To begin with - a procedure for the beauty of facial skin
Repeat it for seven weeks, and without any other cosmetics your face will become smooth and velvety. The ritual is performed on Fridays after seven in the evening. Take one teaspoon of aloe juice and half a teaspoon of linden honey. Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl until smooth. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. After this, read the plot seven times:
You, thorny sap-flower,
And you, linden honey,
Take away the old age from your face,
And you will strengthen your beauty.
To make the girls jealous,
And the guys were licking their lips.
After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, wash your face with warm water with your right hand seven times, saying: “Water - on the face, beauty - on the face, water from the face - old age from the face!”

This conspiracy not only increases the sexual attractiveness of a girl or woman, but also improves her aura, gives her originality, charm and charm.
First, decide for yourself what item you will cast the spell on. This could be a handkerchief, a comb or something similar. When going on a date, a disco, work or study, take the enchanted item with you. I remind you that you can’t talk about it to anyone, show it to anyone, and even more so, give it to anyone.
You are my treasure, a treasure, a love pledge.
I do not put you in a prison-ground,
I'm bewitching you to the girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel.
Pull the suitors to me. God's servant (name).
If only I were blushing like the dawn,
Like a spicy herb, dukhmyana.
Desirable to any man's heart.
They would be sad about me, yearn for me,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in the feast, on land and in water - Everywhere!
Be I like the sun, like the clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all my pav friends there is only one like this.
My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,
A strong word cannot be used to reprimand.
How people bow to the Mother Church,
So that people can love and respect me,
Greet you with a smile and see you off with your eyes.
My word is first, my deed is strong.
What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,
What I didn’t think about in my thoughts.
My plot will bring everything to fruition. Amen.

Conspiracy of similar effect
It is pronounced at midnight, after a bath or shower, when the hair is already dry. Place a mirror on the table and place lit church candles on both sides of it. Sit in front of the mirror and, while combing your hair, slowly pronounce the spell.
On the sea-ocean, on Buyan Island
There is a strong tower of black stone,
Cold stone, indestructible.
In that tower the dungeon is cold,
A beautiful maiden sits in that dungeon,
Unseen, unwritten beauty.
The prison is guarded by three dogs, fierce beasts,
Gray, with burning eyes.
They do not allow the girl to go out and show off her beauty.
You, first dog, calm down, cool down!
You, second dog, fall asleep!
You, third dog, get out!
Come out, beauty maiden, from prison into the light of God,
Through the night-midnight, across the sea-ocean,
Through the fire-dope,
through the mirror spelled.
Descend on the hair of the servant of God (your name),
Give her youth and beauty,
Give her the power to speak,
So that everyone is loving and good
This minute, now, forever and forever.
When you finish reading, turn the mirror upside down, blow out the left candle, then the right. When you go to bed, put the comb under your pillow and sleep with it for a week. Do not look in a charmed mirror for three days, and burn the candles to the end on any church holiday.

Remove scales from any fresh fish and place the scales in one bag and the fish in another. Then bury both bags in different places. When burying the fish, say:
Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
so is my face without a blemish.
As soon as this fish rots, it will leave my face
all evil spirits will come out.

For rashes, pimples on the face and body
Read on Thursday, at midnight, on water three times and pour this water over yourself the same amount. Dry yourself with a completely new, smooth (no pattern) towel, and then take it away from the house and tie it to an aspen branch:
Mother of cheese water.
You washed Jesus Christ.
She washed his wounds and took away his pain.
Drain, remove the white from my body,
From all the bones, from all the relics,
From all veins, veins,
From the top and from the inside, wash, rinse.
From the skin of the counter and transverse,
From every piece of me, from every hair,
From the elbows, from the eyebrows, mustaches, belly, chest,
Lord, save, Lord, save.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

While taking a shower or bath in the evening, during the waxing moon, say:
"God gave me birth as a woman,
God gave me a body.
So I will be a woman
And not with a lying stump,
Not stagnant swamp water.
I'll be a girl. Beautiful young lady!"

Buy a jar of face cream that suits your skin type, the price doesn't matter. Before printing the cream, say the following words over it:
"Twelve sisters, twelve young women walked,
Twelve queens.
From each - beauty in a barrel!"
Take a shower or bath, open it and apply it to your face with light movements, saying:
“As from my first sister - love!
From the second - beauty!
Like the third - thick hair!
From the fourth - a ringing voice,
I'm on the fifth - my hands are tender,
From the sixth - teeth are snow-white,
From the seventh - the eyelashes are black,
From the eighth my eyebrows are thin,
From the ninth - frying eyes,
From the tenth - the spout is raised,
From the eleventh - Usta Aly,
And as the twelfth, let me be all!”
When closing the cream, say the following words:
"Twelve sisters - all in the tent!
I open it - I gain beauty!"
Every time you use this cream, say a spell.

Magic ritual to increase attractiveness
To attract male attention in any company, before entering the room, read the following spell to yourself:
“All women are fools. Their manners are bad
All the dresses are short, I came in, the peacock,
The red maiden led with her glance -
I gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.
And my beloved (name) is above all!”
When entering, pause for a moment in the doorway, look around the room in a circle - from left to right, the one who meets your eyes will be bewitched.

Attractiveness spell
The plot is read on a full moon with a glass of water. Throw a pinch of salt into a glass with your left hand, place it under the light of the moon and read three times:
“Moonwater is like a girl’s tear,
May I be young, white-faced, carefree,
May the one I love love me
For my beauty, for my complaisance!”
Leave the glass until the morning, and when you wake up, take one sip on an empty stomach, mentally repeating:
“Water - into me, beauty - onto me!”
Do this every morning until the water runs out.

A strong spell for beauty and love
When going to a meeting with people whom a girl wants to please or her lover, you should, while drying yourself with a towel, read:

“I will stand, servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go crossing myself,
In an open field, to the east. There is a river flowing there.
I will wash myself with that water, wipe off the white dawn, touch myself with an asterisk,
I will gird myself with the red moon and decorate myself with the sun.
I, the servant of God (name), will go to an open field, to a feast and festivities,
I would seem to everyone to be good, beautiful and kind,
And I would like everyone to be dearer to my dear one, whom I love.
I would be more beautiful and better than everyone else and he would love me more than anyone.
My words are strong and molding. Have it my way.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

Witchcraft ritual for beauty
In the old days, healers made a love potion for girls whom nature did not endow with beauty or charm. It was done like this: at midnight you need to cut the grass near the church with a new knife. Without talking to anyone, take it home to the healer, and at dawn, looking east, he read the spell three times:
"Mother Church, I stand before you,
There is a gold cross on the body.
Your domes sparkle in the sun,
At night the stars reflect their faces in them.
The whole world bows to you, everyone respects you.
Bright angels visit you.
There are no rivals to church beauty.
So for me, God’s servant,
To my maiden beauty
There will be no rivals forever and ever,
Who will look at me
He won't forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".
Then he turned around himself three times on his left heel and brewed a potion from the enchanted herb, and the girl washed herself with it in the morning. Soon people began to talk about her - It’s amazing how she blossomed and became prettier.

Ritual to increase attractiveness
On the night of the full moon, place a glass vessel with clean spring or mineral water on the window, and in the morning put it in a place inaccessible to the sun and daylight.
Wash and moisten your face and problem areas with this water, while reading the plot:
“Moonlight fills my body with beauty,
My skin with a glow, and my mind with ecstasy and pleasure.”
At the same time, try to imagine as realistically as possible how fat folds are eliminated, defects disappear and wrinkles are smoothed out, how the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Second way
Take a large mirror and place it on the table. Attach a photo of yourself at a young or young age to the top of the mirror, read:
"I call upon the past and the future,
To change the present and define the future,
For beauty, for youth, for happiness.”
Take turns looking at the photo and in the mirror, while imagining how your image in the photo and today’s image come closer, merge and become one. This ritual can also be used to restore happiness, love, emotions, and thrills. Repeat it for 10 days.

Conspiracy for facial beauty
I stood up, blessed myself, and walked, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, and into an open field. There is a throne in an open field; an angel of the Lord sits on this throne and cuts his throne with a flogger. I come to this throne and repent and pray. Lord Angel, come to the servant of God, to Ivan’s raft, to Seraphim’s gladness and cut the servant of God (name) white, zealous heart, ruddy face, that the servant of God (name) cannot live without bread-father, without salt-mother , without scorching fire, without water, my dear, without the evening dawn, without the new moon, without the red sun, and it would seem that I, the servant of God, turned white to everyone, whiter than white snow, brighter than the red sun. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Guria, Samon, Aviv (helps in marriage and love), therefore, to consolidate beauty, pray to them:
Now let us glorify you, glorious miracle workers and holy passion-bearers Guri, Samon and Aviv!
Having endured fierce suffering, having received wounds and blows from inhuman tormentors, you died by the sword: Gury, Samon, and you, the holy martyr Aviv, were cruelly tormented by fire for confessing Christ. You, holy martyrs, showed a great and wonderful miracle in Odessa, where your relics were laid. A certain widow, ready to release her daughter, given as a wife, entrusted her to your care. He, having sworn on your graves, did not fulfill his oath and, after many injustices he committed, imprisoned the widow’s daughter Euphemia in a grave with his dead wife, whom he had in his patronymic before he took Euphemia as his wife.
You, holy martyrs, having appeared to Euphemia, by the power of God, miraculously transported her from the Gothic country, in the blink of an eye, and placed her in your church. Remembering this incomprehensible miracle, we pray to you, holy martyrs of Christ - Gury, Samon and Aviv, hear the wives who come running to you with warm prayer, innocently from their hated husbands. Hasten to help them, deliver them from insults and sorrows and, bowing to their tears, do not reject their heartfelt sighs, listen to them and change the hearts of their husbands, and send joy to these pious wives, so that, newly formed by the love of their husbands, they thank you with all their hearts and Almighty God was glorified for your sake. Amen.

So that everyone admires you
You need to take a glass of water, the cleanest, and a little salt, the coarsest one. At midnight on a full moon you need to stand in the middle of the room facing the window, the curtains should not be drawn. In your left hand you need to hold a glass of water, in your right hand you need to squeeze a little salt in your fist. And read the words like this:
Moonlit water, clear water, I swallow you, I beg you. Make it so that I, God’s servant (name), will be good and fresh every day, every day people look at me like they look at our mother Moon, so that every day they give a word, they say about me: “How good the Moon is.” , in the same way, the servant of God (name) is good and young, round-faced and white, young and cheerful.”
Then immediately throw the salt into the glass and place the glass on the window. And in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to take a sip of that water.
With words:
Water - into me, beauty - onto me! Amen, amen, re-amin.
Do this for a week, and if there is still water left, then pour it over the threshold, only very carefully - you cannot pour it on the threshold.

For beautiful hair
Pour 3 tablespoons of dry nettle (sold in pharmacies) into 1 liter of boiling water. Speak this infusion when you pour boiling water over it and every 17 minutes - a total of 7 times - with these words: “As God’s dew, as mother grass, gave me its strength. May my hair be long, silky, thick. So that everyone who sees, admired. And me, the servant of God (your name). He was surprised! " Wash your hair as you usually do, and then pour in the strained infusion. After this, do not wash it off, let it drain and dry on its own. Repeat these steps at the end of each week on Friday or Saturday for three lunar months.

Bring on the charm
It is especially necessary for those who feel embarrassed and have a hard tongue in front of people. It is difficult for such people to build relationships, and in our time it is necessary. There are many slander to fall into the favor of people, to please them. Speak into water with three pinches of salt and, before going out into society, wash your face with the spoken water. Dry yourself with the hem of your robe.
We are so happy about the red Sun.
How they admire the color of the poppies,
how sweet the May honey is to them
and you need salt in your food, so would I,
servant of God (name),
girls and boys would like it,
old men and women,
widowers and widowers,
rich and stingy,
merchants and priests and the entire human race.
If only I were pleasing to the eye and intelligent in speech.
I would charm them with these charms.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Witchcraft ritual for weight loss
Buy blue turquoise, small in size, with a smooth surface. Every evening, apply a drop of jasmine oil to the surface of the stone and touch it to your problem areas.
Wear the stone constantly and look at it whenever you are tempted to eat more than your diet recommends.

Magical-physical ritual to remove belly fat
You can try this. Lie on your back and imagine that there are energy knives on the ribs of both palms. When your consciousness simulates such a situation, you need to contact, starting from the solar plexus and to the lower abdomen, intensively move these “knives” from top to bottom, saying: “Cut, decrease, achieve your plan. Amen". At the same time, imagine how your stomach becomes smaller and smaller...
The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes, performed daily, but only on the waning moon. As soon as the moon begins to grow, take a break until the full moon.
Carry out procedures constantly.

Prayer for rejuvenation
This prayer must be read on your birthday at sunrise. And repeat the ritual for ten days. Then, wait a week and continue. On the days when you read your prayer, do not eat meat products.
“Lord, I wash myself with spring water, wipe myself with the heavenly sun,
I take refuge in the bright sky, I smile at heaven and earth and with you,
Lord, I am blessed with a long and healthy life. Well, body, hold on! Amen".

And this conspiracy is unlikely to be of interest to young women and girls; most likely, it is intended for older people, because its goal is rejuvenation, and not only of appearance, but of the entire body.
Before starting it, you must fast for three days - do not eat meat or anything that has blood. On a dry, clear day in the fall, when the leaves are falling, go to the forest. Stand under a tree you like and say:
I stand, slave (name),
For today and soon,
And my witch's order
On the clear sun, on God's window,
Come to me, priests and patriarchs,
And the elders, and the elders, and the deacons,
Both monks and bell ringers.
I'm taking off my old skin.
How a tree removes an old dry leaf,
Like this leaf under my foot.
You, ringers, will ring mass,
You, priests, light the candles,
Read the memorial service
In my old skin
And congratulations about the young one, and not about the one
What's under my foot - old and sick.
I will fashion a witchcraft work
For my young body
And I’ll give the old stuff to the deacons and priests,
old people and elders.
I will close my amulet,
I'll take the keys to God's threshold,
To Jesus Christ Himself:
Keys for storage, body for rejuvenation.
So that those keys lie on that threshold,
And no one should take those keys.
I conjure forty old relics
Against my keys.
Not a minute, not an hour, not half an hour.
Not a month, not a year,
And let old age leave me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Restore youth and freshness to your face
1 recommendation: to moisturize your facial skin, instead of washing your face in the morning, soak and lightly massage your face with pieces of ice.
You can prepare it from a decoction of medicinal plants: boil calendula, linden blossom, chamomile (2 tablespoons per glass of water), leave for 15 minutes over low heat.
Recommendation 2: if your face is peeling, use the following cleansing procedure. Prepare linden decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed linden blossom into 100 grams of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of flower honey. Apply this mixture generously to cleansed face and neck skin for a week. It is better to do the procedure while lying down, with your body extremely relaxed.
Recommendation 3: make a nourishing mask: 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and apply to the face. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cold water.

Rejuvenation - healing
The first secret of rejuvenation:
up to 40 years, 1.5 g of ascorbic acid daily
after 40 years 1.0 g
for children - according to the reference book.
The immune system is restored, cells are rejuvenated.

Second secret:
Plants and minerals used:
1) calamus + pepper + snow water;
2) garlic + mumiyo + feldspar + honey + snow water. Recipe for eliminating senile ailments: Take earth sap - mumiyo, tree sap, cane sugar, stone sap - feldspar, mix, make a powder and drink once a day.

Onion - helps to awaken sexual desire. Promotes hormonal balance and rejuvenation of the body. To get a powerful incentive for success in intimate relationships, it is useful to eat on an empty stomach (can be with bread) one raw onion - 3 days in a row and 1 fresh boiled protein (protein kills the smell of onions).
Note: do not cut onions with a knife; eat onions without salt.

Sweets strengthen the body and restore the immune system. Good for old and young (everything is good except sugar).
Sour - creates warmth, stimulates appetite.
Bitters - treats loss of appetite, infectious diseases, quenches thirst, restores voice (it is good to eat hot pepper), bitters are good for swelling of the throat, throat ulcers.

  • Do you want to master the Magic of Seduction?
  • Make your Body Perfect?
  • Remove wrinkles and excess where it is not needed?
  • Add where necessary?
  • Prepare 5 DIFFERENT types of “Water of Beauties” - then you will make them regularly by appointment
  • Learn to “charm” creams, decorative cosmetics, gels, scrubs, etc.
  • Learn to make the “Venus Veil” - a 7-day Beauty Marathon built on the Magic of Candles
  • Master the Secrets of Moon Magic
  • Acquire many useful face and body care skills
  • Awaken the “Witch Fire” within yourself, to which men will flock like moths...

The training, as always, is based on the phases of the moon:

First, on the decreasing level - we get rid of excess and unnecessary (fat, wrinkles, complexes...)

Then, as we grow, we attract what we want (smooth and elastic skin, sculpted muscles, beautiful hair, a seductive look)))

“5-day training “Beauty Queen”

Magical properties of plants
ALOE is an amulet against all troubles on the windowsill. In addition to healing properties, it is also a magical amulet.

Mask for aging skin

For colds

Dilute aloe juice a little with water and drop it into your nose. Especially useful for children.


1 part aloe juice, 1 part vodka, 1 part honey. Stir thoroughly, drink a tablespoon at a time - and do not overuse! The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.


Pour two tablespoons of aloe leaves crushed by hand (cut off the edges with thorns) with 300 g of hot honey, not brought to a boil. Leave for a day, then heat, strain and take 2 teaspoons in the morning an hour before meals.

For cataracts, tree juice is instilled into the eyes (mixing one part of the juice with 10 parts of water).

For tuberculosis, aloe juice is taken with honey, 10 drops per dose.

For external use on burns, lotions are made from aloe using 10 parts water and 1 part aloe to prepare a solution.

Use in magic:

Many African tribes still hang bunches of aloe over the doors of their huts. Aloe repels evil spirits.

Egyptians sincerely believe that aloe will bring prosperity and protect from troubles and hang the leaves of the plant in front of the entrance to their homes as a symbol of hope and good luck.

Mexicans have Aloe not only in their homes, but also in their offices in clay pots and vases.

In some countries of North and South America, there is a custom - during a wedding, a couple is given a bouquet of leaves of this wonderful plant. There is a belief that as long as the aloe sprouts, love will reign in the house.

Place the pot or vase with aloe on the windowsill (preferably on the east side). The plant is preferably more than three years old and sorcerers will not be allowed into your home!
Ritual for cooks

To avoid accidents in the kitchen (a finger in a meat grinder or an accidental cut, boiling water spilled on yourself), you need to perform a simple ritual. Sprinkle aloe juice on all kitchen utensils, the kitchen itself, including windows and doors.

After this ritual, you will be able to cook with complete peace of mind.
Conspiracy for the beauty of facial skin
Magical actions must be performed on Friday after seven o'clock in the evening.

For the plot you will need a teaspoon of aloe juice and half a teaspoon of linden honey. Be sure to stir the honey and juice with a glass rod in a glass container. The resulting mixture is applied and rubbed into your face immediately after you wash your face. Next, we repeat the spell seven times: “You, prickly sap-flower, and you, linden honey, take away old age from your face and strengthen your beauty. So that the women would be jealous and the men would stare.”

Then wash off the ointment from your face with your right hand. The water should be warm. When washing off the ointment, we say: “Water on the face - beauty on the face, water on the face - old age on the face.”
The procedure must be repeated every Friday for seven weeks.
This conspiracy has various variants and other names, but the essence remains the same - everything is for beauty!

Magic ritual for the full moon

A teaspoon of aloe juice and a guest of nasturtium flowers are mixed with honey in a glass container with a glass rod.

Wash your face and apply ointment to your face, then repeat the spell seven times: “Water on your face – beauty on your face.” After fifteen minutes, wash off the ointment with warm water, saying: “Water from the face - old age from the face.” All other steps are similar to the above recipe.

Scott Cunningham's Recipes for Ceremonial Magic Lovers

Scott Cunningham (1956–1993) is an American expert in the fields of nature magic and earth magic, best known for his books on the magical uses of herbs, earth energies, crystals, gemstones and metals.

Incense “Wealth and Honors”Ignites when you need both.
2 parts dew incense

1 part wood aloe

1/2 part river knotweed

1/2 part cloves (spice)

Incense "Sun" Burned to attract the influence of the Sun and in divination aimed at promotion, friendship, healing, energy and magical power

3 parts incense

1/2 part cloves (flowers)

2 parts myrrh

A few drops of ambergris oil

1 part wood aloe

1/2 part camphor

A few drops of olive oil

1/2 part laurel

Incense "Success" Burnt for success in all endeavors.

3 parts wood aloe

2 parts incense

1 part nutmeg
Good luck to the incense Smoked to attract success in any enterprise.

3 parts Aquilaria agallocha - tree aloe

2 parts incense

1 part nutmeg

Ceremonial magical incense to increase strength and cleanse the atmosphere (use in general magical rituals).

2 parts incense

1 part wood aloe

A few drops of musk oil

A few drops of ambergris oil
A little humor

The cook says to the new waitress:

- Minna, when you serve the veal’s head this evening, please don’t forget to stick one lemon in the mouth and parsley in the ears!

- My God, what will I look like then?

Knowledge hidden in the Tarot deck

There is such a legend.

One day, the priests of the dying Atlantis gathered and began to decide how to preserve the knowledge accumulated by humanity.

Many options were proposed, but none were suitable. And then one priest came out and offered to encrypt knowledge in cards. It is in Tarot cards that this knowledge is contained.

It has long been known that the best decision is when a person makes it himself, with his subconscious. And it is Tarot cards that are an invaluable assistant.

When reading Tarot cards, the subconscious mind tells a person the solution to his problems.

You can, of course, study Tarot on your own. But only under the supervision and guidance of experienced masters can clear and correct teaching be achieved.

This is exactly what is offered in the classes held at

To begin with, a procedure for the beauty of facial skin. Repeat it for seven weeks, and without any other cosmetics your face will become smooth and velvety. The ritual is performed on Fridays after seven in the evening. Take one teaspoon of aloe juice and half a teaspoon of linden honey. Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl until smooth. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. After this, read the plot seven times:

You, thorny sap-flower,
And you, linden honey,
Take away the old age from your face,
And you will strengthen your beauty.
To make the girls jealous,
And the guys were licking their lips.

After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, wash your face seven times with warm water with your right hand, saying: Water - on the face, beauty - on the face, water from the face - old age from the face!

This conspiracy not only increases the sexual attractiveness of a girl or woman, but also improves her aura, giving her originality, charm and charm. First, decide for yourself what item you will cast the spell on. This could be a handkerchief, a comb or something similar. When going on a date, a disco, work or study, take the enchanted item with you. I remind you that you can’t talk about it to anyone, show it to anyone, and even more so, give it to anyone.

You are my treasure, a treasure, a love pledge.
I do not put you in a prison-ground,
I'm bewitching you to the girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel.
Pull the suitors to me. God's servant (name).
If only I were blushing like the dawn,
Like a spicy herb, dukhmyana.
Desirable to any man's heart.
They would be sad about me, yearn for me,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in the feast, on land and in water - Everywhere!
Be I like the sun, like the clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all my pav friends there is only one like this.
My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,
A strong word cannot be used to reprimand.
How people bow to the Mother Church,
So that people can love and respect me,
Greet you with a smile and see you off with your eyes.
My word is first, my deed is strong.
What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,
What I didn’t think about in my thoughts.
My plot will bring everything to fruition. Amen.

A conspiracy of a similar effect. It is pronounced at midnight, after a bath or shower, when the hair is already dry. Place a mirror on the table and place lit church candles on both sides of it. Sit in front of the mirror and, while combing your hair, slowly pronounce the spell.

On the sea-ocean, on Buyan Island
There is a strong tower of black stone,
Cold stone, indestructible.
In that tower the dungeon is cold,
A beautiful maiden sits in that dungeon,
Unseen, unwritten beauty.
The prison is guarded by three dogs, fierce beasts,
Gray, with burning eyes.
They do not allow the girl to go out and show off her beauty.
You, first dog, calm down, cool down!
You, second dog, go to sleep!
You, third dog, get out!
Come out, beauty maiden, from prison into the light of God,
Through the night-midnight, across the sea-ocean,
Through the fire-dope,
through the mirror spelled.
Descend on the hair of the servant of God (your name),
Give her youth and beauty,
Give her the power to speak,
So that everyone is loving and good
This minute, now, forever and forever.

When you finish reading, turn the mirror upside down, blow out the left candle, then the right. When you go to bed, put the comb under your pillow and sleep with it for a week. Do not look in a charmed mirror for three days, and burn the candles to the end on any church holiday.

Remove scales from any fresh fish and place the scales in one bag and the fish in another. Then bury both bags in different places. When burying the fish, say:

Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
so is my face without a blemish.
As soon as this fish rots, it will leave my face
all evil spirits will come out.

For rashes, pimples on the face and body. Read on Thursday, at midnight, on water three times and pour this water over yourself the same amount. Dry yourself with a completely new, smooth (no pattern) towel, and then take it away from the house and tie it to an aspen branch.

Mother of cheese water.
You washed Jesus Christ.
She washed his wounds and took away his pain.
Drain, remove the white from my body,
From all the bones, from all the relics,
From all veins, veins,
From the top and from the inside, wash, rinse.
From the skin of the counter and transverse,
From every piece of me, from every hair,
From the elbows, from the eyebrows, mustaches, belly, chest,
Lord, save, Lord, save.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

And this conspiracy is unlikely to be of interest to young women and girls; most likely, it is intended for older people, because its goal is rejuvenation, and not only of appearance, but of the entire body. Before starting it, you must fast for three days - do not eat meat or anything that has blood. On a dry, clear day in the fall, when the leaves are falling, go to the forest. Stand under a tree you like and say:

I stand, slave (name),
For today and soon,
And my witch's order
On the clear sun, on God's window,
Come to me, priests and patriarchs,
And the elders, and the elders, and the deacons,
Both monks and bell ringers.
I'm taking off my old skin.
How a tree removes an old dry leaf,
Like this leaf under my foot.
You, ringers, will ring mass,
You, priests, light the candles,
Read the memorial service
In my old skin
And congratulations about the young one, and not about the one
What's under my foot - old and sick.
I will fashion a witchcraft work
For my young body
And I’ll give the old stuff to the deacons and priests,
old people and elders.
I will close my amulet,
I'll take the keys to God's threshold,
To Jesus Christ Himself:
Keys for storage, body for rejuvenation.
So that those keys lie on that threshold,
And no one should take those keys.
I conjure forty old relics
Against my keys.
Not a minute, not an hour, not half an hour.
Not a month, not a year,
And let old age leave me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

While taking a shower or bath in the evening, during the waxing moon, say:

God gave me birth as a woman,
God gave me a body.
So I will be a woman
And not with a lying stump,
Not stagnant swamp water.
I'll be a girl. Beautiful young lady!

On a full moon, pour a glass of boiled water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand and place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it. Next, say this curse until all the salt has dissolved.

Moon water is like a girl's tear.
May I be white-faced and carefree.
May the one I love love me
For my beauty, for my complaisance.
Let the glass sit like this all night.

In the morning, after washing your face, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of this spoken water, saying to yourself: “Water is in me, beauty is on me.” Repeat these steps until the water in the glass runs out: the result will immediately appear!

This effective ritual is not as simple as the previous ones, although it is quite possible to perform it if desired. All you need is patience and strict adherence to the recommendations and sequence of actions.

What does it need? The blood of a young lamb, a basin, sour milk, three apples of different sizes: small, large and medium. There should be no one else in the room.

Pour the lamb's blood into a basin, strip naked and start anointing yourself: first your face, then your arms, knees, turning clockwise. Quietly, but clearly, without hesitation, read the plot:

All flesh is made of blood.
Through blood there is life and through blood there is sin.
I call upon the Witness,
That I took time through the blood of the lamb.
How I, slave (name), came into this world covered in blood.
So, Witness, bless me
For a new time. Amen.

While reading, hold the candle in your right hand, preventing it from extinguishing. Otherwise, all the work will be in vain. After reading the plot, without washing your face, eat three apples: first small, then medium, then large.

After this, wash off the blood and begin to smear yourself with sour milk, while reciting the spell:

How the saints drank milk:
Kings, generals, priests, rich and poor.
This is how milk became famous as eternal life,
Like eternal youth in milk.
I conjure every drop,
Every sip is for accomplishment.
May what I wish come true
And I command the Witness:
Witness, did you see
How the Lord worked miracles.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Buy a jar of face cream that suits your skin type, the price doesn't matter. Before printing the cream, say the following words over it:

Twelve sisters, twelve young women walked,
Twelve queens.
From each - beauty in a barrel!

Take a shower or bath, open it and apply it to your face with light movements, saying:

Like I received love from my first sister!
From the second - beauty!
Like the third - thick hair!
From the fourth - a ringing voice,
I'm on the fifth - my hands are tender,
From the sixth - teeth are snow-white,
From the seventh - the eyelashes are black,
From the eighth my eyebrows are thin,
From the ninth - frying eyes,
From the tenth - the spout is raised,
From the eleventh - Usta Aly,
And as the twelfth, let me be all!

When closing the cream, say the following words:

Twelve sisters - all in the tent!
I open it - I gain beauty!

Every time you use this cream, say a spell.

In addition, honey is very good for health, prolongs youth and increases potency. If you use it correctly, it can turn into a magical love elixir of beauty, health and longevity.

Honey bath to increase female attractiveness and attract men:

Make a special honey elixir and add it to your bath water.

Witch Elixir Recipe:

Dilute 3 tablespoons of honey in a glass of warm water. In addition, you can add 3 drops of essential oil of linden, lemon (or orange), rose, sandalwood or musk.

You can add all the scents, or just some of them, or just one. It is important here that the smell is in harmony with you. Focus on your feelings.

Oh, all of you: princes, boyars, simple peasants,
Old, young, married and single, -
You all shouldn't take your eyes off me,
All of you would mature and watch,
They didn’t want to take their eyes off me:
The body is white, the cheeks are rosy,
The hair is lush and fragrant.
Clear dawn, descend on my body,
Sun, reflect in my little eyes.
White light on the face,
I'll go out onto the porch
I'll walk and find beauty.
Converge on me, beauty,
So that I could be alone like this.
If I were broad-shouldered,
Breasts of a busty man,
With the words of a talker,
Round face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Recipe for a magical honey mask:

In addition, to prolong youth and make facial skin soft and velvety, there is a magic recipe that must be done for seven weeks in a row on Fridays after seven in the evening. The ritual, like all beauty rituals, must begin on the waxing moon.

Take one teaspoon of aloe juice and half a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything until smooth. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin. After this, read the plot seven times, projecting the flow of energy onto your face:

You, thorny sap-flower,

And you, linden honey,

Take away the old age from your face,

And you will strengthen your beauty.

To make the girls jealous,

And the guys were licking their lips.

After pronouncing the spell, wash your face seven times with warm water with your right hand, saying:

« Water on the face, beauty on the face, water on the face - old age on the face!”

Recipe for rejuvenating honey mass

Further, there is a rejuvenating recipe for beauty and health, very simple to prepare, but very effective. Useful for anyone with immune problems. Take it constantly and you will forget about doctors and the concept of old age. By the way, feed it to your man, it increases potency in men.


Flaxseed oil - 4/5 cup
4 lemons

3 heads of garlic
1 kg honey
Grind the ingredients in a meat grinder, after peeling the garlic, pass 2 lemons with the peel and 2 without. Mix this mass with butter and honey. Store in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Take, ideally, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals (at least 1 spoon per day), taking breaks between doses for 1 week.

I wish you health, longevity and good luck in love!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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In nature, there is always a chance of stumbling upon a poisonous plant. And while adults will most likely just pass by, curious children who want to taste everything may get hurt.

website reminds: many very dangerous plant species are grown as ornamental ones and can be seen not only in the forest, but also on window sills and flower beds. Therefore, you should also be vigilant in the city.

Where it occurs: In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; prefers damp places, swamps.

There are several types of buttercups, many of them poisonous.

Where it occurs: Temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, Australia.

The most common representatives are red and black elderberry. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and if you just touch the elderberry, it is best to wash your hands. Interestingly, black berries are completely safe when ripe; they are used to make drinks and pies.

Why it is dangerous: Provokes headache, weakness, abdominal pain, and sometimes cramps. Possible heart failure and respiratory arrest.

Where it occurs: In tropical and subtropical regions. Used in landscape design, it is grown all over the world as an indoor flower.

A truly insidious plant that attracts with its pleasant aroma and beautiful pink or white flowers.

Why it’s dangerous: Contains cardiac glycosides, which can change heart rhythm, cause vomiting, headache, weakness and even death. There is a legend that Napoleon's soldiers unknowingly made a fire from oleander branches and fried meat on it. The next morning, some of the soldiers did not wake up.

Where it occurs: In Europe, Asia and North America. Because of its beautiful purple, blue and yellowish flowers, it is grown in flower beds. This is a tall and conspicuous plant.

In the ancient world it was used to poison arrows. Even bees can get poisoned if they take honey from aconite. By the way, delphinium is its close relative, and it is also poisonous.

Why it’s dangerous: VERY poisonous plant. Causes cardiac arrhythmia, numbness of the face, arms and legs, darkening of the eyes and death. The juice even penetrates the skin.

Where it occurs: In North and Central America, Europe, southern regions of Russia.

Datura resembles a potato or tomato, which is not surprising, since it is their close relative. This is an inconspicuous plant with spiky fruit-pods with black seeds inside. Its white flowers emit an intoxicating scent.

Why it’s dangerous: Contains alkaloids that cause rapid heartbeat, disorientation and delirium. In severe cases, death or coma may occur. Shamans of many nations used this plant in their rituals.

Where it occurs: In temperate regions of Eurasia, one species exists in the USA.

Just a giant among umbrellas, which looks quite impressive, but it is better not to take pictures next to it.

Why it’s dangerous: Some species contain furanocoumarins, which cause painful burns when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, if hogweed juice gets on your hand, wash it and protect it from sunlight for about two days.

Where it occurs: Everywhere. Often seen on window sills, including in children's institutions.

Euphorbias include a huge number of species, often very different in appearance: some look like cacti, others look like flowers. Teach children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they grow in pots.

Why it’s dangerous: The juice leaves burns. Later, malaise, swelling and fever appear.