-Tash is a state natural reserve in Bashkortostan, which has federal status. Located in the western foothills of the Southern Urals, in the mountain-forest belt, within the Burzyansky district. Total area - 22,531 hectares, or 225 sq. km. The name comes from the Bashkir words “Shulgan” (“sank,” “failed,” “disappeared”) and “Tash” (“stone”). Shulgan-Tash is a unique cultural and historical object. It is mentioned in many myths and legends of the Bashkirs. For example, in the epic of the Bashkir people Ural-Batyr. On the territory of the reserve there is a unique karst Kapova cave, or Shulgan-Tash. The length of all cave passages is more than 2.9 km. The cave has three tiers; the Podzemny Shulgan river flows inside the cave, which formed this cave.

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Bashkir State Nature Reserve The Bashkir State Nature Reserve is located in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, on the spurs of the Southern Urals. The reserve was organized on July 11, 1930. In 1951, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the reserve was liquidated, and a forestry enterprise was organized on its territory: intensive exploitation of the forest began. Only in November 1958 the first reserve of Bashkiria was restored. Until 1986, the reserve consisted of 3 sections: Ural-Tau, South Krak and Pribelsky. The reserve was created to protect undisturbed ecosystems of the mountainous Cis-Urals, primarily undisturbed forests. The main direction of scientific research of the reserve is a comprehensive study of the natural ecosystems of the western slopes of the Southern Urals. The reserve is home to about 700 species of herbaceous, shrub and woody plants; There are 51 species of mammals and 155 species of birds, 27 species of fish, 4 amphibians, 6 reptiles. The wild Bashkir bee is still found in the forests of the reserve.

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South Ural State Nature Reserve South Ural State Nature Reserve is located on the territory of the Beloretsky district of Bashkortostan and, partially, the Chelyabinsk region. The reserve was formed by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 487-152 of June 19, 1978 for the protection and study of mountain taiga ecosystems of the Southern Urals. The reserve is located in the central, highest part of the Southern Urals on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region. The total area is 252.8 thousand hectares. On the territory of the reserve there are several mountain ranges - Mashak, Zigalga, Nary, Kumardak and Yamantau. Mount Big Yamantau, with a height of 1640 m, is the highest mountain in the Southern Urals. Rivers - Big Inzer, Small Inzer, Tulma, Yuryuzan. Access to the reserve is limited. There are suggestions that the reserve was founded in order to limit access to secret objects located in the closed city of Mezhgorye and in the surrounding area.

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Zigalga Zigalga (Bashk. Егәлгә) is a ridge of the Southern Urals, on the left bank of the Yuryuzan River. Zigalga is one of the most powerful and extensive ridges of the Southern Urals. Belongs to the central Taganay-Yamantau belt. The Zigalginskaya formation is named after the ridge. The most significant peaks, from south to north: the highest point of Zigalga and the third highest in the Southern Urals - Bolshoy Shelom (1427 m), Third Shelom (1293), Frozen Cliff (Merzlaya) (1237), Poperechnaya (1389), Evlakta ( 1310).

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Yamantau Yamantau (Bashk. Yaman tau - “bad (evil) mountain”) is a mountain range in Bashkortostan. It stretches to the northwest, width - 3 km, length - 5 km. The main peaks are Big Yamantau (1640 m) and Small Yamantau (1510 m). The summit of "Big Yamantau" is the highest point of the Southern Urals. It is located on the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve, located in the Beloretsky district of Bashkortostan. Bashkirs often put practical meaning into the names of geographical objects. The name “evil mountain” probably came into use because the slopes of the mountain range were swampy and littered with kurum, which did not allow livestock to graze. There are also beliefs among local Bashkirs that horses died during a trip to this mountain, and there were many bears on the slopes of the mountain.

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Inzer Inzer (Bashk. Inyәr) is a river in Bashkortostan, a left tributary of the Sim River (Kama basin). It originates from the merger of the Big and Small Inzer. Over the past few years, the river has become increasingly shallow. There is a quarry adjacent to the river, where active industrial mining of stones and gravel takes place. Livestock grazes on the banks - cows, bulls, horses, sheep. There are unclosed exits near the highways where personal cars are constantly washed, polluting the river.

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Assinsky waterfall Assinsky (Assinsky mirror, Abzanovsky) - a waterfall in the Cis-Urals, near the Inzer River, on the Weeping Stone rock. Administratively located in the Arkhangelsk region of Bashkortostan. A natural monument since 1965 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BASSR dated August 17, 1965 No. 465). Height is about 6 meters. The tourist and scientific attraction Weeping Stone is composed of carbonate rocks, abundantly covered with moss, and there are trees. The waterfall is located on its southern side, which descends steeply to Inzer. From the reverse, northern part, the mountain is flat and covered with steppe vegetation.

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Atysh (waterfall) Atysh (from Bashk. Atysh - beating, shooting) is a waterfall in the Southern Urals, in the Arkhangelsk region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The waterfall is the exit from the Atysh grotto to the surface of the underground river, which is also called Atysh. The grotto itself (aka Atysh Cave) is located in the Yash-Kuz-tash mountain. The waterfall is very old. The mountain where the Atysh waterfall is located is composed of limestones 570 million years old. The waters of the Aguy and Atysh rivers pierced the limestone in the upper part of the mountain and passed down to the southern slope of the mountain, constituting the main bank of the river valley of the Lemeza River. Currently, Atysh Waterfall is one of the most popular places for connoisseurs of Bashkir natural beauty. As a result, a very unsightly environmental situation has developed around the waterfall. Heaps of garbage are visible everywhere, including in front of the waterfall itself.

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Protected places of the Republic of Bashkortostan Completed by: Natalya Soboleva and Alexandra Kiriya, class 10A

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To relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you don’t have to go far away. There are a lot of beautiful places in our republic that you can’t take your eyes off.

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A reserve is a territory where a natural complex is preserved in its natural state and is completely excluded from economic activity. There are three reserves in Bashkortostan: Shulgan-Tash Reserve Bashkir State Reserve South Ural State Nature Reserve The total area of ​​the reserves in Bashkortostan alone is 327.1 thousand hectares. This is approximately 40% of the area of ​​all specially protected natural areas. The most favorable conditions for the protection and scientific study of the forests of Bashkortostan have been created in the state reserves of the republic. These reserves are of not only republican, but also all-Russian and even global significance. It should be especially noted that our reserves are geographically located at the junction of 2 parts of the world: Europe and Asia, and therefore they have very interesting floristic and faunal complexes..

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Shulgan-Tash (reserve) Shulgan-Tash is a state natural reserve in Bashkortostan, which has federal status. Located in the western foothills of the Southern Urals, in the mountain-forest belt, within the Burzyansky district. Total area - 22,531 hectares, or 225 sq. km. The name comes from the Bashkir words “Shulgan” (“sank,” “failed,” “disappeared”) and “Tash” (“stone”). Shulgan-Tash is a unique cultural and historical object. It is mentioned in many myths and legends of the Bashkirs. For example, in the epic of the Bashkir people Ural-Batyr. On the territory of the reserve there is a unique karst Kapova cave, or Shulgan-Tash. The length of all cave passages is more than 2.9 km. The cave has three tiers; the Podzemny Shulgan river flows inside the cave, which formed this cave.

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Bashkir State Nature Reserve The Bashkir State Nature Reserve is located in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, on the spurs of the Southern Urals. The reserve was organized on July 11, 1930. In 1951, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the reserve was liquidated, and a forestry enterprise was organized on its territory: intensive exploitation of the forest began. Only in November 1958 the first reserve of Bashkiria was restored. Until 1986, the reserve consisted of 3 sections: Ural-Tau, South Krak and Pribelsky. The reserve was created to protect undisturbed ecosystems of the mountainous Cis-Urals, primarily undisturbed forests. The main direction of scientific research of the reserve is a comprehensive study of the natural ecosystems of the western slopes of the Southern Urals. The reserve is home to about 700 species of herbaceous, shrub and woody plants; There are 51 species of mammals and 155 species of birds, 27 species of fish, 4 amphibians, 6 reptiles. The wild Bashkir bee is still found in the forests of the reserve.

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South Ural State Nature Reserve South Ural State Nature Reserve is located on the territory of the Beloretsky district of Bashkortostan and, partially, the Chelyabinsk region. The reserve was formed by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 487-152 of June 19, 1978 for the protection and study of mountain taiga ecosystems of the Southern Urals. The reserve is located in the central, highest part of the Southern Urals on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region. The total area is 252.8 thousand hectares. On the territory of the reserve there are several mountain ranges - Mashak, Zigalga, Nary, Kumardak and Yamantau. Mount Big Yamantau, with a height of 1640 m, is the highest mountain in the Southern Urals. Rivers - Big Inzer, Small Inzer, Tulma, Yuryuzan. Access to the reserve is limited. There are suggestions that the reserve was founded in order to limit access to secret objects located in the closed city of Mezhgorye and in the surrounding area.

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Zigalga Zigalga (Bashk. Егәлгә) is a ridge of the Southern Urals, on the left bank of the Yuryuzan River. Zigalga is one of the most powerful and extensive ridges of the Southern Urals. Belongs to the central Taganay-Yamantau belt. The Zigalginskaya formation is named after the ridge. The most significant peaks, from south to north: the highest point of Zigalga and the third highest in the Southern Urals - Bolshoy Shelom (1427 m), Third Shelom (1293), Frozen Cliff (Merzlaya) (1237), Poperechnaya (1389), Evlakta ( 1310).

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Yamantau Yamanta u (Bashk. Yaman tau - “bad (evil) mountain”) is a mountain range in Bashkortostan. It stretches to the northwest, width - 3 km, length - 5 km. The main peaks are Big Yamantau (1640 m) and Small Yamantau (1510 m). The summit of "Big Yamantau" is the highest point of the Southern Urals. It is located on the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve, located in the Beloretsky district of Bashkortostan. Bashkirs often put practical meaning into the names of geographical objects. The name “evil mountain” probably came into use because the slopes of the mountain range were swampy and littered with kurum, which did not allow livestock to graze. There are also beliefs among local Bashkirs that horses died during a trip to this mountain, and there were many bears on the slopes of the mountain.

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Inzer Inze r (Bashk. Inyәr) is a river in Bashkortostan, a left tributary of the Sim River (Kama basin). It originates from the merger of the Big and Small Inzer. Over the past few years, the river has become increasingly shallow. There is a quarry adjacent to the river, where active industrial mining of stones and gravel takes place. Livestock grazes on the banks - cows, bulls, horses, sheep. There are unclosed exits near the highways where personal cars are constantly washed, polluting the river.

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Assinsky waterfall Assinsky (Assinsky mirror, Abzanovsky) - a waterfall in the Cis-Urals, near the Inzer River, on the Weeping Stone rock. Administratively located in the Arkhangelsk region of Bashkortostan. A natural monument since 1965 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BASSR dated August 17, 1965 No. 465). Height is about 6 meters. The tourist and scientific attraction Weeping Stone is composed of carbonate rocks, abundantly overgrown with moss, and there are trees. The waterfall is located on its southern side, which descends steeply to Inzer. From the reverse, northern part, the mountain is flat and covered with steppe vegetation.

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Atysh (waterfall) Atysh (from Bashk. Atysh - beating, shooting) is a waterfall in the Southern Urals, in the Arkhangelsk region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The waterfall is the exit from the Atysh grotto to the surface of the underground river, which is also called Atysh. The grotto itself (aka Atysh Cave) is located in the Yash-Kuz-tash mountain. The waterfall is very old. The mountain where the Atysh waterfall is located is composed of limestones 570 million years old. The waters of the Aguy and Atysh rivers pierced the limestone in the upper part of the mountain and passed down to the southern slope of the mountain, constituting the main bank of the river valley of the Lemeza River. Currently, Atysh Waterfall is one of the most popular places for connoisseurs of Bashkir natural beauty. As a result, a very unsightly environmental situation has developed around the waterfall. Heaps of garbage are visible everywhere, including in front of the waterfall itself.

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Gadelsha Gadelsha waterfall is the largest of the waterfalls in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It has several names - Ibragimovsky, Tuyalas, Khudolaz. But still the most common is Gadelsha, from the nearby village of the same name.