In the feminine view, a chic woman is a well-groomed lady in luxurious plumage. From the point of view of men, this is a sultry woman, one glance at whom promises a heavenly night, decently wrapped in something, with whom many dream of sleeping.

A beautiful woman can wear almost everything or almost nothing. But that doesn't make her a chic lady.

There is no way to do without a wrapper. A woman with only luxurious forms (super beautiful breasts, a wasp waist, an awesome ass and seductive legs from the ears), packed at the level of a secretary or saleswoman, is simply a sultry beauty, a dream of a drunken poet.

If you tan her (at least with foundation), do her hair and makeup professionally, and sprinkle her with expensive perfume, you will get a type that is clearly defined by men as a b..., a chic and dangerous girl, greedily prowling around the metropolis, but not a lady.

Gorgeous woman elegantly dressed.

How a lady achieves the effect of elegance is a mystery to men.

It would be good for us to emphasize her “inner virtues” with clothes so that they become even more sultry and majestic. But this alone cannot achieve elegance. It contains a purely feminine, incomprehensible secret.

It is not surprising that almost all outstanding fashion designers are not men at all.

The elegance of a chic woman is connected with price to the extent that rags from couture and ready-to-wear in general are superior in design and quality to the products of the “light industry” of Europe and the USA, developing countries, and especially to products from the clothing market. Yes, and Polish perfumes somehow haven’t warmed our refined sense of smell for the last fifteen years, which has been satisfied no other way than with products from Galeries Lafayette or Harrods department store.

Men do not see cosmetics at all, and the result of its use can only be appreciated in that unthinkable case today when a wife or mistress suddenly sharply demonstrates her face without any embellishment.

However, as a specialist, I note that a rare lady can be considered luxurious without the use of high-quality cosmetics and care products for the face and neck.

Until recently, it was believed that a luxurious woman was not able to support herself. Today she can often support a luxurious man. And not even one.

All this, coupled with an exquisitely beautiful car (hat, dog and other accessories), is not enough for all men without exception to recognize a chic lady. A beauty with kilometer-long legs, in an outfit straight from the catwalk, sitting behind the wheel of a brand new convertible, is only capable of attracting our brutal gaze for a moment. Like: “Yes, sir, wow. Well, go ahead, honey.”

A gorgeous woman is in demand.
A man must see or know that this lady is an object of desire and admiration for all those present and many absent individuals in pants. Like Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Kennedy rolled into one. It’s like with classical music: who is interested in a symphony that no one has heard, and how can you enjoy it if your brain doesn’t tell you to continue the melody?!

Here fashion helps the ladies, or rather, the wildly sought-after beauties that symbolize it. Coco Chanel said it right: “People are not carried away by fashion, but by the few who create it.” Being “chic like N” makes perfect sense if N is truly chic in the eyes of the men around you.

Ideally, men, when they see a chic lady, should simultaneously say “Ah!”, grab their wallet with one hand and cover their trousers below the belt with a newspaper with the other.

But what about my deep and delightfully rich inner world, the advanced reader will be indignant?!

Ah, my dear! If a lady is chic, she can also be smart. In principle, it is even possible that a gorgeous woman can be young. Although usually this is a “lady without age”, arousing deep and inexplicable trust in men.

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.
Oscar Wilde.

But you can’t do this! We men are so thin and vulnerable... We will never chase a skirt from which we can hear something similar to the truth about ourselves.

A sultry woman is a poet's dream

The title of the 12th chapter of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” (1927) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf(1897-1937) and Evgenia Petrova(1903-1942).

This expression is also found in the text of the 12th chapter, when Ostap Bender speaks about the widow Gritsatsueva: “A sultry woman,” said Ostap, “is a poet’s dream. Provincial spontaneity. In the center there are no such subtropics for a long time, but on the periphery, in the localities, they still occur.”

Playfully and ironically about an emotional, passionate, temperamental woman.

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It is believed that men prefer sultry women. The man is a hunter and loves to hunt hot things. And there are plenty of examples of this: at least another Timati video, at least an advertising photo shoot in a glossy magazine. And so young girls, desperately wanting love, passion and excitement, begin to build the image of a kind of sultry little thing that if you don’t put your finger in your mouth, it will bite off your apartment, car and half of your business. Frankly speaking, at the sight of another “sultry baby” I want to sigh, adjust imaginary amber beads in three rows on my neck, and imaginary horn-rimmed glasses on my nose and tell them in a confidential whisper: “My children, love is the veldt... “But no, I contemplate without blaming (as few value judgments as possible, as little as possible). So, my children... God be with her, with love and amber beads, but here is a short set of rules that every “new urban Amazon” must learn before going on the warpath for her place in the sun. You are welcome.


The first impression is the most lasting. And if we are talking about a sultry woman, her appearance should strike the heart from the very first second. Don’t disdain animal prints, combine them in the most incredible proportions: wear leopard, zebra and Mexican jerboa at once, seasoning them with gilded bijou and, of course, full war paint on your face.

A sultry woman does not leave a single millimeter of her body without improvements: if there is no money to create duck lips or new breasts, at least get a tattoo. Of course, on the tailbone, of course, there is a pussy.

Be sure to extend your nails, be sure to glue rhinestones into them - you must do everything so that when they see your manicure, people have an animal fear: what if you dig them into someone's face?

Microshorts - as “micro” as possible, neckline as deep as possible - a real sultry woman fishes with live bait.


Since a truly sultry woman cannot work as a manager, secretary, engineer or trolleybus driver, we recommend that you choose something creative, but not radically intellectual: a dancer, a stylist, an interior designer... At worst, introduce yourself as a blogger. If they ask what the blog is about, answer that it’s about style.

I'm so sudden...

A sultry woman cannot have an even mood. Terrorize those around you with sudden changes in behavior: now throwing glasses at the wall, now purring gently - this is your new main line. Try to go to extremes without any reason; after all, a woman must have a mystery.

If a man decides to call you, do not answer his calls. And then unexpectedly call back, preferably at three in the morning. Or write meaningful SMS, for example: “Night... silence...”. He'll probably appreciate it.


During sex, you should use as many techniques from porn films as possible, because only loud, unnatural screams and strange poses can demonstrate your passion. Use a couple of techniques from numerous guides to driving men crazy: you can unexpectedly tell him that you are not wearing underwear; dress up in a police costume and show up to work for him, let him think only about you for the rest of the day (no matter in what way).

You can use the services of a cosmetologist in Grodno using the TUT.BY Catalog.

If you are a single man, free from a relationship, and for the coming holidays you want to go somewhere with friends, but have not yet decided where, we suggest that when choosing you focus not on the climate, attractions and gastronomic delights, but on the beauty and sexuality of local women . They will delight the eye and excite your consciousness, because while on vacation with friends, you will be able to turn your head around and enjoy the contemplation of beauty without any hindrance.

Source: LiveInternet
Photo: Tumblr

1. Amsterdam, Holland. Slender, athletic, tall, fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere on the streets of this city. And the most pleasant bonus is that most of the fair sex do not drive cars, but bicycles, gracefully pedaling. They are quite relaxed and are always willing to meet people.

2. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply won’t believe your luck to be among such beauty. Without a doubt, this is exactly the place where you will find the hottest women in the world. Brazilian beauties are good because nature and parents, representatives of different races, mixed the best in them! Here you have chocolate skin, gorgeous hair, and delicious shapes!

3. Kyiv, Ukraine. It's hard to believe that such beauty even exists! Yes, and for every taste. There are sultry women with curvaceous figures, and there are fragile, slender women. There are blondes with blue eyes, and there are also burning brunettes with eyes the color of gooseberries or cornflowers. Almost all women have beautiful thick hair, long eyelashes, beautiful well-groomed skin. They are sociable, cheerful, seductive, alluring.

4. Caracas, Venezuela. Venezuela is the country that has given the world the largest number of Miss Universe winners. This alone suggests that there are enough beautiful women here. Women from Venezuela are not only beautiful, but they are very easy to talk to and know how to have fun. They are very temperamental and passionate: they love - they love so much, they hate - they hate so much.

5. Los Angeles, California, USA. These women differ from American women in all other cities in the way they look, and they look simply stunning, because not having a slim figure, perfect hairstyle or manicure is bad manners for locals. Therefore, in Los Angeles, if not every first, then at least every second is a beauty. That's why all Americans want to move to California, and all Californians dream of living in Los Angeles. But more often than not, either the beautiful or the rich succeed.

6. Varna, Bulgaria. Truly Slavic women. Well-mannered, polite, and at the same time taking care of their face and body. Beauty and charm are a distinctive feature of Bulgarian women. It's worth seeing with your own eyes.

7. Buenos Aires, Argentina. There are a huge number of beautiful women in this city, and they are beautiful. They are not always natural - this is due to the fashion for plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased - but at the same time they are still very harmonious, active, charismatic and desirable. These women are constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, the city has many clubs where you can easily meet local beauties.

8. Copenhagen, Denmark. Residence of blue-eyed blondes. Copenhagen is also a city that, compared to other cities in the world, has the largest number of sexually liberated women. There are many of them, they are everywhere, and they are always ready to go to a bar with you, drink a different cocktail, and then continue getting to know each other. It's very pleasant to be in Copenhagen because you will almost always catch the eye of several women at once. If you are not used to disappointing ladies, it is quite possible that you will not be drinking cocktails one-on-one, but in a small group. No one will judge either you or these women here.

9. Stockholm, Sweden. It seems that every woman in Stockholm is beautiful. You walk into any store or cafe and see behind the counter a top model from the cover of a glossy magazine. And so it is everywhere. In addition, these women know a lot about parties and how to receive and at the same time give pleasure to their partner. They are educated, sociable, friendly, they all speak English and have no inhibitions about sex. These women are created to give a man pleasure. Tall, blond and blue-eyed - try to find such a concentration of female beauty and sexuality anywhere else!