The plank is a static exercise on the floor with emphasis on the hands or forearms. The plank is considered one of the most effective ways to remove belly fat and tighten your body. Is it really? Let's figure out what the benefits, advantages and harms of planking are, how to do it correctly and how often, is planking effective for weight loss? We also offer you a unique selection: 45 options for exercises with a plank in pictures!

Plank exercise: general information

The plank has long been a classic exercise not only in abdominal training, but also in general training for the whole body. This multifunctional exercise allows you to use a large number of muscle groups, and at the same time does not require any additional equipment, special skills, or extensive experience from you. The plank can be practiced by both beginners and advanced practitioners. It is thanks to its practicality, effectiveness and universal accessibility that the plank exercise has gained widespread popularity.

The plank engages the muscles of the upper and lower body, which means you will strengthen your body, making it elastic and toned. This exercise is especially useful for the development of the muscle corset (abdomen, back, buttocks). Strong muscle corset supports the back and spine , which means it helps reduce the risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

How to do a plank correctly?

Get into a floor rack position—a push-up position. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and shift your weight to your forearms. Your whole body should form one straight line, your stomach should be tucked, your muscles should be tense.

What to pay special attention to:

  • Head and neck: should be relaxed and free. Look at the floor, don't raise your head up.
  • Hands: Hold them straight in front of you or cross them. Place your elbows strictly under your shoulder joints so as not to create unnecessary stress on your shoulders. Keep your shoulders down, don't raise them towards your ears.
  • Small of the back: It can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is pressed tightly against the wall.
  • Legs: Must remain straight and tense. Otherwise, the main load will be transferred to the lower back, and not to the abdominal muscles.
  • Buttocks: Should also be tense and level with your back. Don't arch your pelvis or lift your buttocks up.
  • Stomach: pull in, and then (already pulled in) try to pull it towards the ribs. Keep it taut throughout the exercise, but do not hold your breath.
  • Feet: can be put together, can be spaced out a little. The closer you place them to each other, the greater the load on the abdominal muscles.
  • Breath: Be sure to remember to breathe deeply throughout the exercise. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily.

Hold the plank position for as long as you can. Beginners can hold the plank for 15-30 seconds, intermediate level - 30-60 seconds, advanced - 60 seconds or more. When you feel that it is becoming difficult for you to maintain proper form, end the exercise. Never increase the duration of an exercise at the expense of technique! Better take a break and repeat the exercise in 3-4 circles with short stops.

Plank fits for all levels of training because you can always increase or decrease the duration of the static position depending on your fitness level. Also, this exercise can always be modified and complicated. If you are a beginner, do the plank on your knees. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can raise your arm or leg and hold the bar in that position.

How to increase plank execution time?

  1. Practice the plank every day, perform the exercise in several approaches. If possible, do the plank 3-4 times a day.
  2. Try progress every 4-5 days. For example, by increasing the time you hold the plank or increasing the number of approaches.
  3. Do other exercises to develop different muscle groups. For example, push-ups, squats, exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders.
  4. If you have been practicing the plank for a long time and calmly hold it for several minutes, then proceed to more complex options performing this exercise. Your muscles are probably used to the load, so the effectiveness of the plank is reduced.

Sooner or later the body adapts to any exercise. You should not constantly move towards increasing the plank time; it is better to move on to more complex versions of this exercise. If 2-3 minutes of planking is not particularly difficult for you, then feel free to move on to more complex modifications.

Contraindications to performing the plank

Despite the fact that the plank seems to be a fairly harmless exercise, in certain cases it is not recommended to perform it. The plank has the following contraindications:

  • Injuries to arms, shoulders, feet
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period
  • Large excess weight (you can do the plank version on your knees, but no more than 30 seconds)
  • Hypertension or hypotension
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Spinal injuries
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What muscles are involved when doing the plank?

When performing a plank, the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulders are primarily involved in the work. The plank also engages the muscles of the buttocks, chest, calves, front and back of the thigh.

So, during the classic plank the following muscles are involved:

  • Rectus and transverse abdominis muscles
  • Latissimus dorsi muscle
  • Muscles of the lumbar region
  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle
  • Trapezoid
  • Pectoral muscles
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Quadriceps and hamstrings
  • Calf muscles

When performing a side plank, additional load is placed on the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as on the muscles of the outer and inner thighs. The side plank is one of the most best exercises to strengthen your oblique muscles and spinal stabilization for back health.

Training plan with static planks

We offer you a ready-made plank training plan that can be performed as an addition to any program. Just follow the suggested plan and work on perfecting your figure. Four exercises await you: elbow bar, pLanka on hands, bowrought iron bar on the right hand, bshackle bar on the left hand.

You will repeat all exercises in several approaches. We offer you this plan:

  • First week: each exercise for 15 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 30 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Second week: each exercise for 25 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 30 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Third week: each exercise for 35 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 20 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Fourth week: each exercise for 45 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.

If necessary, you can adjust the proposed plan or perform each exercise at a more comfortable time for you or perform simplified modifications (on your knees).

The benefits, harm and effectiveness of planks for weight loss

The benefits of doing planks

1. The plank is the perfect exercise. for the abdominal muscles, since it covers all the main groups of abdominal muscles, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles.

2. The plank engages not only the core muscles, but also the muscles of the shoulders, chest, buttocks, upper back, front and back of the thigh. This is a unique exercise that will force your entire body to work.

3. Thanks to the plank, you will strengthen the muscle corset that supports your spine, which is excellent prevention of back pain.

4. Using a plank, you will strengthen your back and buttocks without damaging the musculoskeletal system and joints (as opposed to, for example, deadlifts, squats and lunges) .

5. Regular planking will help you maintain a straight posture and a straight back.

6. The plank exercise is available to everyone: from beginner to advanced. Simply adjust the time you hold the static position depending on your training.

7. By strengthening your core muscles, you can improve your balance and balance, which will be useful to you in everyday life.

8. Unlike many other abdominal exercises, the plank does not have a damaging effect on your lower back.

9. The bar has a large number of modifications: our article alone offers more than 40 options!

10. You can do the plank absolutely anywhere: at home, on the street, in the gym. You just need some free space.

Harm of the plank

However, despite all the benefits of the plank, this exercise can be fraught with danger. For example, if your core muscles are not strong enough, your spine will sag during a plank, causing pressure on spinal discs, lower back and shoulder joints . With the slightest violation of the correct form of the exercise, you may feel pain in the neck or lower back.

In addition, staying in the plank for a long time can cause increased blood pressure and even a heart attack, with people with hypertension especially at risk. Therefore, you should not be in the plank for more than two minutes at a time. If you want to increase the load on the muscles, then it is better to go towards more complicated plank options (for example, with an arm or leg raised) than in the direction of increasing the time of the static position.

For people who are overweight, it is recommended to do the plank on your knees. This will help reduce stress on your back and joints. However, the bar is one of the safest exercises for developing core muscles . It is much less damaging to the spine than most other abdominal exercises that are performed on the back.

Typical mistakes when doing planks

In order to avoid spinal problems from performing the plank incorrectly, we draw your attention to typical mistakes in this exercise:

  • hunched back, shoulders down
  • lifting the buttocks up, above head level
  • arching or rounding in the lower back
  • relaxation of the abdominal muscles, legs and buttocks
  • lifting the head up and bending the cervical spine
  • holding your breath

Is planking effective for weight loss?

The plank strengthens muscles, works the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not an effective exercise for burning fat and losing weight. The plank does not help to remove the belly and get rid of the sides! This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

Moreover, we emphasize once again that The process of losing weight depends on nutrition, not from exercise. Exercising helps burn more calories, tone muscles, improve body quality, but losing excess weight occurs only with food restrictions (calorie deficit). The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of sagging and lack of exercise, but to lose weight, dietary restrictions are required.

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to focus on dynamic exercises, which help burn more calories than static exercises. Ideally regularly do cardio exercise. Moreover, cardio exercises can also be performed in the plank, thereby achieving two goals at once: burning calories and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Read more about plank cardio exercises below.

45 plank exercises: a unique selection!

If you're ready to enhance your workouts with more variety of plank exercises, then we offer you our unique selection: 45 different variations of plank exercises with visual pictures. From these exercises you can create a complete training program. You can use our options for ready-made programs or create your own set of exercises.

If you can already comfortably hold a classic plank for 2-3 minutes, you should not increase the difficulty until you hold a static position for 5-10 minutes, as many sources advise. Most likely, your muscles have already adapted to the load, so it will be more effective make the load more difficult , i.e. move on to more advanced modifications of the exercise.

We offer you 45 plank exercises. They conditionally divided into 5 groups: static exercises, hand plank exercises, elbow plank exercises, side plank exercises, cardio plank exercises. If you decide to create your own training plan, it is advisable to use exercises from each group.

You can also make training with planks more difficult using additional equipment:

Static plank exercises:

1. Plank on hands (Plank)

2. Forearm Plank

3. Side Plank

4. Reverse Plank

5. Wall plank

6. Levered Plank

7. “Star” (Star side plank)

8. Plank single leg

Hand plank exercises:

1. Touching the hand forward in the plank (Plank alternating reach)

2. Plank leg raise

3. Plank shoulder tap

4. Plank opposite knee touch

5. Crossbody mountain climbers

6. Plank lateral walk

7. Spiderman plank

8. Plank Up & Down

9. Plank dumbbell raise

10. Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross

11. Plank right-left (Plank In & Out)

12. Superman Plank

13. Plank arm raise

14. Down to toe tap

15. Windshield wipers

16. Sliding your knee up and down your arm (Arm sliders)

17. Plank walkout

18. Rotate 360 ​​degrees (Plank barrel roll)

19. Rotate the body sideways (Plank T-rotation)

Elbow plank exercises:

1. Side plank roll

2. Plank saw

3. Knee to elbow

4. Hip raise plank

5. Legs to the side in plank (Starfish march)

6. Body turns in plank (Plank rocker)

Side plank exercises:

1. Hip drop side plank

2. Rotate the body in a side plank on the elbows (Forearm plank reach through)

3. Turning the body in a side plank (Plank reach through)

4. Crunch side plank

5. Raising the arms and legs in the side plank (Star side forearm plank)

Cardio plank exercises:

1. Jumping jack

2. Plank knee tuck

3. Mountain climbers

4. Plank toe tap

5. Jump into the plank with your buttocks up (Plyo peak plank)

6. Plank heel click

Thanks to YouTube channels for the visual pictures: Republic of Strength, Jordan Yeoh Fitness, Dont Quit, Max's Best Bootcamp, Ammar Montaser, The Live Fit Girl.

A ready-made plank exercise plan for all fitness levels!

We offer you a ready-made plank exercise plan for all levels of training . Don't know which group of practitioners to include yourself in? Complete the beginner level, and if the load seems insufficient to you, then feel free to move on to the intermediate level.

You can always change the plan at your discretion by adding, replacing or removing any suggested exercises. Repeat the exercises in several circles or do one circuit if you don't plan to do a set of plank exercises for more than 5 minutes. If the exercise is performed on one side, then perform the first circle on the right side, the second circle on the left.

First round:

    (Forearm Plank)(Crossbody mountain climbers)(Hip drop side plank)(Plank arm raise)(Windshield wipers)

Second round:

    (Reverse Plank)(Down to toe tap)(Jumping jack)
  1. (Plank opposite knee touch)
  2. (Starfish march)

How to do this plank workout for beginners?

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, break 15 seconds.
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 3.5 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~17 minutes

First round:

    (Plank single leg)(Mountain climbers)(Side plank roll)(Plank walkout)(Plank knee tuck)
  1. Plank spider (Spiderman plank)
  2. (Plank alternating reach)

Second round:

    (Side plank)(Plank Up & Down)(Forearm plank reach through)(Plank shoulder tap)(Hip raise plank)(Plank In & Out)(Plank dumbbell raise)

How to do this intermediate plank workout?

  • We perform 2 laps each round
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 4.5 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~22 minutes

First round:

    (Wall plank)
  1. Full body rotation (Plank T-rotation)
  2. (Plank toe tap)(Superman Plank)(Plank lateral walk)(Knee to elbow)

Second round:

  1. Classic hand plank (Basic plank)
  2. (Plank leg raise)(Plyo peak plank)(Plank saw)(Star side forearm plank)(Plank Up & Down)

Third round:

    (Levered Plank)(Plank barrel roll)(Plank heel click)(Crunch side plank)(Plank shoulder tap)(Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

How to do this advanced plank workout?

  • We perform each exercise for 30 seconds, break 10 seconds.
  • We perform 2 laps each round
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • Total duration of one lap ~4 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~30 minutes

For a long time, the plank was an undeservedly forgotten exercise, pushed to the margins of the sports world. Today it has found a second life. Many varieties of static and dynamic planks have appeared, planks with weighting or the use of sports equipment, and much more. The versatility and simplicity of the exercise, coupled with the amazing effect on the muscular corset, make the plank a necessary activity for beginner athletes.

How to do a plank correctly?

First of all, you need to decide which level you would prefer to perform. The classic options for beginners have been and remain static planks with emphasis on outstretched arms or forearms. Let’s take them as the main types of exercise and describe in detail how to do the plank correctly for beginners:

  • Lie down as if you were about to start doing push-ups. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and align them so that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. This will avoid unnecessary stress on the cervical spine and deep back muscles.
  • Straighten your legs, rest your toes (heels should never touch the floor!).
  • Raise your torso and lower back to the same level. The body should be smooth and straight, like an arrow. Lock yourself in the correct position and start counting.
  • If you are showing signs of severe fatigue or severe muscle tremors, take a short break. Repeat the exercise several times to achieve the best effect.

Top 5 mistakes when doing planks

Unfortunately, for most beginners, the correct plank is a rather difficult exercise. We unconsciously resort to tricks in an attempt to simplify the work of the muscles and make the exercise easier, but we are not aware of the possible consequences.

We have compiled the top 5 most common mistakes associated with performing this exercise:

  • Incorrect position of the lower back. Below or above the level of the torso and legs - reduces the effectiveness of the bar to zero. A banal mirror helps to avoid this mistake, opposite which you should start doing the exercise. Over time, you will get used to holding the correct position and will automatically assume the correct stance.
  • Looking at the floor. The cervical spine experiences additional unnatural stress, which can lead to pain in the neck and back of the head. Try to look straight ahead.
  • Rapid or slow breathing. Makes the exercise more difficult and significantly reduces the saturation of muscles with fresh oxygen. Breathe evenly and deeply.
  • Long approaches. At the early stage of training, when the body is not yet strong, and ambitions force you to increase the exercise time, it is easy to do more harm to yourself than good. Maintain moderation and increase the time you hold the plank gradually.
  • Irregular classes. The plank is not an exercise that gives immediate results. You are required to constantly work monotonously on your own body, because the result will only be noticeable if you do the plank every day.

Approaches and plank times - table for beginners

Modern people do not have much free time that can be devoted to visiting the gym. This is what explains the popularity of the classic plank, which takes a few minutes a day. Most experts unanimously agree that regular exercise in the morning (as exercise) and in the evening (2-3 hours before bedtime) allows you to achieve the best effect. Get into the habit of holding the plank at the same time every day so you don't miss your workout time.

The number of approaches and the time to complete them depends on your physical condition. The beginner plank chart below is only a rough guide.

First approach 30 seconds
Second approach 1 minute
Third approach 1 minute 30 seconds
Fourth approach 2 minutes

Plank exercise for beginners - before and after photos

I am glad to welcome beginners and those who are actively continuing! The plank exercise is about it today, yes.

The calendar shows Wednesday, which means technical day and the corresponding note on the project “”. Today we will strengthen the abdominal muscle corset with one simple but very effective exercise. After reading, you will learn everything about the technique of doing it, mistakes and the training program for creating abs of steel.

So let's get started with our story.

Plank exercise. What, why and why?

Very often in the gym I see the following picture: newbies come in and the first thing they do is start hammering their abs with standard exercises, such as crunches on a Roman bench or side crunches in a machine. Undoubtedly, the abdominal muscles are a very important and indicative muscle group, but it is not at all necessary to work with it according to a template standard. You can move away from these clichés and try something new and relatively outlandish, particularly the plank exercise. It is designed to create a rigid abdominal muscle corset and strengthen the foundation called the core muscles.

It is also worth saying that this is not a pumping exercise, but a formative, strengthening exercise, and therefore is not as popular among gym goers. In connection with such injustice, I decided to consider this hermit :).

As usual, let's start by looking at the muscle atlas, or rather those muscles that take on the load.

As you can see, the plank exercise is not an isolation exercise, and it does not target the upper/lower or any other parts of the abdominals. It can be called a basic tonic for all abdominal muscles. If we delve into the technical details, the plank belongs to the class of isometric exercises, i.e. it is static and does not cause joint movement.


Further narration on the topic of the plank exercise will be conducted in the form of small subchapters

Main advantages

It simultaneously develops many physical characteristics of the athlete, for example:

No. 1. Strengthening and developing strength

The plank exercise is unique; it (among other things) allows you to develop the strength of several muscle groups at once.

The main effect of it is to strengthen the core muscles, especially the abdominal and back muscles. First of all, the exercise is aimed at erector spinae (extensor spinae), rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. When performed correctly, the main muscle groups in the neck area called the trapezius work. They help posture - they support a person’s neck if he spends too much time in sedentary activities. (PC work, office work).

Performing a plank allows you to strengthen your shoulder muscles, thereby improving their performance, for example, in an exercise such as the floor. Holding your upper body on your arms allows you to actively engage the biceps brachii muscle, which helps develop your biceps.

If you go down, the following muscle groups develop their strength indicators.

The pectoral muscles also participate in the work and receive their load. Exercise perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles (what a news:)). The lower back also plays an important role in maintaining the plank position. Moving along the body, we come to muscle groups such as the buttocks, thighs and calves.

So, the plank promotes strength development and strengthening of many muscle groups. It is rare that an exercise without the use of simulators allows you to do this.

No. 2. Mental concentration

The psychological aspect of the exercise is also very important. When performing a plank, a person needs to concentrate, focus on the goal (keep your body horizontal for as long as possible) and show character - either merge and nod off, or stand until the specified time has expired.

An excellent exercise that, in addition to strengthening a large number of muscles, allows you to train your will and “pump up” your mental characteristics.

No. 3. Stretching

As a result of sedentary work, the muscles become stiff and compressed. Holding a plank will stretch a lot of muscles and relieve tension.

No. 4. Aesthetic appearance

The exercise is an excellent tool for those who want to influence their waist - tighten their stomach, make their abdominal wall more compact. The plank helps in improving the waist, but does not eliminate the need for a routine, a balanced diet and various forms of cardio activity - the main tools for “cleaning” the belly.

Actually, we’ve sorted out the advantages, now let’s move on...

Plank exercise: technique

In theory and practice, the plank requires you to collectively tense (contract) your core muscles while supporting your own body weight on your arms. (elbows and forearms) and toes. The execution technique consists of the following steps.

Step #1.

Find a mirrored wall/mirror in your gym (or home). Place a gymnastic fitness mat on the floor, take a horizontal position - lying down.

Step #2.

Stretch your body, leaning on two support points - elbows / forearms (bend your arms to an angle in 90 degrees) and toes.

Step #3.

Keep your back flat so you can mentally draw a straight line from head to toes. Tighten your abdominal muscles and make sure that the middle section does not sag in the middle, and the fifth point does not protrude upward.

Step #4.

Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds and execute 3-5 repetitions.

Technically, the bar includes following all of the following rules.

In a picture version, this exercise looks like this.

The plank exercise is often recommended as a therapeutic exercise to strengthen the back muscles. (for example, after an injury). In this case, the course consists of 10 days with “freeze duration” from 30 seconds to 1,5 minutes.

At first glance, it may seem that the exercise is from the series “don’t hit someone who is lying down!” - However, it is not. Not every person will be able to overcome the bar in the first try. 30 seconds Of course, you need to start small and keep it horizontal as long as possible. In particular, use the following tips to increase retention time:

  • practice the exercise several times a day, trying to hold the position a little each time (even a few seconds) more;
  • use auxiliary exercises - push-ups and (or upper block pull) to strengthen the profile muscles involved in the plank;
  • Squats and deadlifts will also help strengthen your lower back and core muscles.


If you don’t have enough strength in your abdominal muscle corset to perform the classic plank, then you can practice a lighter version - with bent knees. If you hold the position for more 2 -x minutes, then you can move on to more advanced variations of the exercise.

When doing the plank, you can look at the time, but it is best to focus on the sensations - i.e. As soon as you feel the beginning of a burning sensation in the abdominal area, you can stop repeating.

Plank exercise: variations

As you get more trained, a regular plank will seem like a breeze to you, and then the following complicated variations of this exercise will come in handy.

No. 1. Plank and push-ups

Take the classic plank position (a). Raise your body to the top position of a push-up using your arms (b). Pause at the top point (c), then change the direction of movement and return to resting on your elbows. This 1 repeat

No. 2. Plank jump

Take the classic plank position (a). Jump slightly, spreading your legs out to the sides (b). Make sure your upper body does not rotate. Quickly return your legs to the starting position. This 1 repeat

No. 3. Plank with arm lift

Take the classic plank position (a). Raise and straighten your left arm, keeping it parallel to the rest of your body (b). Return to the starting position, then raise your right arm, repeat the specified number of times.

No. 4. Transition bar

Take the classic plank position (a). Turn onto your left side into a side plank (b), hold 10 seconds Then turn onto your right side and perform a right side plank, holding for 10 seconds (s). This 1 repeat Return to IP and repeat.

No. 5. Side plank with body rotation

Get into a side plank position so that your right arm is directly above you and perpendicular to the floor(s). Pass your hand under your torso (b). Raise your hand back to IP. This 1 repeat Roll to the other side and repeat.

No. 6. Straight-arm plank with forward lunge

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms (a). Bring your right leg forward and place it next to your right hand (or as close as you can get (b)). Watch your hips - they should not sag or go too high. Return the leg to IP, repeat with the left leg. This 1 repeat

No. 7. Plank on fitball and bench

Place your feet on the bench and rest your forearms on the bench. Your body should form a straight line with your shoulders and ankles. Lock yourself in this position for 60 seconds

Use these variations as you progress in the classic style.


Isometric exercises can cause a rise in blood pressure, so if you have cardiovascular problems, you should avoid doing the plank exercise.

In conclusion, I would like to give a simple 5 - a minute complex for every day. Do it, and then your core muscles will be as steel as iron :).

Well, something like this, all that remains is to summarize all this crap information and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Plank exercise, nice to meet you! It is considered the most effective for creating a rigid abdominal muscle corset. Strengthening the latter will help you progress well in other exercises where good stabilization and support of the core is needed, for example, or. The theory is over, you can start practicing, let's go!

PS. We don’t limit ourselves to just reading, we actively ask questions, write comments and other miscellaneous things.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

15:45 6.02.2016

The plank exercise and the weight loss effect of daily simple exercises at home are amazing. Losing weight in 5 minutes a day has become possible. The good news: it's not just about losing weight. The bad news: you need to exercise every day.

The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Do you want to lose weight? Need to ? Or maybe you're not happy with your back or your arms? Try to do a plank and do it every day.

Fitness for the lazy is not a shame, it is very effective. Thisa simple and practical way to get your body in order, while not much is required of you, and the result will be amazing! Changes will begin in a week, but in a month the effect will impress you.

Please note that if you have problems with the spine or are too heavy, you should do this exercise after consultation with a specialist and only under the supervision of an instructor. But if you just gained weight, your body has lost its flexibility and lightness, then “lie down and stand up” is an excellent solution. It won’t be easy at first, but just consider what will happen to you after a week of torment, which, by the way, in a week will already be just a morning procedure. You may not be able to stand for 1 minute in each pose at once (I didn’t succeed). But even if you start with 20-30 seconds, there will be an effect. The main thing is to gradually increase the time. I have some cool tips and tricks. Just don’t be lazy: read, watch, do. And tomorrow too!

Core exercises are one of the most effective ways to lose weight and remove excess fat from your waist. The plank exercise trains these muscles!

You will strengthen your core muscles and improve the condition of your internal organs.

The core muscles provide support to the internal organs. They are also involved in the formation of good posture, and, as you know, if a person has good posture, then the whole body works much better.

A strong muscle corset in the waist area is the key to maintaining intra-abdominal pressure at the required level. And this means fixation of the spinal column, proper outflow of venous blood from the internal organs and... more strength!

Just imagine: one exercise engages all the most important muscles for beauty and health at once!

  • transverse muscle - helps lift heavy weights;
  • rectus muscle - is responsible for the “pack” and helps you jump better (the bar is just the beginning, you’ll want to go to the gym later);
  • oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral bending and twisting at the waist;
  • gluteal muscles - will support the back and give a beautiful profile (well, just not in the nose area). Speaking of profile: the double chin will also gradually begin to shrink, so not only the butt will be beautiful!

Your back muscles will improve

Doing a plank will allow you to build your core muscles without putting unnecessary stress on your back and hips. If you exercise every day, you will strengthen not only your lower body, but also your upper body. And this will reduce the risk of back pain and improve posture (this is always visually minus 5 years).

Your metabolism will speed up

Planks burn more calories than classic abdominal exercises. Twisting and lifting your torso is great, but the plank speeds up your metabolism with less effort and for a long time: even at night the body will burn calories (don’t be alarmed: you won’t have to sleep in the plank, although... who knows what sporting peaks you will achieve in a couple of months).

Posture will improve

Strengthening your core muscles significantly improves the condition of your neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing planks every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture. By the way,It is a straight back that does not give you offense, as psychotherapists say. So don’t slouch: you always want to attribute all the problems to such people and assign as many tasks as possible.

Develop a sense of balance

You will notice that it is much easier to walk in heels, and if you stumble, for some reason you do not fall, but maintain your balance. This is all the plank. By the way, a well-developed sense of balance will help you achieve great results in any sport, and you will also become more balanced in daily communication: it has already been proven that your physical state greatly influences your psychological state. So practice ;)

Increased flexibility

Well, if you cannot reach the floor with your hands or, while sitting on the floor, you are not able to touch your head to your knee, then the plank will save you (and you urgently need to start doing it).

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, and toes are stretched. Using the side plank you will work the oblique abdominal muscles. By increasing the flexibility of your whole body, you will be able to easily perform other exercises, and when it comes to sex, you will surprise both your partner and yourself: this is great!

Stop freaking out and being nervous

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that become active in stressful situations. If you have a sedentary job, then you are nervous not only because of contacts with various wonderful people and misunderstandings. The body just becomes numb and tension arises on the physical level, which immediately affects the emotional state and psyche. In just a week you will look at the world differently (just do it every day).

It is very important that the lower back does not sag. The abdominal and buttock muscles should be in constant tension, while the stomach should be retracted. This will ensure the correct position of the pelvis.

Tuck your tailbone inward and keep your body parallel to the floor. If you feel like you can't, stop, rest and do the right thing.

Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable. They are not measured in kilograms. You'll just look and feel better. If you continue, in a month everything will be even better.

Three tips to make the plank exercise easier:

  1. Use a clock with a second hand or a timer
    During the plank, you need to breathe so that the navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to get rid of your belly. It’s hard to count to yourself at this time. Set a timer!
  2. Play some cool music
    Music is distracting. And if you pick up something truly incendiary, it will make it easier to stand in the plank.
  3. make a wish
    I used Alexander Palienko's hint. Now, when I stand, but want to go somewhere to the shower or to the kitchen, I tell myself: “The longer I stand, the younger and more beautiful I become. The longer I stand, the more money and health I will have. The longer I stand, the more peace and happiness there will be in life." Or I make a clear wish and then, of course, I don’t give up.

Watch online how to do the plank exercise to easily lose weight at home

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If you want to strengthen your core muscles and tighten your stomach, there is only one exercise that can help you - the plank. It belongs to one of the classic yoga poses and is a basic exercise in Pilates, callanetics, stretching and other fitness programs. The plank received the name due to the wonderful effect it has on the body.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

The plank is a static exercise, that is, no movements are made during execution, and the body is held in one position for some time. Statics even engages deep muscles, forcing them to function with maximum efficiency. From the first seconds, the plank stance involves the work of the feet, shins, legs, torso, forearms, arms and stomach. When performing it, the deltoid muscles, lumbar muscles, biceps, triceps, back muscles, buttocks and thighs are strengthened.

The plank is especially good for the abs, as it engages the rectus, oblique and lateral muscles. This is one of the few exercises that, if performed regularly in a short period of time, will help improve posture and strengthen the spine, tighten the buttocks, and.

A plank stance will help prevent osteoporosis and spinal problems that can result from a sedentary lifestyle. To achieve similar results, it must be done correctly.

How to do a plank correctly

The basic plank position is considered to be resting on your forearms. The elbows should be located exactly under the shoulders, the body straight, tense and extended from the heels to the top in a straight line. Lean on your forearms and do not arch in your lower back or hips. To keep your body straight, try to direct your lower abdomen towards your chest, your tailbone up, your heels back, and the front of your thighs up.

While doing the plank exercise, pay attention to other parts of the body. Place your feet parallel to each other, separately or together. The closer they are located, the more abdominal muscles will be involved. Keep your legs straight and tense - this will reduce the load on your lower back and protect you from discomfort after training. Keep your buttocks toned all the time. Tighten your stomach, while exhaling, slightly pull it towards your spine and try to keep it in this position throughout the entire exercise.

It is recommended that untrained people hold the plank for about 10-20 seconds and gradually increase the duration of the exercise. For those who have little physical training, you can do several approaches of 1 minute each. People familiar with the sport are advised to hold the plank for 2 or more minutes in a row.

Plank options

This exercise can be complicated and performed in different variations.