Triathlon is a sport that includes three types of sports: swimming, cycling and road running.

Triathlon is a sport that includes three types of sports: swimming, cycling and road running.

◦3.1 Swimming
◦3.2 Bicycle race
◦3.3 Running
◦3.4 Change between stages
◦3.5 Punishments
4 Notes
5 Links

Types of triathlon

There are the following types of triathlon:

Short distances (sprint): swimming - 750 m, cycling - 20 km and cross-country - 5 km;
International or Olympic: swimming - 1500 m, cycling - 40 km and running - 10 km;
70.3 or Half-Ironman (“Half-Iron Man”, “Half”): swimming - 1.93 km, cycling - 90 km and running - 21 km;
Ironman (“Iron Man”): swimming - 3.86 km, cycling - 180 km and running - 42.195 km;
"Ultra-triathlon" (usually the distance of a long Ironman triathlon, increased several times - double, triple ultratriathlon and deca-triathlon (10 Ironman triathlons over 10 days), conducted by the International Ultratriathlon Association;
“People's Triathlon” - practiced in Russia, aimed at amateurs and beginner triathletes, swimming - 200 meters, cross-country cycling - 10 km and running - 2.5 kilometers.


According to triathlon historian and Ironman Hawaii champion Scott Tinley, triathlon's roots are based in a race held in France during the 1920s and 1930s called "La Course des Debrouillards" (literally, "The Race of the Persistent"). These days this race is held every year in France near Joinville le Pont, near Meulan and Poissy. Competitions like the modern triathlon were first heard of in 1920 from the French newspaper L'Auto, which reported on a competition called Les Trois Sports, including a 3km run, a 12km bike ride and a swim across the Marnay Canal. These three parts were overcome without any interruption. There are also references in French newspapers to a race in Marseille in 1927. In 1934, an article about "Les Trois Sports" (three sports) in the city of Rochelle reported a competition on a distance consisting of three components: a canal crossing (200 m), a cycling competition (10 km) around the Rochelle harbor and Laleu park, and a run (1200 m) around the Andre-Barbeau stadium. Thus, we can say that the concept of modern triathlon originated then.

Starting in the mid-1930s, there was virtually no information about triathlon competitions until 1974, when, near San Diego Bay in Southern California (USA), a group of friends-athletes of various specializations organized a club and began training together. Among them were runners, swimmers and cyclists, and soon the training sessions turned into unofficial races. Directed and conceived by Jack Johnstone and Don Shanahan, the first Mission Bay Triathlon was held on September 25th, 1974 with 46 athletes competing. This date is celebrated as the birthday of the modern short triathlon.

The first classic distance triathlon (2.4 miles (3.86 km) swim, 112 miles (180.2 km) bike, and 26.2 miles (42.2 km) run) was the Hawaiian Iron Man Triathlon, the idea for which began during the awards ceremony. winners of the Oahu Perimeter Relay (team running race) in 1977. Among the participants were numerous representatives of the Mid-Pacific Road Runners and the Waikiki Swim Club, whose members had long debated whether runners or swimmers were more physically resilient. In this regard, one of the athletes, Marine John Collins, also pointed to an article in Sports Illustrated magazine, which stated that Eddy Merckx, the legendary Belgian cyclist, had the highest recorded "maximum oxygen consumption" of any time. - or measured athletes, and thus it is cyclists who are the most physically strong and resilient athletes. Collins himself was no stranger to triathlon; he and his wife, Judy, took part in triathlons organized in 1974-1975. the San Diego Track Club in Mission Bay, California, and the Optimist Sports Fiesta Triathlon in Colorado. Several other military athletes were also competing in the event, so they agreed when Collins proposed settling the dispute on the race course, combining three existing long-distance events: the Waikiki Roughwater Swim (2.4 miles/3.862 km), the Around-Oahu Bike Race (115 miles; usually held over two days) and the Hanolulu Marathon (26,219 miles/42,195 km). Until that day, the bike race had been held over two days, so the bike race distance was shortened by 3 miles to fit the distance between the finish of the swim and the start of the marathon. Before the start of the race, each athlete received three sheets of paper with several points of rules and a description of the distance, as well as the inscription on the last page: “Swim 2.4 MILES! 112 MILE Bike Race! Run 26.2 MILES! Be proud of this for the rest of your life!” In honor of a local runner who was known for his grueling workouts, Collins said that "whoever finishes first, we'll call him Iron Man." And in the early morning of February 18, 1978, fifteen men took part in the competition, twelve of whom finished the race, and Gordon Haller received worldwide fame as the first Ironman, finishing the distance in 11 hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds.

Today, many triathlon competitions of various distances are held around the world. The standard "Olympic Distance" 1.5km/40km/10km was developed by triathlon race director, Jim Curl, in the mid-80s after he and his business partner, Carl Thomas, successfully ran the great American Triathlon Series (USTS) between 1982 and 1997. USTS races in general gave a great impetus to the popularization of triathlon in the United States and throughout the world. At the same time, the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon is now a world championship in the classic distance triathlon, qualifying for which takes place in a number of competitions held around the world throughout the year, also called the Ironman Triathlon.

In Europe, the first classic triathlon competitions were held in 1981 in Czechoslovakia, and a little later, in 1985, similar competitions were held for the first time in Russia, in Perm. The first USSR championship was held in 1990 in St. Petersburg.

The International Triathlon Union (ITU) was founded in 1989 as an international organization whose main goal was to include triathlon in the Olympic program. It should be noted that the ITU has never officially sanctioned the Ironman Triathlon. Some believe that the Hawaii Ironman should be recognized as an official world championship for the sport as a whole, and should also be sanctioned by the ITU. But for now the ITU has shown little interest in supporting classic triathlon, preferring to focus on shorter races tailored to the Olympics and television coverage. Triathlon made its debut in the Olympic program at the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000 at the Olympic triathlon distance (1500 m swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running). Currently, under the jurisdiction of the ITU, competitions are held in aquathlon (running + swimming + running), winter triathlon (cross + cyclo-cross + cross-country skiing), indoor triathlon and duathlon.

Since its inception, the popularity of triathlon has grown at a significant rate and now includes thousands of competitions every year with hundreds of thousands of participants around the world.


The competition begins with swimming. There is a mass start of all participants from a pontoon or directly from the water in a long triathlon. In case of low water temperature, the use of wetsuits up to 5 mm thick is allowed. Typically the swim follows a triangular route marked by buoys and ropes. For each arbitrary reduction in the length of the route, penalty points are awarded or disqualification is possible. Athletes can use any swimming style they prefer, but crawl is the fastest.

Bicycle race
After leaving the water, athletes change clothes in the transit area, get on their bikes and the cycling stage begins. There are food stations along the distance, but technical assistance for professionals is prohibited. While short triathlons generally use regular road bikes for group racing, IRONMAN triathlons feature bikes that are more similar to individual race bikes. According to the rules of the International Triathlon Federation (ITU), the use of short “beds” mounted on the handlebars is allowed on road bicycles. The "rest" should not protrude beyond the line connecting the extreme parts of the brake levers. The “bed” itself must either have no protruding parts at all, or the protruding parts of the “bed” must be connected by a jumper (a plastic insert or simply several layers of electrical tape). Long "beds" such as those used in cycling in individual time trials are prohibited. This is understandable, because There is no particular benefit from “loungers” in a short triathlon due to the opportunity to improve your aerodynamics by simply hiding behind the back of the athlete in front. In the Olympic triathlon, leading is allowed during the cycling stage, i.e. athletes can travel in a group. In the Ironman triathlon, leading is prohibited, the athlete must ride at a certain (approximately 10-15 meters) distance from the bike in front or the judge's car, so the aerodynamics of the bike become quite important.

The main rule is that the athlete must move on his feet. On the one hand, this is obvious, but on the other hand, exhausted runners sometimes actually crawl across the finish line.

Change between stages
The order of rotation between stages is strictly regulated (swim -> bike -> run) Athletes must not interfere with other athletes (while preparing their bikes or when changing clothes) They can only manually move bikes within their designated area before and after the race. The helmet must be put on before the start of the ride and removed after the bike is placed on a special ramp or designated area. Nudity while changing clothes is prohibited by competition rules according to international standards. During the cycling stage, the license plate must be on the athlete's back, during the running stage - on the chest.

During competitions, athletes do not have the right to interfere with each other. If this happens during swimming, then at the end of it the athlete will be delayed for 30 seconds. If this happens during a cycling or running race, the athlete is warned with a yellow card. After this, he must stop and wait for permission to continue the competition. If a dangerous act is committed or a repeated violation occurs, the athlete may be disqualified after being shown a red card. Two yellow cards during one stage automatically turn into a red card and the athlete is disqualified.

1. Memories of the first years of triathlon development in the USSR
2. Alexander Simonov: Triathlon. An explosive cocktail that took God by surprise - an interview with the legendary triathlete for the newspaper "Sport-Express"
3. Ivan Zhitenev: How I became an Ironman. One of the most resonant articles of the year on the official website of the Skiing magazine

FTR Official website of the Russian Triathlon Federation
Krasnoyarsk Triathlon Federation
Triathlon Masters - reviews of triathlon competitions and equipment
Russian triathlon - Russian-language site about triathlon

Announcements and reports on triathlon competitions
Team news
Triathlon in Belarus
Triathlon in Ukraine

Triathlon, or triathlon, is a sport that includes three speed events: cycling, swimming and cross-country athletics. This discipline is included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

The first competition, similar to the modern triathlon, took place in France in 1920. Translated from French, the name meant “Race of the Resourceful.” Then the participants ran three kilometers, cycled twelve kilometers and swam across the Marnay Canal. All parts of the distance were covered without interruption.

At the end of the thirties of the 20th century, triathlon competitions were practically not held. It wasn't until 1974 that the first triathlon club was created in the United States. In the same year, the first short triathlon competition was held, in which forty-six people took part.

The first classic triathlon competitions took place in 1977 in Hawaii. In Europe, competitions of this type began to be held in 1981. In 1985, triathlon came to Russia, and then various championships began to be organized. Every year triathlon gained momentum and in 1989 the first World Championship was held, at the same time the International Triathlon Union appeared in Avignon. The purpose of creating such an organization was to include this sport in the Olympic program. In 2000, this goal was achieved.

Nowadays, triathlon competitions are not uncommon. In addition, there is more than one type of such sport. The traditional Olympic (international) triathlon includes a one and a half kilometer swim, a forty kilometer cycling race and a ten kilometer cross-country race. This program was invented by Jim Curl, a racing director in the eighties of the 20th century. The short triathlon consists of a 750-metre swim, a 20-metre bike ride and a five-kilometre run. Discipline "Half-Iron Man": cycling - 90 km, running - 21 km, swimming - 1.9 km, "Iron Man" doubles all these indicators. In Russia, the “People's Triathlon” is very popular, which is intended for beginner athletes and just amateurs. It consists of a 200-meter swim, a 10-kilometer bike race and a 2.5-kilometer run. All stages of the triathlon take place without pause.

Any triathlon competition begins with swimming. As a rule, a mass start is made from a pontoon or from the water. At low water temperatures, athletes are allowed to wear a wetsuit no thicker than 5 millimeters. Most often, the swim route has a triangular shape, which is limited by buoys and cables. If the distance is deliberately shortened, athletes receive penalty points or are disqualified. The swimming style is not specified in the rules. After the swim, participants move to the transit area, change clothes, get behind the wheel of their bicycles, and the cycling race begins. Technical assistance is prohibited along the course, however, food stations are located in some places. The next test is running. The main condition is to move on your feet. This rule looks very stupid, but it is important because by the end of the competition the athletes reach the finish line almost at a crawl.

Triathlon rules require order. Athletes must not interfere with each other while changing clothes or preparing their bicycles. Bicycle racing requires a helmet, which must be put on before the race and removed after the bike is in the designated place. During the cycling stage, the participant's number must be located on the back, while running - on the chest. For each distance there is a time limit that must be met. In order to maintain order on the highway, a system of penalties has been developed. If an athlete interferes with swimming, he will be detained for 30 seconds after exiting the water. If the rules are violated during a cycling or running race, the participant is presented with a yellow card, which obliges him to stop and wait for permission to continue the race. If a repeated violation or dangerous act is committed, the athlete is given a red card and disqualified. Receiving two yellow cards at one stage is equivalent to one red card and the participant will be disqualified.

To summarize, I would like to note that triathlon is one of the most popular cyclic disciplines. Its fame and popularity is comparable to marathon running, cross-country skiing and biathlon.

And today we will answer the very first question that a person asks himself when he hears the word triathlon. Actually, what is a “triathlon”?

If you are puzzled by this question, then there is a high probability that you have already encountered this sport, but have not yet fully understood what is going on here. So, it’s time to plunge a little into the sports world of the triathlete.

To make it clear what we are talking about, we note that triathlon is a combination of three cyclic sports in one competition, without a break.

Let's say it jokingly, but very accurately - this is “three in one”: swimming, cycling and cross-country running.

With the start bell ringing, you go swimming, complete the cycling race and finish the competition at the finish line of the running stage, without rest or break, covering the distance within the time allotted by the organizers.

Iron distance and the popularity of triathlon

Ironman or Ironman is the most famous distance in triathlon. Moreover, it is important to know that Ironman is an independent triathlon brand that has become a household name, and this is how all triathlon starts are now unofficially called, where open water swimming is 3.8 km, cycling is 180 km, cross-country running is 42 km.

However, triathlon is not only held in this format. There are smaller distances where most of the beginners try their hand - triathletes. “Half” – half of the iron distance: 1.9 km – swimming, 90 km – cycling and 21 km running.

The Olympic distance or “Olympic” is dynamic and spectacular, included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Here the swimming is 1.5 km, the cycling is 40 km, and the running is 10 km. Even shorter distances are sprint and super sprint.

The popularity of eventing is evidenced by the fact that if in 2010 there was only one mass start in our country, which attracted all eventing fans, today the choice is so great that you have to think carefully about where to hold the race.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan, Vyborg. Athletes' competitions in these cities attract hundreds of athletes from all over the country and abroad! If we talk about foreign starts, then every weekend there are dozens, if not hundreds of starts all over the world!

What is the secret of the popularity of triathlon?!

Perhaps the most important factor is that the doors of this sport are wide open to everyone who wants to become just a triathlete or an ironman!

Imagine that by starting to train now, in the near future you could be at the start line of the Ironman World Championships, standing on the edge of the shoreline of the swim leg alongside elite athletes, current Olympic and World Championship medal winners, and Ironman legends. !

This is how the world of triathlon works, that everyone in it is one big family. This is what triathlon is!

It's hard to imagine that this is possible in football. That a backyard team, or a team from the amateur Leather Ball tournament, can play in the same tournament with the Brazilian or German national team.

Is there such an opportunity for sports fans in hockey, basketball, golf?!

And if you send your child to swimming or wrestling, what is the chance that years later he will reach the level of an international master of sports and will compete at the stages of the world series?! Of course, there is a chance, but it is unlikely.

The marketing of triathlon is such that it makes it accessible to everyone who wants to participate. The organizers themselves try to attract famous athletes to the starts, which undoubtedly gives special significance and status to each start. Global brands in the swimming, cycling and running industries are eager to get on the Ironman poster.

Ironman "Anything is possible". “Anything is possible” is the slogan of the grueling Ironman competition. Becoming an ironman is the cherished dream of every aspiring triathlete.

Triathlon audience

Until recently, it was believed that triathlon was a hobby for businessmen and wealthy people. This opinion is correct. After all, in order to participate in competitions, one had to travel abroad.

A good wetsuit for swimming costs at least 30 thousand rubles, the price of a good bicycle starts from 200 thousand rubles, and high-quality running sneakers cost at least 7 thousand.

However, now everyone goes to triathlon. Swimmers, cyclists, track and field athletes, wrestlers, chess players, climbers...

Sellers of sports paraphernalia, adapting to the interests of eventing enthusiasts, provide a wide range of sports equipment and equipment!

So, a wetsuit on a foreign website can be purchased for around 10 thousand rubles, a budget bike for 50 to 60 thousand rubles, and good sneakers can be found for 3 thousand.

The triathlon audience is growing. Starts appear in new cities. Triathlon becomes a family sport when the next start is a trip with family to a new place.

Let's imagine triathlon as the participants, organizers, and partners of this sporting competition see and know it.

Vladimir Voloshin, Ironman Hawaii participant

Vladimir is the organizer of the Ironstar triathlon series

Triathlon is one single sport where participants swim, ride a bike, and run cross-country. On a psychological level, this is easier to perceive, and on a physical level, it does not allow us to lower the bar in preparing for swimming, cycling and running.

What is triathlon in general from a consumer perspective? This is a big sports game: you need to sacrifice or gain something, be disciplined and honest with yourself when choosing this sport.

This, of course, is travel and the opportunity to look at the world through the prism of sports competitions, this is, of course, a family sport, where one participant and the rest are support, where strong emotional experiences are like a holiday and as an exam for the whole family, and a competent approach to training process is a contribution to personal health.

There is a wonderful expression “there are no heroes in offices, heroes are pointed out in the street”, the spirit of endurance racing is very close to entrepreneurship and opens up new opportunities to be a leader.

John R. Broderick, Arena President

The Arena company is a clothing and accessories company for swimming, a partner of the Ironman start series.

Since the formation of the Arena company, and to this day, we have constantly provided sponsorship support to both outstanding swimmers and national swimming federations.

But it is a special honor for us to be a partner in the Ironman triathlon series; it is tantamount to the fact that we, together with the organizers, are writing the history of a young and extremely ambitious sport.

It’s nice to see the Arena logo next to the Ironman logo - undoubtedly, this evokes an association of the “iron” brand among athletes.

Andrey Lyatsky, professional triathlete.

Triathlon is a harmless activity that over time takes over your entire life. I wouldn’t say that this is the meaning of my life; most likely, for me it is “entertainment” that consumes all my time.

The emotions and sensations you get from this sport can only be felt in few places. This is why the popularity of triathlon is growing so rapidly.

Triathlon varied

And finally, let's turn to Wikipedia. Triathlon is a type of multisport race consisting of continuous sequential overcoming of three independent stages by its participants: open water swimming, cycling and cross-country running.

Triathlon competitions are held at standard and many non-standard distances.

This may not be all the definitions of triathlon that one could imagine, and as the youngest Ironman finisher, Rodkey Faust, said in one of his many interviews, triathlon is only as diverse as your life!

I am sure that everyone has their own, everyone puts their own meaning into it, based on the choice of competition and preparation for it, the acquisition of attributes, the choice of a team and following its principles, based on the desire to become better and prove to yourself that you are made of hardware. , and not from the “test”.

If you have an uncontrollable desire to become a triathlete: to complete an ironman or finish a half, then our school will help you realize your desire. Become an athlete today - .

With us you will train with an experienced coach, whose student occupies a leading position in the world triathlon rankings.

You will receive running, swimming and cycling training, cardio-strength training and a set of general physical fitness exercises,

You can also win valuable prizes in our competitions and even a whole slot (ticket to IRONMAN).

Triathlon (evening) is an Olympic sport, the essence of which is the sequential passage of three stages, each of which represents a separate sport (swimming, cycling, running). Triathlon has become very popular recently among both men and women.

History of the origin and development of triathlon

The history of triathlon dates back to France, where in 1920 competitions reminiscent of the modern triathlon were held. They were called "Les Trois Sports" and consisted of a 3 km running competition, a 12 km cycling race and a swim across the Marne Canal. The athletes completed all 3 stages without a break.

The date of birth of modern triathlon is considered to be September 25, 1974. A group of friends-athletes of various specializations (runners, swimmers and cyclists) organized a joint club and began training. The first triathlon championship was hosted by Jack Johnstone and Don Sanaan, with 46 athletes taking part.

The first classic triathlon competition took place in 1977, and the first European competition took place in 1981 in Czechoslovakia. During these years, triathlon very quickly gained momentum and in 1989 the International Triathlon Union federation was organized, the main goal of which was to include triathlon in the Olympic program. In the same year, the first World Triathlon Championships took place.

Today, many triathlon competitions are held around the world at various distances. The standard Olympic distance includes a 1500m swim, a 40km bike race and a 10km run and was developed by Jim Curle in the mid-1980s.

Triathlon was included in the Olympic Games program in 2000 in Sydney.

Rules and stages of triathlon

Triathlon competitions always begin with swimming. Usually the swim takes place along a triangular route (the route is marked using buoys and cables). Any shortening of the route by athletes is punishable up to and including disqualification. During the swim, athletes can use any swimming style. The equipment at this stage is a special wetsuit for open water.

The next stage of the triathlon is the cycling race. After leaving the water, athletes change clothes in a special transit area and get on their bikes. Athletes must wear a helmet, which can only be removed after the bike is placed on a special ramp or designated area.

After completing the cycling race, athletes move on to the running phase.

Athletes are prohibited from obstructing each other; for violating this rule, the athlete may be given a yellow card, and for a repeated violation, disqualification.

Uniforms, equipment and clothing for triathlon

  • Swimming trunks or wetsuit (up to 5 mm thick). The wetsuit is adjusted to the water temperature. Swimming caps will be provided by the organizers.
  • Road bike.
  • Bicycle helmet.
  • Sportswear for running and cycling (triathlon starter suit). For better results in a cycling race, many athletes use cycling shoes with clipless pedals and cycling glasses. The most important piece of running equipment is your triathlon shoes. They should be ideal for long runs. In hot weather, it is necessary to use a hat to protect from the sun.

Popular triathlon competitions (distances)

  • Tristar 11.1 (swimming - 100 m, cycling - 10 km and cross-country - 1 km).
  • ITU Supersprint (swimming - 400 m, cycling - 10 km and cross-country - 2.5 km).
  • ITU Short distance (swimming - 750 m, cycling - 20 km and cross-country - 5 km).
  • ITU Triathlon Olympic distance (swimming - 1500 m, cycling - 40 km and running - 10 km).
  • WTC 5150 series (swimming - 1500 m, cycling - 40 km and running - 10 km).
  • Tristar 111 (swimming - 1000 m, cycling - 100 km and cross-country - 10 km).
  • ITU Long distance long distance (swimming - 3-4 km, cycling - 80-120 km and running - 20-30 km).
  • WTC 70.3 or Half-Ironman (1.93 km swim, 90 km bike and 21.1 km run).
  • Tristar 222 (swimming - 2 km, cycling - 200 km and cross-country - 20 km).
  • WTC Ironman Triathlon (swimming - 3.86 km, cycling - 180 km and marathon running - 42.195 km).
  • TITAN marathon iron distance (swimming 3.8 km, cycling 180 km, running 42 km) + relay race.
  • TITAN sprint marathon (swimming 0.75 km, cycling 20 km, running 5 km).
  • TITAN marathon children's distance (swimming 0.2 km, cycling 4 km, running 1 km).


According to triathlon historian and Ironman Hawaii champion Scott Tinley, triathlon's roots are based in a race held in France during the 1920s and 1930s called "La Course des Debrouillards" (literally, "The Race of the Resourceful"). These days this race is held every year in France near Joinville le Pont, near Meulan and Poissy. Competitions like the modern triathlon were first heard of in 1920 from the French newspaper L'Auto, which reported on a competition called Les Trois Sports, including a 3km run, a 12km bike ride and a swim across the Marnay Canal. These three parts were overcome without any interruption. There are also references in French newspapers to a race in Marseille in 1927. In 1934, an article about "Les Trois Sports" (three sports) in the city of Rochelle reported a competition on a distance consisting of three components: a canal crossing (200 m), a cycling competition (10 km) around the Rochelle harbor and Laleu park, and a run (1200 m) around the Andre-Barbeau stadium. Thus, we can say that the concept of modern triathlon originated then.

Starting in the mid-1930s, there was virtually no information about triathlon competitions until 1974, when, near San Diego Bay in Southern California (USA), a group of friends-athletes of various specializations organized a club and began training together. Among them were runners, swimmers and cyclists, and soon the training sessions turned into unofficial races. Directed and conceived by Jack Johnstone and Don Shanahan, the first Mission Bay Triathlon was held on September 25, 1974 with 46 athletes competing. This date is celebrated as the birthday of the modern short triathlon.

The first classic distance triathlon (2.4 miles (3.86 km) swim, 112 miles (180.2 km) bike, and 26.2 miles (42.2 km) run) was the Hawaiian Iron Man Triathlon, the idea for which began during the awards ceremony. winners of the Oahu Perimeter Relay (team running race) in 1977. Among the participants were numerous representatives of the Mid-Pacific Road Runners and the Waikiki Swim Club, whose members had long debated whether runners or swimmers were more physically resilient. In this regard, one of the athletes, Marine John Collins, also pointed to an article in Sports Illustrated magazine, which stated that Eddy Merckx, the legendary Belgian cyclist, had the highest recorded "maximum oxygen consumption" of any time. - or measured athletes, and thus it is cyclists who are the most physically strong and resilient athletes. Collins himself was no stranger to triathlons; he and his wife, Judy, took part in triathlons organized in 1974-1975. the San Diego Track Club in Mission Bay, California, and the Optimist Sports Fiesta Triathlon in Colorado. Several other military athletes were also competing in the event, so they agreed when Collins proposed settling the dispute on the race course, combining three existing long-distance events: the Waikiki Roughwater Swim (2.4 miles/3.862 km), the Around-Oahu Bike Race (115 miles; usually held over two days) and the Hanolulu Marathon (26,219 miles/42,195 km). Until that day, the bike race had been held over two days, so the bike race distance was shortened by 3 miles to fit the distance between the finish of the swim and the start of the marathon. Before the start of the race, each athlete received three sheets of paper with several points of rules and a description of the distance, as well as the inscription on the last page: “Swim 2.4 MILES! 112 MILE Bike Race! Run 26.2 MILES! Be proud of this for the rest of your life!” In honor of a local runner who was known for his grueling workouts, Collins said that "whoever finishes first, we'll call him Iron Man." And in the early morning of February 18, 1978, fifteen men took part in the competition, twelve of whom finished the race, and Gordon Haller received worldwide fame as the first Ironman, finishing the distance in 11 hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds.

In Europe, the first classic triathlon competitions were held in 1981 in Czechoslovakia, and a little later, in 1985, similar competitions were held for the first time in Russia, in Perm. The first USSR championship was held in 1990 in St. Petersburg.

Bicycle race

Professional triathlon bike

After leaving the water, athletes change clothes in the transit area, get on their bikes and the cycling stage begins. There are food stations along the distance, but technical assistance for professionals is prohibited. While short triathlons generally use regular road bikes for group racing, IRONMAN triathlons involve pros using bikes more similar to time trial bikes in cycling. According to the rules of the International Triathlon Federation (ITU), the use of short “beds” mounted on the handlebars is allowed on road bicycles. The “rest” should not protrude forward beyond the line connecting the extreme parts of the brake levers. The “bed” itself must either have no protruding parts at all, or the protruding parts of the “bed” must be connected by a jumper (a plastic insert or simply several layers of electrical tape). Long “beds”, such as those used in cycling in individual time trials, are prohibited. This is understandable, since there is no particular benefit from “loungers” in a short triathlon due to the opportunity to improve your aerodynamics by simply hiding behind the back of the athlete in front. In the Olympic triathlon, leading is allowed during the cycling stage, that is, athletes can ride in a group. In the Ironman triathlon, leading is prohibited, the athlete must ride at a certain (approximately 10-15 meters) distance from the bike in front or the judge's car, so the aerodynamics of the bike become quite important.


The main rule is that the athlete must move on his feet.

Change between stages

The order of rotation between stages is strictly regulated (swim -> bike -> run) Athletes must not interfere with other athletes (while preparing their bikes or when changing clothes) They can only manually move bikes within their designated area before and after the race. The helmet must be put on before the start of the ride and removed after the bike is placed on a special ramp or designated area. Nudity while changing clothes is prohibited by competition rules according to international standards. During the cycling stage, the license plate must be on the athlete's back, during the running stage - on the chest. The athlete must meet the time limit specified for each stage.


During competitions, athletes do not have the right to interfere with each other. If this happens during swimming, then at the end of it the athlete will be delayed for 30 seconds. If this happens during a cycling or running race, the athlete is warned with a yellow card. After this, he must stop and wait for permission to continue the competition. If a dangerous act is committed or a repeated violation occurs, the athlete may be disqualified after being shown a red card. Two yellow cards during one stage automatically turn into a red card and the athlete is disqualified.

see also

  • Significant results of Russian finishers at the Ironman distance (WTC)

The following representatives of Russia have finished at the Ironman series competitions under the auspices of the World Triathlon Corporation (USA) (swimming at a distance of 3.86 km, cycling on a road 180 km and running 42.195 km) since the 1992 season (according to the finishing data protocols, where it is indicated that the participant represented the Russian Federation (RUS)), according to the date of the results shown as of 07/08/2012.*

Year Competition Name Time Category Notes
Ironman Hawaii Sergey Yakushev 10:11:08 MPRO USSR competed at Ironman Hawaii
Ironman Hawaii Alik Rukosuev 08:36:33 MPRO The first time a Russian representative competed at Ironman Hawaii
Ironman Hawaii Lilia Paradise (W) 12:32:51 F30-34 First female participant at Ironman Hawaii from Russia
Ironman Hawaii Alexander Grigoriev 09:25:45 M25-29 First qualified amateur in the men's category from Russia at Ironman Hawaii
Ironman Hawaii Mark Kocher 10:05:09 M45-49 Russia at Ironman Hawaii
Ironman Hawaii Vladimir Voloshin 11:03:06 M35-39 Qualified for the first time through the lottery from Russia to Ironman Hawaii
Ironman Regensburg Maria Lemeseva (W) 09:52:31 F18-24 Best result among women from Russia
Ironman Kalmar Andrey Lyatsky 08:24:20 MPRO The best result among active PRO athletes from Russia

* This list does not include the Ironman Hawaii and Oleg Ljadov (USSR) participant who competed for the USSR, who lived in Estonia at that time and competed for Estonia at domestic competitions.


  • FTR Official website of the Russian Triathlon Federation